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What do people often think about Virus Writers and

A. Brilliant but geeky, venting his frustration from the safety of
a suburban bedroom.
B. Always wear a mask
C. They doesn't have extensive knowledge about computers, has
many friends and is always the center of everyone's attention.

2. What did Gordon say about the difference of Hackers and

Virus Writer?
A. They are quite similar, not different
B. Both of them don't know much about technology, but the
virus writer has a close relationship with his family while
the hacker often lives far away from his family.
C. Hackers tend to have a deeper knowledge of the system
and a more highly developed skill set, whereas Virus
writers do not.

3. On the other hand, what happens when a Virus Writer

distributes a program?
A. Computers stop working, users' personal information is
leaked outside
B. Lost data
C. The virus goes off and keeps on making copy of itself
independently of the author then the virus writer relinquishes

4. How social pressure has affected the media about

portraying virus writers?
A. Social pressure used to promote Virus-writers as being
geniuses and heroes, but after that they protray virus writers
as brilliant and misunderstood
B. Direct public opinion in a negative way
C. They always say good things about virus writers

5. What are the reasons those people who make mischief with
their computers use to justify their actions?
A. They did it just because they want to upgrade their computer
B. They justify their behavior with the rational that “It’s not
really wrong, it’s not illegal” or “Well, everybody has
antivirus software, if i sens this out, it won’t really hurt
C. They said they just want to earn extra income and follow the
requests of those in need

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