Research Paper On Afghanistan Culture

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Embarking on the journey of writing a thesis can be an incredibly daunting task, especially when

delving into the intricate and multifaceted realm of Afghanistan culture. The complexity of this topic
requires extensive research, critical analysis, and a deep understanding of cultural nuances, making it
a challenging endeavor for many students.

From navigating through the vast array of literature to formulating a coherent research question,
every step of the thesis writing process demands meticulous attention to detail and dedication.
Moreover, grappling with the socio-political dynamics and historical intricacies of Afghanistan
culture adds another layer of complexity to the task at hand.

For those facing the daunting task of crafting a research paper on Afghanistan culture, seeking expert
assistance can be invaluable. At ⇒ ⇔, we understand the challenges that come
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They felt associated with other clan members and are always ready to secure their clan members
from any attack or inconvenience from any side (Jawad, 1992). By having elders nominate projects
and recommend contractors, they are publicly viewed as working for the government. Download
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unavailable. This is really because on that day, because of the tilt of our planet's axis, the. We believe
this day is near and wish the brotherly nation of Afghanistan peace, happiness and prosperity.”.
Afghanistan is a rich state in terms of culture and traditions (Jawad, 1992). Hazara’s are Shi’a with a
very lesser part that is Sunni (Greens). You can download the paper by clicking the button above. You
can download the paper by clicking the button above. Sample argumentative essay on abortion In
this abortion essay, I have decided to take the pro-choice position: a woman carrying a fetus shou.
Can I back my words or decisions up with the ability to come down the valley and kill you.
Corruption Is a Major Issue of Concern for Afghans. A small towel hangs on the arm of the family
member who is holding the pitcher and bowl. Several sub-tribes of these tribes have forged alliances;
for example, the Kakar tribe of the Ghurghusht tribes and the Hotaki tribe of the Ghilzai
confederation, which produced Mullah Omar and several top Taliban leaders. The Taliban and Al-
Qaida have also had unending conflicts along the Pakistan-Afghan border. Richard Boucher was the
longest-serving State Department spokesman in history, starting under Madeline Albright, continuing
under Colin Powell and even Condoleezza Rice, before taking over the South Asia portfolio at State
from 2006 through 2009. I am fortunate enough to work now for a service that understands the
importance of LREC training and education, but other services’ culture centers have been defunded
or shuttered entirely. 10 These programs are relative decimal dust that may just prevent the
misapplication of trillions and require reinvigoration. Afghanistan war essay many pages words do
you need. For example, building a school in a village demonstrates that the government is working
for the people and it has the capability to accomplish big projects. However, caution is required to
ensure the tribe's enemy fits the definition of enemies of the GIRoA and not a feud between tribes
that has nothing to do with the reason the U.S. is assisting the GIRoA. But most important of all is
preservation of the tribal name and reputation. Within the geographic areas of the major ethnic
groups are enclaves of almost every other ethnic group. The people of Afghanistan speak Pushto and
Persian along with many local dialects. Under most circumstances, this approach would be effective;
however, what approach would be effective when a unit deploys to an isolated area not knowing
what side its local citizens support or if they support any side at all. It also advocated that women
should make of 25% of the government. The male Pashtun clothing is accessorized with traditional
headgear such as the perahan turban or the karakul hat. Much of its once vast forests have been
illegally harvested without reforestation, resulting in almost irreversible changes to the ecological
system and weather patterns. It could have gone into why our leaders acted the way they did. The
people in the stands move right and left to avoid him. Some husbands may require the women in
their family to wear the burqa in public to preserve their beauty for his eyes only.
This partnership and its related projects are funded by the US Department of State and the US
Embassy in Kabul, with several key goals: a) developing a bilingual objects management database,
b) conducting a full inventory of the NMA's holdings, c) doing conservation assessments for the
objects, d) rehousing the objects in archival quality containers, e) restoration of sculptures from the
early Buddhist monastic complex of Hadda (fig. Much of its once vast forests have been illegally
harvested without reforestation, resulting in almost irreversible changes to the ecological system and
weather patterns. The crowd is roaring because of the action on the field. However, Abduallah
wanted changes made to the election process - when these were not fulfilled he did not stand,
leaving Hamid as the president. In addition to Shi’a women, altogether women’s rights are at risk,
and the oppression continues. In the northeast, there are the steep high peaks of the Wakhan Corridor
at an altitude of 5500 to 7500 meters above sea level. Among the most popular traditional attires in
Afghanistan is the Pashtun clothing. The paper brings into light major common factors among
Pakistan and Afghanistan. The Pashtun's tribal code of conduct ( Pashtunwali) is not written and is
not easily put into words, but does tie Pashtuns together. Therefore, India is trying to achieve a
significant soft role and make her presence justified there in order to achieve her broader objectives
via Afghanistan. Afghans do not like to be manipulated and to arbitrarily change the rules of the
game results in their distrust of coalition motives, causing them to refuse contact with the coalition
and return to the way of life they have lived for thousands of years. Specific examples include the
killing of civilians by a bicycle-bomb while receiving relief food, the British soldier who died on
March 15,from wounds he sustained in the Helmand bomb, the 35 people killed in the March 14 th
Kandahar bombing meant to be a warning to Nato etc. McCaffrey saw the Afghan police as
“disastrous” but could only think of more money plus adding “a thousand jails, a hundred courts,
and a dozen prisons.”. The industry experienced its golden age in the 1970s, a period that saw the
rise of many legendary Afghani musicians. There is no lack of consensus on the fact that corruption
needs to be addressed. Thanks 18 SARAH ? Thanks everyone for this very informative and helpful
site it really helped!!! 19 Corbs. Other horses are especially fast and, like American football
defensive backs, stay on the outside of the melee and run down riders who have the calf. Basically, a
company can stockpile as much HCA as it needs to have goods available when visiting a village.
They are superb, courageous soldiers and energetic, creative businessmen. Pakistan and India are also
two important neighbor of Afghanistan. The war in Afghanistan has claimed a afghanistan war essay
of lives. We aim to expose all ideas, thinkers, and arguments to the light and see what remains valid
and sound. It should be noted that men who commit adultery may not get any punishment in
Afghanistan whereas women who establish relationship with males other than their husband may get
cruel punishments. Typically, buzkashi (“buz” means “goat,” but the game is played with a calf
carcass) is played on a wideopen plain with no out-of-bounds markers. It argues that India's interests
in Afghanistan are not only Pakistan-specific but also, equally, if not more important, tied to India's
desire to be, and to be seen, as an extra-regional power moving toward great power status.
Interestingly, the Afghanistan national cricket team which represents the country in international
competitions played many of its home matches outside the country owing to the security issues
Afghanistan faced in the 1990s and early 2000s. We completed the sixth full year of the partnership
between the University of Chicago's Oriental Institute (OI) and the National Museum of Afghanistan
(NMA). Nova publishes a wide array of books and journals from authors around the globe, focusing
on Medicine and Health, Science and Technology and the Social Sciences and Humanities. Oriental
Institute News and Notes, no. 219, Fall 2013. pp 3-7. Gil Stein Download Free PDF View PDF See
Full PDF Download PDF Loading Preview Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. Recent events
related to the war have raised serious need for intervention that has led to a number of suggestions
for ending the war.
And, they only have modest privacy in their homes as they typically share the same small room with
other women and children. Timing-Toomey uses the terms 'independent' as well as 'interdependent
self' to identify the extent to which a culture 's members view themselves as being autonomous or in
relation to others around them. The men are responsible for maintaining the honor of their family,
which gives them the right to make decisions. The pipelines they all plan to build will need to run
through Afghanistan, although at the moment the country is too unstable. The major ethnic groups
are Pashtuns, Tajik’s, Hazara’s, and Uzbek’s (Greens) The second main ethnic groups are the Tajiks.
However, the children insisted that they knew what they were doing, could win, and hinted that the
bet was about seeing who was better at something. For a review of this excellent book, visit seini-
kite.html. Although progress has been made, such as the killing of Osama Bin Laden and removing
parties like the Taliban, the ultimate threat in which terrorist organisations may return still lingers over
Afghanistan. Men were required to grow beards and women to cover up in a burka. It was the worst
one of all, I would have even cose Wikipedia than your stupid site. Supplying a neighboring area
with support as an example of benefits associated with cooperating with the government does not
always seem to work in these outer-lying areas either. Afghans do not like to be manipulated and to
arbitrarily change the rules of the game results in their distrust of coalition motives, causing them to
refuse contact with the coalition and return to the way of life they have lived for thousands of years.
The villagers in our operational area did not accept the new projects built by outsiders as an
improvement to their lives; they viewed it as the government giving their money to someone else.
Women in Afghanistan have had it rather rough with the bumpiness of their rights in the past few
decades, current acts of discrimination against them, and the difficultly in securing women’s rights.
ADTs use their developed educational farms to conduct training programs to introduce sustainable-
agriculture practices. Therefore, India is trying to achieve a significant soft role and make her
presence justified there in order to achieve her broader objectives via Afghanistan. The villagers were
also told that neighboring villages would be invited to the same shura. The ACM, however, viewed
the acceptance of anything from the IRoA as a political act, but could not do anything about it
without negatively affecting its information management campaign. You can view the Dari and
Pashtu words that correspond to the English words and by clicking on the play button you can hear
the words spoken. The deal resulted in the Intra-Afgan talks on September 12, 2020 and India
participated in the talks virtually. Afghanistan has an important geostrategic location, its neighboring
countries mostly involved in its internal affairs to serve their own national interest. Approximately
100,000 people died during this tragic civil war. Such information can enable reasonably accurate
predictions as to how people might react or affect situations over which they may or may not have
control or influence. Quick question- I was explaining to my daughters about Spandi (the kids that
sell the incense on the streets). It has roads, from the most primitive to fairly modern, but the latter
are limited in the number of miles available. We think we know “what right looks like” based on what
makes sense to us, with healthy doses of leadership and organizational models borrowed from
corporate America and applied in the mountains of Afghanistan. 5 We seem to value and promote
hubris and ego more than humility and intellect—and commanders confident with the answers
instead of asking difficult questions. 6. So far friendly ties between India and Afghanistan always
remain as a source of anxiety for Pakistan. When two Pashtun strangers first meet, they will typically
work their way up the genealogical ladder until they find their first common ancestor before
beginning a conversation-as you would if meeting a distant cousin, for example, at a family reunion.
4. Those who were qualified to conduct research but not exactly prepared for combat were put in
danger to their own safety, some also giving their very lives in the effort, and the military did not
always know how to apply their research and analysis. Three cultural heritage grants in Afghanistan
have been funded by the US Department of State and the US Embassy in Kabul.
Testifying to the Senate in December 2009, McChrystal flatly declared “the next eighteen months
will likely be decisive and ultimately enable success. David McKiernan, after only 11 months, and
replaced him with a Special Operations general named Stanley McChrystal, a favorite of Central
Command head Gen. Later in 2005, the U.S. military would take over police training, and still fail to
produce a professional force, not least because the whole idea was foreign to rural Afghans, who
settled disputes primarily through village elders. Although political unity was forged during his reign.
The author discussesthe development process between the two countries and laying emphasis on
economic security. Il existe des moyens pour y faire face et vous serez probablement gueri.
Interestingly, the Afghanistan national cricket team which represents the country in international
competitions played many of its home matches outside the country owing to the security issues
Afghanistan faced in the 1990s and early 2000s. This is important for Afghanistan as she is fighting
against terrorism and the impact on her economy is great. Keep in mind there are some commonalities
in Dari and Pashtu. India reaffirmed its stand on the issue- “Any peace process must be Afghan-led,
Afgan-owned and Afghan-controlled”. They could come into contact with a village mullah, the local
religious leader. It has roads, from the most primitive to fairly modern, but the latter are limited in
the number of miles available. Massive numbers of returning refugees, regardless of tribal affiliation,
have flooded urban areas seeking the basics for survival-food, clothing, and shelter. Recently, two
Task Force Currahee company commanders addressed this topic. To bureaucrats and governmental
apparatchiks, each phase came with its own goals, opportunities, and difficulties and were seen as
natural responses to the commensurate threats facing the mission in. It is a symbol of oppression,
expression of beliefs, or protection. They felt associated with other clan members and are always
ready to secure their clan members from any attack or inconvenience from any side (Jawad, 1992).
Duran, “A Model of Culture-General Competence for Education and Training: Validation Across
Services and Key Specialties,” Defense Language and National Security Education Office, n.d. From
what I can tell, it's one of the highest priorities of the coalition and the Government of the Islamic
Republic of Afghanistan. 1. Afghanistan like its past once again became an important state of the
region due to its proximity with CAR's region. Islam was introduced to the country in the early 8th
century and had grown to be the nation’s dominant religion by the 9th century. 90% of the nation’s
population practices Sunni Islam while about 10% of the population identify with the Shia sect of
Islam. This will help to increase the faith of the people and create an understanding with their
government. Unlike the Hazaras, who are unable to find good jobs due to their ethnicity and religion,
Uzbeks are able to earn money by farming but have also been able to become businessman and
skilled artisans (Ethnic Groups of Afghanistan)). ANSF and Anvil leaders simply explained that the
IRoA had sent HCA and coalition forces as its duty to the people to ensure they survived the winter.
WOW all this information helped me on my homework this is the best website i have found and
decent website. 33 Hira Anwar ? This is a fantastic information about Afghanistan. Many women’s
schools have fallen due to arson, and many schoolteachers have been both threatened and killed.
AccuraCast Featured ( 20 ) Getting into the tech field. However, it is not required by the Muslim
faith, only by some extremist Muslim groups such as the Taliban, in which case it is used as a tool to
oppress women. This tendency is combined with a failure to integrate those with the deepest
knowledge of the people and societies our strategies effect into the strategy and policy development
to begin with, and later within operational planning that critically considers the broader human
domain. The Impact of Conflict and Migration Dr. Niamatullah Ibrahimi, Crossroads Asia University
of Bonn Download Free PDF View PDF The Sickle and the Minaret: Communist Successor Parties
in Yemen and Afghanistan After the Cold war John Ishiyama Download Free PDF View PDF
Afghanistan's Political and Economic Condition: An Appraisal of Likely Situation at NATO-
Drawdown saima perveen WUS Download Free PDF View PDF Why Have the Taliban Enjoyed
Such Success in Afghanistan.
The following essay is a pedagogical mosaic that introduces a variety of resources that have worked
for me, which can potentially assist middle, high school, and university teachers and students to
understand Afghanistan culture. Emphasis was placed on training in the use of proper research
methods, particularly critical examination and evaluation of original objects at renowned Japanese
museums and research institutions. However, some areas of this world are still largely male-
dominated, with strong discrimination against the female sex. It really helped me, now im going to
start on my project. Does the tribe across the river know not to come over here and meddle in my
affairs. Most jobs in Afghanistan are menial labor with minimal income making it hard for men to
provide adequately under their standards for their families. In their domestic life, young girls in rural
areas are often forced by her family to marry someone much older than her. Any way you look at it,
bartering and corruption are an established part of Afghan culture. I find stories to be the greatest
illustrator and the greatest interest builder. The Soviets incinerated and poisoned orchards and
destroyed ancient canal systems and wells critical to irrigation. In Afghanistan, such descent is
through male line (Barfield, p.22). It should be noted that a family with no male children has no
significance in Afghan culture. To browse and the wider internet faster and more
securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. The Afghanistan national basketball
team emerged as the champions in the 2010 edition of the South Asian Games. However, if there is
evidence of a village actively supporting the ACM, the HCA will be withheld as punishment, but the
villagers understand the concrete cause and effect. While I had some requisite training in conducting
fieldwork, with no knowledge of local languages and experience in the region (or in a war zone), I
thought I had very little to no business going to Afghanistan—though if I had the courage, I could
have made a lot of money. Some of these marriages are to someone up to sixty years old. Their
diplomatic, informational, military, and economic (DIME) priorities are almost without exception in
reference to other tribes. This has meant that Afghanistan has come under more attack from powerful
countries (mainly the UK and US) trying to find Osama and Al-Qaeda. If they do, it is imperative
that they are trained on how to handle themselves. War in Afghanistan. Learn More. This
argumentative essay on War in Afghanistan was written and submitted by your fellow student. The
documents include highest-level “snowflake” memos written by then Secretary of Defense Donald
Rumsfeld during the George W. Marriages may be arranged, often to settle a debt or to secure an
alliance. Its starts off with Mariam’s life, then switches to Laila’s, and finally, shows how their lives
become intertwined. They instructed the boys to tell their parents that the IRoA had sent more
supplies, but they must come to the pickup area to get the supplies. This is 100% legal. You may not
submit downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you. Suddenly, the shura elders who
had spread negative stories about the coalition did not seem so credible. Some Afghans, who do not
speak English, do understand the English numbering system.). THANK YOU SO MUCH IT IS
REALLY USEFUL I HAD LOTS OF FUN 99 alice. This has been observed in Kabul among young
educated Afghans working in the ministries and in the rural areas of eastern Afghanistan by
agribusiness development team members. The villagers began visiting the shuras to ask about
upcoming projects and suggesting their own projects to increase their chances of getting contracts.
Neither one of those two was allowed to work with the Commander's Emergency Response Program
officer even when requested. This paper analyses Afghan culture from the views of two prominent
authors; Thomas Barfield and John Esposito. Doing business may be possible without a beard but
will having one make things better or worse. Poetry is well-liked in Afghanistan and also there are
poetic competitions in Afghanistan. Our National Guard ADTs clearly lock into a shared agrarian
connection, working hard with Afghans to grow not just crops but also trust and hope in remote
regions. Storage and transportation of any surplus products are unreliable. Its starts off with
Mariam’s life, then switches to Laila’s, and finally, shows how their lives become intertwined. Thank
you, it helped me do my research for a project that I am doing into Afghanistan culture.:) 83 samir ?
My name is Samir I come Afghanistan now I live in London with my family. It should be noted that
Afghan Muslims are divided into different groups based on their belongingness in different tribes
and ethnic groups. The 34-page “security” section leads with the ongoing withdrawal of U.S. and
international troops, and the Taliban offensive that “avoided attacking U.S. and Coalition forces.”
Maps in the middle of this section (pp. 54-56) show various open-source estimates for Taliban
control over Afghani districts, and the report notes that the U.S. military ceased providing any
unclassified estimates in 2019. Riders from the other team may not grab your reins. To browse and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade
your browser. Over the centuries very little has changed, to include modernization, which is directly
related to economics and isolation. It should be noted that men who commit adultery may not get
any punishment in Afghanistan whereas women who establish relationship with males other than
their husband may get cruel punishments. Consequently, Afghan women are not active participants in
the insurgency unless used as shields to protect insurgents. The carpets are popular across the globe
and have even won international awards on numerous occasions. The government in Afghan is not
stable enough to run its own democratic party’s so the UK must be involved to protect it from
groups like the Taliban taking over again. Quick question- I was explaining to my daughters about
Spandi (the kids that sell the incense on the streets). The practical expertise of the production farmer,
the agriculture education instructor, and the agronomy researcher simultaneously serving in uniform
is a very positive force-multiplier for the current mission in Afghanistan. Stein) “Oriental Institute
Cultural Heritage Work in Afghanistan”. And if so, would we even have the personnel to fill such
roles. Basically, a company can stockpile as much HCA as it needs to have goods available when
visiting a village. Finally in November the Northern Alliance took control of the capital city Kabul
whilst being helped by the US and other countries like the UK, although the Taliban leader Mullah
Omar and Osama Bin Laden were not captured. Because of the above perception, only the male
candidates are appointed in Afghan courts. I got no information from it. 52 Aziz jan ? It was very
useful information. wow thanks. i am lots of information 53 tyler. This country houses multiple,
distinct people groups, but the Pashtun Sunni majority treats Hazara Shi’a Muslims with contempt.
The preferred meat is mutton, but chicken, beef, and. Male dominance is visible in every aspect of
Afghan culture. The villagers did not protest the arrest because it now appeared justified; it was a
government official removing individuals who were irrationally interfering with events that would
benefit the average person. The oldest oil painting on earth is from Afghanistan.

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