Handout Visualization Tips

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Handout: Principles of Visualization

Common Visualization Mistakes:

1. Not Displaying Data:

 Essential data should always be visible to ensure clarity and understanding.

2. Using Hard-to-Read Graphs:

 Graphs should be easily interpretable by the viewer.

3. Using Pie Charts:

 While popular, pie charts can sometimes be misleading or hard to interpret,

especially with many categories.

4. Using 3D Graphs:

 3D graphs can distort the data representation, making it challenging to interpret.

5. Using Stacked Bar Charts:

 These can sometimes be confusing, especially when trying to compare individual


6. Not Displaying Data Distribution:

 Understanding the spread and shape of the data is crucial in many analyses.

7. Using Misleading Y-Axis:

 Always ensure that the y-axis represents the data honestly and doesn't exaggerate

8. Not Displaying Model Uncertainty:

 It's essential to show the range or uncertainty in predictions when displaying model

9. Illogical Sorting:

 Data should be logically ordered, whether by time, size, or another meaningful


10. Missing Graph Components:

 Always include essential elements like axis names, legends, etc., to make the graph

11. Non-Self-Explanatory Graphs:

 A good graph should be able to stand alone without requiring extensive additional
12. Overloading with Information (Chartjunk):

 Avoid cluttering graphs with too much information or unnecessary decorations.

13. Inappropriate Color Scheme:

 Colors should be chosen to be clear, distinct, and not misleading.

14. Overlapping Values:

 Ensure that data points or labels don't overlap, making them hard to distinguish.

15. Using Small Font:

 Text should be easily readable at a glance.

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