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An analytical rubric is used to

A holistic rubric consists assess different types of skills
of a single scale with all based on the student's level of
criteria to be included in mastery. In an analytical rubric,
the evaluation being teachers will create a scale that
considered together (e.g., rates the student's work. For
clarity, organization, and example, one scale could create
mechanics). With a categories like Not Meeting
holistic rubric the rater Criteria, Needs Improvement,
assigns a single score Satisfactory,
(usually on a 1 to 4 or 1 and/or Exemplary. This rubric is
to 6 point scale) based set up like a grid. It has a point
on an overall judgment of system on the top and criteria
the student work. information on the left side. The
terms are subject to change, but
the overall intention is to assess

The difference of Holistic and

Analytic is The holistic rubric
looks at the product or
behavior in a global manner,
while analytic rubrics look
closely at the components of
each product or behavior and
assess each one differently

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