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SOP eExperimentation Room 2S009A

Usage of the room 2S009A : “Salle experimentation”

General description:
As described in Form H, Rthe room 2S009A is an experimentation room used by the scientific
collaboratorsscientists of from the Prof. Gonzalez-Gaitan (GG) and Prof. De Simone (DS) labs, as well
asincluding animal care-takers dedicated to both fish facilities. The room is used as an injection room
as well as the home base for the animal care-takers from the GG lab. Nobody else is allowed to use
this room without the validation of one or the other professor. Room 2S009A gives access to two
extended additional rooms (2S009B, 2S009C). Their use and accessibility is are described in the final
section of this SOPbelow.

EquipmentSet up:
Room 2S009A is shared between the Prof. Gonzalez-Gaitan and Prof. De Simone.
Prof. Gonzalez-Gaitan The GG lab has a desk with a computer and a binocular dissecting microscope.
Underneath, two cupboards contain tools and equipment for the maintenance of the fish facility.
Another table is dedicated to two injector setupss. The GG lab group also have has a fridge/freezer
in the room to store fish food, drugs, samples and fish dead bodies.

Prof. De SimoneDS lab has a table for injectors, equipped with a bino and a computer linked.

Each group uses the shelves above their injection setups. Free access has to be given to reach easily
the key for pressurized air which is located in the DS side.

Both research groups use the room to store a lot of equipment on shelfs above the tables, which
consists of replacements parts, consumables, fin clipping, euthanasia and embryo bleaching tools.

Usage of the 2S009A room:

The room is extensively used at any time of the day. Because the room is also used as the home base
of the GG lab animal care-takers, the room cannot be used under dimmed illumination conditions at
any time. .

The scientific collaborators use it mainly to inject their embryos and sort them under the bino.

The animal caretakers need to aces the room all day long toIndeed, in this room, GG lab members
and GG animal care-takers prepare artemia, edit the database on the computer, use tools to fix the
facility, search for equipment (fin clipping, egg bleaching, euthanasia), discard the dead bodies, enter
the GG quarantine of Prof. Gonzalez-Gaitanfacility for feeding/maintenance, etc.

Therefore, this room is not suited for:

Imaging in long term dark lightness conditions

Any device making producing a lot ofsubstantial vibrations (centrifuges, agitators, etc…)
Hosting lab meetings

The disinfection of this room is made by the GG staff of Prof. Gonzalez-Gaitan once a week. During
this time the room is not accessible. The time when the cleaning is happening will be communicated
a few days in advance. Otherwise anybody could ask the animal care-takers in the GG about the
cleaning schedule.
as described in their cleaning SOPs on Wednesday afternoon.

Extended rooms (2S009B, 2S009C):

Room 2S009A gives access to two other rooms with different purposes and accessibility restrictions
listed below:

Room 2S009B:
Here is the GG Is the qquarantine room aquariaof Prof. Gonzalez-Gaitan: it therefore
hoststing fish with sensitive sanitary status. This room also contains the fish facility water
production and storage (reservoir) of Prof. Gonzalez-Gaitanthe GG fish facility. On the left side
of this room is placed the automated water treatment system of Prof. De Simonethe DS

Because this location has Being a sensitive usage (quarantine), access to this room should be
minimized. Its this room as to be access as minimum as possible and door left is closed at any
time. Recommendations suggest:

DS staff should minimize their entrance to this room to once a day, briefly, to check their
water treatment system. If the DS water treatment system needs longer or more frequent
access, DS should communicate to and discuss this with GG. In particular, if an external
company is involved.three entrance per day for the staff of Prof. Gonzalez-Gaitan for the good
maintenance of their fish (feeding cleaning breading) and checking the water production

one entrance per day for the staff of Prof. De Simone in order to check their water treatments

In case Prof. De Simone has to organize extended maintenance work for the water treatment
system, he has to inform Prof. Gonzalez-Gaitan before the operations.

The disinfection of this room is made by the GG staff of Prof. Gonzalez-Gaitan once a week as
described in their cleaning SOPs.

This room is not suited for:

any experimentation
any procedure that could be done elsewhere
any living food production (artemia, rotifer, paramecia, …)
storage of material

Room 2S009C:
Is a room for artemia production (or other living food) for both facilities of Prof. Gonzalez-
Gaitan and Prof. De Simone. It also containsas well as a non-professional dishwasher from the
GG lab that should never be used with soap. The products for disinfection and cleaning are
stored in this room too.

This room as to be always accessible for the staff of both groups without any restrictions.

The disinfection of this room is made by the GG staff of Prof. Gonzalez-Gaitan once a week as
described in their cleaning SOPs.

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