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Coal Ash components as Partial Cementitious Resource in Production of

Artificial Coral Reef (Anthozoa)

A Research Proposal Paper

Presented To The Faculty Of

Toledo City Science High School

In Partial Fulfillment

Of The Requirements


Research Electives

Aguilar, Keanne Denzell B.

Abarquez, Kishia Kate

Antenero, Earl

Calvario, Christna

10 - Leeuwenhoek

S.Y. 2022 – 2023








Rationale 4-6

Review of Related Literature 7-12

Conceptual Framework 13


Statement of the problem 14

Hypothesis 14

Significance of the study 15

Scope and Limitation 15


Research Design 15

Research Environment 15

Research Instrument

Research Procedures










For decades, utilities have disposed of coal ash dangerously, dumping it in unlined
ponds and landfills where the toxins leak into groundwater (Mapping the Coal Ash
Contamination, 2020). Coal ash contains contaminants like mercury, cadmium and
arsenic. Without proper management, these contaminants can pollute waterways,
ground water, drinking water, and the air (US FPA, 2014a). Despite the protests of
many whose lives have been affected by this demonstrably toxic substance, the US
Environmental Protection Agency has for years refused to classify coal ash as
hazardous waste(Coal Ash Is Hazardous. Coal Ash is Waste. But According to the
EPA, Coal Ash is Not "Hazardous Waste.,”n.d.). During coal combustion, large amounts
of ash are created along with carbon dioxide and other gases. The fine particle ash that
rises up with the flue gases is known as fly or flue ash while the heavier ash that does
not rise is called bottom ash(Hannan, 2015).

The sheer amount of fly ash that exists is a problem. The EPA estimates that 140
million tons of coal ash are generated each year, with fly ash making up a majority of
this ash. Some power plants dispose of coal ash in surface impoundments - known as
wet ash ponds because the ash is kept wet to ensure it does not fly away - or in
landfills, while others get rid of the ash by putting it into a waterway(Fly Ash - Energy
Education, n.d.).There are different problems related to fly ash like requirement of large
area of land for disposal and toxicity caused by fly ash which leach to groundwater.
Bottom ash is a type of coal ash that is generated during the combustion of coal in
power plants. It is the heavier ash residue that settles at the bottom of the combustion
chamber or boiler. Disposal of bottom ash can be a concern due to its potential impact
on the environment and public health. Bottom ash from coal combustion can contain
various pollutants, including heavy metals and other toxic substances, which can have
adverse effects on the environment and public health if not properly managed. When
bottom ash is disposed of improperly, it can potentially contaminate soil, water, and air,
and pose risks to human health and wildlife.

Today, fly ash is used widely in concrete because it is rich in siliceous and aluminous
compounds and has high potential to be used as a raw material to produce pozzolan
cement or fine aggregate, especially it was used as pozzolanic material to partially
replace cement in concrete (Lamond, 1983; Bijen, 1983; Ravina, 1997; Sarkar et al.,
1995). Benefits of fly ash result in three main advantages: firstly, the use of a zero-cost
raw material, secondly, the conservation of natural resources, and thirdly, the
elimination of waste (Ferreira et al., 2003). Since the amount of bottom ash
accumulated keep on increasing, the cost for opening new landfill area, transporting to a
disposal site and maintaining the reclamation facilities will increase significantly. This
huge amount of waste has become a global issue and required serious attention from
those countries that consume coal for their energy resources. Therefore, plant operators
started to collaborate with researchers and industries in order to fully utilize the vast
amount of accumulated bottom ash. Bottom ash generally disposed of in slurry
condition by mixing with water and being discharged into ash ponds. Researchers
commonly collect samples from ash pond and ensure that they are in compliance with
local authority standard. In recent years, the utilization of bottom ash in engineering field
has received considerable attention due to its potential application including aggregate
replacement, concrete products, embankment fill, road construction and reclamation
work. In order to utilize bottom ash, the physical, chemical properties as well as the
method of application must be studied(Abdullah et al., 2019).

In the past several years, fly ash Philippines has been introduced and used as an
additive to cement. Cement batching plants nationwide and all over the world use fly
ash to improve the strength of concrete mix. When used as a Portland cement
replacement, the class F fly ash shows increased resistance to sulfate attack, increased
late compressive strengths, after approximately 28 days, increased resistance to alkali-
silica reaction (ASR), and increased pore refinement, as compared to unmodified
Portland cement. In recent years, the global construction market has been creating a
paradigm shift of creating a more sustainable and greener approach to development
with the use of fly ash. This shift in the market has enabled the demand for fly ash to
become an additive in a wide variety of uses in the construction field(“Fly Ash
Philippines,” 2020). In the Philippines also, several studies have been conducted to
investigate the use of bottom ash in concrete. These studies have shown that
incorporating bottom ash in concrete can improve the strength and durability of
concrete, as well as reduce its environmental impact. By using bottom ash as a partial
replacement for cement, it is possible to reduce the demand for cement, which is a
major contributor to carbon emissions during its production. This can contribute to
reducing greenhouse gas emissions and lowering the carbon footprint of concrete.

The utilization of coal ash, including fly ash and bottom ash, in various applications
can have both positive and negative impacts on different stakeholders. If coal ash is not
properly managed, it can pose risks to public health. Coal ash may contain hazardous
substances such as heavy metals, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), and other
toxic compounds, which can potentially leach into groundwater or surface water, or
become airborne as dust during handling or transportation. Exposure to these
hazardous substances can pose risks to human health, including respiratory issues,
skin irritations, and potential long-term health effects. Communities located near coal
ash disposal sites or facilities that utilize coal ash may be affected by issues such as
dust, noise, odor, and traffic associated with the handling, transportation, and storage of
coal ash. If proper environmental and health safeguards are not in place, communities
may experience concerns about potential impacts on their health, quality of life, and
property values.

Coal ash has been used in some cases as a component in artificial coral reef
construction. Artificial coral reefs are created to provide habitats for marine organisms,
enhance fish populations, and support overall marine biodiversity. : Fishermen may see
the use of coal ash as an artificial coral reef as a positive economic opportunity. Artificial
reefs can create new fish habitats and attract fish populations, potentially leading to
increased fish abundance and diversity. This could benefit local fishermen by providing
new fishing grounds and potentially increasing their catch, which could improve their
livelihoods and income. Beneficial use of coal ash can produce positive environmental,
economic and performance benefits such as reduced use of virgin resources, lower
greenhouse gas emissions, reduced cost of coal ash disposal, and improved strength
and durability of materials(US EPA, 2014). Utilization of ash residues, including coal
ash, oil ash, and municipal solid waste combustion ash, for the construction of artificial
reefs at sea has been investigated by many researchers throughout the world for nearly
20 years(Shieh & Duedall, 1995). Now, researchers claim that artificial reefs are more
effective at getting the job done than the ones that form naturally(Artificial Coral Reefs
Boost Fish Colonies Better Than Natural Reefs, Say Scientists, 2021). The goal of
these artificial reefs is generally to provide a stable growing area for corals, and habitat
for fishes and all the other organisms that you would find on a natural reef.


Coal ash can contain particulates (a mixture of solid particles and liquid droplets
found in the air, volatile and semi-volatile organic compounds, and heavy metals (Coal
Ash, 2019). Coal ash is the mineralized residue left over from burning coal to generate
electricity. It's actually a collection of different types of materials, called coal combustion
products or coal combustion residuals: fly ash, flue gas desulfurization products, bottom
ash, and boiler slag. The type and amount produced depends on the kind of coal used
and the type of furnace and combustion process(A New Life For Coal Ash, n.d.). Coal
ash is produced mainly from burning coal in coal-fired power plants. Two main by-
products of coal ash combustion (the process of burning it) result from coal-fired

Fly ash is a very fine powdery residue from coal-fired plants (like factories). Fly ash is
captured in the stack. Onsite coal ash ponds should mainly consist of fly ash, which is
made up of heavy metals (for example, mercury, arsenic, copper, and chromium). Fly
ash may pose an inhalation hazard when dry. Dry fly ash can cause respiratory irritation
similar to flu-like symptoms. Fly ash is a fine, powdery material that is a byproduct of
burning coal in power plants to generate electricity. It is also known as coal ash, coal
combustion residuals (CCR), or coal-fired power plant waste. Fly ash is carried away in
the exhaust gases of coal-fired power plants and is collected using particulate matter
control devices such as electrostatic precipitators or baghouses. It is composed of tiny
particles that are primarily made up of silica, alumina, iron, and calcium, along with
smaller amounts of other elements and compounds.

Fly ash has been used in a wide range of applications, including as a partial
replacement for Portland cement in the production of concrete, as a component in the
manufacture of bricks, blocks, and tiles, as a soil amendment in agriculture, and in
various construction and engineering applications. It is valued for its pozzolanic
properties, which allow it to react with calcium hydroxide in cement to form additional
cementitious compounds, improving the strength, durability, and workability of concrete
(Coal Ash, 2019).

Bottom ash is a heavier, coarse material that is captured at the bottom of the coal
furnace during the combustion process in coal-fired power plants. It consists of larger,
heavier particles that do not rise with the flue gases and are not captured in the stacks
like fly ash. Bottom ash typically contains a lower concentration of heavy metals
compared to fly ash, but it can contain other potentially hazardous substances such as
cresol and semivolatile organic compounds like polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
(PAHs) which are known to be harmful to human health and the environment. Unlike fly
ash, bottom ash is usually not stored in coal ash ponds, as it is typically disposed of
immediately after combustion and sent to a landfill or used in other applications such as
construction materials. Proper handling and disposal of bottom ash, including
adherence to regulatory guidelines and industry best practices, are important to prevent
potential environmental contamination and protect human health.

Fly ash and bottom ash can be mixed together in various proportions to create a
blended coal ash mixture that can be used as a partial replacement for Portland cement
in the production of concrete. This approach is sometimes referred to as "ash blending"
or "ash utilization." The specific proportions of fly ash and bottom ash in the mixture
would depend on their properties, the desired properties of the concrete, and any
regulatory requirements or guidelines. Generally, fly ash is used in smaller proportions
compared to bottom ash due to its higher pozzolanic reactivity. Fly ash typically ranges
from 15% to 30% by mass of the total cementitious material content in concrete, while
bottom ash is usually used as a replacement for fine aggregates, such as sand, and can
typically replace up to 100% of the fine aggregate in concrete. The blended coal ash
mixture can be used in various types of concrete, including structural and non-structural
applications, such as in buildings, roads, bridges, and other infrastructure projects. The
use of blended coal ash in concrete can offer benefits such as improved workability,
reduced permeability, increased durability, and reduced carbon footprint compared to
traditional concrete mixes that use only Portland cement.

Fly ash is known for its pozzolanic reactivity, which contributes to its ability to improve
the properties of concrete. Bottom ash, on the other hand, typically has lower
pozzolanic reactivity. Mixing bottom ash with fly ash may result in a blended ash mixture
with reduced pozzolanic activity, which can impact the strength, durability, and other
properties of the concrete. Proper proportioning and testing of the blended ash mixture
are important to ensure that it meets the desired performance requirements(Nanda &
Rout, 2021).

When fly ash and bottom ash are properly treated and used in the production of
concrete, it can be beneficially reused, and their potential hazards can be mitigated. In
fact, incorporating fly ash and bottom ash into concrete has been a common practice in
many countries for several decades, as it can improve the performance and durability of
concrete, reduce the use of cement (which is a major source of carbon emissions), and
provide a sustainable solution for managing these waste materials.

Through a process called pozzolanic reaction, fly ash and bottom ash react with the
calcium hydroxide in cement to form additional cementitious compounds, which
contribute to the strength and durability of concrete. This process helps to immobilize
any potential hazardous elements in the ash, reducing their leachability and overall
environmental impact. However, it's important to note that the safe use of fly ash and
bottom ash in concrete depends on proper handling, storage, and quality control
measures. It's crucial to follow established guidelines and regulations for the beneficial
use of these materials in concrete production to ensure that potential hazards are
effectively managed and minimized.

Pozzolanic property refers to the ability of certain materials to react with calcium
hydroxide (Ca(OH)2) in the presence of water to form cementitious compounds. These
cementitious compounds contribute to the strength, durability, and other properties of
concrete. The materials that exhibit pozzolanic properties are commonly referred to as
pozzolans. Pozzolanic materials can be of natural or artificial origin. Some examples of
natural pozzolans include volcanic ash, calcined clay, and diatomaceous earth, while
examples of artificial or industrial pozzolans include fly ash, silica fume, and blast
furnace slag.

When pozzolanic materials are finely ground and mixed with calcium hydroxide and
water, they undergo a chemical reaction called pozzolanic reaction. During this reaction,
calcium hydroxide reacts with the silica and alumina present in the pozzolanic material
to form calcium silicate hydrates (C-S-H) and calcium aluminate hydrates (C-A-H),
which are similar to the hydration products formed during the cement hydration process.
These cementitious compounds contribute to the strength and durability of concrete by
filling in the pores and voids in the concrete matrix, reducing permeability, and
improving the overall microstructure of the concrete.

Pozzolanic materials can improve the properties of concrete in several ways,

including increased strength, reduced permeability, improved durability, and reduced
heat of hydration. They can also enhance the workability and finishability of concrete
mixtures, and contribute to the sustainability of concrete by reducing the use of Portland
cement, which is a major contributor to carbon dioxide emissions during its production.
Pozzolanic properties are an important factor to consider when selecting and using
pozzolanic materials in concrete mixtures. Proper characterization, proportioning, and
testing of pozzolanic materials are necessary to ensure that they are used effectively
and safely in concrete applications, in accordance with regulatory requirements and
industry best practices(Walker & Pavía, 2011).

Geopolymer in concrete refers to a type of cementitious material that is formed by

activating natural or industrial by-products, such as fly ash, slag, or other silicate-rich
materials, with alkaline solutions. Unlike traditional Portland cement, which relies on the
hydration of calcium silicates, geopolymer concrete utilizes a different chemical reaction
that involves the formation of aluminosilicate gels. Geopolymers are typically formed
by mixing the source material with an alkaline activator, such as sodium hydroxide
(NaOH) or potassium hydroxide (KOH), and sometimes an additional source of alumina,
such as metakaolin. This mixture is then cured at elevated temperatures to initiate the
polymerization reaction, which results in the formation of a rigid, durable, and chemically
stable material with properties similar to traditional cement-based
concrete(“Background,” 2012).

Geopolymer concrete has several potential advantages over Portland cement-based

concrete, including reduced carbon emissions due to lower production of carbon dioxide
(CO2) during manufacturing, improved chemical resistance, and potentially enhanced
mechanical properties. Geopolymer concrete has been researched and used in various
applications, including in building construction, infrastructure projects, and high-
performance concrete applications. However, it is still considered a relatively newer
technology and its commercial use is not yet as widespread as traditional Portland
cement-based concrete. Proper mix design, curing conditions, and material selection
are critical to ensure the desired performance of geopolymer concrete in specific
applications(Singh et al., 2020).

During the curing process, concrete may be susceptible to cracking when exposed to
direct sunlight. This is primarily due to the effects of temperature variations, rapid
drying, and insufficient moisture. Understanding and implementing proper curing
practices can help minimize the risk of cracking under the sun.

One factor that can contribute to cracking is temperature variations. When concrete is
exposed to intense sunlight, the outer surface can heat up more quickly than the inner
portions, leading to thermal stresses. If these stresses become excessive, they can
cause the concrete to crack.Rapid drying is another concern when curing concrete in
sunlight. Sunlight can accelerate the evaporation of moisture from the surface, causing
it to dry too quickly. As a result, the surface may shrink and develop tensile stresses,
which can result in cracking.Furthermore, the availability of moisture is vital during the
curing process. Excessive evaporation caused by the sun can deplete the concrete of
necessary moisture, affecting its hydration and strength development. Insufficient
moisture can weaken the concrete and increase the likelihood of cracking.To mitigate
the risk of cracking under sunlight during concrete curing, it is essential to follow proper
curing practices. Moist curing is crucial,involving the application of water, wet burlap, or
curing membranes to keep the concrete moist. This helps maintain a favorable moisture
balance and reduces the potential for drying-related cracks.Controlling the temperature
of the curing environment is also important. Direct sunlight, especially during hot and
sunny conditions, should be avoided. Using shading techniques like sunshades or
reflective covers can help minimize temperature fluctuations and reduce the risk of
thermal stress-induced cracking.Extending the duration of the curing process beyond
the initial setting time is recommended. This allows the concrete to continue gaining
strength and decreases its susceptibility to cracking.Providing early-age protection,
such as using plastic sheeting or curing blankets, can also help retain moisture and
prevent excessive evaporation during the critical early stages of curing.By implementing
these proper curing techniques and taking precautions to minimize the effects of direct
sunlight, the potential for cracking in cured concrete can be significantly reduced. This
results in stronger, more durable concrete structures.

While fly ash, bottom ash, and coral reef are all materials, they do not share many
common components.Fly ash and bottom ash are byproducts of coal combustion,
whereas coral reef is a natural formation made up of living organisms. However, there is
one component that fly ash, bottom ash, and coral reef share, and that is calcium.
Calcium is a significant component found in all three materials. In fly ash and bottom

ash, it originates from the calcium compounds present in coal, such as calcium
carbonate. In coral reef, calcium is derived from the calcium carbonate structures built
by marine organisms.In fly ash and bottom ash, calcium oxide (CaO) is a common
component, which is derived from calcium carbonate. In coral reef, the calcium
carbonate structures are made up of calcium, carbon, and oxygen (CaCO3).While
calcium is the only significant common component among fly ash, bottom ash, and coral
reef, it plays a crucial role in the properties and behavior of each material. In fly ash and
bottom ash, calcium oxide influences the reactivity and alkalinity of the ashes. In coral
reef, calcium carbonate provides the structural support for the reef and contributes to
the overall stability of the marine ecosystem.Overall, while fly ash, bottom ash, and
coral reef have very different origins and properties, they share calcium as a common
component, which is essential to their composition and behavior.

A laboratory flame photometer enables the measurement of cement sodium,

potassium, calcium and barium, and a muffle furnace can be used to measure loss-on-
ignition. The soundness of cement must be tested to ensure that once hardened, large
changes in volume do not occur. Soundness is usually tested on hardened cement
paste in Le Chatelier moulds with a steam tank or water bath, or in high pressure
autoclaves (ASTM method). The determination of water content, setting time and
soundness of cement can be conducted with Vicat apparatus, using either a manual or
automatic penetrometer. In producing the hydraulic cement combined with fly ash
various tools will be needed. In measuring the density of the hydration cement and the
fly ash the researchers will use The Le Chatelier Flask,this tool is used to measure the
specific gravity (relative density) of hydration cement and fly ash Including the Blaine
Apparatus that is used to employed for fineness determination. In determining The air
content and density of mortar, masonry cement and lime can be determined by the
pressure method, using an air entrainment meter.


Coal Ash

Fly Ash Bottom Ash




Fly Ash Bottom Ash Both Fly ash and Bottom


Results of the Experiments


Independent Variable Dependent Variable Control Variable




The purpose of this study is to determine the best main byproduct to use as a partial
cementitious resource in production of artificial coral reef. This study specifically ought
to determine the following questions:

1. How does the amount of water affect the compactibility of the byproduct in the

a.) Fly Ash

b.) Bottom Ash

c.) Fly Ash and Bottom ash

2. What extent does the humidity underwater affect the curing process of the concrete?

a.) Fly Ash

b.) Bottom Ash

c.) Fly Ash and Bottom ash

3. What is best byproduct to use as a concrete?

a.) Fly ash

b.) Bottom Ash

c.) Fly ash and Bottom Ash


Alternative Hypothesis: If the byproduct in the concrete withstand underwater then it can
be a good partial cementitious in production of artificial coral reef.

Null Hypothesis: If the byproduct in the concrete cannot withstand underwater then it
will not be a good partial cementitious in production of artificial coral reef.


This study is highly significant to the environment to reduced use of natural

resources, lower greenhouse gas emissions, reduced cost of coal ash disposal, and
improved strength and durability of materials and provide a stable growing area for
corals, and habitat for fishes and all the other organisms that you would find on a
natural reef.

The Toledo community will be benefited of this study, since most of them depend on
fishing for all or part of their incomes.


The focus of this study will determine the best main byproduct to use as a partial
cementitious resource in production of artificial coral reef. This study will use fly ash and
bottom ash from GBP, water, tie wire, shovel, trovel, scissors paint brush, screen
mesh, pliers, and large Bukag. This study will be conducted on _______ at Toledo City
Science High School, Ilihan, Toledo City.


Research Design

The researchers used the quantitative research method to collect and analyze
numerical data. Definition of the quantitative research is that researchers use to test
theories based on numerical and statistical evidence.

Research Environment

The researchers will gather the materials and produce their artificial coral reef in Toledo
City. They will conduct their experiment in Toledo City Science High School (TCSHS).
The testing area will be specifically in Global Business Power Corporation.

Research Instruments

The proportions of the concrete mixture must be determined using an exact

measurement of hydraulic cement's density. Knowing the density of each powder or of
the blended cement would enable a more precise computation of the proportions of a
concrete mixture by volume rather than by mass as more supplementary cementitious
materials (SCM), such as fly ash, calcium carbonates, and slag, are added in blended
cements. The "Test Method for Density of Hydraulic Cements" (ASTM C188-14), which
measures cement volume using a liquid displacement method, is the current ASTM
standard for determining cement density. In place of the kerosene in the present ASTM
test, this research will evaluate beneficial alcohol alternatives. A gas (helium)
pycnometry is also included.

To create concrete and mortar that adhere to the appropriate building industry
standards, high-quality cement is required. A wide variety of sample preparation and
cement testing equipment is designed and produced by ELE International in accordance
with international standards for the evaluation of fineness, consistency, setting time,
workability, flow, strength, soundness, heat of hydration, and chemical composition.

A laboratory flame photometer enables the measurement of cement sodium,

potassium, calcium and barium, and a muffle furnace can be used to measure loss-on-
ignition. The soundness of cement must be tested to ensure that once hardened, large
changes in volume do not occur. Soundness is usually tested on hardened cement
paste in Le Chatelier moulds with a steam tank or water bath, or in high pressure
autoclaves (ASTM method). The determination of water content, setting time and
soundness of cement can be conducted with Vicat apparatus, using either a manual or
automatic penetrometer. In producing the hydraulic cement combined with fly ash
various tools will be needed. In measuring the density of the hydration cement and the
fly ash the researchers will use The Le Chatelier Flask,this tool is used to measure the

specific gravity (relative density) of hydration cement and fly ash Including the Blaine
Apparatus that is used to employed for fineness determination. In determining The air
content and density of mortar, masonry cement and lime can be determined by the
pressure method, using an air entrainment meter.

Research Procedure

The researchers commenced their experimental process by diligently preparing the

necessary materials to ensure a smooth and efficient workflow. Once all the materials
were gathered, they proceeded with the next steps of the experiment.Firstly, the
researchers meticulously mixed the prepared materials using a shovel. This mixing
process aimed to achieve a homogeneous blend, ensuring that the components were
evenly distributed throughout the mixture. It was crucial to attain a consistent
composition to yield reliable and reproducible results. Moving forward, the researchers
focused on the large bukag, which was chosen as the base for the experiment. To
prevent the bukag from collapsing during the experiment, a screen mesh was carefully
applied to its structure. This mesh acted as a stabilizing element, reinforcing the
integrity of the bukag. They ensured a precise fit by cutting the screen mesh to the
appropriate dimensions using scissors, enabling it to snugly cover the bukag.Securing
the screen mesh in place was essential, and the researchers achieved this by utilizing
tie wire. They skillfully fastened the wire to hold down the screen mesh firmly, ensuring
it remained taut and firmly attached to the bukag. Employing pliers, the researchers
skillfully cut and bent the tie wire as needed to achieve the desired level of stability and
security.Next, the researchers utilized a pencil to meticulously draw sketches on the
screened bukag, outlining the specific locations and dimensions of the required holes.
This careful planning and marking were crucial to accurately implement the
experimental design and achieve the intended objectives.Following the sketched
outlines, the researchers utilized a garab to deftly cut out the holes from the screened
bukag. This precise cutting process ensured that the resulting holes aligned with the
predetermined dimensions, allowing for subsequent experimental procedures to be
conducted accurately.With the preparation of the screened bukag complete, the
researchers proceeded to the application of the mixture. Employing a hand trowel, they
carefully scooped up the prepared mixture and gradually applied it to the screened
bukag. The researchers maintained a deliberate and consistent pace, ensuring an even
distribution of the mixture throughout the surface area of the bukag.To achieve
uniformity, the researchers repeated this process on the other side of the screened
bukag. The meticulous application of the mixture on both sides ensured a balanced and
consistent result, which was essential for the accuracy and reliability of subsequent

analysis and evaluation.As a final touch, the researchers utilized a paintbrush to

delicately apply cement dust onto the experimental product. This step served multiple
purposes, including enhancing the appearance, providing additional strength, or fulfilling
specific experimental requirements, depending on the goals of the study.To complete
the experiment, the researchers allowed the product to dry naturally under the sun.
Once the first side had dried sufficiently, they carefully flipped the bukag to expose the
other side, ensuring both sides received equal drying time. This flip also allowed them to
apply cement dust to the previously unexposed side, maintaining consistency and
finalizing the product.The results of the experiment would be contingent on the specific
objectives, materials used, and subsequent evaluation processes. The detailed
methodology described above reflects the researchers' diligent preparation and
execution, laying the foundation for further analysis and interpretation of the
experimental outcomes.

Definition of Terms

Fly Ash and Bottom Ash – This materials are the main variable.

Water - the key ingredient, which when mixed with cement, forms a paste that

binds the aggregate together.

Tie wire – To hold down the screen mesh to the Bukag.

Shovel – Used to mix the materials accordingly.

Hand trovel – Used to apply the mixture to the bukag that is covered by screen mesh.

Screen Mesh – Used to cover the bukag making the final product more stable and no

chance of the cement to collapse or be unstable especially underwater.

Scissors- Used to cut the screen mesh into measure

Pencil- Used to draw around the screen mesh

Pliers – To Bend and cut the tie wire.


Large Bukag - Foundation of our product.



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