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Name: _______________________________ 2 Complete the second sentence so that it

Class: _______________________________ means the same as the first. Use the correct
form of the verbs in CAPITALS.
Total: _________/15
0 This soup has got a strange taste. Is it safe
to eat it? TASTE
1.2 Dynamic and state verbs This soup tastes strange. Is it safe to eat it?

1 Complete the sentences with the correct 1 There's a party at the youth centre now.
form of the verbs in brackets. Use the HAVE
Present Simple or the Present Continuous. They _________________________ at the
youth centre now.
0 I honestly believe (believe) that Annie's 2 Which bangle do you like more? PREFER
capable of winning the music competition. Which bangle _______________________?
3 I might go to the festival after all but I'm
1 My brother __________________ (work)
not sure. THINK
as a waiter this summer to earn some
__________________ of going to the
money for a new car.
festival, but I'm not sure.
2 I've already told the police everything
4 Sean is very handsome in his new suit.
I know. I'm afraid I __________________
(not remember) anything else.
Sean __________________________ in his
3 I __________________ (never / watch) the
new suit.
same film twice.
4 What __________________ (you / do)? Be ____/8
more careful. This camera is very
5 Samuel hates talking on the phone in
French because he ___________________
(not understand) anything.
6 It's hot today. Why ___________________
(you / wear) a coat and a scarf?
7 I ___________________ (need) to buy
some formal clothes to wear to my new

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Group A Group B
1.2 Dynamic and state verbs 1.2 Dynamic and state verbs

Exercise 1 Exercise 1
1 is working 1 don't understand
2 don't remember 2 Do people wear
3 never watch 3 need
4 are you doing 4 finishes
5 doesn't understand 5 are they doing
6 are you wearing 6 is still reading
7 need 7 Do you remember

Exercise 2 Exercise 2

1 are having a party 1 are you using

2 do you prefer 2 are we having for breakfast
3 I'm thinking 3 looks very sad
4 looks very handsome 4 do you think

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Name: _______________________________ 2 Complete the second sentence so that it

Class: _______________________________ means the same as the first. Use the correct
form of the verbs in CAPITALS.
Total: _________/15
0 This soup has got a strange taste. Is it safe
to eat it? TASTE
1.2 Dynamic and state verbs This soup tastes strange. Is it safe to eat it?

1 Complete the sentences with the correct 1 Excuse me, do you need this dictionary
form of the verbs in brackets. Use the right now? USE
Present Simple or the Present Continuous. Excuse me, ______________________ this
dictionary right now?
0 I honestly believe (believe) that Annie's 2 What's for breakfast today? HAVE
capable of winning the music competition. What ______________________________
1 I'm sorry but I _______________________
3 Look at Tina's face. She must be very sad
(not understand) the question at all.
right now. LOOK
2 Are winters cold in your country?
Tina ______________________ right now.
______________________ (people / wear)
4 What's your opinion of his new summer
woollen hats and gloves in January?
collection? THINK
3 I _____________ (need) to call Tom. He
What ______________________ about his
left me a message this morning.
new summer collection?
4 My mother is never in the office in the
evening. She _________________ (finish) __/8
work at 3 p.m.
5 What ____________________ (they / do)?
It's too late to play music so loudly.
6 Jack hasn't given me my book back. He
______________________ (still / read) it.
7 ____________________ (you / remember)
her email address or mobile phone

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Name: _______________________________ 2 Complete the sentences with the correct

Class: _______________________________ form of the verbs in brackets. Use the
Present Perfect Simple or Continuous.
Total: _________/15
0 We haven’t been waiting (not wait) long. In
fact, we have just arrived (arrive).
1.2 Present Perfect Continuous
1 I __________________ (not have) any time
1 Use the prompts to write sentences. Use
the Present Perfect Continuous. for leisure because I __________________
(work) very hard recently.
0 you / wait / long?
Have you been waiting long? 2 Liam ___________________ (listen) to new
songs all day and he __________________
1 we / expect / you / to visit us / for a long (choose) the best songs for the new album.
___________________________________ 3 Sam and Cynthia _____________________
___________________________________ (not go) out very long. They ____________
2 Angela / not / feel well / lately. _________ (know) each other for a month!
4 How long ______________________ (you /
study) Spanish? ______________________
3 how long / he / study / at this university?
(you / receive) any official certificates?
___________________________________ 5 They _________________________ (look)
4 I / work / in this company / since 2011. for a birthday present for their niece but
___________________________________ they _______________________ (not buy)
___________________________________ anything yet.
5 what / they / do / all day long?
___________________________________ ____/10


© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Group A Group B
1.5 Present Perfect Continuous 1.5 Present Perfect Continuous

Exercise 1 Exercise 1
1 We’ve been expecting you to visit us 1 We've been living here for three
for a long time. years.
2 Angela hasn't been feeling well lately. 2 Why have they been travelling so
3 How long has he been studying at this much this year?
university? 3 He hasn't been answering my calls
4 I’ve been working in this company recently.
since 2011. 4 Someone has been robbing museums
5 What have they been doing all day for a long time.
long? 5 How long has she been writing this

Exercise 2 Exercise 2
1 haven't had, have been working 1 have been feeling, have spent
2 has been listening, has chosen 2 has been working, has planted
3 haven't been going, have known 3 has passed, hasn't been driving
4 have you been studying, Have you 4 have you been learning, Have you
received won
5 have been looking, haven't bought 5 haven't cut, have been growing

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Name: _______________________________ 2 Complete the sentences with the correct

Class: _______________________________ form of the verbs in brackets. Use the
Present Perfect Simple or Continuous.
Total: _________/15
0 We haven’t been waiting (not wait) long. In
fact, we have just arrived (arrive).
1.5 Present Perfect Continuous
1 I _________________ (feel) very tired
1 Use the prompts to write sentences. Use
recently. That's why I _________________
the Present Perfect Continuous.
(spend) the last twelve hours in bed.
0 you / wait / long? 2 Astrid _________________ (work) in the
Have you been waiting long? garden all afternoon. You can see that she
_________________ (plant) a lot of
1 We / live / here / for three years. flowers.
___________________________________ 3 Nick _________________ (pass) his driving
___________________________________ exam this month so he ________________
2 Why / they / travel / so much this year? (not drive) very long.
___________________________________ 4 How long ______________________ (you /
___________________________________ learn) to play the piano?
3 He / not / answer / my calls / recently. _________________ (you / win) any
___________________________________ competitions?
___________________________________ 5 I _________________ (not cut) my hair
4 Someone / rob / museums / for a long since 2010. I _________________ (grow)
time. it!
___________________________________ ____/10
5 how long / she / write / this article?


© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

Dictation, Listening and Reading

Name: ____________________________________ Listening

Class: ____________________________________ 2 [Track 3] Listen to Martin and Jenny. For
Total: _ /30 sentences 1–5 choose True or False. Put a [X] in the
right place in the table.

Dictation T F
1 [Track 2] Listen and write the sentences you hear, 1 Martin is surprised that he will
including the punctuation.
study with people that he
2 Martin is worried that he will
lose contact with people if he
moves away.
3 Jenny agrees that Martin
should stay and study in his
home town.
4 Jenny thinks it would be hard
for Martin to make new
5 Jenny went out with Kevin
Sampson for a long time.



© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

Dictation, Listening and Reading

Reading photos compared to you? Even those who aren’t

3 Read the text. Complete the sentences 1–5 with as attractive or slim as you? The reason is that
one or two words from the text. you know exactly how they looked all evening
because you could see them. There are no
SELF IMAGES surprises. However, you are comparing yourself
not to how you really looked but to an image of
As you prepare to go out, you check yourself in
yourself that was in your head. An image in which
the mirror. Everything looks good. The hair style is
your complexion is clearer, your eyes bigger and
right, your complexion is tanned and your smile
even your clothes are more stylish.
could make Liam Payne jealous. Later in the
So what can we do about it? On the one hand,
evening, when friends take photos, you are happy
for all the reasons above, photos of ourselves will
to pose for the camera. The next day, however,
rarely please us. There’s a reason why many
when the photos are uploaded to the Internet,
celebrities do everything they can to not be
you are shocked. You don’t recognise that person.
photographed in public. On the other hand, you
It can’t be you! The facial features are all wrong,
should remember that your friends feel exactly the
the skin too pale and the hair is horrific. So just
same. So, when they look at photos of you, they
why do we look different in photos to how we
will be as jealous of you as you are of them.
imagine ourselves to be?
Take comfort from that but maybe avoid looking
There isn’t just one reason. Firstly, people often
at photos taken of you which appear on other
look better early in the evening than later on. You
people’s social networking pages.
have probably just come out of the shower,
brushed your hair and put on your elegant clothes.
If there was something wrong, you would do 1 The article says that people ________________
something about it and then admire yourself again. _______________ when they realise what they
When the photos are taken, you may be tired or looked like the night before.
perhaps full after a good meal. Your hair may not 2 When we are home alone, it ________________
look quite so good as it did. Often, when people get _______________ if we look good or bad.
home and look in the mirror, they think: ‘I look 3 Our facial features look more flattering when we
terrible’. It’s just that, being home and alone, it look at them _____________________________.
doesn’t matter. 4 The way you look in photos is different to the
Another reason is to do with angles. In the mirror, way you look in __________________________.
we see our nose, mouth and chin from above. This 5 According to the article we should ___________
is more flattering than looking up from below. We _____________________ at photos of us which
also turn slightly and smile trying to get the best are uploaded online.
look possible. Unfortunately, our friends probably /10
aren’t as careful. Photos are taken when we aren’t
ready, often from the wrong position. You could
watch carefully to see when someone is going to
take a photo and pose for it but, although the
photos might look better, your evening won’t be
very relaxing.
Finally, there is the comparison with the people
around you. Why do they all look so good in

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

Dictation, Listening and Reading

Group A Group B
Dictation Dictation
Exercise 1 Exercise 1
People / have been wearing jeans / for nearly 150 People / have been wearing jeans / for nearly 150
years. / The first jeans factory / opened in 1873. / At years. / The first jeans factory / opened in 1873. / At
first, / people wore these trousers / as work first, / people wore these trousers / as work
clothing. / Now they have become / a popular clothing. / Now they have become / a popular
fashion item. fashion item.

Listening Listening
Exercise 2 Exercise2
1 F: Martin says he knows he is goig to be with 1 T: Jenny says 'Really?' And then adds that the
people from school and he likes the idea. college hasn't got a very good reputation.
2 T: Martin says he doesn't want to lose touch with 2 T: Jenny says that Martin doesn't have to lose
everyone. touch with anyone and his friends will always be
3 F: Jenny says to Martin 'You won't stay here for there for him.
the rest of your life, will you?' She then adds 3 F: Martin says he realises that what he wants
'I think that if you left, in the end you'd be wouldn't suit Jenny.
happier.' 4 T: Jenny says Martin is friendly, kind and with a
4 F: Jenny says that Martin would soon make good sense of humour.
friends because he is friendly and kind and has a 5 F: Jenny had one date with Kevin when they were
good sense of humour. fifteen.
5 F: Jenny had one date with Kevin when they were

Reading Reading

Exercise 3 Exercise 3
1 are shocked: The text says that the next day, 1 the mirror: The text says that as you prepare to
when the photos are uploaded to the Internet, go out, you check yourself in the mirror and
you are shocked. everything looks good.
2 doesn’t matter: The text says that looking terrible 2 doesn’t matter: The text says that looking terrible
when being home and alone doesn’t matter. when being home and alone doesn’t matter.
3 from above: The text says that in the mirror, we 3 wrong position: The text says that photos are
see our nose, mouth and chin from above. This taken when we aren’t ready, often from the
is more flattering than looking up from below. wrong position.
4 your head: The text says that you are comparing 4 are comparing / compare: The text says that you
yourself not to how you really looked but to an are comparing yourself not to how you really
image of yourself that was in your head. looked but to an image of yourself that was in
5 avoid looking: The text says you should avoid your head.
looking at photos taken of you which appear on 5 avoid looking: The text says you should avoid
other people’s social networking pages. looking at photos taken of you which appear on
other people’s social networking pages.

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

Dictation, Listening and Reading

Name: ____________________________________ Listening

Class: ____________________________________ 2 [Track 3] Listen to Martin and Jenny. For
Total: _ /30 sentences 1–5 choose True or False. Put a [X] in the
right place in the table.

Dictation T F
1 [Track 2] Listen and write the sentences you hear, 1 Jenny is surprised about
including the punctuation.
Martin’s possible choice of
2 Jenny doesn’t think that she
will lose touch with people
when she moves away.
3 Martin thinks that Jenny
should study at the same
college as him.
4 Jenny is very positive about
Martin’s character.
5 Jenny went out with Kevin
Sampson for a long time.



© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

Dictation, Listening and Reading

Reading photos compared to you? Even those who aren’t

3 Read the text. Complete the sentences 1–5 with as attractive or slim as you? The reason is that
one or two words from the text. you know exactly how they looked all evening
because you could see them. There are no
SELF IMAGES surprises. However, you are comparing yourself
not to how you really looked but to an image of
As you prepare to go out, you check yourself in
yourself that was in your head. An image in which
the mirror. Everything looks good. The hair style is
your complexion is clearer, your eyes bigger and
right, your complexion is tanned and your smile
even your clothes are more stylish.
could make Liam Payne jealous. Later in the
So what can we do about it? On the one hand,
evening, when friends take photos, you are happy
for all the reasons above, photos of ourselves will
to pose for the camera. The next day, however,
rarely please us. There’s a reason why many
when the photos are uploaded to the Internet,
celebrities do everything they can to not be
you are shocked. You don’t recognise that person.
photographed in public. On the other hand, you
It can’t be you! The facial features are all wrong,
should remember that your friends feel exactly the
the skin too pale and the hair is horrific. So just
same. So, when they look at photos of you, they
why do we look different in photos to how we
will be as jealous of you as you are of them.
imagine ourselves to be?
Take comfort from that but maybe avoid looking
There isn’t just one reason. Firstly, people often
at photos taken of you which appear on other
look better early in the evening than later on. You
people’s social networking pages.
have probably just come out of the shower,
brushed your hair and put on your elegant clothes.
If there was something wrong, you would do 1 According to the article, people are pleased when
something about it and then admire yourself again. they look at themselves in __________________
When the photos are taken, you may be tired or ______________ before they go out.
perhaps full after a good meal. Your hair may not 2 When we are home alone, it ________________
look quite so good as it did. Often, when people get _______________ if we look good or bad.
home and look in the mirror, they think: “I look 3 One problem with photos is that friends take
terrible”. It’s just that, being home and alone, it them from the _________________________.
doesn’t matter. 4 One reason why you feel unhappy about photos
Another reason is to do with angles. In the mirror, taken of you is because you _________________
we see our nose, mouth and chin from above. This ______________ yourself to an image of the way
is more flattering than looking up from below. We you look in your head, which is not exactly the
also turn slightly and smile trying to get the best same as you really look.
look possible. Unfortunately, our friends probably 5 In order not to worry about how you look in
aren’t as careful. Photos are taken when we aren’t photos, the article recommends that you should
ready, often from the wrong position. You could ________________________________ at your
watch carefully to see when someone is going to friends’ social networking pages.
take a photo and pose for it but, although the /10
photos might look better, your evening won’t be
very relaxing.
Finally, there is the comparison with the people
around you. Why do they all look so good in

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

Vocabulary, Grammar and Use of English

Group A Group B
Vocabulary Vocabulary
Exercise 1 Exercise 1
1 of 1 across
2 along/on 2 with
3 with 3 for
4 about 4 out
5 for 5 with

Exercise 2 Exercise 2
1 rebellious 1 educational
2 carefree 2 succeed
3 comfortable 3 shallow
4 achievement 4 fashion
5 shallow 5 vain

Grammar Grammar
Exercise 3 Exercise 3
1 Are you looking 1 am having
2 has 2 don’t look
3 am thinking 3 does she have
4 look 4 is working
5 are having 5 are you looking

Exercise 4 Exercise 4
1 have been selling 1 have been reading
2 have sent 2 has been answering
3 has/have had 3 hasn’t met
4 hasn’t met 4 have you sold
5 have you been studying 5 have been looking for

Use of English Use of English

Exercise 5 Exercise 5
1 A 1 A
2 B 2 C
3 C 3 A
4 A 4 C
5 B 5 A

Exercise 6 Exercise 6
1 B 1 C
2 A 2 C
3 C 3 B
4 C 4 C
5 A 5 C

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

Vocabulary, Grammar and Use of English

Name: ____________________________________ Grammar

Class: ____________________________________ 3 Choose the correct option.
Total: _ /30 0 I am believing / believe that fashion and design
play an important role in our lives.
Vocabulary 1 I’m too tired to cook today so I am having / have
fish and chips for dinner.
1 Complete the sentences with the missing 2 These shoes aren't looking / don't look nice – I'm
prepositions. not going to buy them.
0 Why don't you try these trousers on? The 3 How many fans is she having / does she have on
changing rooms are over there. her Facebook profile?
1 Jason comes ________ as a bit unfriendly, but 4 Sam works / is working in a supermarket until he can
he’s actually a great guy. save enough money to travel to the US.
2 Maybe you shouldn’t be so difficult every time 5 Why are you looking / do you look at me like that?
your parents suggest doing something, but just Is anything wrong?
go ________ the flow. /5
3 My brother is always there ________ me when I
have problems to deal with.
4 I enjoy hanging ________ with my friends after
4 Complete the sentences with the correct form of
school, just chatting and laughing.
the words in brackets. Use the Present Perfect
5 Mary used to be Tom’s neighbour but they lost
Simple or Continuous.
touch ________ each other after she moved away.
0 It has been snowing (snow) heavily since we left
/5 home.
1 Recently I ___________________________ (read)
2 Complete the sentences with the missing words. this book – I need to finish it tomorrow.
The first letters are given. Use the definitions in 2 The minister ___________________________
brackets to help you. (answer) questions in the Parliament all day.
3 George ___________________________ (not /
0 My mum always goes for a casual (not formal) look meet) his new neighbours yet.
unless she’s attending an important meeting. 4 How many paintings _______________________
1 Our visit to the museum was very e___________ (you / sell) this week?
(filled with information). We learned a lot 5 We ___________________________ (look for)
about the ancient world. a new building for the museum since 2010.
2 If you want to s_______________ (do well) in
business, you must put all of your energy into it. /5
3 Celia seems like a s_______________ (not deep
or serious) person because she’s always laughing,
but actually she thinks about very serious issues.
4 Torn jeans are out of f_______________
(popularity) at the moment, but I’m sure they’ll
become popular again.
5 Trevor is so v_______________ (having an
extremely high opinion of one’s appearance)! He
can’t pass a mirror without stopping to admire

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

Vocabulary, Grammar and Use of English

Use of English 2 X: That’s such an unusual jacket!

5 Choose the correct option, A, B, C or D to complete Y: Yes. It's made by a really __ designer whose
the text. clothes look like no one else’s.
A multi-purpose B brightly- coloured
MUSIC FESTIVALS C cutting-edge
The summer is almost here and it's time to 0 A
3 X: Are you ready to go to the station?
some holiday plans. 1_____ music? Maybe you
Y: I __ for three hours, but I still have too many
could go to a music festival this summer? People
2 things!
_____ to music festivals ever since Woodstock
A have packed B have been packing
took place in the summer of 1969. And
C am packing
nowadays there are some interesting music
events near all major cities in the US.
4 X: I’m sorry to see that you and Kim aren’t
If you decide to attend a festival, be prepared speaking to each other.
for all kinds of weather. Take a 3_____ in case it Y: I know! I __ with her over the silliest thing, and
gets cold in the evening and shorts for warmer now we can’t find a way to be friends again.
days. Trying to look nice all the time at a festival A hung out B got along
is a fairly 4_____ effort, so you really shouldn’t C fell out
even try. Just put on your 5_____, a T-shirt and a
good dose of sunscreen, then relax and enjoy 5 X: Why did you take this photo of a bus?
the show! Y: Actually, I wanted to photograph a monument
across the street. But the bus came unexpectedly
0 A make B do C take and it's there, right __, blocking the view of
everything else.
1 A Do you enjoy B Are you enjoying A on the left B in the picture
C Have you enjoyed C in the foreground
2 A have gone B go /5
C have been going
3 A fleece B tie C bracelet
4 A hopeful B achievable C hopeless
5 A faded jeans B belt
C skirt and blouse

6 Choose the correct option.

0 X: I’m sure you’ll love Tracy. She’s great fun.

Y: I know, I’ve met her before. She’s got a great B
of humour.
A taste B sense C feeling

1 X: What are you plans for tomorrow?

Y: I __ going shopping with Lucy.
A think about B have thought
C am thinking of

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Name: ________________________________
Class: ________________________________
Total: _______/30

Your cousin from the UK is taking part in a journalism workshop and wants to interview some young people
about their friends and family. Send an email to your cousin and suggest he/she should interview one of
your friends.
• Say how old the person is. Describe their appearance, and the clothes they usually wear.
• Mention some of their family members.
• Describe the positive aspects of their personality.
• Say why you think your cousin should interview this person.


© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Can write straightforward, detailed descriptions on a range of familiar topics.

Sample answer
Hi Jess,
My friend’s name is George, and he’s fifteen years old. I’ve known him for about five years. He’s tall, and he’s
got brown eyes and lovely dark curly hair. He loves clothes and he’s usually well-dressed. He often wears jeans
with a T-shirt and a leather jacket.
George comes from a big family. He’s got one older brother and two younger sisters. George is very close to
his brother, and he usually gets on well with his sisters, but they sometimes argue!
George is very outgoing, and he’s got a great sense of humour. He’s also very imaginative, so he’s really
interesting to be with. I think that’s why he’s so popular. I think he’s also a very caring person and he’s always
keen to help his friends when they have problems.
I think you should interview George because he’s got lots of interesting stories about his family, and he’s also
got loads of friends he could talk about.
Write soon,

Mark scheme
The task is worth 30 marks. Award up to 6 marks for each section of the mark scheme, according to the
descriptions below.
Marks Task achievement Written Written Range Accuracy
production and interaction
1-2 Completes only No clear paragraph Text is difficult to Uses only very Lots of errors even
one or two aspects structure followed. understand. Errors basic vocabulary in basic language,
of the task. May Very little linking impede and grammar, with which impede
not use the correct of sentences. communication. a lot of errors. communication.
genre and only
covers one or two
of the points
specified in the
3-4 Completes the A paragraph Text is generally Uses simple Generally
majority of the structure followed. easy to vocabulary and accurate, but with
task. Uses the Some paragraphs understand. Some basic grammar some errors,
correct genre and may only have one errors may impede structures especially in more
covers the or two sentences. communication. accurately. Uses advanced
majority, but not Some linking some more language.
all, of the points between advanced
specified in the sentences. vocabulary,
task. including some
vocabulary for
describing people.
Uses some more
advanced grammar
structures with

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


5-6 Completes all parts Divided into clear Text is very clear Uses a wide range A few mistakes in
of the task fully, paragraphs, and and easy to of vocabulary more advanced
including the each paragraph understand. appropriately, language
correct genre and has a clear including structures, but
all the points function. A variety vocabulary for generally very
specified in the of linking words describing people. accurate.
task. used to link Uses a wide range
sentences. of grammar
accurately and

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


The boss said that the quality of her work

Name: _______________________________
was ______________________________.
Class: _______________________________
Total: _________/15 2 Is there any way for us to make this
process more clear? CAN
Is there any way _____________________
Word formation – common suffixes
_____________ this process?
1 Complete the sentences with the correct
form of the words in CAPITALS. 3 Visiting the fashion museum was a real
education, and it was fun too. VERY
0 His idea is to educate children by letting Our visit to the fashion museum ________
them follow their own interests. ______________________________, and
EDUCATION it was fun too.
4 You must be proud of what your mother
1 His new house is an amazing
has achieved. MOTHER’S
_______________. It’s so unique! CREATE
You must be proud ___________________
2 We got _______________ lost and had to
ask the way to our hotel. HOPE
5 She is very pleased with the success of her
3 You have no _______________ to answer
fashion line. SO
the questions. OBLIGED
She is very pleased that her fashion line
4 I was thrilled when I got news of my
_______________ to the design school.
5 You must be _______________ when you
meet him as he’s very important. RESPECT


2 Complete the second sentence so that it

has a similar meaning to the first. Use the
words in CAPITALS. You can use up to six
0 Your criticism of her was not very sensitive,
was it? QUITE
Your criticism of her was quite insensitive,
wasn’t it?

1 The boss said that he could not accept the

quality of her work. NOT

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Group A Group B
1.6 Word formation – common suffixes 1.6 Word formation – common suffixes
Exercise 1 Exercise 1
1 creation 1 hopeless
2 hopelessly 2 ridiculous
3 obligation 3 absolutely
4 acceptance 4 clarify
5 respectful 5 importance

Exercise 2 Exercise 2
1 not acceptable 1 most of her education / her education
2 we can clarify mostly
3 was very educational 2 complete the course successfully
4 of your mother’s achievement(s) 3 are not acceptable / are unacceptable
5 is so successful 4 no obligation
5 punishment they gave her

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


2 If you are successful at completing the

Name: _______________________________
course, you will be offered a job.
Class: _______________________________
Total: _________/15 COMPLETE
If you ______________________________,
you will be offered a job.
Word formation – common suffixes
3 I cannot accept such silly excuses! ARE
1 Complete the sentences with the correct
form of the words in CAPITALS. Such silly excuses ____________________
____________ for me.
0 I don’t know how she comes up with such
4 You are not obliged to answer the
creative ideas! CREATE
questions. NO
1 We were so totally lost that our situation You have ___________________________
seemed _______________. HOPE _________ to answer the questions.
2 The costume she wore was absolutely 5 I thought the way they punished her was
_______________ but very amusing. unfair. GAVE
RIDICULE I thought the ________________________
3 I am _______________ sure that their ____________ was unfair.
business idea will succeed. ABSOLUTE /10
4 Could you _______________ exactly what
you want me to do? CLEAR
5 If she has something of _______________
to say, she will call back. IMPORTANT


2 Complete the second sentence so that it

has a similar meaning to the first. Use the
words in CAPITALS. You can use up to six
0 She is very proud of the success of her
fashion line. SO
She is very proud that her fashion line is so

1 She was educated mostly in France, so she

speaks excellent French. HER
She received ________________________
_______ in France, so she speaks excellent

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Name: _______________________________
4 With her strange clothes and bright green hair,
Class: _______________________________
Kelly is always the _______________ of attention.
Total: _________/20
5 I know you don’t like wearing a school uniform,
but isn’t it easier to just go with the ___________
instead of complaining all the time?
A new look
1 Read the definitions and write the words. There is __/5
one space for each missing letter. 3 Complete the sentences with the missing
adjectives. The first letters are given.
0 an accessory you can wear on your finger – r i n g
0 Mark is so vain – he only thinks about his clothes
1 something that you put around your neck when you
and how his hair looks.
wear a suit and a shirt – _ _ _
1 People think that Deb is s__________, but she
2 you can put it on the upper part of your body when
actually thinks very deeply about serious issues.
you do sport – _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
2 Steve seems very relaxed and c_______________
3 an accessory you can wear on your wrist as jewellery,
– he doesn’t worry about anything.
a kind of bracelet – _ _ _ _ _ _
3 Our boss is pretty e__________-g_____________
4 a type of very tight trousers you wear, often for
about what we wear to work as long as we look
running or doing exercise – _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ neat and clean.
5 a type of jacket which does not cover the arms
4 Although he comes from a family of artists, James
and which you often wear with a suit is very d__________-to-e__________ and
–_________ practical.
__ /5
5 My sister is so r__________ that she does exactly
the opposite of what our parents want her to do.
2 Complete the sentences with the words in the
box. There is one extra word. __ /5

fashion comfortable trendy flow 4 Choose the correct option.

casual appearance centre
0 I like the way ankle / shallow boots look, but they
0 Changing your hair colour to bright pink or blue is don’t keep your legs warm.
very trendy right now.
1 Carl and Tom come across / by as shy, but they’re
1 Although he works in an office, he always goes for actually very sociable.
a ______________ look, wearing jeans and a
2 She was wearing a plain blouse and a silver belt /
jacket instead of a suit and tie. necklace around her neck.

2 I don’t care what other people think of what I 3 Are short skirts in style or out off / of fashion at
the moment?
wear as long as I feel __________________ in my
4 I’m bringing a fleece / zip to wear in case it gets
own skin. cold this evening.

3 Stella cares so much about her _______________ 5 I found these leather / vintage sunglasses in a
second-hand shop. I think they’re from the sixties.
that she spends at least an hour getting ready to
go out. __/5
© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

Group A Group B
A new look A new look

Exercise 1 Exercise 1
1 tie 1 waistcoat
2 sweatshirt 2 faded jeans
3 bangle 3 fleece
4 leggings 4 dark suit
5 waistcoat 5 leggings

Exercise 2 Exercise 2
1 casual 1 casual
2 comfortable 2 flow
3 appearance 3 appearance
4 centre 4 comes
5 flow 5 fashion

Exercise 3 Exercise 3
1 shallow 1 easy-going
2 carefree 2 shallow
3 easy-going 3 down-to-earth
4 down-to-earth 4 rebellious
5 rebellious 5 carefree

Exercise 4 Exercise 4
1 across 1 tie
2 necklace 2 attention
3 of out of 3 belt
4 fleece 4 high heels
5 vintage 5 across

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Name: _______________________________
Class: _______________________________ 5 My mum’s hairstyle is totally out of ____________
Total: _________/20 now, but it still looks good on her.

3 Complete the sentences with the missing
A new look adjectives. The first letters are given.
1 Read the definitions and write the words. There is
one space for each missing letter. 0 Mark is so vain – he only thinks about his clothes
and how his hair looks.
0 a type of shirt, usually for girls or women –
1 Our headmaster is fairly e_________-g_________
about how students dress, but he doesn’t allow
1 a part of a suit that you put over a shirt and under very short skirts or shorts.
a jacket – _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2 Kim is so s_____________ – she only cares about
2 trousers made of denim which have lost some of their the latest gossip and has no interest in more
colour – _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ serious subjects.

3 a type of jacket which is made of soft material 3 Although he’s a poet, he’s very d________- to-
which keeps you warm – _ _ _ _ _ _ e_________ – he’s interested in video games and
sports just like we are.
4 matching trousers and jacket, not in a light colour –
____ ____ 4 Many teens go through a r_____________ period
when they do just the opposite of what their
5 very tight trousers, often worn for exercise –
parents and teachers expect.
5 Josh has a very c_____________ attitude to life. He
__/5 doesn’t really worry about anything.

2 Complete the sentences with the words in the box. __/5

There is one extra word. 4 Choose the correct option.

comes fashion appearance trendy

0 I like the way ankle / shallow boots look, but they
vintage flow casual
don’t keep your legs warm.
0 Changing your hair colour to bright pink or blue is 1 Jason bought a beautiful silk fleece / tie to wear
very trendy right now. with his new suit.
1 If you’re going for a ______________ look, just 2 Dina wears strange clothes and wild hairstyles
wear jeans and a T-shirt. because she wants to be the centre of attitude /
2 Instead of arguing with your parents all the time,
you should relax and go with the ______________. 3 I think a heavy leather belt / beanie would look
great around the waist of that dress.
3 You shouldn’t care so much about your
4 She never wears denim jackets / high heels
__________________. Being a nice person is more
because they are too difficult to walk in.
5 Tad comes in / across as quite a vain person.
4 Sam _______________ across as shy, but actually
he’s very friendly. __ /5

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Name: _______________________________ 3 ______________________ (it / rain) when

Class: _______________________________ your mum asked you to go to the
Total: _________/15
4 People had tears in their eyes when
2.2 Narrative tenses (the athlete / finally / cross) the finish line.
1 Correct the sentences. Write one missing
5 He didn't recognise the goalkeeper on the
word in each sentence.
other team because __________________
was _______ (he / not / see) him before.
0 What the weather like yesterday?
1 The students playing football at nine
o'clock yesterday.

2 Sarah met an old friend of hers she was

going to the swimming pool.

3 How they travel to Glasgow for the final

match of the season?

4 I did enjoy the match – it was boring

because both teams played rather badly.

5 After reading chapter one, I realised that I

read the book before.


2 Use the prompts to complete the

sentences. Use the Past Simple, Past
Continuous or Past Perfect Simple.

0 When I got home, my cat was playing with

her ball (my cat / play / with her ball)

1 __________________________________
(what / Sally / do) the last time you saw

2 When I wanted to buy a ticket to the match

I realised that _______________________
(I / leave / my wallet) at home.

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Group A Group B
2.2 Narrative tenses 2.2 Narrative tenses

Exercise 1 Exercise 1

1 The students were playing football at 1 They did not win their first medal in
9 o'clock yesterday. 1990 but in 1997.

2 Sarah met an old friend of hers 2 Why did you decide to stay at home
while/when/as she was going to the last night? We had lots of fun at the
swimming pool. sports centre.

3 How did they travel to Glasgow for 3 Everyone was waiting for the final
the final match of the season? results of the competition at 7 p.m.

4 I did not enjoy the match – it was 4 When we got home, we realised we
boring because both teams played had bought too much food.
rather badly.
5 Andy took up running while/when he
5 After reading chapter 1, I realised that
was studying in Edinburgh.
I had read the book before.

Exercise 2 Exercise 2

1 What was Sally doing 1 Were his sisters playing

2 I had left my wallet 2 I didn't accept
3 Was it raining 3 I had broken my leg
4 the athlete finally crossed 4 we hadn't read any books
5 he hadn't seen 5 the athletes were getting ready

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Name: _______________________________ 3 I couldn't go to Alex's birthday party

Class: _______________________________ because ____________________________
(I / break / my leg) the day before.
Total: _________/15
4 We didn't answer all the questions in the
sports quiz because ___________________
2.2 Narrative tenses ________ (we / not / read / any books)
1 Correct the sentences. Write one missing about cricket.
word in each sentence.
5 At 9 a.m. everyone was watching as
was ___________________________________
0 What the weather like yesterday? (the athletes / get / ready) for the most
important event of the Olympics.
1 They did win their first medal in 1990 but
in 1997.

2 Why you decide to stay at home last night?

We had lots of fun at the sports centre.

3 Everyone waiting for the final results of the

competition at 7 p.m.

4 When we got home, we realised we bought

too much food.

5 Andy took up running he was studying in



2 Use the prompts to complete the

sentences. Use the Past Simple, Past
Continuous or Past Perfect Simple.

0 When I got home, my cat was playing with

her ball (my cat / play / with her ball)

1 ________________________________ (his
sisters / play) a computer game when you
visited Neil last weekend?

2 Tom said he could teach me how to swim

but _____________________ (I / not /
accept) his offer.

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Name: _______________________________ 2 Complete the sentences with the correct

Class: _______________________________ form of the verbs in brackets.
Total: _________/15 0 No one has ever told me what I should do
(do) in such a situation.

1 My parents encouraged me ____________

2.5 Verb patterns
(work) hard at school.
1 Choose the correct option.
2 You can’t make people ________________
0 What do you enjoy do / doing in your free
(like) you.
3 My teachers urged me ________________
1 Our company doesn't intend to compete /
(not / leave) school.
competing in the football match this year.
4 I can’t imagine _____________ (live) in
2 I can't help biting / to bite my nails during
a big city.
exciting sports events.
5 Emma told me what she would _________
3 The player managed score / to score
(do) if she were me.
another goal in the last minute of the
game. 6 We’re planning _____________ (go) to
Barcelona in June.
4 I never seem to agree / agreeing with my
brother about the chances of winning the 7 We couldn’t afford _____________ (wait)
game. any longer, so we left.

5 The sports reporter has arranged to meet / 8 I don’t think my parents will let me
meeting the world champion next week. ___________ (go) to a big music festival.

6 Please avoid doing / to do any sports for ____/8

a few weeks.

7 Playing a team sport taught her not to be /

not being a selfish person.


© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Group A Group B
2.5 Verb patterns 2.5 Verb patterns

Exercise 1 Exercise 1
1 to compete 1 to buy
2 biting 2 going
3 to score 3 to go
4 to agree 4 to fix
5 to meet 5 not to do
6 doing 6 taking up
7 not to be 7 to help

Exercise 2 Exercise 2
1 to work 1 talk
2 like 2 to arrive
3 not to leave 3 losing
4 living 4 borrow
5 do 5 not to be
6 to go 6 thinking
7 to wait 7 work
8 go 8 not to call

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Name: _______________________________ 2 Complete the sentences with the correct

Class: _______________________________ form of the verbs in brackets.
Total: _________/15 0 No one has ever told me what I should do
(do) in such a situation.

1 We must all _____________ (talk) to each

2.5 Verb patterns
other to find an answer to this problem.
1 Choose the correct option.
2 What time do you expect _____________
0 What do you enjoy do / doing in your free
3 I keep _____________ (lose) my keys – it’s
1 They simply can't afford to buy / buying
so annoying!
any new players this season.
4 I let my sister _____________ (borrow) my
2 Do you fancy to go / going to the match on
5 The teacher warned us ________________
3 The coach forced him go / to go on a diet
(not / be) late.
because he was too heavy for his category.
6 She can’t help _____________ (think)
4 I offered to fix / fixing his bike but he said
about her ex.
he was going to buy a new one.
7 Our teacher is always trying to make us
5 I have done everything to encourage him
_____________ (work) harder.
not to do / not doing such a stupid thing
again! 8 My sister advised me ______________ (not
/ call) him again.
6 Don’t waste time taking up / to take up
a new sport when you’re so busy.

7 This foundation aims to help / helping the ____/8

best young tennis players.


© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

Dictation, Listening and Reading

Name: ____________________________________ Listening

Class: ____________________________________ 2 [Track 5] You will hear a conversation between
Total: _ /30 Natalie and John. Listen and complete the
sentences with a word or short phrase.
1 [Track 4] Listen and write the sentences you hear, 1 John thinks that all the people who are
including the punctuation. _________________ play football and rugby.
2 John likes Mrs Peters because she doesn’t
3 Natalie has to ________________ than other girls
in PE lessons.
4 According to Natalie, the school has ___________
new table tennis tables.
5 Only _______________ people can play table
6 In the end, John decides to play ______________


© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

Dictation, Listening and Reading

Reading January 2004, she entered her first competition

since the attack.
3 Read the text. Complete gaps 1-5 with sentences
Around the same time as she was returning to
A–F. There is one extra sentence.
surfing competitions, Bethany was also busy with
appearances on television and in newspaper
A She was able to do this in 2005 when a interviews. (3) ______ She was a modest person
youth group asked for volunteers to go to by nature, and didn’t enjoy all the attention. But,
Thailand. eventually, she realised that it gave her an
opportunity to tell people about her life and her
B She loved it from the start, and she won her beliefs.
first competition at the age of eight.
In the same year, 2004, she wrote her
C She also works hard to promote healthy autobiography: Soul Surfer: A true story of faith,
lifestyles and diet. family and fighting to get back on the board. This
brought her story to a much wider audience.
D She has never wasted time feeling sorry for Despite still being a young teenager with her own
herself. disability, Bethany was determined to help others
who had even worse problems. (4) ______ This
E She was rushed to hospital, where doctors country had suffered badly from a tsunami in
carried out emergency surgery.
December 2004 and desperately needed
F At first, she wasn’t keen on all the publicity. international help. Bethany went there and was
able to help local people overcome their fear of
1 the water.
2 Bethany won her first national surfing
competition in 2005 and she turned professional
two years later. Although surfing takes up a lot of
4 her time, she has other passions. She works hard
5 to raise money for several charities. (5) ______
/10 In 2011, her amazing story was made into a film
and, once again, Bethany was able to reach an
even wider audience and has become a role
BETHANY HAMILTON – SOUL SURFER model for many people with disabilities. When a
journalist asked what she would do if she could
Bethany Hamilton was definitely born with the sea get her arm back, her reply was immediate. She
in her blood. Her parents, who were enthusiastic wouldn’t want to change her life as it was the loss
surfers, had moved to Hawaii before she was born of her arm which made everything that she has
so that they could spend more time in the water. achieved possible.
With her parents and two older brothers, she
started learning to surf almost as soon as she
could walk. (1) ______ So, it was no surprise
when, on the night before Halloween in 2003, she
went for an evening’s surfing with her friends. The
waves weren’t very high and she was just lying on
her board, relaxing, when a three-metre-long tiger
shark came up from below and bit off her left arm.
Thanks to her quick-thinking friends, Bethany
survived despite losing a large amount of blood.
(2) ______ When she came to after the operation,
her first words were ‘When can I surf again?’ She
didn’t have to wait long. On November 26th, she
returned to the sea on her surfboard and, in

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

Dictation, Listening and Reading

Group A Group B
Dictation Dictation
Exercise 1 Exercise 1
The great Brazilian footballer Pelé / played his last The great Brazilian footballer Pelé / played his last
competitive match / in July 1977. / By that time, / he competitive match / in July 1977. / By that time, / he
had won the World Cup three times / and had had won the World Cup three times / and had
scored seventy-seven goals / for his country. / He is scored seventy-seven goals / for his country. / He is
an inspiration to many people. an inspiration to many people.

Listening Listening
Exercise 2 Exercise 2
1 competitive: John says that all the really 1 basketball: Natalie says she was pushed over and
competitive people play them (football and hurt her arm last time she played basketball.
rugby). 2 the goalkeeper: He says that he wants to be the
2 shout: John says that Mrs Peters is the best PE goalkeeper so he doesn’t have to run around too
teacher. She never shouts. much.
3 do more: Natalie says that since she forgot her kit, 3 the best: John says that Mrs Peters is the best PE
Mrs Peters has made her do more. teacher. She never shouts.
4 three: Natalie says there are three new (table 4 cousin: Natalie says her cousin told her about the
tennis) tables in the gym. tables.
5 twelve: Natalie says that only twelve (people) can 5 eleven: Natalie says they are going to put a list up
do table tennis. at eleven o’clock.
6 table tennis: He says ‘I think I’ll join you at table 6 journalist: John says that Natalie should be a
tennis’. journalist because she’s good at finding out what
is happening.

Reading Reading
Exercise 3 Exercise 3
1 B: This sentence fits with the sentences before 1 B: This sentence fits with the sentences before
and after it. She loved surfing from the start. So, it and after it. The sentence after the gap goes on to
was no surprise that she went surfing the night give more detail about the evening mentioned
before Halloween. before.
2 E: The sentence after the gap mentions her 2 E: This sentence answers the question in the
surgery again, as it describes what happened after previous sentence about when Bethany would be
the operation. able to surf again.
3 F: The sentence after the gap confirms this idea, 3 F: This sentence gives more details about why
saying that she was modest and didn’t enjoy Bethany wasn’t keen on all the publicity, which is
being the centre of attention. mentioned in the sentence before.
4 A: The sentence after the gap refers to Thailand 4 A: The sentence before the gap mentions a
again as ‘this country’. country, Thailand, and this sentence refers back
5 C: This sentence adds a similar idea to the to that by saying ‘this country’.
sentence before the gap, mentioning another one 5 C: This sentence mentions one of Bethany’s
of Bethany’s passions. passions. The following sentence uses ‘also’ to
add a similar idea, mentioning another one of
Bethany’s passions.

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

Dictation, Listening and Reading

Name: ____________________________________ Listening

Class: ____________________________________ 2 [Track 5] You will hear a conversation between
Total: _ /30 Natalie and John. Listen and complete the
sentences with a word or short phrase.
1 [Track 4] Listen and write the sentences you hear, 1 Natalie was injured the last time she played
including the punctuation. _________________.
2 John wants to be _________________ when he
plays hockey.
3 John thinks that Mrs Peters is ________________
PE teacher.
4 Natalie’s _________________ told her about the
new table tennis tables.
5 The teachers are going to put up a list of sports at
_________________ o’clock.
6 John thinks that Natalie should become a


© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

Dictation, Listening and Reading

Reading she returned to the sea on her surfboard and, in

January 2004, she entered her first competition
3 Read the text. Complete gaps 1-5 with sentences
since the attack.
A–F. There is one extra sentence.
Around the same time as she was returning to
surfing competitions, Bethany was also busy with
A This country had been badly damaged by a appearances on television and giving newspaper
tsunami in December 2004 and desperately interviews. At first, she didn’t enjoy being in the
needed international help. public eye. (3) But, eventually, she
realised that it gave her an opportunity to tell
B So, it was no surprise when, one autumn people about her life and her beliefs.
evening in 2003, she went down to the beach
In the same year, 2004, she wrote her
with friends.
autobiography: Soul Surfer: A true story of faith,
C She raises money for a number of good causes. family and fighting to get back on the board. This
brought her story to a much wider audience.
D She considered giving up surfing at this point. Despite still being a young teenager with her own
disability, Bethany was determined to help others
E It was sooner than anyone expected. who had even worse problems. She got an
opportunity to do this in 2005 when there was a
F She was naturally modest, and didn’t enjoy
call for volunteers to travel to Thailand.
being the centre of attention.
(4) ______ Bethany went there and was able to
1 help local people overcome their fear of the
Bethany won her first national surfing
3 competition in 2005 and she turned professional
4 two years later. Although surfing takes up a lot of
5 her time, she has other passions. (5) ______ She
/10 also works hard to promote healthy lifestyles and
diet. In 2011, her amazing story was made into a
film and, once again, Bethany was able to reach an
even wider audience and has become a role
model for many people with disabilities. When a
journalist asked what she would do if she could
It is sometimes said that Bethany Hamilton was
get her arm back, her reply was immediate. She
born with the sea in her blood. Her parents, who
wouldn’t want to change her life as it was the loss
were enthusiastic surfers, had moved to Hawaii
of her arm which made everything that she has
before she was born so that they could spend
achieved possible.
more time in the water. With her parents and two
older brothers, she started learning to surf when
she was very young. She fell in love with the sport,
and she won her first competition at the age of
eight. (1) The waves weren’t very high
and she was just lying on her board, relaxing,
when a three-metre-long tiger shark came up
from below and bit off her left arm.
Thanks to her quick-thinking friends, Bethany
survived despite losing over half the blood in her
body. She was rushed to hospital where doctors
carried out emergency surgery. When she came to
after the operation, her first words were ‘When
can I surf again?’ (2) ______ On November 26th,

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

Vocabulary, Grammar and Use of English

Name: __________________________________
Class: __________________________________
3 Complete the sentences with the correct form
Total: _ /30 of the verbs in brackets. Use the Past Simple,
Past Continuous or Past Perfect.

Vocabulary 0 It was raining (rain) on the day the Olympic

1 Write the correct word for each definition. The Games started.
first letter of each word is given. 1 After I got home, I realised that I ___________
_____________ (lose) my car keys somewhere.
0 (noun) a person who teaches you to play a 2 Jane looked around and saw that everyone
sport: coach _____________________ (watch) the hockey
1 (adj) able to recover quickly or easily from match.
something negative: r___________ 3 Andy didn't get to the stadium on time. The
2 (noun) a person who has come to watch a game or match _________________________ (already
another type of event: s___________ / start) when he arrived there.
3 (noun) a person who decides if a play is fair or not 4 What prize ____________________ (she / get)
during a match: r___________ for winning the Wimbledon title last year?
4 (adj) able to make up one’s mind quickly: 5 Janet ______________________ (try) to sleep
d___________ when she heard her neighbours celebrate the
5 (noun) a person you play with on the same victory of their team.
side: t___________ /5
4 Complete the sentences with the correct form
2 Complete the sentences with the words in the of the words in brackets. Do not change the
box. There is one extra word. order of the words.
miss beat point
drop keep repeat break 0 I (not / stand / watch / match) can't stand
watching matches on TV with my brother – he
0 If she keeps running that fast, she could break doesn't stop talking.
a world record! 1 Sometimes my parents (allow / I / go)
1 For our dance performance, we had to ____________________________ to a football
________________ the same sequence many game on my own.
times until we got it right. 2 Even though I'm in an amateur team, they
2 The fans didn’t expect their best player to (make / we / train) ______________________
_____________ the goal so they were very __________ very hard.
disappointed. 3 Actually, I (not / mind / play) ______________
3 When the runner fell down on the track, it was the ________________ volleyball in every PE class.
_________________ of no return for her – there 4 I'm sure Tim's doctor will (advise / he / not /
was no way she could win. run) ______________________________ the
4 I’ve taken up running in order to ___________ marathon next year.
in shape. 5 In 2013, the runner (refuse / sign) __________
5 The young boxer hopes to ________________ ___________________ the contract because
the champion and take the big prize. she wasn't happy with the conditions.
/5 /5

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

Vocabulary, Grammar and Use of English

Use of English 2 X: Which is better: skiing or snowboarding?

5 Choose the correct option. Y: I think that you should try snowboarding.
A No way B If you ask me,
0 What are you waiting for? Just C it! C I'm not convinced that
Do you __ any sport regularly?
A make B get C do 3 I can't believe it! Our team has lost another
1 I can’t believe they talked me __ joining the A game B point C race
Jason is really happy because he got __ the 4 You called me during a meeting with a client,
school basketball team. so I couldn't answer.
A to B into C along A while I was in a meeting with
B when I was going to meet
2 Sally seems to __ after her mother – they are C after having a meeting with
both tall and blonde.
Dave wasn’t sure he wanted to __ on the 5 My trainer always says positive things to me.
challenge of competing against the best player A warns B advises C encourages
in the school. /5
A try B take C look

3 Kelly picked __ those dance moves

immediately. She’s a fast learner!
We look ___ to our coach because he is such a
wonderful man.
A down B around C up

4 I had to drop __ of the team because of an

Do you want to try ___ my new bike? It’s fun
to ride!
A out B down C off

5 You can burn __ a lot of calories doing this

exercise routine.
I couldn’t understand the rules, which put me
__ watching cricket.
A down B up C off

6 Choose the word that means the same as the

underlined words or phrases.

0 John might be at this football practice.

A could B must C should

1 What do you know about the other team's

A fans B audience C opponents

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

Vocabulary, Grammar and Use of English

Group A Group B
Vocabulary Vocabulary
Exercise 1 Exercise 1
1 resilient 1 teammate
2 spectator 2 decisive
3 referee 3 supporter
4 decisive 4 active
5 teammate 5 referee
Exercise 2 Exercise 2
1 repeat 1 score
2 miss 2 point
3 point 3 win
4 keep 4 give
5 beat 5 come
Grammar Grammar
Exercise 3 Exercise 3
1 had lost 1 was driving
2 was watching 2 hadn’t started
3 had already started 3 were wearing
4 did she get 4 did Paul finish
5 was trying 5 had never beaten

Exercise 4 Exercise 4
1 allow me to go 1 teach me (how) to play
2 make us train 2 never let/lets us go
3 don’t mind playing 3 warned her not to do
4 advise him not to run 4 Don’t waste time trying
5 refused to sign 5 attempted to climb
Use of English Use of English
Exercise 5 Exercise 5
1 B 1 C
2 B 2 C
3 C 3 A
4 A 4 B
5 C 5 C

Exercise 6 Exercise 6
1 C 1 A
2 B 2 B
3 A 3 A
4 A 4 A
5 C 5 B

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

Vocabulary, Grammar and Use of English

Name: __________________________________ Grammar

Class: __________________________________ 3 Complete the sentences with the correct form
Total: _ /30 of verbs in brackets. Use the Past Simple, Past
Continuous or Past Perfect.

0 It was raining (rain) on the day the Olympic

Games started.
1 Write the correct word for each definition. The 1 I _______________________ (drive) home
first letter of each word is given. when I heard about the accident on the radio.
2 Ann wasn't late. When she got to the sports
0 (noun) a person who teaches you to play a
centre, the competition _________________
sport: trainer
___________ (not / start).
1 (noun) a person you play with on the same
3 When they got to the meeting point, they
side: t___________
realised they __________________________
2 (adj) a person who makes choices quickly and
(wear) inappropriate clothes for the trip.
definitely: d___________
4 When _________________________ (Paul /
3 (noun) a person who hopes a certain team or
finish) his sporting career: in 1998 or 1999?
player will win: s___________
5 Before I won my first championship, I _______
4 (adj) a person who moves a lot and does a lot
__________________ (never / beat) such a
of things: a___________
famous opponent.
5 (noun) a person who decides if players’
actions are allowed or not during a match: /5
/5 4 Complete the sentences with the correct form
of the words in brackets. Do not change the
2 Complete the sentences with the words in the
order of the words.
box. There is one extra word.
win break give beat 0 I (not / stand / watch / match) can't stand
come point score watching matches on TV with my brother – he
doesn't stop talking.
0 If she keeps running that fast, she could break 1 Mum, could you (teach / I / play) __________
a world record! __________________________chess?
1 We hoped our team would ________________ 2 Our father (never / let / we / go) __________
at least one goal, but it didn’t happen. ________________________ swimming in the
2 When the runner fell down on the track, it was river.
the _________________ of no return for her – 3 The doctor (warn / she / not / do) _________
there was no way she could win. _________________________ too much
3 I knew Stella would _________________ exercise during the first month after the injury.
a prize on the game show! 4 A friend of hers said, “(not / waste / time / try)
4 I hope the doctor will _________________ me __________________________________ to
some peace of mind by telling me my leg will become a professional sportsperson!”
get better. 5 Joshua (attempt / climb) _________________
5 Despite doing her best, Lydia was disappointed to ____________________ the highest mountain
_________________ last in the 10 km race. in the Alps two years ago.
/5 /5

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

Vocabulary, Grammar and Use of English

2 I didn’t mean to disappoint the team but I

Use of English
wasn’t feeling well during the match.
5 Choose the correct option. A cheer on B let down C go in for
0 What are you waiting for? Just C it!
Do you __ any sport regularly? 3 He realised his mistake after kicking the ball
A make B get C do really hard.
A when he had kicked
1 Don't give __ so easily. You can still beat your B while he was kicking
opponent. C after he has kicked
I have always looked __ to Adrian for his
modesty. 4 Be quiet and listen to what the trainer is
A down B in C up saying.
A coach B athlete C referee
2 Dan seems to __ after his father. They are both
short and very strong. 5 X: I'm sure we will win the league this season!
I don’t think I want to __ on the challenge of Y: That's true!
trying out for the volleyball team. I know I’m A No way! B Absolutely! C Are you kidding?
not really good enough. /5
A turn B go C take

3 My experience of falling off a horse has put me

__ riding forever.
My goal is to burn __ 500 calories a day
through exercise.
A off B up C down

4 Why don’t you try fencing __? I think you’d

really enjoy it.
I hope Tim doesn’t drop __ of the team. He’s
such a good player!
A in B out C on

5 Marla has talked me __ helping her with her

golf game.
My brother was thrilled to get __ the rowing
A on B about C into
6 Choose the word that means the same as the
underlined words or phrases.

0 John might be at this football practice.

A could B must C should

1 I'm sure Mum will make me work harder when

she sees my grades.
A force me to B refuse to
C allow me to

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Name: ________________________________
Class: ________________________________
Total: _______/30

You were a spectator at an exciting sporting event. You decide to write a story about it for a competition
organised by your school.
• Explain when and where the event took place, and who was involved.
• Describe the most interesting or exciting parts of the event.
• Say what happened in the end and give your opinion of the event.
Write your story.


© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Can clearly signal chronological sequence in a narrative text.

Sample answer
On the edge of my seat
This was the moment I’d always dreamed about. I was finally sitting with a perfect view of the most famous
tennis court in the world. And Andy Murray, my idol, was about to play in the Wimbledon final.
I had travelled to London with two friends and we were all very excited. We’d seen Andy on TV but this was
the first time seeing him play in real life. We arrived very early to get our tickets. A lot of people were already
queuing for tickets when we arrived, but we were really lucky, and we got good seats quite near the front. It
was a really exciting match. Murray was losing for the first half of the match, but he suddenly started to play
much better. The crowd cheered every time he scored a point!
After nearly three hours, the match ended with Murray as the winner. However, I feel like the real winner
from that day. After the match, when my friends and I were leaving the court, Andy walked past us. ‘Andy’ I
called and surprisingly he stopped to chat to us. He was so kind and inspring that I’ve decided to take up tennis
myself, too.
Mark scheme
The task is worth 30 marks. Award up to 6 marks for each section of the mark scheme, according to the
descriptions below.
Marks Task achievement Written Written Range Accuracy
production and interaction
1-2 Completes only No clear paragraph Text is difficult to Uses only very Lots of errors even
one or two aspects structure followed. understand. Errors basic vocabulary in basic language,
of the task. May Very little linking impede and grammar, with which impede
not use the correct of sentences. communication. a lot of errors. communication.
genre and only
covers one or two
of the points
specified in the
3-4 Completes the A paragraph Text is generally Uses simple Generally
majority of the structure followed. easy to vocabulary and accurate, but with
task. Uses the Some paragraphs understand. Some basic grammar some errors,
correct genre and may only have one errors may impede structures especially in more
covers the or two sentences. communication. accurately. Uses advanced
majority, but not Some linking some more language.
all, of the points between advanced
specified in the sentences. vocabulary. Uses
task. some more
structures with
5-6 Completes all parts Divided into clear Text is very clear Uses a wide range A few mistakes in
of the task fully, paragraphs, and and easy to of vocabulary more advanced
including the each paragraph understand. appropriately. language
correct genre and has a clear Uses a wide range structures, but
all the points function. A variety of grammar generally very
specified in the of linking words structures accurate.
task. used to link accurately and
sentences. appropriately.

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Name: _______________________________ 2 Complete the sentences with the missing

Class: _______________________________ words. In each sentence one or two words
Total: _________/15 are missing. Use so, neither and/or auxiliary
0 I hear you didn’t win any medals. Neither
so, too, neither/nor, either
did I.
1 Choose the correct response, A, B or C.
1 I was a bit slow during the match, and
0 X: Karen was disappointed by our team’s
performance. ______________________________ the other
Y: B players.
A Oh, I was.
B So was I. 2 I won’t compete in the next tennis tournament.
C I wasn’t either. ______________________________ Kelly.

1 X: I couldn’t get to the stadium in time for 3 ‘I think skateboarding is a waste of time.’
the kick-off. ‘Really? I __________________________.’
Y: ______
4 I signed up for a summer football camp
A So could I.
B Neither was I. yesterday, and __________________________
C Nor could I. Kevin.
5 I get bored watching football matches, and
2 X: I think every child should play a sport.
___________________________ my sister.
Y: ______
A Really? I don’t. /10
B Neither do I.
C Oh. I do
3 X: I haven’t played basketball in ages.
Y: ______
A So have we.
B Neither do we.
C We haven’t either.
4 X: Justin is trying to get tickets for the big
Y: ______
A So is Tom.
B Tom has too.
C Tom isn’t either.
5 X: Jocelyn won’t take part in any karate
competitions next month.
Y: ______
A I don’t either.
B So will I.
C Oh, I will.

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Group A Group B
2.6 so, too, neither/nor, either 2.6 so, too, neither/nor, either
Exercise 1 Exercise 1
1C 1B
2A 2C
3C 3B
4A 4A
5C 5C

Exercise 2 Exercise 2
1 so were 1 so do
2 Nor/Neither will 2 neither/nor is
3 don’t 3 am
4 so did 4 so were
5 so does 5 have

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Name: _______________________________ 2 Complete the sentences with the missing

Class: _______________________________ words. In each sentence one or two words are
Total: _________/15 missing. Use so, neither and/or auxiliary verbs.
0 I hear you didn’t win any medals.
Neither did I.
so, too, neither/nor, either
1 Choose the correct response, A, B or C. 1 I believe we will win the championship, and
________________________ my friends.
0 X: Karen was disappointed by our team’s
performance. 2 My parents aren’t coming to the game
Y: B tonight, and __________________________
A Oh, I was.
B So was I. my brother.
C I wasn’t either. 3 ‘I’m not happy about the new training
1 X: I never thought they would win by so
‘ Really? I _________________________.’
many points!
4 We were exhausted after the game, and
Y: ______
A So did I. ____________________________ the trainers.
B Oh, I did. 5 ‘I’ve never been to a live boxing match.’
C I couldn’t either.
‘Oh, I ______________________________.’
2 X: My sister didn’t do well in the tennis
tournament. /10
Y: ______
A Nor am I.
B So does mine.
C Neither did mine.
3 X: You run so quickly!
Y: ______
A So are you.
B So do you.
C Neither do you.
4 X: I can’t think of the name of that famous
Y: ______
A I can’t either.
B I don’t either.
C Neither do I.
5 X: I find ice hockey really difficult to
Y: Really? ______
A Nor do I.
B So am I.
C I don’t.

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Name: _______________________________ 6 He wanted a relaxing physical activity, so

Class: _______________________________
he decided to __________ up yoga.
Total: _________/20
7 It took me a long time to __________ into
the school cricket team, but after several
It's just a game tries they accepted me.
1 Complete the list with the words in the box.
There is one extra word. 8 She had never run a marathon before, but
Kate likes to __________ on a challenge so
course court pitch pool
table ring rink track she agreed to do it.

Places where you can do sports in our city

__ /8
0 swimming pool

1 football ___________ 3 Complete the sentences with the correct

form of the verbs in the box. There are two
2 athletics ___________ extra verbs.
3 skating ___________ beat break match come keep
lose pass score win
4 golf ___________
0 He didn't win a prize but his performance
5 boxing ___________
at the Olympics was quite good.
6 tennis ___________
1 It was very easy to ______________ their
__ /6 opponents – they had never played table tennis
2 Complete the sentences with the missing
2 Our team have been playing really badly
words. Use phrasal verbs.
recently – they have ______________ their
0 I am going to take part in the cycling race last ten games.
this year.
3 Natasha was too slow to ______________
1 My family came to _________ me on when the world record.
I ran the marathon.
4 You won't ______________ a point if you
2 If you don’t enjoy team sports, perhaps
touch the ball with your hand.
you should __________ in for something
5 The oldest marathon runner was over
like tennis or golf.
seventy years old. He ______________ last
3 When her leg started hurting she decided but he was very proud of himself.
to __________ out of the race.
6 What should I do to ______________ fit?
4 Sally feels like she __________ her team
down because she missed the goal. __ /6

5 You can __________ off a lot of calories by

doing an energetic dance class.

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Group A Group B
It's just a game It's just a game

Exercise 1 Exercise 1
1 pitch 1 course
2 track 2 ring
3 rink 3 rink
4 course 4 court
5 ring 5 track
6 court 6 pitch

Exercise 2 Exercise 2
1 cheer 1 burn
2 go 2 go
3 drop/pull 3 get
4 let 4 cheer
5 burn 5 take
6 take 6 drop/pull
7 get 7 take
8 take 8 let

Exercise 3 Exercise 3
1 beat 1 keep
2 lost 2 break
3 break 3 comes
4 score 4 lost
5 came 5 beat
6 keep 6 score

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Name: _______________________________ 5 Do you think you’re a good enough player

Class: _______________________________
to _________ on the challenge of playing in
Total: _________/20
a national competition?
6 When David hurt his ankle, he had to
It's just a game __________ out of the football match.
1 Complete the list with the words in the box.
There is one extra word. 7 I think I will __________ up running. I really
need to get more exercise.
course court pitch pool
table ring rink track 8 Tom felt he had __________ the team
down when he dropped the ball, but
Places where you can do sports in our city
nobody was really angry.
0 swimming pool
__ /8
1 golf ___________

2 boxing ___________ 3 Complete the sentences with the correct

form of the verbs in the box. There are two
3 ice ___________ extra verbs.
4 volleyball ___________ beat break match come keep
lose pass score win
5 motor racing ___________
0 He didn't win a prize but his performance
6 football ___________
at the Olympics was quite good.
__ /6
1 What do you do to ______________ in
2 Complete the sentences with the missing
words. Use phrasal verbs. 2 The runner has said he is confident he can
______________ his own world record this year.
0 I am going to take part in the cycling race
this year.
3 The person who ______________ first in
1 The best way to __________ off calories is the race will get a luxury car.

to do energetic exercise every day. 4 When the game started, my favourite

2 Ken doesn’t __________ in for team sports sportsman ________________ a few
points but he didn't give up easily.
much, but he does go running every day.
3 I don’t think I’ll ever __________ into the 5 This computer game is too difficult – I
spent two weeks trying to
school basketball team – they think I’m too
________________ the champion.
short to play well! 6 Our team needs to _______________ two
4 Her whole family was waiting at the finish goals in the next five minutes to win the
line to ___________ Susan on when she
__ /6
completed the race.

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Name: _______________________________ 2 Rewrite the sentences using the words in

Class: _______________________________ capitals.
Total: _________/15 0 It is possible that the plane will land at
a different airport because of very bad
weather in Liverpool.
3.2 Present and past speculation MAY
1 Complete the sentences with the verbs in The plane may land at a different airport
the boxes. because of very bad weather in Liverpool.
1 I'm sure that Sean has studied Spanish
before because he speaks it fluently.
may rain can't have rained
must have won could win
2 I'm sure that woman isn't Andy's mother –
0 There are some dark clouds in the sky. It
she's too young.
may rain later.
1 Adam's so good with computers – he ___________________________________
___________________ any competition. ___________________________________
2 The streets are completely dry – it 3 It's still possible that we will save enough
_______________________. money to go to Peru.
3 She is buying lots of new things! She MIGHT
________________________ a lot of ___________________________________
money in the lottery. ___________________________________
4 It's possible that Janet's car broke down
before she reached London.
could take could have taken
must like must have liked
4 Does your aunt like modern art? You ____/8
_____________________ her to the new
art gallery when she next visits you.
5 He's been playing that computer game all
day. He _________________ it very much.
6 People ___________________ that song –
the radio played it many times every day.
7 Violet ____________________ the key and
now you can't find it.


© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Group A Group B
3.2 Present and past speculation 3.2 Present and past speculation

Exercise 1 Exercise 1
1 could win 1 may have met
2 can't have rained 2 can't have been
3 must have won 3 can't be
4 could take 4 could stay
5 must like 5 must have rained
6 must have liked 6 must rain
7 could have taken 7 could have stayed

Exercise 2 Exercise 2
1 Sean must have studied Spanish 1 The price of the ticket must be correct
before because he speaks it fluently. – I've checked it three times.

2 That woman can't be Andy's mother – 2 He might have missed his plane
she's too young. because he didn't have his passport.

3 We might save enough money to go 3 The animal we saw in the forest can't/
to Peru. couldn’t have been a bear.

4 Janet's car could have broken down 4 Dania could be at home now.
before she reached London.

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Name: _______________________________ 2 Rewrite the sentences using the words in

Class: _______________________________ capitals.
Total: _________/15 0 It is possible that the plane will land at a
different airport because of very bad
weather in Liverpool.
3.2 Present and past speculation MAY
1 Complete the sentences with the verbs in The plane may land at a different airport
the boxes. because of very bad weather in Liverpool.
1 I'm sure the price of the ticket is correct –
I've checked it three times.
may meet can't be
can't have been may have met
2 It's possible that he missed his plane
0 We live in the same neighbourhood, so we
because he didn't have his passport.
may meet in the future.
1 We ______________________ in Glasgow
while I was living there.
3 I'm sure that the animal we saw in the
2 Helen ________________________ serious
forest wasn't a bear!
about that. I'm sure she was joking.
3 You _____________________ serious
about taking a gap year. It's such a bad
4 It's possible that Dania is at home now.
could stay must rain
could have stayed must have rained
4 If money is not a problem, you __________
____________ at the new four-star hotel in
the centre.
5 A lot of people are carrying umbrellas – it
_________________________ before.
6 Most people in the UK carry an umbrella with
them. It ___________________ a lot there.
7 I thought Jim was coming back yesterday,
but he _________________________ in
France for a few extra days.


© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Name: _______________________________ 2 Mark options A and B as correct (√) or

Class: _______________________________ wrong (×).
Total: _________/20
0 In the past, people __ books when they
3.5 Used to and would had to make a long journey.
1 Rewrite the sentences using used to or A used to read √
would in the correct form. B used reading X

1 Andrew __ to bed early last night because

0 Did you go to school by bus when you were
he wasn't tired at all.
A didn't go __
used to: Did you use to go to school by bus
B didn't use to go __
when you were ten?
2 My dad __ a dog when he was a teenager.
A used to have __
1 I didn't like eating fish and chips for lunch.
B would have __
used to:
3 Larry __ happier when he was a university
A was __
B would be __
2 Tina went to the zoo twice a year.
4 My grandma __ me quite often but now we
text each other a lot.
A used to phone __
B phoned __

3 Who stayed at your grandparents’ house in ____/8

the summer?
used to:

4 People didn't talk on the phone on the bus.

used to:

5 Was Sandra the best student?

used to:

6 We often went swimming in the river back


© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Group A Group B
3.5 Used to and would 3.5 Used to and would

Exercise 1 Exercise 1
1 I didn't use to like eating fish and chips 1 I would always order a large pizza at
for lunch. my favourite restaurant.

2 Tina would go to the zoo twice a year. 2 Someone used to clean the train more
often than now.
3 Who used to stay at your
grandparents’ house in the summer? 3 We didn't use to enjoy travelling by
plane at all!
4 People didn't use to talk on the phone
on the bus. 4 They would go skiing in the Alps every
5 Did Sandra use to be the best
student? 5 Did plane tickets use to be very
6 We would often go swimming in the
river back then. 6 Who used to go with you on holidays
to Spain?

Exercise 2 Exercise 2
1 A didn't go √ 1 A would have ×
B didn't use to go × B used to have √
2 A used to have √ 2 A didn't use to answer ×
B would have × B didn't answer √
3 A was √ 3 A used to photocopy √
B would be × B photocopied √
4 A used to phone √ 4 A would be ×
5 B phoned √ B were √

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Name: ______________________________ 2 Mark options A and B as correct (√) or

Class: _______________________________ wrong (×).
Total: _________/20 0 In the past, people __ books when they
had to make a long journey.
3.5 Used to and would
A used to read √
1 Rewrite the sentences using used to or
B were reading X
would in the correct form.
1 My mum __ green hair when she was an
0 Did you go to school by bus when you were
Art student.
A would have __
used to: Did you use to go to school by bus
B used to have __
when you were ten?
2 Anna __ the phone when someone called
1 I always ordered a large pizza at my her last night.
favourite restaurant. A didn't use to answer __
would: B didn't answer __
___________________________________ 3 My Maths teacher __ exercises for everyone
___________________________________ last year but now she sends them by email.
A used to photocopy __
2 Someone cleaned the train more often B photocopied __
than now. 4 Birthdays __ more exciting when I was a
used to: small child.
___________________________________ A would be __
___________________________________ B were __
3 We didn't enjoy travelling by plane at all!
used to:

4 They went skiing in the Alps every winter.


5 Were plane tickets very expensive?

used to:

6 Who went with you on holidays to Spain?

used to:

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

Dictation, Listening and Reading

Name: ____________________________________ Listening

Class: ____________________________________ 2 [Track 7] You will hear six short extracts about
Total: _ /30 holidays. For questions 1-6, choose the correct
answer, A, B or C.
1 [Track 6] Listen and write the sentences you hear, 1 The entertainment finished
including the punctuation. A about an hour after the ferry had set off.
B before England was out of sight.
C about an hour before they set off in the car.

2 The man will have to pay extra because

A one of his bags is too heavy.
B all his luggage together weighs too much.
C he has too many bags.

3 Choose the correct statement.

A Beth has been on a school trip and is telling
her dad what she did.
B Beth is on holiday and is telling her dad
about what has happened so far.
C Beth is on a school trip and is explaining to her
dad that he might have to collect her.

4 The speaker is
A recommending a tent to some customers.
B talking about a tent he has used in the
/10 Himalayas.
C talking about a tent that he is going to buy.

5 From St Agnes
A you can easily get to the Isles of Scilly.
B you can admire the Atlantic Ocean.
C you can take a boat trip to Canada.

6 The man who has been on holiday

A spent the whole time skiing.
B visited two different countries.
C did three different activities.

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

Dictation, Listening and Reading

Reading anyway, none of us like flying. If we went by train, we

3 Read the texts. For questions 1-4, choose the correct would have to change three times. In the end, we
answer, A, B, C or D. went by coach. It left our home town at five
o’clock in the afternoon, as planned, and arrived in
TRAVELLERS’ TALES London, exactly on time, twenty-two hours later. I
wasn’t expecting to sleep well and it wasn’t as
1 John comfortable as a bed but it was better than I had
We often travel by plane but we don’t use budget imagined. The bus stopped every four hours for a
airlines, even though they are cheaper and often rest and we all got out. Everyone was very friendly
fly to the places we want to go. I’d rather pay and chatted and the atmosphere was almost like
more for a bit more comfort. Last Christmas, we a party. Then, at about eleven o’clock, it all went
wanted to spend the holidays with family and quiet as people tried to sleep. When I got out in
friends and we had a change of flight in Frankfurt, London, half asleep but happy, I felt as if I was saying
Germany. The time between flights was goodbye to old friends. I’m now planning on doing
f o r t y - f i v e minutes and we soon realised that more travelling by coach.
we weren’t going to make it. The airline was good
to us and the other passengers and gave us food 1 John doesn’t use budget airlines because
and a comfortable hotel to sleep in. We got a A they don’t fly where he wants to go.
flight the next morning but, unfortunately, it B the time between flights is always too short.
meant that we missed a big family party. I thought C they are uncomfortable.
I’d been clever and found a quick way to get to
D they often lose people’s luggage.
Canada but I was very wrong. Now I know that I
need to leave at least two hours between flights if
I want to be safe. That’s much better than missing 2 John
a flight or arriving without your luggage. A blames the airline for missing his flight.
B was happy that food and accommodation was
2 Greta provided by the airline.
We decided to travel across Europe by train. Train C is happy he has found a fast way to get to
travel always looks so romantic in films. I
imagined leisurely meals in the dining car, meeting
exotic people, followed by a comfortable night’s D only books direct flights since missing his flight.
sleep. Things started to go wrong before we had
even left. The security and check-in for the train 3 When Greta travelled across Europe by train,
from London was just like at an airport except that A the experience didn’t meet her expectations.
the queues were longer. Then, when we got to B she was surprised that everyone had their own
Brussels, we found that our night train was three compartment.
hours late and there was nowhere to leave our
C everything was exactly how she imagined it.
bags. After a very long and not very good meal at
the station, it was finally time to get on the night D she felt it was very romantic.
train. It was OK but the compartment was too hot
and when we opened the window, it was too 4 Elias
noisy to sleep. The beds were hard and there was A enjoyed his journey as he was travelling with
no dining car so everyone went straight to their old friends.
own compartments and didn’t socialise at all. It B was unhappy about changing coaches three
wasn’t quite as I had imagined it! times.
C slept extremely well on the coach.
3 Elias D enjoyed socialising with new people on his
We wanted to go to England but weren’t sure how coach journey.
to travel. We live a long way from an airport and, /8

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

Dictation, Listening and Reading

Group A Group B
Dictation Dictation
Exercise 1 Exercise 1
Travel used to be much slower / before there were Travel used to be much slower / before there were
planes and express trains. / People would often planes and express trains. / People would often
travel by bus / and journeys would take many hours travel by bus / and journeys would take many hours
/ with delays and traffic jams. / People must have / with delays and traffic jams. / People must have
felt tired / when they finally reached their felt tired / when they finally reached their
destination. destination.

Listening Listening
Exercise 2 Exercise 2
1 C: The speaker says that the entertainment 1 B: The speaker says that the first hour went
finished, then, an hour later, they were in their quickly while they watched England disappear,
car again. then they got something to eat.
2 A: One of his bags weighs 30 kilos, but the limit is 2 B: When the woman tells him he will have to
20 kilos. queue up again, he decides to pay the money.
3 B: Beth says she is having a really nice time. She is 3 B: Beth says the teachers had to phone two
telling her dad what has happened to other parents to collect their children because they
children on the trip. were being difficult.
4 A: The speaker mentions a special offer, which 4 C: The speaker mentions that the tent is very
suggests he is in a shop, talking to customers. strong and light, and easy to put up.
5 B: He says you can watch the blood-red sunset 5 C: He says you can watch the blood-red sunset
over the Atlantic Ocean. over the Atlantic Ocean.
6 C: He visited Granada, spent time skiing in the 6 B: The woman asks whether they have snow in
mountains and went to a small town called San Spain, so she is clearly surprised.

Reading Reading
Exercise 3 Exercise 3
1 C: John says he'd rather pay more for a bit 1 A: John says he'd rather pay more for a bit
more comfort. more comfort.
2 B: John says that the airline was good to them 2 A: John says that the airline was good to them
and the other passengers and gave them food and the other passengers and gave them food
and a comfortable hotel to sleep in. and a comfortable hotel to sleep in.
3 A: Greta says that it (travelling by train) wasn’t 3 D: Greta says that it (travelling by train) wasn’t
quite as she had imagined it. quite as she had imagined it.
4 D: Elias says that everyone was very friendly and 4 C: Elias says that everyone was very friendly and
chatted and the atmosphere was almost like chatted and the atmosphere was almost like
a party. a party.

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

Dictation, Listening and Reading

Name: ____________________________________ Listening

Class: ____________________________________ 2 [Track 7] You will hear six short extracts about
Total: _ /30 holidays. Choose the correct answer, A, B or C.

Dictation 1 The family had something to eat

1 [Track 6] Listen and write the sentences you hear, A as soon as they got on the ferry.
including the punctuation. B about an hour after the ferry had set off.
C while they were watching England disappear.

2 The man decides to pay the extra amount because

A he thinks 50 pounds is not too much to pay.
B he doesn’t want to queue up again.
C he doesn’t want to unpack all his luggage.

3 Choose the correct statement.

A Beth wants her dad to collect her.
B Two students are going home from the trip
because of bad behaviour.
C The teachers don’t seem to be enjoying the trip.

4 The speaker is
A showing some friends a tent he has just
B asking for information about a tent.
C explaining the advantages of a tent.

/10 5 From St Agnes

A you can easily get to the Isles of Scilly.
B you can take a boat trip to Canada.
C you can admire the Atlantic Ocean.

6 The woman who is listening to her friend talk

about his holiday
A loves skiing.
B is surprised that her friend has been skiing in
C isn’t keen on the idea of a holiday in February.


© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

Dictation, Listening and Reading

Reading to travel. We live a long way from an airport and,

3 Read the texts. For questions 1-4, choose the correct anyway, none of us like flying. If we went by train, we
answer, A, B, C or D. would have to change three times. In the end, we
went by coach. It left our home town at five
TRAVELLERS’ TALES o’clock in the afternoon, as planned, and arrived in
London, exactly on time, twenty-two hours later. I
wasn’t expecting to sleep well and it wasn’t as
1 John comfortable as a bed but it was better than I had
We often travel by plane but we don’t use budget imagined. The bus stopped every four hours for a
airlines, even though they are cheaper and often rest and we all got out. Everyone was very friendly
fly to the places we want to go. I’d rather pay and chatted and the atmosphere was almost like
more for a bit more comfort. Last Christmas, we a party. Then, at about eleven o’clock, it all went
wanted to spend the holidays with family and quiet as people tried to sleep. When I got out in
friends and we had a change of flight in Frankfurt, London, half asleep but happy, I felt as if I was saying
Germany. The time between flights was forty-five goodbye to old friends. I’m now planning on doing
minutes and we soon realised that we weren’t more travelling by coach.
going to make it. The airline was good to us and
the other passengers and gave us food and a 1 John avoids flying with budget airlines because
comfortable hotel to sleep in. We got a flight the
A he finds them uncomfortable.
next morning but, unfortunately, it meant that we
missed a big family party. I thought I’d been clever B they don’t leave enough time to change planes.
and found a quick way to get to Canada but I was C his luggage often goes missing with them.
very wrong. Now I know that I need to leave at D they only fly to places he doesn’t want to visit.
least two hours between flights if I want to be
safe. That’s much better than missing a flight or 2 John
arriving without your luggage. A was happy to be given food and accommodation
2 Greta by the airline when he missed his flight.
B only books direct flights due to his bad experience.
We decided to travel across Europe by train. Train
travel always looks so romantic in films. I C is pleased he can get to Canada quickly.
imagined leisurely meals in the dining car, meeting D thinks it’s the airline’s fault that he missed his
exotic people, followed by a comfortable night’s plane.
sleep. Things started to go wrong before we had
even left. The security and check-in for the train 3 Greta’s experience travelling across Europe by
from London was just like at an airport except that
the queues were longer. Then, when we got to
Brussels, we found that our night train was three A was exactly how she imagined it.
hours late and there was nowhere to leave our B was very romantic.
bags. After a very long and not very good meal at C was more sociable than she was expecting.
the station, it was finally time to get on the night D didn’t meet her expectations.
train. It was OK but the compartment was too hot
and when we opened the window, it was too 4 Elias
noisy to sleep. The beds were hard and there was
A slept extremely well on the coach.
no dining car so everyone went straight to their
own compartments and didn’t socialise at all. It B was unhappy that he had to change coaches three
wasn’t quite as I had imagined it! times.
C enjoyed meeting new people during his journey.
3 Elias D was happy to travel with old friends.
We wanted to go to England but weren’t sure how /8

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

Vocabulary, Grammar and Use of English

Name: __________________________________ Grammar

Class: __________________________________ 3 Complete the sentences with the words in the
Total: __ /30 box.
might have been can't be may be
must be can't have been must have been
0 The bird we saw in the park might have been a
1 Complete the sentences with the missing
blackbird. They're common here.
words. The first letters are given.
1 Jane _________________________ to at least
fifty different countries by now – every year
0 I try not to drive during rush hour because it
she travels for three or four months.
takes so long to get anywhere.
2 Andrew's plane landed in Málaga three hours
1 The c__________ on the boat from England to
ago. He ________________________ at the
France was very calm.
beach now. I'm sure he's having a great time.
2 Excuse me, sir, please sit down and
3 It's a public holiday tomorrow. There ________
f__________ your seatbelt. We haven't landed
______________ a lot of people at the airport.
4 The information in this guide book is all out-of-
3 Their j__________ through Europe took them
date. Its authors ________________________
two months and they visited sixteen countries.
to Hungary for a long time!
4 Pattaya is just 150 km from Bangkok, which
5 This _________________________ the only
makes it a popular seaside r__________ for
direct train to London. I'm sure there are more.
the people living in Thailand's capital.
5 There is a s__________ across the fields to the /5
train station which takes only ten minutes. 4 Choose the correct option. Sometimes more
/5 than one answer is possible.

0 People A, B on the plane some forty or fifty

2 Read the definitions and write the words. Some
letters are given. years ago. It wasn't prohibited then!
A used to smoke B would smoke
0 Something you consider very unlikely or 1 As a young man, George wanted to go trekking
impossible – u n t h i n k a b l e in Nepal but he __ that he wasn't fit enough to
1 A low area of land between hills and go there.
mountains – v _ _ _ _ y
A used to think B would think
2 To involve yourself deeply in a subject or
activity, such as a foreign culture when 2 I __ my last plane ticket online. It was easier
travelling – i _ m _ _ s _ than I thought.
3 A break taken by students between school and A used to book B booked
university, usually for a year – g _ _ y _ _ _ 3 My primary teacher __ a class trip for her class
4 Something that happens no matter what you every year.
do to prevent it is – u _ _ v _ _ d _ _ _ e
A used to organise B would organise
5 To take money out from a cash point –
4 Going through security __ very little time when
I flew to Moscow last Friday.
A took B would take
5 Most children __ to school by bus in those
A used to get B would get

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

Vocabulary, Grammar and Use of English

Use of English 6 Choose the correct option.

5 Choose the correct option.
0 X: Why are you returning so late?
Y: Our tour bus C and we had to wait ages for
A dropped off B set off C broke down
Question: I've never 0 A in my life. Can I get
lost in an airport? 1 X: Did you and your aunt enjoy the tour?
Y: I did, but she couldn’t __ with the rest of the
group so she went back to our hotel. She
The best In the summer of 2010, just before
hasn’t been able to walk fast since she broke
my first flight, I 1_____ very
reply: her leg last year.
worried, too. But there's nothing
A pick up B hold up C keep up
to worry about if you plan in
2 X: __ from holiday yesterday.
First of all, check how to get to the Y: Why not?
airport. If you go by car or taxi, X: Her car isn’t outside her house and the lights
leave quite early. If there is 2_____, are all out.
your journey might take a lot of A Olga mustn’t come back
time. B Olga might have come back
Remember that in most countries C Olga can't have come back
you should arrive at least two hours
before your 3_____. You can get 3 X: Laura? I’m waiting for you at the station.
your boarding pass at the check-in Where are you?
desk, but if you print it at home, Y: I’m afraid we __ our train so we’ll be there
you won't have to queue! in about an hour.
You 4_____ some horrible stories A have lost B have missed
about getting lost in airports. Still, C have got on
most airports in Europe have a lot
of signs to guide you. It’s easy to 4 X: I'm in a difficult situation. __
get confused in 5_____ places, so if Y: Of course.
you get lost go to an information A Can you do me a favour?
point. Someone will tell you the B Can I give you some advice?
way to your gate. C Should I do something?

5 X: That’s a very long drive! Can you do it

0 A flown B driven C ridden without stopping?
1 A was B used to be C would Y: I usually ___ and take a rest so I don’t get
2 A a traffic jam B an overland tour too sleepy.
C a lift A pull over B put up C run out
3 A tour B voyage C flight /5
4 A must hear B can't have heard
C might have heard
5 A disconnected B unfamiliar
C unrewarding

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

Vocabulary, Grammar and Use of English

Group A Group B
Vocabulary Vocabulary
Exercise 1 Exercise 1
1 crossing 1 cross
2 fasten 2 voyage
3 journey 3 winding path
4 resort 4 return
5 shortcut 5 public transport

Exercise 2 Exercise 2
1 valley 1 barefoot
2 immerse 2 cut / off
3 gap year 3 unrewarding
4 unavoidable 4 cruise
5 withdraw 5 unfamiliar

Grammar Grammar
Exercise 3 Exercise 3
1 must have been 1 must be
2 must be 2 can’t be
3 may be 3 might be
4 can’t have been 4 must have been
5 can’t be 5 can’t have been

Exercise 4 Exercise 4
1 A 1 A
2 B 2 A
3 A, B 3 A, B
4 A 4 B
5 A, B 5 A, B

Use of English Use of English

Exercise 5 Exercise 5
1 A 1 A
2 A 2 B
3 C 3 A
4 C 4 A
5 B 5 C

Exercise 6 Exercise 6
1 C 1 B
2 C 2 C
3 B 3 A
4 A 4 C
5 A 5 B

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

Vocabulary, Grammar and Use of English

Name: ___________________________________ Grammar

Class: ____________________________________ 3 Complete the sentences with the words in the
Total: ___ _ /30 box.
could have been can't be might be
must be can't have been must have been
0 The bird we saw in the park could have been a
1 Complete the sentences with the missing
blackbird. They're common here.
words. The first letters are given.
1 Tom took the first train to London this
morning. He ____________________ in the
0 I try not to drive during rush hour because it
capital right now.
takes so long to get anywhere.
2 This ____________________ the hotel we're
1 I'd love to c__________ Europe by train,
looking for. It looks too big and expensive.
travelling from Lisbon in the west to Moscow
3 The weather tomorrow is going to be really
in the east.
bad so the journey to the airport ___________
2 I dream of going on a v__________ across the
________________ longer than usual.
Atlantic Ocean from the UK to New York.
4 Margaret _________________________ in her
3 We walked along a w__________
car when she phoned me. I heard the noise of
p__________ that followed the irregular
a busy street.
course of the river.
5 Wendy ___________________________ on a
4 The accident happened on the r__________
safari in Africa last summer. She doesn't have a
journey and we couldn't get back home.
passport and has never been abroad!
5 In London, the p__________ t__________ is so
good that it’s not really necessary to take a /5
taxi. 4 Choose the correct option. Sometimes more
/5 than one answer is possible.
2 Read the definitions and write the words. Some
0 People A, B on the plane some forty or fifty
letters are given.
years ago. It wasn't prohibited then!
0 Something you consider very unlikely or A used to smoke B would smoke
impossible – u n t h i n k a b l e 1 Going to the zoo__ very little when I was a
1 Walking without any shoes or socks on your feet – child so everyone could afford it.
b___f___ A cost B use to cost
2 To separate yourself from friends and family, 2 When I was child, I __ going on fishing trips
often when travelling – c _ _ yourself o _ _ with my grandpa.
3 Something that is not satisfying and doesn’t A used to love B would love
give you what you expected – 3 When my brother was small, he __ a teddy
u_r_w_____g bear to school with him.
4 A journey on a boat taken only for pleasure, usually A used to take B would take
a holiday – a c _ _ _ _ _ 4 After getting to the top of the mountain, Alex
5 Something that you don’t recognise and is new __ a small village beneath.
to you – u _ f _ m _ _ _ _ _ A used to see B saw
5 Elephants__ to this lake regularly in the past
but now they live in a different area.
A came B would come

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

Vocabulary, Grammar and Use of English

Use of English 6 Choose the correct option.

5 Choose the correct option.
0 X: Why are you returning so late?
MY FIRST FLIGHT Y: Our tour bus C and we had to wait ages for
Question: 0
I've never A in my life. Can I get A dropped off B set off C broke down

lost in an airport? 1 X: When Hank got to the airport, he didn't

The best I remember that I worried a lot have his passport.
before I ____ my first flight, too.
reply: Y: __ it in his hotel room. It was definitely on
But there's nothing to worry the table.
about if you plan in advance. A He may left B He must have left
If you go to the airport by train C He might have left
or bus, make sure to allow plenty
of time as there could be a train 2 X: Could you give me a lift to the station
tomorrow morning?
delay or a ____, and that could

Y: Sure, I can __ on my way to work!

make you late.
A keep up with you B hold you up
Long security lines are pretty
C drop you off
much ____, so be sure to leave

enough time after you arrive at 3 X: What time will you have to __ tomorrow?
the airport to get through all of Y: At 3 o'clock, so we can still have lunch
the necessary screenings. together.
Some airports are very big and A set off B drive C go after
you ____ that you don't know

where to go. If that happens, 4 X: Who was your role model when you were a
stop and look for someone who child?
works at the airport. In some Y: I __ famous explorers and travellers.
cases your gate may be so far A was admiring B would admire
away that you will have to ____ C used to admire
a shuttle bus or other form of
airport transportation in order to 5 X: If I were you, I wouldn't wait any longer. I'd
get there in a reasonable amount get the tickets today.
of time. Y: Thanks, __.
A that's a big favour B that's really helpful
C that's a very good advice

0 A flown B driven C ridden /5

1 A took B would take C used to take
2 A sledge B traffic jam C short cut
3 A unavoidable B unthinkable C uninformed
4 A might feel B must feel C could have felt
5 A drive B fasten C catch

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Name: ________________________________
Class: ________________________________
Total: _______/30

Your friend from Ireland wanted to make a train journey across Europe by himself/herself, but his/her
parents didn't agree. Write an email to your friend and:

• express your opinion on travelling by train,

• say whether you think his/her parents’ concerns are justified and explain why,
• give him/her advice on the situation,
• invite him/her to visit your country during the summer holiday and suggest the most convenient date
for you.

Hi Tom,

I’ve heard about your plans to make a train journey across Europe.

Let me know what you think.

Write soon,



© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Can write a personal email giving advice.

Sample answer

Hey Pam,

Great to hear about your plans. Your life is so exciting at the moment. I’m back at uni and studying hard.
I can see why you’re unhappy. Travelling by train is great and I’m sure your trip will be fantastic, but have you
really thought about the dangers? Your bag could get stolen while you are sleeping, and it can be very
expensive to travel by train. I think your mum and dad think you’re too young to travel by yourself. They’re
afraid something bad could happen. On the other hand, I don’t agree with your parents. I think you’re old
enough to make your own decisions and mistakes. They can’t look after you forever.
If I were you, I’d write a list of all the things that could go wrong and think of a solution to each problem. Then
you can talk to your parents and present all your arguments. I’m sure that will make them feel much better.
By the way, can you visit Poland during the summer holidays? The beginning of July would be best for me.

I’m sure things will work out fine,


Mark scheme
The task is worth 30 marks. Award up to 6 marks for each section of the mark scheme, according to the
descriptions below.
Marks Task achievement Written production Written Range Accuracy
and coherence interaction
1-2 Completes only one No clear paragraph Text is difficult Uses only very basic Lots of errors
or two aspects of structure followed. to understand. vocabulary and even in basic
the task. May not Very little linking of Errors impede grammar, with a lot language, which
use the correct sentences. communication. of errors. impede
genre and only communication.
covers one or two of
the points specified
in the task.
3-4 Completes the A paragraph Text is generally Uses simple Generally
majority of the task. structure followed. easy to vocabulary and accurate, but
Uses the correct Some paragraphs understand. basic grammar with some
genre and covers the may only have one Some errors structures errors, especially
majority, but not all, or two sentences. may impede accurately. Uses in more
of the points Some linking communication. some more advanced
specified in the task. between sentences. advanced language.
vocabulary. Uses
some more
advanced grammar
structures with
5-6 Completes all parts Divided into clear Text is very Uses a wide range A few mistakes
of the task fully, paragraphs, and clear and easy of vocabulary in more
including the correct each paragraph has to understand. appropriately. Uses advanced
genre and all the a clear function. A a wide range of language
points specified in variety of linking grammar structures structures, but
the task. words used to link accurately and generally very
sentences. appropriately. accurate.

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


10 We agreed to ____________ up a friend for a

Name: _______________________________
few days when he was passing through town.
Class: _______________________________
Total: _________/15 /10

2 Choose one word, A, B or C to complete

Phrasal verbs both sentences.
1 Complete the sentences with the verbs in 0 I pulled B and stopped the car so I could
the box. safely talk on the phone.
Just be patient. I’m sure the storm will be B
break put pick turn walk drop
set bring head keep pull
A in B over C out
0 After driving for four hours, we decided to
1 I hope we don’t run _______________ of
pull over for a rest. money before the end of our holidays!
1 I wasn’t expecting Matt to _____________ I’d like to try _______________ that new
type of snowboard and see how it feels.
up at our house on Saturday. I wish he’d
A out B on C away
called first.
2 I can _______________ you off at the train 2 This sofa turns _______________ a very
comfortable bed when you fold it down.
station on my way to work.
Go _______________ the station on the
3 My car is in poor condition, so I hope it north side and I’ll be waiting for you inside.
doesn’t _______________ down during A up B down C into

our trip. 3 I don’t want to hold you _______________

4 My hiking companion is so fast that it’s when you’re in such a hurry.
difficult to _______________ up with her! It’s difficult to put _______________ a tent
when you don’t have all of the parts.
5 We plan to _______________ off on our
A up B out C off
journey at 6 a.m. on Sunday.
4 I’ve seen enough of this place. Let’s carry
6 It is not easy to _______________ children
_______________ with our tour.
up to be decent people when they have so Don’t put your bag _______________ the
many outside influences. floor – someone might trip over it.
A for B up C on
7 Sara wants us to _______________ her up
at the airport when she arrives on 5 You can’t put _______________ making a
Saturday. decision forever, so just make up your
8 We were surprised when Tim decided to
We should get _______________ the train
____________ away from his job to travel the at the next station.
world. A off B away C up

9 When you reach 15th Avenue, ___________ /5

for the big church, then turn right on Park


© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Group A Group B
3.6 Phrasal verbs 3.6 Phrasal verbs
Exercise 1 Exercise 1
1 turn 1 get
2 drop 2 break
3 break 3 walk
4 keep 4 put
5 set 5 pick
6 bring 6 drop
7 pick 7 head
8 walk 8 turn
9 head 9 set
10 put 10 keep

Exercise 2 Exercise 2
1A 1B
2C 2C
3A 3B
4C 4C
5A 5C

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Name: _______________________________
10 After hurting my foot, I couldn’t
Class: _______________________________
Total: _________/15 ______________ up with the rest of the

Phrasal verbs
2 Choose one word, A, B or C to complete
1 Complete the sentences with the verbs in
both sentences.
the box.
0 I pulled B and stopped the car so I could
break put pick turn walk drop
safely talk on the phone.
set head keep get pull
Just be patient. I’m sure the storm will be B
0 After driving for four hours, we decided to soon.
A in B over C out
pull over for a rest.
1 We decided to _______________ off the 1 If we put ____________ our tent too close
to the water, it might flood.
train at a tiny station in the countryside.
Hotel prices have gone ____________ a lot since
2 We were afraid the car would ____________ last year. I can’t find a place I can afford.
down, so we stopped at a service station for A out B up C away
repairs. 2 By the time we got to London, we had
3 Janet chose to _______________ away almost run ____________ of money so we
got our parents to send us some.
from her highly-paid job to become a tour
Do you want to go ____________ for a
guide. meal at a restaurant?
4 We can _____________ you up for two nights, A down B on C out
but then we’ll need the spare room for my 3 After resting for a couple of hours, we decided to
brother. carry ____________ with our bike tour.
If your feet hurt, we can sit ____________
5 I’m afraid I can’t _______________ you up
this bench for a while.
at the station. Can you get a taxi instead? A in B on C out
6 Can you _______________ me off at the
4 This sofa turns ____________ a very
art museum on your way to work? comfortable bed when you fold it down.
7 The weather was so hot that we decided to Go ____________ the station on the north
side and I’ll be waiting for you inside.
______________ for the coast, where it was
A up B down C into
5 I’m sorry to hold you ____________, but I
8 I dislike it when friends _______________
need to send an email before we leave.
up at my door without calling first. With her back injury, she had trouble
9 If we _______________ off on our trip picking her phone ___________ from the
early in the morning, there won’t be much
A in B down C up
traffic. /5

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Name: ______________________________ 4
f__________t. She was fairly sure she
Class: ______________________________
remembered a 5 s__________t
Total: _________/20
c___________t from where she was to the
village. She began walking along
On the go a 6 w__________g p___________h, then she
1 Complete the sentences with the correct
crossed a 7 s___________n b___________e
form of the verbs in the box. There are two
extra verbs. over the river, and finally she followed a 8
d___________t t___________k across the
stuck get travel cross
go miss walk see fields. She was tired and dirty when she

0 If you don’t want to drive, you can always arrived, and she promised to herself she
travel by train. would never use 9 p___________c
1 I tried to __________ barefoot on the t___________t again!
beach, but the sand was too hot! __ /9
2 Drive on to the bridge to __________ the
river. 3 Read the definitions and write the words.
There is one space for each missing letter.
3 Sheila missed the bus, so she had to The first letters are given.
_________ a lift to the airport from a 0 a journey on a bicycle, horse or motorcycle
friend. –ride
4 We were _________ in traffic for nearly an
1 a trip across water from one piece of land
hour so we missed the start of the concert.
to another – c _ _ _ _ _ _ _
5 I ____________ the bus because the alarm
2 a trip on a boat or ship for the purpose of
clock didn't wake me up this morning.
relaxation and tourism – c _ _ _ _ _
__ /5 3 a trip by car – d _ _ _ _
4 a trip by plane – f _ _ _ _ _
2 Write the missing words to complete the
text. The first and last letters are given. 5 a very long trip by sea or in space –
On Friday afternoon, Sally decided to visit her
6 a trip with the purpose of visiting places of
parents in their village. She didn’t want to
interest – t _ _ _
drive, so she chose to 1 c_______h a bus from
the city centre. Unfortunately, she left during __ /6

the 2 r___________h h___________r and

there was a terrible 3 t___________c
j__________m. After ninety minutes they
were only halfway to the village, so she
decided to get out and continue on

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Group A Group B
On the go On the go

Exercise 1 Exercise 1
1 walk 1 stuck
2 cross 2 catch
3 get 3 fasten
4 stuck 4 cross
5 missed 5 cycle

Exercise 2 Exercise 2
1 catch 1 public transport
2 rush hour 2 get a lift
3 traffic jam 3 rush hour
4 foot 4 traffic jam
5 short cut 5 cable car
6 winding path 6 suspension bridge
7 suspension bridge 7 valley
8 dirt track 8 winding path
9 public transport 9 short cut

Exercise 3 Exercise 3
1 crossing 1 voyage
2 cruise 2 cruise
3 drive 3 tour
4 flight 4 flight
5 voyage 5 drive
6 tour 6 crossing

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Name: ______________________________ mountain, and there is a 6 s___________n

Class: ______________________________
b_____________e you can walk across when
Total: _________/20
you get there. The views down the
v___________y below the bridge are
On the go amazing, and you can walk down along
1 Complete the sentences with the correct
a 8 w__________g p_________h and enjoy the
form of the verbs in the box. There are two
extra verbs. scenery as you go. One thing you shouldn’t do
is try to take a 9 s___________t
fasten stuck catch cross
miss cycle miss drive c___________t down the mountain to save

0 If you miss the bus, call me and I’ll come time. Instead, you should stay on the marked
and get you. paths or you could get lost. I highly
1 You shouldn’t leave at this time of day – recommend visiting this amazing place!
you’ll get __________ in traffic! __ /9
2 If you ____________ the 8.15 train, you'll
be in London for lunch. 3 Read the definitions and write the words.
There is one space for each missing letter.
3 The first thing to do when you sit down on The first letters are given.
a plane is ___________ your seat belt. 0 a journey on a bicycle, horse or motorcycle
4 Sam has decided to ____________ the –ride
North American continent by bus.
1 a very long trip by sea or in space –
5 It’s exhausting to __________ uphill for a
long time because your legs get so tired.
2 a trip on a boat or ship for the purpose of
__ /5 relaxation and tourism – c _ _ _ _ _
3 a trip with the purpose of visiting places of
2 Write the missing words to complete the
text. The first and last letters are given. interest – t _ _ _
4 a trip by plane – f _ _ _ _ _
During my 0 visit to Malaysia, I went to
5 a trip by car – d _ _ _ _
Langkawi. I wanted to go there by
6 a trip across water from one piece of land
p___________c t___________t, but I was

to another – c _ _ _ _ _ _ _
told the buses were very slow, so I decided to
g___________t a l__________t in a taxi. __ /6

Unfortunately, it was the 3 r____________h

h___________r, and we got stuck in a 4
t___________c j___________m, but
eventually I got there. You can ride a
c___________e c___________r to get up the

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Name: _______________________________
2 Complete the text with the correct future
Class: _______________________________ form of the words in brackets.
Total: _________/15
Hi Paul,
Just a quick email to 0tell (tell) you my plans.
My flight 1__________ (arrive) at Gatwick
4.2 Future forms
tomorrow at 3 p.m., and I 2________________
1 Complete the sentences with the correct ____________ (probably / take) the Tube to
future form of the verbs in brackets. central London. I 3_____________________
(check in) at my hotel first, and then I
0 You look busy. Shall I make (I / make) 4
_______________________ (meet) the
dinner this evening?
manager of the restaurant at six o’clock. If you
1 I __________________________ (have) 5
____________ (be) free at 7:30 or so, we can
lunch at that new restaurant tomorrow. meet up at Café Mez for a coffee. Oh, I just
I’ve already made a reservation. remembered that I printed out that
information about the cooking course you
2 I’m using a new recipe, but I think the pie asked for, so I 6_______________ (put) it in
____________________ (be) very tasty. my bag right now. One more thing.
___________________ (I / invite) Kelly to
3 I have to leave! I ____________________
meet us at the café? I know she’s sorry for
(meet) Tim at the farmer’s market in
arguing with you, and from what I can see she
twenty minutes.
________________________ (not cause) any
4 ‘This sauce isn’t cooking properly.’ ‘Don’t more trouble. Looking forward to seeing you!
worry, I ____________________ (help) you Kate
with it.’ _____/8

5 My train ____________________ (leave) at

seven in the morning.

6 You need to lower the heat! The omelette

___________________________ (burn).

7 You can come shopping with me on Friday

unless you ______________ (have)
something else to do.


© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Group A Group B
4.2 Future forms 4.2 Future forms

Exercise 1 Exercise 1
1 ’m going to have / ’m having 1 ’ll be
2 will be 2 starts
3 ’m meeting 3 are going to try / are trying
4 ’ll help 4 Will you help
5 leaves 5 ’s going to burn
6 ’s going to burn 6 will be
7 have 7 arrive

Exercise 2 Exercise 2
1 arrives 1 arrives
2 ’ll probably take 2 ’m meeting / ’m going to meet
3 ’ll check in / ’m going to check in 3 ’ll be
4 ’m meeting / ’m going to meet 4 won’t be
5 are 5 Shall I pick up
6 ’ll put / ’m putting 6 finishes
7 Shall I invite 7 comes / is coming
8 isn’t going to cause / won’t cause 8 ’s going to be / ’ll be

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Name: _______________________________
2 Complete the text with the correct future
Class: _______________________________ form of the words in brackets.
Total: _________/15
Hi Carl,
I 0’m writing (write) to you about the
interviews for the new chef. The first
4.2 Future forms
candidate is Sophie Bel. Her flight
1 Complete the sentences with the correct 1
___________ (arrive) at 9 a.m., and I
future form of the verbs in brackets. 2
_____________________ (meet) her at the
airport at 9:30. I’m pretty sure there
0 You look busy. Shall I make (I / make) 3
__________ (be) a lot of traffic, so we
dinner this evening?
probably 4_______________ (not be) at the
1 I don’t think I ______________________ restaurant until eleven. We need some more
(be) at the restaurant at seven. Do you fresh ingredients for her to cook with.
mind waiting for me? _____________________ (I / pick up) some
things on the way there? Sophie’s session
2 Our cooking class ____________________ 6
__________(finish) at two and the next
(start) at six tomorrow evening. candidate, Tom, 7________________ (come)
at 2:30. From what I can see, it 8___________
3 Kim and I _______________________ (try)
__________ (be) a busy day, so get some rest
a new restaurant this evening. Do you want
to come?
See you soon.
4 There’s a lot to do next week! Kate
_____________________ (you / help) me?
5 That frying pan is far too hot!
It ___________________________ (burn)!

6 I have a feeling that Tim _______________

(be) late. Can we start without him?

7 If you ______________________ (arrive)

early tomorrow, you can help me set the


© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Name: _______________________________ 2 Complete the sentences with the correct

Class: _______________________________ form of the verbs in brackets. Use the Future
Total: _________/15 Continuous or the Future Perfect.

0 At eight o'clock people will be waiting

(wait) for the bakery to open. They will
4.5 Future Continuous and Future Perfect have sold (sell) all the best cakes by
1 Use the prompts to make sentences. Use
the Future Continuous or the Future Perfect. 1 I ___________________ (plan) my birthday
0 you / cook / anything / later? party next weekend, and I _________
Will you be cooking anything later? _______________ (invite) everyone to it by
1 I / lose / 2 kg / by the end of the month.
___________________________________ 2 How many text messages ______________
___________________________________ _____________ (Ann / send) by the end of
2 They / not / have / pizza / for lunch / the month? I'm sure she _______________
tomorrow. _____________ (ask) me to lend her some
___________________________________ money soon.
3 John _________________________ (not
3 you / bake / my birthday cake / by twelve
complete) the cooking course by the end of
June, and he ____________________ (not
look) for a job before the summer.
4 We / not / leave / our jobs / before 2025. 4 This film __________________________ (finish)
___________________________________ by seven o'clock so an hour later we
___________________________________ _________________________ (have) dinner in
5 Helen / work / in the kitchen / at six p.m. our favourite restaurant.
5 When __________________________ (you
/ meet) Mr Brown? _________________
______________ (you / talk) to him before
the weekend?


© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Group A Group B
4.5 Future Continuous and Future Perfect 4.5 Future Continuous and Future Perfect

Exercise 1 Exercise 1
1 I will have lost 2 kg by the end of the 1 I won't be sleeping before eleven.
2 The company will have cleaned the
2 They won't be having pizza for lunch kitchen by six o'clock.
3 We won't have finished the meal by
3 Will you have baked my birthday cake the time you arrive.
by twelve o'clock?
4 My parents will be doing the shopping
4 We won't have left our jobs before at nine a.m.
5 Will Janet have published a new book
5 Helen will be working in the kitchen at by the end of the year?
six p.m.

Exercise 2 Exercise 2
1 'll be planning, 'll have invited 1 won't be going, won't have finished

2 will Ann have sent, 'll be asking 2 Will George have got, 'll be
3 won't have completed, won't be
looking 3 will have passed, 'll be travelling

4 will have finished, 'll be having 4 Will you be talking, 'll have taken

5 will you be meeting, Will you have 5 'll have landed, 'll be swimming

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Name: _______________________________ 2 Complete the sentences with the correct

Class: _______________________________ form of the verbs in brackets. Use the Future
Total: _________/15 Continuous or the Future Perfect.

0 At eight o'clock people will be waiting

(wait) for the bakery to open. They will
4.5 Future Continuous and Future Perfect
have sold (sell) all the best cakes by
1 Use the prompts to make sentences. Use
the Future Continuous or the Future Perfect. midday.

0 you / cook / anything / later?

1 We ________________________ (not / go)
Will you be cooking anything later?
home at nine p.m. because the concert
1 I / not / sleep / before eleven.
____________ (not / finish) before ten
2 The company / clean / the kitchen / by six 2 _______________________ (George / get)

o'clock. better by the end of the week? He _______

___________________________________ ____________________ (complain) about

___________________________________ staying at home soon.

3 We / not / finish / the meal / by the time

3 Sally _______________________ (pass) all
you arrive.
her exams by the end of June and she
_______________________ (travel) across
Europe in July.
4 My parents / do the shopping / at nine
a.m. 4 ________________________ (you / talk) to

___________________________________ Naomi tonight? Ask her if she ___________

___________________________________ ____________ (take) the photos by Friday.

5 Janet / publish / a new book / by the end

5 Just think. I ____________________ (land)
of the year?
in Malaga by noon and I _______________
___________ (swim) in the Mediterranean
Sea in the afternoon.

____/5 ____/10

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

Dictation, Listening and Reading

Name: ____________________________________ A The speaker says that good ingredients can’t

Class: ____________________________________ guarantee a good meal.
Total: _ /30 B The speaker is advertising a restaurant.
C The speaker says that food is always better
Dictation in restaurants.
1 [Track 8] Listen and write the sentences you hear, D The speaker says that you can cook food
including the punctuation. until its sell-by date expires.
E The speaker says that cookery programmes
are not usually helpful.
F The speaker is trying to persuade people to
learn to cook.
G The speaker has recently helped to prepare
a meal.

3 Read the texts and answer questions 1-6.

Text 1.
Obesity levels in western countries are rising fast.
In the United States, obesity rates have more than
/10 doubled in the last thirty years from about 14.5%
to over 30%. Some people think that over half
the population will be obese within a few years.
In Britain, around 20% are obese, the largest
percentage in Europe. This is mainly because we eat
Listening more but also because we get less exercise. Although
food labeling shows us the number of calories we
2 [Track 9] You will hear four people talking about
food. Match statements A–G with speakers 1-4. are consuming, we don’t seem to take any notice.
There are three extra letters. However, we should because obesity reduces our life
expectancy and causes many other health problems.
Speaker 1 ______ We need to alter our eating habits and eat more
Speaker 2 ______ fresh products and less packaged food. We should
Speaker 3 ______ cut down on salt, sugar and fat and cut out certain
Speaker 4 ______ things, such as fizzy drinks and crisps, which have no
nutritional value at all.

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

Dictation, Listening and Reading

Text 2. Text 1.
MINI-MISE YOUR WEIGHT 1 Why does Britain have the highest percentage of
These days, people have less time to create meals
obese people in Europe?
from fresh ingredients. We know that it would be
better for us but we also know that pre-cooked or ___________________________________________
frozen meals are quick and tasty. Unfortunately, ___________________________________________
they are also full of calories and contain
2 What foods does the article suggest we eat less
unhealthy levels of salt and sugar. That’s why
Mini-Mise is such an important new product. Unlike of?
most diet pills, Mini-Mise don’t make you feel full ___________________________________________
and they don’t provide you with vitamins or
minerals that you may be lacking. They don’t need
to. They allow you to eat all the food that you want
but they then destroy the salt, sugar and fat in Text 2.
the blood. They have been recommended by
3 Why do people rely on pre-prepared meals?
nutritionists and doctors as a way to improve our
health. Mini-Mise means you can lose weight ___________________________________________
without worries – and all for the price of a large ___________________________________________
burger and fries a day!

Text 3. 4 How do Mini-Mise pills work?

Who is in charge? ___________________________________________
We all know that obesity levels are rising and that ___________________________________________
people are eating the wrong things. We also know
that when governments want to act, they can. You
only have to look at the laws to stop smoking in
Text 3.
public places and the tax increases which have
made smoking much less popular than it was. The 5 How have some governments made smoking less
same results could be achieved by similar taxes on popular than it was?
fast food and fizzy drinks. Governments could also
limit the numbers of fast food restaurants or bring
in laws to reduce the amount of salt and sugar ___________________________________________
used in packaged foods. However, they don’t do
any of these things. Why not? Could it be because 6 According to the article, why haven’t
the food producers and supermarkets are too
governments changed food laws to make people
powerful? The biggest supermarkets sell most of
our food and also control many of the supplies from more healthy?
farms and other food producers. If the government ___________________________________________
did threaten to change the law, these huge
companies could bring the country to its knees very

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

Dictation, Listening and Reading

Group A Group B
Dictation Dictation
Exercise 1 Exercise 1
With a growing world population, / many experts With a growing world population, / many experts
believe / that we need to explore / new ingredients believe / that we need to explore / new ingredients
in the future. / Some nutritionists believe / that in the future. / Some nutritionists believe / that
insects are the answer. / They can be boiled or fried, insects are the answer. / They can be boiled or fried,
/ and apparently have a salty flavour. / and apparently have a salty flavour.

Listening Listening
Exercise 2 Exercise 2
1 D: The speaker says that you can still cook food 1 G: The speaker says that you can get some real
before it goes out of date. bargains if you buy food which has almost
2 G: The speaker helped to feed 200 homeless reached its sell-by date.
people with vegetable soup, chicken and boiled 2 B: The speaker says that the food they used to
potatoes. prepare the meal was given to them by
3 F: The speaker advises people to watch some supermarkets and says supermarkets should do
cookery programmes and look on the Internet, this more often.
and be brave enough to try cooking. 3 A: The speaker advises people to watch some
4 A: The speaker says that the basic ingredients of cookery programmes and look on the Internet,
British food are good, but a lot of people in and be brave enough to try cooking.
restaurants and hotels don’t know how to cook 4 E: The speaker says that many countries cover the
very well. taste of food with creamy or spicy sauces, but the
British don’t.

Reading Reading
Exercise 3 Exercise 3
1 British people eat more and get less exercise 1 British people eat more and get less exercise
than people in other European countries. than people in other European countries.
2 According to the article, we should eat less 2 According to the article, we should avoid
packaged food, salt, sugar and fat. packaged food, salt, sugar and fat.
3 They are quick and tasty, and people don’t have 3 They are quick and tasty, and people don’t have
time to create meals from fresh ingredients. time to create meals from fresh ingredients.
4 They destroy the salt, sugar and fat in blood. 4 They destroy the salt, sugar and fat in blood.
5 Some governments made smoking less popular 5 Smoking has become less popular because
by banning it in public and increasing tax. governments have banned it in public and
6 Governments haven’t changed food laws increased taxes.
because the food producers and big 6 Governments aren’t changing food laws
supermarkets are too powerful and could cause because the food producers and big
many problems. supermarkets are too powerful and could cause
many problems.

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

Dictation, Listening and Reading

Name: ____________________________________
Class: ____________________________________ A The speaker is encouraging people to learn
about cooking.
Total: _ /30
B The speaker believes that shops should donate
food they are going to throw away.
C The speaker has been on a cookery course.
D The speaker thinks that some restaurants are not
1 [Track 8] Listen and write the sentences you hear, very careful about food hygiene.
including the punctuation. E The speaker is comparing cuisines from different
F The speaker thinks that the basic ingredients
in British cooking are not very good.
G The speaker explains how people can save
money when shopping.

3 Read the texts and answer questions 1-6.

Text 1.
Obesity levels in western countries are rising fast.
In the United States, obesity rates have more than
/10 doubled in the last thirty years from about 14.5%
to over 30%. Some people think that over half
the population will be obese within a few years.
In Britain, around 20% are obese, the largest
percentage in Europe. This is mainly because we eat
more but also because we get less exercise. Although
food labeling shows us the number of calories we
2 [Track 9] You will hear four people talking about are consuming, we don’t seem to take any notice.
food. Match statements A–G with speakers 1-4. However, we should because obesity reduces our life
There are three extra letters.
expectancy and causes many other health problems.
We need to alter our eating habits and eat more
Speaker 1 ______
fresh products and less packaged food. We should
Speaker 2 ______
cut down on salt, sugar and fat and cut out certain
Speaker 3 ______
things, such as fizzy drinks and crisps, which have no
Speaker 4 ______
nutritional value at all.

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

Dictation, Listening and Reading

Text 2. Text 1.
MINI-MISE YOUR WEIGHT 1 What reasons are given in the article to
These days, people have less time to create meals
explain why Britain has the highest percentage of
from fresh ingredients. We know that it would be
better for us but we also know that pre-cooked or obese people in Europe?
frozen meals are quick and tasty. Unfortunately, ___________________________________________
they are also full of calories and contain
unhealthy levels of salt and sugar. That’s why
Mini-Mise is such an important new product. Unlike 2 What kinds of food should we avoid
most diet pills, Mini-Mise don’t make you feel full according to the article?
and they don’t provide you with vitamins or
minerals that you may be lacking. They don’t need
to. They allow you to eat all the food that you want ___________________________________________
but they then destroy the salt, sugar and fat in
the blood. They have been recommended by
Text 2.
nutritionists and doctors as a way to improve our
health. Mini-Mise means you can lose weight 3 Why are pre-prepared meals so popular?
without worries – and all for the price of a large ___________________________________________
burger and fries a day!

Text 3.
Who is in charge? 4 How do Mini-Mise pills work?
We all know that obesity levels are rising and that ___________________________________________
people are eating the wrong things. We also know
that when governments want to act, they can. You
only have to look at the laws to stop smoking in
public places and the tax increases which have
made smoking much less popular than it was. The Text 3.
same results could be achieved by similar taxes on 5 Why has smoking become less popular than it
fast food and fizzy drinks. Governments could also
limit the numbers of fast food restaurants or bring
in laws to reduce the amount of salt and sugar ___________________________________________
used in packaged foods. However, they don’t do ___________________________________________
any of these things. Why not? Could it be because
the food producers and supermarkets are too
6 Why aren’t governments changing food laws
powerful? The biggest supermarkets sell most of
our food and also control many of the supplies from to make people more healthy?
farms and other food producers. If the government ___________________________________________
did threaten to change the law, these huge
companies could bring the country to its knees very

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

Vocabulary, Grammar and Use of English

Name: ___________________________________
Class: ____________________________________
3 Complete the sentences with the words in the
Total: ___ _ /30
box. There are two extra words.

if as soon as after unless

1 Complete the sentences with the missing 0 I can prepare something if you are hungry.
words. The first letters are given. 1 Remove the biscuits from the oven
___________ you can see they're turning
0 A balanced diet that includes protein, brown.
vegetables and grains is very important. 2 You should keep the fruit in the fridge
1 If you get hungry during the afternoon, you ___________ you want to eat it right now.
can have a healthy s_____________ like nuts
or fruit. if before until when
2 Our m_____________ salad includes lettuce,
cabbage, carrots and tomatoes. 3 Please remember to wash your hands
3 That was such a h_____________ meal that I ___________ you touch the food so you don’t
nearly fell asleep afterwards! get any germs on it.
4 I always put c_____________ pepper in my 4 I always get hungry ___________ I watch one
soup because it makes it taste more of those cooking programmes on television.
interesting. 5 You will learn how to cook this dish _________
5 Could you buy a loaf of w_____________ you pay close attention to all the steps.
bread, please? It’s much tastier than the white /5
4 Complete the sentences with the correct form
/5 of the verbs in brackets. Use the Future
2 Complete the sentences with the words in the Continuous or the Future Perfect.
box. There is one extra word.
0 You can call me very early tomorrow. I will be
homemade household energy having (have) breakfast at six o'clock.
safety hot tinned stale 1 I ________________________ (finish) cleaning
my room in an hour and then I'll call you.
0 My grandmother makes homemade soup with 2 This time tomorrow, I ____________________
lots of vegetable in it. (eat) something delicious.
1 These ____________ biscuits are disgusting! 3 What ____________________________ (you /
Someone must have left them out on a plate achieve) by the time you are thirty years old?
overnight. 4 I've ordered a couple of cookery books but
2 The waiter didn't warn me that the dish was they _____________________________ (not /
very ____________. It was too spicy for me to arrive) by Monday.
eat! 5 You can visit us later today. We ____________
3 We are trying to reduce our ____________ _____________ (not / do) anything special.
waste by buying things with little or no /5
4 Be careful when cooking with____________
tomatoes. They usually contain more salt and
sugar than fresh vegetables.
5 Food ____________ standards are very strict
in most countries because they don’t want a
lot of people to get seriously ill.

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

Vocabulary, Grammar and Use of English

Use of English 3 X: __?

5 Choose the correct option. Y: Well, we have a mushroom stew without
meat, and a bean and vegetable dish.
A Do you have any vegetarian dishes?
Friday 3:30 p.m. B Can you tell me what the special salad is?
I had lunch just two hours ago, but I'm so 0 C now C Can I order, please?
that I can't think about anything else but food.
I can't wait to get home. 1___ I get there, my 4 X: Why are you in such a hurry?
girlfriend and I will start cooking. My nutritionist Y: Because I've got so much homework to do. If
nothing disturbs me, I __ three essays by
has advised me to eat more healthily, so today
six o'clock.
we're having 2___ rice and fish for supper. Rice is A will write B will be writing
very easy to prepare. You just need to put it in a C will have written
pan with water and check about forty minutes
later to see if it is ready. It's important to make 5 X: You seem to spend a lot on your everyday
sure that it is not 3___ or hard in the middle, so
Y: I know, but I always buy __ food because I’m
cook it for a few more minutes if necessary. worried about dangerous chemicals in normal
We're going to eat the fish in a mild sauce along products.
with a simple green salad. It sounds like a healthy, A fattening B light C organic
simple meal, 4___? I hope there isn’t much traffic /5
tonight so that, by 6 p.m., we 5___ a perfect
homecooked meal.

0 A thirsty B tired C hungry

1 A As soon as B Unless C Before
2 A ground B brown C wholemeal
3 A rotten B stale C raw
4 A won’t it B isn’t it C doesn’t it
5 A will enjoy B will be enjoying
C will have enjoyed

6 Choose the correct option.

0 X: What's your favourite fruit?

Y: I like mangoes, but my favourite are A .
A grapes B carrots C biscuits

1 X: Are you going to have a dessert, Mark?

Y: __ you promise to have one, too.
A As long as B When C Until

2 X: So, does that sauce taste good?

Y: Well, it's a bit __. I think it needs more salt
and pepper.
A bland B sour C bitter

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

Vocabulary, Grammar and Use of English

Group A Group B
Vocabulary Vocabulary
Exercise 1 Exercise 1
1 snack 1 fattening
2 mixed 2 tinned
3 heavy 3 ground
4 cayenne 4 three-course
5 wholemeal 5 side

Exercise 2 Exercise 2
1 stale 1 waste
2 hot 2 alarming
3 household 3 catering
4 tinned 4 unripe
5 safety 5 maple

Grammar Grammar
Exercise 3 Exercise 3
1 as soon as 1 unless
2 unless 2 before
3 before 3 after
4 when 4 until
5 if 5 as soon as

Exercise 4 Exercise 4
1 will have finished 1 won’t have arrived
2 will be eating 2 will you be doing
3 will you have achieved 3 will have finished
4 won’t have arrived 4 won’t be waiting
5 won’t be doing 5 Will he have written

Use of English Use of English

Exercise 5 Exercise 5
1 A 1 B
2 B 2 C
3 C 3 C
4 C 4 A
5 B 5 C

Exercise 6 Exercise 6
1 A 1 A
2 A 2 C
3 A 3 A
4 C 4 B
5 C 5 B

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

Vocabulary, Grammar and Use of English

Name: ___________________________________ Grammar

Class: ____________________________________ 3 Complete the sentences with the words in the
Total: ___ _ /30 box. There are two extra words.

if as soon as unless before

1 Complete the sentences with the missing 0 I can prepare something if you are hungry.
words. The first letters are given. 1 We'll have to cancel the picnic __________ the
weather improves.
0 It’s much easier to make sandwiches with sliced 2 Can you do the washing-up __________ you go
bread than having to cut the bread yourself. out? I don’t want the dirty dishes sitting
1 If you eat f___________ foods like cakes and around all evening.
ice cream all the time, you will certainly gain
some weight. after as soon as until if
2 This t___________ soup is convenient to heat
up, but it has far too much salt in it. 3 You can check your email __________ you
3 Do you buy g___________ black pepper or do have finished chopping the vegetables.
you buy whole peppercorns? 4 We can’t eat this chicken__________ it has
4 This restaurant serves a delicious cooked all the way through.
t___________ -c___________ meal including a 5 Take the biscuits out of the oven __________
starter, a main dish and a dessert. they look nice and golden. If you leave them
5 The s___________ salad is small enough that you longer, they will burn.
can eat it with your meal and not get too full. /5
4 Complete the sentences with the correct form
2 Complete the sentences with the words in the of the verbs in brackets. Use the Future
box. There is one extra word. Continuous or the Future Perfect.
homemade maple alarming
0 You can call me very early tomorrow. I will be
catering salty unripe waste
having (have) breakfast at six o'clock.
1 I've ordered a couple of cookery books but
0 My grandmother makes homemade soup with
they _____________________________ (not /
lots of vegetable in it.
arrive) by Monday.
1 The industrial ____________ coming out of
2 What ____________________________ (you /
local factories is polluting our rivers.
do) at nine o'clock tonight?
2 I’ve just read some _____________ statistics about
3 I promise I ___________________________
the number of overweight children in this country.
(finish) by noon and then I'll go to the market.
3 The ____________ industry is always looking for
4 I'm afraid we ______________________ (not /
experienced chefs who can run a busy restaurant.
wait) for you at the airport but Jane will be
4 The mangoes are still ____________. You
shouldn't eat them until next week.
5 ____________________________ (he / write)
5 I love natural ____________ syrup that comes
a cookery book by the end of the year?
straight from the trees.

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

Vocabulary, Grammar and Use of English

2 X: ___
Use of English Y: No, but I can ask the chef if you like.
5 Choose the correct option. A Can I get a vegetarian dish?
B Could you tell me if the chef is a vegetarian?
C Do you know if this dish is suitable for
Last Friday my girlfriend and I went to a new vegetarians?
Italian restaurant which 0 C the week before. We
both love Italian 1____ so we were looking 3 X: Do you think I should eat special foods in
forward to visiting it. order to improve my health?
When we got there, the restaurant was almost Y: No, you just need to eat a ___ diet. Right
empty, but we still got probably the worst table in now you eat too much meat and hardly any
the place, right next to the toilets. And I'm sure fruit or vegetables.
the waiter forgot all about us, because we waited A balanced B heavy C light
almost thirty minutes for him to take our 2____.
Then things went from bad to worse. My 4 X: I have to talk to your teacher tomorrow, Jill.
girlfriend chose a green salad and I decided to Y: He doesn't have any classes tomorrow
try their pizza. When the salad arrived, the morning. He __ our tests in the staff room until
spinach was so old it seemed to be 3____, and 11 o’clock, but he’ll be free afterwards.
my pizza was burnt. We were going to have A will mark B will be marking
some tiramisu for dessert 4____ we saw C will have marked
someone else eating it. It looked disgusting.
You would think a new restaurant would at 5 X: Do you like cauliflower?
least try to serve good food, 5____? I can tell Y: I don’t mind it when it’s __, but it smells
you that we won’t be going back there again, disgusting after you cook it.
and I’m sure they won’t last long unless they A sour B raw C ripe
improve their cooking! /5

0 A has opened B was opening

C had opened
1 A texture B cuisine C consumption
2 A bill B recipe C order
3 A ripe B fresh C rotten
4 A until B after C unless
5 A didn’t you B don’t you
C wouldn’t you
6 Choose the correct option.

0 X: What's your favourite fruit?

Y: I like mangoes, but my favourite are A.
A grapes B carrots C biscuits

1 X: Are you going to have a dessert, Mark?

Y: __ you promise to have one, too.
A As long as B When C Until

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Name: ________________________________
Class: ________________________________
Total: _______/30

While on holiday in the UK you saw this advert for a new cooking show on TV.

We are looking for participants for our new cooking show.
▪ Do you love cooking, and do your friends enjoy eating your food?
▪ Would you like the chance to learn from top professional chefs?
Email us explaining why you would like to take part in the show, and why you feel you are suitable.

Write an email to the producers of the show.

• Write where you saw the advert and express a desire to participate in the show.
• Explain why you would like to take part, and why you feel you are suitable.
• Describe a dish that you can prepare.
• Ask for more details about the show, e.g. when and where it will take place.
• Conclude the email in a formal way.


© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Can write a basic formal email/letter requesting information.

Sample answer
Dear Sir or Madam,
I saw your advert for the new show ‘Top Cook’ while on holiday in the UK. I am writing to enquire about the
show, as I am very interested in cooking, and would love to take part.
I have always been passionate about food. I am sixteen years old and still at school now, but next year I will
have finished school and I hope I will be studying at catering college. I spend a lot of time preparing food in my
spare time, and I enjoy serving food to friends and family. One of my favourite dishes is chicken curry. I use
good quality ingredients and add lots of spices to give it a delicious flavour.
Could you confirm where and when the show will take place? I would also be interested to know which chefs
will be involved in the show. Finally, could you please let me know how many people will be taking part?
I look forward to receiving your reply soon.
Yours faithfully,
Ana Diaz

Mark scheme
The task is worth 30 marks. Award up to 6 marks for each section of the mark scheme, according to the
descriptions below.
Marks Task achievement Written Written Range Accuracy
production and interaction
1-2 Completes only No clear paragraph Text is difficult to Uses only very Lots of errors even
one or two aspects structure followed. understand. Errors basic vocabulary in basic language,
of the task. May Very little linking impede and grammar, with which impede
not use the correct of sentences. communication. a lot of errors. communication.
genre and only
covers one or two
of the points
specified in the
3-4 Completes the A paragraph Text is generally Uses simple Generally
majority of the structure followed. easy to vocabulary and accurate, but with
task. Uses the Some paragraphs understand. Some basic grammar some errors,
correct genre and may only have one errors may impede structures especially in more
covers the or two sentences. communication. accurately. Uses advanced
majority, but not Some linking some more language.
all, of the points between advanced
specified in the sentences. vocabulary. Uses
task. some more
structures with
5-6 Completes all parts Divided into clear Text is very clear Uses a wide range A few mistakes in
of the task fully, paragraphs, and and easy to of vocabulary more advanced
including the each paragraph understand. appropriately. language
correct genre and has a clear Uses a wide range structures, but
all the points function. A variety of grammar generally very
specified in the of linking words structures accurate.
task. used to link accurately and
sentences. appropriately.

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Name: _______________________________
Class: _______________________________ 2 Choose the correct option, A, B or C to
Total: _________/15 complete the sentences.

Mike: This isn’t the dish I ordered, (0) B?

Question tags Waiter: You asked for the lamb curry,
1 Complete the sentences with the missing (1) _________?
question tags.
Lucy: He couldn’t have ordered lamb,
0 Sara is planning to open a restaurant, isn’t (2) _________? He never eats lamb!
she? Mike: The waiter wouldn’t know that,
1 You won’t add too much chilli to the sauce, (3) _________? We’ve never been here
______________________________? before.

2 Let’s go out for dinner, Lucy: No, we haven’t, (4) _________?

______________________________? I apologise.
Waiter: That’s all right. I’ll bring you the
3 You know how to cook pasta,
chicken curry, (5) _________?
0 A was it B is it C did I
4 Leo can’t cook at all,
______________________________? 1 A isn’t it B did you C didn’t you
2 A couldn’t he B could he C would he
5 You’ll tell me if you don’t like it,
3 A did he B can he C would he
4 A have we B are we C haven’t we
6 Alma could be a professional chef, 5 A can I B will I C shall I
7 Desmond makes a mess when he cooks,

8 I shouldn’t mix this for too long,


9 This isn’t the recipe you wanted,


10 That cake was delicious,



© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Group A Group B
4.6 Question tags 4.6 Question tags
Exercise 1 Exercise 1
1 will you 1 shall we
2 shall we 2 wasn’t it
3 don’t you 3 should you
4 can he 4 isn’t she
5 won’t you 5 will you
6 couldn’t she 6 haven’t you
7 doesn’t he 7 won’t you
8 should I 8 is it
9 is it 9 can he
10 wasn’t it 10 wouldn’t she

Exercise 2 Exercise 2
1C 1C
2B 2C
3C 3A
4A 4A
5C 5B

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Name: _______________________________
Class: _______________________________ 2 Choose the correct option, A, B or C to
Total: _________/15 complete the sentences.

Mark: Let’s go out for a meal tonight, (0) B?

Question tags Lee: It would be cheaper to eat at home,
1 Complete the sentences with the missing (1) _________?
question tags.
Amy: Yes, but it isn’t as much fun, (2) ______?
0 Sara is planning to open a restaurant, isn’t Mark: There’s a new Thai restaurant up the
she? road, (3) _________?
1 Let’s go to the farmers’ market tomorrow, Amy: Don’t mention Thai food to me,
______________________________? (4) _________? The last time I had it I got ill.

2 That was a really delicious meal, Lee: Well, we could ring up for pizza, (5) _________?

______________________________? We all like it, and it’s cheaper than going out!

3 You shouldn’t mix lemon juice and milk, 0 A can’t we B shall we C should we
1 A didn’t it B would it C wouldn’t it
4 Lena is the first in her family to go to cooking 2 A will it B isn’t it C is it
school, ______________________________? 3 A isn’t there B hasn’t it C isn’t it
4 A will you B do you C are you
5 Pick up some more butter from the shop,
5 A couldn’t it B couldn’t we C can’t we
6 You’ve bought a new gas cooker,

7 You will invite Steve to your dinner party,


8 This isn’t the spice you were looking for,


9 He can’t really eat fast food every day,


10 She would like to become a professional

baker, _____________________________?


© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Name: _______________________________ 3 Complete the sentences with the words in

Class: _______________________________ the box. There are two extra words.
Total: _________/20
home-made mixed long-grain
dry cayenne tinned
wholemeal chocolate
Eat, drink and be healthy
1 Put the letters in brackets in the correct 0 Would you like some chocolate syrup on
order to make words connected with food. your ice cream?
Starter Menu 1 I prefer _______________ bread because
the white sort is too soft.
0 classic cabbage salad (b b a a c e g) 2 Let’s make a ______________ salad with
lettuce, tomatoes and radishes.
1 traditional _____________ soup
3 This ________________ soup is almost as
(a c h i n s p) good as the one my mother makes!
2 English-style _____________ with cheese 4 I prefer _______________ cakes to those
you can buy in the shops, but
(f o r a u l c l w e i)
unfortunately I don’t have time to bake.
3 roasted _____________ with pita bread 5 If you use _______________ pepper in this
(a e i n e g u b r) dish, it might be too spicy.
4 half _____________ with spiced oil __ /5

(o o v d c a a)
4 Complete the sentences with the missing
__ /4 words. Some letters are given. There is one
space for each missing letter.
2 Complete the sentences with the opposites 0 Let’s put some s w e e t c o r n in the salad
of the adjectives in brackets.
to add something yellow.
0 Fried green tomatoes, a popular dish in the 1 Did you like _ _ _ m _ _ when you were a
USA, are made with unripe (≠ ripe) child? I’ve always hated all kinds of fish!
tomatoes. 2 Do you want to eat the meat with potatoes
1 Can I have some milk and sugar with my or brown _ _ _ e?
coffee? It's not ___________ (≠ bitter) 3 I find that _ _ _ _ k _ _ _ _ water is very
enough for me. refreshing on a hot day.
2 The chef can prepare a very ___________ 4 A _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ i _ is like a large orange but
(≠ spicy) version of each dish for you or its skin is thicker.
your child. 5 I don’t eat sour _ h _ _ _ _ _ s because I
3 I tasted the milk. It turned ___________ prefer sweet fruit.
(≠ fresh) so I had to open another bottle. 6 It's a common myth that c _ _ _ _ _ _ are
4 Before you serve the fish, please make sure good for your eyes.
it is ___________ (≠ raw) properly. __ /6
5 If you have some ___________ (≠ fresh)
bread, you can try to put it in the oven for
ten minutes.
__ /5

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Group A Group B
Eat, drink and be healthy Eat, drink and be healthy

Exercise 1 Exercise 1
1 spinach 1 spinach
2 cauliflower 2 figs
3 aubergine 3 pineapple
4 avocado 4 pumpkin

Exercise 2 Exercise 2
1 sweet 1 raw
2 mild 2 stale
3 sour 3 mild
4 cooked 4 sweet
5 stale 5 sour

Exercise 3 Exercise 3
1 wholemeal 1 maple
2 mixed 2 home-made
3 tinned 3 crunchy
4 home-made 4 side
5 cayenne 5 ground

Exercise 4 Exercise 4
1 salmon 1 cauliflower
2 rice 2 long-grain
3 sparkling 3 soda
4 grapefruit 4 bananas
5 cherries 5 beetroot
6 carrots 6 garlic

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Name: _______________________________ 3 Complete the sentences with the words in

Class: _______________________________ the box. There are two extra words.
Total: _________/20
ground crunchy sparkling
side maple home-made
dry tinned
Eat, drink and be healthy
1 Put the letters in brackets in the correct
0 This tinned soup is almost as good as the
order to make words connected with food.
one my mother makes!
Starter Menu 1 We buy ______________ syrup from
Canada, where it comes straight from the
0 classic cabbage salad (b b a a c e g)
1 traditional _____________ soup 2 I think ______________ soup is much
tastier than the sort they sell in tins.
(n p i s c a h)
3 These biscuits are really fresh and
2 fresh _____________ with nuts ___________. Did you just make them?
(i g f s) 4 I ordered a small _____________ salad to
go with my meal.
3 grilled _____________ slices
5 The waiter came and put some freshly
(i n e l e p a p p) _____________ pepper on my steak.
4 spicy _____________ soup
(m p u k i p n) __ /5

__ /4
4 Complete the sentences with the missing
words. Some letters are given. There is one
2 Complete the sentences with the opposites space for each missing letter.
of the adjectives in brackets.
0 Let’s put some s w e e t c o r n in the salad
0 Fried green tomatoes, a popular dish in the to add something yellow.
USA, are made with unripe (≠ ripe) 1 If you cook c _ _ _ _ _ _ o _ _ _ for too long
tomatoes. it becomes very smelly.
1 Many people think that their pets, like dogs
and cats, should only eat ___________ 2 I prefer _ _ _ _-g _ _ _ _ rice to other types
(≠ cooked) food. because it doesn’t stick together.
2 This bread is really ___________ (≠ fresh)! 3 I often mix fruit juice with _ _ _ a water to
I think it’s too dry to eat. make a refreshing drink.
3 Why don't you try the chicken korma? It's 4 You can use b _ _ _ _ _ s to make delicious
a traditional, ___________ (≠ spicy) curry. milkshakes or eat them with ice cream.
4 I only eat pure chocolate with lots of 5 I usually add some _ _ _ _ r _ _ _ to my
cocoa. Most milk chocolate is too salads – I like its deep red colour.
___________ (≠ bitter) for me. 6 There is so much _ _ _ _ i _ in this dish that
5 The milk will turn ___________ (≠ fresh) we are going to smell after we eat it!
quickly if you don't keep it in the fridge. __ /6

__ /5

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Name: _______________________________ 2 Complete the sentences with a, an or the

Class: _______________________________ where necessary. Two articles are missing in
Total: _________/15 each sentence.

the a
0 I have been living in UK for about year now.
5.2 Articles: no article, a/an, or the
1 Complete the sentences with a/an, the or Ø 1 I'm looking for interesting magazine article
(no article).

0 The population of the UK is over sixty-three about smallest monkeys in Africa.

million people.
2 In fact, worst earthquake in Portugal took
1 It's difficult to live in _____ countryside
place in 18th century.
without having a car.
2 Most people in _____ Europe live in towns 3 Recently, I have heard scientist who claims
and cities.
that poverty will never affect people in big
3 Have you ever considered changing your
career and becoming _____ firefighter? cities in USA.
4 Sometimes even _____ wild animals need
our help to survive winter. 4 Monica's mum is doctor. She works in big

5 This is _____ first time I’ve ever driven an hospital, where she specialises in treating
electric car.
very young children.
6 This morning _____ Prime Minister started
his journey to China. ____/8
7 Water pollution will probably still be _____
important problem in twenty years' time.


© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Group A Group B
5.2 Articles: no article, a/an, or the 5.2 Articles: no article, a/an, or the

Exercise 1 Exercise 1
1 the 1 the
2 Ø 2 a
3 a 3 Ø
4 Ø 4 Ø
5 the 5 the
6 the 6 an
7 an 7 the

Exercise 2 Exercise 2
1 I'm looking for an interesting 1 Most people are surprised to learn
magazine article about the smallest that Madrid, the capital of Spain
monkeys in Africa. today, wasn't a big city some five
hundred years ago.
2 In fact, the worst earthquake in
Portugal took place in the 18th 2 Jackie's uncle is probably the best
century. weather forecaster in the whole
3 Recently, I have heard a scientist who
claims that poverty will never affect 3 Our residents were very happy in the
people in big cities in the USA. 1990s when the government put in
running water in this village.
4 Monica's mum is a doctor. She works
in a big hospital, where she specialises
4 I was twelve when I travelled to Asia
in treating very young children.
for the first time. I still think it's an
amazing continent.

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Name: _______________________________ 2 Complete the sentences with a, an or the

Class: _______________________________ where necessary. Two articles are missing in
Total: _________/15 each sentence.

the a

0 I have been living in UK for about year now.

5.2 Articles: no article, a/an, or the
1 Complete the sentences with a/an, the or Ø
(no article). 1 Most people are surprised to learn that

0 The population of the UK is over sixty-three Madrid, capital of Spain today, wasn't big
million people. city some five hundred years ago.
1 Last night _____ President appeared on
public television. 2 Jackie's uncle is probably best weather
2 Annie is _____ cheerful and easy-going girl
forecaster in whole world.
who likes to spend all her free time with
her friends. 3 Our residents were very happy in 1990s
3 What types of _____ natural disasters are
when government put in running water in
likely to happen here?
4 We arrived in _____ Rome at eight in the this village.
morning, after a very long coach trip.
5 This environmental organisation was 4 I was twelve when I travelled to Asia for

started in _____ 20th century. first time. I still think it's amazing
6 Most hotels are full this weekend because
_____ important conference is taking place
in our town. ____/8
7 Shops can no longer use plastic bags
starting on _____ first of January.


© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Name: _______________________________ 2 Join the sentences with who, which, where or

Class: _______________________________ whose. Don't change the words given.
Total: _________/15
0 Jason is in room 84. It is on the second

Jason is in room 84, which is on the second

5.5 Non-defining relative clauses
1 Complete the sentences with who, which, floor.
where or whose.
1 Suddenly, the customer started shouting at
0 My cousin, who moved to Australia
the waiter. It upset everyone in the room.
recently, can't get used to the number of
Suddenly, the customer _______________
insects and spiders there.
1 My grandparents' house, __________ is 2 Mrs Silverstone employs three gardeners
small but comfortable, is near a beautiful to look after the roses. She's the owner of
lake. this big garden.
2 Every year more than 350,000 people visit Mrs Silverstone ______________________
the Serengeti National Park, __________ ___________________________________.
they can see zebras, crocodiles and other 3 Let's go to Weston Park tomorrow. We can
wild animals. have a picnic there.
3 Betty, __________ loves spending the Let's _______________________________
whole day at the beach, is really looking ___________________________________.
forward to going on holiday. 4 Sandra has lived in many countries in
4 The victim of the shark attack has made a Africa. Her mother works for the WWF.
complete recovery, __________ makes her Sandra _____________________________
family very happy. ___________________________________.
5 The company, __________ logo is an 5 Matt is afraid of water. It explains why he
elephant, plans to donate £10,000 to can't swim.
protect this species. Matt _______________________________

____/5 ___________________________________.


© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Group A Group B
5.5 Non-defining relative clauses 5.5 Non-defining relative clauses

Exercise 1 Exercise 1
1 which 1 whose
2 where 2 where
3 who 3 which
4 which 4 who
5 whose 5 which

Exercise 2 Exercise 2
1 started shouting at the waiter, which 1 , whose birthday is on Saturday, wants
upset everyone in the room. to go to the zoo.

2 , who is the owner of this big garden, 2 looked after my pets when I was
employs three gardeners to look after away, which was very kind of him.
the roses.
3 , who invented Coca-Cola, was an
3 go to Weston Park tomorrow, where American chemist.
we can have a picnic.
4 tend to go on holiday to Spain or
4 , whose mother works for the WWF, Morocco, where the weather is always
has lived in many countries in Africa. good.

5 is afraid of water, which explains why 5 , which are smaller than African
he can't swim. elephants, also live in Nepal and other
Asian countries.

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Name: _______________________________ 2 Join the sentences with who, which, where

Class: _______________________________ or whose. Don't change the words given.
Total: _________/15
0 Jason is in room 84. It is on the second
Jason is in room 84, which is on the second
5.5 Non-defining relative clauses floor.
1 Complete the sentences with who, which,
where or whose. 1 Betty wants to go to the zoo. Her birthday
0 My cousin, who moved to Australia is on Saturday.
recently, can't get used to the number of
Betty ______________________________
insects and spiders there.
1 Greenpeace, __________ members are
2 Kevin looked after my pets when I was
trying to save the environment, has been
away. It was very kind of him.
active since 1971.
Kevin ______________________________
2 I will drive you to the Wildlife Centre,
__________ the initial training for
3 John Stith Pemberton was an American
volunteers starts.
chemist. He invented Coca-Cola.
3 I love staying at my grandparents' house,
John Stith Pemberton _________________
__________ is a 100-year-old bungalow.
4 The pair of Russian scientists, __________
4 I tend to go on holiday to Spain or
have studied dolphins for years, claim that
Morocco. The weather is always good
they have recorded a conversation
between two of the animals.
I __________________________________
5 A boy from a small American town won the
last edition of this talent show, _________
5 In fact, Indian elephants also live in Nepal,
made everyone in his town really proud.
and other Asian countries. They are smaller
than African elephants.
In fact, Indian elephants _______________


© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

Dictation, Listening and Reading

Name: ____________________________________ Listening

Class: ____________________________________ 2 [Track 11] Listen to a conversation about climate
Total: _ /30 change. For questions 1–5, choose the correct answer,
A, B, C or D.

Dictation 1 The woman gives an example of extreme weather

1 [Track 10] Listen and write the sentences you which occurred in
hear, including the punctuation. A the southern USA.
B Britain.
C Canada.
D Mexico.

2 The speaker doesn’t give an example of

A hot weather.
B dry weather.
C cold weather.
D wet weather.

3 The speaker says climate change will lead to

A increases in temperatures everywhere.
B changes in the type of weather different places get.
C richer countries becoming poorer.
D more extreme weather all over the world.

4 One possible effect of global warming and changes

to the Gulf Stream is that
A Britain’s weather won’t change.
B Britain will become much warmer.
C Britain will become much drier.
D Britain will become much wetter.

5 The aim of the radio show is to

A discuss ways that governments can fight
climate change.
B listen to someone who has experienced
extreme weather.
/10 C decide whether extreme weather events are
more common nowadays.
D criticise people who do not believe that
climate change is caused by humans.

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

Dictation, Listening and Reading

Reading other methods to reduce pollution were used.

3 Read the text. For questions 1-5, choose the correct These included pouring water onto roads to reduce
answer, A, B, C or D. the amount of dust flying in the air. To help with
this, scientists were even able to make clouds
MISSING SUN drop more rain. Since then, things have got worse
Pollution in many of the world’s cities is becoming rather than better but, at last, the government
a major health problem. One of the worst affected seems to be determined to do something about
is Beijing, the capital of China. Air quality was the problem. For the people of Beijing and other
dangerously low on fifty-eight days last year. The large cities this will make a huge difference to
winter months are especially bad. This is the time of their lives.
year when more coal is burned to heat people’s
homes. There is also less wind to blow the smog 1 Winter in Beijing
away. At this time of year, pollution levels are A is very windy.
sometimes twenty times higher than the WHO B can affect driving and road safety.
(World Health Organization) considers safe. This C has on average 58 days of dangerous levels of
causes illnesses and on the worst days old people air pollution.
and children are advised to stay indoors. Visibility is D has pollution levels twenty times worse than
sometimes so bad that motorways have to close the rest of China.
because of the danger of accidents.
In early 2014, some newspapers and websites 2 In Beijing, people were photographed watching
showed a frightening vision of the future. On a the sunrise on TV screens because
smoggy morning, residents of Beijing watched the A it’s better than the real sunrise.
sunrise. However, as the real one was hidden, they B they were posing for a photographer.
had to do this on giant TV screens. The smog was so C it’s popular to watch the sunrise in Beijing.
thick that the real sunrise was completely invisible. D it’s in an advert that is shown regularly around
While this might seem shocking, the film of the the city.
sunrise was nothing unusual. The screens show
adverts all the time. The one that the people were 3 The photograph
watching that morning was for a holiday company. A shows how people plan holidays in Beijing.
The same advert is shown quite often, whatever the B wasn’t carefully planned by the photographer.
weather. Either the photographer was lucky or he C has had a positive impact on politicians.
knew exactly how the image would look and waited D has been sold for a lot of money.
until he got the photo he wanted. Although the news
reporting was inaccurate, it might have done 4 What does the government plan to do to reduce
something to raise awareness of how bad the pollution levels?
problem has become. Politicians, too, have finally A Build new factories to replace the old ones
decided that something must be done to reduce B Remove the most polluting cars from the roads
pollution levels. C Ban people from burning coal during winter
D Make the city safer for cyclists
The first idea is to reduce the amount of coal that
people use. Factories will also be moved to areas
5 Since the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games
further away from cities. Another target is older,
A people realise there are ways to reduce air
more polluting cars. The worst offenders will be
banned. In their place, greener and cleaner forms
B air quality has got a lot better.
of transport will be encouraged.
C scientists have been controlling the amount of
Will these changes help? The Chinese know from rain falling.
experience that it is possible to improve air quality D the biggest problem has been dust on the roads.
very quickly if necessary. Before the 2008 Olympic
Games, pollution in Beijing was reduced greatly. As
well as reducing traffic levels and closing factories,

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

Dictation, Listening and Reading

Group A Group B
Dication Dictation
Exercise 1 Exercise 1
Are endangered species / something you care Are endangered species / something you care
about? / Giant pandas / are in danger of dying out, / about? / Giant pandas / are in danger of dying out, /
but now scientists, / who deal with environmental but now scientists, / who deal with environmental
issues, / want to strengthen their numbers. / If we issues, / want to strengthen their numbers. / If we
change our way of life / and stop climate change, / change our way of life / and stop climate change, /
pandas can continue to live / in forest clearings / for pandas can continue to live / in forest clearings / for
many years. many years.

Listening Listening
Exercise 2 Exercise 2
1 A: The speaker says that in the southern USA 1 D: The speaker says that in the southern USA
temperatures were twenty degrees lower than temperatures were twenty degrees lower than
usual, and this is extreme. usual, and this is extreme.
2 A: The speaker mentions record-breaking cold 2 B: The speaker mentions dry weather in Australia
weather in the USA and record-breaking dry and California.
weather in Australia, but she doesn’t mention 3 A: The speaker says that we will all be affected
record-breaking hot weather. by extreme weather in one way or another.
3 D: The speaker says that we will all be affected by 4 B: The speaker says that the climate in Britain
extreme weather in one way or another. might stay about the same.
4 A: The speaker says that the climate in Britain 5 D: The environmentalist discusses different
might stay about the same. examples of extreme weather around the world
5 C: The podcast discusses different examples of and suggests that it is increasing.
extreme weather around the world and tries to
decide if they are more common nowadays.

Reading Reading
Exercise 3 Exercise 3
1 B: The text says that visibility in Beijing in winter 1 A: The text says that visibility in Beijing in winter
is sometimes so bad that motorways have to is sometimes so bad that motorways have to
close because of the danger of accidents. close because of the danger of accidents.
2 D: The text says that the screens show adverts all 2 A: The text says that the screens show adverts all
the time. the time.
3 C: The text says that politicians, too, have finally 3 B: The text says that politicians, too, have finally
decided that something must be done to reduce decided that something must be done to reduce
pollution levels. pollution levels.
4 B: The text says that another target is older, 4 D: The text says that another target is older,
more polluting cars. The worst offenders (cars) more polluting cars. The worst offenders (cars)
will be banned. will be banned.
5 A: The text says that the Chinese know from 5 C: The text says that the Chinese know from
experience that it is possible to improve air experience that it is possible to improve air
quality very quickly if necessary. quality very quickly if necessary.

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

Dictation, Listening and Reading

Name: ____________________________________ Listening

Class: ____________________________________ 2 [Track 11] Listen to a conversation about climate
Total: _ /30 change. For questions 1–5, choose the correct answer,
A, B, C or D.

Dictation 1 According to the woman

1 [Track 10] Listen and write the sentences you A Canada suffered from extreme weather last
hear, including the punctuation. winter.
B Britain has recently had a very dry summer.
C temperatures in Canada were much lower than
D the southern USA suffered record low

2 The speaker mentions two examples of

A hot weather.
B dry weather.
C storms.
D wet weather.

3 The speaker says that nowhere will

A escape the effects of climate change.
B become colder in the future.
C be worse affected than the USA or
D benefit from climate change.

4 If there is global warming and the Gulf Stream

changes direction, Britain may
A become colder than the rest of northwest
B not see any change in weather at all.
C have more floods.
D suffer from droughts.

5 Overall, the environmentalist says that

/10 A climate change is a man-made problem.
B there is no solution to the problem of climate
C richer countries are more to blame for climate
change than developing countries.
D evidence suggests that extreme weather events
are increasing.


© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

Dictation, Listening and Reading

Reading other methods to reduce pollution were used.

3 Read the text. For questions 1-5, choose the correct These included pouring water onto roads to reduce
answer, A, B, C or D. the amount of dust flying in the air. To help with
this, scientists were even able to make clouds
MISSING SUN drop more rain. Since then, things have got worse
Pollution in many of the world’s cities is becoming rather than better but, at last, the government
a major health problem. One of the worst affected seems to be determined to do something about
is Beijing, the capital of China. Air quality was the problem. For the people of Beijing and other
dangerously low on fifty-eight days last year. The large cities this will make a huge difference to
winter months are especially bad. This is the time of their lives.
year when more coal is burned to heat people’s
homes. There is also less wind to blow the smog 1 Winter in Beijing
away. At this time of year, pollution levels are A can be a particularly dangerous time for drivers.
sometimes twenty times higher than the WHO B sees very strong winds.
(World Health Organization) considers safe. This C has pollution levels twenty times worse than the
causes illnesses and on the worst days old people rest of China.
and children are advised to stay indoors. Visibility is D has at least fifty-eight days of dangerous levels of
sometimes so bad that motorways have to close air pollution.
because of the danger of accidents.
In early 2014, some newspapers and websites 2 In Beijing, people were photographed watching
showed a frightening vision of the future. On a the sunrise on TV screens because
smoggy morning, residents of Beijing watched the A the advert is regularly shown around the city.
sunrise. However, as the real one was hidden, they B it’s better than the real sunrise.
had to do this on giant TV screens. The smog was so C it’s traditional to watch the sunrise in Beijing.
thick that the real sunrise was completely invisible. D they were employed by a photographer.
While this might seem shocking, the film of the
sunrise was nothing unusual. The screens show 3 The photograph
adverts all the time. The one that the people were A shows how people plan holidays in Beijing.
watching that morning was for a holiday company. B made many politicians change their minds about
The same advert is shown quite often, whatever the reducing air pollution.
weather. Either the photographer was lucky or he C is an accurate representation of life in Beijing.
knew exactly how the image would look and waited D has been sold for a lot of money.
until he got the photo he wanted. Although the news
reporting was inaccurate, it might have done 4 What does the government plan to do to reduce
something to raise awareness of how bad the pollution levels?
problem has become. Politicians, too, have finally A Increase the number of cycle lanes in the city
decided that something must be done to reduce B Stop people from using coal to heat their houses
pollution levels. C Build new, greener factories to replace the old
The first idea is to reduce the amount of coal that
D Remove the most polluting cars from the roads
people use. Factories will also be moved to areas
further away from cities. Another target is older,
5 The 2008 Beijing Olympic Games made people
more polluting cars. The worst offenders will be
realise that
banned. In their place, greener and cleaner forms
A dust on the roads is the biggest problem.
of transport will be encouraged.
B the air quality has got a lot better.
Will these changes help? The Chinese know from C it is possible to reduce air pollution in the city.
experience that it is possible to improve air quality D scientists regularly control the amount of rain
very quickly if necessary. Before the 2008 Olympic falling.
Games, pollution in Beijing was reduced greatly. As
well as reducing traffic levels and closing factories,

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

Vocabulary, Grammar and Use of English

Name: ___________________________________ 4 Be careful, the ocean c_____________ is very

Class: ____________________________________ strong and it could pull you under the water.
5 Lions usually catch their p_____________ by
Total: ___ _ /30
hunting in groups.
1 Complete the sentences with the missing
phrasal verbs. Use the definitions in brackets to 3 Complete the sentences with a, an, the or –.
help you.
0 Like most boys, I wanted to be a firefighter
0 Our group is made up (consists) of a number of when I was a child.
experts who are passionate about the 1 Vatican City is _____ smallest country in the
environment. world – it's just 0.44 square kilometres.
1 If temperatures continue to rise, many types of 2 Everyone hopes that the company will present
plants will ___________________ (disappear) _____ innovative gadget at its annual
in the near future. conference.
2 Storms usually __________________ (disturb) 3 Scientists predict that there will be even more
the ocean water so much that a lot of rubbish natural disasters in _____ 21st century.
washes onto the beaches. 4 I think that _____ people living near the coast know
3 If you _________________________ (meet) how to protect their houses from the waves.
with a dangerous animal in the wild, you 5 Liam wants to discuss an urgent issue with me,
should not approach or frighten it. but he hasn't told me what _____ issue is.
4 I’m amazed that you are able to ____________ /5
_______________ (not wake up) such a violent
storm. It was extremely loud!
5 I’m afraid a lot of our food will _____________ 4 Complete the sentences with relative
________ (become rotten) if we don’t use it pronouns.
0 We were all surprised when John, who had
never been interested in the environment,
suddenly decided to become a Greenpeace
2 Complete the sentences with the missing
1 The price of kale, ___________ is a vegetable
words. The first letters are given.
similar to wild cabbage, has doubled over the
last couple of years.
0 We landed our boat on a remote island and
2 I've just watched a documentary about the
decided to camp there for a few days.
Amazon by Zack Firth, ___________ was
1 The t_____________ is a very important organ
a good friend of mine at secondary school.
for elephants. It's a combination of the nose
3 You can get to the island by ferry in about ten
and the upper lip.
minutes, ___________ is very convenient both
2 We've rented a small house for the weekend.
for tourists and for the local population.
It's in the middle of nowhere but it's got an
4 My neighbour, ___________ great-grandfather
Internet connection and r_____________
was a tribal chief, is keen to learn more about
Native Americans.
3 A s_____________ panel on the roof is broken.
5 A national newspaper has just chosen Solihull,
I need to phone the company and ask them to
___________ I grew up, as the best place to
replace it.

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

Vocabulary, Grammar and Use of English

Use of English

5 Complete the sentences with the correct form

of the words in brackets. Do not change the
order of the words. Use up to six words.

0 When I opened the drawer, I (come / old /

book) came across an old book with beautiful
pictures of exotic birds.
1 Having (small / breakfast / morning) ________
___________________________, even if it is a
bowl of cereal with milk, is better than going to
school on an empty stomach.
2 I saw this bird species for the first time in
Copenhagen, (I / work) ___________________
_______________ as a zoo keeper.
3 For some experts, banning cars in city centres
is (best / solution / to focus) ____________
4 His theory that aliens are already on earth is
not an (idea / I / agree) __________________
5 Jonathan Sleek, (publish / five / guidebook)
is the new editor of the travel magazine

6 Complete the sentences with the correct form

of the words in CAPITALS.

0 How many endangered species can be found in

the Polish mountains? DANGER
1 The scientist found a perfect ______________
to study the behaviour of wild animals. LOCATE
2 When the tsunami warning sounded, the
people began an immediate _______________
of the coastal town. EVACUATE
3 Unfortunately, most people ignore the notices
which say ‘Do not _________________ the
animals at the zoo.’ FOOD
4 There is a serious _________________ of
water in this area. SHORT
5 The islands of Hawaii were formed due to
thousands of years of _________________
activity. VOLCANO

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

Vocabulary, Grammar and Use of English

Group A Group B
Vocabulary Vocabulary
Exercise 1 Exercise 1
1 die out 1 heat up
2 stir up 2 reach for
3 come face to face 3 come in
4 sleep through 4 search through
5 go off 5 die out

Exercise 2 Exercise 2
1 trunk 1 bulbs
2 running 2 herd
3 solar 3 current
4 current 4 encounter
5 prey 5 peak

Grammar Grammar
Exercise 3 Exercise 3
1 the 1 the
2 an 2 the
3 the 3 –
4 – 4 an
5 the 5 –

Exercise 4 Exercise 4
1 which 1 who
2 who 2 which
3 which 3 where
4 whose 4 whose
5 where 5 which

Use of English Use of English

Exercise 5 Exercise 5
1 a small breakfast in the morning 1 get access to the library
2 where/while/when I was working 2 where we studied/were studying biology
3 the best solution to focus on 3 a problem in big cities
4 idea (which) I agree with 4 whose headquarters are in
5 who has published five guidebooks 5 the north of the country

Exercise 6 Exercise 6
1 location 1 tribal
2 evacuation 2 renewable
3 feed 3 developing
4 shortage 4 growth
5 volcanic 5 winding

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

Vocabulary, Grammar and Use of English

Name: ___________________________________ Grammar

Class: ____________________________________ 3 Complete the sentences with a, an, the or –.
Total: ___ _ /30
0 Like most boys, I wanted to be a firefighter
when I was a child.
1 I'm going to ask you just one question. If you
manage to answer _____ question correctly,
1 Complete the sentences with the missing you'll pass the exam.
phrasal verbs. Use the definitions in brackets to 2 Is it true that people in _____ Middle Ages
help you. didn't take baths and that it led to the spread
of many diseases?
0 Our group is made up (consists) of a number of 3 The first European expedition reached _____
experts who are passionate about the Australia in 1606.
environment. 4 I'd like to know if the African elephant is _____
1 Experts expect global warming to __________ endangered species.
________ (warm) the earth by several degrees 5 Many people complain that _____ public
in the next fifty years. transport is getting more and more expensive
2 When I heard the bird call I knew I had to every year.
_________________ (stretch my arm to get)
my binoculars and try to see them.
3 If we wait a little while, we can see the tide
begin to _________________ (rise). 4 Complete the sentences with relative
4 I went back to ___________________ (look pronouns.
carefully around) the campsite, but I couldn’t find
my watch. 0 We were all surprised when John, who had
5 If they continue to cut down the forests, many never been interested in the environment,
types of animals will ____________ (disappear suddenly decided to become a Greenpeace
completely) in the near future. activist.
1 If you have any questions about the well-being
of your pet, you can ask Ben Brown, _______
will be our guest next week.
2 Complete the sentences with the missing 2 The company has just decided to expand its
words. The first letters are given. headquarters, _______ will take some two
years to complete.
0 We landed our boat on a remote island and 3 The Devil's Mouth, _______ two big rivers
decided to camp there for a few days. meet, is a beautiful place and a good spot for
1 All of our lamps have low-energy a short walk.
b_____________, so we spend quite a bit less 4 It has just turned out that professor
on electricity. Wellington, _______ theories have often been
2 Elephants usually live in a group of ten to twenty ignored, is right after all.
animals which is called a h_____________. 5 Most people in Bhutan, _______ is a very small
3 Be careful, the ocean c_____________ is very country in the Himalayas, are Buddhist.
strong and it could pull you under the water. /5
4 It’s dangerous to hike on that mountain. There
is a big risk of a bear e_____________.
5 When we stood on the mountain
p_____________, we could see for miles in
every direction.

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

Vocabulary, Grammar and Use of English

Use of English
5 Complete the sentences with the correct form
of the words in brackets. Do not change the
order of the words. Use up to six words.

0 When I opened the drawer, I (come / old /

book) came across an old book with beautiful
pictures of exotic birds.
1 Students will (get / access / library)__________
_____________________ after they have filled
in this form and activated their ID cards online.
2 I met Wendy at university, (we / study /
biology) _______________________________.
3 Recently we have been reminded of the fact
that smog can be (problem / big / city)
____________________________ like Beijing
or Paris.
4 The World Wide Fund for Nature,
(headquarters / be) ______________________
__________ Switzerland, has over five million
supporters in the world.
5 The capital city is located in (north / country)
______________________________, some
150 km from the coast.

6 Complete the sentences with the correct form

of the words in CAPITALS.

0 How many endangered species can be found in

the Polish mountains? DANGER
1 In many ways, football fans are similar to
_____________ societies: they are extremely
loyal to their group and they even wear the
same clothes. TRIBE
2 If we use more _____________ energy like
wind and solar, there will be much less
pollution. NEW
3 Many people in _____________ countries have
no access to clean water or good medical care.
4 Experts agree that economic _____________ is
an important factor, but they point out that we
should worry about natural resources, too.
5 By following the course of the _____________
river we walked much further than if we had
taken the straight road. WIND

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Name: ________________________________
Class: ________________________________
Total: _______/30

In your English class you have been talking about pollution in cities. Now your teacher has asked you to
write an essay titled ‘Should private cars be banned from city centres?’. Write your essay using all the notes
and give reasons for your point of view.


• the harmful effects of pollution
• alternatives to private cars
• _____________ (your own idea)

• Include arguments ‘for’ and ‘against’ in separate paragraphs.

• Give examples to support your arguments.
• End the essay with your conclusion.


© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Can write short, simple essays with basic structure on familiar topics.

Sample answer
Cities around the world suffer from high levels of pollution from factories and private cars. Some people think
that we could reduce pollution by banning private cars in cities, but others believe that this would cause
problems for many people.
On the one hand, there are several arguments for banning cars. First of all, some people use their cars even
when public transport is available. Some parents, for example, take their children to school by car rather than
using the school bus. Furthermore, many people drive cars alone, which is inefficient.
On the other hand, there are arguments against banning cars. Firstly, there are times when it is safer to use a
car, for example late at night, or if someone is ill and needs to go to hospital. Elderly people might also find it
difficult to use public transport, especially in the winter.
To sum up, there are arguments for and against this idea. I do not believe that cars should be banned, as this
would make life difficult for some people. However, I believe that we should encourage more people to use
public transport.

Mark scheme
The task is worth 30 marks. Award up to 6 marks for each section of the mark scheme, according to the
descriptions below.
Marks Task achievement Written Written Range Accuracy
production and interaction
1-2 Completes only No clear paragraph Text is difficult to Uses only very Lots of errors even
one or two aspects structure followed. understand. Errors basic vocabulary in basic language,
of the task. May Very little linking impede and grammar, with which impede
not use the correct of sentences. communication. a lot of errors. communication.
genre and only
covers one or two
of the points
specified in the
3-4 Completes the A paragraph Text is generally Uses simple Generally
majority of the structure followed. easy to vocabulary and accurate, but with
task. Uses the Some paragraphs understand. Some basic grammar some errors,
correct genre and may only have one errors may impede structures especially in more
covers the or two sentences. communication. accurately. Uses advanced
majority, but not Some linking some more language.
all, of the points between advanced
specified in the sentences. vocabulary. Uses
task. some more
structures with
5-6 Completes all parts Divided into clear Text is very clear Uses a wide range A few mistakes in
of the task fully, paragraphs, and and easy to of vocabulary more advanced
including the each paragraph understand. appropriately. language
correct genre and has a clear Uses a wide range structures, but
all the points function. A variety of grammar generally very
specified in the of linking words structures accurate.
task. used to link accurately and
sentences. appropriately.

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Name: _______________________________
Class: _______________________________ believed (4) _____ herself. I haven’t seen her
Total: _________/10 for a few years as I have been living abroad
but I’m going to have a meal with her

Prepositions at the end of clauses tomorrow. We’re going to our favourite

restaurant and I’m sure it will have been
1 Fill in the missing particles.
worth waiting (5) _____.
0 A supply of emergency food and water is
worth spending money on. /5

1 When natural disasters happen, the emergency

services are something you can rely _____.
2 You’ve prepared your house well, so I’m sure
an earthquake is nothing to worry _____.
3 The way the mayor handled the flood is what
people criticise her _____.
4 After their homes were destroyed, staying in
shelters was something people had to get used
5 The storm is something that will take a long
time for the town to recover _____.


2 Complete the text with one word in each


My sister is an amazing woman and I’m

extremely proud (0) of her. She’s had a
difficult life with a lot of problems to deal
(1) _____. What’s more, she’s not always had
friends who she could get help (2) _____. She
works as a researcher and is trying to find a
cure for some serious diseases. Our parents
didn’t agree (3) _____ her choice of career
and didn’t support her either, but she always

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Group A Group B
5.6 Prepositions at the end of clauses 5.6 Prepositions at the end of clauses
Exercise 1 Exercise 1
1 on 1 with
2 about 2 from
3 for 3 about
4 to 4 for
5 from 5 to

Exercise 2 Exercise 2
1 with 1 on
2 from 2 of
3 with 3 on
4 in 4 about
5 for 5 for

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Name: _______________________________
Class: _______________________________ business instead. Or find a job he could rely
Total: _________/10 (3) _____. I think he has made the right choice
as art is something he really cares (4) _____.

Prepositions at the end of clauses Finally all his hard work has paid off. He has a
big exhibition in London. I can’t wait to see his
1 Fill in the missing particles.
paintings. It’s been many years but I think it’s
0 A supply of emergency food and water is been worth waiting (5) _____.
worth spending money on.
1 I’m not sure that all the necessary clean-up /5

is something volunteers can deal _____.

2 If people need money to prepare their
homes for disasters, there are banks they
can borrow _____.
3 What might happen if the volcano erupts is
something she can’t stop worrying _____.
4 As sea levels continue to rise, more
flooding is what we are heading _____.
5 The experts’ advice is definitely something
that is worth listening _____.


2 Complete the text with one word in each


My brother’s life hasn’t been easy. When he

was a child he was very interested (0) in
painting and later, when he was at university,
he decided that he wanted to be an artist and
painting was what he wanted to focus
(1) _____ . My parents were not happy.
Failure is something they have always been
very afraid (2) _____. They think that art is a
risky choice and didn’t know how to support
him. They wanted him to work for the family

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Name: _______________________________ 3 At __________ tide most of the beach is

Class: _______________________________ under water.
Total: _________/20 4 He wants to live on a __________ island,
far from civilisation.
5 The summer sun will___________ up the
Planet Earth water and make it more comfortable for
1 Complete the sentences with the missing swimming.
words. Some letters are given. There is one 6 It was such a __________ sea that nearly
space for each missing letter. everyone on the boat became ill.
0 If you want to go from France to Spain by 7 Heavy rains can __________ up the water
car, you have to cross the m o u n t a i n s in the lake and make it look brown.
at some point. __ /7
1 Most of the land in Hawaii is _ _ _ e _ _ of
material from volcanoes. 3 Complete the sentences with the correct
2 Don’t swim here as the dangerous form of the words in the box.
_ _ _ _ e _ _ s can pull you out to sea.
deep strong height
3 There is a danger that these animals will
broad wide long
_ _ e _ _ _ soon.
4 A powerful _ _ _ a _ wave destroyed the
0 They need to deepen the port so that larger
fishing village.
ships can come in.
5 We were surprised to come _ _ _ _ _ s an
1 The _____________ of the Nile at Edfu is
old cottage in the woods.
7.5 kilometres across.
6 This f _ _ _-f _ _ _ _ _ _ river is quite
2 The city is planning to ____________ the
dangerous to cross on foot.
bicycle path so that it crosses the whole
7 Wait for the tide to _ _ o _ _ and you’ll
see the beach is quite big.
3 They say the ______________ of the
8 The climbers put a flag on the mountain
bridge is such that nothing can destroy it.
_ _ a _.
4 Do you know how _____________ the
__ /8 climbers went up the mountain?
5 She believes that travel can ____________
2 Complete the sentences with the words in the mind, so she plans to visit as many
the box. places as possible.
heat huge rough high __ /5
come stir remote eruptions

0 It was one of the biggest volcanic eruptions

in the south of Italy.
1 I’m afraid the tide will __________ in while
we’re climbing the rock and we’ll be stuck.
2 After the earthquake, there was a
___________ hole where part of the road
had been – it was big enough for a bus to
fall into!

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Group A Group B
Planet Earth Planet Earth

Exercise 1 Exercise 1
1 made up 1 come
2 currents 2 heat
3 die out 3 slow-moving
4 tidal 4 range
5 across 5 current
6 fast-flowing 6 calm
7 go out 7 tropical
8 peak 8 rising

Exercise 2 Exercise 2
1 come 1 die
2 huge 2 made
3 high 3 desert
4 remote 4 ridge
5 heat 5 tidal
6 rough 6 stir
7 stir 7 go

Exercise 3 Exercise 3
1 width 1 length
2 lengthen 2 widen
3 strength 3 height
4 high 4 strong
5 broaden 5 broaden

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Name: _______________________________ 3 In the story, Robinson Crusoe spent more

Class: _______________________________ than twenty-eight years on a _________
Total: _________/20 island.
4 We could not see the ocean until we
crossed the mountain __________.
Planet Earth 5 A __________ wave can come very
1 Complete the sentences with the missing suddenly and cause a lot of damage.
words. Some letters are given. There is one 6 Heavy rains can _________ up the water in
space for each missing letter. the lake and make it look brown.
0 If you want to go from France to Spain by 7 If you wait for the tide to _________ out,
car, you have to cross the m o u n t a i n s you can find lots of interesting things on
at some point. the beach.
1 If we wait for the tide to _ _ _ e in, the
beach will be covered in water! ____/7
2 When the oceans h _ _ _ up, many species
cannot survive. 3 Complete the sentences with the correct
3 This is such a _ _ _ w-_ _ _ _ n _ river that form of the words in the box.
the water hardly seems to move at all.
long strength broad
4 The Alps are the largest mountain _ _ _ _ e
high wide deep
in Europe.
5 There is a strong _ _ r _ _ _ _ here which
0 They need to deepen the port so that larger
causes problems for small boats.
ships can come in.
6 It was very pleasant sailing on the _ _ l _
1 The ______________ of the Amazon River
is almost 7,000 kilometres.
7 On this _ _ _ p _ _ _ _ island, you can pick
2 They are planning to _____________ the
delicious fruit right off the trees.
street so they can have more room for
8 The r _ _ _ _ _ tide made it dangerous to
parking along the sides.
climb on the rocks.
3 That house looks odd because it is not the
____/8 same _____________ as the others in the
street – it is much taller.
4 This building is not _____________ enough
2 Complete the sentences with the words in
to survive an earthquake.
the box.
5 They say that travel can _____________
ridge stir desert eruptions the mind.
tidal made go die ____/5

0 It was one of the biggest volcanic eruptions

in the south of Italy.
1 Experts think that up to 0.1% of all species
__________ out each year.
2 A mountain range is __________ up of
many separate mountains.

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Name: _______________________________ 2 Choose the correct option.

Class: _______________________________
Total: _________/15 0 It's raining heavily. If only I would have /
had an umbrella with me.

6.2 Second Conditional; wish / if only 1 Alex goes to the skate park with his friends
1 Use the prompts to make Second every day but his parents wish he doesn't
Conditional sentences.
spend / wouldn't spend so much time
0 I / have / some money → I / buy /
something to drink.
If I had some money, I would buy 2 I don't have enough money to take a taxi. If
something to drink. only taxis weren't / aren't so expensive in

1 Helen / not / afraid of water → she / go / London!

to the beach / with us? 3 Jenny has been studying all summer. She

___________________________________ wishes she stopped / could stop, but her

___________________________________ exams are next week.

2 I / be / you → I / put / a plaster / on your 4 Everyone in my family hates going to the

finger. dentist. If only we didn't have to / wouldn't

___________________________________ have to go twice a year!

___________________________________ 5 My favourite band is coming to the UK next

3 we / see / a car accident → I / call / an summer. I wish they would come / didn't

ambulance / first. come to play a concert in my city.

___________________________________ 6 A band at my school is looking for a singer.

___________________________________ If only I would sing / could sing well!

4 you / have / more time → you / join 7 I know that sometimes I can be quite

a gym? impatient. I just wish I were / weren't so

___________________________________ impatient.


____/8 ____/7

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Group A Group B
6.2 Second Conditional; wish / if only 6.2 Second Conditional; wish / if only

Exercise 1 Exercise 1
1 If Helen weren't/wasn’t afraid of 1 If I were/was you, I would put some
water, would she go to the beach with ice on your hand.
2 If they lived next to a pool, they would
2 If I were/was you, I would put go swimming more often.
a plaster on your finger.
3 If you had a nosebleed, would you go
3 If we saw a car accident, I would call to hospital?
an ambulance first.
4 If John knew how to cook, he wouldn't
4 If you had more time, would you join a eat those unhealthy frozen meals.

Exercise 2 Exercise 2
1 wouldn’t spend 1 were
2 weren't 2 didn't have to
3 could stop 3 could cook
4 didn't have to 4 had
5 would come 5 could finish
6 could sing 6 lived
7 weren't 7 didn't take

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Name: _______________________________ 2 Choose the correct option.

Class: _______________________________
Total: _________/15 0 It's raining heavily. If only I would have /
had an umbrella with me.

6.2 Second Conditional; wish / if only 1 Everyone knows that I don't like trying new
1 Use the prompts to make Second things. I wish I were / weren't a bit more
Conditional sentences.
0 I / have / some money → I / buy /
2 The last episode of my favourite series is
something to drink.
If I had some money, I would buy next week. I wish I had to / didn't have to
something to drink. wait six more days!

1 I / be / you → I / put / some ice / on your 3 I need a job and this café is looking for

hand. a cook. If only I would cook / could cook

___________________________________ well.

___________________________________ 4 That's the last piece of birthday cake. If

2 they / live / next to a pool → they / go / only we have / had some more! It's

swimming / more often. delicious.

___________________________________ 5 George has been trying to solve this Maths

___________________________________ problem all day but it's very difficult.

3 you / have / a nosebleed → you / go to He wishes he finished / could finish it

hospital? before the weekend.

___________________________________ 6 I love rock climbing. If only my

___________________________________ grandparents lived / would live in the

4 John / know how to cook → he / not / eat / mountains.

those unhealthy frozen meals. 7 Sam gets so upset about small things.

___________________________________ I wish she doesn't take / didn't take

___________________________________ everything so seriously.


© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Name: _______________________________ 2 Annie donated some money because she

Class: _______________________________
wanted to sponsor her nephew in a charity
Total: _________/15

6.5 Third Conditional
1 Complete the sentences in the Third
3 I didn't know anything about the
0 If Goran hadn't fallen (not fall) badly, he
earthquake because I didn't read the
wouldn't have broken (not break) his leg.

1 If doctors in the 19th century 1__________

__________ (know) how to stop the spread
of this disease, they 2_________________
____________ (help) thousands of people. 4 Sally missed her flight so she had to buy
a new, much more expensive ticket.
2 I ________________________ (be) much

happier if my parents 4_________________ ___________________________________

(sell) our house in the countryside and we ___________________________________

_________________ (move) to a big city.

3 If you 6_____________________ (not take)

the bus to school, you 7________________
______________ (not get) there on time.


2 For each situation, write a sentence in the

Third Conditional.

0 We got wet because we had left the

umbrellas at the hotel.

If we hadn't left the umbrellas at the hotel,

we wouldn't have got wet.

1 We didn't ask our dad for advice and we

made a terrible mistake.


© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Group A Group B
6.5 Third Conditional 6.5 Third Conditional

Exercise 1 Exercise 1
1 had known 1 hadn't been
2 would have helped 2 wouldn't have learnt
3 would have been 3 would have enjoyed
4 had sold 4 had attended
5 had moved 5 had taken
6 hadn't taken 6 had known
7 wouldn't have got 7 would have brought

Exercise 2 Exercise 2
1 If we had asked our dad for advice, we 1 If you had texted me, I wouldn't have
wouldn't have made a terrible mistake. gone to a club with my sister.

2 Annie wouldn't have donated any 2 I wouldn't have got lost in the city
money if she hadn't wanted to sponsor centre if I had followed your
her nephew in a charity run. instructions.

3 I would have known something about 3 If Brian hadn't lost his smartphone, he
the earthquake if I had read the wouldn't have had to buy a new
newspaper. phone.

4 If Sally hadn't missed her flight, she 4 They would have recognised the TV
wouldn't have had to buy a new, presenter if they had seen her
much more expensive ticket. programme before.

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Name: _______________________________ 2 For each situation, write a sentence in the

Class: _______________________________ Third Conditional.
Total: _________/15
0 We got wet because we had left the
umbrellas at the hotel.

6.5 Third Conditional

If we hadn't left the umbrellas at the hotel,
1 Complete the sentences in the Third
Conditional. we wouldn't have got wet.

0 If Goran hadn't fallen (not fall) badly, he 1 You never texted me so on Friday night
wouldn't have broken (not break) his leg. I went to a club with my sister.

1 If her friend 1_________________ (not be) ___________________________________

sick with malaria, Kylie _______________
____________ (not learn) anything about
2 I got lost in the city centre because I didn't
this disease.
follow your instructions.
2 I don't think that I 3___________________
(enjoy) the concert more if more people
____________________ (attend) it or if it
____________________ (take) place at 3 Brian lost his smartphone and had to buy
a different location. a new phone.

3 If Oscar 6__________________ (know) that ___________________________________

it was your birthday on Saturday, he ___________________________________
_________________________ (bring) you
4 They didn't recognise the TV presenter
a present.
because they hadn't seen her programme



© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

Dictation, Listening and Reading

Name: ____________________________________ Listening

Class: ____________________________________ 2 [Track 13] Listen to three recordings. Complete
Total: _ /30 the sentences with up to three words.

Dictation Recording 1
1 [Track 12] Listen and write the sentences you 1 If you use Miracle Wave, you won’t need
hear, including the punctuation. _____________________ for painkillers anymore.

Recording 2
2 Last year Kelly _____________________.
3 The boy tells Kelly a _____________________
should help her.

Recording 3
4 It’s unhealthy to take a lot of painkillers because it
can lead to _____________________ later in life.
5 After doing _____________________, the woman
found out fish oil isn’t in fact dangerous.



© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

Dictation, Listening and Reading

Reading relationship between the dog and owner can be

3 Read and match texts A-C with sentences 1-4. very strong.
One text has two matching sentences.
C Rats discovering landmines
Animals save lives too! Where dogs used to be the animal of choice for
clearing dangerous war zones from explosives, a
A Therapy animals
new and unlikely animal is now being used in
Animal assisted therapy is a type of treatment
Cambodia. Almost completely blind, the African
offered to certain patients to help them feel
giant pouched rat has such a good sense of smell
better. Therapy animals are particularly useful for
that it is perfect for detecting hidden dangers.
people who have been involved in accidents or
They are easier to transport than dogs and a lot
had illnesses and need extra support as they
cheaper. They also work much faster and are
recover at home. They are also used to treat
smaller so don’t need much space to live.
people suffering from conditions such as autism.
However, dogs are a lot easier to train. The rats
The main thing these animals provide is comfort
don’t understand spoken commands so are
and friendship, to help people feel relaxed and
trained to understand different clicking sounds.
calm. Dogs, cats, horses, pigs and even reptiles
They are also more afraid of humans and it takes
are all trained as therapy animals, sometimes
a long time for them to learn how to wear a
visiting people in hospitals and others going to
harness. In fact, it takes almost a year to train
live with people at home. Therapy animals do not
them and they only live to an average age of
need a lot of training. They need to know basic
eight. It’s all worth it though. The rats have made
commands and must interact well with humans.
a huge difference to people’s lives. People are
In fact, anyone with a pet can volunteer to offer
now able to move around without fear which has
animal assisted therapy. So if you are kind and
greatly improved their general health and
caring and your pet is too, this could be an
opportunity to do something good.

Which text mentions an animal that…

B Hearing dogs
When we think of dogs helping people with
1 is difficult to train? _____
disabilities, we usually think of guide dogs for the
2 may not be suitable for the job it is trained to do?
blind, but just as important are hearing dogs for
deaf people. There are obvious dangers for
3 can do its job without much training? _____
people who can’t hear such as not noticing
4 takes a long time to trust humans? _____
alarms, but there are many other ways that
hearing dogs help their human companions.
Alarm clocks, door bells and mobile phone /8
notifications can all easily be missed by deaf
people living or spending time alone. Hearing
dogs are very highly trained. It takes up to two
years to prepare a puppy for work, and many of
the dogs chosen for the job do not go on to
become hearing dogs. They just don’t have the
right skills and personality. When the right dog is
matched to the right person though, the

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

Dictation, Listening and Reading

Group A Group B
Dictation Dictation
Exercise 1 Exercise 1
If I hadn’t danced all night, / I wouldn’t have If I hadn’t danced all night, / I wouldn’t have
sprained my ankle. / Fortunately, / the emergency sprained my ankle. / Fortunately, / the emergency
team came quickly / and the paramedics took me to team came quickly / and the paramedics took me to
hospital. / Would you know what to do / if you had hospital. / Would you know what to do / if you had
an injury, / for example / if you dislocated your an injury, / for example / if you dislocated your
shoulder? shoulder?

Listening Listening
Exercise 2 Exercise 2
1 a prescription / prescriptions: The speaker says 1 painkillers: The speaker says ‘No more
‘No more prescriptions for painkillers’ meaning prescriptions for painkillers’ meaning that if you
that if you use Miracle Wave, you won’t need a use Miracle Wave, you won’t need a prescription
prescription from your doctor. from your doctor.
2 broke her ankle: Kelly reminds her friend that she 2 another/a (long) break: Kelly says her ballet
broke her ankle last year. teacher thinks she should take another long
3 (good) physical therapist: The boy says Kelly break, but she doesn’t want to fall behind the
should have her ankle checked out again and go other girls.
to a good physical therapist to work on making it 3 (good) physical: The boy suggests Kelly see a good
right. physical therapist and work on making it right
4 (some) serious problems: The speaker says that (reducing her pain).
there’s certainly agreement that taking too many 4 balanced diet: The speaker says it’s pretty obvious
painkillers can lead to serious problems down the that eating a balanced diet is good for your
road. general health.
5 some research: The speaker says she did some 5 (taking) fish oil: The speaker read that older man
research and no studies show that there’s a link should avoid fish oil because it can cause a
between taking fish oil and having cancer. specific type of cancer.

Reading Reading
Exercise 3 Exercise 3
1 C: The text says that dogs are a lot easier to train 1 C: The text says that rats are also more afraid of
than rats. humans and it takes a long time for them to learn
2 B: The text says that many of the dogs chosen for how to wear a harness.
the job do not go on to become hearing dogs. 2 B: The text says that many of the dogs chosen for
They just don’t have the right skills and the job do not go on to become hearing dogs.
personality. They just don’t have the right skills and
3 A: The text says that therapy animals do not need personality.
a lot of training. 3 C: The text says that dogs are a lot easier to train
4 C: The text says that rats are also more afraid of than rats.
humans and it takes a long time for them to learn 4 A: The text says that therapy animals do not need
how to wear a harness. a lot of training.

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

Dictation, Listening and Reading

Name: ____________________________________ Listening

Class: ____________________________________ 2 [Track 13] Listen to three recordings. Complete
Total: _ /30 the sentences with up to three words.

Dictation Recording 1
1 [Track 12] Listen and write the sentences you 1 Miracle Wave is an alternative to
hear, including the punctuation. _____________________ which are prescribed by

Recording 2
2 Kelly doesn’t want to take
_____________________ so as not to fall behind
the other dancers.
3 The boy says Kelly should go to a
_____________________ therapist who could
help her work on reducing her pain.

Recording 3
4 It’s quite obvious that eating a
_____________________ is healthy.
5 According to what the speaker read,
_____________________ can cause cancer.



© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

Dictation, Listening and Reading

Reading relationship between the dog and owner can be

3 Read and match texts A-C with sentences 1-4. very strong.
One text has two matching sentences.
C Rats discovering landmines
Animals save lives too! Where dogs used to be the animal of choice for
clearing dangerous war zones from explosives, a
A Therapy animals
new and unlikely animal is now being used in
Animal assisted therapy is a type of treatment
Cambodia. Almost completely blind, the African
offered to certain patients to help them feel
giant pouched rat has such a good sense of smell
better. Therapy animals are particularly useful for
that it is perfect for detecting hidden dangers.
people who have been involved in accidents or
They are easier to transport than dogs and a lot
had illnesses and need extra support as they
cheaper. They also work much faster and are
recover at home. They are also used to treat
smaller so don’t need much space to live.
people suffering from conditions such as autism.
However, dogs are a lot easier to train. The rats
The main thing these animals provide is comfort
don’t understand spoken commands so are
and friendship, to help people feel relaxed and
trained to understand different clicking sounds.
calm. Dogs, cats, horses, pigs and even reptiles
They are also more afraid of humans and it takes
are all trained as therapy animals, sometimes
a long time for them to learn how to wear a
visiting people in hospitals and others going to
harness. In fact, it takes almost a year to train
live with people at home. Therapy animals do not
them and they only live to an average age of
need a lot of training. They need to know basic
eight. It’s all worth it though. The rats have made
commands and must interact well with humans.
a huge difference to people’s lives. People are
In fact, anyone with a pet can volunteer to offer
now able to move around without fear which has
animal assisted therapy. So if you are kind and
greatly improved their general health and
caring and your pet is too, this could be an
opportunity to do something good.

B Hearing dogs
Which text mentions an animal that…
When we think of dogs helping people with
disabilities, we usually think of guide dogs for the
1 finds it difficult to trust humans? _____
blind, but just as important are hearing dogs for
2 even after a lot of training may not be good
deaf people. There are obvious dangers for
enough to do its job? _____
people who can’t hear such as not noticing
3 isn’t very easy to train? _____
alarms, but there are many other ways that
4 doesn’t need much training to do its job? _____
hearing dogs help their human companions.
Alarm clocks, door bells and mobile phone
notifications can all easily be missed by deaf /8
people living or spending time alone. Hearing
dogs are very highly trained. It takes up to two
years to prepare a puppy for work, and many of
the dogs chosen for the job do not go on to
become hearing dogs. They just don’t have the
right skills and personality. When the right dog is
matched to the right person though, the

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

Vocabulary, Grammar and Use of English

Name: __________________________________ Grammar

Class: __________________________________ 3 Complete the sentences with the correct form
Total: ___ _ /30 of the verbs in the box.
be not have not hurt
join learn stop
0 If I were you, I wouldn't touch the cut with a
1 Complete the sentences with one word in each
dirty hand.
1 My friend is complaining about his health all
0 I've just taken up running. I want to take part
the time. I wish he ______________________!
in the New York City marathon next year.
2 If I wanted to get more exercise, ___________
1 We are doing a run to help ___________
_____________ (you) a gym with me?
money for cancer research .
3 I've been walking all day! I'm really tired and I
2 If you continue to eat sweets every day, you
wish my feet ___________________ so much.
will definitely ___________ weight.
4 If George _____________________ a car, he
3 She is in a ___________ condition after the
would probably go to work by bike.
accident, and the doctors aren’t sure she will
5 I would like to know more about being healthy.
If only we ________________________ more
4 Did you learn how to give first ___________ at
about eating habits at school!
school? Would you be able to help somebody
in danger? /5
5 I couldn't help notice that Carrie had a new 4 Complete the second sentence so that it has a
gold watch on her ___________ and similar meaning to the first.
a diamond ring on her finger.
/5 0 The expedition was a complete disaster
because the climbers left too late.
2 Complete the sentences with the missing
If the climbers had left earlier, the expedition
verbs. The first letters are given. Use the
wouldn't have been a complete disaster.
definitions in brackets to help you.
1 The weather was horrible last night, so Thomas
0 Many emergency workers deliver (bring into decided to stay at home.
the world) a baby in someone’s home or on If the weather hadn't been horrible last night,
the way to hospital. ______________________________________.
1 Instead of giving them gifts for their 2 I didn't tell the doctor about the headaches
anniversary, my parents would like you to because he didn't ask me about them.
d___________ (give for the purpose of If the doctor had asked me about the
providing help) money to their favourite headaches, ____________________________
charity. ____________.
2 Simple mosquito nets can s___________ (protect) 3 I disagreed so strongly because I thought the
lives in areas where the insects spread disease. nurse was wrong.
3 I'm taking part in the charity walk next I wouldn't have disagreed so strongly _______
weekend. You can s___________ (give money _________________________________.
to someone who is taking part in an event 4 Anna didn't want to go to the dentist until she
organised by a charity) me if you want. got terrible toothache last week.
4 You won't be able to buy these tablets if a If Anna hadn't got terrible toothache last week,
doctor doesn't write a p___________ (an order ______________________________________.
for a medication) for you. 5 I was so hungry because we didn't have
5 There isn't enough equipment to t__________ anything for lunch.
(give medical care) this disease here. You need I wouldn't have been so hungry if ___________
to go to the capital. ___________________________.
/5 /5

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

Vocabulary, Grammar and Use of English

Use of English 3 I don't have enough money to study medicine

in Oxford. IF
5 Choose the correct option.
I would study medicine in Oxford ___________
HEALTH _________________ more money.
4 She wasn’t serious when she told you that. She
When you go to 0 A a new doctor, you are likely to was joking. LEG
hear the same questions that you've answered She was just ___________________________.
hundreds of times before. ‘Do you take any 5 Helen broke her leg because she went
medication? Are you allergic to anything? Have snowboarding without any training. GONE
you ever broken a bone or 1___ your shoulder?’ If Helen _______________________________
Actually, I had lots of accidents when I was a child. without any training, she wouldn't have broken
For example, when I was ten, I had to spend a her leg.
month in bed after a bad fall. My mother blamed
herself and would repeat, ‘If you hadn't climbed
that tree, you 2___ two ribs.’ She became
overprotective after the accident. She was always
worried about my health, and I knew that it 3___
her heart every time I got ill or injured. That didn’t
change my behaviour, though.
I don't have any children, but if I 4___, I wouldn't
try to protect them from all possible dangers. It
never works. Sometimes you just can’t prevent
them 5___ getting hurt. And I think it is the lack of
physical activity that is more dangerous for most
people nowadays.

0 A see B look C watch

1 A removed B dislocated C turned
2 A won't break B wouldn't break
C wouldn’t have broken
3 A broke B damaged C hurt
4 A have B did C had had
5 A off B from C out of

6 Complete the second sentence so that it has a

similar meaning to the first. Use the
word in CAPITALS.

0 I often wash my hands so that I won’t get sick.

I often wash my hands to avoid getting sick.
1 Helen is staying home from work so that she
won’t give others her flu. AS
Helen has been staying home from work so
________________________________ others.
2 These tablets are disgusting – I hate them. NOT
If ________________________________ so

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

Vocabulary, Grammar and Use of English

Group A Group B
Vocabulary Vocabulary
Exercise 1 Exercise 1
1 raise 1 set
2 gain 2 cut
3 serious 3 panic
4 aid 4 sponsor
5 wrist 5 ward

Exercise 2 Exercise 2
1 donate 1 catch/contract
2 save 2 train
3 sponsor 3 donate
4 prescription 4 raise
5 treat 5 deliver

Grammar Grammar
Exercise 3 Exercise 3
1 would stop 1 had
2 would you join 2 had installed
3 didn’t hurt 3 didn’t play / wouldn’t play
4 didn’t have 4 would you join
5 learned/had learned 5 didn’t work

Exercise 4 Exercise 4
1 Thomas wouldn’t have stayed at home. 1 she hadn’t walked more than 30 km that day.
2 I would have told him about them. 2 Jason wouldn’t have bought it.
3 if I hadn’t thought the nurse was wrong. 3 I would have gone out with my friends.
4 she wouldn’t have gone to the dentist. 4 if they had done their homework.
5 we had had something for lunch. 5 he would have brought them.

Use of English Use of English

Exercise 5 Exercise 5
1 B 1 B
2 C 2 A
3 A 3 C
4 B 4 B
5 B 5 C

Exercise 6 Exercise 6
1 as not to give her flu to 1 in order to improve our
2 only these tablets were not/weren’t 2 I did not have
3 if I had 3 so as to lose
4 pulling your leg 4 only I didn’t live
5 hadn’t gone snowboarding 5 if there hadn’t been

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

Vocabulary, Grammar and Use of English

Name: __________________________________
Class: __________________________________ Grammar
Total: ___ _ /30 3 Complete the sentences with the correct form
of the verbs in the box.

Vocabulary be have install

1 Complete the sentences with one word in each join not play not work
0 If I were you, I would go to see another doctor.
0 I've just taken up running. I want to take part 1 Jason wants to be a doctor in the future. If only
in the New York City marathon next year. he ________z________ better grades!
1 We are going to _____________ up a new web 2 I wish my dad ___________________ a special
page to teach people about how food affects net in the window. There are a lot of
their health. mosquitos in the garden.
2 Look at this _____________ on my face. I had an 3 This song is OK but I wish my sister _________
accident while I was shaving this morning. ___________ it so often.
3 I started to have a _____________ attack on 4 If a sports centre opened right next to your
the crowded train, but controlling my house, _____________________ (you) an
breathing made me feel calmer. aerobics class?
4 Would you _____________ my group by donating 5 If Natalie _________________ such long hours,
fifty pounds if we complete the marathon? she would have more time to exercise.
5 The children’s __________ of the hospital is /5
decorated in bright colours to cheer up the sick kids.
/5 4 Complete the second sentence so that it has a
similar meaning to the first.
2 Complete the sentences with the missing
verbs. The first letters are given. Use the 0 The expedition was a complete disaster
definitions in brackets to help you. because the climbers left too late.
If the climbers had left earlier, the expedition
0 It was nice of you to share (make available to other wouldn't have been a complete disaster.
people) my webpage with your friends. I want a lot 1 Sally was so tired because she had walked
of people to read it. more than 30 km that day.
1 If you don’t get this injection, it is possible you Sally wouldn't have been so tired if _________
will c_____________ (become infected with) a ____________________________________.
serious disease while you are travelling. 2 Jason bought that magazine because it had an
2 I was planning to t_____________ (prepare by article about his doctor.
exercising) for the charity run, but spraining If that magazine hadn't had an article about his
my ankle has kept me from running at all. doctor, _______________________________
3 If you d_____________ (give money or things ____________.
to a person or a charity) your clothes or books, 3 I didn't have any free time last weekend so I
we will sell them and use the money to build a didn't go out with my friends.
new hospital. If I had had some free time last weekend,
4 We plan to r_____________ (collect) at least ______________________________________.
ten thousand pounds to give to the clinic for 4 The students didn't do their homework so the
homeless people. teacher gave them a test.
5 Besides putting out fires, firefighters are also The teacher wouldn't have given the students
trained to d_____________ (bring into the a test _________________________________.
world) babies in emergency situations.

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

Vocabulary, Grammar and Use of English

5 Sam didn't bring any carrots because you 6 Complete the second sentence so that it has a
didn't ask him to buy them. similar meaning to the first. Use the
If you had asked Sam to buy some carrots, words in capitals.
/5 0 Some people wear face masks so they won’t
catch a cold. ORDER
Some people wear face masks in order not to
Use of English catch a cold.
1 We’ve changed our diet because we want to
5 Choose the correct option. improve our health. ORDER
We’ve changed our diet __________________
HEALTH _________________ health.
When you go to A a new doctor, you are likely to 2 I can't go out with my friends because I have a
hear the same questions that you've answered stomach ache. NOT
hundreds of times before. ‘Do you take any If _______________________ a stomach ache,
medication? Do you ever have a 1___ in your I could go out with my friends.
chest? Have you ever broken a bone or dislocated 3 Jan is exercising more so she can lose some
your shoulder?’ weight. AS
Actually, I had lots of accidents when I was a child. Jan is exercising more ____________________
For example, when I was ten, I fell out of a tree. ___________ some weight.
The doctors decided to put a 2___ on both of my 4 I live too far from my school. NOT
legs and I couldn't walk for a long time. I didn't If __________________________ so far from
mind as I stayed at home and had plenty of time my school!
to watch TV. My mother was really angry and 5 The ambulance took twenty minutes to get to
would repeat, ‘It wouldn't have happened if you the victim because there was a lot of traffic. IF
___ to me.’ Of course my friends just laughed The ambulance wouldn't have taken twenty
minutes to get to the victim _______________
their 4___ off and told me how careless I was! I
_________________ so much traffic.
am a lot more careful than I used to be, and the
worst thing that’s happened to me lately is being /5
___ by a dog, which certainly wasn’t my fault. I
did go to the doctor for a tetanus injection, but
that was my first visit in about three years.

0 A see B look C watch

1 A sore B pain C cure
2 A plaster B rash C tape
3 A would listen B listened C had listened
4 A hearts B heads C hands
5 A taken B broken C bitten

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Name: ________________________________
Class: ________________________________
Total: _______/30

You have seen this announcement on a student website.


We are looking for articles about what it takes to make a good doctor.
Write an article stating what qualities and characteristics make a person good for this role.
We will publish the best articles on our website.

• Give your article a catchy title.

• Present your opinion on the topic.
• Give reasons and examples to support your opinion.
• Include statistics and official data.
• Make your article lively and interesting to read.
Write your factual article.


© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Can write an article for a student website using linking expressions.

Sample answer


‘Have you ever considered a career as a doctor?’ That’s what my science teacher asked me as I was trying to
decide what to study at university. I followed her advice and am now studying medicine, so I know exactly
what it takes to become a great doctor.
According to research there are a number of characteristics that help doctors succeed. Clearly, they need to be
excellent listeners and be able to show their patients that they understand how they feel. Naturally, they also
need to be great at communicating so there are no misunderstandings.
As well as this, national statistics show that the best doctors are able to stay calm, even in a crisis. Doctors
often need to reassure patients when they are frightened and make fast decisions about how to treat them.
Finally, experts agree that good doctors need to work hard and continue to learn even after they finish
university. Treatments and medicine are changing all the time, so doctors need to keep up with the latest
So if you are wondering what to study and have some of these qualities, then a career as a doctor might be the
right one for you.

Mark scheme

The task is worth 30 marks. Award up to 6 marks for each section of the mark scheme, according to the
descriptions below.
Marks Task achievement Written Written Range Accuracy
production and interaction
1-2 Completes only No clear paragraph Text is difficult to Uses only very Lots of errors even
one or two aspects structure followed. understand. Errors basic vocabulary in basic language,
of the task. May Very little linking impede and grammar, with which impede
not use the correct of sentences. communication. a lot of errors. communication.
genre and only
covers one or two
of the points
specified in the
3-4 Completes the A paragraph Text is generally Uses simple Generally
majority of the structure followed. easy to vocabulary and accurate, but with
task. Uses the Some paragraphs understand. Some basic grammar some errors,
correct genre and may only have one errors may impede structures especially in more
covers the or two sentences. communication. accurately. Uses advanced
majority, but not Some linking some more language.
all, of the points between advanced
specified in the sentences. vocabulary,
task. including some
vocabulary for
describing people.
Uses some more
structures with

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


5-6 Completes all parts Divided into clear Text is very clear Uses a wide range A few mistakes in
of the task fully, paragraphs, and and easy to of vocabulary more advanced
including the each paragraph understand. appropriately, language
correct genre and has a clear including structures, but
all the points function. A variety vocabulary for generally very
specified in the of linking words describing people. accurate.
task. used to link Uses a wide range
sentences. of grammar
accurately and

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Name: _______________________________
f to find medications that will cure some
Class: _______________________________
Total: _________/10 serious diseases.
g in order to lose a bit of weight.
h to give me digital information about my
Clauses of purpose
heart rate and blood pressure.
1 Match 1-10 with a-k to make sentences.
i so that he’ll be ready for the ballet
0 Marla joined a gym k
1 The football coach told me to exercise
j so they wouldn’t get sunburned.
more _____
k in order to get more exercise.
2 A friend advised me to avoid coffee in the
evening _____ /5

3 I have downloaded a new app _____

4 The dentist gave me an injection _____ 2 Use one word in each gap to complete the
5 I covered my arms and legs with sunscreen clauses of purpose in the extract from an
article about student health.
6 Mary is studying anatomy _____ It is sometimes difficult for students to stay

7 James is doing three dance classes a day in the best of health. Take sleep, for

_____ example. Students often stay up late in

8 Isabel has removed fat and sugar from her (0) order to keep up with their work, but you

diet _____ need to sleep enough so (1) _____ you can

9 The team is buying the latest equipment concentrate the next day, and (2) _____ as

_____ not to fall asleep in class! It’s also true that

10 The university is researching new drugs students are often exposed to germs and

_____ viruses, so it’s important to wash your hands

often (3) _____ avoid getting ill. Eating well
a to make sure all of the players are well- is also important in (4) _____ to perform
protected from injury. well. You need enough vitamins and
b to sleep better at night since caffeine tends minerals (5) _____ that your brain can work
to keep people awake. well and you can do your best every day.
c so that I wouldn’t feel any pain when she
worked on my teeth. /5

d so that she can pass an exam about the

human body.
e in order to become a stronger footballer.

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Group A Group B
6.6 Clauses of purpose 6.6 Clauses of purpose
Exercise 1 Exercise 1
1 e 2 b 3 h 4 c 5 j 6 d 7 i 8 g 9 a 10 f 1 f 2 b 3 h 4 d 5 c 6 j 7 i 8 a 9 g 10 e

Exercise 2 Exercise 2
1 that 1 so
2 so 2 that
3 to 3 to
4 order 4 order
5 so 5 so

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Name: _______________________________
h so that we can get stronger chest and arm
Class: _______________________________
Total: _________/10 muscles.
i to keep track of how far you walk each day.
j in order not to feel so nervous.
Clauses of purpose
k in order to get more exercise.
1 Match 1-10 with a-k to make sentences.
0 Marla joined a gym k /5

1 Lawrence is running 10 kilometres every

2 Use one word in each gap to complete the
day _____ clauses of purpose in the extract from an
article about student health.
2 We always wear hats and sunscreen _____
3 Our coach told us to lift weights regularly Of course exercise is good for you, but is it
_____ possible to get too much of a good thing? Of
4 You should avoid eating too many sweets course it is. In (0) order to get the most out of
_____ a new exercise routine, you should start out
5 You need to stretch after exercising _____ slowly (1) _____ as not to injure unused
6 Coffee and tea make Amanda feel stressed, muscles, and you should give yourself plenty
so she has given them up _____ of time to rest so (2) _____ your body can
7 You can use this new step-counter app recover. It is also vital to eat well and drink
_____ plenty of water (3) _____ keep your body in
8 Mary has decided to become a vegetarian the best condition. Sore muscles are normal
_____ after exercise, but actual pain is there in (4)
9 My grandparents have taken up swimming _____ to tell you that you are doing too much.
_____ If pain lasts for a long time, go to a doctor (5)
10 My sister is learning karate _____ _____ that you can find out what is really
wrong. Listen to your body and you will be
a to avoid harming animals.
b in order to protect our skin from the sun.
c so as to keep your muscles loose.
d so as not to gain a lot of weight.
e so that she can protect herself in case she
is ever attacked.
f to get in shape for the ‘Run for the
Children’ marathon.
g in order to get some low-impact exercise.

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Name: _______________________________ 2 Complete the sentences with the missing

Class: _______________________________ words. There is one space for each missing
Total: _________/20 letter. The first two letters are given.

0 After getting hit in the face with a ball, I’m

afraid I will ha v e a black eye.
Good health
1 Label the picture with body parts. The first 1 I have a br_ _ _ _ on my hand because
letters are given. I hit it with a hammer.

2 It is common for runners to sp _ _ _ _

0 forehead an ankle while running on a trail.

3 I was bi _ _ _ _ by a spider and now I have

a red spot on my arm.

4 As a footballer, he is likely to
di _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a shoulder if he falls the
wrong way.

5 I never go skiing because I don’t want to

br _ _ _ my leg if I fall!

6 The coffee is very hot, so be careful not to

bu _ _ your tongue!


3 Complete the sentences with the names of

body parts.

0 The answer was on the tip of her tongue but

1 e_____________ she remembered it only after the test was
2 c_____________
1 The audience laughed its _____________
3 n_____________ off from the very first minute.

4 w_____________ 2 I couldn't believe my _____________

when I realised that my car had been
5 e_____________ stolen.

6 t_____________ 3 Jerry broke his mother's _____________

when he dropped out of university.
7 t_____________
4 Can you give me a _____________ with the
8 a_____________ suitcase? It's really heavy.

9 t_____________ 5 I'm so sorry. I promise I won't pull your

___________ again. I'll only tell you the

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

[Type text]

Group A Group B
Good health Good health

Exercise 1 Exercise 1
1 eyebrow(s) 1 lip(s)
2 cheek 2 chin
3 neck 3 shoulder
4 waist 4 chest
5 elbow 5 finger(s)
6 thumb 6 wrist
7 thigh 7 thigh
8 ankle 8 knee
9 toe(s) 9 foot

Exercise 2 Exercise 2
1 bruise 1 burn
2 sprain 2 sprain
3 bitten 3 bitten
4 dislocate 4 black
5 break 5 break
6 burn 6 dislocate

Exercise 3 Exercise 3
1 head 1 hand
2 eyes 2 leg
3 heart 3 heart
4 hand 4 eyes
5 leg 5 head

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


2 Complete the sentences with the missing words.

Name: _______________________________ There is one space for each missing letter. The first
Class: _______________________________ two letters are given.
Total: _________/20
0 Because of my allergies, if I get near a cat I will
have a bl o c k e d nose.

Good health 1 Don’t touch that hot frying pan – you’ll bu _ _ your
1 Label the picture with body parts. The first letters hand!
are given.
2 If you fall forward and try to catch yourself, you
0 forehead are likely to sp _ _ _ _ your wrist.

3 My sister is afraid of dogs because she was badly

bi _ _ _ _ by one when she was younger.

4 A baseball hit me in the face and now I have

a bl _ _ _ eye.

5 If you fall out of that tree, don’t be surprised if

you br _ _ _ your arm!

6 My grandmother is very cautious going down the

stairs because she doesn’t want to di _ _ _ _ _ _ _
her hip.


3 Complete the sentences with the names of body


0 The answer was on the tip of her tongue but she

remembered it only after the test was over.
1 l_____________
1 For me, it's not easy to ask somebody to give me a
2 c_____________ _____________ even if I really need help.
3 s_____________ 2 It's not true, is it? You're pulling my ____________.

4 c_____________ 3 Don't fall in love with him. He'll break your

_____________ soon.
5 f_____________
4 We couldn't believe our _____________ when we
6 w_____________ received a letter from New Zealand.

7 t_____________ 5 Don't read this book in the library – you will laugh
your _____________ off and everyone will look at
8 k_____________ you.

9 f_____________ __/5


© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Name: _______________________________ 2 ‘I couldn't buy the tickets because the shop

Class: _______________________________
was closed,’ I ______________.
Total: _________/15
3 ‘He cannot even sing,’ my dad said. ‘And

7.2 Reported Speech – statements; reporting he's definitely the worst judge in this
programme,’ he ______________.
1 Complete the second sentence so that it
means the same as the first.
4 ‘I love this show,’ Tom said. ‘Do you? I hate
‘I have never been to the British Museum,’
Sally said.
it,’ Annie ______________.
Sally said she 0had never been to the
British Museum.
A ‘I met your sister yesterday. I hadn’t seen
her here since Christmas,’ Helen told Mark. 3 Write the second sentence so that it means
the same as the first.
Helen told Mark that she had met 1______
0 ‘I want to buy a large poster,’ I said.
sister 2_________________ and added that
I said I wanted to buy a large poster.
she hadn't seen her 3_______________
1 ‘This painting has been here for
since Christmas. generations,’ the old woman claimed.

B ‘Lisa, these two photos are really nice,’
Andy said.
Andy 4_______________ Lisa that 2 ‘My father is going to turn the basement
_______________ two photos were really into a home cinema room next year,’ the
boy claimed.

2 Complete the sentences with the Past 3 ‘I'm painting now, so I'll call you later,’
Simple form of the verbs in the box. I told Jane.

point out add reply suggest explain ___________________________________


0 ‘We have just released a new album,’ the

singer pointed out.

1 ‘You should read the novel before watching

the film,’ the teacher ______________.

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Group A Group B
7.2 Reported Speech – statements; reporting 7.2 Reported Speech – statements; reporting
verbs verbs

Exercise 1 Exercise 1
1 his 1 told
2 the day before 2 they
3 there 3 then / at that time
4 told 4 her
5 those 5 the following day

Exercise 2 Exercise 2
1 suggested 1 suggested
2 explained 2 added
3 added 3 replied
4 replied 4 claimed

Exercise 3 Exercise 3
1 The old woman claimed (that) 1 The editor said (that) they had worked
the/that painting had been there for with that photographer since 2001.
2 The guide told us (that) we couldn't /
2 The boy claimed (that) his father was weren't allowed to take any photos in
going to turn the basement into a that museum.
home cinema room the following
year. 3 The secretary said (that) Mrs Brown
wasn't in the office because she was
3 I told Jane (that) I was painting then / flying to Japan that day.
at that time, so I would call her later.

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Name: _______________________________ 2 ‘We’ve got just one episode left,’ Brian

Class: _______________________________
said. ‘And then we can watch an episode of
Total: _________/15
the new series,’ he __________.
3 ‘Did you know he lied about his
7.2 Reported Speech – statements; reporting childhood?’ I asked. ‘I still think he’s the
best singer in the world,’ Frank
1 Complete the second sentence so that it
means the same as the first. ___________.
4 ‘That was the best concert I’ve ever been
‘I have never been to the British Museum,’
Sally said. to,’ my friend ___________.
Sally said she 0had never been to the
British Museum. ____/4

A ‘Hollie, we don't have enough money to

3 Write the second sentence so that it means
buy any paintings,’ George said.
the same as the first.
George _______________ Hollie that

_______________didn't have enough 0 ‘I want to buy a large poster,’ I said. I said I

money to buy any paintings. wanted to buy a large poster.

B ‘I'm very busy now but I can meet you in

1 ‘They've worked with this photographer
the café tomorrow,’ Paul told Doris.
since 2001,’ the editor said.
Paul told Doris that he was very busy
___________________ but he could meet ___________________________________
_______________ in the café 5_________ ___________________________________

_______________. 2 ‘You cannot take any photos in this

____/5 museum,’ the guide told us.

2 Complete the sentences with the Past
Simple form of the verbs in the box. ___________________________________

3 ‘Mrs Brown isn't in the office because she's

point out add suggest claim reply flying to Japan today,’ the secretary said.


0 ‘We have just released a new album,’ the ___________________________________

singer pointed out. ____/6

1 ‘You could look for this artist online,’

I __________.

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Name: _______________________________ 3 ‘Help me choose the best tie, please,’

Class: _______________________________ Robert said.
Total: _________/15 Robert asked me _____________________
________________ the best tie.

7.5 Reported Speech – questions and 4 ‘Please look at the camera all the time,’ the
imperatives photographer told me.
1 Complete the reported questions with the The photographer told me_____________
words in the box. Sometimes more than one
answer is possible. There is one extra word. ______________ at the camera all the
where how much how often
if whether which who
0 Quentin asked me where the museum was.
1 Raphael asked his teacher __________ her
favourite writer was. 3 Write the second sentence so that it means
the same as the first.
2 Martin asked his mum __________ she
could play the guitar. 0 ‘Press the red button on the camera,’ she
told me.
3 Olga asked her neighbours __________ She told me to press the red button on the
they went on holiday, once or twice a year. camera.
1 ‘Don't let the children watch TV after eight
4 Wendy asked her friend __________ she
was interested in photography. o'clock,’ Violet told the babysitter.
5 Juliet asked me __________ money I had
on me. ___________________________________
____/5 2 ‘Where are you and your friends going to
meet?’ I asked my sister.
2 Report the imperatives.
0 ‘Please, meet me at the museum at five,’ ___________________________________
Nina told me.
Nina asked me to meet her at the museum 3 ‘Has John ever tried to paint a picture on
at five. his own?’ Lydia asked me.
1 ‘Don't worry about your test,’ Silvia told ___________________________________
me. ___________________________________
Silvia told me _______________________
___________ test.

2 ‘Please don't use my credit card to pay

online,’ my mum told me.
My mum told me _____________________
______________ credit card to pay online.

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Group A Group B
7.5 Reported Speech – questions and 7.5 Reported Speech – questions and
imperatives imperatives

Exercise 1 Exercise 1
1 who 1 if/whether
2 if/whether 2 who
3 how often 3 how much
4 if/whether 4 how old
5 how much 5 if/whether

Exercise 2 Exercise 2
1 not to worry about my 1 to wait
2 not to use her 2 to turn off
3 to help him choose 3 not to use her
4 to look 4 not to touch

Exercise 3 Exercise 3
1 Violet told the babysitter not to let the 1 Gillian asked her brother when he had
children watch TV after eight o'clock. started following that reality show.

2 I asked my sister where she and her 2 The woman asked me if/whether
friends were going to meet. I was good at solving computer
3 Lydia asked me if/whether John had
ever tried to paint a picture on his 3 Mr Jenkins told Mark not to let
own. anyone use his office during his

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Name: _______________________________ 3 ‘Please don't use your smartphone in the

Class: _______________________________ classroom,’ the teacher told Janice.
Total: _________/15
The teacher told Janice ________________
__________ smartphone in the classroom.

7.5 Reported Speech – questions and 4 ‘Don't touch the camera, please,’ Diana
imperatives told me.
1 Complete the reported questions with the
words in the box. Sometimes more than one Diana told me _______________________
answer is possible. There is one extra word. the camera.
where how much how old if
whether who whose
3 Write the second sentence so that it means
the same as the first.
0 Quentin asked me where the museum was.
0 ‘Press the red button on the camera,’ she
1 Phil asked his dad ___________ he had told me.
ever sung in front of a live audience. She told me to press the red button on the
2 Eve asked the man ___________ had given
him her number. 1 ‘When did you start following this reality

3 Ingrid asked the shop assistant show?, Gillian asked her brother.
___________ the DVDs cost. ___________________________________

4 Rose asked us ___________ our family car ___________________________________

was since it was obviously not new. 2 ‘Are you good at solving computer

5 Mark asked his friend ___________ he was problems?’, the woman asked me.
keen on modern art. ___________________________________
____/5 ___________________________________
3 ‘Don't let anyone use my office during my
2 Report the imperatives. holiday,’ Mr Jenkins told Mark.
0 ‘Please, meet me at the museum at five,’ ___________________________________
Nina told me.
Nina asked me to meet her at the museum
at five.

1 ‘Wait in the living room for five minutes, ____/6

please,’ Jane told me.

Jane asked me _______________________

in the living room for five minutes.

2 ‘Please, turn off the music,’ my mum said.

My mum told me _____________________

the music.

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

Dictation, Listening and Reading

Name: ____________________________________ Listening

Class: ____________________________________ 2 [Track 15] Listen to five people talking about
Total: _ /30 watching videos online. Match statements A–G
with speakers 1–5. There are two extra letters.
Speaker 1 ______
1 [Track 14] Listen and write the sentences you
hear, including the punctuation. Speaker 2 ______

Speaker 3 ______

Speaker 4 ______

Speaker 5 ______

A The speaker is surprised by the quality of online

B The speaker saves time by watching online
C The speaker thinks that the quality of online
videos is improving.
D The speaker needs to watch online videos for
their job.
E The speaker wishes he/she didn’t watch so many
online videos.
F The speaker comments on other people’s online
G The speaker admits that they sometimes
steal ideas from online videos.


© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

Dictation, Listening and Reading

Reading One big problem faced by all television channels is

3 Read the text. Complete gaps 1-5 with fragments the rise of so many free video channels on the
A-F. There is one extra fragment. Internet. Why should people pay to watch television
when they can spend their evenings watching
THE FUTURE OF TELEVISION almost anything for free? (5) _____ Of course, if it is
Television has changed a lot since the days when too cheap, the company won’t be able to afford to
there were only two or three channels to choose buy or make enough programmes. It is, perhaps, a
from. (1) _____ At first, this was done by satellite or bigger problem for television companies than
cable companies offering hundreds of channels for a keeping up with the latest technological advances.
monthly fee. Whilst people were excited to begin One solution is to create very high quality
with, they soon came to be disappointed. That’s programmes that vloggers and YouTubers can’t
because many of the programmes were poorly compete with. I guess, we’ll have to wait and see
made which meant that more time was spent what they come up with.
changing channels trying to find something
interesting to watch than actually watching it. A This means that, if the service is too expensive,
no one will sign up for it.
So, what does the future hold for television? Firstly,
B One idea is for the television to remember what
more and more people are now buying smart TVs
you have watched and, when you next switch on,
which are linked to the Internet. This will allow a
it will tell you about programmes that you might
number of new ideas to be introduced. (2) _____
be interested in.
We will also be able to link our televisions to our
friends’ televisions and find out what they are
C This is because television companies can show
watching so we can watch the same. So rather than
programmes for everyone, from popular series
talk about our favourite TV shows, we’ll simply find
to documentaries that only a handful of people
out from our own televisions!
will be interested in.

This idea, though, still assumes that television will D For that reason, more and more TV series will be
work as it does now, with programmes appearing at made with shorter, more dramatic story lines.
a certain time each week. Many companies offer a
catch-up service where you can watch programmes E People were happy with that because there was
from the previous week that you have missed, but nothing else but, with the introduction of videos
do we need to miss programmes at all? (3) _____ and later, the Internet, television needed to
You can watch a whole series in one night. This is offer something better.
great for people who hate waiting to find out what is
going to happen next. However, parents who are F There are now online television providers who
trying to encourage their children to watch less TV allow you to watch what you like, when you like.
may disagree. It will certainly be a challenge for
A big advantage of not having specific times for
programmes is that no one can complain that
‘there’s nothing worth watching this evening’. This is
a feeling we are all familiar with, and it can be
extremely frustrating. Just because some of the
programmes aren’t for you, it doesn’t prevent you
from watching what you want. (4) _____ So, there
will always be something to watch, whoever you

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

Dictation, Listening and Reading

Group A Group B
Dictation Dictation
Exercise 1 Exercise 1
My friend said / he’d been taken by surprise / when My friend said / he’d been taken by surprise / when
he saw me perform / in front of a big audience. / He he saw me perform / in front of a big audience. / He
took a video of me / and it has gone viral. / He took a video of me / and it has gone viral. / He
suggested / I should become a singer-songwriter. / I suggested / I should become a singer-songwriter. / I
could take part / in a talent competition. / People could take part / in a talent competition. / People
say / I have a good chance of winning. say / I have a good chance of winning.

Listening Listening
Exercise 2 Exercise 2
1 E: The speaker says he is upset when he realises 1 B: The speaker says he is upset when he realises
how much time he has wasted watching online how much time he has wasted watching online
videos. videos.
2 F: The speaker says that you get a lot of cruel and 2 G: The speaker says she used to send videos to
unfair comments online. friends but now uploads them to the Internet, and
3 G: The speaker admits taking something from the saves a lot of money on stamps.
Internet, changing it a little and then presenting it 3 A: The speaker admits that he is lazy.
as his own idea. 4 C: The speaker watches short videos online to find
4 B: The speaker says that it is quicker to watch information for History projects.
short videos about something than to read about 5 E: The speaker says that most of the videos online
it. are poorly made, and is surprised that over a
5 A: The speaker says that most of the videos online million people have watched them.
are poorly made, uninteresting rubbish.

Reading Reading
Exercise 3 Exercise 3
1 E: This sentence fits with the sentences before 1 B: This sentence fits with the sentences before
and after it. It uses the past tense and says and after it. The word this refers back to the
people were happy with that. That refers back to phrase television needed to offer something
two or three channels. better.
2 B: This sentence fits with the sentences before 2 D: This sentence fits with the sentences before
and after it. It gives an example of an idea and after it. It mentions a number of new ideas,
introduced in the previous sentence. which is then followed by one of them (ideas).
3 F: This sentence fits with the sentences before 3 A: This sentence fits with the sentences before
and after it. It says you can watch programmes and after it. It is a question, which is then
when you like, which is then followed by the answered by the following sentence.
phrase in one night. 4 F: This sentence fits with the sentences before
4 C: This sentence fits with the sentences before and after it. It develops the idea of always having
and after it. Television companies show something worth watching.
programmes for everyone, which is then followed 5 E: This sentence fits with the sentences before
by the statement that there will always be and after it. The idea of watching almost
something to watch, whoever you are. anything for free links back to so many free video
5 A: This sentence fits with the sentences before channels.
and after it because of the topic of paying for
watching television and vocabulary such as too
expensive, too cheap, etc.

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

Dictation, Listening and Reading

Name: ____________________________________ Listening

Class: ____________________________________ 2 [Track 15] Listen to five people talking about
Total: _ /30 watching videos online. Match statements A–G
with speakers 1–5. There are two extra letters.
Speaker 1 ______
1 [Track 14] Listen and write the sentences you
hear, including the punctuation. Speaker 2 ______

Speaker 3 ______

Speaker 4 ______

Speaker 5 ______

A The speaker mentions a negative part of their

B The speaker knows they watch too many
C The speaker uses online videos to find out
factual information.
D The speaker thinks that online videos
weren’t as good in the past as they are now.
E The speaker can’t believe that online videos are
so popular.
F The speaker’s job involves making online videos.
G The speaker spends less because of online


© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

Dictation, Listening and Reading

Reading television companies can show programmes for

3 Read the text. Complete gaps 1-5 with fragments everyone, from popular series to documentaries
A-F. There is one extra fragment. that only a handful of people will be interested in.
So, there will always be something to watch,

Television has changed a lot since the days when One big problem faced by all television channels is
there were only two or three channels to choose the rise of so many free video channels on the
from. People were happy with that because there Internet. (5) _____ This means that, if the service is
was nothing else but, with the introduction of too expensive, no one will sign up for it. Of course,
videos and later, the Internet, television needed to if it is too cheap, the company won’t be able to
offer something better. (1) _____ Whilst people afford to buy or make enough programmes. It is,
were excited to begin with, they soon came to perhaps, a bigger problem for television companies
be disappointed. That’s because many of the than keeping up with the latest technological
programmes were poorly made which meant that advances. One solution is to create very high quality
more time was spent changing channels trying to programmes that vloggers and YouTubers can’t
find something interesting to watch than actually compete with. I guess, we’ll have to wait and see
watching it. what they come up with.

So, what does the future hold for television? Firstly,

more and more people are now buying smart TVs
which are linked to the Internet. (2) _____ One of A Many companies offer a catch-up service where
them is for the television to remember what you you can watch programmes from the previous
have watched and, when you next switch on, it will week that you have missed, but do we need to miss
programmes at all?
tell you about programmes that you might be
interested in. We will also be able to link our
B At first, this was done by satellite or cable
televisions to our friends’ televisions and find out companies offering hundreds of channels for a
what they are watching so we can watch the same. So monthly fee.
rather than talk about our favourite TV shows, we’ll
simply find out from our own televisions! C It means that people can subscribe to their
favourite channel and all their favourite
This idea, though, still assumes that television will
programmes will be organised in a personal
work as it does now, with programmes appearing at playlist.
a certain time each week. (3) _____ There are now
online television providers who allow you to watch D This will allow a number of new ideas to be
what you like, when you like. You can watch a whole introduced.
series in one night. This is great for people who hate
waiting to find out what is going to happen next. E Why should people pay to watch television
However, parents who are trying to encourage their when they can spend their evenings watching
children to watch less TV may disagree. It will almost anything for free?
certainly be a challenge for some.
F Just because some of the programmes aren’t for
A big advantage of not having specific times for you, it doesn’t prevent you from watching what
programmes is that no one can complain that you want.
‘there’s nothing worth watching this evening’. /10
This is a feeling we are all familiar with, and it can
be extremely frustrating. (4) _____ This is because

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

Vocabulary, Grammar and Use of English

Name: __________________________________
3 This show is ideal for people with a short
Class: __________________________________
____________ span because it’s made up of
Total: ___ _ /30 two-minute skits.
4 This novel leaves a lot to the ____________. It
doesn’t explain why or how everything
Vocabulary happened.
1 Complete the second sentence so that it has a 5 The young actor is nervous about playing the
similar meaning to the first. The first letters are ____________ of Hamlet in the new
given. production.
0 We plan to enrol in a service which offers
discounts on cinema tickets.
We plan to sign up for a service which offers Grammar
discounts on cinema tickets. 3 Complete the Reported Speech sentences with
1 If you hope to begin working as an actor, you one word in each gap.
should go to a lot of auditions.
If you plan to s____________ o____________ as 0 Helen pointed out that I was wrong.
an actor, you should go to a lot of auditions. 1 Betty was very surprised when Ivan told
2 How many people watched the final episode ___________ that she was the winner.
of the show? 2 The couple explained to the press that they
How many v____________ did the first ___________ going to move to a bigger house
episode of the show have? in Hollywood.
3 You shouldn’t blame yourself for the failure of 3 Angie claimed that she ___________ never
the new play. been to the USA before.
You shouldn’t b____________ y____________ 4 Ann suggested organising a party the
u____________ because the new play failed. ___________ weekend as she had no other
4 The main guitar player of the group has plans.
decided to quit. 5 Patrick said that he ___________ play the
The l____________ g____________ of the trumpet well. Then he added he was a talented
group has decided to quit. guitarist, too.
5 That film was so scary that I couldn’t stop /5
being afraid for hours.
That film was so scary that it took hours for the
4 Complete the second sentence so that it has a
fear to w____________ o____________.
similar meaning to the first. Use Reported
/5 Speech.

2 Complete the sentences with the words in the 0 ‘Who do you want to be in the future?’ the
box. There are three extra words. teacher asked us.
reviews part channel fiancé The teacher asked us who we wanted to be in
imagination identical attention the future.
headquarters cast 1 ‘Will you sing in the school concert?’ I asked
0 Although the film had great reviews, it wasn’t I asked Monica _________________________
very popular with the public. in the school concert.
1 The ___________ of the play included several 2 ‘Mum, please don't change channels!’ Mike
very famous actors. said.
2 My great aunt never got married after her Mike asked his mum _____________________
____________ died in the war. channels.

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

Vocabulary, Grammar and Use of English

3 ‘Where did you all meet on Monday evening?’ 6 Complete the sentences with the correct form
my brother asked. of the words in brackets.
My brother asked me ____________________
______________ on Monday evening. 0 I need a new pair of glasses (pair / glasses).
4 ‘Please help me choose a film to watch with 1 Pauline _______________________________
my boyfriend,’ Annie asked me. (ask / agent / if / get) the job.
Annie asked me _________________________ 2 I tried to do some research about that actor
a film to watch with her boyfriend. and check if what you said was true, but it
5 ‘Has your father used that product before?’ turns out that __________________________
the man asked Hank. __________ (information / be / incorrect).
The man asked Hank _____________________ 3 His mum told Stephen ____________________
_______________ that product before. ______________ (not / switch on) TV before
/5 dinner.
4 Sylvia _________________________________
(reply / she / be) too tired to walk home after
Use of English the competition, so I think we’ll take a taxi.
5 Complete the text with the correct form of the 5 I enjoy watching thrillers, but that new
words in the box. There are two extra words. _______________________________ (crime
series / be not) exactly what I like.
encourage entertain distract 6 _______________________________ (you /
enhance permit create memory mind) we take a few photos of your house?
If you are a major star in the 0 entertainment
industry, you probably get a lot of offers to
appear in films and plays. If you aren't a star, you
will have to go to auditions.
Going to an audition is like having a job interview,
so be professional. If you have a copy of the
script, you could 1_______________ the lines you
are going to say so everyone knows you are
prepared. Don't be late, and bring your CV and a
few photos.
Try to ignore all of the 2_________________
around you like noises, changing lights and other
people talking, and just concentrate on your role.
Don't be afraid to ask for 3_______________ to
start again if you mess up or get totally lost.
Don’t expect any 4_______________ from those
who are watching your audition. You’ll find out
what they thought when you learn whether or
not you got the role. So when you have finished,
just thank everyone, go home and wait for news.
Maybe it will be the big break you’ve been
waiting for!

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

Vocabulary, Grammar and Use of English

Group A Group B
Vocabulary Vocabulary
Exercise 1 Exercise 1
1 start out 1 come out
2 viewers 2 audience
3 beat yourself up 3 take up
4 lead guitarist 4 wear off
5 wear off 5 singer-songwriter

Exercise 2 Exercise 2
1 cast 1 drummer
2 fiancé 2 emotions
3 attention 3 enhance
4 imagination 4 appear
5 part 5 upload

Grammar Grammar
Exercise 3 Exercise 3
1 her/me/us 1 next/following
2 were 2 was
3 had 3 him
4 following 4 could
5 could 5 had

Exercise 4 Exercise 4
1 if she would sing 1 not to use
2 not to change 2 why I hadn’t phoned
3 where we all had met 3 whether/if she had seen
4 to help her choose 4 if you could help us
5 whether/if his father had used 5 whether/if he would invite his family

Use of English Use of English

Exercise 5 Exercise 5
1 memorise 1 distraction
2 distractions 2 memorisation
3 permission 3 encouragement
4 encouragement 4 entertainment

Exercise 6 Exercise 6
1 asked the agent if she had got 1 crime series isn’t/is not
2 (the) information is/was incorrect 2 if I had seen
3 not to switch on 3 a piece of good advice
4 replied (that) she would be 4 added that her father was/had been
5 crime series isn’t/is not 5 Do you mind if
6 Do you mind if 6 not to believe

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

Vocabulary, Grammar and Use of English

Name: __________________________________ 2 The musical soundtrack of a film helps to stir

Class: __________________________________ up ___________ which people might
otherwise not feel.
Total: ___ _ /30
3 Audiobooks can ___________ the reading
experience for some people by adding more
4 My favourite singer is going to ___________ in
1 Complete the second sentence so that it has a a TV series soon, and she is going to play
similar meaning to the first. The first letters are herself.
given. 5 Many parents ___________ videos of their
children doing funny things so that others can
0 The actors made several mistakes, but they decided view them on the Internet.
to continue as if nothing had happened.
The actors made several mistakes, but they decided
to carry on as if nothing had happened.
1 The group’s new album is going to be released Grammar
next week. 3 Complete the Reported Speech sentences with
The group’s new album is going to c________ one word in each gap.
o________ next week.
2 The people watching the play were absolutely 0 Helen pointed out that I was wrong.
silent during the final scene. 1 We suggested meeting for lunch in Oxford the
The a__________ were absolutely silent during ____________ day.
the final scene of the play. 2 The actress explained in a press interview that
3 A number of actors have decided to start knitting she ____________ not going to work in the US
as a way to pass the time between scenes. in the future.
A number of actors have decided to t________ 3 Allan was very happy when I told ___________
u________ knitting as a way to pass the time that I wanted to offer him a role in my new
between scenes. film.
4 I know you are afraid of going on stage now, but 4 The film producer was looking for actors who
the feeling will disappear as you perform more. ____________ swim and were good with
I know you are afraid of going on stage now, children.
but the feeling will w________ o________ as 5 Nobody believed Andrew when he claimed
you perform more. that he ____________ studied acting in
5 She is a person who writes and performs her own London.
songs and who appears all over the world. /5
She is a s_____________ -s______________
4 Complete the second sentence so that it has a
who appears all over the world.
similar meaning to the first. Use Report Speech.
0 ‘Who do you want to be in the future?’ the
2 Complete the sentences with the words in the teacher asked us.
box. There are three extra words. The teacher asked us who we wanted to be in
the future.
gig engage emotions upload cast 1 ‘Please don’t use your mobile phones,’ the
appear drummer enhance viral teacher told her students.
The teacher told her students ______________
0 That rock group is doing their first live gig in ____________ their mobile phones.
nearly ten years. 2 ‘Why didn't you phone me at the weekend?’
1 A good ___________ keeps the musicians my friend asked.
together by clearly marking the beat. My friend asked me ______________________
_____________ her at the weekend.

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

Vocabulary, Grammar and Use of English

3 ‘Have you seen that advertisement before?’ 6 Complete the sentences with the correct form
the woman asked Elena. of the words in brackets.
The woman asked Elena __________________
________________ the advertisement before. 0 I need a new pair of glasses (pair / glasses).
4 ‘Can you help us with this exercise?’ we asked 1 I enjoy watching thrillers, but that new
the teacher. _______________________________ (crime
‘We were wondering _____________________ series / be not) exactly what I like.
_______________________ with this exercise’ 2 Robert asked me ________________________
we asked politely. (if / I / see) that programme before.
5 ‘Will you invite your family to the 3 The struggling musician got _______________
performance?’ I asked Vincent. ________________ (piece / good / advice)
I asked Vincent _________________________ from a famous music producer.
______________ to the performance. 4 Jane __________________________________
/5 (add / her / father / be) her favourite actor.
5 _______________________________ (you /
mind) we take a few photos of your house?
Use of English 6 Wendy told her sister _________________________
5 Complete the text with the correct form of the (not / believe) the rumours about her.
words in the box. There are two extra words. /6

attend engage be distract

entertain memorise encourage

If you 0 were a major Hollywood movie star, you

would probably get a lot of offers and
everyone would ask you to appear in their
films. If you aren't a major star, you'll have to
go to auditions if you want to make
it in acting, and going to endless auditions is the
usual accompaniment to any actor’s early career.
An audition is like a job interview, so prepare for
it carefully. Dress nicely but simply, avoiding
extreme styles which might create a
_______________ from your acting skills.
A word-for-word 2_______________ of the part
you are trying out for isn’t necessary, but do be
familiar with the director’s style and what the
role is about. Don't expect any 3______________
from the people watching the auditions. – in fact,
don’t expect any criticism either. Directors and
producers need time to think, so they seldom
react during an audition. Generally, in the
_______________ industry, it's difficult to know
whether you have done well or not, but don’t
worry about it. When you have finished the
audition, thank everyone for their time, go home
and wait for a response.

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Name: ________________________________
Class: ________________________________
Total: _______/30
You have seen this announcement on a student website.


Have you been on a good day trip recently? We are looking for articles to publish on our website about great
places to visit. Tell us about your day, explaining where you went, what you did, how much fun it was, and
what changes you would suggest for next time.

• Give your article a catchy title and an interesting beginning.

• Describe where you went, what you did and give your opinion of it.
• Make some suggestions for how it could be improved.
• End with your recommendation for those who would enjoy this trip.


© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Can write a description of an event, a recent trip – real or imagined.

Sample answer
Monkey Business
Have you ever wondered how it feels to swing through the trees like a monkey? I can tell you how it feels. Last
month, to celebrate my birthday, I spent an amazing day with my friends at a forest adventure centre called
Go Ape in Sherwood Forest, near Nottingham. It was three hours of pure fun!
The location is beautiful, right in the middle of a forest. We could hear birds singing high above, and the sun
shining down through the leaves looked stunning. Then the excitement started. We had to climb up a ladder
to the top of a really tall tree. Then there was a series of tree-top challenges, like walking across rope ladders,
swinging on ropes, walking across tight ropes and whizzing along zip wires – all high up in the tree tops. Of
course, you have a safety harness on, so it isn’t really dangerous, but it’s still really thrilling – and scary!
The only thing I would suggest changing is that there should be a better restaurant at the centre. The food
wasn’t brilliant!
This is definitely a great day out for anyone who enjoys excitement. However, I wouldn’t recommend it to
anyone who’s scared of heights.
Mark scheme
The task is worth 30 marks. Award up to 6 marks for each section of the mark scheme, according to the
descriptions below.
Marks Task achievement Written Written Range Accuracy
production and interaction
1-2 Completes only No clear paragraph Text is difficult to Uses only very Lots of errors even
one or two aspects structure followed. understand. Errors basic vocabulary in basic language,
of the task. May Very little linking impede and grammar, with which impede
not use the correct of sentences. communication. a lot of errors. communication.
genre and only
covers one or two
of the points
specified in the
3-4 Completes the A paragraph Text is generally Uses simple Generally
majority of the structure followed. easy to vocabulary and accurate, but with
task. Uses the Some paragraphs understand. Some basic grammar some errors,
correct genre and may only have one errors may impede structures especially in more
covers the or two sentences. communication. accurately. Uses advanced
majority, but not Some linking some more language.
all, of the points between advanced
specified in the sentences. vocabulary. Uses
task. some more
structures with
5-6 Completes all parts Divided into clear Text is very clear Uses a wide range A few mistakes in
of the task fully, paragraphs, and and easy to of vocabulary more advanced
including the each paragraph understand. appropriately. language
correct genre and has a clear Uses a wide range structures, but
all the points function. A variety of grammar generally very
specified in the of linking words structures accurate.
task. used to link accurately and
sentences. appropriately.

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Name: _______________________________
Class: _______________________________ 2 Complete the sentences with the correct
form of the words in brackets.
Total: _________/20
0 I have three pairs of grey trousers (three /
pair / grey trousers) that I never wear.
Nouns 1 Cassie has bought ____________________
1 Choose the correct form of the verbs.
______ (few / piece / furniture) for her flat.
0 These jeans is / are exactly what I’ve been 2 She asked me _______________________
looking for! __________ (who / favourite / writer / be).
1 It seems that the new information is not /
3 Maybe you didn’t recognise her because
are not reliable.
her _______________________________
2 All of the fish in your pond is / are really
(hair / be / a lot / short) than it used to be.
3 That child’s feet seem / seems very small. 4 My father told me ____________________
4 The furniture in your flat look / looks very ______ (he / buy) me a new computer next
comfortable. semester.
5 Progress is / are slow, but we are getting 5 Many ______________________________
there! (species / become) extinct since the
6 Your luggage just fit / fits in the boot of the beginning of the century. It’s time we did
car. something to stop this.
7 The advice you gave me yesterday was /
were very useful.
8 The scissors you gave me doesn’t / don’t
cut very well!
9 Our city is so crowded that the traffic is /
are bad all the time!
10 I’m sure their research is / are very useful.


© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Group A Group B
7.6 Nouns 7.6 Nouns
Exercise 1 Exercise 1
1 is not 1 is
2 are 2 were
3 seem 3 seems
4 looks 4 don’t
5 is 5 is
6 fits 6 looks
7 was 7 is
8 don’t 8 suit
9 is 9 are
10 is 10 stands

Exercise 2 Exercise 2
1 a few pieces of furniture 1 who my favourite writer was
2 who my favourite writer was 2 children are
3 hair is a lot shorter 3 hair is a lot shorter
4 (that) he would buy 4 scissors are
5 species have become 5 sheep was/were

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Name: _______________________________
Class: _______________________________ 2 Complete the sentences with the correct
form of the words in brackets.
Total: _________/20
0 I have three pairs of grey trousers (three /
pair / grey trousers) that I never wear.
Nouns 1 She asked me _______________________
1 Choose the correct form of the verbs.
__________ (who / favourite / writer / be).
0 These jeans is / are exactly what I’ve been
2 Unfortunately both ___________________
looking for!
_________ (child / be) sick and can’t come
1 My favourite TV series is / are about to end
to the party.
for the season.
3 Maybe you didn’t recognise her because
2 A lot of children was / were outside the
her _______________________________
school when we arrived.
(hair / be / a lot / short) than it used to be.
3 Not all knowledge seem / seems useful to
4 These ___________________________
(scissors / be) broken, we need to buy a
4 Her manners doesn’t / don’t reflect her
new pair.
careful upbringing.
5 A group of __________________________
5 The progress we have made is / are not
(sheep / be) in the road, so we had to drive
6 That pair of trousers look / looks really
good on you! /10

7 I think politics is / are risky to discuss with

8 The new glasses you bought really suits /
suit you.
9 It’s hard to name all the species that is /
are in danger.
10 My luggage stand / stands out because of
its unusual colour.


© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Name: _______________________________ 2 Write the missing words to complete the

Class: _______________________________ text. The first and last letters are given.
Total: _________/20
When the 0 audience arrived for the opening
of the new play, they were full of excitement.
Entertain me The play tells the story of a musician from
1 Complete the sentences with the missing a small town who becomes very famous, and
words. The first letters are given.
the cast of the play includes a 1 s__________r-
0 The stories in that soap opera are so
s__________r whose own life story is very
complicated that you have to watch every
day to understand what’s going on. similar. In the play, he and his siblings form a
band, with his sister as the 2 d__________r
1 That actress played the p__________ of
and his younger brother as the lead
Jane Eyre in the TV series.
2 The play had such great r__________ that they
g__________t. The main character, who is
kept it at the theatre for another three months. a superb 4 v__________t, becomes extremely
3 This new show is s__________ on the
famous and leaves his brother and sister
network’s website, so you can watch it
whenever you like. behind, and the conflict in the play comes
4 Many actors a__________ in a couple of from that situation. For the people who see it,
TV series before they get a big film role. the play is very emotional, and after the first
5 The singer signed a r__________ contract
performance many of the 5 v__________s
when she was fifteen, and her first record
came out the next year. were in tears.
6 Although their song was in the c__________ for
__ /5
several weeks, it never reached number one.
3 Complete the sentences with the missing
7 The singer has announced that she is going words. Use phrasal verbs.
to r__________ a new album tomorrow,
and I’m going to download it immediately. 0 I signed up for an acting class in order to
8 Our group had only played small improve my skills.
v__________, so appearing in a stadium
was a thrill. 1 Everyone makes mistakes on stage, so
9 Performers say that doing a live don’t __________ yourself up about it.
g__________ helps them understand what 2 Millions of teens have fallen in love with
their fans like. the young singer, but the feeling is bound
10 After the group had a h__________ single, to __________ off soon.
they began touring around the world. 3 During the performance one of the actors
__ /10 fell down on stage, but the others had to
_________ on as if nothing had happened.
4 Most actors __________ out doing small
roles before they become well-known.
5 We have decided to ___________ on a big
talent show at the end of the school year.
__ /5

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Group A Group B
Entertain me Entertain me

Exercise 1 Exercise 1
1 part 1 recording
2 reviews 2 hit
3 streamed 3 reviews
4 appear/act 4 appear
5 recording 5 charts
6 charts 6 release
7 release 7 gig
8 venues 8 single
9 gig 9 streamed
10 hit 10 venue

Exercise 2 Exercise 2
1 singer-songwriter 1 vocalist
2 drummer 2 drummer
3 guitarist 3 musician
4 vocalist 4 cast
5 viewers 5 audience

Exercise 3 Exercise 3
1 beat 1 came
2 wear 2 mess
3 carry 3 turn
4 start 4 put
5 put 5 take

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Name: _______________________________ 2 Write the missing words to complete the

Class: _______________________________ text. The first and last letters are given.
Total: _________/20
When Lacey Devon first appeared on the
music scene, she was a 16-year-old 0 singer-
Entertain me songwriter that no one had ever heard of. At
1 Complete the sentences with the missing first she performed alone, but when her
words. The first letters are given.
beautiful voice gained her a reputation as an
0 Some of the actors in that soap opera have outstanding 1 v__________t, she decided to
been playing the same characters every
form a group, with her best friend Tim as the
day for many years.
d_________r and her cousin Kelly as the lead
1 It is every singer’s dream to sign a guitarist. After years of success, she decided
r__________ contract and make their first
to write a musical play about a young
2 After the group had a h__________ single,
m_________n and his struggle to become
they began touring around the world. successful. Although the 4 c__________t was
3 The new TV show had great r__________, but excellent, with many talented performers, the
very few people watched it so it was cancelled. 5
a__________e were not impressed by the
4 I was lucky enough to a__________ in a TV
series in a small role, which soon led to play and it closed after a few weeks. As one
other acting jobs. viewer said, ‘Even Lacey Devon can’t do
5 His song was in the c__________ for
everything well. She should stick to singing.’
months, and it was number one for three
weeks. __ /5
6 My favourite singer is going to 3 Complete the sentences with the missing
r__________ a new album tomorrow, and words. Use phrasal verbs.
I’m going to download it right away!
0 I signed up for an acting class in order to
7 Even the most famous performers feel
improve my skills.
nervous before doing a live g__________ in
1 After months of anticipation, when the film
front of a big audience.
__________ out it was a huge success.
8 That singer had one hit s__________, but
2 It’s not unusual for actors to __________ up
she hasn’t recorded anything since then.
during the first performance of a play. Everyone
9 The new TV series is s__________ on several
makes mistakes.
different apps, so you can watch it on your phone.
3 It always surprises me when famous actors
10 The one v___________ every band wants
__________ up in TV advertisements. I expect
to play is the Grand Ole Opry.
them to have a bit more pride!
__ /10 4 After the terrible flood, a group of musicians
decided to _________ on a show and raise
money to help the victims.
5 Cristina’s friend suggested that she should
___________ up acting because she was so
good at expressing herself.
__ /5

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Name: _______________________________ 2 Complete the second sentence so that it

Class: _______________________________ has a similar meaning to the first.
Total: _________/15
0 My essay on Nelson Mandela impressed
my History teacher.

My History teacher was impressed by my

8.2 The Passive
1 Complete the sentences with the correct essay on Nelson Mandela.
passive form of the verbs in brackets.
1 Ten million people in the UK are watching
0 The door wasn't repaired (not repair)
this programme.
1 The new system to prevent car theft
__________________________ (not test)
at the moment. 2 A lot of people will probably visit the
2 Luke decided to donate some of the money museum next weekend.
he ______________________ (give) for his
3 My neighbour believes his car __________
________________ (steal) on Friday night. 3 My father suggested this innovative
4 If a bag ______________________ (leave) solution last year.
somewhere at the airport, the police have
to evacuate the terminal.
5 __________________________________
(the library / open) recently? 4 They were organising a book sale for the
6 I think the man ______________________ charity in the morning.
(release) from prison next month.
7 At first, I couldn't understand anything that
_________________________ (say) in the
room. ____/8


© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Group A Group B
8.2 The Passive 8.2 The Passive

Exercise 1 Exercise 1
1 isn’t being tested 1 have been broken
2 was / had been given 2 are caught
3 was stolen 3 will be offered
4 is left 4 was being repaired
5 Has the library been opened 5 weren't posted
6 will be released 6 hadn't been taken / wasn’t taken
7 was (being) said 7 is it being printed

Exercise 2 Exercise 2
1 This programme is being watched by 1 This excellent article on human rights
ten million people in the UK. was written by Mrs Jones.

2 The museum will probably be visited 2 The men were being questioned
by a lot of people next weekend. about the bank robbery (by the
3 This innovative solution was suggested
by my father last year. 3 My favourite pen has been taken.

4 A book sale for the charity was being 4 The hospital is being rebuilt after the
organised in the morning. earthquake.

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Name: _______________________________ 2 Complete the second sentence so that it

Class: _______________________________ has a similar meaning to the first.
Total: _________/15
0 My essay on Nelson Mandela impressed
my History teacher.
My History teacher was impressed by my
8.2 The Passive essay on Nelson Mandela.
1 Complete the sentences with the correct
passive form of the verbs in brackets. 1 Mrs Jones wrote this excellent article on
0 The door wasn't repaired (not repair) human rights.
1 The police refuse to investigate this case as ___________________________________
no laws ______________________ (break)
2 The police were questioning the men about
so far.
the bank robbery.
2 If you ______________________ (catch)
without a ticket, you will have to pay a fine. ___________________________________
3 The government has promised that more ___________________________________
training _____________________ (offer)
3 Somebody has taken my favourite pen.
to young people.
4 They lived in a hotel while their house ___________________________________
_________________________ (repair) ___________________________________
after the flood.
4 They are rebuilding the hospital after the
5 I'm not sure why these letters __________
___________ (not post) last week.
6 The woman almost died because she ___________________________________
_________________________ (not take) ___________________________________
to hospital immediately.
7 Is the newspaper ready or _____________
_________________ (it / print) right now?


© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Name: _______________________________ 2 Rewrite the sentences as in the example.

Class: _______________________________ Use have something done.
Total: _________/15
0 Someone washes John’s car every
John has his car washed every weekend.
8.5 Have something done
1 Use the prompts to complete the 1 Last week they didn't install a new sink for
sentences. Use have something done. Helen.
0 The flat is not ready yet! I'm having a new
Helen _____________________________
bed delivered (deliver / a new bed) today.
1 It's unlikely that Rosie ________________ __________________________ last week.
___________________________ (ever /
2 Someone has organised a birthday party
paint / her portrait) by a famous artist.
for Larry's son.
2 When was the last time that your son
___________________________________ Larry _____________________________
(check / his teeth)?
____________________________ his son.
3 We ________________________________
(design / a new website) at the moment. 3 When are they going to paint your living
4 They _______________________________ room?
(not / deliver / the newspaper) any more.
They never have time to read it.
5 I still _______________________________
(not / repair / my phone) since I dropped it 4 Someone will clean my windows on
in the bath. Saturday.
6 When I called him, Andrew
(install / a new programme) on his desktop
computer. ____/8
7 ___________________________________
(we / serve / all our food) to us by robots in


© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Group A Group B
8.5 Have something done 8.5 Have something done

Exercise 1 Exercise 1

1 will ever have her portrait painted / 1 are you having / going to have your
has ever had her portrait painted hair cut

2 had his teeth checked 2 were having new suits made

3 are having a new website designed 3 had them shortened

4 don't have the newspaper delivered 4 've had it cleaned

5 haven't had my phone repaired 5 Are they having solar panels installed

6 was having a new programme 6 will have her eyes tested

7 have the books sent
7 Will we have all our food served

Exercise 2 Exercise 2

1 didn't have a new sink installed 1 won't have a treehouse built

2 has had a birthday party organised for 2 I've just had the light bulb changed

3 When are you going to have the living 3 Frank is having his car repaired right
room painted? now.

4 I will have the windows cleaned on 4 When is Gina going to have a wall
Saturday. built around the garden?

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Name: _______________________________ 2 Rewrite the sentences as in the example.

Class: _______________________________ Use have something done.
Total: _________/15
0 Someone washes John’s car every
John has his car washed every weekend.
8.5 Have something done
1 Use the prompts to complete the 1 They won't build a treehouse for the kids
sentences. Use have something done. this summer.
0 The flat is not ready yet! I'm having a new
The kids ____________________________
bed delivered (deliver / a new bed) today.
1 Why ______________________________ ________________________ this summer.
(you / cut / your hair) tomorrow? Don't
2 Someone has just changed the light bulb in
you like it?
my bathroom.
2 I met Sean and Jerry while they _________
____________________ (make / new suits) ___________________________________
for the party. _____________________ in the bathroom.
3 The trousers I bought were a bit too long
3 They are repairing Frank's car right now.
so I _______________________________
(shorten / them) yesterday. ___________________________________
4 This is my favourite coat. I _____________ ___________________________________
___________________ (clean / it) recently
4 When are they going to build a wall around
and it still smells very nice.
Gina's garden?
5 ___________________________________
(they / install / solar panels) on the roof ___________________________________
right now? ___________________________________
6 I'm sure Rita ________________________
___________ (test / her eyes) soon.
7 Do you want to ______________________
_____________(send / the books) to your
home immediately?


© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

Dictation, Listening and Reading

Name: ____________________________________ 3 Now, Abigail

Class: ____________________________________ A has started working.
Total: _ /30 B is going to do another award.
C feels that her character has changed.
D has lost touch with her university friends.
1 [Track 16] Listen and write the sentences you 4 In her final point, Abigail talks about
hear, including the punctuation. A the award’s social networking site.
B other people’s negative reactions to the award.
C cruel people she met while doing the award.
D the importance of doing the award with a friend.

5 Abigail is taking part in

A a radio debate about the value of the Duke of
Edinburgh Award.
B a radio news item about the Duke of Edinburgh
C an interview on a radio station.
D a radio phone-in show.

6 Abigail wanted to go on the radio show to

A encourage others to do the Duke of Edinburgh
B explain how she felt while doing the award.
C talk about the history of the award.
D publicise the fact that she had received the Gold

/10 Reading
3 Read the texts and choose the correct answer, A,
B, C or D.
2 [Track 17] Listen to the winner of the Duke of A.
Edinburgh Award. For questions 1–6 choose the HELP OUT AT YOUR LOCAL FOOD BANK
correct answer, A, B, C or D. We need volunteers to operate food banks in our
area. Traditionally, food banks gave food to the
1 Abigail finished homeless but, in these days of low wages and high
A all three awards in a year. prices, even some families with parents in work
B the final award a year ago. need them. We are not asking for financial help. The
C the final award when she was at school. food is provided by supermarkets, charities, schools
D the final award a year after she started it. and other organisations. Local business leaders have
helped to finance our centres. What we need from
2 Abigail doesn’t mention doing anything which our volunteers is time. We need people to check
A she disliked. that the food isn’t out of date, pack it in boxes and,
B involved people. most importantly, chat with the people who come
C involved studying. into the centres. We will train you to give help and
D would involve working as part of a group. advice to people with serious problems as well

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

Dictation, Listening and Reading

as providing addresses and phone numbers of Text A

government funded organisations that people can 1 Where does the money to build food banks come
contact if they need emergency financial help for from?
debts or rent.
A Donations from volunteers
B. B Businessmen and women from the area
BE A PART OF YOUR LOCAL NEIGHBOURHOOD C Supermarkets, charities and schools
WATCH D Government funded organisations
Would you like to play a bigger part in helping
your community? Why not sign up to join 2 What will volunteers be expected to do?
a neighbourhood watch scheme? Being part of a A Give their time to support the people who visit
neighbourhood watch scheme in your area makes
the food banks
you feel safer because you know other people are
keeping an eye out for any suspicious behaviour and B Provide training to the people who come to the
reporting it to the authorities. food banks
If you join up, you will receive emails with reports of C Contact government organisations for the
burglaries or other problems in your area. These will people who visit the food banks
also give advice on things such as securing your D Prepare sandwiches and simple meals
home at night or when you are out and what to ask
if people come to your door claiming that they are
Text B
collecting money for charities.
In addition, we are trying to persuade the 3 Which of these subjects will not be included in
government to make funding available for burglar emails from neighbourhood watch?
alarms for the less well-off. At the moment this A Information about problems close to
hasn’t been offered but we are hoping that the where you live
situation might change if more people join a B What questions to ask to check the identity of
neighbourhood watch scheme and sign our petition.
strangers who come to your door
C. C How to get a burglar alarm from the
A SUCCESS D Information on how to keep your house safe
We are calling on all business people to help us with when you are asleep or away from home
our new Rehabilitation in the Workplace scheme.
The aim is to provide work for people who have Text C
recently been released from prison and who are
4 Why are some people against the scheme?
finding it hard to return to life in the community.
Despite some opposition from those who think that A They think that criminals don’t deserve any
we should be doing more to help those who haven’t help.
committed any crimes, we believe this will bring B They are afraid of working with people who
benefits to everyone. have been in prison.
It can also help you cut costs. This is an official C They think the work is too difficult for
scheme set up by the Prime Minister. Half of the criminals.
wages and all the employment insurance and taxes
D They think that there are other people who
of anyone on the scheme will be paid for you. A trial
of the scheme has been running for the last six deserve the help more than criminals.
months in the London area and, if you wish, you can /8
read reactions of employers who have taken on
employees on our website.

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

Dictation, Listening and Reading

Group A Group B
Dictation Dictation
Exercise 1 Exercise 1
There are a lot of people / breaking the law in my There are a lot of people / breaking the law in my
country. / Houses are burgled / and cars are stolen country. / Houses are burgled / and cars are stolen
every day. / Many suspects have been arrested / but every day. / Many suspects have been arrested / but
not enough evidence / has been collected / to find not enough evidence / has been collected / to find
them guilty. / Politicians and the authorities / don’t do them guilty. / Politicians and the authorities / don’t do
enough / to punish people with a criminal record. enough / to punish people with a criminal record.

Listening Listening
Exercise 2 Exercise 2
1 D: Abigail says that the gold award took just over a 1 D: The presenter begins by saying that today’s guest
year to complete. is unusual because she wrote and asked to come
2 C: Abigail mentions doing something she disliked onto the programme.
(public speaking) and something which helped other 2 C: Abigail says that she did the gold award after
people (working with homeless people). She doesn’t leaving university, and she is now looking for work.
mention doing anything which involved studying. 3 C: Abigail had to do a residential task, which she did
3 C: She says she is more organised and confident with other people.
now. 4 B: Abigail says her friends are finding it hard to get
4 B: Abigail says that other people can sometimes be invited for interviews, but she has been offered
cruel and write insulting comments on social three jobs already.
networking sites. Her advice is that this doesn’t 5 C: Abigail says that some people can be cruel, but it
matter. doesn’t matter.
5 C: The presenter introduces Abigail as a guest on the 6 B: Abigail lists good things about the award. She says
show. The presenter then asks Abigail questions, so it was fun, it helped her pesonally and it's a great
it is an interview. thing to have on a CV.
6 A: Abigail lists good things about the award. She
says it was fun, it helped her pesonally and it's a
great thing to have on a CV.

Reading Reading
Exercise 3 Exercise 3
1 B: The text says that local business leaders have 1 C: The text says that local business leaders have
helped to finance the centres. helped to finance the centres.
2 A: The text says that most importantly, volunteers 2 B: The text says that most importantly, volunteers
will be expected to chat with the people who come will be expected to chat with the people who come
into the centres. into the centres.
3 C: The text mentions reports of burglaries or other 3 D: The text mentions reports of burglaries or other
problems in your area, securing your home at night problems in your area, securing your home at night
or when you are out, what to ask if people come to or when you are out, what to ask if people come to
your door claiming that they are collecting money your door claiming that they are collecting money
for charities. Burglar alarms haven’t been offered for charities. Burglar alarms haven’t been offered
yet. yet.
4 D: The text mentions people who think that more 4 D: The text mentions people who think that more
should be done to help those who haven’t should be done to help those who haven’t
committed any crimes. committed any crimes.

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

Dictation, Listening and Reading

Name: ____________________________________
Class: ____________________________________ 3 While doing the Gold award, Abigail didn’t have to
Total: _ /30 A live away from home at all.
B work with other people.
C worry about her studies.
Dictation D do any public speaking.
1 [Track 16] Listen and write the sentences you
hear, including the punctuation. 4 Compared to her university friends, Abigail
A has got a better job.
B is finding it easier to get work.
C has applied for more jobs.
D is better in job interviews.

5 In her final point, Abigail advises people

A not to have a social networking page.
B to do the award with a friend from school.
C not to listen to other people’s comments.
D to argue with people who are cruel.

6 While on the radio show, Abigail

A thanked the people who helped her.
B encouraged people to take part in the Duke of
Edinburgh Award.
C recommended the best age at which to take part
in the scheme.
D advised people on how to prepare for the award.


Listening Reading
2 [Track 17] Listen to the winner of the Duke of 3 Read the texts and choose the correct answer, A,
Edinburgh Award. For questions 1–6 choose the B, C or D.
correct answer, A, B, C or D.
1 From what we hear, we know that Abigail HELP OUT AT YOUR LOCAL FOOD BANK
We need volunteers to operate food banks in our
A was reluctant to go onto the radio show.
area. Traditionally, food banks gave food to the
B was invited onto the radio show.
homeless but, in these days of low wages and high
C was surprised to be interviewed for the radio
prices, even some families with parents in work
need them. We are not asking for financial help.
D asked to be a guest on the radio show.
The food is provided by supermarkets, charities,
schools and other organisations. Local business
2 At the moment, Abigail
leaders have helped to finance our centres. What we
A is at school. need from our volunteers is time. We need people
B is at university. to check that the food isn’t out of date, pack it in
C is looking for work. boxes and, most importantly, chat with the people
D is waiting to go to university. who come into the centres. We will train you to give

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

Dictation, Listening and Reading

help and advice to people with serious problems as Text A

well as providing addresses and phone numbers of 1 Where does the money to build food banks come
government funded organisations that people can from?
contact if they need emergency financial help for
A Supermarkets, charities and schools.
debts or rent.
B Organisations funded by the government.
B. C Local businessmen and women.
Would you like to play a bigger part in helping 2 What do the volunteers have to do to help the
your community? Why not sign up to join scheme?
a neighbourhood watch scheme? Being part of a
A Train the people who come to the food banks
neighbourhood watch scheme in your area makes
you feel safer because you know other people are B Support people by giving them their time
keeping an eye out for any suspicious behaviour and C Collect food from supermarkets
reporting it to the authorities. D Contact government organisations for the
If you join up, you will receive emails with reports of people who visit the food banks
burglaries or other problems in your area. These will
also give advice on things such as securing your Text B
home at night or when you are out and what to ask
3 Which of these topics will not be included in
if people come to your door claiming that they are
collecting money for charities. emails when you join neighbourhood watch?
In addition, we are trying to persuade the A Information about crime in your area
government to make funding available for burglar B What to ask to check the identity of strangers
alarms for the less well-off. At the moment this who come to your door
hasn’t been offered but we are hoping that the C Information on how to keep your house safe
situation might change if more people join a
when you are asleep or away from home
neighbourhood watch scheme and sign our petition.
D How to get a burglar alarm from the
C. government
We are calling on all business people to help us with 4 Why do some people dislike the scheme?
our new Rehabilitation in the Workplace scheme. A They don’t think the criminals will be able to
The aim is to provide work for people who have
do the work.
recently been released from prison and who are
finding it hard to return to life in the community. B They don’t think the criminals should get any
Despite some opposition from those who think that help.
we should be doing more to help those who haven’t C They are afraid of working with people who
committed any crimes, we believe this will bring have been in prison.
benefits to everyone. D They think that there are other people who
It can also help you cut costs. This is an official deserve the help more than criminals.
scheme set up by the Prime Minister. Half of the
wages and all the employment insurance and taxes /8
of anyone on the scheme will be paid for you. A trial
of the scheme has been running for the last six
months in the London area and, if you wish, you can
read reactions of employers who have taken on
employees on our website.

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

Vocabulary, Grammar and Use of English

Name: __________________________________ Grammar

Class: __________________________________ 3 Complete the sentences with the correct form
Total: ___ _ /30 of the verbs in brackets. Use the Passive Voice.

0 A large amount of money was raised (raise) by

the charity last weekend.
1 Were you taking notes of the issues that
1 Complete the sentences with the missing ________________________ (discuss) in the
words. The first letters are given. Use the meeting?
definitions in brackets to help you. 2 The woman explained that her book ___________
_____________ (publish) before the accident took
0 Stacey tries to do at least one good deed
(action) every day to show that she cares
3 We know who the murderer is and the man
about people.
_________________________ (look for) around the
1 The police received an a_____________ (from
country now.
an unknown person) tip about who had started
4 It's the first time that a local market ________
the fire.
___________________ (organise) in my
2 The police are offering a r___________ (prize) of
£10,000 to anyone who can help find the criminal.
5 I really hope the burglars _________________
3 The criminal tries to take a___________ (unfair
__________ (punish) severely.
demands) of elderly people by offering to help
them and then stealing their money and /5
valuables. 4 Complete the second sentence so that it has a
4 I noticed a s___________ (possibly dishonest similar meaning to the first. Use have something
or dangerous) person hanging around outside done.
my building so I called the police. 0 Every five years someone paints a new portrait
5 After he was arrested he was locked in a of the Queen.
c___________ (small room in prison) for the Every five years the Queen has her portrait
night. painted.
/5 1 Someone is writing a new song for me right
2 Complete the sentences with one word in each
I ____________________________________
right now.
0 After years of trying to locate her lost sister,
2 Are you sure that someone will water your
Amanda felt happy and fulfilled when she
plants when you're on holiday?
finally found her.
Are you sure that you ___________________
1 My friend Dan is always doing favours for
_________________ when you're on holiday?
people, and he asks for nothing in
3 He was too busy, so he asked someone to post
the letter for him.
2 Talking to the public about his experiences on
He ___________________________________
the streets gave the homeless man a sense of
because he was too busy to do it himself.
4 I think that someone has sent this book to me
3 When the police found my stolen car in perfect
by mistake.
condition, it really made my ___________!
I think that I ___________________________
I was so happy to have it back!
_________ by mistake.
4 If you wait a bit, I'll give you a ___________
5 Last weekend someone was painting Monica's
with cleaning the kitchen.
5 A kind word can really make a ___________ to
Last weekend Monica ___________________
a homeless person who generally feels alone
and ignored.

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

Vocabulary, Grammar and Use of English

Use of English 5 I don't agree with William but I have to accept

(point / view) __________________________.
5 Complete the sentences with the missing
words. /5
A recent study has shown that the most
common question among people 0 who want to
rent a house is: ‘Is there an Internet
connection?’ If the answer is negative, the
following question tends to be, ‘Can it
_____________ installed, then?’
What else do people worry about while
looking for a place to live? About their
security. It's hardly surprising as most
people don't want to 2_____________
their house burgled.
That's the reason why a few UK public
institutions have started a special web page
where you can find information about
crime rates in your area. For example, you
will be able to see how many people
_____________ the law last month and
how serious their crimes were. You will even
see how many cases are 4_____________
investigated at the moment. This will help
people protect 5_____________ from
6 Complete the sentences with the correct form
of the words in brackets. Do not change the
order of the words.

0 An important criminal (just / arrest) has just

been arrested, so the police are preparing a
press conference.
1 Yesterday in court, the accused (find / guilty /
crime) ________________________________
she had been charged with.
2 Next week the Canadian police might (release /
dangerous / hacker / prison) _______________
3 You can't go into the living room – the (carpets
/ clean) ________________________________
by a professional company right now.
4 A fourteen-year-old (exclude / school) _______
__________________________________ after
she organised a protest in the canteen.

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

Vocabulary, Grammar and Use of English

Group A Group B
Vocabulary Vocabulary
Exercise 1 Exercise 1
1 anonymous 1 trivial
2 reward 2 theft
3 advantage 3 reward
4 suspicious 4 suspicion
5 cell 5 difference

Exercise 2 Exercise 2
1 return 1 day
2 purpose 2 do
3 day 3 advantage
4 hand 4 return
5 difference 5 met

Grammar Grammar
Exercise 3 Exercise 3
1 were (being) discussed 1 are being counted
2 had been/was published 2 have been arrested
3 is being looked for 3 was seen/had been seen
4 has been organised 4 was being signed
5 are/will be punished 5 will be found

Exercise 4 Exercise 4
1 am having a new song written 1 was having a shed constructed
2 will have your plants watered 2 had their car fixed
3 had the letter posted (for him) 3 going to have their locks changed
4 have had this book sent to me 4 are having our house cleaned
5 was having her kitchen painted 5 has had his essay corrected

Use of English Use of English

Exercise 5 Exercise 5
1 be 1 have
2 have 2 For
3 broke 3 be
4 being 4 committed
5 themselves 5 themselves

Exercise 6 Exercise 6
1 was found guilty of the crime (which) 1 was sentenced to five years in prison
2 release a dangerous hacker from prison 2 charged the banker with the crime
3 carpets are being cleaned 3 everyone was / will be impressed
4 was excluded from school 4 release him from hospital
5 his point of view 5 are having an alarm installed

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

Vocabulary, Grammar and Use of English

Name: __________________________________ Grammar

Class: __________________________________ 3 Complete the sentences with the correct form
Total: ___ _ /30 of the verbs in brackets. Use the Passive Voice.

0 A large amount of money was raised (raise) by

the charity last weekend.
1 We don't know who the new president is – the
1 Complete the sentences with the missing votes ___________________________ (count)
words. The first letters are given. Use the at the moment.
definitions in brackets to help you. 2 Two drug dealers _______________________
(arrest) today in the city centre.
0 Stacey tries to do at least one good deed 3 The journalist pointed out that the princess
(action) every day to show that she cares _______________________________ (see) at
about people. the airport that day.
1 Some people think that losing your passport is 4 Was anybody taking photos as the contract
a t___________ (unimportant) matter, but it _______________________________ (sign) by the
can be very upsetting if you’re abroad at the ministers?
time. 5 There's a lot of evidence and we're sure the thief
2 He's accused of t___________ (the act of ______________________________ (find) guilty.
stealing) and mugging.
3 The police are offering a r___________ (prize)
of £10,000 to anyone who can help find the
criminal. 4 Complete the second sentence so that it has a
4 The man’s claim that he knew where to find similar meaning to the first. Use have something
the murderer was met with s____________ done.
(doubt) by the police.
5 A kind word can really make a d___________ 0 Every five years someone paints a new portrait
(have an important effect) to a homeless of the Queen.
person who generally feels alone and ignored. Every five years the Queen has her portrait
/5 painted.
1 When I visited Barry last time, someone was
2 Complete the sentences with one word in each
constructing a shed in his garden.
When I visited Barry last time, he ___________
_________________________ in his garden.
0 If you wait a bit, I'll give you a hand with
2 Obviously, they didn't fix their car on their
cleaning the kitchen.
1 When the police found my stolen car in perfect
Obviously, they _________________________.
condition, it really made my ___________!
3 Are they going to ask someone to change their
2 In many cases it's not necessary to spend any
locks after the burglary?
money to ___________a good deed.
Are they _______________________________
3 The criminal tries to take _____________ of
after the burglary?
elderly people by offering to help them and
4 The floor is wet. Someone is cleaning our
then stealing their money and valuables.
house right now.
4 My friend Dan is always doing favours for
We ___________________________________
people, and he asks for nothing in __________.
right now and the floor is wet.
5 My requests for donations to our charity were
5 I'm sure that someone has corrected Ollie's
___________ with suspicion by some very
essay – there are no mistakes.
untrusting people.
I'm sure that Ollie _______________________
/5 __________________ – there are no mistakes.

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

Vocabulary, Grammar and Use of English

Use of English 5 They (alarm / install) _____________________

_________________ at the moment.
5 Complete the sentences with the missing
words. /5
A recent study has shown that the most
common question among the people 0 who
want to rent a house is, ‘Is there an Internet
connection?’ If the answer is negative, the
following question tends to be, ‘Can I
___________ it installed then?’ What else do
people worry about while looking for a place
to live? Mostly about their security.
___________ instance, they want to know
which neighbourhoods are good, which are
changing and which should 3___________
avoided at all costs. That's the reason why
a few UK public institutions have started a
special web page where you can find
information about crime rates in your area.
This service can help home buyers who are new
to a city and aren’t familiar with the qualities of
various areas. If you use this service, you will be
able to see how many crimes were
___________ every month and how serious
they were. This can help people to protect
___________ from danger.

6 Complete the sentences with the correct form

of the words in brackets. Do not change the
order of the words.

0 An important criminal (just / arrest) has just

been arrested, so the police are preparing
a press conference.
1 Earlier this morning, the guilty man (sentence /
five years / prison) _______________________
_______________ for stealing from his clients.
2 The court (charge / banker / crime) _________
_____________________________ of fraud
yesterday morning.
3 I think (everyone / impress) _______________
_______________ by his ability to reach an
agreement with the terrorists.
4 After almost a week, the doctor decided to
(release / he / hospital) _________________

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Name: ________________________________
Class: ________________________________
Total: _______/30

In your class, you have been talking about how to punish young people who commit minor crimes. Now
your teacher has asked you to write an essay titled ‘Prison is the best form of punishment for young people
who commit crimes’. Write your essay using all the notes below and give reasons for your point of view.

• the cost of prisons
• the effectiveness of other forms of punishment
• _____________ (your own idea)

• Write four clear paragraphs.

• Include detailed personal opinions.
• Give reasons and examples to support your arguments.
• End the essay with your conclusion.


© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Can write short, simple essays with basic structure on familiar topics.
Can develop an argument at some length with supporting points and relevant examples.
Can use limited discourse devices to link sentences smoothly into connected discourse.
Sample answer
Many people think that prison is the best form of punishment for young criminals. They believe that these
young people need to be punished severely to prevent them from breaking the law again. However, in my
view other forms of punishment are much more effective.
Firstly, prison is expensive. It costs a lot of money to keep young offenders in prison. Moreover, if they are in
prison, they are also in contact with older criminals, and they may be tempted to continue with a life of crime.
In my opinion, it is much more effective to get the young people to work in their community to put right the
crimes they have committed. For example, if they have stolen something from a shop, they could work in that
shop to pay back the owner. As far as I am concerned, this is a far more useful and effective form of
In summary, prison is expensive and possibly damaging to young people. I think it is better to arrange a
meaningful punishment for youngsters in their community. Then they will hopefully not commit more crimes
in the future.

Mark scheme
The task is worth 30 marks. Award up to 6 marks for each section of the mark scheme, according to the
descriptions below.
Marks Task achievement Written production Written Range Accuracy
and coherence interaction
1-2 Completes only No clear paragraph Text is difficult to Uses only very basic Lots of errors
one or two aspects structure followed. understand. vocabulary and even in basic
of the task. May Very little linking of Errors impede grammar, with a lot language, which
not use the correct sentences. communication. of errors. impede
genre and only communication.
covers one or two
of the points
specified in the
3-4 Completes the A paragraph Text is generally Uses simple Generally
majority of the structure followed. easy to vocabulary and accurate, but with
task. Uses the Some paragraphs understand. basic grammar some errors,
correct genre and may only have one Some errors may structures especially in more
covers the or two sentences. impede accurately. Uses advanced
majority, but not Some linking communication. some more language.
all, of the points between sentences. advanced
specified in the vocabulary. Uses
task. some more
advanced grammar
structures with
5-6 Completes all parts Divided into clear Text is very clear Uses a wide range A few mistakes in
of the task fully, paragraphs, and and easy to of vocabulary more advanced
including the each paragraph has understand. appropriately. Uses language
correct genre and a clear function. A a wide range of structures, but
all the points variety of linking grammar structures generally very
specified in the words used to link accurately and accurate.
task. sentences. appropriately.

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Name: _______________________________
2 You need to be ready for such an
Class: _______________________________
Total: _________/15 important exam. PREPARE
You need to ________________________
Reflexive pronouns
3 Joe recognised Tom, and Tom recognised
1 Complete the sentences with the correct
reflexive pronouns. Joe immediately because of the photos

0 You can express yourself freely on social they had exchanged online. RECOGNISED

media. Joe and Tom _______________________

1 My brother taught _______________ to ____________ immediately because of the

create video games when he was twelve. photos they had exchanged online.

2 Those children are going to hurt 4 Sue and Kate reprogrammed the computer

_______________ if they are not more without any help. BY

careful! Sue and Kate reprogrammed the computer

3 We protect _______________ online by __________________________________.

using anti-virus software. 5 I’m planning to approach the software

4 Susan couldn’t forgive _______________ designer and tell him who I am.

for sending an email with a virus in it. INTRODUCE

5 We enjoyed _______________ a lot at the I’m planning to approach the software

video game convention. designer and ________________________


2 Complete the second sentence so that it

has a similar meaning to the first. Use the
words in CAPITALS.

0 Sam can’t type because he got hurt playing

baseball. HURT

Sam can’t type because he hurt himself

playing baseball.

1 You can’t take responsibility for the

accident. BLAME
You can’t __________________________

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Group A Group B
8.6 Reflexive pronouns 8.6 Reflexive pronouns
Exercise 1 Exercise 1
1 himself 1 themselves
2 themselves 2 myself
3 ourselves 3 herself
4 herself 4 ourselves
5 ourselves 5 themselves

Exercise 2 Exercise 2
1 blame yourself for the accident 1 (all) by themselves
2 prepare yourself for such an important 2 gave each other / one another gift cards.
exam 3 teach itself (things)
3 recognised each other / one another 4 blame yourself for the failure of the plan
4 by themselves 5 injured herself trying to put out the fire
5 introduce myself

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Name: _______________________________
2 Lucy gave her sister a gift card and her
Class: _______________________________
Total: _________/15 sister gave Lucy one too. GAVE
Lucy and her sister ___________________
Reflexive pronouns
3 They say that an AI programme can learn
1 Complete the sentences with the correct
reflexive pronouns. things on its own.

0 You can express yourself freely on social They say that an AI programme can

media. __________________________________.

1 The children behaved _______________ TEACH

perfectly at the computer show. 4 You shouldn’t think that the failure of the

2 I need to study more to prepare plan was your fault. BLAME

_______________ for the quiz show. You shouldn’t _______________________

3 Susan introduced _______________ to the _____________.

famous inventor. 5 Anna got injured trying to put out the fire.

4 We should have prepared INJURED

_______________ for the software Anna ___________________________

problem. We knew it would happen. _________.

5 They find it hard to enjoy_______________ /10

at crowded parties.


2 Complete the second sentence so that it

has a similar meaning to the first. Use the
words in CAPITALS.

0 Sam can’t type because he got hurt playing

baseball. HURT

Sam can’t type because he hurt himself

playing baseball.

1 The two boys designed the app without

any help at all. BY
The two boys designed the app _________

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Name: _______________________________ 2 Complete the sentences with the words in

Class: _______________________________ the box. There are two extra words.
Total: _________/20
accused criminal judge detective
suspect victim witness robber
Modern society
0 He looked shocked when she accused him
1 Complete the sentences with the correct
of stealing.
form of the words in CAPITALS.

0 The theft of the valuable painting was all 1 She was found guilty, and the ___________
over the news. THIEF told her how long she would be in prison.
2 After being the ____________ of an attack
1 The drug ____________ will go to trial next that left him with a broken arm, he was
month. DEAL afraid to walk in the street at night.
3 The police have arrested a ___________ in
2 While ______________ seems like a minor
the burglary, but he claims that he didn’t
crime, it costs shops a lot of money each commit the crime.
year. SHOPLIFT 4 The police ____________ discovered some
clues which led her to the criminal
3 The ____________ broke several windows
breaking into people’s cars.
at the front of our shop. VANDALISM 5 As a _____________ to a crime, I had to
4 She was accused of software ___________ describe to the police exactly what I had
and was sent to prison. PIRATE
__ /5
5 It turns out that the _____________ was
3 Complete the sentences with the missing
angry at the company because he had lost words. The first letters are given.
his job. ARSON 0 The jury members can’t wait for this very
6 It isn’t difficult to _____________ most long trial to end!
houses because the owners are so careless.
1 She was officially c___________ with the
BURGLARY crime of stealing people’s identities.
7 The _____________ took place in a dark 2 Many people have to be i______________
alley off the main street. MUG by the detective in order to get a clear
picture of a crime.
8 I’m afraid someone is going to __________
3 The suspect was r___________ because
this bank if they don’t get better security. they couldn’t prove he was guilty.
ROBBER 4 So much evidence has been c___________
from the crime scene that it will take ages
9 The woman who is accused of being a
to go through it all.
______________ has denied everything. 5 I’m afraid this case will never go to
MURDER c___________ because of a lack of
10 The ____________ stood in the courtroom
__ /5
to hear the charges against him. ACCUSE

__ /10

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Group A Group B
Modern society Modern society

Exercise 1 Exercise 1
1 dealer 1 dealer
2 shoplifting 2 theft
3 vandal 3 shoplifter
4 piracy 4 mugger
5 arsonist 5 burglary
6 burgle 6 pirate
7 mugging 7 Arson
8 rob 8 robbery
9 murderer 9 vandalise
10 accused 10 murder

Exercise 2 Exercise 2
1 judge 1 criminal
2 victim 2 witness
3 suspect 3 detective
4 detective 4 victim
5 witness 5 suspect

Exercise 3 Exercise 3
1 charged 1 sentenced
2 interviewed 2 committed
3 released 3 charged
4 collected 4 found
5 court 5 collected

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Name: _______________________________ 2 Complete the sentences with the words in

Class: _______________________________ the box. There are two extra words.
Total: _________/20
accused victim criminal judge
detective suspect witness shoplift
Modern society
0 He looked shocked when she accused him
1 Complete the sentences with the correct
of stealing.
form of the words in CAPITALS.

0 The accused stood in the courtroom to 1 They think he became a ______________

hear the charges against him. ACCUSE because he saw several family members
get rich through illegal activities.
1 The drug _____________ will go to trial 2 The _______________ described the man
next month. DEAL she had seen at the crime scene.
3 A good _______________ knows the best
2 The ______________ of the priceless
questions to ask to get to the truth.
painting was all over the news. THIEF 4 It is hard to feel safe after you’ve been the
3 The store guard stopped a _____________ _______________ of a violent crime – you
are always expecting to be attacked again.
who had put several items into her
5 They interviewed a _______________, but
handbag. SHOPLIFT it turned out she was nowhere near the
4 As he was walking home, a _____________ crime scene.

attacked him and took his wallet. MUG __ /5

3 Complete the sentences with the missing
5 The ______________ of their shop was
words. The first letters are given.
very upsetting for the owners. BURGLE
0 The jury members can’t wait for this very
6 Criminals who ______________ software long trial to end!
should be severely punished. PIRACY
7 _____________ is a serious crime which 1 He will probably be s_____________ to ten
years in prison.
destroys property and can injure people. 2 It turns out the crime was c_____________
ARSONIST by a group of teenagers.
8 I was in that bank just a few minutes 3 He has been c_____________ by the police
with several crimes, including robbery and
before the ______________. ROB
9 I can’t believe anyone would 4 When the accused was f__________ guilty,
______________ that beautiful building! she burst into tears.
5 Some of the evidence which was
c_______________ at the crime scene has
10 The man who was accused of gone missing.
______________ swears he is innocent. __ /5

__ /10

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Student A
1 Why are the people wearing special clothes to do sport?

2 In pairs, discuss the questions.
1 Is it important to have the right clothes for a sport if you are just doing it for fun?
2 Do you think some people spend too much money on sports fashions? Why? / Why not?
3 Do you think it is important to look good when you are doing a sport? Why? / Why not?
4 What are the advantages and disadvantages of wearing an amusing costume to run a marathon?


© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Teacher’s notes
Task 1
The students each have two photos.
Student A prompt: Your photographs show people doing different sports. I’d like you to compare the
photographs and say why you think the people are wearing special clothes to do sport.
Student B prompt: Your photographs show people doing different sports. I’d like you to compare the
photographs and say why you think it is important to have the right clothes for a sport.

Task 2
Students discuss the questions in pairs.
Prompt: Now discuss the questions in pairs.
1 Is it important to have the right clothes for a sport if you are just doing it for fun?
2 Do you think some people spend too much money on sports fashions? Why? / Why not?
3 Do you think it is important to look good when you are doing a sport? Why? / Why not?
4 What are the advantages and disadvantages of wearing an amusing costume to run a marathon?

Sample answers and mark schemes

Task 1
Can describe what is happening in a picture and make simple speculations.

Student A
The photographs are similar because they both show people doing sports. In the first photograph, the people
are doing snowboarding. I think they’re probably taking part in a competition, so they aren’t doing it just for
fun. Maybe they’re representing their country. In the second photograph, people are running. I think maybe
they’re taking part in a marathon, because they are wearing numbers and are running on the street. However,
they are all dressed as Father Christmas so they are probably raising money for charity. I think both pictures
show people who are serious about their sports, but the snowboarders are competing for themselves. The
runners want to do something to help others. The people in the first photograph are wearing clothes that are
suitable for their sport. They’re wearing a kind of warm suit because it must be cold in the mountains. They’ve
got thick gloves and special glasses to protect their eyes from the bright snow and sun. So their special clothes
are practical. In the second photograph, the special clothes are just for fun. They are probably hot as the
clothes look warm but it’s a sunny day. I don’t think they will help the runners to do well. Actually, they might
make it more difficult to run. I think the photograph of the runners looks more fun. I’d like to take part in an
event like this.

Student B
The photographs both show people doing sports. In the first photograph, the people are doing cycling. I think
they might be taking part in a race, because they look quite serious. Maybe they’re representing their club, or
their country. It could be a big race like the Tour de France. A lot of people are watching the event. In the
second photograph, people are doing karate. I think maybe it’s a competition, because there’s a referee. They
look quite serious. These photographs are quite similar because they both show people doing a sport
seriously, and taking part in a competition. But in the first photograph the people are part of a team, whereas
in the second photograph the people are competing individually. I prefer team sports, because I think it’s more
fun to be a part of a team. I think it’s important to have the right clothes for a sport because the right clothes
can help you to do well. For example, with cycling the clothes are very thin and tight, so they help you to go
faster. It might be dangerous to wear very loose clothes on a bike. The cyclists are also wearing helmets for
safety. In karate, the clothes are loose and comfortable, so you can move around easily and also take hold of
your opponent’s clothes. This means it won’t hurt if your opponent takes hold of you, because they will just
grab your clothes, not your skin. So you can’t really do these sports well if you don’t have the right clothes.

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


The task is worth 10 marks. Award up to 2 marks for each section of the mark scheme, according to the
descriptions below.

Marks Task Spoken Spoken Range Accuracy

achievement production and interaction
0-1 Describes Hesitates a lot Does not Uses only very Lots of errors even in
some aspects and does not engage with basic vocabulary basic language, which
of the photos seem confident. the listener. and grammar, impede
but doesn’t Is not easy to with a lot of communication.
focus on understand.
similarities errors.
Doesn’t fully
answer the
task question.
1.5 Describes the Speaks with some Engages with Uses simple Generally accurate,
photos and confidence and is the listener vocabulary and but with some errors,
mentions comprehensible. to some basic grammar especially in more
some Some hesitation, extent, and structures advanced language.
similarities but not enough to makes an
and impede effort to accurately. Uses
differences communication. communicate some more
between effectively. advanced
them. Gives an vocabulary and
opinion and grammar
answers the structures with
task question. errors.
2 Describes the Speaks with Engages fully Uses a wide A few mistakes in
photos in fluency, with very with the range of more advanced
detail and little hesitation. Is listener, vocabulary language structures,
mentions clear and using appropriately, but generally very
several comprehensible. gestures to
similarities Uses some help express and uses a wide accurate.
and intonation to add meaning. range of
differences. emphasis. grammar
Uses the structures
photos to accurately and
speculate and appropriately.
give opinions.
Answers the
task question
in detail.

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Task 2
Can briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions, plans and actions.

Students A and B
1 I think for some sports it’s more important than for others. For example, if you are snowboarding or skiing,
you need clothes that are light and warm. You can’t go into the mountains just in normal clothes. But I don’t
think it is important to have the right clothes to do other sports, like cycling or running. For example, you can
do cycling or running in just a pair of shorts and a T-shirt. But it’s probably important to have the right shoes,
otherwise you could get an injury. So, maybe it’s important to have the right clothes for safety, but not to help
you perform better.
2 Yes, I think some people spend too much money on fashionable clothes for sports. For example, some
people who play football spend a lot of money on fashionable football boots, when these won’t really help
them to play better. Some sports clothes are very expensive, especially if they have the name of a famous
sports star on them. I think it’s silly to spend a lot of money on these clothes.
3 Personally, I don’t think it’s important to look good when you are doing a sport. Sport is for exercise and
your health. It isn’t a fashion show. But I guess for some people it might be important, for example if they
aren’t very confident it might be important for them to look good so they can feel confident, even if they
aren’t very good at their sport.
4 I think the advantages are that people can see you easily. For example, in a marathon there are often a lot of
runners, so if you’re wearing an amusing costume your family and friends can see you easily and cheer for you.
Also, if you want to advertise a charity, it can be a good way to get attention if you look funny. On the other
hand, the disadvantage could be that it’s difficult to run in your costume, and it could be very hot too.

The task is worth 10 marks. Award up to 2 marks for each section of the mark scheme, according to the
descriptions below.

Marks Task Spoken Spoken Range Accuracy

achievement production and interaction
0-1 Gives only short Hesitates a lot Does not really Uses only very Lots of errors even
answers to the and does not engage with their basic vocabulary in basic language,
questions. seem confident. partner. Doesn’t and grammar, with which impede
Doesn’t Is not easy to respond to what a lot of errors. communication.
develop ideas understand. their partner says.
and doesn’t
1.5 Gives clear Speaks with Engages with their Uses simple Generally accurate,
answers to the some partner to some vocabulary and but with some
questions, and confidence and extent. Agrees or basic grammar errors, especially in
develops some is disagrees, and may structures more advanced
ideas with comprehensible. ask for the
examples. Gives Some listener’s opinion. accurately. Uses language.
opinions. hesitation, but some more
not enough to advanced
impede vocabulary and
communication. grammar
structures with

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


2 Gives very full Speaks with Engages fully with Uses a wide range A few mistakes in
answers to the fluency, with their partner, of vocabulary more advanced
questions, very little responding to appropriately, and language structures,
developing hesitation. Is what their partner uses a wide range but generally very
ideas, clear and says by adding to it
expanding comprehensible. or contradicting. of grammar accurate.
through Uses some Asks questions and structures
examples and intonation to asks for their accurately and
expressing a add emphasis. partner’s opinion. appropriately.
range of

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Student B
1 Why is it important to have the right clothes for a sport?

2 In pairs, discuss the questions.
1 Is it important to have the right clothes for a sport if you are just doing it for fun?
2 Do you think some people spend too much money on sports fashions? Why? / Why not?
3 Do you think it is important to look good when you are doing a sport? Why? / Why not?
4 What are the advantages and disadvantages of wearing an amusing costume to run a marathon?

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

Vocabulary, Grammar, Use of English and Reading

Name: ___________________________________ so it’s no wonder my friends get impatient and tell

Class: ___________________________________ me to relax and 5 with the flow instead
Total: _________/56 of worrying so much!
1 Complete the words in the sentences. Grammar
1 Jo’s b _ _ _ _ _ _ _ c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ clothes reflect
4 Complete the sentences with the correct form of
her big personality. She loves wearing red and the verbs in brackets.
yellow. 1 I’m sorry I’m late. ________
2 Martha is an e _ _ _ - g _ _ _ _ person who very (you / wait) long?
rarely gets upset about anything. 2 How many goals _________
3 Susan prefers m _ _ _ _ - p _ _ _ _ _ _ clothes that (you / score) in your last match?
can be worn for sport, work or even to a party. 3 No, I won’t come with you to the cinema.
4 Some people think Paula is s _ _ _ _ _ _, but she I ___ (not / like) scary films.
actually thinks deeply about important issues. 4 They wouldn’t let me in to watch the concert
5 Active children need h _ _ _ - w _ _ _ _ _ _ clothes because I ________ (forget)
that are not easy to damage. my ticket!
/5 5 Pelé _______ (play) for Brazil
2 Choose the correct words. when he won the World Cup.
1 My aunt is at / in her early thirties. 6 I can’t talk to you now. I ____
2 Do you ever fall off / out with your friends? (do) my homework.
3 The runner was hoping to break / make a record 7 I _____ (know) Sam for nearly
by running faster than anyone on his team had ten years.
ever done.
8 You shouldn’t waste time ___
4 My brother takes / goes after our dad both in
(play) computer games.
appearance and personality.
9 How many times _______
5 Sara has lost / broken touch with most of her old
school friends. (you / visit) New York?
/5 10 I can’t afford _____ (eat)
out in restaurants.
3 Complete the text with the words in the box.
There are three words you don’t need. /10

give do am care go feel look in 5 Find the mistakes and write the correct
sentences. One sentence is correct.
My friends don’t like shopping for clothes with me 1 I might to come to the party with you.
because I am not very decisive. I’m not really ________________________________________
bothered if my clothes are 1 fashion,
but I do 2
about my appearance, so I 2 Do you fancy come round to my house later?
usually try on at least twenty items before I can ________________________________________
make a decision. Something might look fine, but I 3 My brother always tries to avoid doing the
want to 3 comfortable in my own skin, washing-up.
so it needs to be exactly right. I usually put on an ________________________________________
item, look at myself in it, take it off, then 4 What do you wear today?
the same thing over again. I’ve ________________________________________
actually tried the same item on three or four times,

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

Vocabulary, Grammar, Use of English and Reading

5 How long you been living here? 8 Complete the text with the correct form of the
________________________________________ words in CAPITALS.
For ambitious athletes, injuries are both
unavoidable and one of the hardest
things to deal with. Taking a break is
Use of English almost impossible for an extremely
6 Decide which answer, A, B, C or D, best fills each 1
_______________ person, yet when you ACTION
gap. are hurt, the 2______________ to take DECIDE
I’m in a football team with a group of my friends. I some time off has been made for you.
hang 1____ with them a lot, so we know each other The idea that avoiding rest might result in
quite well. We played a match last Saturday and, permanent damage is a 3____________ POWER
when we arrived on the football 2___, the other motivation to listen to the doctors. And
team were already there. They looked good! Our although your recovery will likely involve
best player is George. He’s of 3___ height, and he’s endless 4______________ of boring REPEAT
very fast and powerful. After about ten minutes, exercises, being able to stick to the
George kicked the ball to me and I 4____ the first routine until you are better is a sign of
goal of the match! It was a great feeling, but it the kind of 5______________ it takes to RESILIENT
wasn’t enough. We 5___ the game 2-1. be a successful competitor.
1 A away B up C out D off
2 A pitch B court C course D track
3 A medium B middle C small D tall
4 A turned B scored C kept D broke 9 Complete the second sentence so that it has a
5 A broke B scored C beat D lost similar meaning to the first. Use between two and
five words including the word given.
/5 1 I got a job there last September. WORKING
I _____________
7 Complete the text with one word in each gap.
last September.
Donald Robertson is a young athlete with a lot of
2 The film started before we got to the cinema.
ambition. He 1 been training hard recently
because he hopes run in the London
The film ___________
Marathon this year. Things haven’t always been easy
when we got to the cinema.
for Donald, though. Two years ago, he had a serious
3 I’m not really sorry that I don’t live in Beijing
biking accident and lost one of his legs. He says that
any more. MISS
watching other athletes with disabilities on TV
I don’t ____________
helped 3 to realise that having a disability
in Beijing.
wasn’t the end of the world. He also had great
4 It’s possible that I’ll go to London on Saturday.
support from his family and friends. ‘I knew that
whatever happened, they would 4 doubt me
I _____________ to
nor critisise me,’ he says. Now, he has set himself
London on Saturday.
the target of running a marathon, and this is the first
5 You can’t force me to help you! MAKE
_____ on his road to new-found strength and
You ___________ you!

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

Vocabulary, Grammar, Use of English and Reading

Reading Whilst Everest is a dream for many people, there are

10 Read the text. Complete the sentences with one a number of problems on the mountain. In recent
or two words from the text. years, the high number of tourists visiting the region
means there is now a lot of rubbish in the area. To
Marathon at the top of the world try and reduce the impact on the environment, the
Running a marathon is not an easy task. It requires organisers of the race limit the number of people
great physical and mental strength, but for many who can enter to 250 people per year. They are also
people it’s the dream of a lifetime. In big cities working to improve the way waste is disposed of to
around the world, there is usually at least one ensure the race is an ecological event.
marathon taking place every week with thousands
of people choosing to participate. But running in the
city is not enough for some athletes. There are 1 The Tenzing Hillary Everest Marathon is a
people looking for something more extreme. _________________________ race than most
The Tenzing Hillary Everest Marathon is the highest others for people who want something different
marathon in the world. It is named after the two to a standard marathon.
men who first successfully climbed Everest, although 2 The race gets its name from the first people who
runners do not run to the top of the mountain. It
_________________________ to the peak of the
takes place in Nepal, starting at Everest Base Camp
and finishing in the town of Namche Bazaar. The mountain.
marathon takes place on the 29th of May every year 3 It’s not easy to run in the race, even downhill,
and runners from all over the world participate. because of the _________________________.
In the months leading up to the race, runners 4 A/An _________________________ can help
undertake a lot of training to prepare. It’s essential runners to prepare for the difficult conditions in
they train to run long distances, and rather than run
the race.
on the street or in the gym, it’s better to run on
5 Before getting to the start line, participants
mountain trails and paths. They also need to
increase their strength so spending time in the gym spend about _________________________
lifting weights is vital. But the training is not only trekking.
about running. Competitors also have to prepare 6 With so many _________________________ the
their bodies for the high altitude. At over 5,000 region, the area is becoming more and more
metres at the start, the air is so thin that running, polluted.
even downhill, feels much more difficult than
running at sea level. To train the body to function in /6
these conditions, some runners decide to sleep in
altitude tents. These are specially designed to
reduce the amount of oxygen which causes the body
to create more red blood cells. Sleeping in a tent like
this for two weeks before a race is a great way to
increase your endurance.
Unlike most marathons, you can’t drive or take a
train to the start of the race. It takes around two
weeks to trek to the start point, and much of this is
uphill. Due to altitude sickness, many competitors
don’t even make it to the start line. However, the
altitude isn’t a problem for runners from Nepal.
Since their bodies are already used to the
conditions, there is a different race for them.
Otherwise the foreign runners wouldn’t stand a

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

Vocabulary, Grammar, Use of English and Reading

Group A Exercise 7
Vocabulary 1 has
2 to
Exercise 1
3 him
1 brightly-coloured 4 neither
2 easy-going 5 step
3 multi-purpose
4 shallow
Exercise 8
5 hard-wearing
1 active
2 decision
Exercise 2
3 powerful
1 in 4 repetition
2 out 5 resilience
3 break
4 takes
Exercise 9
5 lost
1 have been working there since
2 had already started
Exercise 3
3 don’t really miss living
1 in 4 am/’m thinking of going
2 care 5 can’t make me help
3 feel
4 do
5 go Reading
Exercise 10
1 more extreme: The text says that running in the
Grammar city is not enough for some athletes. There are
Exercise 4 people looking for something more extreme.
2 successfully climbed: The text says that the
1 Have you been waiting
2 did you score marathon is named after the two men who first
3 don’t like successfully climbed Everest.
4 had forgotten 3 high altitude: The text says that competitors have
5 was playing to prepare their bodies for the high altitude which
6 am/’m doing makes the air so thin that it’s difficult to run, even
7 have/’ve known downhill.
8 playing 4 altitude tent: The text says that in order to train
9 have you visited the body to function in extreme conditions, some
10 to eat
runners decide to sleep in altitude tents.
5 two weeks: The text says that it takes around two
Exercise 5
weeks to trek to the start point.
1 I might come to the party with you. 6 tourists visiting: The text says that in recent years,
2 Do you fancy coming round to my house later?
the high number of tourists visiting the region
3 correct
4 What are you wearing today? means there is now a lot of rubbish in the area.
5 How long have you been living here?

Use of English
Exercise 6
1 C
2 A
3 A
4 B
5 D

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

Vocabulary, Grammar, Use of English and Reading

Group B 4 D
5 A
Exercise 1 Exercise 7
1 cutting-edge 1 been
2 easy-going 2 so
3 short-sleeved 3 neither
4 spectators 4 step
5 rebellious 5 to

Exercise 2
1 out Exercise 8
2 on 1 decison
3 in 2 active
4 after 3 repetition
5 put 4 powerful
5 resilience
Exercise 3
1 takes Exercise 9
2 keep 1 I can’t stand waiting
3 care 2 allow me to go out
4 come 3 had left the party when
5 go 4 have/’ve been studying French for
5 can’t make me help

Exercise 4 Reading
1 is playing Exercise 10
2 love 1 participate / take part: The text says that in big
3 was playing cities around the world, there is usually at least one
4 have/’ve met marathon taking place every week with thousands
5 haven’t been studying of people choosing to participate.
6 have you known 2 the highest: The text says that the Tenzing Hillary
7 feeling
8 didn’t see Everest Marathon is the highest marathon in the
9 had started world.
10 to do 3 months: The text says that in the months leading
up to the race, runners undertake a lot of training to
Exercise 5 prepare.
1 You shouldn’t eat so many chips! They aren’t 4 thin: The text says that at over 5,000 metres, the
good for you. air is so thin that running, even downhill, feels much
2 That’s not true! I don’t believe you! more difficult than running at sea level.
3 Elsie has been playing hockey since she was 5 altitude sickness: The text says that due to altitude
seven. sickness, many competitors don’t even make it to
4 correct the start line.
5 can’t imagine living in another country. 6 reduce: The text says that to try and reduce the
impact on the environment, the organisers of the
race limit the number of people who can enter to
Use of English 250 people per year.
Exercise 6
1 B
2 A
3 B

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

Vocabulary, Grammar, Use of English and Reading

Name: ___________________________________ 4
______________ across as an ambitious person,
Class: ___________________________________ and in fact he seems like someone who can relax
Total: _________/56 and 5______________ with the flow. But I know
that he is determined to become a world-class
Vocabulary cyclist, and I hope he succeeds.
1 Complete the words in the sentences. /5
1 Jenna is a truly c _ _ _ _ _ _ - e _ _ _ designer,
creating clothes unlike anything people have Grammar
seen before.
4 Complete the sentences with the correct form of
2 Sam is an e _ _ _ - g _ _ _ _ person who accepts the verbs in brackets.
things as they are. 1 Tim isn’t here at the moment. He _____________
3 I prefer s _ _ _ _ - s _ _ _ _ _ _ shirts because they ____________ (play) football.
keep my arms cool. 2 Let’s go to a Chinese restaurant.
4 The s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ s cheered when he scored a I _____________________ (love) Chinese food!
goal. 3 I broke my finger while I ____________________
5 Katie is a r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ person who is always (play) golf.
breaking the rules and fighting for more freedom. 4 I ________________________ (meet) Greg a few
/5 times, but I don’t know him very well.
2 Choose the correct words. 5 I can only speak a little German. I _____________
1 Do you ever fall off / out with your friends? ___________________ (not / study) it for very long.
2 If you like that dress, why don’t you try it up / 6 How long ___________________________ (you /
on? know) Tina?
3 John and I don’t have a lot in / for common. 7 I can’t help _________________________ (feel)
4 You chase for / after the other players and try to upset when I see animals in the zoo.
get the ball off them.
8 I ________________________ (not / see) Freddie
5 My experience of climbing was so frightening
at the party last night.
that it really put / took me off the sport.
9 Unfortunately, the film _____________________
(start) when I got to the cinema, so I missed the
first ten minutes.
3 Complete the text with the words in the box. 10 My parents always encouraged me ___________
There are three words you don’t need.
_______________ (do) a lot of sport.
go get come care keep look make takes /10

My older brother Jason is eighteen years old now

and he’s crazy about sport! I guess he 5 Find the mistakes and write the correct
____________ after my dad because he’s very sentences. One sentence is correct.
interested in sport too. Jason is always trying
1 You shouldn’t to eat so many chips! They aren’t
new ways to 2______________ fit, like running
good for you.
fifteen kilometres every evening or getting up at
six in the morning to go cycling, which is his ________________________________________
passion. Jason doesn’t really 3______________ 2 That’s not true! I’m not believing you!
about his appearance, so he doesn’t exercise to
look good, just to get strong. He doesn’t always

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

Vocabulary, Grammar, Use of English and Reading

3 Elsie has been played hockey since she was seven. designer, and the first 4_____ is to enrol at a design
________________________________________ school. Now things are going well, and last month
Lucy managed 5_____ win a competition for young
4 They warned us not to get too close to the track.
designers in London.
5 I can’t imagine to live in another country.
8 Complete the text with the correct form of the
________________________________________ words in CAPITALS.
/5 Martha Blake’s life has been different to
other people’s. She was born with a
Use of English disability which meant that she couldn’t
6 Decide which answer, A, B, C or D, best fills each walk but had to use a wheelchair. When
gap. she was quite young, she made the
______________ to live the fullest life DECIDE
I moved to a new house with my family six months possible, despite the fact that people
ago. I was determined that I wasn’t going to 1____ told her she would never be as
touch with my old friends, but I wanted to make 2
______________ as other people. The ACTION
new friends, too. I have a good relationship 2___ my 3
______________ of these negative REPEAT
parents, and my dad suggested that I should take up statements just made Martha more
tennis. I had never played before, so I decided to determined, and her 4______________
work with a 3___ in order to learn the basics. It turns POWER
desire to live a full life kept her strong.
out that I have a talent for the game, and when She has had several health problems,
I won my first 4_____, I knew I wanted to work hard RESILIENT
but her 5________________ and
and keep improving. I have met lots of great people determination have kept her from
through tennis, and when our group 5___ first in the giving up. Now Martha is a well known
regional competition, we felt like one big, happy DJ and has her own radio show, and is
family! an inspiration to all young people.

1 A drop B lose C stop D break /5

2 A with B for C to D of
3 A referee B coach C supporter D fan 9 Complete the second sentence so that it has a
4 A record B place C goal D match similar meaning to the first. Use between two and
5 A came B got C took D did five words including the word given.

/5 1 I hate waiting in queues! STAND

______________________________ in queues.
7 Complete the text with one word in each gap.
2 My parents say I can’t go out with my friends
Lucy Davies has always been interested in clothes during the week. ALLOW
and she has 1_____ designing and making her own My parents won’t _________________________
clothes since she was about twelve. Lucy is tall and with my friends during the week.
fit, and a lot of people say she is 2_____ attractive 3 Tom left the party and then we arrived. WHEN
that she should be a fashion model, but she is Tom _______________________________ we
_____ interested in working as a model nor does arrived.
she care much about her appearance. She has made 4 I started studying French three years ago. FOR
up her mind that she wants to become a fashion I _____________________________ three years.

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

Vocabulary, Grammar, Use of English and Reading

5 He can’t force me to help him! MAKE altitude isn’t a problem for runners from Nepal.
He ___________ him! Since their bodies are already used to the
conditions, there is a different race for them.
Otherwise the foreign runners wouldn’t stand a
Reading Whilst Everest is a dream for many people, there are
10 Read the text. Complete the sentences with one a number of problems on the mountain. In recent
or two words from the text. years, the high number of tourists visiting the region
means there is now a lot of rubbish in the area. To
try and reduce the impact on the environment, the
Marathon at the top of the world
organisers of the race limit the number of people
Running a marathon is not an easy task. It requires
who can enter to 250 people per year. They are also
great physical and mental strength, but for many
working to improve the way waste is disposed of to
people it’s the dream of a lifetime. In big cities
ensure the race is an ecological event.
around the world, there is usually at least one
marathon taking place every week with thousands
of people choosing to participate. But running in the
1 In big cities around the world, thousands of
city is not enough for some athletes. There are
people looking for something more extreme. people _________________________ in a
The Tenzing Hillary Everest Marathon is the highest marathon every week.
marathon in the world. It is named after the two 2 The marathon is unique because it is
men who first successfully climbed Everest, although _________________________ marathon in the
runners do not run to the top of the mountain. It world.
takes place in Nepal, starting at Everest Base Camp
3 It takes _________________________ for
and finishing in the town of Namche Bazaar. The
marathon takes place on the 29th of May every year runners to get ready for the race.
and runners from all over the world participate. 4 Running at high altitude is difficult because of the
In the months leading up to the race, runners _________________________ air.
undertake a lot of training to prepare. It’s essential 5 Some competitors are unable to start the race
they train to run long distances, and rather than run due to _________________________.
on the street or in the gym, it’s better to run on 6 Race organisers are trying to ________________
mountain trails and paths. They also need to
____________ any damage done by the race to
increase their strength so spending time in the gym
lifting weights is vital. But the training is not only the environment.
about running. Competitors also have to prepare /6
their bodies for the high altitude. At over 5,000
metres at the start, the air is so thin that running,
even downhill, feels much more difficult than
running at sea level. To train the body to function in
these conditions, some runners decide to sleep in
altitude tents. These are specially designed to
reduce the amount of oxygen which causes the body
to create more red blood cells. Sleeping in a tent like
this for two weeks before a race is a great way to
increase your endurance.
Unlike most marathons, you can’t drive or take a
train to the start of the race. It takes around two
weeks to trek to the start point, and much of this is
uphill. Due to altitude sickness, many competitors
don’t even make it to the start line. However, the

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

REVIEW TEST 1 ● Writing

Name: ________________________________
Class: ________________________________
Total: _______/30

Your friend from the UK is doing a project on how people meet their friends. Write an email to your friend
and explain how you met one of yours.
• Explain when you met your friend, where it happened, and what you were doing when it happened.
• Describe what your friend looked like, and what you liked about his/her personality.
• Explain how you became friends.


© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Can write straightforward, detailed descriptions on a range of familiar topics.

Can clearly signal chronological sequence in narrative text.

Sample answer
Hi John,
I’d like to tell you how I met my best friend Sam. It was three years ago, during the summer holidays, and I was
at the tennis club near my home. I was having my first tennis lesson, and I wasn’t doing very well! I’d decided
to take up tennis because I wanted a sport to play in the summer. Joe was having a lesson on the court next to
me. I could see that he was a very good player.
Joe was tall and well-built, with dark curly hair. He looked very easy-going and I could see that he had a good
sense of humour because he was laughing a lot. I liked him because he was sporty, like me, and he looked
After my lesson he invited me to have a game of tennis with him. He won, of course, but we laughed a lot and
got on very well. Since then we’ve been playing tennis together regularly, and we’re now best friends.
Write soon,

Mark scheme
The task is worth 30 marks. Award up to 6 marks for each section of the mark scheme, according to the
descriptions below.

Marks Content Task Organisation and Range Accuracy

achievement structure
1-2 Content is Completes only Paragraph Uses only very Lots of errors even
difficult to one or two structure basic vocabulary in basic language,
understand. Ideas aspects of the provided not and grammar, with which impede
are basic and not task. May not use followed. a lot of errors. communication.
developed, and the correct genre
no opinions are and only covers
expressed. one or two of the
points specified in
the task.
3-4 Content is Completes the Paragraph Uses simple Generally accurate,
comprehensible. majority of the structure vocabulary and but with some
Ideas are fairly task. Uses the provided partially basic grammar errors, especially in
simple but well correct genre and followed. Some structures more advanced
expressed. Some covers the paragraphs may accurately. Uses language.
ideas are majority, but not only have one or some more
developed by all, of the points two sentences. advanced
giving reasons or specified in the vocabulary,
examples. Some task. including some
details are added, vocabulary for
and some describing people.
opinions are Uses some more
expressed. advanced grammar
structures with
errors, and uses
some narrative
tenses accurately.

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


5-6 Content is Completes all Divided into three Uses a wide range A few mistakes in
comprehensible parts of the task paragraphs, of vocabulary more advanced
and interesting. fully, including following the appropriately, language
Ideas are the correct genre structure including structures, but
developed with and all the points provided. Each vocabulary for generally very
reasons, specified in the paragraph has a describing people. accurate.
examples, etc. task. clear purpose. Uses a wide range
Details are added of grammar
and opinions structures
expressed, giving accurately and
the text a lively appropriately,
feel. including a range of
narrative tenses.

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Student A 2 In pairs, discuss the questions.

1 What things are important in a good restaurant?
1 You are a customer in a restaurant. Your partner 2 Do you think that restaurants should only serve
is the waiter. Look at the menu and complete the healthy food? Why? / Why not?
tasks below. 3 Is it important for young people to learn to cook?
Why? / Why not?
LUNCH MENU 4 Should all restaurants offer vegetarian options?
Main courses Why? / Why not?
Pizza Romana /10
Hamburger and chips
Chef’s salad
Pasta dish of the day

Chocolate ice cream
Fresh strawberries and cream
Dessert of the day

1 Greet the waiter.

2 Ask the waiter about:
- the chef’s salad
- the pasta dish of the day
- the dessert of the day
3 Ask the waiter for advice about what to order.
4 Order your food.
5 Ask for your bill.

Now you are a waiter in a restaurant. Your partner

is the customer. Look at the menu and complete
the tasks below.

Main courses
Pizza Napolitana (tuna, egg, tomatoes and cheese)
Dish of the day (chicken curry with rice)
Chef’s special (cheeseburger with chips and salad)
Pasta with chicken and mushrooms

Chocolate mousse
Fruit salad and cream
Chef’s special cake (chocolate and orange cake)

1 Greet the customer.

2 Answer the customer’s questions about the food.
3 Give the customer advice about what to order
(pasta with chicken and mushrooms is delicious
and good value)
4 Take the customer’s order.
5 Give the customer their bill.

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Teacher’s notes
Task 1
The students will perform a role play in a restaurant, then swap roles and perform again.
Prompts: Look at the first part of Task 1. Complete the role play.
Now look at the second part of Task 1. Complete the role play.

Task 2
Students discuss the questions in pairs.
Prompt: Now discuss the questions in pairs.
1 What things are important in a good restaurant?
2 Do you think that restaurants should only serve healthy food? Why? / Why not?
3 Is it important for young people to learn to cook? Why? / Why not?
4 Should all restaurants offer vegetarian options? Why? / Why not?

Sample answers and mark schemes

Can exploit a wide range of simple language to deal with most situations while travelling.
Can ask for, give and respond to simple informal advice.

Students A and B
Customer: Hello. Can I order please?
Waiter: Of course. What can I get for you?
Customer: Could you tell me what the .... is, please?
Waiter: Sure. It’s a ...
Customer: Oh. What about the ...? Can you tell me what that is?
Waiter: Ah, that’s ...
Customer: That sounds nice. And I’d like to know what the ... is.
Waiter: Of course. it’s ...
Customer: Hmm, I’m not sure. What do you think I should order?
Waiter: Well, the food is all nice, but if I were you, I’d have the ... . It’s ...
Customer: Good idea. I’ll have that. And can I have chips with that, please?
Waiter: Of course.
Customer: That was very nice. Thank you. Could I have the bill, please?
Waiter: Certainly.

The task is worth 10 marks. Award up to 2 marks for each section of the mark scheme, according to the
descriptions below.
Marks Task Spoken Spoken Range Accuracy
achievement production and interaction
0-1 Completes Hesitates a lot Does not Uses only very Lots of errors even in
some aspects and does not engage with basic vocabulary basic language, which
of the task seem confident. their partner. and grammar, impede
only. Is not easy to with a lot of communication.

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


1.5 Completes all Speaks with some Engages with Uses simple Generally accurate,
or most confidence and is their partner vocabulary and but with some errors,
aspects of the comprehensible. to some basic grammar especially in more
task. Some hesitation, extent, and structures advanced language.
but not enough to makes an
impede effort to accurately. Uses
communication. communicate some more
effectively. advanced
vocabulary and
structures with
2 Completes all Speaks with Engages fully Uses a wide A few mistakes in
aspects of the fluency, with very with their range of more advanced
task and adds little hesitation. Is partner, vocabulary language structures,
more detail. clear and using appropriately, but generally very
comprehensible. gestures and
Uses some intonation to and uses a wide accurate.
intonation to add help express range of
emphasis. meaning. grammar
accurately and

Task 2
Can briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions, plans and actions.

Students A and B
1 I think the most important thing in a restaurant is obviously the food. It must be tasty, of course, and it
should also be interesting and a bit different. The price is important, too, and there must be a good
atmosphere, so people can feel relaxed and enjoy their meal. So it shouldn’t be too noisy or stressful. I think
it’s nice to have some music in the background, something relaxing.
2 This is a difficult question. Of course, a lot of people eat unhealthy food and it isn’t good for them, but I don’t
really think it’s the responsibility of restaurants to make that decision for people. A restaurant is a business,
and it has to make money, so it has to serve food that people like. Maybe it’s different with children. If the
restaurant serves food to children, I think they should perhaps make more effort to offer only healthy food.
3 Yes, in my opinion all young people should learn to cook. This is very important, because if you can’t cook,
you can’t eat healthy food. For example, if you can’t cook, you will eat burgers and pizzas all the time. These
aren’t good for you because they aren’t fresh. I think all young people should learn about food and cooking at
school, so they know how to prepare healthy meals and they understand why it is important to eat the right
4 I think that nowadays more and more people are becoming vegetarians, and a lot of restaurants offer
vegetarian options already. I think probably it’s good for restaurants to serve vegetarian food because then
they will attract more customers. But if they don’t want to offer this food, I don’t think they should have to.
Some restaurants might choose to just serve meat or fish, and I think they should be free to do this. Then it’s
up to customers if they want to go to this restaurant or not.

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


The task is worth 10 marks. Award up to 2 marks for each section of the mark scheme, according to the
descriptions below.
Marks Task Spoken Spoken Range Accuracy
achievement production and interaction
0-1 Gives only short Hesitates a lot Does not really Uses only very Lots of errors even
answers to the and does not engage with their basic vocabulary in basic language,
questions. seem confident. partner. Doesn’t and grammar, with which impede
Doesn’t Is not easy to respond to what a lot of errors. communication.
develop ideas understand. their partner says.
and doesn’t
1.5 Gives clear Speaks with Engages with their Uses simple Generally accurate,
answers to the some partner to some vocabulary and but with some
questions, and confidence and extent. Agrees or basic grammar errors, especially in
develops some is disagrees, and may structures more advanced
ideas with comprehensible. ask for their
examples. Gives Some partner’s opinion. accurately. Uses language.
opinions. hesitation, but some more
not enough to advanced
impede vocabulary and
communication. grammar
structures with
2 Gives very full Speaks with Engages fully with Uses a wide range A few mistakes in
answers to the fluency, with their partner, of vocabulary more advanced
questions, very little responding to appropriately, and language structures,
developing hesitation. Is what their partner uses a wide range but generally very
ideas, clear and says by adding to it
expanding comprehensible. or contradicting. of grammar accurate.
through Uses some Asks questions and structures
examples and intonation to asks for their accurately and
expressing a add emphasis. partner’s opinion. appropriately.
range of

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Student B 2 In pairs, discuss the questions.

1 What things are important in a good restaurant?
1 You are a waiter in a restaurant. Your partner is a 2 Do you think that restaurants should only serve
customer. Look at the menu and complete the healthy food? Why? / Why not?
tasks below. 3 Is it important for young people to learn to cook?
Why? / Why not?
LUNCH MENU 4 Should all restaurants offer vegetarian options?
Main courses Why? / Why not?
Pizza Romana (ham, cheese and tomato) /10
Hamburger and chips
Chef’s salad (a green salad with eggs and cheese)
Pasta dish of the day (pasta with ham, peppers,
tomatoes and cheese)

Chocolate ice cream
Fresh strawberries and cream
Dessert of the day (chocolate and banana mousse)

1 Greet the customer.

2 Answer the customer’s questions about the food.
3 Give the customer advice about what to order
(hamburger is very tasty)
4 Take the customer’s order.
5 Give the customer their bill.

Now you are a customer in a restaurant. Your

partner is the waiter. Look at the menu and
complete the tasks below.

Main courses
Pizza Napolitana
Dish of the day
Chef’s special
Pasta with chicken and mushrooms

Chocolate mousse
Fruit salad and cream
Chef’s special cake

1 Greet the waiter.

2 Ask the waiter about:
- the Pizza Napolitana
- the dish of the day
- the chef’s special cake
3 Ask the waiter for advice about what to order.
4 Order your food. Ask for chips, too.
5 Ask for your bill.

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

Vocabulary, Grammar, Use of English and Reading

Name: ___________________________________ in traffic and it took us ages to get there. Then we

Class: ___________________________________ discovered that we were at the wrong terminal, so
Total: _________/58 we had to 4______________ a bus to another part of
the airport and we barely made our flight. Luckily,
Vocabulary we’re both quite 5______________ so we didn’t get
1 Complete the sentences with one word in each stressed, and we certainly didn’t let such minor
gap. problems spoil our holiday!
1 I sometimes fall _____ with my best friend, but /5
we never stay angry for long.
2 I take _____ my mum with my brown eyes and Grammar
small ears.
4 Choose the correct verb forms.
3 I like to hang _____ with my friends at a local
1 I don’t want / I‘m not wanting / I haven’t wanted
café. to go out now.
4 My family came to cheer me _____ when 2 When I was young, I used to live / have lived /
I entered the baking competition. would live on a farm.
3 While we have been waiting / were waiting /
5 Lucia picked _____ her cooking skills from her
had waited for the train, I ate my sandwiches.
grandmother. 4 Everyone looks happy. England must have won /
/5 will have won / must win the match.
5 We’ll go / We won’t go / We will have gone
2 Complete the sentences with words formed from skiing unless the insurance is too expensive.
the words in CAPITALS. /5
1 The accident was ___________________. There
5 Complete the sentences with the correct form of
was nothing they could do to prevent it. AVOID the verbs in brackets.
2 Mark is a ___________________ person who 1 I __________________________ (not / used to /
doesn’t worry about anything. CARE play) computer games very much, but now I love
3 The new restaurant is very _______________, them!
with all of the most fashionable dishes. TREND 2 I was amazed that I came third in the race
4 It was __________________ that she would lose because I _________________________ (never /
the competition because she was such a talented run) a marathon before.
cook. THINK 3 I’ll call you as soon as I _____________________
5 Tim should follow the news more closely, (get) home.
because he’s really ___________________ when 4 By Christmas, if I stick to this diet, I___________
it comes to current affairs. INFORM _________________ (lose) over ten kilograms.
/5 5 Where’s Tom? He _________________________
3 Complete the text with the words in the box. (forget) about the meeting because we were
There are three words you don’t need. talking about it earlier.
catch rush easy-going jam /5
stuck fresh miss rude
My friend and I decided to go to Spain for the 6 Correct the mistakes in the sentences. One
holidays. Of course, we weren’t ready on time and sentence is correct.
we were afraid we might 1______________ the train 1 I didn’t used to enjoy sport when I was young.
to the airport, so we took a taxi. Unfortunately, it ________________________________________
was 2____________ hour, so we got 3____________

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

Vocabulary, Grammar, Use of English and Reading

2 Sam fell over while he was running for the bus. her son eat anything he didn’t want to eat. She
________________________________________ decided to go with the flow and just make sure that
3 I can’t find my purse. I think I might left it at he had a balanced 4________ by providing plenty of
school. different foods. Adam has 5________ following his
vegetarian diet for two years now, and he seems fit
4 Sara won’t be able to do sport again until her and healthy.
wrist will be better.
________________________________________ /5

5 This time next week I’ll lying on the beach in 9 Complete the text with the correct form of the
Spain. words in CAPITALS.
My cousin Sam is a lovely person, but he’s
/5 1
________________ naive and often gets HOPE
himself into trouble because he believes
Use of English nearly everything people tell him. The fact
7 Decide which answer, A, B, C or D, best fills each that he’s a 2________________ musician SUCCESS
gap. puts him even more at risk, and people who
I love travelling by plane! We usually have to set realise that he is a 3________________ CREATE
______ very early because a lot of flights leave first rather than a practical person try to take
thing in the morning. I usually wear old, comfortable advantage of him. Still, all of us are very
clothes during the 2______ so that I can relax. I love proud of his 4________________ as an
that feeling when I sit down in my seat and 3______ artist, and it is very 5________________ for EDUCATE
my seatbelt, and I know the plane is about to take us to see how he manages to get through
off. I don’t usually have a 4______ meal before I life and enjoy himself despite the scrapes he
leave, but I have a snack because the food on the gets into.
plane is never very nice. Some people dislike flying,
but for me it always provides a 5______ from my /5
everyday routine, and I can sit back and enjoy being
far above the earth. 10 Complete the second sentence so that it has a
similar meaning to the first. Use between two and
1 A off B away C after D over
five words including the word given.
2 A journey B tour C voyage D travel
3 A lock B join C tie D fasten 1 She isn’t allowed to stay out late. LET
4 A fat B heavy C strong D hard Her parents don’t _________________________
5 A time B stop C break D distance late.
2 They finally brought the fire under control.
8 Complete the text with one word in each gap. They finally ______________________________
under control.
Two years ago, Emma Branson’s seven-year-old son
3 It’s possible that Mike left early. MIGHT
Adam decided that he wanted to become a
Mike _______________________________ early.
vegetarian. He 1________ always enjoyed meat
4 My grandfather used to play with me every day.
before then, but he suddenly 2 ________ stand the
idea of eating animals. Emma was worried of course,
My grandfather ___________________________
but she soon realised that she couldn’t 3________
every day.

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

Vocabulary, Grammar, Use of English and Reading

5 We’ll go outside when it stops raining. was important. I ended up opening a restaurant
UNTIL serving traditional food as I realised there was
We ____________________________________ nothing like that in my local area.
The final aspect is becoming known to the public.
it stops raining.
Social media is a great tool for making sure that
/5 people hear about your restaurant, but traditional
Reading advertising is also important. Not everyone, in
11 Read the text and answer questions 1-4. particular older people with plenty of money, use
social networks, and you don’t want to miss the
Have you ever dreamed about opening opportunity to serve them. You can also organise
a restaurant? If so, then you have something in special events that people will be excited to attend.
common with me. Ever since I was a small boy I Most importantly, show how passionate you are
wanted to be a chef, with much of my childhood about the food you serve, the way you treat
spent in the kitchen with my grandma making cakes customers and the experience you offer. With
and sweet things. Back then, my main ambition was enough love and dedication, you really can succeed.
to work in a restaurant, but since taking a number of
stressful and badly paid jobs in different restaurants, 1 Why did the writer change their mind about
my ideas have changed. When I first started to talk working in a restaurant?
about my big plans, many people told me it was an ___________________________________________
impossible dream. They thought there was too much
risk involved, particularly since there are so many
restaurants close to where I live. However, I’m 2 What are the consequences of not having
happy I didn’t listen to them. It’s actually quite enough money in the bank?
possible to follow any dream you have as long as ___________________________________________
you are ready to deal with some difficulties and
enjoy taking on new challenges. If you really love ___________________________________________
what you do, it may be the best step you have ever 3 What’s the most important thing to consider
when attracting customers?
There are a number of things to consider before you
go ahead with your plan. Money is always a big ___________________________________________
issue. There are a lot of things you need to buy ___________________________________________
before opening to customers such as furniture and
supplies, and then once you open there will be staff 4 What are the dangers of only advertising on
to pay. They will need to be paid even during times social media?
when there isn’t a lot of business so you need to ___________________________________________
have money in the bank. I’d recommend having
enough money saved so that you can continue to
serve customers for two or three months even
without making any money. Otherwise you might /8
have to shut down before you even get going.
The next thing to consider is how to get customers.
Choosing a popular location is vital, but even more
important is offering a unique and interesting
experience to diners. I love going to restaurants that
serve unusual food or have a special atmosphere.
You can do that by offering live music or hanging
original art on the walls. I visited a lot of different
restaurants when I was considering what my place
should look like, and that helped me to decide what

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

Vocabulary, Grammar, Use of English and Reading

Group A Exercise 8
Vocabulary 1 had
2 couldn’t
Exercise 1
3 make
1 out 4 diet
2 after 5 been
3 out
4 on
5 up Exercise 9
1 hopelessly
Exercise 2 2 successful
1 unavoidable 3 creative
2 carefree 4 achievements
3 trendy 5 educational
4 unthinkable
5 uninformed Exercise 10
1 let her stay out
Exercise 3 2 managed to bring the fire
1 miss 3 might have left
2 rush 4 would play with me
3 stuck 5 won’t go outside until
4 catch
5 easy-going Reading
Exercise 11
Grammar 1 The author changed his/her mind about working
Exercise 4 in a restaurant because they realised it’s badly
1 I don’t want paid and stressful.
2 used to live 2 If you don’t have enough money in the bank, you
3 were waiting might not be able to pay staff and the restaurant
4 must have won might have to close down.
5 We’ll go
3 The most important thing is offering a unique
Exercise 5 and interesting experience to diners.
1 didn’t use to play 4 Older customers who have plenty of money
2 had never run might not hear about the restaurant.
4 will have lost
5 can’t/couldn’t have forgotten

Exercise 6
1 I didn’t use to enjoy sport when I was young.
2 correct
3 I can’t find my purse. I think I might have left it at
4 Sara won’t be able to do sport again until her
wrist is better.
5 This time next week I’ll be lying on the beach in

Use of English
Exercise 7
1 A
2 A
3 D
4 B
5 C

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

Vocabulary, Grammar, Use of English and Reading

Group B Exercise 8
Vocabulary 1 to
2 been
Exercise 1
3 let
1 out 4 must
2 with 5 until
3 out
4 up Exercise 9
5 up 1 hopeless
2 educational
Exercise 2 3 acceptable
4 successful
1 fattening 5 inpiration
2 unthinkable
3 tinned Exercise 10
4 resilience 1 can’t make teenagers wor
5 unavoidable 2 don’t mind helping
3 can’t have stolen
Exercise 3 4 used to be very good
1 suspension 5 as soon as it stops
2 transport
3 rush
4 short cut Reading
5 track Exercise 11
1 They thought opening a restaurant was risky
Grammar because there were already a lot of restaurants
Exercise 4 in the local area.
1 have you been going 2 If you don’t have enough money in the bank, you
2 must have left might not be able to pay staff and the restaurant
3 did you might have to close down.
4 We’ll miss 3 Before deciding what type of restaurant to open,
5 will have left the author visited a lot of restaurants and
thought about what was missing in the local area.
Exercise 5 4 It’s a good way to connect with older customers
1 Do you want with plenty of money who don’t use social
2 were skiing media.
3 gets
4 will/’ll be sitting
5 have been

Exercise 6
1 I can’t stand watching TV all evening!
2 Look! I think that might be a lion over there.
3 My parents got married in 1992.
4 correct
5 That was a difficult job. It can’t have been easy for

Use of English
Exercise 7
1 A
2 C
3 B
4 D
5 A

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

Vocabulary, Grammar, Use of English and Reading

Name: ___________________________________ hour, so the trip was very slow. My friend, who is
Class: ___________________________________ very impatient, decided to take a 4_______________
Total: _________/58 instead of going on the main road, so of course we
got lost and ended up on a dirt 5_______________
Vocabulary in the middle of nowhere. We did eventually get to
1 Complete the sentences with one word in each the bridge, but it is so long and high that I was afraid
gap. to cross it! Never mind, it was still a very scenic trip.
1 Jill dropped _____ of the dance team because /5
she didn’t have time to go to practice.
2 I tried not to lose touch _____ my old classmates Grammar
when I moved to a different town.
4 Choose the correct verb forms.
3 I fell _____ with my best friend when
1 How long have you been going / are you going /
I discovered she had lied to me.
have you gone out together?
4 I look _____ to my older brother because he is 2 I’m afraid Tom isn’t here. He must leave / must
generous and brave. have left / must left early today.
5 Joey picked _____ some dance moves while 3 What have you / did you / would you use to do in
the summer holidays when you were young?
watching his sister’s hip hop class. 4 We’ll miss / We’ll be missing / We won’t miss our
/5 train unless we hurry.
5 Hurry up or everyone will leave / is leaving / will
2 Complete the sentences with words formed from have left by the time we get to the party!
the words in CAPITALS. /5
1 You shouldn’t eat too much chocolate because
5 Complete the sentences with the correct form of
it’s very _________________. FAT
the verbs in brackets.
2 The idea that people are starving when there is
1 ___________________________ (you / want) to
so much food in the world is _______________.
come to the cinema with us later?
3 Fresh vegetables are better for you than 2 While you ___________________________ (ski),
_______________ ones. TIN I found a nice place to go for dinner.
4 That athlete’s _________________ is amazing – 3 I’ll let you know when your parcel ____________
he simply never gives up! RESILIENT __________ (get) here.
5 I’m afraid the accident was _________________. 4 This time tomorrow we _____________________
No one could prevent it. AVOID (sit) in the departure lounge at the airport.
/5 5 The bird we saw must ______________________
(be) an eagle. No other bird is as big as that.
3 Complete the text with the words in the box.
There are three words you don’t need. /5

track traffic journey short cut

cable transport suspension rush 6 Correct the mistakes in the sentences. One
sentence is correct.
After reading about the new 280-metre-long 1 I can’t stand to watch TV all evening!
_______________ bridge in Taiwan , we were ________________________________________
determined to go and see it. We couldn’t get there
2 Look! I think that might been a lion over there.
by public 2 _______________, so we hired a car to
get there. We left during the morning 3___________ ________________________________________

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

Vocabulary, Grammar, Use of English and Reading

3 My parents used to get married in 1992. She has 2________ cooking since she was ten years
________________________________________ old and has always wanted to work in a top
restaurant. At first, her parents wouldn’t 3________
4 We’ll leave when Tom gets here.
her go to catering college to study cooking. They
________________________________________ wanted her to go to a ‘proper’ university to study an
5 That was a difficult job. It can’t be easy for you! academic subject. However, when she started doing
a course in her free time, they realised that she
________________________________________ 4
________ be serious about her ambition. Natalie is
/5 now in the second year of a full-time course, and is
determined to keep learning and working 5________
Use of English she achieves her dream of being a chef.
7 Decide which answer, A, B, C or D, best fills each /5
Last summer I decided to go on a special summer 9 Complete the text with the correct form of the
camp for teenagers who study a lot and don’t always words in CAPITALS.
get enough exercise. I knew that I needed to
______ in shape, and I thought it might be a fun My friend Amanda is very creative, and
way to do it. My parents offered to drive me to the although I’ve aways been 1______________ HOPE
camp, but I decided to travel 2______ train because at making things, I agreed to let her teach
this was something I wanted to do on my own. me how to paint in watercolours. I thought
When I reached my destination after a three-hour it would be an 2_________________ EDUCATE
train 3______, I was feeling quite nervous. However, experience, and that I might be able to
I soon relaxed. There were thirty other teenagers make a picture that was 3_______________ ACCEPT
there, all with the same aim – to get fitter and learn if not really beautiful. After encouraging me
how to stay healthy. We spent the first day just to relax and go with the flow, Amanda
socialising 4______ each other and getting to know asked me to paint some flowers, and I
each other, then began a two-week programme of couldn’t believe how 4_______________ SUCCESS
exercise and lessons on food and nutrition. I loved my first effort was! Her teaching was a real
it! I came home lighter, fitter and much happier. And 5
_______________, and now painting is INSPIRE
the best bit was the football match we played one of my favourite things to do.
against the staff – I 5______ the winning goal!

1 A keep B come C fall D become /5

2 A in B on C by D with
3 A travel B journey C voyage D tour
10 Complete the second sentence so that it has a
4 A at B to C for D with
similar meaning to the first. Use between two and
5 A scored B beat C won D achieved
five words including the word given.
1 You can’t force teenagers to work hard at school.
8 Complete the text with one word in each gap.
You _________________________________
Natalie Jones decided 1________ become hard at school.
a professional chef while she was still a teenager. 2 I’m happy to help you. MIND
I ___________________________________ you.

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

Vocabulary, Grammar, Use of English and Reading

3 It isn’t possible that Jo stole the money. CAN’T important is offering a unique and interesting
Jo ____________________________ the money. experience to diners. I love going to restaurants that
4 My dad was very good at sport when he was serve unusual food or have a special atmosphere.
You can do that by offering live music or hanging
young. USED
original art on the walls. I visited a lot of different
My dad _______________________________ at restaurants when I was considering what my place
sport when he was young. should look like, and that helped me to decide what
5 It will stop raining, and then we’ll go on our bike was important. I ended up opening a restaurant
ride. SOON serving traditional food as I realised there was
We’ll go on our bike ride ____________________ nothing like that in my local area.
__________________ raining. The final aspect is becoming known to the public.
Social media is a great tool for making sure that
/5 people hear about your restaurant, but traditional
advertising is also important. Not everyone, in
Reading particular older people with plenty of money, use
11 Read the text and answer questions 1-4. social networks, and you don’t want to miss the
opportunity to serve them. You can also organise
Have you ever dreamed about opening special events that people will be excited to attend.
a restaurant? If so, then you have something in Most importantly, show how passionate you are
common with me. Ever since I was a small boy I about the food you serve, the way you treat
wanted to be a chef, with much of my childhood customers and the experience you offer. With
spent in the kitchen with my grandma making cakes enough love and dedication, you really can succeed.
and sweet things. Back then, my main ambition was
to work in a restaurant, but since taking a number of
stressful and badly paid jobs in different restaurants,
my ideas have changed. When I first started to talk 1 Why did the writer’s friends think opening a
about my big plans, many people told me it was an restaurant was risky?
impossible dream. They thought there was too much
risk involved, particularly since there are so many
restaurants close to where I live. However, I’m ___________________________________________
happy I didn’t listen to them. It’s actually quite
2 What can go wrong if you don’t have enough
possible to follow any dream you have as long as
you are ready to deal with some difficulties and money in the bank?
enjoy taking on new challenges. If you really love ___________________________________________
what you do, it may be the best step you have ever ___________________________________________
There are a number of things to consider before you 3 How did the writer decide what type of
go ahead with your plan. Money is always a big restaurant to open?
issue. There are a lot of things you need to buy ___________________________________________
before opening to customers such as furniture and
supplies, and then once you open there will be staff
to pay. They will need to be paid even during times 4 Why is traditional advertising also important?
when there isn’t a lot of business so you need to ___________________________________________
have money in the bank. I’d recommend having
enough money saved so that you can continue to ___________________________________________
serve customers for two or three months even
without making any money. Otherwise you might
have to shut down before you even get going.
The next thing to consider is how to get customers.
Choosing a popular location is vital, but even more

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

REVIEW TEST 2 ● Writing

Name: ________________________________
Class: ________________________________
Total: _______/30

While on holiday in the UK you saw this advert in a magazine.

We want to hear about your restaurant experiences. Write about a restaurant you have visited and tell us
why it was good or bad.
We will publish the best descriptions in our magazine. If we publish your description, you will receive a free
meal at a top restaurant in London!

Write an email to the magazine.

• Write where and when you saw the advert.
• Describe a meal you had in a restaurant. Say where it was, who you were with and what happened. Say why
it was a good or bad experience.
• Ask for more details about the free meal, e.g. when and where it will take place.
• Conclude the email in a formal way.


© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Can write a basic formal email/letter requesting information.

Can write straightforward, detailed descriptions on a range of familiar topics.
Can clearly signal chronological sequence in narrative text.

Sample answer
Dear Sir or Madam,
I saw your advert asking for restaurant reviews while on holiday in the UK. I am writing to tell you about a
restaurant I visited, and also to ask for more information about the competition.
Last summer I had a wonderful meal in a restaurant in York, in the north of England. The restaurant was on a
boat on the river. It was a lovely evening and we arrived at seven o’clock. The food was delicious. I love spicy
food, so I had fish curry with rice. The waiters were all very friendly, too. The best thing was that we ate our
food while we were floating down the river. It was so relaxing! I’m not sure what it would be like in the rain,
Could you confirm how many reviews you intend to publish and which restaurants the free meals will be
available in? I would also be interested to know if you intend to run similar competitions in the future. I will be
staying in the UK again next month, and I’m sure I will visit some more restaurants.
Yours faithfully,
Stella Cruz

Mark scheme
The task is worth 30 marks. Award up to 6 marks for each section of the mark scheme, according to the
descriptions below.

Marks Content Task Organisation and Range Accuracy

achievement structure
1-2 Content is Completes only Paragraph Uses only very Lots of errors even
difficult to one or two structure provided basic vocabulary in basic language,
understand. aspects of the not followed. and grammar, which impede
Ideas are basic task. May not use with a lot of communication.
and not the correct genre errors.
developed, and and only covers
no opinions are one or two of the
expressed. points specified
in the task.
3-4 Content is Completes the Paragraph Uses simple Generally accurate,
comprehensible. majority of the structure provided vocabulary and but with some
Ideas are fairly task. Uses the partially followed. basic grammar errors, especially in
simple but well correct genre and Some paragraphs structures more advanced
expressed. Some covers the may only have one accurately. Uses language.
ideas are majority, but not or two sentences. some more
developed by all, of the points advanced
giving reasons or specified in the vocabulary. Uses
examples. Some task. some more
details are advanced
added, and some grammar
opinions are structures with
expressed. errors, and uses
some narrative
tenses accurately.

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


5-6 Content is Completes all Divided into three Uses a wide range A few mistakes in
comprehensible parts of the task paragraphs, of vocabulary more advanced
and interesting. fully, including following the appropriately. language
Ideas are the correct genre structure provided. Uses a wide range structures, but
developed with and all the points Each paragraph has of grammar generally very
reasons, specified in the a clear purpose. structures accurate.
examples, etc. task. accurately and
Details are added appropriately,
and opinions including a range
expressed, giving of narrative
the text a lively tenses.

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Students A and B
1 Imagine that your school wants to do more to help its students develop a healthy lifestyle.
Look at the diagram. It shows some things the teachers are thinking about doing.
In pairs, follow these steps.
Talk to each other about whether these are good things for the school to do to help students
to develop a healthy lifestyle.
Decide which of the things it would be best for the school to do.
offer free
offer lessons sports clubs
on healthy after school

Which of these
things would it be offer cookery
best for the lessons
school to do?
serve only
healthy food
in the school teach
canteen students
about first aid

2 In pairs, discuss the questions.

1 Do you think that young people care about their health enough? Why? / Why not?
2 Should people who suffer injuries while doing dangerous sports have to pay for their treatment?
Why? / Why not?
3 People are living much longer now. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this?
4 Should the government put a tax on unhealthy foods to make them more expensive?
Why? / Why not?


© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Teacher’s notes
The students will discuss some different options and reach a decision together.
Prompt: Look at the diagram and read the instructions. Then discuss the questions together. Remember, you
must agree which of the things it would be best for the school to do.

Task 2
Students discuss the questions in pairs.
Prompt: Now discuss the questions in pairs.
1 Do you think that young people care about their health enough? Why? / Why not?
2 Should people who suffer injuries while doing dangerous sports have to pay for their treatment? Why? /
Why not?
3 People are living much longer now. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this?
4 Should the government put a tax on unhealthy foods to make them more expensive? Why? / Why not?

Sample answers and mark schemes

Task 1
Can express opinions as regards possible solutions, giving brief reasons and explanations.

Students A and B
A: Let’s start with this one – offering lessons on healthy living. I think this would be useful because a lot of
young people don’t really understand how to stay healthy. For example, they don’t know how much exercise
they should do each week. What do you think?
B: I agree with you. Also a lot of young people smoke, so maybe they don’t understand the dangers of doing
A: What about the idea of free sports clubs? I think it would be a good idea because it would encourage
more students to take up a sport. Do you agree?
B: Yes. I think it’s fun to do sports with your friends, so it would definitely help more students to join in. Also,
if the clubs are just for fun, not too serious, there wouldn’t be any pressure on students to do well, so they
would learn just to enjoy doing sport. What about the idea of first aid?
A: I guess it’s useful for everyone to learn about first aid. What do you think?
B: Well, I’m not sure how good it would be for young people. The problem with it is that if something serious
happens, like if someone has an accident, I think it’s probably best to call an ambulance, not try to give first aid
A: Yes, you’re right. In my opinion, cookery lessons would be a good idea because they would teach young
people how to make healthy meals, and it would encourage them to eat proper food rather than junk food.
B: Yes, I completely agree. I also think that serving only healthy food in the canteen would be a very good
idea. A lot of people have things like chips and fizzy drinks every day, and this will have a very bad effect on
their health in the future. Do you agree?
A: Yes, I agree. Also, a lot of young people don’t have very healthy food at home, so it would be good for
them to have a healthy meal every day. I think the school should show students that healthy food is tasty as
well as good for you.
B: So, I think the best idea would be lessons on healthy living, because that includes all the other ideas.
A: I’m not so sure. The problem with that is that it’s just another lesson. Maybe sports clubs would be the
best thing because they encourage young people to be more active. Maybe the sports teachers could also talk
to students about healthy food, while they’re training.
B: Yes, you’re right. Let’s go for free sports clubs.

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


The task is worth 10 marks. Award up to 2 marks for each section of the mark scheme, according to the
descriptions below.

Marks Task Spoken Spoken Range Accuracy

achievement production and interaction
0-1 Completes Hesitates a lot Does not Uses only very Lots of errors even in
some aspects and does not engage with basic vocabulary basic language, which
of the task seem confident. their partner. and grammar, impede
only. Is not easy to with a lot of communication.
understand. errors.
1.5 Completes all Speaks with some Engages with Uses simple Generally accurate,
or most confidence and is their partner, vocabulary and but with some errors,
aspects of the comprehensible. and makes basic grammar especially in more
task. Some hesitation, an effort to structures advanced language.
but not enough to communicate accurately. Uses
impede effectively. some more
communication. Asks for their advanced
partner’s vocabulary and
opinion and grammar
uses phrases structures with
for agreeing errors.
2 Completes all Speaks with Engages fully Uses a wide A few mistakes in
aspects of the fluency, with very with their range of more advanced
task and adds little hesitation. Is partner, vocabulary language structures,
more detail. clear and using appropriately, but generally very
comprehensible. gestures and and uses a wide accurate.
Uses some intonation to range of
intonation to add help express grammar
emphasis. meaning. structures
Uses a wide accurately and
range of appropriately.
to ask for
opinion and
to agree and

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Can briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions, plans and actions.

Students A and B
1 I think that some young people care about their health, and make an effort to eat healthy food and do
exercise. However, some young people aren’t concerned about their health. For example, some young people
smoke, or do dangerous sports without the proper equipment. I think maybe they don’t believe they might get
injuries. There’s also a lot of pressure on young people to eat unhealthy foods. For example, fast food
restaurants are popular with young people because they’re cheap and fashionable.
2 This is a difficult question. Of course, if someone does a dangerous sport and gets an injury, it can cost a lot
to give them treatment. Also, it might be dangerous for other people to rescue them. If people are climbing a
mountain, for example, and they fall and get a serious injury, other people have to risk their lives to rescue
them. So, maybe for this reason they should pay. But on the other hand, even normal sports can be
dangerous. For example you could fall off your bike and break your arm or leg. So perhaps we should treat
everyone the same and say that treatment should be free for everyone.
3 Well, the advantages are obviously that it’s good to enjoy life for longer. For young people, it’s good because
they can spend more time with their grandparents. In the past, people often died quite young, so young
people didn’t know their grandparents very well. On the other hand, a lot of old people don’t have a good
quality of life, so then they might continue to live but maybe they don’t enjoy their life very much.
4 This is an interesting question. On the one hand if unhealthy foods cost more then maybe some people
would buy them less but, on the other hand, it would be a very unpopular decision and the government might
not want to do this because it would make them unpopular. Personally, I think it would be a good idea.

The task is worth 10 marks. Award up to 2 marks for each section of the mark scheme, according to the
descriptions below.

Marks Task Spoken Spoken Range Accuracy

achievement production and interaction
0-1 Gives only short Hesitates a lot Does not really Uses only very Lots of errors even
answers to the and does not engage with their basic vocabulary in basic language,
questions. seem confident. partner. Doesn’t and grammar, with which impede
Doesn’t Is not easy to respond to what a lot of errors. communication.
develop ideas understand. their partner says.
and doesn’t
1.5 Gives clear Speaks with Engages with their Uses simple Generally accurate,
answers to the some partner to some vocabulary and but with some
questions, and confidence and extent. Agrees or basic grammar errors, especially in
develops some is disagrees, and may structures more advanced
ideas with comprehensible. ask for their accurately. Uses language.
examples. Gives Some partner’s opinion. some more
opinions. hesitation, but advanced
not enough to vocabulary and
impede grammar
communication. structures with

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


2 Gives very full Speaks with Engages fully with Uses a wide range A few mistakes in
answers to the fluency, with their partner, of vocabulary more advanced
questions, very little responding to appropriately, and language structures,
developing hesitation. Is what their partner uses a wide range but generally very
ideas, clear and says by adding to it of grammar accurate.
expanding comprehensible. or contradicting. structures
through Uses some Asks questions and accurately and
examples and intonation to asks for their appropriately.
expressing a add emphasis. partner’s opinion.
range of

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

Vocabulary, Grammar, Use of English and Reading

Name: ___________________________________ the quake wasn’t very 2_______________ – it was

Class: ___________________________________ only a three on the Richter scale – and when I read
Total: _________/60 about it the next day I learnt that it had happened at
an extreme 3_______________ underground, so it
Vocabulary didn’t cause much damage. My only injury was a
1 Choose the correct words. small 4_______________ on my arm, but that was
1 The volcano won’t erupt / shake because it’s because I’d jumped out of bed in the dark and
extinct. bumped into a door! I was a bit nervous for the
2 The joke was so funny that Maria laughed her whole 5_______________ of our stay, imagining
heart / head off.
3 I’ve decided to raise / donate some money to the there might be another quake, but I still had a good
Save the Jungles charity. time.
4 I was late because there was a traffic block / jam
on the main road.
5 I can’t carry this by myself, so could you give me
a hand / leg? Grammar
/5 4 Choose the correct option.
2 Complete the words in the sentences.
1 If the weather was / would be nicer, we would go
1 My uncle works in the f _ _ _ _ _ _ _ l for a picnic.
s _ _ _ _ r so he knows a lot about banking and 2 I wish you won’t / wouldn’t play loud music all
investments. the time!
3 Sam isn’t here. He must went / must have gone
2 The t _ _ _ _ _ t i _ _ _ _ _ _ y is very important to
a country like Greece, which depends on visitors 4 If you took / had taken more care, you wouldn’t
for its income. have spilled your coffee.
3 I think I’ve d _ _ l _ _ _ t _ d my shoulder. 5 Max, who / whose brother is a professional
footballer, goes to lots of matches.
4 After walking through the dense, dark forest, we
came to a c _ _ _ r _ _ g where the sun was /5
5 Correct the mistakes in the sentences. Three
5 Our local river rose to r _ _ _ _ d l _ v _ _ s this sentences are correct.
winter – it had never been so high before.
1 Jack, who father is from Germany, can speak
_ /5
English and German.
3 Complete the text with the correct form of the
words in the box. There are three words you don’t
need. 2 I’d like to be teacher when I leave school.
bruised broad strength deep
short long widen high 3 If only I would have more money!
My family and I visited San Francisco last year. Our 4 I can’t imagine living in a megacity.
hotel was at the top of one of the steepest hills, and ________________________________________
the view from such a great 1_______________ was 5 His parents come from Netherlands.
just amazing. On our third night there, I was woken ________________________________________
up by the feeling that my bed was moving. I knew
immediately that it was an earthquake. Fortunately,

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

Vocabulary, Grammar, Use of English and Reading

6 The film, that came out last year, is one of the 4 A up B away C out D on
best I’ve ever seen. 5 A break B doubt C challenge D destroy
________________________________________ /5

7 Did you used to live in London?

________________________________________ 7 Complete the text with one word in each gap.
8 You wouldn’t be so fit if you didn’t go to the gym. Last summer, I 1_______________ riding my bike to
a friend’s house. My parents usually 2____________
9 I think governments should do more to tackle me put on my bike helmet before I get on my bike,
but they were out that day so I didn’t bother to
think about safety. Of course, you can guess what
10 I would have been very surprised if I would have
happened. I had an accident and ended up in
won the competition.
________________________________________ hospital. The doctor, 3_______________ was very
nice, said that if I 4_______________ had a helmet
on, I wouldn’t have suffered such serious injuries. If
/10 I was giving advice to a young cyclist now,
I 5_______________ definitely advise them to wear
Use of English a helmet!

6 Decide which answer, A, B, C or D, best fills each /5

gap. 8 Complete the text with the correct form of the
Scientists know that the Amazonian rainforests words in CAPITALS.
contain thousands of different kinds of plants. They Every few years, world leaders hold
believe that we could benefit 1___ studying these an Earth Summit to discuss the
many 1________________ ENVIRONMENT
plants, as many of them could be used to create
medicines. There have been many scientific problems that the world now
faces, and they sometimes make DECIDE
expeditions to the rainforest in order to 2___ contact 2
________________ as to what
with some of the tribes who live there and learn should be done to lessen the
about the ways in which they use rainforest plants. impact of issues such as climate
Occasionally scientists have come 3___ tribes which change and rising sea levels.
have had little contact with the outside world, and Unfortunately, businesses are
often more 3________________ POWER
they are the most knowledgeable because they
than scientists, so many good ideas
depend entirely on what grows around them. When
are never implemented. It is true
scientists arrive at remote villages, they always ask that the endless 4______________
to speak to the chief. Everyone in the village looks REPEAT
of warnings from the scientific
___ to the chief, so they will follow his lead in the community often fall on deaf ears,
way they behave towards the visitors. Scientists but as environmental changes
hope that if the people of the Amazon are willing to become more obvious to the
share their knowledge, it will be possible to 5___ the population, I believe they will begin
to demand positive 5____________ ACT
beliefs of traditional drug makers and to find new
from businesses and governments
ways to treat diseases. alike.
1 A of B with C from D to
2 A make B do C get D find /5
3 A along B off C across D into

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

Vocabulary, Grammar, Use of English and Reading

9 Complete the second sentence so that it has a our needs. But when it was time to go to sleep, it
similar meaning to the first. Use between two and was a different story. The bed was in a tiny space
five words including the word given. under the roof, and once I’d managed to get up
1 It’s annoying that I get hay fever. WISH there, I felt as if I’d put myself into a drawer for the
I _____________________________ hay fever. night! The area was certainly wide enough, but it
was so shallow that sitting up even halfway was
2 We’ll leave when it stops raining. STAY
a challenge for me. And for my husband, who is
We ____________________________ it stops nearly two metres tall, it was pretty much life-
raining. threatening. We did manage to sleep a little, but I
3 No other mountain in the world is as high as this. kept hearing a bang, followed by a loud ‘Ouch!’ and
THE knew that my husband would be covered in bruises
This __________________________ in the world. in the morning.
We survived three days in the tiny house before
4 I would love to live in a hot country. ONLY
giving up. We are still talking about downsizing, and
If _________________________ in a hot country.
it’s possible that there is a tiny home designed for a
5 I didn’t help you because you didn’t ask. semi-giant and his claustrophobic partner. I rather
WOULD think, though, that we will look for a smaller but
I _____________________________ if you had more traditional place. Our children, who were
asked. excited at the beginning, have expressed some
disappointment. But when I pointed out that they
may need a place for an extended stay in the future,
they changed their minds and congratulated us on
Reading going a more traditional route.
10 Read texts 1 and 2 and choose the correct
answer, A, B, C or D. Text 2
There are a number of reasons which influence the
Text 1 choice to move into a tiny home. The fact is, though,
After our children had left home for good, my that the number of people doing so is increasing
husband and I came to the conclusion that we really quickly. A study of people who have an interest in
needed to find ourselves a smaller house. Our house tiny living showed that 20% of them are already
had far too many rooms, which meant constant living tiny, while a large majority are planning to
cleaning, and it was over a hundred years old, so make the change as soon as they can. The percentage
problems were constantly coming up. After of people actually living in tiny houses is still small
watching a couple of TV shows and doing a bit of when compared to the general population, but it is
research online, we decided that a tiny, in other definitely a growing trend and may continue to be so.
words very small, home was the right solution for Why are so many making the change? For one thing,
us. We didn’t need to keep all of the things we had, people feel that their houses are too large, that they
and a tiny home on wheels would give us the have too many things, and that going tiny will help
opportunity to move it wherever we fancied. them simplify their lives and give them more free
Instead of immediately putting our old house up for time. The environment is another major factor. As
sale, however, my husband – who is down-to-earth one expert says, ‘Living tiny reduces the harm you
and practical – suggested renting a tiny home in a do to the environment enormously. You use far
holiday spot for a week. All I can do is thank our fewer building materials, a lot less energy for
lucky stars that he had this idea before we had made heating and lighting, and you simply take up less
any final decisions. space in our increasingly crowded environment.’
The tiny home seemed perfect during the daylight Money is also a big influence. Housing is expensive,
hours. It had a lovely seating area, a perfectly usable especially in large urban areas, and some people are
kitchen, and the bathroom – though extremely small simply not willing to work more just so they can pay
by anyone’s standards – was certainly adequate to for an unnecessarily large dwelling. A tiny home is

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

Vocabulary, Grammar, Use of English and Reading

far cheaper than a conventional home to buy and 5 Both texts emphasise the point that
maintain, and even though you may have to rent a A you should try something before you commit to
piece of land to put it on, it still costs far less in the it.
long run. B moving to a smaller home is necessary for some
Is everyone happy with their choice to go tiny? We people.
interviewed one tiny home dweller in Cambridge, C tiny homes are a temporary trend.
England who has ended up with mixed feelings D tiny homes are great for people who work from
about her decision. Kim Layton said: ‘I design and home.
make clothes for a living, and I’ve worked from /10
home for years. For some reasons I thought I could
make the tiny space function for my business, but I
simply couldn’t make it work. I’ve ended up renting
a space, which of course is an added expense. On
the other hand, it means I’m not constantly
surrounded by my work, which I’m finding to be
really relaxing.’
In conclusion, if you’re thinking about going tiny
consider all of the advantages and disadvantages
before making a decision. And if you have the
chance to try it out before deciding, by renting a tiny
home for a short period for example, that is
definitely the best way to go.

1 A reason for moving to a different house NOT

mentioned by the writer is
A the size of the house.
B the age of the house.
C the number of people livng there.
D the expense of keeping up the house.

2 The writer feels that renting a tiny home

A saved them some money.
B gave them more time to think.
C showed them the realities of tiny home living.
D turned out to be a waste of time.

3 The main problem with the tiny home was that

A the bathroom was unusable.
B the sleeping arrangements were very
C the space was generally too small.
D it was dark and unattractive.

4 According to the article

A 20% of all homeowners live in tiny homes.
B fewer people are moving to tiny homes.
C many people choose tiny homes for economic
D tiny homes can be adapted to every lifestyle.

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

Vocabulary, Grammar, Use of English and Reading

Group A Exercise 7
Vocabulary 1 was
2 make
Exercise 1
3 who
1 erupt 4 had
2 head 5 would
3 donate
4 jam
Exercise 8
5 hand
1 environmental
Exercise 2 2 decisions
1 financial sector 3 powerful
2 tourist industry 4 repetition
3 dislocated 5 action(s)
4 clearing
Exercise 9
5 record levels
1 wish I didn’t get
Exercise 3
2 will/’ll stay until
1 height 3 is the highest mountain
3 depth 4 only I lived
4 bruise 5 would have helped you
5 length
Grammar Exercise 10
Exercise 4 1 D: The text says that the owners wanted a tiny
1 was house because their house had far too many rooms,
2 wouldn’t it was over a hundred years old and children had left
3 must have gone home for good.
4 had taken 2 C: The text says that the tiny home seemed perfect
5 whose during the daylight hours, but at night there were
many problems with the space, which showed them
Exercise 5 the realities of tiny home living.
1 Jack, whose father is from Germany, can speak 3 B: The text says that the bed was in a tiny space
English and German. under the roof,(...) the area was certainly wide
2 I’d like to be a teacher when I leave school. enough, but it was so shallow that sitting up even
3 If only I had more money! halfway was a challenge.
4 correct 4 C: The text says that a tiny home is far cheaper
5 His parents come from the Netherlands. than a conventional home to buy and maintain.
6 The film, which came out last year, is one of the
best I’ve ever seen. 5 A: The texts say that if you’re thinking about going
7 Did you use to live in London? tiny, you should consider all of the advantages and
8 correct disadvantages before making a decision. And if you
9 correct have the chance to try it out before deciding, (...),
10 I would have been very surprised if I had won the that is definitely the best way to go.

Use of English
Exercise 6
1 C
2 A
3 C
4 A
5 C

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

Vocabulary, Grammar, Use of English and Reading

Group B Use of English

Vocabulary Exercise 6
Exercise 1 1 B
1 sting 2 C
2 plaster 3 A
3 global 4 C
4 save 5 D
5 fasten Exercise 7
1 whose
Exercise 2 2 us
1 voluntary sector 3 was
2 dislocated 4 which
3 energy consumption 5 have
4 sweet
5 safety standards Exercise 8
Exercise 3 1 balanced
2 uninformed
1 height 3 location
2 strength
4 prescription
3 bruise
5 resilience
4 deep
5 length Exercise 9
Grammar 1 is the tallest student
2 wish you would stop making
Exercise 4 3 would have died
1 had worked 4 as soon as I finish
2 might be 5 only I had
3 which
4 would invite
5 didn’t
Exercise 10
Exercise 5 1 A: The text says that the owners wanted a tiny
house because their house had far too many rooms,
1 It’s really cold today. I wish the weather was
it was over a hundred years old and children had left
home for good.
2 Paris is the capital of France. article with most
countries or towns. 2 D: The text says that the tiny home seemed
3 correct perfect during the daylight hours, but at night there
4 If you want to learn about journalism, why don’t were many problems with the space, which showed
you talk to Ana, whose father works for a them the realities of tiny home living.
newspaper. 3 C: The text says that the bed was in a tiny space
5 correct under the roof,(...) the area was certainly wide
6 Tigers, which are nearly extinct, used to be enough, but it was so shallow that sitting up even
common in India. halfway was a challenge.
7 You wouldn’t have missed the start of the film if 4 D: The text says that a tiny home is far cheaper
you had arrived ten minutes earlier. than a conventional home to buy and maintain.
8 correct
5 A: The texts say that if you’re thinking about going
9 Jo’s mother is a doctor.
tiny, you should consider all of the advantages and
10 I believe that the government should provide
disadvantages before making a decision. And if you
education for all children.
have the chance to try it out before deciding, (...),
that is definitely the best way to go.

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

Focus 3 Placement Test

Name: ___________________________________ 21 Students ___ a lot of homework every day.

Class: ___________________________________ A give B are given C given D gave
22 There are ___ biscuits here – would you like one?
Total: _________/100
A any B a few C much D lots
23 You’ll ___ over this headache soon.
1 Whenever I see him, he smiles all the time. He’s
A suffer B recover C get D take
very ___.
24 I phoned the ticket office but it ___ closed.
A caring B cheerful C sensible D generous
A has already B already C did already D had already
2 ‘Who lives in that house?’ ‘___’
25 Rob said he ___ the film before.
A Yes, I do. B I live C I am. D I do.
A didn’t see B hasn’t seen
3 How can Joe afford ___ a new laptop?
C doesn’t see D hadn’t seen
A buying B buy C buys D to buy
26 It’s important to feel comfortable in your own
4 Do you ___ any celebrities on Twitter?
A see B update C collect D follow
A appearance B skin C face D fashion
5 What were you doing when you ___ the text?
27 He might come as shallow, but in fact he’s
A were getting B got C get D getting
6 ___ your parents use to have mobile phones when
A across B by C after D for
they were younger?
28 I that aliens have visited the Earth.
A Were B Are C Did D Do
A haven’t believed B not believe
7 They’re showing the first ___ of a new sitcom
C ’m not believing D don’t believe
29 I to go out today.
A scene B episode C act D chapter
A ’m not wanting B don’t want
8 Is London ___ as Beijing?
C not want D haven’t wanted
A big B as big C more big D bigger
30 I’m sorry I’m late. How long ?
9 Jenny is only eighteen but she’s ___ written two
A have you waited B do you wait
C have you been waiting D are you waiting
A yet B ever C never D already
31 I three exercises. Can I have a rest now?
10 Can you help me? I’m not ___ to reach this shelf.
A am finishing B finish
A too much tall B too tall
C have been finishing D have finished
C tall enough D enough tall
32 The athletes are out on the .
11 Our house hasn’t got any stairs. It’s ___.
A course B court C track D pitch
A a bungalow B detached C a cottage D terraced
33 He’s very ambitious. I’m sure he’ll on any
12 Joe’s lived in that flat since ___.
A a month B a long time C 2012 D two years
A run B take C go D put
13 I ___ you later if you like.
34 I when I suddenly felt a pain in my leg.
A ’m helping B ’ll help C ’m going to help D help
A swam B have been swimming
14 Students have to pay tuition ___.
C was swimming D had swum
A costs B expenses C fees D prices
35 I got to the final in 2010 even though I never
15 If we ___, we’ll catch the bus.
played tennis before.
A to hurry B hurry C are hurrying D will hurry
A hadn’t B haven’t C have D had
16 We’ve got a sofa ___ is also a bed.
36 The doctor advised so much fast food.
A which B who C where D–
A not to eat B me not to eat
17 Nurses often ___ shifts.
C I don’t eat D not eat
A make B are C earn D do
37 Our teacher makes homework every day.
18 If I ___ enough money, I’d go round the world.
A us to do B we do C us do D us doing
A have B will have C would have D had
38 I don’t mind the party.
19 Everything’s free, so you ___ bring any money.
A missing B I missed C to miss D miss
A have to B can’t C needn’t D must
39 I ___ my bus so I had to wait for the next one.
20 My sister always picks up a(n) ___! Whenever I
A caught B lost C missed D dropped
go shopping with her, she finds something very
40 No one likes ___ stuck in a traffic jam.
A getting B picking C taking D catching
A sale B offer C bargain D brand

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

Focus 3 Placement Test

41 This be our hotel. It’s too old. 63 If I ___ my phone with with me, I would have
A could B mustn’t C can’t D might called you.
42 Don’t throw that shirt away. John it. A would taken B would have taken
A must want B might want C had taken D took
C can’t want D would want 64 It’s a very popular programme, with over 2
43 The train yet. It’s only 3.25pm. million ___.
A will have left B might have left A viewers B producers C panels D scripts
C can’t have left D mustn’t have left 65 Don’t ___ yourself up! You haven’t done anything
44 I camping when I was younger. wrong.
A would hate B used to hate A let B blame C beat D turn
C have hated D was hating 66 She said that she to school the following
45 This be a beautiful, unspoilt resort. day.
A did B would C used to D used A wasn’t going B isn’t going
46 These biscuits are ___! I won’t eat them. C won’t go D hasn’t been
A crunchy B stale C ripe D mild 67 He told me that there an accident the day
47 Don’t put too much vinegar on vegetables or they before.
will be too ___. A has been B was C had been D is
A tasty B sweet C sour D bitter 68 He asked me to a wedding.
48 I’ll phone you when I up. A have I ever been B if I had ever been
A will wake B woke C wake D ’d wake C if I ever went D did I ever go
49 We’ll go out it rains. I don’t want to get wet! 69 She asked me where going.
A as soon as B unless C until D if A was I B I was C I am D am I
50 This time tomorrow, we’ll by the sea. 70 Two men broke into the bank and ___ all the
A sit B have sat C be sitting D have been sitting money!
51 How many exams by the time we leave A stole B mugged C burgled D robbed
school? 71 The suspect hasn’t been arrested yet as not
A we will have done B we will be doing enough ___ has been collected.
C will we be doing D will we have done A witness B trial C evidence D penalty
52 The Carpathians are a mountain in Europe. 72 My wallet !
A range B group C top D link A has stolen B is stealing
53 When was the last volcanic here? C has been stealing D has been stolen
A evacuation B eruption C explosion D expansion 73 Be careful, we by those two men over there.
54 We live in east of the country. A are watching B have watched
Aa B an C the D– C are watched D are being watched
55 electricity can be produced naturally. 74 Have you your eyes checked?
AA B An C The D– A made B done C had D been
56 My uncle, wife is Canadian, lives in Toronto. 75 Where did you your hair cut? It looks great.
A who B which C whose D that A get B make C ask D do
57 Mr Davies, worked here, left last month. 76 I don’t want to fall ___ with my homework.
A that B who C which D whose A out B away C behind D off
58 Mind you don’t ___ yourself on the hot pan. 77 My dad ___ always hide the newspaper so that
A scratch B bruise C burn D cut no one could read it before he did.
59 That can’t be true. You’re pulling my . A used B did C would D was
A arm B hand C leg D foot 78 I can’t afford ___ my girlfriend to the cinema this
60 If only I on holiday. weekend.
A was B am C would be D have been A to take B take C taking D for taking
61 If we more money, we’d go on holiday more. 79 We should spend more time ___ exercise.
A had B would have C will have D have A do B with doing C doing D to do
62 If you hadn’t talked during the exam, the teacher 80 I thought Tom was so calm you couldn’t make
wouldn’t you to leave. him angry, but yesterday he lost his ___.
A tell B had told C have told D told A temper B heart C will D soul

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

Focus 3 Placement Test

81 We were late for the show. We ___ as usual. 97 Over one hundred million people are believed
A had talked B talked ___ blogs last year.
C had been talking D have been talking A to start B having started
82 My mum has got a new phone, ___ she hasn’t C to have started D have started
learned how to use yet. 98 Did you see the news report? There’s a lion on
A what B whose C that D which the ___. It escaped from the zoo!
83 What’s that ___ building over there? It looks A loose B release C captivity D area
awful. 99 I’d rather we ___ so much time indoors.
A picturesque B urban C shabby D bustling A didn’t spend B wouldn’t spend
84 When we get to New Zealand, we’ll ___ nearly C haven’t spent D don’t spend
19,000 kilometres. 100 Never ___ so scared as I was during the
A be flying B have been flying earthquake.
C fly D have flown A I had felt B I felt
85 My parents couldn’t come to the party. ___ of C have I felt D I did feel
them were ill.
A Either B Both C All D A couple /100
86 Sometimes it’s better to pay ___ for something
more expensive. The quality is usually much
A out B away C down D up
87 Let’s celebrate our good luck, ___?
A won’t we B don’t we C will we D shall we
88 I ___ to have gone out on the night before my
A shouldn’t B ought not C needn’t D mustn’t
89 Before entering the job ___, she wants to
A market B world C path D career
90 Our boss told us ___ talk while we were working.
A don’t B to not C not D not to
91 Our employer recommended ___ on a training
A to go B us going C going D we to go
92 The advert didn’t give an accurate impression.
Why would anyone ___ the truth like that?
A distort B fake C mislead D misinform
93 ___ you been awake, you’d have known how the
film ended.
A Were B Had C If D Providing
94 We wouldn’t have to do this extra homework if
we ___ late this morning.
A wouldn’t be B wouldn’t have been
C haven’t been D hadn’t been
95 She made a huge ___ to science. If it hadn’t been
for her, we would still not know how easy it is to
treat the flu.
A potential B achievement
C contribution D recognition
96 Did you enjoy ___ on TV yesterday?
A be interviewed B to be interviewed
C being interviewed D been interviewed

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

Focus 3 Placement Test
Answer Key

The placement test for each level of the course 7 B The arts Level 2, Unit 3,
consists of three sections. 3.1
• Questions 1–25 test vocabulary and
grammar from a lower level, which students 8 B Comparative Level 2, Unit 3,
should already know before they start this and 3.2
level. superlative
• Questions 26–75 test vocabulary and
grammar from the level itself. 9 D Present Level 2, Unit 3,
• Questions 76–100 test vocabulary and Perfect with 3.5
grammar from the level above. just, already,
For placing students, we would suggest the (not) yet and
following approach according to scores: Past Simple
• 10 and under correct: Consider starting the 10 C too and Level 2, Unit 3,
student at the level below. In this case – enough 3.6
Level 2. Consider providing extra
remediation before the student starts the 11 A Homes and Level 2, Unit 4,
course and extra support through the houses 4.1
12 C Present Level 2, Unit 4,
• 10–40 correct: Start the student at the Perfect with 4.2
expected level and monitor progress to for and since
check whether remediation or extra support
is required. 13 B Future Level 2, Unit 4,
• 50–75 correct: Consider an extra oral forms: 4.5
interview to determine whether the student Present
should start at the expected level or could Continuous,
start at the level above, with extra support be going to
• More than 75 correct: Start the student at and will
the level above – in this case level 4. 14 C Education Level 2, Unit 5,
Question Answer Language Focus
area reference 15 B First Level 2, Unit 5,
Conditional 5.2
1 B Personality Level 2, Unit 1,
1.1 16 A Defining Level 2, Unit 5,
relative 5.5
2 D Present Level 2, Unit 1, clauses
tenses – 1.2
question 17 D Jobs: Level 2, Unit 6,
forms collocations 6.1

3 D Verb + -ing Level 2, Unit 1, 18 D Second Level 2, Unit 6,

or verb + to- 1.5 Conditional 6.2
infinitive 19 C Modal verbs Level 2, Unit 6,
4 D Technology Level 2, Unit 2, for 6.5
2.1 obligation
5 B Past Level 2, Unit 2, permission
Continuous 2.2
and Past 20 C Shopping Level 2, Unit 7,
Simple 7.1

6 C used to Level 2, Unit 2,

2.5 21 B The Passive Level 2, Unit 7,

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

Focus 3 Placement Test
Answer Key

22 B Quantifiers Level 2, Unit 7, speculation 3.2

42 B Present and Level 3, Unit 3,
23 C Well-being Level 2, Unit 8, past 3.2
8.1 speculation
24 D Past Perfect Level 2, Unit 8, 43 C Present and Level 3, Unit 3,
8.2 past 3.2
25 D Reported Level 2, Unit 8,
Speech 8.5 44 B Used to and Level 3, Unit 3,
would 3.5
26 B Clothes and Level 3, Unit 1,
accessories 1.1 45 C Used to and Level 3, Unit 3,
would 3.5
27 A Personality Level 3, Unit 1,
1.1 46 B Describing Level 3, Unit 4,
food 4.1
28 D Dynamic and Level 3, Unit 1,
state verbs 1.2 47 C Describing Level 3, Unit 4,
food 4.1
29 B Dynamic and Level 3, Unit 1,
state verbs 1.2 48 C Future forms Level 3, Unit 4,
30 C Present Level 3, Unit 1,
Perfect 1.5 49 B Future forms Level 3, Unit 4,
Continuous 4.2
31 D Present Level 3, Unit 1, 50 C Future Level 3, Unit 4,
Perfect 1.5 Continuous 4.5
Continuous and Future
32 C Sport Level 3, Unit 2,
2.1 51 D Future Level 3, Unit 4,
Continuous 4.5
33 B Sport Level 3, Unit 2, and Future
2.1 Perfect
34 C Narrative Level 3, Unit 2, 52 A Natural Level 3, Unit 5,
tenses 2.2 world 5.1
35 D Narrative Level 3, Unit 2, 53 B Natural Level 3, Unit 5,
tenses 2.2 world 5.1
36 B Verb Level 3, Unit 2, 54 C Articles Level 3, Unit 5,
patterns 2.5 5.2
37 C Verb Level 3, Unit 2, 55 D Articles Level 3, Unit 5,
patterns 2.5 5.2
38 A Verb Level 3, Unit 2, 56 C Non-defining Level 3, Unit 5,
patterns 2.5 relative 5.5
39 C Travel Level 3, Unit 3,
collocations 3.1
40 A Travel Level 3, Unit 3, 57 B Non-defining Level 3, Unit 5,
collocations 3.1 relative 5.5
41 C Present and Level 3, Unit 3,

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

Focus 3 Placement Test
Answer Key

58 C Parts of the Level 3, Unit 6, 8.5

body; 6.1
injuries 75 A Have Level 3, Unit 8,
something 8.5
59 C Body idioms Level 3, Unit 6, done
76 C Education; Level 4, Unit 1,
60 A Second Level 3, Unit 6, phrasal verbs 1.1
Conditional; 6.2
wish/if only 77 C Present and Level 4, Unit 1,
past habits 1.2
61 A Second Level 3, Unit 6,
Conditional; 6.2 78 A Verb patterns Level 4, Unit 1,
wish/if only 1.5

62 C Third Level 3, Unit 6, 79 C Verb patterns Level 4, Unit 1,

Conditional 6.5 1.5

63 C Third Level 3, Unit 6, 80 A Human nature Level 4, Unit 2,

Conditional 6.5 2.1

64 A Entertainment Level 3, Unit 7, 81 C Past Perfect Level 4, Unit 2,

7.1 Simple and 2.2
65 C Entertainment Level 3, Unit 7,
7.1 82 D Relative Level 4, Unit 2,
clauses 2.5
66 A Reported Level 3, Unit 7,
speech – 7.2 83 C Landscape Level 4, Unit 3,
statements features 3.1

67 C Reported Level 3, Unit 7, 84 D Future forms Level 4, Unit 3,

speech – 7.2 3.2
85 B Quantifiers Level 4, Unit 3,
68 B Reported Level 3, Unit 7, 3.5
speech – 7.5
86 A Shopping and Level 4, Unit 4,
questions and
money 4.1
87 D Question tags Level 4, Unit 4,
69 B Reported Level 3, Unit 7,
and reply 4.2
speech – 7.5
questions and
imperatives 88 B Present and Level 4, Unit 4,
past modal 4.5
70 A Crime Level 3, Unit 8,
89 A Employment Level 4, Unit 5,
71 C Crime Level 3, Unit 8,
90 D Reported Level 4, Unit 5,
72 D The Passive Level 3, Unit 8,
speech 5.2
91 C Reporting Level 4, Unit 5,
verbs 5.5
73 D The Passive Level 3, Unit 8,
8.2 92 A Truth and Level 4, Unit 6,
falsehood 6.1
74 C Have sth done Level 3, Unit 8,

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

Focus 3 Placement Test
Answer Key

93 B Conditional Level 4, Unit 6,

clauses – 6.2
alternatives to
94 D Mixed Level 4, Unit 6,
conditionals 6.5

95 C Science Level 4, Unit 7,

96 C Advanced Level 4, Unit 7,
passive forms 7.2
97 C Passive Level 4, Unit 7,
reporting 7.5
98 A Nature Level 4, Unit 8,
99 A Unreal past Level 4, Unit 8,
and regrets – 8.2
wish, if only,
it’s time and
would rather
100 C Emphasis Level 4, Unit 8,

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

Listening, Use of English and Reading

Name: ___________________________________ 2 [Track 19] You will hear an interview with a police
Class: ___________________________________ detective. For questions 1–5, choose the correct
answer, A, B, C or D.
Total: ____ /60
1 Emma decided to become a police officer because
A she wanted her father to be proud of her.
B she wanted to set a good example for other girls.
1 [Track 18] You will hear four different people C it was the job her father did.
talking about flying. For each speaker (1–4), choose D her parents wanted her to work for the police.
one sentence (A–E) which is true. There is one extra
letter which you do not need to use. 2 Emma believes more young people are interested
A We learn about several advantages of using a in joining the police because
particular airline company. A they want to use new techniques and strategies
B The speaker is comparing their experiences of two for solving crimes.
different airline companies. B they believe they can solve the old crimes they
C The speaker is recommending an airline company see on TV.
based on their own experience. C they only hear about success stories and don’t
D You might hear this speaker at an airport.
realise the hard work it takes to solve a crime.
E The speaker is making a complaint.
D they think they will earn a lot of money.
1 3 What type of cases does Emma enjoy solving the
2 most?
3 A Catching killers
4 B The most serious crimes
/8 C Cases that require her to think differently
D Cases that are difficult to solve

4 Emma
A often knows from the beginning of an
investigation who committed the crime.
B regularly needs months to put someone in prison.
C is often surprised at how intelligent criminals are.
D is studying psychology to help understand the
criminals she catches.

5 To become a police detective you have to

A pass a written exam and a physical test before
working as a police officer.
B first work successfully as a police officer.
C get a specific university qualification.
D spend a lot of money on training courses.

6 What quality is important to be a police detective?

A Being prepared to break the rules
B Understanding other people’s feelings
C Being interested in many different topics
D Being relaxed

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

Listening, Use of English and Reading

Use of English It was that moment I knew I had to walk (5) ______
from our big plans. I’m not sure my friend is ever
3 Complete the text with the correct option, A, B, C
going to forgive me, but in three days I’m off on my
or D.
big adventure. Taking a (6) ______ year is the best
Mark Menjivar is an artist with a strong interest in decision I’ve ever made.
food. For a recent exhibition, Mark spent four years
introducing (1) _____ to strangers all over the
United States and arranging (2) _____ photos of the
food in their fridges. He didn’t know any of the 5 Complete the second sentence so that it has a
people before taking the photos, but many of them similar meaning to the first. Use the word in
became his friends afterwards, with some even capitals.
putting him (3) _____ when he had nowhere to stay.
1 A: I really didn’t enjoy the film.
He takes the pictures in order to show how the food
B: Neither did we. EITHER
we eat is connected to personality and how people
A: I really didn’t enjoy the film
live their lives. However, as a result of the project
B: We _________________________________.
some people have changed their habits and they
2 You should tell him why he didn’t get the job so
now live much healthier lifestyles. Rather than
he isn’t upset. NOT
(4) _____ touch with the people he’d visited, Mark
You should tell him why he didn’t get the job so
often goes back to see how their lives change over
_________________________________ him.
the years. When I finally met Mark, he also (5) _____
3 Are you aware of how important this exam is?
me that his life has also changed. Before having
children he used (6) _____ much more unhealthy
Are you aware of _________________________
food, but now his fridge is full of fruit and vegetable
_________ this exam?
and other healthy snacks.
4 We painted the ceiling without any help. BY
We painted the ceiling ___________________
1 A him B them C themselves D himself
2 A taking B take C to take D to taking 5 I’m not very good at learning languages and I’d
3 A up B on C out D over like to be better. WISH
I _________________________________
4 A break B lose C throw D stop better at learning languages.
5 A explained B said C told D claimed 6 At 6 o’clock I’ll still be working. HAVE
I _________________________________ work
6 A to eat B eaten C to eating D eating at 6 o’clock.
7 It’s possible their plane has been delayed.
Their plane ____________________________
4 Complete the text with one word in each gap. 8 It is usually warm here in summer time. TENDS
It ________________________________ warm
‘Let’s go to university together, (1) ______ we?’
here in summer time.
That’s what my best friend said to me as we left
school for the last time. We always did everything
together and years earlier we (2) ______ agreed to /8
go to the same university and study the same
subject, but I was starting to have doubts. The more
I thought about it, the more I realised I must have /20
(3) ______ crazy to agree. What I really wanted to
do was travel. Of course I knew education was
important, but a career and earning money were not
things I was ready to focus (4) ______.

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

Listening, Use of English and Reading

Reading remembered the way he had been treated and,

although he wasn’t close to the extras he was
6 Read the extract from a novel. Choose the correct
working with, he hated it happening to them. Guilt
answer, A, B, C or D.
because he wasn’t brave enough to speak out. He
1 After filming, was still very much a junior member of the cast
A the extras mixed socially with the actors.
B outsiders sometimes got into the studio and and he knew he could be sent back to where he
disturbed the actors. came from if he upset his more famous
C the actors felt more relaxed. colleagues.
D actors gave helpful advice to the extras. As he stood, lost in thought, he noticed Elmira
Ray, the highest-paid star in the studio and one of
2 Dan’s feelings of guilt and anger were caused by the romantic leads in this movie. He smiled and
the fact that he made a friendly remark about the difficulties she’d
A was friends with some of the extras. had getting one of her scenes right. Elmira glared
B knew what it was like being an extra.
at him with hatred and turned away to where the
C wasn’t a very good actor.
D didn’t get on with the other actors. director was deep in discussion with the producer.
Elmira’s screaming voice was very unlike anything
3 When Elmira spoke to the director, her fans had ever heard but it was well-known by
A he was surprised by the sound of her voice. all who worked with her. Her message was clear.
B he took no notice of her. She wanted Dan off the set, off the movie and, if
C it changed the director’s feelings towards Dan. possible, out of Hollywood. The director and
D Dan’s role in the film came to an end. producer exchanged knowing glances. They
disliked Elmira intensely but they also knew how
4 When Dan found out that he was no longer
wanted, he much she was worth to the studio. Whatever their
A was shocked at what had happened. feelings for Dan, if Elmira didn’t want to work with
B tried to find work at a different studio. him, he would have to go.
C decided to leave the movie business. They called Dan over. They didn’t have to say
D went to a Hollywood party to beg for work. anything. One look was enough for Dan. He’d
been in the business long enough to know how
5 The author shows things worked. ‘Oh well,’ he thought, ‘It has been
A how hard it is to make a career as an actor. fun while it lasted.’ He knew he could ask around
B who holds the real power in Hollywood.
at the other studios for work but his heart wasn’t
C the importance of not giving up in life.
D how hurt Dan was by what happened. in it anymore. He disliked the work, he disliked the
people and he hated living in Los Angeles. He
would go to the party that he had been invited to
Dan’s revenge earlier that week but he would spend the time
The lights went off in the studio. Almost having fun, not desperately trying to impress
immediately, the tension in the air seemed to people and begging for work. Tomorrow, he’d
disappear. Some of the actors stood and chatted pack and head back east to New York.
together. Others stood alone, stretching their At eight o’clock that evening, wearing jeans
aching muscles. The extras left the area quickly, no rather than the usual dark suit, he arrived at an
longer a part of the team, unappreciated and already packed villa high in Beverly Hills. As he
unwanted. Any who stayed hoping for a kind word walked in, he noticed Elmira. She glanced at him
of praise or advice were sent running by the with no sign of recognition. He was no one
security men who were there to protect the important. Nothing to do with her or her life. She
studio’s stars from anything that might disturb passed him and moved on, searching for more
them. famous faces to spend her time with. Suddenly
Only one actor noticed this and felt guilt and Dan knew what he had to do.
anger at the same time. Dan had worked his way
up from being an extra himself. Anger because he

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

Listening, Use of English and Reading

7 Read an article about a child star. Five sentences role again. (3) The Wizard of Oz was a huge
have been removed from the article. Choose from hit and made Judy Garland a star. Shirley’s film
the sentences A–F the one that fits each gap (1–5). was far less successful and it was the beginning of
There is one extra sentence which you do not need the end for her.
to use. After her film career finished, Shirley became
A Although she was defeated, she soon found interested in politics and good causes. She was a
another, even more important, role to play. Republican and tried to win election for Congress
B Shirley didn’t retire completely from show in 1967. (4) In 1969, she became an
business and, several times, appeared to be about ambassador to the United Nations. In 1974 she
to make a comeback. became US ambassador to Ghana and later she
C However, Shirley realised that it would be more was also the US ambassador to Czechoslovakia.
beneficial to share her problem with others than
She also used her fame to promote causes that
to keep it to herself.
D As she grew into a teenager, her charm faded. were important to her. In 1972, she found that
Even her blond hair turned brown. she had breast cancer. At that time, many women
E This turned out to be the wrong decision. were reluctant to talk about the illness. This was
F It was while she was at a dancing class, at the age why so many people died of it. By the time they
of three, that she was spotted by a Hollywood went to see a doctor, it was often too late.
casting director. (5) She held a news conference from her
hospital bed. She talked about her experiences
1 and how important it was to diagnose the illness
2 early. Thanks to her, attitudes changed and many
3 lives were saved.
4 Shirley recovered and lived for another 42
5 years, finally dying peacefully of natural causes at
the age of 85. However, for most people, she will
always be a little girl with blond curls, dancing and
singing her most famous song, ‘On The Good Ship
More than just a child star Lollipop’.
Shirley Temple didn’t have a family background in
show business but she enjoyed singing, dancing
and acting from a very early age. (1) She
soon had her first role in a movie, and within a /10
couple of years she had become a household
name. She went on to become one of Hollywood’s /20
biggest stars during the 1930s.
Unfortunately, her success didn’t last. (2)
She became a lot less appealing to the public, and
the two films she made in 1940 failed at the box
office. Her parents felt that trying to cling on to
Hollywood fame would be a mistake, so they
decided it was time for a change. Shirley was
taken away from Hollywood by her parents, and
put into full-time education, where she enjoyed a
happy five years.
The course of her life might have been very
different, however. In 1939, MGM offered Shirley
the role of Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz. Instead,
Shirley accepted an alternative offer from her own
studio, who were also keen to cast her in a leading

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

Listening, Use of English and Reading

Group A 5 wish I was/were

Listening 6 won’t have finished
7 might have been
Exercise 1 8 tends to be
1 C: The speaker says that you should try Econofly
and that they flew with the airline last year. Reading
2 E: The speaker says they suffered delays and lost
Exercise 6
baggage and none of the staff seemed interested
in helping them. 1 C: The text says that almost immediately, the
3 A: The speaker says More4less gives you excellent tension in the air seemed to disappear.
customer service at an unbeatable price. They 2 B: The text says that Dan had worked his way up
have more check-in desks, free food and drinks, from being an extra himself and he remembered
and a generous luggage allowance. the way he had been treated.
4 D: The speaker uses the phrase If you want to 3 D: The text says that if Elmira didn’t want to work
check it in..., talking about the luggage, which is with Dan, he would have to go.
often heard at the airport. 4 C: The text says that Dan disliked the work, he
disliked the people and he hated living in Los
Angeles. Tomorrow, he’d pack and head back east
Exercise 2
to New York.
1 B: The speaker says she wanted to be a role model 5 B: The text says that even though the director and
for other girls wanting to join the police. the producer didn't like Elmira, they had to
2 C: The speaker says that what you don’t see are all respect her wishes because of how much she was
the failures and hours of hard work that go into it. worth to the studio.
3 C: The speaker says she most enjoys cases that
make her think creatively. Exercise 7
4 B: The speaker says that it usually takes a long
1 F: The text says that she enjoyed singing, dancing
time to put the criminals behind bars.
and acting from a very early age.
5 B: The speaker says that only the best police
Sentence F says that it was while she was at a
officers have the opportunity to become
dancing class, at the age of three that she was
6 A: The speaker says that it helps to be a little bit
2 D: The text says that her success didn’t last and
she became a lot less appealing to the public.
Sentence D says that her charm faded.
Use of English 3 E: The text says that Shirley accepted an
Exercise 3 alternative offer from her own studio.
1D Sentence E says that this turned out to be the
2C wrong decision.
3A 4 A: Sentence A says that she soon found another,
4B even more important, role to play.
5C The text says that she became an ambassador to
6A the United Nations.
5 C: Sentence C says that it would be more beneficial
Exercise 4 to share her problem with others.
The text says that she held a news conference
1 shall from her hospital bed and she talked about her
2 had experiences.
3 been
4 on
5 away
6 gap

Exercise 5
1 didn’t either
2 as not to upset
3 the importance of
4 by ourselves

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

Listening, Use of English and Reading

Group B 7 made my day

Listening 8 let us go
Exercise 1
1 C: The speaker says that people complain about
Exercise 6
the airline's service, and that they charge for a lot
of luggage. On the other hand, they are cheap. 1 C: The text says that the extras left the area
2 D: The speaker says the least they deserve is an quickly.
apology and a refund. 2 D: The text says that Dan had worked his way up
3 E: The speaker encourages the listeners to fly with from being an extra himself and he remembered
More4less and have a great holiday. the way he had been treated.
4 A: The speaker says that the bag weighs 25 kilos, 3 D: The text says that if Elmira didn’t want to work
which according to company's regulations, with Dan, he would have to go.
is 5 kilos too much. 4 A: The text says that Dan's heart wasn’t in it
anymore. He disliked the work, he disliked the
Exercise 2 people and he hated living in Los Angeles.
5 A: The text says that even though the director and
1 C: The speaker says she wanted to be a role model
the producer didn't like Elmira, they had to
for other girls wanting to join the police.
respect her wishes because of how much she was
2 C: The speaker says that what you don’t see are all
worth to the studio.
the failures and hours of hard work that go into it.
3 A: The speaker says she most enjoys cases that
Exercise 7
make her think creatively.
4 A: The speaker says that it usually takes a long 1 C: Sentence C says that a year later, she appeared
time to put the criminals behind bars. in her first film. The text says two years after
5 A: The speaker says that only the best police that, she became famous.
officers have the opportunity to become 2 F: Sentence F says that she had never really mixed
detectives. with children of her own age.
6 B: The speaker says that it helps to be a little bit The text says that she was used to being
rebellious. surrounded by adults.
3 B: The text says that in 1939, MGM invited Shirley
to play the part of Dorothy. (...) Shirley accepted
Use of English the offer from her own studio.
Exercise 3 Sentence B says that at the same time, she was
1B offered a role in a film being made by her own
2D studio.
3A 4 A: The text says that she stood as a Republican
4B candidate in the elections to Congress in 1967,
5C but didn’t manage to get in.
6A Sentence A says that after this disappointment,
she set her sights on an international role.
Exercise 4 5 D: The text says that this disease was rarely
1 have discussed.
2 used Sentence D says that Shirley decided to (...) break
3 down the silence on this deadly disease. She talked
4 been openly...
5 away
6 in

Exercise 5
1 have been writing
2 your achievements
3 as not to upset
4 pulling your leg
5 would stop crying
6 will be taught by

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

Listening, Use of English and Reading

Name: ___________________________________ 2 [Track 19] You will hear an interview with a police
Class: ___________________________________ detective. For questions 1–5, choose the correct
answer, A, B, C or D.
Total: ____ /60
1 Emma chose a career in the police because
A it was the job her father did.
B she wanted her father to be proud of her.
1 [Track 18] You will hear four different people C she wanted to set a good example for other girls.
talking about flying. For each speaker (1–4), choose D it’s the job her parents wanted her to do.
one sentence (A–E) which is true. There is one extra
sentence which you do not need to use. 2 The job of police detective is becoming more and
A The speaker is explaining an airline’s rules about more popular with young people because
luggage. A they want to solve the crimes they see on TV.
B The speaker would like more information about an B new techniques and strategies make it easier to
airline company. solve crimes.
C The speaker mentions advantages and C they think it’s an easier job than it really is.
disadvantages of an airline company. D they believe they will earn a lot of money.
D The speaker is asking for something.
E The speaker is trying to persuade people to travel
with an airline company. 3 Emma most enjoys solving
A cases that make her think differently.
Speaker: B murder cases.
1 C very serious crimes.
2 D cases that are difficult to solve.
4 4 Emma
/8 A usually needs a lot of time to prove who
committed a crime.
B is often surprised by how intelligent criminals are.
C can regularly identify the criminal at the start of an
D also studied psychology at university.

5 To become a police detective you must

A first work successfully as a police officer.
B get a university degree connected to police work.
C pass a number of tests before getting a job as a
police officer.
D spend a lot of money on training courses.

6 What characteristic is important to be a police

A Being knowledgeable on many different topics
B Not always following the rules
C Having the ability to understand other people’s
D Being able to relax easily


© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

Listening, Use of English and Reading

Use of English 4 Complete the text with one word in each gap.
3 Complete the text with the correct option, A, B, C ‘You haven’t changed your mind, (1) ______ you?’
or D. That’s what my best friend said to me as we left
school for the last time. We had been friends since
Throughout history food has featured in art, with
childhood and always did everything together. In
many paintings showing people eating and drinking.
primary school we (2) ______ to wear the same
This tradition is being taken a step further by artist
clothes and have the same hairstyle, and even now
Mark Menjivar. For a number of years he has been
we look similar. We had always planned to go to the
contacting people to talk about food. Most of them
same university and study the same subject, but
agree to have a photo (1) _____ of the inside of their
now that the time had come I wasn’t so sure. I really
fridge. He meets people on the street, in cafes and
didn’t want to let her (3) ______, but I was starting
restaurants and even at airports before asking them
to think it might have (4) ______ a mistake. Sure, we
if he can turn (2) _____ at their house and take a
have a great time together but isn’t university an
photo. Surprisingly, many of them agree. They enjoy
opportunity for a fresh start? It was that moment
being part of an art exhibition and it also makes
that I knew I had to walk (5) ______ from our big
(3) _____ about their food choices. You can predict a
plans. It was time for me to start a whole new life
lot of information about someone by looking at
doing things that I believe (6) ______. I hope she’ll
what they eat, says Mark. And when people see
learn to forgive me in the future, but for now she is
their own fridges displayed, they often decide to
very angry and I can understand why.
change their habits. Some of them, (4) _____ fridges
were particularly unhealthy, decided to start eating /6
more fruit and vegetables. ‘If Mark (5) _____ to my
house, I’d never have changed my diet’, said one
5 Complete the second sentence so that it has a
man from Texas. Mark has also changed his own
similar meaning to the first. Use the word in
diet. Before having children he (6) _____ eat mainly
fast food, but now his fridge is full of healthy
vegetables and snacks. 1 I started writing this email yesterday morning
and I still haven’t finished. BEEN
1 A took B taken C takes D taking I _________________________________ this
email since yesterday morning.
2 Can you tell us what you have achieved in the
2 A out B in C over D up
last year? YOUR
Can you tell us about _____________________
3 A them B they C them D them ____________ in the last year?
think think thinking to think 3 You should tell him why he didn’t get the job so
he isn’t upset. NOT
4 A that B whose C who D which You should tell him why he didn’t get the job so
_________________________________ him.
5 A wouldn’t B hasn’t C hadn’t D didn’t
come come come come 4 Don’t get mad, he was joking. LEG
6 A would B use to C was D had Don’t get mad, he was ___________________
/6 5 My baby brother is crying and it is annoying me.
I wish my baby brother __________________
6 Computers will teach children in the future. BE
Children _______________________________
computers in the future.

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

Listening, Use of English and Reading

7 Seeing my best friend made me very happy Dan’s revenge

today. DAY The lights went off in the studio. Almost
Seeing my best friend _____________________ immediately, the tension in the air seemed to
____________. disappear. Some of the actors stood and chatted
8 ‘You can go home early’, said the teacher. LET together. Others stood alone, stretching their
The teacher ____________________________ aching muscles. The extras left the area quickly, no
home early. longer a part of the team, unappreciated and
/8 unwanted. Any who stayed hoping for a kind word
/20 of praise or advice were sent running by the
security men who were there to protect the
studio’s stars from anything that might disturb
Reading them.
6 Read the extract from a novel. Choose the answer Only one actor noticed this and felt guilt and
(A, B, C or D) which you think best fits according to anger at the same time. Dan had worked his way
the text. up from being an extra himself. Anger because he
1 When they finished filming, remembered the way he had been treated and,
A the actors chatted to the extras. although he wasn’t close to the extras he was
B the extras felt more relaxed. working with, he hated it happening to them. Guilt
C the extras soon left. because he wasn’t brave enough to speak out. He
D the actors praised the extras. was still very much a junior member of the cast
and he knew he could be sent back to where he
2 Dan felt guilty and angry because he came from if he upset his more famous
A didn’t have time to talk to the extras. colleagues.
B got on well with the extras.
As he stood, lost in thought, he noticed Elmira
C knew that his own job was now secure.
D could remember his own experience of being an Ray, the highest-paid star in the studio and one of
extra. the romantic leads in this movie. He smiled and
made a friendly remark about the difficulties she’d
3 When Elmira spoke to the director, had getting one of her scenes right. Elmira glared
A the director’s feelings for Dan changed. at him with hatred and turned away to where the
B the director criticised her for not getting one of director was deep in discussion with the producer.
her scenes right. Elmira’s screaming voice was very unlike anything
C everyone was surprised by her tone of voice.
her fans had ever heard but it was well-known by
D the director knew that he would have to give her
what she wanted. all who worked with her. Her message was clear.
She wanted Dan off the set, off the movie and, if
4 When Dan discovered that he no longer had a role possible, out of Hollywood. The director and
in the film, he producer exchanged knowing glances. They
A decided to change his career. disliked Elmira intensely but they also knew how
B was determined to continue acting. much she was worth to the studio. Whatever their
C knew that he needed to impress people. feelings for Dan, if Elmira didn’t want to work with
D decided not to attend the party that evening. him, he would have to go.
They called Dan over. They didn’t have to say
5 In the text, we learn
A how powerful Hollywood actors are. anything. One look was enough for Dan. He’d
B how hard it is to get a job as an actor. been in the business long enough to know how
C why it is important for actors to get on with things worked. ‘Oh well,’ he thought, ‘It has been
directors. fun while it lasted.’ He knew he could ask around
D why it is important to attend social functions at the other studios for work but his heart wasn’t
in it anymore. He disliked the work, he disliked the
people and he hated living in Los Angeles. He
would go to the party that he had been invited to

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

Listening, Use of English and Reading

earlier that week but he would spend the time Unfortunately, her success didn’t last into her
having fun, not desperately trying to impress teenage years. Two films she made in 1940 failed
people and begging for work. Tomorrow, he’d at the box office, and her parents felt that it was
pack and head back east to New York. time for a change. They took Shirley away from
At eight o’clock that evening, wearing jeans Hollywood and put her into full-time education.
rather than the usual dark suit, he arrived at an This was difficult for Shirley at first. (2) She
already packed villa high in Beverly Hills. As he was used to being surrounded by adults, and
walked in, he noticed Elmira. She glanced at him being the centre of attention. However, she soon
with no sign of recognition. He was no one settled down and had a happy and relatively
important. Nothing to do with her or her life. She normal five years at school.
passed him and moved on, searching for more Things might have been very different,
famous faces to spend her time with. Suddenly however. In 1939, MGM invited Shirley to play the
Dan knew what he had to do. part of Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz. (3)
Shirley accepted the offer from her own studio. As
it turned out, The Wizard of Oz was a huge hit and
/10 made Judy Garland a star. The film that Shirley
had chosen to appear in enjoyed far less success
and this marked the beginning of the end for her
7 Read an article about a child star. Five sentences
acting career.
have been removed from the article. Choose from
After the end of her film career, Shirley turned
the sentences A–F the one that fits each gap (1–5).
her attention to politics and charitable work. She
There is one extra sentence which you do not need
stood as a Republican candidate in the elections to
to use.
Congress in 1967, but didn’t manage to get in.
A After this disappointment, she set her sights on an (4) She soon achieved this ambition and
international role.
was offered the role of ambassador to the United
B At the same time, she was offered a role in a film
being made by her own studio. Nations in 1969.
C A year later, she appeared in her first film. In the 1970s, an illness provided her with
D Shirley decided to use her position to break the further opportunities to help others. She found
silence on this deadly disease. out that she was suffering from breast cancer. At
E Shirley made several attempts to get back into that time, this disease was rarely discussed in
show business, but was not successful. public, and as a result of this reluctance to talk
F During her time in Hollywood, she had never really about it, cases were often identified late and a lot
mixed with children of her own age.
of women died unnecessarily. (5) She talked
1 openly about her experiences, encouraged
2 journalists to write about it and encouraged
3 women to come forward early for treatment if
4 they noticed symptoms. Thanks to her, attitudes
5 changed and many lives were saved.
Shirley recovered and lived for another 42
years, finally dying peacefully of natural causes at
the age of 85. However, for most people, she will
always be a little girl with blond curls, dancing and
More than just a child star
singing her most famous song, ‘On The Good Ship
Shirley Temple wasn’t born into a show business
family but from a very young age, she loved
singing, dancing and acting. Her talents soon /10
became apparent, and she attracted the attention
of a film studio. (1) Two years after that,
she became famous, and during the 1930s, she
was one of Hollywood’s biggest stars.

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Student A
1 What effect can these crimes have on the people who suffer from them?

2 Which of these ideas might be the most useful?

education meeting their

What is the best victims
way to help
jobs young people
who have
committed emotional
crimes? support

3 Your teacher will ask you some questions. Discuss the questions in pairs.

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Teacher’s notes
Task 1
The students each have two photos.
Student A prompt: Your photographs show different kinds of crimes. I’d like you to compare the photographs
and say what effect you think these crimes might have on the people who suffer from them.
Student B prompt: Your photographs show different kinds of crimes. I’d like to you compare the photographs
and say which crime you think is more serious, and why.

Task 2
Students discuss the options in pairs.
Prompt: Now I’d like you to talk about something together. I’d like you to look at the different ways in which
young people who commit crimes can be punished or helped. Which of these ideas might be the most useful
for the young people?

Task 3
Students discuss the questions in pairs. Select any of the following questions, as appropriate.
1 What happens to young people who commit crimes in your country?
2 Some people say that young people who commit crimes should always go to prison. Do you agree? Why? /
Why not?
3 What can schools do to help prevent young people becoming involved in crimes?
4 What facilities can towns and cities provide to help young people?
5 In some countries, parents are considered responsible if their children commit crimes. Do you think this is a
good idea? Why? / Why not?

Prompts: Select any of the following prompts, as appropriate, to encourage both students to participate:
• What do you think?
• Do you agree?
• And you?

Sample answers and mark schemes

Task 1
Can describe what is happening in a picture and make simple speculations.
Can justify and sustain views clearly by providing relevant explanations and arguments.

Student A
The photographs are similar because they both show crimes. In the first photograph, someone has written or
drawn on the walls of a building. I think it’s in a big city because it doesn’t look like the countryside, and I think
these kinds of crimes are more common in cities. I suppose a young person might have done this because they
were bored. The second photograph shows someone stealing a mobile phone. I think this person is probably
committing this crime to get money. They’re probably going to sell the phone to someone else. The person
whose phone is being stolen hasn’t noticed yet but when they find out I expect they will be shocked. I think I
would be very shocked if this happened to me. One difference between the photographs is that vandalism
isn’t a crime against a person. It is damage to a building or other place, whereas stealing something is a crime
against a person. I think that stealing someone’s phone would have a much bigger effect on a person because
it would be annoying to lose your phone, and it would also cost money to replace it. So, this crime perhaps has
more effect. On the other hand, vandalism has an effect on a lot of people because it makes the city look
unpleasant, so then people won’t want to live there. Also, no one will clean it off, so it will probably be there
for a long time. I think it could make people feel depressed if they see this every day.

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Student B
The photographs both show crimes, and I think they are both crimes that young people might commit. In the
first photograph, someone is stealing a pair of jeans from a shop – they are hiding them under their jacket. I
think probably a lot of young people do this, and they don’t think it’s a very serious crime. I guess perhaps
they’re doing it for fun, or to have a laugh. They probably think that the shop has plenty of money. But I think
it is quite serious because if a lot of people steal things from shops, the prices will increase. The second
photograph shows vandalism. The bus stop has been damaged, so now people won’t be able to use it
properly. I think that’s really annoying. I guess it was probably done by young people, maybe because they had
nothing to do. They probably didn’t think about the effects of what they were doing. In my opinion, both these
crimes are serious. Stealing is always bad, and I think people have to learn that if they want something they
should buy it – they can’t just take it. On the other hand, damaging things is a really mean crime because it
prevents a lot of people from using things that have been provided for them or from enjoying a place in their

Task 2
Can justify a viewpoint on a topical issue by discussing pros and cons of various options.

Students A and B
A I think that young people who commit crimes definitely need help. What do you think?
B Yes, I agree with you. I think maybe they commit crimes because they’ve got problems, so I don’t think that
prison will really help them much. Do you agree?
A Yes, I do. Prison would take them away from their school and their family, and I don’t think that would help
them to learn. I think education is a really good idea.
B Yes, I agree. If young people are educated, they can get a good job and then they won’t need to commit
crimes. I’m not sure about a job, though. If they don’t have any qualifications, it wouldn’t be a very interesting
job, so they might get bored and commit more crimes. What do you think?
A Yes, but on the other hand they would have money so they wouldn’t have to steal things.
B Yes, that’s true. What do you think about meeting their victims? Do you think that could be useful?
A Yes, sometimes. For example, if someone has stolen something from someone, it could be good for them
to meet the victim and understand how upsetting it was for them. For example, maybe they stole some
jewellery that was important to the person.
A Yes, that’s true. It could help them to understand the effects of their crime. And what about emotional
B Yes, I think that probably a lot of young people who commit crimes have problems, for example maybe they
don’t have parents who understand them.
A I think you’re right. I think that it can really help to have someone to talk to and discuss your problems with.
So, which do you think is the most useful idea? For me, it would be education or emotional support.
B I agree that they’re both useful, but I think probably education is the most useful because it can give young
people opportunities for their whole life.
A Yes, I agree.

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Task 3
Can express opinions as regards possible solutions, giving brief reasons and explanations.
Can develop an argument well enough to be followed without difficulty most of the time.

Students A and B
1 What happens to young people who commit crimes in your country?
Young people who commit crimes in my country don’t usually go to prison. Sometimes they might have to
do some work in the community, for example cleaning or helping at a youth centre. If it’s a serious crime,
they might go to a special school. I think that’s a good idea for serious crimes, but I think for minor crimes
it’s best for them to do some community service, maybe to help the victims of their crime.

2 Some people say that young people who commit crimes should always go to prison. Do you agree? Why? /
Why not?
Well, on the one hand it’s important to punish young people who commit crimes, so that they learn it’s
wrong and they won’t do it again. On the other hand, I don’t think prison is a good idea. If young people are
in prison, they can’t go to school so they can’t get a good education. Then they will be more likely to commit
more crimes in the future. I think it’s best to punish young people in the community.

3 What can schools do to help prevent young people becoming involved in crimes?
I think schools can discuss crimes with young people, so they can understand why crimes are wrong. For
example, some teenagers might think it’s fun to steal from shops, and they might not think about the
effects of their crimes. Schools can discuss this. Also, schools can help to give young people interests and
hobbies, so they don’t get bored and commit crimes because they have nothing to do.

4 What facilities can towns and cities provide to help young people?
I think towns and cities can provide youth clubs for young people. These are a great place for young people
to meet their friends and have fun. Also, it’s important to have places outside where young people can go,
like parks and sports centres. Maybe cities could make things like cinemas cheaper for young people,
because often young people don’t have much money. That would be good.

5 In some countries, parents are considered responsible if their children commit crimes. Do you think this is
a good idea? Why? / Why not?
No, in my opinion this isn’t a good idea. I think that young people need to accept that if they do something
wrong, it’s their responsibility. Of course, parents have a duty to educate their children and teach them how
to behave, but I think that teenagers are old enough to make decisions for themselves. So, if they do
something wrong, they should be punished.

The tasks together are worth 20 marks. Award up to 4 marks for each section of the mark scheme, according
to the descriptions below.

Marks Task Spoken Spoken Range Accuracy

achievement production and interaction
0-1 Completes Hesitates a lot Does not Uses only very Lots of errors even in
none of the and does not engage with basic vocabulary basic language, which
task, or only a seem confident. the listener, and grammar, impede
small part of Is not easy to and makes with a lot of communication.
the task. understand. very little errors.
effort to

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


2-3 Completes Speaks with some Engages with Uses simple Generally accurate,
most parts of confidence and is the listener to vocabulary and but with some errors,
the task. comprehensible. some extent, basic grammar especially in more
Some hesitation, and makes an structures advanced language.
but not enough to effort to accurately. Uses
impede communicate some more
communication. effectively. advanced
Asks vocabulary and
questions and grammar
responds structures with
when errors.
working in
4 Completes all Speaks with Engages fully Uses a wide A few mistakes in
parts of the fluency, with very with the range of more advanced
task. little hesitation. Is listener, using vocabulary language structures,
clear and gestures and appropriately, but generally very
comprehensible. intonation to and uses a wide accurate.
Uses some help express range of
intonation to add meaning. grammar
emphasis. Interacts very structures
well by asking accurately and
questions and appropriately.
working in

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Student B
1 Which of these crimes is more serious?

2 Which of these ideas might be the most useful?

education meeting
What is the best their victims
way to help
jobs young people
who have
committed emotional
prison crimes? support

3 Your teacher will ask you some questions. Discuss the questions in pairs.

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Name: ____________________________
Class: ____________________________
Total: ______/20

Write an answer to ONE of the questions.

1 Your teacher has asked you to write an opinion essay.

There is a lot of emphasis on winning in sport, but it’s also important to take part and try your best. Write
an opinion essay in which you present your opinion on whether winning is the key to enjoying sports.

Write your essay.

2 You have seen this announcement on a website.


More and more young people are becoming unhealthy and do too little exercise. Tell us what you think
could be done to encourage young people to do more exercise and lead healthier lifestyles.
We will publish the most interesting articles on our website.

Write your article.













© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)



























© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Sample answers
Task 1
Can write an ‘opinion’ essay.

Does the winner take it all?

We live in an extremely competitive world with many teenagers feeling stressed and unhappy if they are
not successful at everthing they do. This is especially true for sport, with most people only focussing on
being the best. In my view, this is an extremely dangerous and incorrect attitude.

To begin with, I believe that we should participate in sports for pleasure. For instance, I love playing football
and enjoy many aspects of the game such as spending time with my friends, being out in the fresh air and
feeling myself getting stronger and more skilled. Winning is not the most important part. If I felt bad every
time my team lost a match, I would have given up the sport a long time ago.

Secondly, it’s unrealistic to believe you can win all the time. Even famous sportsmen and women have to
deal with losing. Moreover, I think that losing helps you to improve. It’s a good opportunity to think about
what you did well, and what you can do better next time.

Lastly, learning how to be a good loser is an important lesson for other aspects of life. When teenagers grow
up, they will have to cope in stressful jobs and it doesn’t always help to be competitive. Sometimes you
need to be able to admit you’re wrong.

In summary, although it feels good to win from time to time, I don’t believe that winning should be the main
goal for teenagers taking part in sports. After all, it’s having fun that counts.

Task 2
Can develop an argument at some length with supporting points and relevant examples.
Friends, fitness and fun!
We all know that young people should do more exercise. So what can be done to get them to move away from
their computer screens and smart phones, put on their trainers and get down to their local sports centre? In
my opinion, the most important thing is to make it fun! There need to be things at the sports centre which will
make them think: Wow! I don’t want to miss that!
One idea would be to set up a special fitness club for young people. They could then go along to meet other
people and make new friends. A nice, relaxed coffee bar at the centre would be good too, so there’s
somewhere for people to sit and relax after they’ve done their sport. Finally, I think there should be lots of fun
events like football tournaments or tennis competitions, so young people can enjoy taking part, and maybe
even winning something!
To sum up, in order to lead healthier lifestyles, young people should be encouraged to go to various sport
centres where they can meet their friends, get fit and have fun! Then they would have the motivation to do
more exercise.

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Mark scheme
The task is worth 20 marks. Award up to 4 marks for each section of the mark scheme, according to the
descriptions below. The same mark scheme can be used for both tasks.

Content Task Organisation and Range Accuracy

achievement structure
0-1 Content is Completes only No clear Uses only very Lots of errors even in
difficult to one or two paragraph basic vocabulary basic language, which
understand. aspects of the structure. and grammar, impede
Ideas are basic task. May not with a lot of communication.
and not use the correct errors.
developed, and genre and only
no opinions are covers one or
expressed. two of the
points specified
in the task.
2-3 Content is Completes the A fairly clear Uses simple Generally accurate,
comprehensible. majority of the paragraph vocabulary and but with some errors,
Ideas are fairly task. Uses the structure. Some basic grammar especially in more
simple but well correct genre paragraphs may structures advanced language.
expressed. Some and covers the be very short, and accurately. Uses
ideas are majority, but paragraphs may some more
developed by not all, of the not always have a advanced
giving reasons or points specified clear purpose. vocabulary and
examples. Some in the task. grammar
details are structures with
added, and some errors. Uses some
opinions are different
expressed. sentence types
and punctuation.
4 Content is Completes all The text is clearly Uses a wide range A few mistakes in
comprehensible parts of the task divided into of vocabulary more advanced
and interesting. fully, including paragraphs. Each appropriately. language structures,
Ideas are the correct paragraph has a Uses a wide range but generally very
developed with genre and all clear purpose, of grammar accurate.
reasons, the points and each contains structures
examples, etc. specified in the ideas that are accurately and
Details are added task. developed. appropriately.
and opinions Uses a range of
expressed, giving sentence types
the text a lively and punctuation.

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


UNIT TESTS Jenny: He’s immature. Yes, he’s funny and

popular and I’m sure you’ll have fun with
him during the holidays but, believe me,
Unit 1 you need to escape from him.
Track 2 Martin: Didn’t you go out with him?
People / have been wearing jeans / for nearly 150 Jenny: That was a long time ago. We had one date
years. / The first jeans factory / opened in 1873. / At when we were fifteen. And that was
first, / people wore these trousers / as work enough!
clothing. / Now they have become / a popular Martin: Well, I’ll think about it. Thanks for the
fashion item. advice. It’s always welcome.
Jenny: No problem. Look, I must go. See you later.
Track 3 Martin: OK. Bye.
Jenny: Hi, Martin. Have you decided which
universities you are going to apply to?
Unit 2
Martin: Hi, Jenny. I think so. I’m thinking of staying
here and going to the local college. Track 4
Jenny: Really? It hasn’t got a very good The great Brazilian footballer Pelé / played his last
reputation. Not many people come here competitive match / in July 1977. / By that time, / he
from other towns. You’ll be with people had won the World Cup three times / and had
from school. scored 77 goals / for his country. / He is an
inspiration to many people.
Martin: I know. That’s why I like the idea. Why
leave old friends to find new ones? I don’t
want to lose touch with everyone and I get Track 5
on well with most of the people who are Natalie: Hi, John. What sport are you going to do in
going to go to the college. PE today?
Jenny: You don’t have to lose touch with anyone. John: I think I’ll try hockey.
Your close friends will always be there for Natalie: Hockey? Why?
you. You’ll come back during the holidays
and meet everyone but you’ll also have John: I’ve never played it before. I don’t want to
new friends. That’s what life’s all about. play football or rugby. All the really
Meeting people. Anyway, what about after competitive people play them.
college? You won’t stay here for the rest of Natalie: It’s the same with basketball. I was pushed
your life, will you? over and hurt my arm last time I played.
Martin: Why not? I’m not like you. I’m not John: So play hockey. I want to be the
adventurous. I like the security of living goalkeeper so I don’t have to run around
near my family and friends. I realise it too much.
wouldn’t suit you, though. Natalie: Like always.
Jenny: Well, you’re certainly right about me but John: That’s right. PE is a chance to relax! And
I’m not convinced you’re right about Mrs Peters teaches hockey. She’s the best
yourself. Yes, life would be easier if you PE teacher. She never shouts.
stayed here but I think that, if you left, in Natalie: You’re joking! You haven’t seen her with
the end you’d be happier. the girls. She doesn’t like me.
Martin: Why? John: Why not?
Jenny: Because you’d change. You’re a friendly, Natalie: Because three weeks ago I left my kit at
kind person with a good sense of humour. home. I had to stay behind after school
You’d soon make friends. There would be and since then she has made me do more
people with similar interests to you and than anyone else.
you’d learn from them. More than you’d
learn by hanging around with Kevin John: So, what are you going to do?
Sampson and his gang. Natalie: Table tennis.
Martin: Kevin’s OK. John: Table tennis? You can’t do table tennis.

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Natalie: Why not? There are three new tables in went quickly as we watched England
the gym. disappear into the fog and then we had
John: No way. I was in there yesterday. There something to eat but, when we had
aren’t any table tennis tables. finished, there were still seven hours to go.
That’s when the entertainment started.
Natalie: They arrived last night.
There were magicians, games and then a
John: How do you know? pantomime, which the children loved. By
Natalie: My cousin told me. He works for a delivery the time it had all finished, we could see
company. He helped to carry them in. land ahead of us and, an hour later, we
John: And how do you know we can use them were in the car on the next stage of our
today? journey.
Natalie: I heard two of the PE teachers talking TWO
about it. They’re going to put a list of A: Good morning. How many bags do you want to
sports up on the noticeboard at 11 o’clock check in?
and we can sign up for which one we want.
B: Just two. Here.
Only twelve can do table tennis so I’m
going to be the first there. A: This one weighs 30 kilos. The limit is 20 kilos.
You’ll have to pay £5 a kilo for the other 10 kilos.
John: You should become a journalist. You have
an amazing ability to find out what’s B: How much does the other one weigh?
happening. A: That’s 10 kilos.
Natalie: That’s what my dad always says. Come on, B: So that’s 40 kilos for two bags, so it’s OK.
it’s five past eleven already. A: No, it doesn’t work like that.
Narrator: Five minutes later B: Well, can I take some things out of the heavy
Natalie: Here we are. I’m first on the list. Great, suitcase and put them in the light one?
hockey seems quite popular. A: Yes, but not here. You’ll have to go to the back of
John: I know and look at the people who are the queue.
doing it. I don’t want to play with them. I B: Oh no! I’ll pay the £50!
think I’ll join you at table tennis.
Natalie: Great. I’ll sign your name.
John: Wait a minute. What are you writing now?
Daughter: Hi, Dad.
Natalie: Cathy's and Maxine’s names. We can play
as a four. It’ll be fun. Dad: Hello. How are you?
John: Are you sure they’ll want to? Daughter: Great. We’re having a really nice time.
We went for a long walk today. Now
Natalie: No, but don’t worry. I’ll persuade them
we’re waiting for a disco this evening.
that it’s a good idea.
Dad: How are Mr Davies and Miss Jones?
Daughter: They’re OK. They had to phone two
Unit 3 parents to collect their children
Track 6 because they were being difficult but
Travel used to be much slower / before there were they seem more relaxed than in
planes and express trains. / People would often lessons.
travel by bus / and journeys would take many hours Dad: That’s good. Poor parents. That’s a
/ with delays and traffic jams. / People must have long way to drive. They won’t be very
felt tired / when they finally reached their happy. I hope we won’t have to do the
destination. same.
Daughter: Don’t worry, Dad. There’s no danger of
Track 7 that.
Speaker: I was worried before our ferry journey. It FOUR
takes nine hours and I was sure the Speaker: This is a superb tent. It’s strong, big and
children would get bored. The first hour very easy to put up. It’s made from the

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


same material that they use in the inspections to ensure that food is not out
Himalayas but, because of technological of date. However, I don’t waste food, even
advances, it’s now very cheap. The best if we can’t use it. I and my staff take food
thing about it is that, although it can fit home for ourselves. Supermarkets and
four people comfortably, it’s light enough restaurants have to be very careful about
and small enough to carry in a backpack. food hygiene and sell-by dates are
Here, hold it. It’s light, isn’t it? We've got important but, in order to be completely
them on special offer with a ten-year safe, these are often much earlier than is
guarantee. If I was going camping, this is necessary. If you want to save money, buy
the tent I would buy. food which has almost reached its sell-by
FIVE date in your supermarket. You can still
cook it before it goes out of date. And you
Speaker: I’m standing on St Agnes, in the Isles of
can get some real bargains!
Scilly, off the south-west coast of England.
This is the quietest, most unspoilt and TWO
furthest west of all the islands. Here, on Speaker: This has been an amazing day. I’ve learned
the west coast of St Agnes, is England’s a lot about cooking and about the
most westerly campsite. During the day, problems facing people in our society. We
you can walk or take a boat trip to one of have fed 200 homeless people today. The
the other islands. At night, as you watch food wasn’t what you would get in a fancy
the blood-red sunset over the Atlantic restaurant but it was tasty and nutritious.
Ocean. It’s amazing to think that there is We gave them a vegetable soup with
nothing but sea between you and the east carrots, potatoes, onions, cabbage and
coast of Canada nearly 3,000 miles away. celery, followed by chicken and boiled
SIX potatoes. All the food was given to us by
supermarkets. They should do it more
A: Hi, you look tanned. Where have you been?
often. It was food that they would've
B: We’ve been skiing. In Spain. thrown away soon as it had nearly reached
A: Spain? Do they have snow? its sell-by date.
B: In the mountains, yes. It was a great trip. We had THREE
two days sightseeing in Granada, then stayed for
Speaker: The problem with people’s poor diet isn’t
a week in the mountains and then we went to a
due to the cost. It isn’t laziness or lack of
small town called San José and had a few days
time. The problem is that people are
walking along the coast looking at the view of
scared. They are scared of choosing
Africa across the Mediterranean.
ingredients in the shops and they are
A: Wow! It sounds great. scared of preparing them when they get
B: But you don’t like skiing. home. They aren’t taught the right skills at
A: No, but I’d like to go to the Mediterranean and school. So, they buy packaged food
get away from this horrible February weather! because they know it will taste good and
they won’t ruin it. My advice is don’t be
scared. Watch some cookery programmes,
Unit 4 look on the Internet. There is so much
Track 8 helpful advice out there and, if you are
brave, you will really appreciate the better
With a growing world population, / many experts
taste, the cheaper meals and the benefits
believe / that we need to explore / new ingredients
to your health.
in the future. / Some nutritionists believe / that
insects are the answer. / They can be boiled or fried, FOUR
/ and apparently have a salty flavour. Speaker: Juicy roast beef, beautiful roast lamb,
boiled potatoes with mint. A lot of people
declare their love for Italian, French, Indian
Track 9
or Mexican food. Not many people,
ONE though, praise British food.
Speaker: I run a restaurant and it is important for In fact, it suffers from a very poor
me to have fresh ingredients. We have reputation, unfairly in my opinion. Many

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


countries seem to cover the taste of the England, a long summer of

food with creamy or spicy sauces. The dry weather would be
reason that the British don’t is that the extreme. Very pleasant for
basic ingredients, the meat or the holidaymakers but not for
vegetables, taste so good. So why do we farmers or water companies.
have such a bad reputation? Perhaps it Interviewer: So, are we experiencing more
isn’t the food but the fact that so many extreme weather than in the
people in restaurants and hotels don’t past?
know how to cook very well.
Environmentalist: It’s difficult to say for certain
but I think we are. In 2013, for
Unit 5 example, Australia had its
driest ever January, California
Track 10
also experienced a lack of
Are endangered species / something you care rainfall and had its driest first
about? / Giant pandas / are in danger of dying out, / quarter of the year, Spain had
but now scientists, / who deal with environmental its wettest ever March, and
issues, / want to strengthen their numbers. / If we Oklahoma had its biggest ever
change our way of life / and stop climate change, / tornado.
pandas can continue to live / in forest clearings / for Interviewer: It sounds frightening.
many years. Environmentalist: It is. And I didn’t mention any
examples where records
Track 11 weren’t broken, or all the
storms, floods and droughts
Interviewer: On today’s programme, I am which brought misery to
going to be asking the millions.
question: are we experiencing
more extreme weather Interviewer: And will this continue?
nowadays or do modern Environmentalist: Most scientists believe it will.
communications just make it Climate change doesn’t mean
easier to find out about such everyone will see the
events? Joining me is Roberta temperature go up. It means
Flowers, an environmentalist. that wet places will get
First of all, Roberta, can you wetter, dry places will get
define extreme weather for drier and hot places will get
us? hotter. Some may even see
temperatures fall. Richer
Environmentalist: Yes, very simply, extreme countries often experience
weather is any kind of less extreme weather because
weather that is different to of their geographical location,
what we are used to. Hotter, although places like Australia
colder, wetter or drier and the USA have suffered
weather. As an example, at recently, but we will all be
the beginning of the year, the affected in one way or
USA and Canada experienced another. Some areas may
very low temperatures. They even become more fertile and
didn’t break any records but richer but not many.
they were the coldest for
many years. In Canada, it was Interviewer: How will Britain be affected?
just a bad year but nothing We’ve had floods and
special. In the southern USA, droughts recently.
temperatures were 20 Environmentalist: Britain is quite a special case.
degrees lower than usual. Our climate is affected by the
That is extreme. The cold Gulf Stream. That is a warm
weather spread almost to the current of water which
Mexican border. Here in crosses the Atlantic from the

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Gulf of Mexico. Some TWO

scientists are worried that Male: Hey Kelly! You’ve been looking a bit down
melting ice from the Arctic
will push the Gulf Stream lately. What’s going on?
away from us. That could lead Female: Well, you remember when I broke my
to a new ice age in Britain and ankle last year? I did everything the
north-west Europe. doctors said, but it’s still really painful!
Interviewer: Really? My goodness! Even my ballet teacher thinks I should take
Environmentalist: Optimists, though, think that another long break, but I don’t want to fall
global warming will push our behind the other girls, and we have an
temperatures up by the same exam coming up soon.
amount that changes to the
Male: I know what you dancers are like – fight
Gulf Stream will make them
drop. That would mean our through the pain, keep going no matter
climate would stay about the what and all that. And I do feel for you, but
same. you need to think clearly about it. If you
Interviewer: That sounds hopeful. keep dancing you could do permanent
Environmentalist: For us, yes, although it won’t damage, and then you’ll never be able to
stop the rest of the world perform. I think you should have it checked
from suffering. out again, then go to a good physical
Interviewer: Well, thank you very much, therapist and work on making it right.
Listeners are now phoning in THREE
with their questions…
Speaker: It seems that every week we read some big
news about health research and what we
Unit 6 should or shouldn’t be doing to live longer,
Track 12 stay healthier, or avoid age-related
If I hadn’t danced all night, / I wouldn’t have problems. The trouble is that so many of
sprained my ankle. / Fortunately, / the emergency the studies they base these
team came quickly / and the paramedics took me to announcements on are small, incomplete
hospital. / Would you know what to do / if you had or not well documented, and we’re left
an injury, / for example / if you dislocated your wondering what to think. I think it’s pretty
shoulder? obvious that eating a balanced diet is good
for your general health, though there’s
Track 13 some debate about that, and there’s
ONE certainly agreement that taking too many
painkillers can lead to serious problems
Speaker: Do you suffer from hip, knee, ankle or foot
down the road. But recently I read that
pain due to a past or present injury? Is
older men should avoid taking fish oil
your pain keeping you from doing the
because it can cause a specific type of
things you love like running, hiking or
cancer. Since my husband has been taking
dancing? Miracle Wave may be the answer
fish oil for years, the news gave me a scare,
for you! Just spend twenty minutes a day
so I did some research and… well, no
sitting in a comfortable chair with your feet
studies show that there’s a link, and it’s
on the Miracle Wave and you will soon feel
basically just something to talk about on
the difference. No more prescriptions for
the Internet.
pain-killers!! It is safe, painless and easy to
use. We guarantee you will feel the
difference within two weeks or your
money back. Call now at 222…

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Unit 7 parents often tell me I should watch fewer

Track 14 videos but, when I tell them it’s for school,
they don’t mind.
My friend said / he’d been taken by surprise / when
he saw me perform / in front of a big audience. / He FIVE
took a video of me / and it has gone viral. / He Speaker: People often complain about the quality of
suggested / I should become a singer-songwriter. / television programmes. I agree. I watch a
I could take part / in a talent competition. / People lot of television because I work for a
television company and we have to know
say / I have a good chance of winning.
what other channels are showing.
However, sometimes I go online and watch
Track 15 videos. Not many because it’s a waste of
ONE time. There are a few good ideas but, most
Speaker: At work, we spend a lot of time talking of the time, I see poorly made,
about videos we have watched online. uninteresting rubbish. And then I notice
When I get home, I watch some of the that over a million people have watched it
videos my friends have recommended. If and I think: ‘Why?’
that’s all I watched, it would be fine. My
problem is that I then click the links for Unit 8
other videos. I’m always surprised and
Track 16
upset when I realise how much time I have
wasted. It would save me a lot of time if I There are a lot of people / breaking the law in my
didn’t switch on the computer at all. country. / Houses are burgled / and cars are stolen
TWO every day. / Many suspects have been arrested / but
not enough evidence / has been collected / to find
Speaker: I spend a lot of time making videos. It’s
always been a hobby of mine. I used to them guilty. / Politicians and the authorities / don’t
send them to friends on DVDs. Now I do enough / to punish people with a criminal record.
upload them to the Internet. It saves me a
lot of money on stamps! However, you do Track 17
get a lot of cruel and unfair comments, Presenter: Today’s guest is quite unusual as she
which can be upsetting. But, when you wrote to us asking to come onto the
make something public, anyone can watch programme, but we are very happy to
it. It’s just something you have to get used have her. Welcome Abigail.
Abigail: Thank you.
THREE Presenter: Now, I know you’re here to talk about the
Speaker: I work in advertising and my job is to think Duke of Edinburgh Award but some
of ideas for television commercials. I’m people might not know what that is so
meant to think of my own, original ideas can you quickly tell them?
but quite often I go online and look at Abigail: Well, it’s an award for young people aged
videos there. When I find something between 14 and 24 who have done
interesting, I change it a little and present different tasks to help the community and
it as my own idea the next day. It would to develop as individuals.
probably be quicker to think of my own
There are three levels, Bronze, Silver and
ideas than do it like this because there is so
Gold, and each takes several months to
much rubbish out there but I’m lazy. I wish
complete. I’ve just finished my Gold
I wasn’t but that’s just the way I am.
award which took just over a year to
FOUR complete. I did the Bronze and Silver
Speaker: At school, we often get projects to do, while I was at school and I started the
especially from our History teacher. We final, Gold award when I finished
have to research a period or an event and university. Now I’ve finished and I have to
write about it. I find it quicker and more get a job.
interesting to watch short videos about Presenter: Wow! So what did you have to do?
something than to read about it. My

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Abigail: There were five parts. Volunteering, so END-OF-YEAR TEST

giving a hand to people who need it. I
worked with homeless people. Then
Track 18
there’s a physical part. I love dancing so I
worked on that. Third was social skills. I ONE
find public speaking a challenge so I took Speaker: If you’re going to Spain, you should try
part in debates and gave talks at schools Econofly. We flew with them last year. I
about the award. I hated it but it was know a lot of people complain about the
good for me. Fourth is an expedition. We service but they’re so cheap, it’s worth
had to plan an adventure or journey and putting up with a bit of rudeness. Just
complete it. I chose the Three Peaks make sure you don’t take a lot of luggage
Challenge. You have to climb the biggest because they charge extra for it.
mountains in England, Scotland and
Wales in one day. It wasn’t easy! Finally,
there was a residential task where you Speaker: Hello, my name is Thompson. I’ve just
have to live away from home and work returned from my holidays in Majorca on
with other people. Five of us went to one of your planes. I’m phoning because
Scotland and ran a bed and breakfast for we suffered delays and lost baggage and
the summer. It’s a lot, which is why I none of your staff seemed interested in
waited until my studies had finished. helping us. I think the least we deserve is
an apology and a refund of some of the
Presenter: That’s fascinating but you wanted to
come in for a different reason, didn’t
you? THREE
Abigail: Yes. I did my Bronze award because my Speaker: More4less is a new airline flying from
teacher at school was very keen. I wasn’t London to many European resorts.
sure it was a good idea but, once it had More4less gives you excellent customer
finished, I knew I wanted to do the Silver service at an unbeatable price. We have
and Gold. It’s been great fun but it’s also more check-in desks, free food and drinks,
helped me personally. I’m much more and a generous luggage allowance. Fly with
organised and confident than I was. I can More4less and have a great holiday.
now work on my own or as part of a team
and it’s a great thing to have on my CV. I
took a year off after my university degree Speaker: I’m sorry, sir. This bag weighs 25 kilos.
while I did the Gold award, so now I’m That’s 5 kilos too much. If you want to
looking for work. People who I was at check it in, you’ll have to pay £80 extra.
university with are finding it hard to even Those are the company’s regulations. If
get invited to an interview but I’ve been you want to make a complaint, please
offered three good jobs already. contact our customer services centre when
you get home.
Presenter: That’s great. Well, we’ve got a minute left
before the news. Is there anything else
you’d like to say? Track 19
Abigail: Yes. Don’t let other people put you off. A Interviewer: Hello and welcome to the podcast.
lot of young people think it’s uncool and This week we’ve been discussing
too much effort. They can be cruel jobs and how to succeed in your
sometimes, writing insulting comments dream career. Today we have a
on social networking sites and things like
police detective with us sharing
that. It doesn’t matter. You’ll meet real
friends doing the award and you won’t advice on how to become an
have time to check your social networking investigator. Emma Milton has
sites anyway! solved over four hundred crimes.
Presenter: OK, thank you very much, Abigail. Emma, what made you want to
become a police detective?
Emma: My father was a police officer and I
was always fascinated by his job. I

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


used to ask him so many questions usually takes a long time to put
every evening after work. Every day them behind bars. Although it was
I hoped he’d take me with him but terrible for the victims, it was a very
he always said it was too dangerous interesting case for me to solve. The
for a girl. That made me determined people who commit this type of
to show the world that being a girl crime are usually very smart and you
would never stop me. I also wanted need to learn to think like them.
to be a role model for other girls There is a lot of psychology
wanting to join the police. It’s much involved.
easier for women in the police Interviewer: What qualifications and experience
nowadays, and more and more does someone need to become a
young people are interested in this police detective?
profession. I think it’s because of the Emma: Actually there are a variety of ways
high number of TV crime dramas to become a detective. You need to
and podcasts we have now, finish school with good exam results
particularly programmes where old, and it helps to go to university.
unsolved crimes can be solved using There are plenty of courses that you
modern techniques and strategies. can take, there isn’t one special
What you don’t see are all the degree. The next step is to get a job
failures and hours of hard work that as a police officer. Usually you get
go into it. training after you find a job. Then
Interviewer: What’s the most interesting case there are tests and exams to take, as
you’ve worked on? well as physical training. You need
Emma: People usually expect the most to be able to run and it helps to be
interesting cases to be the most strong. Only the best police officers
serious ones, but it’s not strictly have the opportunity to become
true. I most enjoy cases that make detectives. But if you work hard,
me think creatively. One of my then anything is possible.
hardest cases involved a man who Interviewer: And finally, what sort of people
was stealing people’s identities, usually succeed in this job?
then living their lives. He would get Emma: I think it helps to be a little bit
a job, open bank accounts and rebellious. People who go with the
spend huge amounts of money. flow are more likely to miss
He’d even start relationships acting important details. It’s definitely not
as the person. By the time the a job for sensitive people. And you
victims found out, they owed huge need to be extremely committed.
amounts of money and had many
problems as a result.
Interviewer: Did it take you long to solve the
Emma: Yes. This case was unusual because
from the start of the investigation I
was quite sure who the criminal
was, but he was very intelligent and
it took me many months to put him
in prison. But knowing who
committed the crime and proving it
are two different things. Even if you
are sure who the criminal is, it

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

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