MD2 Subject Outline

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48650 Mechanical Design 2

Course area UTS: Engineering
Delivery Autumn 2020; City
Fields of practice: Mechanical Engineering, Mechanical and Mechatronic
Engineering, Mechatronic Engineering majors
Credit points 6cp
Requisite(s) 48600 Mechanical Design 1 AND 48642 Strength of Engineering Materials
Result type Grade and marks

Recommended studies: 48331 Mechanics of Solids

Subject coordinator
Dr Nick Bennett

Room: CB11.09.117
Phone: 02 9514 2995

Teaching staff
Dr Paul Walker (Lecturer)


Mr Phuc Khang (Michael) Tran (Tutor)


Mr Campbell Cain-Carney (Tutor)


Ms Anna Lidfors Lindqvist (Tutor)


If you have any questions regarding personal matters (illness, extensions, etc) please email the Subject Coordinator.
For content and assessments related matters please ask directly during lectures and tutorials or alternatively post
them to the discussion board in UTS Online. This helps ensure that all students get the benefit of the answers given.

Subject description
This subject builds on and brings together the concepts introduced in earlier subjects, such as 48600 Mechanical
Design 1, 48610 Introduction to Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering, and 48620 Fundamentals of Mechanical
Engineering, along with the technical knowledge built up until this stage of the course. It provides a link between
engineering science and practice, and focuses on the technical aspects of engineering design, for instance, identifying
and conducting the relevant engineering analysis and subsequently making appropriate technical level design
decisions and recommendations.

Subject learning objectives (SLOs)

Upon successful completion of this subject students should be able to:
1. Apply engineering knowledge and science in real world practice.
2. Extend beyond their technical basis and understand and appreciate the scope of design choice in an engineering
Confidently apply their professional and technical background to identify areas requiring attention.
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3. Confidently apply their professional and technical background to identify areas requiring attention.
4. Critique the engineering work of peers and subsequently improve said work through doing so.
5. Conduct the relevant technical analysis to back their recommendations.
6. Communicate and document design ideas, decisions, justifications, calculations and outcomes effectively and

Course intended learning outcomes (CILOs)

This subject also contributes specifically to the development of the following Course Intended Learning Outcomes
Design Oriented: FEIT graduates apply problem solving, design and decision-making methodologies to develop
components, systems and processes to meet specified requirements. (C.1)
Technically Proficient: FEIT graduates apply abstraction, mathematics and discipline fundamentals, software, tools
and techniques to evaluate, implement and operate systems. (D.1)
Collaborative and Communicative: FEIT graduates work as an effective member or leader of diverse teams,
communicating effectively and operating within cross-disciplinary and cross-cultural contexts in the workplace.

Teaching and learning strategies

Student learning in the subject is facilitated through a combination of online and on-campus activities. On-campus
activities include a large class session (Lec1) of 2-hours duration that all students enrolled in the subject are expected
to attend and a 2-hour tutorial(Tut)/lab(Cmp) session that all students allocated to that activity are expected to attend.
The large class session will typically involve group discussion activities interspersed with lecture style presentations of
varying length of the weekly topic. Group discussions will be focused on critiquing an existing mechanical design
proposal (the "Junior Engineering Design Report").

Students are expected to read the indicated material and view the online resources, such as video lectures/tutorials,
supplier websites and catalogues, etc, before the on-campus activities so that this time can be more effectively used
for discussion and other collaborative activities rather than for presenting material that most people can understand on
their own.

The tutorial(Tut)/lab(Cmp) sessions provide opportunities for students to work at solving practical examples of the
weekly topic, where mentors will be providing guidance/assistance. Students are expected to solve one simple
practical exercise before the tutorial. The on-campus activity will be used to collaboratively solve a complex practical
exercise and to have a group discussion of both exercises.

Quizzes will be used to facilitate student learning by providing quick feedback on fundamental concepts of the recent
topics through objectively assessed short questions/calculations.

Real-world problem solving will be facilitated by the assignments, which will contribute to the subject objectives
through a thorough analysis of existing mechanical designs.

Content (topics)
The subject includes the following topics:

• Elements - Gears, frictional devices, brakes, clutches, shafts, bearings, lubrication and springs

• Optimisation and Simulation

• Finite Elements Analysis (FEA)

• Mechanisms

Week/Session Dates Description

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1 9 Mar Lecture giving an overview of Mechanical Design and an introduction to the subject

<Quiz 0 - Review of JEDR - due before Week 2 Lecture>


View online material and read Subject Outline.

Read carefully the "Junior Engineering Design Proposal".

All material is available on UTSOnline.

2 16 Mar Lecture on Elements (Gears and Gearing) & JEDR - Specifications and Design

Tutorial - gears and gearing


After the lecture on Gears read the relevant part of the "Junior Engineering Design
Report" (JEDR) and understand where gears are involved and the design
configuration. Login on UTSOnline and answer the questions in Quiz 0. This quiz will
not be marked but you are required to complete.

A review of gears online material is also required.

Prior to the tutorial, go through the gears section of the JEDR.

3 23 Mar Lecture on Elements (Frictional devices) and JEDR - Shaft Speed, Torque and Gear

Face-to-face Discussion during Lecture time

Tutorial - frictional devices


After the lecture on the frictional devices read the related JEDR chapter 3.

There will be a face-to-face discussion on the lecture time slot. A review of frictional
devices online material is also required.

Prior to the tutorial, go through the pulley and belt specification of the JEDR.

4 30 Mar Lecture on Elements (Shafts, bearing & lubrication) and JEDR - Pulley and Belt
Specification (Chapter 4)

Tutorial - shafts, bearing & lubrication

< Quiz 1 - Elements Gears/Friction - is in this week's computer lab >


After the lecture on the shafts and bearing consider the design choices of the JEDR
on the pulley and belt specification. A review on shafts, bearings & lubrication online
material is also required.

Prior to the tutorial, go through the shaft layout of the JEDR.

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5 6 Apr Lecture on Elements (Springs) and JEDR - Shaft Layout and Specification (Chapter

Face-to-face discussion during the lecture time

Tutorial - springs


After the lecture, analyse (either individually or in groups) the design choices of the
JEDR on the shafts. A review on springs online material is also required.

Prior to the tutorial go through the idler pulley and spring section of the JEDR.

6 13 Apr Lecture on Mechanisms and JEDR - Idler Pulley and Spring (Chapter 7)

Tutorial - Mechanisms

< Quiz 2 - Elements Shafts, Bearings, Lub and Springs - is in this week's computer
lab >


Review lecture on the mechanism and the design choices of the JEDR on the idler
pulley and spring. A review on mechanisms online material is also required.

S1 20 Apr Mid-Session StuVac

7 27 Apr Lecture on Optimisation

Face-to-face Discussion during the lecture time

Tutorial - Optimisation


Prior to this lecture and tutorial, review online material on optimisation.

8 4 May Lecture on Finite Element Analysis (FEA)

Tutorial - FEA

< Quiz 3 - JEDR - is in this week's computer lab >

< JEDR Assignment due this week >


Prior to the lecture, read Chapters 1-4 of the FEA reference book (link will be vailable
on UTSOnline).

Online material will be available to prepare for this session.

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9 11 May Finite Element Analysis

Tutorial - FEA


Follow instructions on UTSOnline.

Online material will be available to prepare for this session.

10 18 May Finite Element Analysis

Tutorial - FEA

< Quiz 4 - Mechanisms and Optimisation - is in this week's computer lab >


Follow instructions on UTSOnline.

Online material will be available to prepare for this session.

11 25 May Finite Element Analysis

Tutorial - FEA


Follow instructions on UTSOnline.

Online material will be available to prepare for this session.

12 1 Jun Invited Lecture - Mechanical Design Process (A Research Example)

Finite Element Analysis

Tutorial - FEA

< Quiz 5 - FEA - is in this week's computer lab >

< FEA Assignment Due this week >

S2 8 Jun End-Session StuVac

Assessment task 1: Quizzes x5
Intent: Quizzes aim to objectively assess students' understanding of the fundamental concepts of the recent
topics through short questions/calculations.

Objective(s): This assessment task addresses the following subject learning objectives (SLOs):

1 and 3

This assessment task contributes to the development of the following Course Intended Learning
Outcomes (CILOs):


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Type: Quiz/test

Groupwork: Individual

Weight: 50%

Task: Answer a number of short fundamental questions and calculations covering previous weeks topics.

Due: Quiz 1 - Week 4

Quiz 2 - Week 6
Quiz 3 - Week 8
Quiz 4 - Week 10
Quiz 5 - Week 12
Dues dates are subject to change during the teaching period. Any changes will be announced in
class and via UTSOnline.

Criteria: The quizzes will utilise the elements in the chapters of the “Junior Engineer’s Design Proposal” and
the FEA material that were covered in the preceding 1-3 week’s lectures and tutorials. The quiz will
then probe the engineering analysis, and/or design choices, and/or design approach in a directed
manner. The student will be expected to answer a number of fundamental questions surrounding the
topic area/s covered in the preceding weeks' lectures and tutorials and one quiz will be dedicated to
critique and/or complete the analysis in the “Junior Engineer’s Design Proposal” and critique and/or
extrapolate the recommendations contained in the report (this quiz will be closely related to
Assignment 1).

The quizzes will be conducted through UTSOnline and under exam conditions. Any changes on quiz
dates will be confirmed during the course.

Assessment task 2: Assignments x2

Intent: The intent of the assignments is to assess the ability of the student to identify and conduct the
relevant engineering analysis and make appropriate technical design decisions and

Objective(s): This assessment task addresses the following subject learning objectives (SLOs):

1, 2, 4, 5 and 6

This assessment task contributes to the development of the following Course Intended Learning
Outcomes (CILOs):

C.1, D.1 and E.1

Type: Report

Groupwork: Group, individually assessed

Weight: 50%

Task: The assessments of Mechanical Design 2 revolve around a 'Junior Engineer's Design Proposal',
which is distributed to the students during orientation week. Whilst the 'Junior Engineer's Design
Proposal' covers most areas delivered during the subject, in some instances the contained
engineering analysis, technical level design decisions and recommendations are incomplete,
questionable and/or one of a number of alternative design solutions. The assessments are directed at
these shortcomings.

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1. Critiquing and extrapolating the recommendations contained in the report, and

2. Developing and analysing computational models that allow you to substantiate recommendations.

Due: Assignment 1 - Week 8

Assignment 2 - Week 12
Dues dates are subject to change during the teaching period. Any changes will be announced in
class and via UTS Online.

Criteria: There will be a total of 2 assignments, both worth 25% of the subject.

Assignment 1 will utilise the sections of “Junior Engineer’s Design Proposal”. The student will be
expected to critique and/or complete the analysis in the “Junior Engineer’s Design Proposal” and
critique and/or extrapolate the recommendations contained in the reports. The assignment will then
probe the engineering analysis, and/or design choices, and/or design approach in a directed manner.
One of the quizzes will be based on this analysis. Students may bring the printed copy of their
assignment to the associated quiz.

Assignment 2 will include several component analysis exercises which aim to develop student
understanding of theoretical stress analysis and FE methods and their application, advantages,
disadvantages and limitations. There will also be a more practical analysis/design task in which
students apply their understanding to a real world example.​

Both assignments will be submitted via UTSOnline.

Assessment feedback
Practice quizzes (similar to actual quizzes) will be avaible on UTSOnline together with the worked solutions, previous
to each quiz.

Quizzes are objectively self-marked and feedback via marks will be available within days of completing the quiz.

Tutors will provide group and individual feedback during class.

Minimum requirements
In order to pass the subject, a student must achieve an overall mark of 50% or more.

Recommended texts
No text is required for this subject. However, if a reference is required, some mechanical design texts include:

* Norton, Machine Design, 5th Ed., Pearson

* Shigley & Mischke, Mechanical Engineering Design, McGraw-Hill

* Mott, R.L., Machine Elements in Mechanical Design, 4th Ed., Pearson

* Kurowski, P.M., Finite Element Analysis for Design Engineers, 2004, SAE International, Warrendale, USA

Hamrock et al, Fundamentals of Machine Elements, 2nd Ed., McGraw-Hill

(* Indicates a particularly useful text for complementing the subject)

Graduate attribute development

For a full list of the faculty's graduate attributes refer to the FEIT Graduate Attributes webpage.

For the contribution of subjects taken in the Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) or Master of Professional Engineering
to the Engineers Australia Stage 1 Competencies, see the faculty's Graduate Attributes and the Engineers Australia
Stage 1 Competencies webpage.

Assessment: faculty procedures and advice

Marking criteria

Marking criteria for each assessment task will be available on the Learning Management System: UTS Online.

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When, due to extenuating circumstances, you are unable to submit or present an assessment task on time, please
contact your subject coordinator before the assessment task is due to discuss an extension. Extensions may be
granted up to a maximum of 5 days (120 hours). In all cases you should have extensions confirmed in writing.

Special consideration

If you believe your performance in an assessment item or exam has been adversely affected by circumstances
beyond your control, such as a serious illness, loss or bereavement, hardship, trauma, or exceptional employment
demands, you may be eligible to apply for Special Consideration.

Late penalty

Work submitted late without an approved extension is subject to a late penalty of 10 per cent of the total available
marks deducted per calendar day that the assessment is overdue (e.g. if an assignment is out of 40 marks, and is
submitted (up to) 24 hours after the deadline without an extension, the student will have four marks deducted from
their awarded mark). Work submitted after five calendar days is not accepted and a mark of zero is awarded.

For some assessment tasks a late penalty may not be appropriate – these are clearly indicated in the subject outline.
Such assessments receive a mark of zero if not completed by/on the specified date. Examples include:
a. weekly online tests or laboratory work worth a small proportion of the subject mark, or
b. online quizzes where answers are released to students on completion, or
c. professional assessment tasks, where the intention is to create an authentic assessment that has an absolute
submission date, or
d. take-home papers that are assessed during a defined time period, or
e. pass/fail assessment tasks.

Querying results

If you wish to query the result of an assessment task or the final result for a subject:
Assessment task: query the result with the Subject Coordinator within 5 working days of the date of release of the
Final subject result: submit an application for review within 5 working days of the official release of the final subject

Academic liaison officer

Academic liaison officers (ALOs) are academic staff in each faculty who assist students experiencing difficulties in
their studies due to: disability and/or an ongoing health condition; carer responsibilities (e.g. being a primary carer for
small children or a family member with a disability); and pregnancy.

ALOs are responsible for approving adjustments to assessment arrangements for students in these categories.
Students who require adjustments due to disability and/or an ongoing health condition are requested to discuss their
situation with an accessibility consultant at the Accessibility Service before speaking to the relevant ALO.

Statement about assessment procedures and advice

This subject outline must be read in conjunction with the Coursework Assessments policy and procedures.

Statement on copyright
Teaching materials and resources provided to you at UTS are protected by copyright. You are not permitted to re-use
these for commercial purposes (including in kind benefit or gain) without permission of the copyright owner. Improper
or illegal use of teaching materials may lead to prosecution for copyright infringement.

Statement on plagiarism
Plagiarism and academic integrity

At UTS, plagiarism is defined in Rule 16.2.1(4) as: 'taking and using someone else's ideas or manner of expressing
them and passing them off as ... [their] own by failing to give appropriate acknowledgement of the source to seek to
gain an advantage by unfair means'.

The definition infers that if a source is appropriately referenced, the student's work will meet the required academic

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standard. Plagiarism is a literary or an intellectual theft and is unacceptable both academically and professionally. It
can take a number of forms including but not limited to:
copying any section of text, no matter how brief, from a book, journal, article or other written source without duly
acknowledging the source
copying any map, diagram, table or figure without duly acknowledging the source
paraphrasing or otherwise using the ideas of another author without duly acknowledging the source
re-using sections of verbatim text without using quote marks to indicate the text was copied from the source (even if
a reference is given).

Other breaches of academic integrity that constitute cheating include but are not limited to:
submitting work that is not a student's own, copying from another student, recycling another student's work,
recycling previously submitted work, and working with another student in the same cohort in a manner that exceeds
the boundaries of legitimate cooperation
purchasing an assignment from a website and submitting it as original work
requesting or paying someone else to write original work, such as an assignment, essay or computer program, and
submitting it as original work.

Students who condone plagiarism and other breaches of academic integrity by allowing their work to be copied are
also subject to student misconduct Rules.

Where proven, plagiarism and other breaches of misconduct are penalised in accordance with UTS Student Rules
Section 16 – Student misconduct and appeals.

Avoiding plagiarism is one of the main reasons why the Faculty of Engineering and IT is insistent on the thorough and
appropriate referencing of all written work. Students may seek assistance regarding appropriate referencing through

Work submitted electronically may be subject to similarity detection software. Student work must be submitted in a
format able to be assessed by the software (e.g. doc, pdf (text files), rtf, html).

Further information about avoiding plagiarism at UTS is available.

Retention of student work

The University reserves the right to retain the original or one copy of any work executed and/or submitted by a student
as part of the course including, but not limited to, drawings, models, designs, plans and specifications, essays,
programs, reports and theses, for any of the purposes designated in Student Rule 3.9.2. Such retention is not to affect
any copyright or other intellectual property right that may exist in the student's work. Copies of student work may be
retained for a period of up to five years for course accreditation purposes. Students are advised to contact their subject
coordinator if they do not consent to the University retaining a copy of their work.

Statement on UTS email account

Email from the University to a student will only be sent to the student's UTS email address. Email sent from a student
to the University must be sent from the student's UTS email address. University staff will not respond to email from
any other email accounts for currently enrolled students.

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