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what is the electromagnetic theory?

- light waves are related to changing electric fields and magnetic fields.
The change within the electrical and magnetic field leads to the
propagation of electromagnetic waves or light waves. (Group 2)
The Electromagnetic theory establishes the basic principles of
electrical and electronic circuits over the entire frequency spectrum,
dc to optics.
James Clerk Maxwell’s equations were the basis of the theory. The
four equations embody an important aspect of electromagnetic
Gauss’s Law for electric fields, Gauss’s Law for magnetic fields,
Faraday’s Law, and Ampere-Maxwell Law.
Maxwell’s theory in 1873 has been able to predict the performance
and outcome ofan experiment. After its proposal, sophistication
among the scientific community rose.
Electromagnetic analyses were associated with simple shapes and
went to more complex geometric ones.
Electromagnetic theory is still relevant in technologies such as
radars, antennas, wireless communication, optics,
bioelectromagnetics. (Group 3)
what is an electromagnetic wave?
- An electromagnetic wave, or EM wave, is a kind of wave that forms
when electric and magnetic fields wiggle back and forth. This is why
it's called an "electromagnetic wave." (Group 1)
- Electromagnetic waves or EM waves are waves that are created as a
result of vibrations between an electric field and a magnetic field.
(group 2)
- - An electromagnetic wave is a wave of energy produced when an
electrical charge accelerates. These have different wavelengths and
frequencies, and the complete range of which is called the
electromagnetic spectrum. Electromagnetic waves are transverse in
nature, and light only makes up the range of frequencies to which our
eyes are sensitive to. Other examples of these waves are X-rays, radio
waves, microwaves, gamma rays, infrared, and ultraviolet. (Group 3)
- Group 4
o An electromagnetic wave is created by charged particles like
electrons that vibrate or travel back and forth. It comprises
electric and magnetic fields that vibrate perpendicular to one
another and to the direction of the wave propagation.
o It is a transverse wave that carries energy as it moves through
matter or through empty space.
o Electromagnetic waves move at different speeds through
different media, as it depends on wavelength and on the
medium’s properties. However, in a vacuum, every
electromagnetic wave moves at a constant speed of about
300,000 kilometers per second, which is also referred to as the
speed of light that is represented by c.
- When either an electric or magnetic field experiences a time- varying
change, it induces a field of the other kind in adjacent regions,
leading to the possibility of electromagnetic disturbances that can
propagate through space as waves, even in the absence of matter in
the intervening region. Electromagnetic waves include light
(infrared, visible, and ultraviolet), radiowaves, microwaves, and X
rays. These waves are generated by the oscillation of electric and
magnetic fields. (Group 5)

how can you relate electric and magnetic field to the electromagnetic theory?
- Electricity and magnetism are two pals in the world of science. When
we move electric charges, we create an electric field that can push or
pull other charged things. When these charges move, they create a
magnetic field, and these fields are connected. When one field
changes, it makes the other change too. This special connection gives
birth to something amazing: electromagnetic waves. These waves are
like energy dances that move super fast through space, and they can
even travel through empty space. They're responsible for things like
light and radio waves, making our modern technology work. So,
thanks to the teamwork of electricity and magnets, we have many of
the gadgets and technologies we enjoy every day.(Group 1)
- Changing an electric field creates a magnetic field, and changing a
magnetic field creates an electric field, this relationship between the
electric and magnetic field allows the electromagnetic waves to form.
(group 2)
- - Following the electromagnetic theory based on Maxwell’s
equations, electric and magnetic fields are closely related as they both
make up the said theory. The electric and magnetic fields are
perpendicular to one another and occupy different planes relative to
the cause of the electromagnetic field. Therefore, electric and
magnetic fields are interdependent – a change in one field causes a
change in another. According to Maxwell’s equations, changing
electric fields create magnetic fields and vice versa. Moreover, both
fields originate from a charge but differ depending on whether the
charge is stationary or moving. Additionally, a moving electric charge
produces a magnetic field and a difference in voltage produces an
electric field. (Group 3)
- An electric charge is filled with an electric field which is an energetic
aura through space and a space around a magnet is filled with a
magnetic field. The modern view of electromagnetic induction is that
electric and magnetic fields are induced—and these in turn produce
the voltages we have considered. An example of this is if a piece of
iron is placed in a current-carrying coil of wire, the alignment of
magnetic domains in the iron produces an electromagnet. (Group 4)
- Electricity and magnetism are essentially two aspects of the same
thing, because a changing electric field creates a magnetic field, and a
changing magnetic field creates an electric field. (Group 5)

what new insights/learning did you get about our natural world? how did it
change your view about light?
- Understanding the connection between electricity and magnetism and
how they give rise to electromagnetic waves can offer several
insights about our natural world. It reveals that many natural
phenomena, including light, are governed by fundamental physical
principles. This knowledge changes our view of light from being a
mysterious and isolated phenomenon to a part of a broader
electromagnetic spectrum. Light is just one form of electromagnetic
wave, and there are many others, such as radio waves, microwaves,
and X-rays. Realizing this interconnectedness deepens our
appreciation of the unity and simplicity of the laws of physics that
govern our universe. It underscores the importance of scientific
inquiry in uncovering the underlying principles of the natural world,
demystifying complex phenomena, and enabling the development of
technologies that shape our daily lives.(group 1)
- Our new learning of the natural world is that most of its functions
happen because of the sun’s light. Particularly in the topic of solar
energy which are used in a multitude of ways and can also affect the
energies in nature. (Group 2)
- - Our recent understanding that light serves not only as a source of
illumination but also as an electromagnetic wave has deeply
influenced our perspective. This realization highlights the significant
role of light in our lives, as it possesses diverse capabilities due to its
various frequencies. In practical terms, it enables wireless data
transmission and instant communication, making our lives more
convenient and connected regardless of time and place.
Consequently, our perception of light has evolved from being merely
a source of light to recognizing it as a pivotal component that
enriches our everyday experiences and empowers us through its
multifaceted functions. (Group 3)
- Group 4
o In both magnetic and electrical fields, light is
essential. It made a significant contribution to the
development and wide range of useful applications in
the natural world. Light is essential to the unification
of electric and magnetic phenomena in Maxwell's
electromagnetic theory. In addition to describing the
behaviour of electric and magnetic fields, Maxwell's
equations also forecast the existence and
characteristics of electromagnetic waves, such as light.
Since light is an indicator of the fundamental
interaction between electric and magnetic fields, it
plays a significant role in Maxwell's electromagnetic
o This realisation has greatly influenced the
advancement of contemporary physics since it gave
rise to a theoretical framework for understanding and
control of electromagnetic waves, which in turn
facilitated the creation of devices that depend on
electromagnetic signals. In conclusion, light makes a
great contribution to the advancement of the world.
- Light, primarily sourced from the sun, is essential for life on Earth as
it fuels photosynthesis in plants. It has a dual nature in quantum
physics, serving as both particles (photons) and waves, expanding our
understanding of the universe. Revolutionary technologies like lasers
and fiber optics have transformed communication and medical
procedures. Over time, our perception of light has evolved from a
mere source of illumination to a fundamental force that profoundly
influences life on our planet. (Group 5)

GROUP 1: André-Marie Ampère

André-Marie Ampère was a key figure in the world of electricity and
magnets. He came up with a rule called Ampère's Law, which helps us
understand how electric currents and magnets are related. He also invented a
device called a galvanometer to measure electric currents. In one experiment,
he noticed that when he ran electric currents through two wires placed close
together, they either pulled toward each other or pushed apart, depending on
the direction of the currents. This discovery showed a link between
electricity and magnets. Ampère even suggested the existence of a tiny
particle, the "electrodynamic molecule," to explain this connection. His work
laid the foundation for our understanding of electricity and magnetism.

electromagnetic theory
- He created a magnetic field using only an electric current, without
magnets, contributing to the electromagnetic theory.
- Using two wires positioned closely and parallel to each other, he
observed that when an electric current passed through them in the
same direction, the wires were attracted towards each other.
Ampere’s Law
- Law in electromagnetism called Ampère's law, to describe how
electric currents create magnetic fields.
- Proposed the existence of a tiny particle, which he named the
"electrodynamic molecule"
Evidence of ampere’s law
- Concentric circles make up the magnetic field created by a long,
straight conductor. These circles lie in a plane that is parallel to the
conductor's length. The right-hand grip rule indicates the direction of
the field.


Electromagnetic induction
- when a voltage is created by passing a conductor through a magnetic
- Faraday created two coils by wrapping nichrome wires on an iron
ring. When he supplied electric current to one of the coils, he found
that the current flow instantaneously in the other coil, as well.
- A diamagnetic substance is one whose atoms have no permanent
magnetic dipole moment.
- Faraday had demonstrated this in 1845 with his ‘heavy glass’ that a
magnetic force could cause the rotation of polarised light travelling
through the glass. he examined the effect of magnetic force directly
on the glass and then on many other materials.
magneto-optical effect
- The magneto-optic effect refers to the physical interaction between
light and magnetic matter.
- faraday’s experiment involved the usage of light, glass and metal,
although the result was inconclusive. it was then continued by John
kerr in 1877.

GROUP 3: Heinrich Rudolf Hertz

- Father of Frequency
- He was the first to prove the existence of electromagnetic waves with
precise experimental procedures and instrumentation he engineered
to generate and detect waves (radio pulses) across space.
His touchstone research verified Maxwell's theory and proved that
all forms of electromagnetic radiation are propagated as waves at a
finite velocity--the speed of light (Heinrich Hertz, 2012).
- Demonstrated the existence of radio waves in 1886
- Unit of frequency [hertz (Hz)] is named after him
- Proved James Clerk Maxwell’s theory of electromagnetism
- Clearly demonstrated that electromagnetic waves did exist and that
they travel at the speed of light
- Showed that the waves radiating from his oscillator could be
reflected, refracted, polarized, and produce interference patterns like
Group 4: James Clerk Maxwell
James Clerk Maxwell was a Scottish scientist and physicist during
the 19th century who was one of the most brilliant and influential
scientists who ever lived. He was in popular accounts of 20th century
discoveries in (1) relativity theory, (2) quantum theory, (3) kinetic
theory of gases, (4) comprehension of color vision, and his equations
were mainly about (5) electromagnetism.


1. Relativity Theory
- Maxwell's equations, which describe how electric and magnetic
fields work, helped set the stage for Einstein's theory of relativity.
One key idea from Maxwell was that the speed of light is always the
same. Einstein built on this and said that the laws of physics are the
same for everyone, no matter how fast they're moving. This changed
how we think about time and space, and it all started with Maxwell's
work on electromagnetism.
2. Quantum Theory
- Maxwell's ideas about electricity, magnetism, and the behavior of
particles in gases laid the groundwork for some concepts in quantum
theory. His work helped us understand how particles can behave both
like waves and tiny bits, and how randomness plays a role in the
behavior of tiny particles, even though he didn't directly work on
quantum theory himself.
3. Kinetic Theory of Gases:
- James Clerk Maxwell significantly contributed to the kinetic theory
of gases by formulating the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution
describing molecular speeds, explaining the origin of pressure as a
result of molecular collisions, deriving the speed of sound in gases,
and advancing the understanding of transport phenomena, all of
which provided a critical link between macroscopic gas behavior and
the microscopic motion of gas molecules, establishing the basis for
modern kinetic theory.
4. Comprehension of Color Vision:
- James Clerk Maxwell made a significant contribution to the
comprehension of color vision through his groundbreaking work on
color theory and the invention of the color wheel. He demonstrated
that colors could be created by combining different intensities of red,
green, and blue light, and that all colors visible to the human eye
could be represented by mixing these primary colors in various
proportions. Maxwell's color theory laid the foundation for modern
color science and our understanding of how the human eye perceives
and processes colors. His work also influenced the development of
color photography and the study of color perception in psychology.
5. Electromagnetism
- In the early 19th century, two different units of electric charge were
used for electrostatic and magnetic phenomena, with their ratio
coincidentally matching the speed of light. James Clerk Maxwell's
work in 1865 not only explained this connection but also revealed
that electromagnetic disturbances travel at the speed of light,
suggesting that light itself is electromagnetic. His formulation of
Maxwell's equations unified electricity and magnetism, leading to our
modern understanding of electromagnetic waves and revolutionising
physics, with far-reaching applications in technologies like radio and

GROUP 5: Hans Christian Ørsted

- Discovered that electric currents create magnetic fields
- Established the first link between electricity and magnetism.
- Oersted's law and the Oersted unit (Oe) are named after him


- “Electric current creates a magnetic field surrounding it“
- A straight current carrying conductor induces a magnetic field
- The direction of magnetic field depends on the direction of flowing
current in the conductor.

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