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Good morning everyone. Before start the presentation, I’d like to take a second to thank
you all for coming here today. First of all, let me introduce myself. My name’s Trinh, I’m
in grade 26. I’m delighted to be here to day to talk about the main evironmental in my
country. My presentation will take about 10 minutes. I’ll start with the air pollution, noise
pollution and water pollution in Vietnam, then effects on people finally I’ll look at the
measures to reduce it all. I hope you all can use some measures to reduce after my
presentation today. And I’d be grateful if you could ask your questions after the

II. Body
It is regrettable that HCMC, where I’m living, is negatively affected by pollution and the
major environmental problems it is facing are water pollution, air pollution and noise

There are various reasons why this city is badly polluted. Firstly, due tomodernization,
more and more vehicles such as cars and motorbikes are used. This leads to an increase in
exhaust emissions which contaminate the atmosphere, not to mention the rising level of
noise pollution. Secondly, factories and industrial zones in the city have discharged a
huge amount of untreated waste into rivers, causing death to many fish and other aquatic

In fact, pollution makes people here less healthy, and some even suffer from life-
threatening diseases such as lung cancer, skin cancer, and so on. Therefore, the
government must deal with this problem right away. Cutting down on vehicle use is the
best way to reduce air pollution and noise pollution. We can do this by encouraging
people to use public transportation. Besides, those who litter should pay a heavy fine.
Finally, I think the best solution is to raise awareness and educate people to protect the

III. Conclusion

Of course, it’s vital for us to come up with other solutions to mitigate this issue as soon
as we can because of its clear detriments. You know, breathing in such severely polluted
air can be very harmful to our health. To be more specific, long-term exposure to air
pollution might lead to several diseases associated with heart, lungs, cancers and other
health problems. In addition to that, the severity of polluted air causes the high frequency
of smog in the morning, which makes commutersdifficult to see. As a result, there might
be more traffic accidents occurring in my city. That’s why it’s important for us to control
air pollution.

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