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Circles Trapunto

- Bondpaper
- Oil pastels in various colors
- Batting or foam padding
- Pencil
1. Begin by preparing your bondpaper. If using a canvas, make sure it’s primed
for oil pastels. If using paper, ensure it’s sturdy enough to hold the layers.

2. Designing Circles:Sketch different-sized circles onto the canvas using a

pencil or fabric marker. These circles will serve as the base for your trapunto

3. Choosing Colors: Select a range of vibrant oil pastel colors. Consider hues
that convey the emotions or themes you want to represent in your artwork.

4. Colorful Details with Oil Pastels: Use oil pastels to add color and detail to
your trapunto circles and the surrounding areas on the paper. Blend colors,
layer them, and experiment with shading to create depth and visual

5. Texture and Blending: Explore the textural possibilities of oil pastels by

layering and blending them. Experiment with different strokes and
techniques to enhance the vibrancy of the circles and the overall artwork.

6. Finishing:Allow the artwork to set and consider adding additional details or

highlights with oil pastels to complete the piece.

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