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User - Centered

Design Process

Careerfoundry 2024 / Exercise 1.4

Michael Zubkov
Course Project
I'm thinking about choosing Finance Responsive Web App for
my UX coursework project. Сonsidering that the fast changing
world of e-commerce and online payments. In today's world,
more and more transactions are happening online, eliminating
the need for physical cards. Online sales are skyrocketing,
consumers are opting for online services while retail stores are
closing down. My goal is to develop an application that will help
people manage their online finances in a convenient and
efficient way. Given my interest in finances and investing, I see
great potential in this topic.
UX activities


Asking potential users about Completing a task analysis
how they use an existing through storyboarding a Using an app like Figma to
product. main feature in your MVP. create a clickable,
Conducting a survey to learn Sketching out paper interactive experience.
more about the potential wireframes rapidly to get Reviewing user data to
users of your app. an initial idea of how a decide if a new feature is
feature should work. successful.
01 Competitive Analysis
Conducting a competitor analysis will allow me to

examine the strengths and weaknesses of other
financial applications on the market, determine their
functionality and design, and identify opportunities to
improve the product.

in Iterative 02 User Scenarios

Creating use cases will help me understand how users
interact with the application in real-world situations,

allowing me to better tailor the interface and
functionality to their needs.

03 Audience Definition
Identifying the target audience will allow me to focus
Discovery on creating an interface that is most user-friendly and
appealing to specific users, which will increase the
chances of the app's success in the market.

04 Content Survey
Content Survey will understand the audience for the
app and identify their needs, preferences and
expectations from the financial app.
05 Process Flows
Will help create a more intuitive and efficient user

experience. This will improve navigation and user
interaction with the application, ensuring ease of use.

06 Wireframes

in Iterative
This will help identify the content that will be most
useful and interesting to users, as well as identify
features that can meet their needs. It will also allows
me to focus on the distribution of elements on the

screen and optimize the user interface for ease of use.

07 Design
App design is important for creating an appealing visual
appearance and unique style. A good design will allow
the user to understand the functionality of the app,
increase user satisfaction and strengthen the overall Concepting
impression of the product.

08 Sitemap
Creating a site map will help visualize the structure of
the application and determine the logic of users'
movement between different sections. This will make
the application more convenient for users and allow
them to reach their goals faster.
09 Prototyping
Will help me visualize the concept and functionality

before you start development. This will allow you to
verify and refine the details of the interface, user
interaction with the application and the overall product

in Iterative
10 User Testing
Conducting user testing will allow me to get feedback
from early users and find out most of the problems and
flaws in the app. This will help to improve user

experience, make the application more convenient and

11 Review
After the testing is completed, it is necessary to
Prototyping & User Testing analyze the results obtained, identify all comments and
suggestions from users and make the necessary
adjustments to the design and functionality of the

12 Approval
After going through all the previous steps and making
the necessary edits, the application is ready to be
approved and released to the market.
Thank You

Careerfoundry 2024 / Exercise 1.4

Michael Zubkov

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