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Prepared as per CAA, MOE Standards 2019, Annex 13: Course Syllabus


Program BBMS

Course Title Behavioral Sciences and Ethics

Course Code BSE 101

Semester Spring

Year 1

Lead Faculty Dr. Mayssah El Nayal

Course Syllabus

Course Title and Course Code / Number, Credit hours (or equivalent), pre-
requisites (if any), co-requisites (if any)
Course Title Behavioral Sciences and Ethics
Course Code BSE101
Credit Hours 3
Contact Hours 45 (3 Lecture Hours + 0 Activity Hour)
Pre-requisites None
Co-requisites None
Academic Year 2023-2024
1 (Spring 2024)

2 Name and contact information of the Instructor(s)

Name of the
Dr. Mayssah El Nayal
Qualifications MA, PhD in Psychology
Contact information

Name of the Dr Mohammed Abdulrazzaq

Qualifications MBChB, MSc, PhD (Occupational Health)
Contact information

3 Brief Course Description (as in Catalog):

The course is designed to give an overview of the main topics in behavioral sciences
and Ethics including biological basis of behavior, mental processes, sensation and
perception, learning, motivation, intelligence, human development, personality,
socialization, social groups, changes in trends, problems of determined individual’s and
universal ethical principles. The objective of the course is to enable the student to
understand and apply the knowledge, skills and attitude developed in this course to
communicate effectively. Students will learn and practice strong values, ethical conduct
and social responsibilities, especially personal, academic, and professional integrity
while developing collaboration in diverse team settings. Students will be trained to
display sensitivity to cultural, psychosocial, and ethical issues.

4 Intended Course Learning Outcomes of the Course:

Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to:

1 CLO1 Describe the contribution and the importance of human behavior and
socialization of healthcare professionals.
2 CLO2 Explain the roles of various institutions like family, community and society and their
change in trends, their effects of health of a person.

3 CLO3 Identify the psychosocial aspect of human development through the life span and its
importance in health
4 CLO4 Apply the principles of law, ethics, bioethics, etiquette, and protocol to healthcare
5 CLO5 Demonstrate awareness to maintain ethical values in interactions with peers and
6 CLO6 List ways to coping with frustration, stress, phobia, and conflict in daily life
7 CLO7 Demonstrate the ability to communicate with colleagues during seminars and
group sessions
8 CLO8 Apply the principles of law, ethics, bioethics, etiquette, and protocol to
healthcare settings
9 CLO9 Demonstrate awareness to maintain ethical values in interactions with peers and
10 CLO10 Relate life –long learning for personal and professional development

5 Course Topics and Contents on a week-by-week basis:

Wee Course Topics and Contents
1 Topic Introduction to Behavioral Sciences
▪ Behavioral sciences and understand its application in the

medical field.
▪ Human behavior.

▪ The determinants of human behavior and the spectrum of

behavioral sciences.
▪ Define behavioral sciences and human behavior.
▪ Recognize human behavior from the biopsychosocial
▪ Identify the determinants of human behavior.

▪ List the spectrum of behavior sciences.

▪ Determine the topic of behavioral sciences integrated in the

medical context.
Reading Feldman R. Understanding Psychology.15th Edition. London: McGraw
materials Hill;2021. ISBN10: 1264159129 | ISBN13: 9781264159123 .Chapter 1

1.1 Topic Introduction to Ethics

● Ethics
● Morality

● Code of conduct

● Moral judgment

● Moral dilemmas.

▪ Define ethics and bioethics.
▪ Define morals.

▪ Differentiate between ethics and morals.

▪ Define an ethical dilemma.

▪ Give examples of common dilemmas in clinical practice.

Reading George D. Pozgar. Legal and Ethical Issues for Health Professionals.
materials 5th Edition. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning; 2020. ISBN-13:
978-1284144185, ISBN-10: 1284144186. Chapter 1, Page 10-13.
2 Topic Essentials of Understanding Behavioral Sciences
▪ Behavioral sciences at work.

▪ Science evolves: The past, the present and the future.

▪ Research in behavioral sciences (Psychology as an example).

▪ Understand the science of psychology.
▪ Identify the major specialties in the field of psychology.

▪ Explain the origins of psychology.

▪ List the major approaches in contemporary psychology.

▪ Understand the key issues and controversies in psychology.

▪ Prognose the future of psychology.

▪ Understand the scientific methods in investigating behavior.

▪ Show how behavioral scientists use theory and research to

answer questions of interest.
▪ Describe research methods in behavioral sciences.

Reading Feldman R. Understanding Psychology.15th Edition. London: McGraw

materials Hill;2021. ISBN10: 1264159129 | ISBN13: 9781264159123 .Chapter 2
2.1 Topic Ethical Theories
● Normative ethics

● Consequential ethics

● Utilitarian ethics

● Deontological ethics

● Nonconsequential ethics

● Ethical relativism.
Learning Discuss the concepts of:
● Moral norms

● Meta-ethics

● Descriptive ethics

● Ethical relativism

● Deontological ethics

● Utilitarianism and Hedonism.

Reading George D. Pozgar. Legal and Ethical Issues for Health Professionals.
materials 5th Edition. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning; 2020. ISBN-13:
978-1284144185, ISBN-10: 1284144186. Chapter 1, Page 14-17

3 Topic Cultural Issues in Medical Education

▪ Medical education

▪ Incorporating culture into medicine

▪ Impact of culture on patient management

▪ Define the concept of medical education.
▪ Explain the correlation between culture and medicine.

▪ Identify how culture affects the patient management.

Reading Panthi S, Bhandari AK, Acharya R, Khatiwada P, Khanal N, Bhattarai B,
materials et al. Medical students’ attitude towards cultural diversity: a cross-
sectional study at a health sciences university in eastern Nepal. BMJ
Open [Internet]. 2022 May 1;12(5):e057062. Available

Cockerham WC. Medical Sociology.15th Edition. New York: Routledge;

2021. ISBN-13:978-103-2067-957. Chapter 2, Pg: 23-30. Chapter 6,
Pg:140-141.Chapter 7, Pg: 168-171
3.1 Topic Principles of Ethics
▪ Autonomy, Beneficence, Non-Maleficence and justice.

▪ Theories of justice.

▪ Conflicts between autonomy and beneficence.

▪ List and identify the main ethical principles.
▪ Apply the ethical principles in real case scenarios.

▪ Discuss the conflict between autonomy and beneficence.

Reading George D. Pozgar. Legal and Ethical Issues for Health Professionals.
materials 5th Edition. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning; 2020. ISBN-13:
978-1284144185, ISBN-10: 1284144186. Chapter 1, Page 2-9.
4 Topic Socialization
▪ Defining socialization.

▪ Human development: nature and nurture.

▪ Erik Erikson’s 8 stages of development.

▪ Agents of socialization.

▪ Socialization and life span.

▪ Socialization and health.

▪ Define the term socialization.
▪ Explain the family’s role in socialization.

▪ Identify agencies of socialization.

▪ Understand the nature-nurture debate about human

▪ Apply the sociological perspective to see how society defines
behavior at various life course stages.
▪ Determine the impact of socialization on health.

▪ Show how health is a social issue and not just a matter of

Reading Cockerham WC. Medical Sociology.15th Edition. New York: Routledge;
materials 2021. ISBN-13:978-103-2067-957. Chapter 4, Pg:83-101.

4.1 Topic Confidentiality and Patient Privacy

▪ Confidentiality.
▪ Patient Privacy.

▪ When confidentiality could be breached?

▪ Recognize the importance of medical confidentiality.
▪ List the situations upon which confidentiality could be breached.

▪ Discuss the role of HIPAA in maintaining patient confidentiality.

▪ Thierry Vansweevelt and Nicola Glover-Thomas. Privacy and
Medical Confidentiality in Healthcare. A Comparative Analysis.
December 2023. ISBN: 978 1 03530 942 9
5 Topic Motivation
▪ Introduction and Definition of Key Terms

▪ Factors That Direct and Energize the behavior of humans and

Other Organisms
▪ Approaches to motivation

▪ Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

▪ Motivating the unmotivated: how can health behavior be

changed in those unwilling to change?

▪ Identify the types of motivation and their sources.
▪ Describe the theories of motivation and their importance in
personal and professional life.
Analyze the contribution of motivation in human behavior and its
impact on health, disease, and health related behavior
Reading Feldman R. Understanding Psychology.15th Edition. London: McGraw
materials Hill;2021. ISBN10: 1264159129 | ISBN13: 9781264159123. Chapter 10

5.1 Topic Ethical Dilemmas (1)

Content Ethical dilemmas in relation to:
● Pregnancy

● Abortion

● Artificial Insemination

● Surrogacy.
▪ Comprehend abortion as an ethical dilemma.
▪ List the laws and regulations related to abortion in UAE.

▪ Identify the ethical concerns related to AIDS patients.

▪ Explain the ethical conflicts of the assisted reproductive


Reading George D. Pozgar. Legal and Ethical Issues for Health Professionals.
materials 5th Edition. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning; 2020. ISBN-13:
978-1284144185, ISBN-10: 1284144186. Chapter (2), Page 63-79, 86-
6 Topic Emotion
▪ Definition and Functions of Emotions

▪ Hierarchy of Emotions

▪ Determining the Range of Emotions: Labeling our Feelings

▪ Theories of Emotion

▪ Six Primary Emotions

▪ Explain the basic concepts and theories related to emotions
▪ Identify the biological basis of emotion

▪ Relate the importance of the psychological process in human

behavior and health
Reading Feldman R. Understanding Psychology.15th Edition. London: McGraw
materials Hill;2021. ISBN10: 1264159129 | ISBN13: 9781264159123 .Chapter 10
6.1 Topic Ethical Dilemmas (2)
Content Ethical dilemmas in relation to:
● Sterilization

● Stem Cell Transplantation

● Organ Donation

▪ Discuss the ethical issues associated with sterilization and stem
cell transplantation.
▪ Describe organ donation process and its ethical concerns.

Reading George D. Pozgar. Legal and Ethical Issues for Health Professionals.
materials 5th Edition. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning; 2020. ISBN-13:
978-1284144185, ISBN-10: 1284144186. Chapter (2), Page 86-92.
7 Topic Personality
▪ Definition of personality

▪ Different approaches of personality

▪ Assessing personality.
▪ Understand types of personality
▪ Compare different approaches of personality.

▪ Describe methods of assessing personality

Reading Feldman R. Understanding Psychology.15th Edition. London: McGraw
materials Hill;2021. ISBN10: 1264159129 | ISBN13: 9781264159123. Chapter 13
7.1 Topic End of life dilemmas
▪ Euthanasia and types.

▪ Right to die, Physician Assisted Suicide.

▪ Resuscitation orders and their legal and ethical issues.

▪ Identify the concepts of euthanasia and physician assisted suicide.
▪ Explain the types and ethical principles related to euthanasia.

▪ Identify mechanical ventilation as a supportive technique in terminal

illness and its ethical conflicts.
▪ Recognize medical futility and the dilemma of do not resuscitate
order as well as its legal concerns.
Reading George D. Pozgar. Legal and Ethical Issues for Health Professionals.
materials 5th Edition. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning; 2020. ISBN-13:
978-1284144185, ISBN-10: 1284144186. Chapter (3), Page 101-124.
8 Topic Learning
▪ Historical Overview of Learning Theories

▪ Behaviorism

▪ Cognitive Learning Theories

▪ Social Learning Theory

▪ Connectionism and Neural Learning Theories

▪ Application of Learning Theories

▪ Highlight major contributors such as Pavlov, Skinner, and
▪ Explain the core principles of behaviorism
▪ Discuss the role of schema and cognitive maps in learning

▪ Explain observational learning and modeling

▪ Explore the role of neural networks and brain structures in learning

Reading Feldman R. Understanding Psychology.15th Edition. London: McGraw
materials Hill;2021. ISBN10: 1264159129 | ISBN13: 9781264159123. Chapter 6
8.1 Topic Professional Misconduct (1)

● Professional misconduct behaviors.

● Higher committee for medical liability in UAE.

● Types of claims.

● Canvassing.

● Identify professional misconduct behaviors.
● Discuss the role of the higher committee for medical liability.

● Recognize the requirements of canvassing.

Reading George D. Pozgar. Legal and Ethical Issues for Health Professionals.
materials 5th Edition. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning; 2020. ISBN-13:
978-1284144185, ISBN-10: 1284144186. Chapter (6), Page 155-160,
Chapter (10), Page 283-302, Chapter (12), Page 330-339.
9 Topic Development Across The Life Span

▪ Prenatal Development and Birth

▪ Infancy and Early Childhood

▪ Middle Childhood

▪ Adolescence

▪ Adulthood

▪ Old Age
▪ Explain the significance of understanding human development
across the lifespan
▪ Highlight the nature vs. nurture debate in developmental
▪ Explore physical, cognitive, and socioemotional development
during different life stages
Reading Feldman R. Understanding Psychology.15th Edition. London: McGraw
materials Hill;2021. ISBN10: 1264159129 | ISBN13: 9781264159123. Chapter 12
9.1 Topic Professional Misconduct (2)

● Fee splitting.

● Academic dishonesty.

● Plagiarism.

● Reporting cases of child abuse.

● Define fee splitting and discuss its ethical concerns.
● List the types of academic dishonesty.

● Define plagiarism and list its types.

● Identify the role of HCPs in reporting cases of child abuse.

Reading George D. Pozgar. Legal and Ethical Issues for Health Professionals.
materials 5th Edition. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning; 2020. ISBN-13:
978-1284144185, ISBN-10: 1284144186. Chapter (6), Page 155-160,
Chapter (10), Page 283-302, Chapter (12), Page 330-339.

Runzheimer J, Larsen L J, Medical Ethics for Dummies, Wiley

Publishing Inc. Indianapolis, Indiana, 2011. ISBN: 978-0-470-87856-9.
Page 257-307.
10 Topic Health Psychology: Stress and Coping

▪ Defining key terms.

▪ The biopsychosocial approach in stress.

▪ Stressors and the physiology of stress.

▪ Measuring stress

▪ Different models explaining stress.

▪ Factors affecting ability to cope.

▪ Summarize the basic concepts of stress.
▪ Explain the physiology of stress and compare various models of
stress and illness.
▪ Describe a variety of personal resources that people can use to
cope with stress.
▪ Identify several stress management strategies.
Reading Feldman R. Understanding Psychology.15th Edition. London: McGraw
materials Hill;2021. ISBN10: 1264159129 | ISBN13: 9781264159123. Chapter 14
10.1 Topic Codes of Medical Ethics
▪ Codes of Medical Ethics.

▪ Abandonment
▪ List and identify codes of medical ethics.
▪ Explain the concept of abandonment with its related ethical
Reading Myrtle R. Flight, Wendy Mia Pardew, Law, Liability, and Ethics for
materials Medical Office Professionals 6th edition, 2018, ISBN:
9781305972728.Page 132-156.

11 Topic Illness narratives

▪ The sick role, risk.

▪ Identify experience of illness
▪ Describe illness behavior, chronic illness.

▪ Describe how people perceive their illness.

▪ Discuss experience of illness by underlying trajectory of illness

and feelings associated.
▪ Awareness of health promotion.
Reading Cockerham WC. Medical Sociology.15th Edition. New York: Routledge;
materials 2021. ISBN-13:978-103-2067-957. Chapter 2, Pg: 31-48. Chapter 3, Pg
11.1 Topic Negligence versus Malpractice

▪ Concepts of malpractice and negligence.

▪ Omission and commission.

▪ Types of malpractice.

▪ Medical malpractice lawsuits.

▪ Medical malpractice law.

▪ Differentiate between malpractice, negligence and enlist their
forms and types.
▪ List the medical malpractice lawsuits.

▪ Discuss hospital acquired infection, two schools of thought and

requirements of death certificate.

Reading George D. Pozgar. Legal and Ethical Issues for Health Professionals.
materials 5th Edition. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning; 2020. ISBN-13:
978-1284144185, ISBN-10: 1284144186. Chapter (2), Page 80-86,
Chapter (6), Page 155-160, Chapter (10), Page 283-302, Chapter (12),
Page 330-339.

Myrtle R. Flight, Wendy Mia Pardew, Law, Liability, and Ethics for
Medical Office Professionals 6th edition, 2018, ISBN:
9781305972728.Page 132-156.
12 Topic Sickness and the Health Models
▪ Health Belief Model

▪ Social Cognitive Theory

▪ Theory of Planned Behavior

▪ Transtheoretical Model

▪ Health Promotion and Behavior Change Strategies

▪ Apply the HBM in health promotion and behavior change.
▪ Explain key concepts such as self-efficacy, observational
learning, and outcome expectations.
▪ Provide real-life examples of how TPB can be used to predict
and influence health behaviors.
▪ Identify the stages of change: precontemplation, contemplation,
preparation, action, maintenance, and termination.
▪ Explore how TTM is applied in health behavior interventions
Reading Feldman R. Understanding Psychology.15th Edition. London: McGraw
materials Hill;2021. ISBN10: 1264159129 | ISBN13: 9781264159123 .Chapter 14
12.1 Topic Ethics and the Modern World
● Genetic Testing

● Electronic Medical Record (IT)

● Genetically Modified Food

● Using animals in Research.

Learning Discuss and explain the ethical Issues related to:
● Genetic Testing

● Electronic Medical Record (IT)

● Genetically Modified Food

● Using animals in Research.

Reading Andrew Linzey and Clair Linzey. The Ethical Case against Animal
materials Experiments. December 21, 2017. ISBN-100252082850. ISBN-13 978-

Janice Berline. Ethical Dilemmas in Genetics and Genetic Counseling:

Principles through Case Scenarios- 1st Edition, Oxford University
Press, 2014. ISBN-10019994489X .ISBX. ISBN-0199944897
13 Topic Lifestyle as health determinants
▪ Impact of lifestyle factors on health

▪ Strategies to reduce the adverse impact on health.

▪ Determinants of health
▪ Describe lifestyle factors that determine health
▪ Recognize the interaction between lifestyle and environmental
Reading Feldman R. Understanding Psychology.15th Edition. London: McGraw
materials Hill;2021. ISBN10: 1264159129 | ISBN13: 9781264159123. Chapter 14
13.1 Topic Ethical Issues related to Informed Consent
▪ Concept of consent.

▪ Valid consent.

▪ Types of consent.

▪ Guardianship.

▪ Consent and the law.

▪ Informed refusal.
▪ Define a valid consent.
▪ Identify the criteria of a valid consent.

▪ Classify different types of consent.

▪ Explain the role of substitute decision makers and guardians.

▪ Recognize the situations upon which consent may not be

Reading George D. Pozgar. Legal and Ethical Issues for Health Professionals.
materials 5th Edition. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning; 2020. ISBN-13:
978-1284144185, ISBN-10: 1284144186. Chapter (2), Page 80-86.

Eileen E. Morrison, Beth Furlong, Health Care Ethics: Critical Issues for
the 21st Century Paperback ,2018. ISBN-13:9781284124910. Page
14 Topic Mental health Issues
▪ Public Health implications of mental illness

▪ Anxiety, Obsessive Compulsive, and Related Disorders

▪ Disorders of Trauma and Stress

▪ Depressive and Bipolar Disorders

▪ State the main features, epidemiology, and principles of
▪ Classify the mental disorders by DSM 5 criteria.

▪ Describe the impact that mental illness has on public health.

Reading Feldman R. Understanding Psychology.15th Edition. London: McGraw

materials Hill;2021. ISBN10: 1264159129 | ISBN13: 9781264159123.
Chapter 15
14.1 Topic Ethics of Human Research
● Clinical trial process.

● Phases of clinical research.

● Ethical guidelines of research.

● IRB.

● Communalism.

● Whistleblowing.
● Define the clinical trial process.
● List the phases of clinical research.

● Discuss Nuremberg Code and DOH.

● Recognize the responsibilities of a researcher.

● Identify the ethical guidelines to be followed while

conducting research on human subjects.
● Explain the right of the participants to withdraw and their
compensation for accidental injury.
Reading David B. Resnik, The Ethics of Research with Human Subjects:
materials Protecting People, Advancing Science, Promoting Trust
(International Library of Ethics, Law, and the New Medicine (74))
1st ed. 2018 Edition,ISBN-13: 978-3319687551.
15 Topic Clinical Empathy
● What is Empathy?

● Neurobiology of empathy

● Teaching clinicians about affect

● Teaching emotional self-awareness and what to do with patient

▪ Understand the definition of empathy.
▪ Describe the neurobiology of empathy.

▪ Learn how to solve case scenarios while being mindful of

▪ Make use of emotional awareness in clinical practice
Reading Foster AE, Yaseen ZS. Teaching empathy in healthcare: Building a New
materials Core Competency. Springer Nature; 2019.
15.1 Topic Cases Discussion
Content Group discussion regarding medical dilemmas.
Learning Apply the theoretical concepts about medical ethics into real case
outcomes scenarios.
Reading Jean P. Kirnan. Everyday Ethics. A Case Study Analysis. June 12,
materials 2018, by Routledge. ISBN- 9781138052673

6 Scheduling of laboratory, studio, external visits and other non-

lecture sessions
Week Session
Not Applicable

7 Information on out-of-class assignments with due dates for submission

Due Dates for
Out-of-class assignments Submission
(Week No.)
6th Week
1 The impact of culture on the medical sector
2 Ethical Event Reporting 12th Week
8 Methods and dates of examinations and other student assessments
including the relative weight of various assessment elements in
determining the course grade:
Formative Assessment:
Assessment Elements Relative Weight of Week No.
Assessment Elements
Quiz 0% 3rd and 10thWeek

Summative Assessment:
Relative Weight of Week No.
Assessment Elements
Assessment Elements
Class tests 20% 5thand11th Week

Assignment 20% 6thand12th Week

Mid-term Exams (MCQ) 8th Week

End term Examination 16-17th Week


Total 100%

Individual examinations will be conducted upon completion of each general

education course.

General Education Course examinations would be conducted as separate papers in

the semesters they are offered.

End-Term examinations will be conducted at the end the semester for the GE course

Each end - term examination will contribute 20% to the summative assessment for
the course, assessing the syllabi of the course.

The end-term examination will have a theory in the form of Multiple-choice Questions

All General Education courses follow standard GMU Grading Policy for
Undergraduate programs, which is shown below:
Attendance Policy:
Attendance for all the academic sessions is compulsory and students with shortage of
attendance will not be allowed to appear for the End Semester / Professional
examinations. If the attendance is less than 80% in any of the course the grade F (Fail)
shall be entered in the transcript.

Student Academic Dishonesty Policy: A student must not use or attempt to use
unauthorized assistance, materials, information, or study aids in any academic
exercise, including, but not limited to external assistance in professional or any “in
course” examination; this prohibition shall include:
● Use of books, notes, mobiles, students’ crosstalk, etc.

● Use of another person as a substitute in the examination

● Stealing examination materials or other source material.

● Use of any unauthorized assistance in a laboratory, or in fieldwork

● Altering the marks awarded in anyway.

● Claiming as his/her own, work done by others, or completed in collaboration

with others.

Plagiarism Policy: A student shall not adopt or reproduce ideas, words, or

statements of another person without appropriate acknowledgement. Assignments
will be checked for similarity using turnitin© software and decisions regarding
plagiarism taken by the faculty. Action will be taken against students found indulging
in plagiarism as per the academic integrity policy

Turnaround time for grading and giving feedback on exams and assignments:
one week from the exam time or the deadline of each assignment. A system of multi-
modal learner assessment is employed to assess the student’s knowledge, skills and
competencies which include formative and summative assessments.For
assessments involving greater subjectivity such as assignments and presentations,
two faculty will grade independently using the rubric and moderation will be done as
per the university assessment and grading policy

Complaint: for any complaint related to the course, use the following link:

9 Teaching and learning methodologies, including any use of online

1. Interactive lectures
2. Discussion
3. Role play

4 Presentations
5. Assignments

10 Course texts and recommended readings

Course Texts:
Feldman R. Understanding Psychology.15th Edition. London: McGraw
Hill;2021. ISBN10: 1264159129 | ISBN13: 9781264159123.
Cockerham WC. Medical Sociology.15th Edition. New York: Routledge; 2021.
George D. Pozgar. Legal and Ethical Issues for Health Professionals. 5th Edition.
3-. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning; 2020. ISBN-13: 978-1284144185, ISBN-
10: 1284144186
Recommended Readings:
Fadeem B. Board Review Series Behavioral science,
7thEdition.Wolter Kluwer; 2017.ISBN-13:978-149-6310-477.
Park K. Park's Textbook of Preventive and Social Medicine, 26th Edition.
India: Banarsidas Bhanot-Jabalpur; 2021. ISBN-13: 978-938-2219-163.
Runzheimer J, Larsen L J, Medical Ethics for Dummies, Wiley Publishing Inc.
Indianapolis, Indiana, 2011. ISBN: 978-0-470-87856-9
Gabe J, Monaghan L F. Key concepts in Medical Sociology. 2nd Edition.
4 London: SAGE Publishers; 2013. ISBN-10: 144-6280-799 ISBN-13: 978-144
Panthi S, Bhandari AK, Acharya R, Khatiwada P, Khanal N, Bhattarai B, et al.
Medical students’ attitude towards cultural diversity: a cross-sectional study at
5- a health sciences university in eastern Nepal. BMJ Open [Internet]. 2022 May
1;12(5):e057062. Available from:

Foster AE, Yaseen ZS. Teaching empathy in healthcare: Building a New Core
Competency. Springer Nature; 2019.

11 Course Completion Requirements

Sl. Description
1. Attendance >=80%
2. Total score >=65%
Rubrics of Assessment Elements


Name of Students: ________________________

Reg. No. of Participating Students: _______________________
Topic: ________________________________ Course Title: _______________
Date of Presentation: _____________________

Please tick mark (√) the response which best represents your answer for the following statements.

S. Strongly Strongly
Disagree Uncertain Agree
No. Disagree Agree

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

1. The project is appropriate to the course
objectives in Phase – I.
2. The objectives are clearly met by the project
3. The project is creative.
4. The project presentation is well organized.
5. The group demonstrates a good
understanding of the topic.
6. The group handles all the questions well.
7. The group demonstrated good teamwork
8. The project emphasizes a take home
Total Score (Out of 40)

Comments (If any):

Signature of Faculty: __________________________________


Name of Student: ________________________ Reg. No:

Topic: ________________________________ Course Title:
Due date for submission: __________________ Date of
Submission: ______________

Please tick mark (√) the response which best represents your option for
the following statements.
No Content
1 2 3 4 5

Knowledge / Understanding (50%)

1. Coverage of learning
2. Review of literature

3. Knowledge / understanding of
Organization (50%)
4. Organization of ideas, and
integration of references into
the development of idea
5. Language and grammar
6. Bibliography / Referencing
Total Score (Out of 30)

Rating Scale:
1- Poor (Pr)
2- Acceptable (AC)
3- Good (GD)
4- Very Good (VG)
5- Excellent (EX)

Signature of Faculty: __________________________________

Duration 20 Minutes
Marks 20
Type of Questions

Marks 20
Essay + Presentation
Type of assignment

Mid semester examination

Mid semester examination Duration 45 Minutes

Marks 20
Type of Questions

Final examination
Duration 60 Minutes
Marks 40
Type of Questions
Alignment of Teaching and Assessment Methods to CLOs

Teaching /
Sl. No. Course Learning Outcomes Learning Assessment
Activity(ies) Method(s)

Class tests,
CLO1 Describe the Interactive Lectures
Assignments rubrics
contribution and the importance Discussion
End Semester
1 of human behavior and Role Play
socialization of the healthcare Assignments
Presentation rubrics
professionals Presentation

CLO2 Explain the roles of various

institutions like family, community Interactive Lectures Class tests,
2 and society and their change in Discussion Assignments rubrics
trends, their effects of health of a Assignments
Interactive Lectures
CLO3 Identify the psychosocial
aspect of human development Class tests,
3 Role Play
through the life span and its
importance in health

CLO4 Recognize and appreciate

the need for motivation and Interactive Lectures Class tests,
emotion to work with other health Discussion Assignments rubrics
care professionals in the Presentation Presentation rubrics
management and health promotion
for all patients

CLO5 Analyze the contribution of Class tests,

learning, memory, personality in Interactive Lectures Assignments rubrics
Discussion End Semester
5 human behavior and its impact on
Assignments Examination
health, disease, and health related Presentation Presentation rubrics

CLO6 List ways to coping with Interactive Lectures

6 frustration, stress, phobia, and Discussion Assignments rubrics
Role Play
conflict in daily life

CLO7 Demonstrate the Interactive Lectures

ability to communicate with Discussion Presentation rubrics
7 colleagues during seminars and Role Play
group sessions Presentation
Class tests,
CLO8 Apply the Interactive Lectures Assignments rubrics
principles of law, ethics, Discussion End Semester
bioethics, etiquette, and Assignments Examination
protocol to healthcare settings Presentation Presentation rubrics

CLO9 Demonstrate Interactive Lectures

awareness to maintain ethical Discussion
9 Presentation rubrics
values in interactions with Role Play
peers and mentors. Presentation

Interactive Lectures Class tests,

Discussion Assignments rubrics
CLO10 Relate life –long
Role Play End Semester
10 learning for personal and
Assignments Examination
professional development
Presentation Presentation rubrics
Alignment of CLOs to PLOs
(The table below depicts the contribution of the Course Learning Outcomes to the Achievement of Program
Learning Outcomes. Clicking on the hyperlink leads to the relevant PLO in the document)
Sl. No. Course Learning Program Learning Outcome Competences
Outcomes Domain and Competency
Based Interpersonal
Patient & Knowledge Ethics Systems
Practice, and
Population for & and Cost-
and Communication
Care Practice Professionalism Effective
Lifelong Skills
Describe the
contribution and the
importance of
CLO1 human behavior and PLO1
socialization of the
Explain the roles of
various institutions
like family,
CLO2 community and
society and their
change in trends,
their effects of
health of a person
CLO3 Identify the PLO11
psychosocial aspect
of human
through the life span
and its importance
in health
Recognize and
appreciate the need
for motivation and
emotion to work with
CLO4 other health care PLO30
professionals in the
management and
health promotion for
all patients
Analyze the
contribution of
learning, memory,
personality in
human behavior and
its impact on health,
disease, and health
related behavior
List ways to coping
with frustration,
stress, phobia, and
conflict in daily life
Demonstrate the
ability to
communicate with
colleagues during
seminars and group
CLO8 Apply the principles PLO27
of law, ethics,
bioethics, etiquette,
and protocol to
healthcare settings
awareness to
maintain ethical
values in
interactions with
peers and mentors.
Relate life –long
learning for personal
and professional

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