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Mark Lorence P.

Literatus February 20, 2024




1. Explain ICT policies and safety Domain 1: Domain 1 is all about comprehension
issues as they impact on the teaching- Understanding ICT about ICT and to be able to explain
learning process in Education ICT policies one should have a
significant understanding about ICT

2. Integrate media and technology in Domain 3: Domain 3 focuses on the integration of

various Pedagogy media and technology into supporting
content areas the student’s activities and modelling
collaborative knowledge construction

3. Apply learning theories and Domain 2: Domain 2 particularly points to the

principles in the design and Curriculum and application of concepts, principles and
development of lessons through Assessment theories of ICT systems as they apply
appropriate media and technologies to teaching-learning
for teaching learning

4. Formulate teaching-learning Domain 5: Domain 5 basically says that it is about

experiences and assessments tasks Organization and taking the lead in managing
using appropriate and innovative Administration technology-assisted instruction in an
technologies inclusive classroom environment and it
is exactly what this course learning
outcome is

5. Demonstrate social, ethical, and Domain 7: Teacher Domain 7 compromises of the traits
legal responsibility in the use of Disposition that we should apply towards the use of
technology tools and resources technology which relates this particular
course learning outcome

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