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“The Efficiency of Removing the Haircut Policy for the Male Students in SPCC”

Good After-noon, Sir. Alex we would like to conduct this title. As students, we all been
realizing that haircut policy has been really a school problem especially nowadays does it really
necessity for the male student to do it or just let them have the hair length they want? Small
and simple things, but it’s hindered in our wishes. As a student, among the few young people I
asked, some of them had the same answer but some would be different. But when I asked, the
young men's answer was that it was more likely that the policy to have a proper hair cut would
be removed because hair is not based on how we study and live inside and outside of school. It
is said that it still remains with the young people if they want to see their education in life. So, it
is better to continue promoting it to have the freedom to choose what suits each one and to
have the confidence to participate and show what and who they are. Thus, removal of the
haircut policy for male students may have been chosen to strengthen individual freedom of
expression and promote openness to the diversity of each student.

“The Significance of Removing the K-12 Curriculum for Junior High School Students in SPCC”
Good After-noon once again our group would like to conduct this study to know if K-12
does really have significance for students or just adds problem to them financially and not to let
them graduate early and have a job to provide for their daily life. As we all know that under K-
12, Filipino youth will attend kindergarten for a year, elementary school for six years, junior
high school for four years, and senior high school for an extra two years under K–12 standards.
The extra two years of senior high will be spent "specializing" in areas related to academics,
athletics, the arts and design, or technical-vocational livelihoods. In other words, to make them
prepare more as they enter college. Does removing K-12 will really benefit students or having K-
12 will benefit students? And that’s why we would like to conduct this study.

“How the Environment of HUMSS Students in SPCC Affects their Lives through their Academic

Here is our third title that we would like to conduct since we have been observed that
most of students nowadays has a different environment to grow on as they learn. Do friends,
love life, families, and any other environment you are on really affects academic or it still up to
you as an individual? The environment in which HUMSS students at SPCC are situated plays a
crucial role in shaping their academic success and overall well-being. That's why they affect
their academic success. For example, if they bullied you in school with their insults, it can affect
you and cause affection for your academic success. By providing a supportive, inclusive, and
resource-rich environment, they can also take action for those students affected by bullying,
empowering them to reach their full potential and achieve academic excellence.

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