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Week 5: December 410

The main focus for your giving should be your Local Church & Ministry
God is deeply concerned of His worker.
1. It is our way of honoring Gods servants.
1 Corinthians 9:11-14 If we have sown spiritual seed among you, is it too much if we reap a material harvest from you?Dont you know that those who work in the temple get their food from the temple, and those who serve at the altar share in what is offered on the altar? In the same way, the Lord has commanded that those who preach the gospel should receive their living from the gospel. 1 Timothy 5:17,18 Pastors who do their work well should be paid well and should be highly appreciated, especially those who work hard at both preaching and teaching. For the Scripture says, Do not muzzle the ox while it is treading out the grain, and The worker deserves his wages.

2. It is our way of supporting Gods servants.

1 Corinthians 9:10 Christian workers should be paid by those they help. Those who do the plowing and threshing should expect some share of the harvest. Galatians 6:6 Those who are taught the Word of God should help their teachers by paying them.

3. It is our way of providing for Gods servants.

Deuteronomy 12:19 Be careful not to neglect the Levites (ministers) as long as you live in your land.

No church ever has a money problem, only a faithfulness problem. Brian Kluth
UNLItnX SEND to 11-27-11 HLM Thanksgiving 2011

Guidelines for UNLItnX 2011



Thanks 2011

Stewardship Campaign Title:

UNLItnX send to 11-27

Bible Text:
2 Chronicles 5:13 (underlined CAP, emphasis ours) The trumpeters and musicians joined in unison to give praise and THANKS to the LORD. Accompanied by trumpets, cymbals and other instruments, the singers raised their voices in praise to the LORD and sang: He is good; his love endures forever. Then the temple of the LORD was FILLED with the cloud

THE Goal Amount:

To have an UNLIMITED delight to INVEST all you can for us to give all Glory to God and Make Disciples through Both in CASH + your PLANNED COMMITMENTS (within a Year).

TARGET: 5 Million Pesos

THE Vision:
Glorify God . Make Disciples

THE Process to fulfill the Vision:

Win. Bond. Train. Send.
UNLItnX SEND to 11-27-11 HLM Thanksgiving 2011


guidelines Our GIFTS will GO to the following:

Our THANKSGIVING GIFTS* will go to the HLM PARK DEVELOPMENT which aims to finish our 2nd and 3rd LEVELS in our FREEDOM FACILITY Building. This facility is devoted to TRAIN, IMMERSE, and REFRESH PEOPLE in the Vision of GLORIFYING GOD and MAKING DISCIPLES. On top of that our HLM PARK will experience a RADICAL and EXTREME TRANSFORMATION dubbed as our F.I.L.L. Project --- this entails:

[F]URNISHINGS at its best in our current structures; [I]NTERIORS that would aesthetically and acoustically
be in line with our Values and Vision;

[L]IGHTS that would inspire by night and / or during


[L]ANDSCAPING that would bring Praise and Worship

to God.
NOTE: 25% of our HLM SITES THANKS GIFTS will go to the HLM PARK DEVELOPMENT & FILL Development. Their remaining percentages will go to their own needs and dreams for their local congregation.

South and Centro 9am Office Beautification. Centro 7:30am Livelihood program to reach more people. Sta. Clara- Annex Renovation; Instruments for Worship. Silay Repair of Facilities; Additional instruments. La Carlota To buy a Lot / Land for future Center. Sagay To buy a Lot / Land for future Center. Kabankalan To purchase a Multimedia Projector & Sound System. Cagayan de Oro- To buy a Laptop. YX Main To Renovate YX Office; To build Kubos for LifeGroups. Araneta To Investin a New Center (Transfer).

UNLItnX SEND to 11-27-11 HLM Thanksgiving

guidelines THE Vision:

Glorify God . Make Disciples

Priority Dates to Observe:

Worship Symposium; SOFT OPENING of UNLITNX 2011

NOVEMBER Consecration Day of Volunteers and Giving out

of Booklets; Grand Kick Offs; Sunday Teachings, LifeGroup Discipleship Lessons; Pastor/s & Family Thank the Congregation Service with a Sacrificial Dinner [and survey];

NOVEMBER 27 (Sunday) His Life Thanksgiving SUNDAY December 3 (Saturday) JUMP 2 UNITED Worship and Party
(Come Home to Bacolod City)

December 4 (Sunday) Victory Praise and Report per Site/s

May I give a NON-CASH Gift?

YES! You may. You may give anything that the LORD is prompting your heart to give from stocks, bonds, jewelries, food supplies, bulk new Tsinelas, bulk new medicines, bulk new items and other useful things (for construction purposes and other facilities).
UNLItnX SEND to 11-27-11 HLM Thanksgiving 2011

What We WONT Do in This Campaign
1. We will not pressure anyone to give.
Each one should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under pressure, for God loves a cheerful giver. 2 Corinthians 9:7

2. We will not mix giving with personal promotions.

Sell my product to the church & Ill give or I will tithe.

3. We will not sell junk.

David I will not sacrifice an offering that costs me nothing." 1 Chronicles 21:26

What We WILL DO Without Apology

1. We will show how everyone can give something. It is a myth that some people cant give anything. (Mark 12:43)
There are many ways to give - if one is willing to give. Even those with no cash can make a commitment to give.

2. We will ask people to sacrifice.

You cannot become like Christ without learning to sacrifice, and certainly the Body of Christ is worth sacrificing for. To SACRIFICE means to willingly give the best I have for a greater purpose. While we all cannot give the same amount, we all can sacrifice somehow. This way everyone can have a part.

3. We will be grateful to be a part of what God is doing in our church.

Isnt it a joy for you to be part of what God is doing here at His Life? Come to think of it? God is so so so GOOOOOOD!
UNLItnX SEND to 11-27-11 HLM Thanksgiving 2011


Mentoring PLUS

How to THANKFULLY GIVE this 2011?

(1) Pray for the KINGDOM of God to be seen in this THANKSGIVING Season at His Life. (2) Read the 21-Day Reading Book available for you. Have Daily Quiet Times. (3) Attend the Sunday Celebrations Prior to November 27 , 2011 at any His Life Ministries SITE. (4) Come and Celebrate THANKSGIVING at your Local Church or SITE on November 27, 2011. (SUNDAY). Bring the LARGEST GIFT you can THANKFULLY GIVE to the LORD on this SUNDAY! (5) Have Fellowship with Your LifeGROUP and STUDY the Classic LESSONS on Money prepared just for this Special UNLItnX Campaign 2011. (6) You may START a New Group of 4 to 8 people discipling them in the ways of Biblical Stewardship and Thanksgiving. Make sure theres some refreshments. (7) Join the HOUSE OF PRAYER on WEDNESDAYS prior to November 27. This Prayer Times will build your heart to be a Cheerful and Extravagant giver! (8) Remember this: Thanksgiving at His Life is about MATURITY, SACRIFICE, FAITH, VISION FUNDING, LEGACY, INTEGRITY and the PURPOSES of GOD for the Now and the Next Generation!

UNLItnX SEND to 11-27-11 HLM Thanksgiving


Mentoring PLUS


Here are some UNLIMITED and Creative ways that could help you with your GIVING commitment this 2011 UNLItnX Campaign:
1. Minimize EATING OUT for the next few weeks. SAVE THAT CASH to be added to your CASH GIFT on November 27 Thanksgiving Sunday! 2. Hold a personal GARAGE SALE. You probably have a garage or closet full of unused items that could be converted into CASH. 3. If your schedule allows you, TAKE A PART TIME JOB. 4. Have everyone in your family locate the SPARE CHANGE in your house and begin collecting it all in one giant piggy bank (and let the children give that with JOY). 5. POSTPONE A MAJOR PURCHASE for a few more months in order to save for your Cash Gift. 6. Make CRAFTS AND SELL them to raise ADDITIONAL CASH for your GIFT. 7. Try the BUY AND SELL business. There are many opportunities for just a small kind of trade that will not distract you from your current job example: Eloads, Cell Cards, Clothing, Food, Butingtings, pa-KILO Junk, and other services (Car Washing, Tutorial, Wellness Services, Concert for a Cause, Organizing a Sports EVENT for a Cause, and a thousand MORE IDEAS).

UNLItnX SEND to 11-27-11 HLM Thanksgiving


Mentoring PLUS

WISDOM: Basically, there are TWO BASIC approaches to finding MORE CASH to GIVE:
1) Look for ways to REDUCE your expenses. 2) Look for ways to INCREASE your income. By using a combination of these two during the next month, youll BE ABLE TO GIVE MORE CASHE than you thought. Be CREATIVE! LET IDEAS FLOW!

Imagine if 2000 families in our church each found an extra P 700 cash to give through these ideas that alone would TOTAL TO 1.4 MILLION PESOS over and above their GOAL! WOW!

THANKS to the following:

Pastor Eric Negado for the 2008 Thanksgiving notes. Pastor JR for his collection of TTB (borrowed from Saddleback) Brother Allen who spearheaded to collect the Thank You Notes. Sister Gel who edited some Histories and Stories submitted. To ALL who sought the face of God, Our Father in prayer and intercession. To ALL the volunteers, The Media Ministry of HLM and Brother Nero for the design.

UNLItnX SEND to 11-27-11 HLM Thanksgiving


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