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I. DIRECTIONS: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write your answers on the space before the number.
____1. Convert the following temperature to Kelvin: 0°C, -50°C and -20°C.
A. 273K, 223K, 253K C. 233K, 253K, 263K
B. 253K, 243K, 273K D. 243K, 223K, 273K
____2. Convert the following temperature to Celsius: 200K, 50K and 20K.
A. -70°C, -250°C and -120°C C. -80°C, -250°C and -220°C
B. -73°C, -223°C and -253°C D. -90°C, -150°C and -220°C
____3. Convert 2.5 atm to mmHg
A. 244,200 mmHg B. 224,200 mmHg C. 234,200 mmHg D. 223,200 mmHg
____4. Convert 790 mmHg to atm
A. 1.04 atm B. 1.05 atm C. 1.06 atm D. 1.07 atm
____5. Convert 880 torr to atm
A. 1.14 atm B. 1.15 atm C. 1.16 atm D. 1.17atm
____6. Pressure is the force per unit
A. volume. B. surface area. C. length. D. depth.
____7. Standard temperature is exactly
A. 100°C B. 273°C C. 0°C D. 0 K
____8. Determine what elements are denoted by the following electron configuration: 1s22s22p63s23p4
A. sulfur B. fluorine C. oxygen D. carbon
____9. Determine the electron configuration of Bromine.
A. 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d104p6 C. 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d10
B. 1s22s22p63s23p6 D. 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d104p5
____10. What should you call cyclic hydrocarbons made up of just single bonds?
A. Cycloalkanes B. Diene C. Hydrocarbon D. phenyl
____11. The C6H5- group has a special name. What is it?
A. Cycloalkanes B. Diene C. Hydrogen bonds D. phenyl
____12. What should you call a molecule with two C=Cs?
A. Cycloalkanes B. Diene C. Hydrocarbon D. phenyl

____13. What family does it belong to?

A. Primary Alcohol B. Secondary Alcohol C. Alkene D. Aldehyde

____14. What family does it belong to?

A. Primary Alcohol B. Secondary Alcohol C. Alkene D. Aldehyde

____15._________ are pairs of molecules having the same chemical formula but different chemical structures.
A. Chain B. Isomers C. Functional D. Positional

What type of structural isomerism does it belong to?

A. Chain B. Isomers C. Functional D. Positional

____17. What type of molecular geometry?

A. Linear B. Trigonal pyramidal C. Trigonal planar D. Tetrahedral

____18. What type of molecular geometry?

A. Linear B. Bent C. Trigonal planar D. Tetrahedral

____19. What compound has atoms that share one or more pairs of valence electrons?
A. Covalent B. Ionic C. Electronic D. Polarity
____20. What compound has atoms that donate or transfer electrons from one atom to another?
A. Covalent B. Ionic C. Electronic D. Polarity

II. Choose the letter of the best answer. Write your answers on the space before the number.
Perform the following calculation. Assume any variable not listed is held constant. (2 points each)

____21. If the initial pressure and volume of a balloon is 2.85 L at 1.00 atm, what is the pressure required to compress the
balloon to a volume of 1.70 L? P1V1 = P2V2 (Boyle’s Law)
A. P2 = 1.68 atm B. P2 = 1.86 atm C. P2 = 1.82 atm D. P2 = 1.79 atm

____22. Calculate the volume occupied by 16.5 g of methane @ STP.

A. 22.3 L CH4 B. 21 L CH4 C. 12 L CH4 D. 23.1 L CH4

____23. A balloon has a volume of 43.0 L at 20 °C. What is its volume at -5 °C? (Charles’s Law) V 1/T1 = V2/T2
A. V2 = 34.5 L B. V2 = 35.9 L C. V2 = 39.3 L D. V2 = 34 L
____24. A sample of gas has a volume of 735 mL at a pressure of 1.20 atm and a temperature of 112 °C. 112° C = 385.15
K. What is the volume of the gas at 658 mmHg and 281 K? 658 mm Hg = 0.866 atm P1V1/T1 = P2V2/T2
A. V2 = 734 mL B. V2 = 730 mL C. V2 = 743 mL D. V2 = 724 mL

____25. 5.600 g of solid CO2 is put in an empty sealed 4.00 L container at a temperature of 300 K. When all the solid
CO2 becomes gas, what will be the pressure in the container?
A. P = 0.7381 atm B. P= 0.7831 atm C. P= 0.8731 atm D. P= 0.8735
III. Fill in the box. Complete the statement or appropriate numbers, structure, shape/geometry and words.

26. NI3

27. CCl4

28. BCl3

29. CH2Br2

30. SO3


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