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YIJOM-4469; No of Pages 4

Int. J. Oral Maxillofac. Surg. 2019; xxx: xxx–xxx, available online at

Technical Note
Orthognathic Surgery

Minimally invasive intraoral O. L. Haas Junior1,2, R. Fariña3,4,5,

F. Hernández-Alfaro6,7,
R. B. de Oliveira1,2

proportional condylectomy with

Department of Oral and Maxillofacial
Surgery, Pontifı́cia Universidade Católica do
Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil; 2Oral
and Maxillofacial Surgery, Hospital São

a three-dimensionally printed Lucas, Porto Alegre, Brazil; 3Department of

Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Hospital del
Salvador, Providencia, Región Metropolitana,
Chile; 4Department of Oral and Maxillofacial
cutting guide Surgery, Hospital San Borja Arriarán,
Santiago, Chile; 5Oral and Maxillofacial
Surgery, Universidad de Chile, Santiago,
Chile; 6Department of Oral and Maxillofacial
Surgery, Universitat Internacional de
O. L. Haas Junior, R. Fariña, F. Hernández-Alfaro, R. B. de Oliveira: Minimally Catalunya, Sant Cugat del Vallès, Barcelona,
invasive intraoral proportional condylectomy with a three-dimensionally printed Spain; 7Institute of Maxillofacial Surgery,
cutting guide. Int. J. Oral Maxillofac. Surg. 2019; xxx: xxx–xxx. ã 2020 International Teknon Medical Centre, Barcelona, Spain
Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights

Abstract. The aim of this study was to describe the steps of a minimally invasive
surgical technique used to perform a proportional intraoral condylectomy with a
three-dimensionally (3D) printed cutting guide. The technique consists of two steps:
virtual surgical planning and intraoral condylectomy. During virtual surgical
planning, the mandibular ramus was measured bilaterally, the height of the
proportional condylectomy was planned virtually, and a cutting guide was 3D
printed. In the intraoral condylectomy, the mandibular condyle was approached
intraorally, the 3D printed cutting guide was positioned in the sigmoid notch, and
Key words: temporomandibular joint; condylar
the proportional condylectomy was performed. The protocol reported in this hyperplasia; intraoral; computer-assisted; CAD/
technical note is the sum of knowledge acquired from a series of studies published CAM; minimally invasive surgery.
previously by the authors, who have jointly developed a surgical technique that is
both minimally invasive and accurate for the treatment of condylar hyperplasia. Accepted for publication 26 June 2020

Condylar hyperplasia is a condition that the literature, and the following may be technique used to perform a proportional
causes excessive growth of the mandibular indicated: orthognathic surgery alone; intraoral condylectomy with a three-di-
condyle, occurring unilaterally or bilater- high, low, or proportional condylectomy mensionally (3D) printed cutting guide.
ally, with consequences that result in de- alone; or a combination of these techni-
formities and facial asymmetry1,2. ques3,4. Currently, computer-aided design
According to Wolford et al.2, this hyper- and computer-aided manufacturing
plastic growth can be classified into four (CAD/CAM) technology is an important
types (1, 2, 3, and 4), with types 1 and 2 tool to assist in the planning of these The surgical protocol described here is
showing a higher prevalence. surgical techniques5,6. indicated mainly for cases of condylar
Methods for the treatment of condylar The aim of this study was to describe the hyperplasia types 1 and 2 (Wolford clas-
hyperplasia have been described widely in steps of a minimally invasive surgical sification2) requiring condylectomy,

0901-5027/000001+04 ã 2020 International Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article in press as: Haas OL, et al. Minimally invasive intraoral proportional condylectomy with a three-dimensionally
printed cutting guide, Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg (2020),
YIJOM-4469; No of Pages 4

2 Haas Junior et al.

which may be combined or not with (Fig. 1A). An osteotomy was planned in the ascending mandibular ramus, followed
orthognathic surgery. the condylar neck region, extending from by total mucoperiosteal flap elevation to
the highest point of the condyle towards the expose the coronoid process, osteotomy of
sigmoid notch, a distance covering the ver- the coronoid process to better visualize the
Virtual surgical planning tical difference between the two mandibular sigmoid notch, sub-periosteal access to the
DICOM data files obtained from full-face rami (Fig. 1B). condylar process to dissect off the lateral
cone beam computed tomography scans pterygoid muscle and articular capsule,
(CBCT) (i-CAT; Imaging Sciences Inter- and intermaxillary fixation of a locking
3D printed cutting guide screw (above the osteotomy region) with
national, Inc., Hatfield, PA, USA) were
imported into Dolphin 3D Imaging soft- The DICOM images of the mandibular braided steel wire9.
ware, version 11.95 (Dolphin Imaging and ramus with condylar hyperplasia were
Management Solutions, Chatsworth, CA, converted into stereolithography (STL)
USA). The vertical CBCT scans were format in Dolphin 3D Imaging software.
performed in ‘extended field’ mode with The STL file was then imported and Proportional condylectomy
a field of view (FOV) of 17 cm diameter, opened in the free 3D Builder software (surgical stage)
22 cm height; the scan time was 2  20 s, (Windows 10; Microsoft Corporation,
Redmond, WA, USA) to model a cutting After access to the condylar region, the
the voxel size was 0.4 mm, and settings cutting guide was positioned on the ana-
were 120 kV and 48 mA. guide that anatomically fits the condylar
neck and covers the area from the sigmoid tomical surface corresponding to its sur-
notch to the previously defined osteotomy face-best-fit, as delimited during the 3D
line of the proportional condylectomy process of the proportional condylect-
Proportional condylectomy (3D planning
(Fig. 1C). omy (Fig. 2A). A horizontal osteotomy
As the last step of the CAD/CAM pro- was performed using a piezoelectric sur-
The difference in vertical size between the tocol, the cutting guide modelled in 3D gery device at the rear end of the cutting
side with condylar hyperplasia and the un- Builder was fabricated using a 3D printer. guide and the upper portion of the man-
affected side was determined by performing dibular condyle was separated from the
bilateral linear measurements from the rest of the mandible (Fig. 2B). The steel
mandibular angle to the highest point in Intraoral condylectomy wire fixed with a locking screw was then
the condyle region. The vertical difference pulled to remove the surgical specimen
Intraoral approach
between the two sides was used as a refer- (Fig. 2C). Suture was performed with
ence for the height of the proportional con- An electrocautery incision was made in continuous stitches using absorbable su-
dylectomy on the hyperplastic side1,7,8 the buccal mucosa region in contact with ture material.

Fig. 1. (A) Proportional condylectomy virtual planning. (B) Confirming that the entire diseased area will be removed. (C) Proportional
condylectomy cutting guide.

Please cite this article in press as: Haas OL, et al. Minimally invasive intraoral proportional condylectomy with a three-dimensionally
printed cutting guide, Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg (2020),
YIJOM-4469; No of Pages 4

Intraoral proportional condylectomy 3

Fig. 2. (A) Cutting guide in surgical position. (B) Osteotomy. (C) Proportional condylectomy with intraoral approach.

Discussion Given the reliability of this combination bining knowledge we managed to develop
of techniques, it can also be used in cases a technically simple protocol to be shared
The combination of techniques, such as where both a condylectomy and orthog- and reproduced in the clinical setting.
intraoral access to the condyle9 and pro- nathic surgery are performed in the same
portional condylectomy1,7,8, helps further surgical session. The cutting guide provides
develop the concept of a minimally inva- precision with respect to the height of the Funding
sive surgical procedure. This provides an mandibular rami6, increasing the ability to There was no funding for this study.
approach that results in less damage to the reproduce the virtual planning of orthog-
articular soft tissue region and an osteot- nathic surgery to correct facial asymmetry,
omy technique that allows removal of the which is known to be accurate5. When only Competing interests
diseased condylar bone as early as possi- a condylectomy is performed, the technique
ble, in order to maintain the vertical bal- There are no conflicts of interest.
described here takes no longer than 25
ance of the mandibular rami and avoid a minutes, as it allows a rapid and direct
more invasive surgical intervention in the approach to the hyperplastic region9. There- Ethical approval
future in the case of dentofacial deformi- fore, when performed in combination with
ties, such as asymmetry, as a sequela of orthognathic surgery, this short period of Not required.
condylar hyperplasia. time is added to the total intervention time.
To improve the minimally invasive con- Also, this combination reduces the chance Patient consent
cept and give more precision to the surgical of infection, because both procedures are
procedure of proportional condylectomy performed through the same intraoral ac- Written patient consent was obtained to
with an intraoral approach, a cutting guide cess, avoiding communication between the publish the surgical photographs.
was fabricated using CAD/CAM technolo- intraoral and extraoral environment, as
gy. The cutting guide has reduced dimen- reported previously with similar techni-
sions compatible with a limited surgical ques6. References
approach and no prominent structures for The technique described here has al- 1. Fariña R, Moreno E, Lolas J, Silva F, Martı́-
its fixation, and it can be anatomically fitted ready been used by the authors in condylar nez B. Three-dimensional skeletal changes
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pathological area or the hyperplastic area. ously by the authors of this arti- BCE. Efficacy of proportional versus high
After this step, the cutting guide can easily cle1,5,7,8,9,10, before the collaborative condylectomy in active condylar hyperpla-
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skills, avoiding the need to use specialized which is both minimally invasive and 5. Haas Jr OL, Becker OE, de Oliveira RB.
software. accurate. Thus, we believe that by com- Computer-aided planning in orthognathic

Please cite this article in press as: Haas OL, et al. Minimally invasive intraoral proportional condylectomy with a three-dimensionally
printed cutting guide, Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg (2020),
YIJOM-4469; No of Pages 4

4 Haas Junior et al.

surgery—systematic review. Int J Oral Max- portional condylectomy: is secondary Address:

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JP, Uribe F. High condylectomy versus pro- 30:2555–9.

Please cite this article in press as: Haas OL, et al. Minimally invasive intraoral proportional condylectomy with a three-dimensionally
printed cutting guide, Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg (2020),

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