Health Insurance Research Paper

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Writing a thesis can be an overwhelming task, especially when it comes to complex topics like health

insurance. The intricacies involved in researching, analyzing data, and presenting findings can leave
many students feeling stressed and uncertain about where to begin. From understanding the nuances
of health insurance policies to exploring the impact of legislation on healthcare accessibility, the
journey of crafting a well-rounded research paper requires dedication, time, and expertise.

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Medical Health Research Papers Paper Master provides custom written medical research papers on
any subject needed for Nurses, Pre-Med Students and Healthcare professionals. Third, a low-risk
individual today might be a high-risk individual tomorrow, and there might be barriers to purchasing
insurance later. Economists do not generally view the problem of moral hazard in health insurance as
being primarily related to the idea that people engage in riskier activities because they are insured,
although this behavior could be one aspect of moral hazard. The health care providers cost shift
between the two agencies to their benefit. A professional actuary from the insurance sector should
also be an integral part of governing council. These problems are particularly acute with respect to
preventive, sexual. The deadweight loss of moral hazard is shown by the area of the shaded triangle
in Figure 70.2. The welfare losses are not equal to the full resource costs of production because we
still do count the marginal benefits accruing to the individual. There are several actions that could
trigger this block including submitting a certain word or phrase, a SQL command or malformed
data. Find any text or paper you want in Word document, PDF or Powerpoint format starting from
health, animals, environment, farming, education, tax, internet marketing, business, insurance and
many more for free. If we imagine the company executives do not realize the problem of adverse
selection and analyze their first profits, they might assume that the problem was that they
miscalculated the population risk initially and feel they have better data now. Simple right? This is
one of the best places to find insurance research pdf documents in PDF and Powerpoint formats. The
government drives the revenue growth of the major private insurance carriers. (Gruber, 2017). See
Laurence (2001) for further analysis of the policy debate. However, because of HIV’s quick
replication rate and high rate of mutations, AZT alone only temporarily extended the life expectancy
of those infected before the virus developed resistance to the pharmaceutical. We will examine some
of the market and policy solutions to these market failures. This method is not an appropriate concept
due to the fact that high accuracy and precision levels cannot be achieved (Lind, 2008). Success of
the regimen depends on the strict adherence to the treatment; treatment cannot be stopped once
started, or the virus may gain resistance, and the disease progression will resume. Medicine (IOM)
has presented important evidence that being medically. In this case, the consumer has more
information about his or her risk than the seller (the insurer) does. The primary goal of the research
paper is to understand the impact of the market failures in the financing of care. Because of the fast
growth in expenses in the health care sector, insurers have experimented with other forms of
insurance. The discomfort also increases with the possible loss. This is because globalization not only
leads to strengthened economies but also contributes to improved living conditions of people in
different parts of the world. Policies such as this one are termed tax expenditures; they represent
foregone tax revenues for the government. The two major reasons for introducing the principle of
insurable interest are (a) to prevent gambling through insurance and (b) to deter moral hazards, such
as encouraging a person to take insurance and then do away with the person who is the subject of the
insurance, in order to benefit from it1. Workers could receive compensation in the form of wages or
other benefits, including health insurance, pensions, and so on. The mission statement of the
organization basically covers the long term goals of the organization. In this study, individuals were
randomized to different levels of health insurance coverage, and their medical care use was tracked,
so their level of insurance was uncorrelated with their health status. These insurance companies have
notice the growing dissatisfaction of the American society and are now currently devising well-
developed proposals that can answer to the growing demand.
The basic constituents of the vision of an ideal health insurance company include. Along with past
of half-hearted efforts to form a universal system of health while at the same time bending to the
interest of large private sector insurance companies has reduced the American health system to a
patchy arrangement with complicated rules ( which differ in different areas) and huge wastage of
resources. They also make use of observable characteristics correlated with health care expenses in
setting the availability of the product. Insurers are wary of the very consumers who are most likely
to want to purchase insurance. Mercer Health and Benefits. (2007). 2006 National Survey of
Employer-Sponsored Health. Peele, P. B., Lave, J. R., and Kelleher, K. J. (2002). Exclusions and
limitations in childrena??s. The health insurers should be able to transform the information into
insight. If the consumer has a loss, he or she makes a claim and is reimbursed, or providers are paid
directly. While there are a variety of government-run and funded health programs, including
coverage for military personnel and veterans, this research paper will focus on the three main
programs: Medicare, Medicaid, and SCHIP. Everything ended up being rushed, and expensive
problems followed in its wake. This helps in empowerment of the customers and they feel
themselves to be the integral part of the organization. This has allowed for people with significant
assets but low income to take advantage of the program. If public coverage is lost, the patient may
stop taking the drugs, become disabled again, and can then regain coverage. Dick, A. W., Brach, C.,
Allison, R. A., Shenkman, E., Shone, L. P., Szilagyi, P. G., Klein, J. D. Private insurersa?? Current
information on the availability of coverage for. Government involvement in health insurance will see
to it that all its citizens can access it. Alterations in the financial dynamics of retirement entities due
to a reduction in the birth rate and an increase in life expectancy - the birth rate-life expectancy
combination The dynamics of the insurance market over time requires risk managers to pay attention
to the size of their monetary reserves - financial assets - that are designed to cover the outflows of
cash assumed by the companies that operate them, for both life e. MEPS Chartbook No. 17.
Rockville, MD: Agency for Health-. This circumstance led to some questions about how nonwage
compensation would be taxed. Inelastic demand for medical care then implies relatively small losses
from moral hazard. What are the market problems in health insurance that lead to gaps in coverage
we experience in the United States. He began to leave the top down on the car because the
guaranteed replacement meant he faced lower marginal cost of having his radio stolen. IHS has
access issues due to its location in isolated areas. Remember Steve’s behavior after he purchased the
radio. In essence, total compensation received by workers in efficient markets is equal to the
marginal revenue product that worker brings to the firm (his or her productivity). It has led to
improved health outcomes for women and children, increases in cancer screenings and the frequency
of primary care visits. These costs are partly incurred by the insurers themselves in their benefit
design and pricing mechanisms, but they also add administrative costs to the providers, who must
deal with multiple payers with different reimbursement mechanisms. After long investigations, the
underlying cause was determined. If supply increases more than demand decreases, which occurs if
workers value the insurance more than it costs the employer to provide the insurance, the equilibrium
quantity of workers could even increase. Some insurers could attract relatively high-risk pools while
others low-risk pools, reducing some of the subsidization of the high-risk individual.
Half of their policies were sold to consumers with a 15% risk and half to consumers with a 10%
risk. Find any document from Microsoft Word, PDF and powerpoint file formats in an effortless
way. The Kaiser Family Foundation and Health Research and Educational Trust. (2006). Employer.
Failed to get needed prescription drugs 4.3 0.5 2.1 0.2 11.2 1.1. This is the case because of
restrictions under private plans requiring that. This type of market also has been termed a “lemons”
market, by George Akerlof (1970), who coined it from the used car market. If we now remember
that there are administrative costs to add to the premium, we can find one additional advantage
above that of risk pooling to group insurance. The minimum time our certified writers need to
deliver. The primary goal of the research paper is to understand the impact of the market failures in
the financing of care. Rosenbaum, S., Stewart, A., Cox, M., and Lee, A. (2003) The Epidemiology of
U.S. Immu-. You can use our professional writing services to buy a custom research paper on any
topic and get your high quality paper at affordable price. As discussed above, the amount of
inefficiency caused by this moral hazard depends on how elastic the demand for medical care is.
Financing of the care is typically through income taxes in which the healthy and wealthy subsidize
the sick and poor. Newhouse, J. P. (2004). Consumer-directed health plans and the rand health
insurance experi-. The federal policies for Medicare reimbursement rates affect payments and cost
shifting in the private health insurance sector. Government involvement in health insurance will see
to it that all its citizens can access it. Find any text or paper you want in Word document, PDF or
Powerpoint format starting from health, animals, environment, farming, education, tax, internet
marketing, business, insurance and many more for free. The second part, Part B, covers some
outpatient and doctor’s services. The RAND health insurance experiment (discussed below) provides
some evidence on the elasticity of demand for different types of health care services. This feature of
our preferences, risk aversion, arises because most people have decreasing marginal utility in wealth
or income. Since the benefits of risk pooling increase with the size of the group, uninsured workers
are more likely to be employed at smaller firms, in occupations and industries with considerable job
turnover, and in low-wage occupations. Insurers will then graduate to microsegmentation and
personalization, for which individualized offers are generated using comprehensive internal and
external data sets with enhanced accuracy phase 3. This means that a lesser percentage than expected
of these contributions go into actual health care of these individuals. When analyzing these markets,
society considers not only the efficiency of the market, but because insurance finances health care,
equity concerns are also prominent in the debate on the appropriate policy response. With the massive
developments in the fields of information technology and communication process, the world has
become real small place to live in. Willingness to Commit to Organizational Enhancement.
Individuals who have medical expenses exceeding 7.5% of their adjusted gross income may deduct
these expenses from their taxes; insurance premiums may count as part of these medical expenses.
That is, the increase in utility from the first dollar of income you receive is higher than the increase in
utility from your hundredth dollar and so on. However, firms still required some means of trying to
attract more workers in the tight labor market and began to offer additional, nonwage, fringe
benefits. Since most insurers are out to make profits rather than to offer best medical care,
government involvement will change this.
The importance of organizational culture along with the well defined vision and the mission
statement is instrumental in the success of any organization. Thomas, C. R., and Holzer, C. E. (1999).
National distribution of child and adolescent psy-. First we will model demand for insurance and
outline the market failures in insurance. The risk initiation and the amount of premium depend upon
such chosen plans. The organizational charts of a health insurance company would not be completed
without an actuary or professional experts like that of doctors and medical practitioners. What are
the market problems in health insurance that lead to gaps in coverage we experience in the United
States. The Ability of the Organization to Respond to Risks An individual by nature is a social being.
Trust, 2006). An earlier study found that benefit limits imposed under be-. Americans have revealed
a dire need for affordable health care that doesn't have the insurance sword looming above their
head. Between 2000 and 2004 alone, the number of the uninsured had increased to 5. 8 million and
among them was low-income families and the working middle class (Serber and Gauthler, 2005).
The employer offers the insurance to all employees as a work benefit. Medicaid and SCHIP
application processes were easy, a figure again lower. There will be a push and pull effect of the truth
from the biased. Simple right? This is one of the best places to find health insurance underwriting
pdf documents in PDF and Powerpoint formats. The Barriers to Organizational Effectiveness There
incurs more expenses in medical fees because individuals themselves are hesitant to approach
medical care due to the amount of money he will lose without thinking of the future disadvantages
that he might hold. The income eligibility cutoffs also vary by characteristics of the individual, with
higher thresholds for infants, children, and pregnant women, for example. Fox, H. B., Levtov, R. G.,
and McManus, M. A. (2003). Eligibility, Benefits, and Cost Shar-. According to Callahan as quoted
in Health Care Reform Journal, “We will have to learn better how to live with that reality, to
understand that limits to health care are necessary. Throughout the years Medicaid has been
expanded and now covers sixty two million Americans, it insures more people than Medicare and all-
private insurances combined. Estimating the elasticity of demand for health care by varying the
levels of co-payments patients pay is subject to selection bias since, as we have described above,
individuals choose their level of coverage based in part on their health status. Deductibles are
exemptions from reimbursement for the first dollars of losses. This reduces the ability of patients to
access quality health care, something that jeopardizes their health. Newhouse, J. P. (2004).
Consumer-directed health plans and the rand health insurance experi-. Let us write or edit the
research paper on your topic. It will be the lack of support and initiative from the government should
the case be if ever disadvantages might hold. In perfectly competitive markets, the equilibrium
market price will also be equal to the marginal cost of production. In as early as the time of
Theodore Roosevelt's Bull Moose party, there were already campaign platforms that mention health
insurance. Medicaid is a major source of healthcare financing it is the funding source for one sixth of
national spending on health care. More generous benefits lead in turn to more potential for moral
hazard, as patients become increasingly insulated from the full marginal cost of care. Her husband,
who was a lawyer in India, was now working at Forman Mills for minimum wage.
Typically private insurance is employer sponsored, if one loses his or her job they lose coverage.
Penalties for not purchasing insurance under a mandate plan are also typically enacted through the
income tax code. His was to set the pace of everything to follow after the bill was passed.
Throughout the years Medicaid has been expanded and now covers sixty two million Americans, it
insures more people than Medicare and all-private insurances combined. New Freedom Commission
on Mental Health. (2003). Achieving the Promise: Transforming. Steve happily purchases the radio
and begins to leave the top down on the car when he parks. The Internal and External Environmental
Strengths and Weaknesses In which case, the government should step up by expanding their public
insurance programs so that they can reach those who have low incomes and those who can’t access in
ones due to inappropriateness or lack of credentials. Dick, A. W., Brach, C., Allison, R. A.,
Shenkman, E., Shone, L. P., Szilagyi, P. G., Klein, J. D. This research is a type of research that tries
to collect data from literature studies. Having a large military mobilization increased both the
domestic demand for goods and the domestic labor demand. Also, you can type in a page number
and press Enter to go directly to that page in the book. However, Steve was not one of the customers
the electronics store would have preferred; they would prefer customers with a low risk of theft.
Thus in this case confidence interval probability method would be the most suitable approach to use.
Several reasons exist; first, because of risk aversion, everyone is willing to pay something more than
the value of their expected losses. We use cookies to create the best experience for you. The
deadweight loss of moral hazard is shown by the area of the shaded triangle in Figure 70.2. The
welfare losses are not equal to the full resource costs of production because we still do count the
marginal benefits accruing to the individual. Health insurance markets are riddled with market
failures, which have important implications for who is covered and how coverage is achieved. In
economic terms, the decrease in utility from losing a dollar is bigger than the increase in utility from
a dollar. If supply increases at the same rate as the demand decreases, the number of employed
workers would remain unchanged and the wage offset exactly equals the cost of providing insurance.
It can be analyzed from the discussion above that the organizational culture holds the supreme
importance for any health insurance service provider. The figure presented here is based on the
dispersion range from the mean which thus present 95 % confidence level. As a means-tested
program, individuals must have incomes below a specific cutoff based on the federal poverty line
and hold limited assets to qualify for the benefits. The insurer cannot know with certainty the
expected losses facing any individual, and the individual has an incentive to hide this information to
avoid paying a higher premium for coverage. If everyone in the community is covered, however, and
opting out can be prevented, then the problem of adverse selection is alleviated. The top boss could
be followed by various Executive Directors for the domains of Marketing, Finance, Sales, Risk
Management, Human Resources, Legal and Operations. That is, the increase in utility from the first
dollar of income you receive is higher than the increase in utility from your hundredth dollar and so
on. The problem with these assumptions is that there is asymmetric information in the health care
markets as well. National Adolescent Health Information Center. (2005). A Health Profile of
Adolescent and. In the United States, Medicare is a single-payer financing mechanism for the elderly
and disabled. The negative aspect of the private insurance is cost; it is usually very expensive
compared to the public insurance.
As is evident, Q0 is greater than Q1, and the individual is consuming an inefficiently high amount of
medical care. Insurance policies traditionally covered rare, catastrophic events; now they often cover
routine, smaller ticket items. In essence, health insurance now takes on an additional role beyond that
of taking away uncertain risks; it becomes the predominant form of financing for health care. Yu, S.
M., Bellamy, H. A., Schwalberg, R. H., and Drum, M. A. (2001). Factors associated. Creating or
fostering risk pools outside of the existing group market is another feature that enhances the success
of individual mandates. The health care providers cost shift between the two agencies to their
benefit. In this IOM study and other research, it was found that adolescents who. The income
eligibility cutoffs also vary by characteristics of the individual, with higher thresholds for infants,
children, and pregnant women, for example. After the third time the new radio is stolen, the store
refunds his money and refuses to replace it again. The largest amount of expenditure goes towards
health insurance covers of their members. The amount of the efficiency loss can be measured if the
marginal benefits of care are known. To safeguard financial stability of this system with the
government in it, citizens must enrol to prevent issues of people who do not sign up until they are
sick. Research Morrison, 2002 has found a very strong bond between health and income as
employees give important to health in determining to purchase the health insurances. But because
everyone is required to purchase insurance, low-risk individuals cannot opt out of the pool. It has led
to improved health outcomes for women and children, increases in cancer screenings and the
frequency of primary care visits. These insurance policies are then priced more cheaply than more
generous coverage. Buntin, M. B., Damberg, C., Haviland, A., Lurie, N., Kapur, K., and Marquis, M.
S. (2005). How We Do It. Approach. Retrieved Online on March 28, 2010 from. Data in Goldman
et al.’s (2003) analysis confirms this picture, as half of all HIV-positive individuals in the study are
insured by Medicaid, Medicare, or both. The vision statement refers to the reason of existence of the
organization. The source of the death spiral is the free entry and exit of consumers in this market,
combined with their hidden information. When demand is elastic, the rational, utility-maximizing
individual will optimally consume doctor visits up to Q0, where the demand curve intersects the x-
axis. The primary goal of the research paper is to understand the impact of the market failures in the
financing of care. Insurers will then graduate to microsegmentation and personalization, for which
individualized offers are generated using comprehensive internal and external data sets with
enhanced accuracy phase 3. Estimating the elasticity of demand for health care by varying the levels
of co-payments patients pay is subject to selection bias since, as we have described above,
individuals choose their level of coverage based in part on their health status. The employer offers
the insurance to all employees as a work benefit. They should also be made accountable to their
superiors. Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) was identified, an infectious disease
caused by a retrovirus named human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Libby, A. M., Cuellar, A.,
Snowden, L. R., and Orton, H. D. (2002). Substitution in a Med-. If the consumer has a loss, he or
she makes a claim and is reimbursed, or providers are paid directly. If public coverage is lost, the
patient may stop taking the drugs, become disabled again, and can then regain coverage.

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