Rubric - BMC Report

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Entrepreneurial Rubric

Student’s Name: Matric No.:

Lecturer’s Name: Course Code: BPME6093- ENTREPRENEURSHIP



1 =Below Basic 2 = Basic 3 = Proficient 4 = Advance Marks

Creativity Trying new ways of Activities could be Activities could be Activities could be executed in a different
doing activities has not executed in a different executed in a different way has been outlined with some
even been considered way has been way has been outline alternative to measure their efficiency.
considered with some alternative

Innovative No ideas or innovative Some idea or Various ideas and Various ideas and solutions has been
solution have been innovative solution has solutions has been proposed and the application process has
proposed been proposed but no proposed and outline. been clearly outlined.
specific process

Proactive Suitable contributions Some suitable Suitable contributions Suitable contributions are provided to
have not been contributions have have been provided high quality level and correlated to
provided been provided to and some ideas are existing situations and problems
tackle the problems good enough to tackle

Synthesis New ways to make A new way of doing Two or more new ways Two or more new ways of doing things
things have not been things has been of doing things have are described and all the pros and cons
Entrepreneurial Rubric

1 =Below Basic 2 = Basic 3 = Proficient 4 = Advance Marks

identified identified but lack of been described with are described
pros and cons some pros and cons
Risk Tolerance No risks and benefits As assessment is A comprehensive Risk and benefits are prioritized.
are identified in a carried out to analyze assessment of risks
limited way the probability and and benefits are
potential carried out
consequences of each
risk or benefit


Scoring Key

Undergraduate Postgraduate
Below basic 1-5 -
Basic 6-10 1-7
Proficient 11-15 8-15
Advance 16-20 16-20

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