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DETACHMENT ABILITI -berae IES (PG 49) ‘bites nthe Battle forged Armies bectog ‘E,000 Core Book. THE LEAGUES [PG 50-57) Meeps esduoens fen fey ence « TRonarefve logue dealt wits ee “pales YOu CaN USE fo Create Your own As foes ents Deena E7oU ‘ples that reflect the way those Leag ona the dist Millennium. you ae cresting wwllbe able to creat th ‘ues those units _STRATAGEMS (PG 58-61) fof Votznn armies ave acces ada ha they can lise tote ther ag eee tr niotateena Ls insnte section which you can spend Comm ee > PP ig jour games. You can ind out more about Seen ee 7 a ols ithe Wachamnmes 40.000 Cont ny "THE VOTANNIC COUNCIL (PG 62.63) Yur own League, fo unique batted © iibe upgraded tobe part of the Votannic Cour © of aKindied. to doitig $0, these honoured powerfol new abilities. ‘warriors wil gain RELICS (PG 64-67) Leagues of Votann heroes can take powerfl artefacts and and the rules they bestow are described in this section, WARLORD TRAITS (PG 68) “The WaRtoRD of Leagues of Votann army can have one of the traitspresented in this section. These help to personalise the Jeader of your force and better reflect thetr individual combat prowess and command style an the batlefele SKEINWROUGHT DISCIPLINE (PG 69) psychic powers from the Skeinwrought discipline. This tepresents the different arcane lore and particular talents of ‘tach individual Grimnyr You can find out more about psychic sowers in the Warhanimer 40,000 Core Book. ain sional bi sec ow Leagues of Votan srmicnoperat ae beter arent bate You ean outa Pee of the Warhammer League, Ifyou ar using the $05 ight on the bitoflas usta and Fghring style that est = ‘Certain CHARACTER des in yose Leagues of Vora ary can ethene bey “magical weapons called Ancestral Relics into battle; these Relics Ifyour army includes any Grimnyr, they can be given additional CHAPTER APPROVED RULES [PG 70) — you a playing bate tht iret yo ede sondry Bical kn you nec i Lemos ot Vt ‘ons pried hee. These reps ga unis tthe Leng of Vtann You can fd eu ae aban ein neconery. ‘objectives in many matched play misian packs, including the cal ar mister puck ou ne Wariner 10.00 CRUSADE (PG 22.85) ‘The Leagies of Votann have cess fa how of additonal rues that enkance your Crusade experiance: These inchide bespoke Agendas, Requisitions, Batlle Taiteand Croside Relics that Feflect the rich background ofthe Ki, Asongst these rules are Kindred Acquisitions ~ where Kin mst reclaim precious pet, of resources build and upgrade their Rindced Assets ~ ad & system of Grudges to reprevent the Votann’s famously gas and unforgiving nature DATASHEETS (PG 86-99) ‘Tas section is essemial to all Leagues of Votann players regardless of play syle, containing ast does the datashects for Votan units Bach datasheet describes, among other things the profiles ofits models the wargear they ean be equipped with and ‘the bilities they have You can find out more about datasheetsin, the Warhammer 40,000 Core Book. WEAPON PROFILES (PG 100-101) ‘This section provides alphabetised ats of the weap. Votan units can be equipped with, and should be used ia conjunction with the datashees section, POINTS tee | POINTS VALUES (PG 102) Ifyou are playing me that uses points values you can use thealphabeised lists inthis section to determime the cost of ‘ach unit from your array. ‘These values yl be reviewed and updated annually RULES REFERENCE GLOSSARY (PG 103) In this section you will find a glossary of rules terms tsed in this. (Codex that is designed to aid in resolving any complex rules interactions that may arise. REFERENCE (PG 104) ae Here you will find a baney bullet-pointed rales reference ‘summarises some common Leagues of Votan rules. DETACHMENT ABILITIES AYoranw Detachment is one that only includes LEAGUE CUSTOMS models with the VOTANN keyword (excludi th models with the UNALIGNED Keyword). Back of the Leagues of Votann are renowned Jor particular customs that hi ed their ‘ipproach to matters for so long that they have Become tradi Individual Kindred May choose to focus on particular aspects of their Leagues radilons allo : ‘and mili + Vorawn Detachment Oathband ability + Yoranw units in Voranw Detachments gai the i¢ Customs ability . s gain the Hero ofthe all Observe them as cultural Leag 1+ HeanTaiern WARRIORS and HeANKY® PloneERs uunits in VoTANN Detach: the Objective Secured ability (this ability is described in the Warhammer 40, Core Book), HERO OF THE OATHBAND. itis tradition for a single Kahl either to feud eaclt Oathbanid, or else t0 serve as its mi figurehicad aiid strategis Customs ability gains the Ru Hero has mustered its forces. So great isthe Efficiency League Custonis — store of strategic curining, martial prowess and inspirational courage posse theyare of greatest benefit to the Kinhost divide jin this fashion. All VoraNN units with this ability, and all the odds in them, gain a League Custom se long as every VoTANK Unitin your army is from the same League. T m gained depends upon 1y are from, as shown on the Which League following pag it with GREATER THURIAN LEAGU ar League does not have an associated ague Custom for them, allows you ti tablished. League. In either ea: mall of your Derachmenis customs on your army roster You can include a maximum of one Kant mode in this Detachment Wigan rel ean 5 fi i | Ey ane Fee ane ae ara aac sy Rae DR a ae CRS FA = 4 = S p a C = risky and voouite to stray into withont Peni co) " THE LEAGUES in YorAnN your army is Battle forged, units Detachments gain access tothe following League rules, provided ‘every Vora unit in your army is from the sa If every unit in a Yorany Detachment is from the same nt is referred to as a League Detachment. League, that De LEAGUE CUSTOMS All cLeasue> units in a League Detachment il gain a Leagte 49, On the folowing page dl with each League, as wellas the lst of Established League Customs (pg 56) that you Falist ise if your League does noth od custom. Note that each custom fs made uy TP hhasan‘Ancestral | Pevery unit from you thoes withthe UnaLioneo keyword a os WARLORD TRAITS F Bath League has an associated Le Varlord Trait. fa YorANM Cuanacten model gains « Warlord Trt, they can nave BP the relevant League Warlord Trait instead of a Warlord Trait from page 68. STRATAGEMS Each Lesgic has an associated League Stratagem, If your army includes a League Detachment (exclu Detachments), then you b: Points to use this Stratagem, in addition to those on ‘oxliary Support 1d Command ges 58-61 RELICS OF THE LEAGUES Each League has an associated League Ancestral Relic. 1 you, Tad by a VorAnw - WARLORO, you can give ise arr League Ancestral Relic 10 a VOTANA «LEAGUES Chana " my instead of giving ther abe from pages 64-67. Named characters and Inowxi vee tnodels can never be given one of these Relics, -e one of the model’ isting ite Note thet some Reli: of wargear. Where this ite points values, stil pay th Bear that is being Feplaced. Wate down any Ancestral Relics your mo ‘cost of the ¥ your army roster Example: A Battle forged army ineludes a VOTANN Detachmen has the URANL-SURTR REGULATES i Detachment gain th ‘All Urani-SURTR REGULATES Units int Dour Survivalists League Custom, an Unant-Sur7R Recu Character model on that Detachment Trait can instead be given the Grim Pragmatism trait, you hav Waste Not Your Last Breath Stratagern arad cay army WARLORD is selected fron and is from the URANL-SURTR REGULATES, ‘hen Gt URANL-SURTR REGULATES CHARACTER model from your piven an Ancestral Relic can instead NS-HYPERIAN ALLIANCE Ketdeds ofthe Trans-Hyperin Altance ar sa ets Observe secur cof ancestral veneration tat Tipper ance are ever ch rave ova sek © LEAGUE CUSTOM: HONOUR THE ANCESTORS Boer on the mirve and often strung out aed under strength - the IKin ofthe Trans-Hyperion Allance are no strangers tofihting (gains the odds. They relish such hardstips however 2 tll the more fiece'y to apply their hard wor experience Confice te Better to honour the Votan. vey with this custom makesan attacks that + Fach time an ‘pode’ unit is below its Sarting Strengh. add I to that ‘stad’ hit roll, # Esch ime a model with this custom makes an attack on ar Penetration An uimodited wound rol of6, the Ar (Characteristic of that atackisimproved by Ancestral Judgement Bach time a model with this custom (excloding 406 m imakes an attack against a target that hes 1 or nore Judgement tokens (p86), reroll a wound roll of} WARLORD TRAIT: NOMAD STRATEGIST has wa cir warriors desire (stay on the riove, employing mobile seategies and snifily repositioning their forces to explo! weaknesses in enemy bate lines nd makes the most of ‘ht the sart of the ist batle round, you can select up to three fijendlyTRans-HrreRAn ALLunce units wholly within your ‘deployment zone, Remove those units from the battlefield, then Set them up anywhere on thebatleield thats wholly within "Your deployment zone. Ifthe mission uses the Strategic Reserves Tiles any of those units can be placed into Strategic Reserves j yithouthaving to spend any adcitional CPs, regardless of how ‘any units are already in Strategic Reserves. ls both players have abilities thet cedeploy unis, rol off the wines © Who sedeploys heir unit frst ote rand w passes the dedication o “ruising at the heart of nomadi oftheir Hold ship it Fie rest of tet race, the Kin of md congquests o enrich te Votan Ga ee rT ‘Trans Hyperian Alliance ~ n the Tan Hyperian Alliance Kin tol and j jattle Tactic Stratagem he Ancestor worship with ical. So wholly determined are its ile standards oj their forebears, thai felardships and keep fighting f0 surviv hey be terribly injured. even should min any phase, when 2 TeAns-HYPERtA) Is Strat Auuiancem) al from your army would lose awound fexiltofa mortal wound. Until the end of the phase that model, or another model in its unit, would lose a the result ofa mortal wound, roll one D6: on a 5+, thal snotlost RELIC: THE CORV DUAS Originally fashioned aboard the Hold ship of Urvais Kin gars of the Longest March, these CORV unt hoactive crystal recovered from a scinillai ida capital ship, the CORV L ified resilience to shield their Gi ime, the empyric resonance gener by their presence magnifies the fortitude of the Grinnyr’s har tech, helping them to ward off harmful enemy manifestatio ing the shart of: saromaly. Like escorts aro. enplay their psycho-am from harm. At the sar TRANS-HYPERian ALLIANCE GRIMAYR model only. + Add I tothe Wounds characteristics of this units CORV models. + While the bearer’s unit contains 1 or more CORY models, the bearer can attempt to deny one additional psychic power in «each of your opponent's Paychic phases. * While the bearer’ unit contains 1 or moce CORV models, add 1 to Deny the Witch tests taken forthe bearer GREATER THURIAN LEAGUE Grd lltaty conquest Boasting scores of aed Kineds and ner nexhanstble enkeaf Kinhst aaron to enforce ed LD Greater Thurian League take pride in epitomising all that it means tobe Kir LEAGUE CUSTOM: RUTHLESS EFFICIENCY EO er Trion Lagu eel wer ad ee pes nctray eercagiagater dopa ce tera rn oegnee Heapproh war vithagrim, methodical progmatisn tht ban oer he age fodels with this custom (excluding COS mexlels) count as 2 models when determining control of an objective marker, or 5 models if they have a Wounds characteristic of 10 or more «Each time a unit with this custom is selected to shoot or ight youcan re-roll one hit rll or one wound coll when making that units attacks. Ancestral Judgement ach Ere « model (excluding 4 C06 model) with this custom rales a atack against atarget that has 1 or more judgemeat {ohens (pe 86), thet enemy units considered to have | more judgement token than it actully bas (to amaximom of 53) when determining what bonuses apply to te attacking sodels atecks WARLORD TRAIT: PRAGMATIC WISDOM This warlord squeezes the most of out every strategic plo, thelr command decisions optimising the reward for every expenditure ‘While this Wartono is on the battlefield, each time you spend « Command point to use a Stratagem you can roll one D6: on 54, that Command pointis refunded. |APPRAISING GLARE Greater Thurian League - Epic Deed Stratagem few Kin cam cast the Eye of the Ancestors with the swiftness ad grins efficiency of his Lengue’s Kah. Where ther mercies gaze {alls the strengths and weaknesses of the enemy ar lid bare, and. there their warriors strike hardest Use this Stratagem wlien a Grearen THunianLEAQue Kin model from your army uses its Grim Efficiency ability. The selected _ ‘enemy wnit gains one additional Jadgement token (pg 89) RELIC: KORVYK'S CUIRASS. Amongst the earliest records of he Greater Thrian League teat account of the famed Brdklyr Korvyk the Hammer fashioning tis remarkable chest plate, Said to be crafed from one of ony three Final transubstaniven deposits ever dccovered by the Kin, and wrth the det ald ofthe nascent League sil lucid Votan, i a truly remarkable pie of armour. tis sald that KOrvyks Cudrass ies unyielding and rein! asthe ver spirit ofthe Kin race GREATER THURIAN LeaGuE model only. = The bearer has a 4+ invulnerable save. + Bach time an attack is allocated to the bearer, the Armour Penetration characteristic ofthat attack is reduced by 1 (f0 ‘minimum of 0). Ths is cumulative with the similar bons from the Void Armour ability (pg 87) URANI-SURTR REGULATES matter the odds ofsuctes. They dsparage wascfulne ong so wil bring them victory, aid their Kindreds survival, | LEAGUE CUSTOM: DOUR SURVIVALISTS The URSR have sufered preatly over the milena, yet stl they alr. Their grin warriors have diedain fer every fe, and Ge krown wo fight hela, While theyrcan til etand, can fight. 4 Ada 1 to the Toughness characteristic of models in aunit seth this custo «You can cero filed Moral this customs ests taken for aunit with Ancestral Judgement ath ine s model with this custom (xcleding COE ods) Hnokesan atack against target hat has Judgement tokens (py 86) that enemy unt iscensidered to have 1 Judgement wFE wen deteroining what bonuses app to the atscing models tacks WARLORD TRAIT: GRIM PRAGMATISM Dwelbng on pain and dicomjort only wasesvaiuble energy ht ould be pit t beter use ach ine this Wantone would loves wound. rllone D6-on a 5+, that wound isnot lost The Kindreds of the Unant-Surir Regulates prize sioicism, selpretance and ~ unusually for their race - inflexible determination ave alee, ara wil subst uncomplaiengly upon te alsohute animus if TEINS Ea LUrant-Surtr Regulates - ple Deed Stratagerm His ncaunbont upon te leader ofthe URSR to sek a example of ‘abate indonstablty before thei follower Use this Stratagene Fight phase when an Unaa-SueTs AESULATES CHaracten model fromm your army that hsenot ead beer selected to fight ths pluses ested. Du not ‘emove that model from play —at can fight afer the atacking models units finished making stacks. After resolving the desoyed iwodelsatacks, itis hen removed. RELIC: THE ABIDING MANTLE By tics own intense, the nore of whichever sled URS® taftomur fashioned tes oak vas never reeerded. Laced Ahaughoeth duamelioweave and vontranatve opie damper iru, this seemingly plein garment causes its wearer to Blend amongst he ranks ofthe conades hei survival ated by linferstated anonymily ‘Unans-Sonan Resuiares mucdel only Unless the bearers the loses eligible targetsenensy meds cannot target it with ranged attacks bar With’ sts fox de Sly Aes Pere Vans en Thad tubes Yikyr yeh Co P re "YMYR CONGLOMERATE The Yyr Conglomerate are renowned for two things above al elses raft with it A League whose mantra is ever qua quipped Outhbands to be seen in any theatre of war. LEAGUE CUSTOM: MASTER ARMOURERS The craftsmanship and quality ofthe Youyr Conglomerate weapons and void armour are second to none. Ki who enter battle girded with such forgewrought masterpieces strive never £0 waste their tremendous potential + Add 4° to the Range characteristic of ll ranged weapons (excluding Relics) models with this custom are ‘equipped with “Models ina unit with this custom that have a Save characteristic of 2+ gain a 4+ invulnerable save; other models Jn anit with this custom gain a 5+ invulnerable save. Ancestral Judgement Bach timiea model with ths custom (excluding a COG model) sakes a ranged attack that targets a unit within half range, if that target has 1 or more Judgement tokens (pg 86), the Armour Penetration characteristic ofthat attacks improved by 1. WARLORD TRAIT: GUILD CONNECTIONS U serves this warlord well to maintain strong contacts with the greatest Cthonian Guilds of the Yyr Conglomerate. Su Spiendships yield rich gifts that cam be put to good use upon ‘the battlefield he Damage characteristic ofall weapons this Wanton is quipped with (excluding Relics) is increased by 1, ier vast material wealth and the spectacular technologies thal they ihe Yyr Conglomerate deploy some ofthe most clit and heavily PS Mesene 1CP Ymnyr Conglomerate ~ Wargear Stratagem With specific modifications it s possible to focus a beam weapons ‘output into a more deadly stream of energy. ‘Use this Stra your Shooting phase, when an Yura ConcLomenate unit from your army is selected to shoot, Select fone model in that unit, and then select one beam weapon 100) that its equipped with, Until the end of the phase, time ait is scored with that weapon, the target suffers tion to the normal Damage. wound in ad RELIC: THE LAST CREST OF JALUK The tragic fall of the Hold world of Jaluk remains a cauti to all those Brokhyr tempted by wild experimentation. C ‘one gilded crest was recovered from the storm-lost plan 4nd seemingly untouched by the warp-madness that sur it Is protective powers extend to its bearer, as does the responsibility fo prevent such a tragedy befalling their ov YuYR CONGLOMERATE SuieLO CREst model only. + Once per battle, before making a saving throw for th can activate this Relic. [Fit does so, then until the ex phase, the bearer has a 3+ invulnerable save. ~ Each time the bearer would lose a wound as the result mortal wound, roll one D6: on a4+, that wound is not KRONUS HEGEMONY “The Kromus Hegemony are ever on the march Ther Kin launch inte fllslown military invasions often agressive and if-tempered. so that ow there a LEAGUE CUSTOM: BATTLE PROWESS The Ki ofthe Krone Hegeriony are ated wacriorswho are expected to display exceptional fais of srength end sillin tombut, They never hestate to hurl themselves into batileand, she rterper the adds, the harder they ight 10 preva + Each time a unitwith this custom fights ifit made. charge ‘move. was charged or performed a Heroic Intervention this turn, then until that ght is esolved, add Ito the Attecks characteristic of modds in thi unit. + Hach tne amodel with ihis cision makes a meleeatack, Lithat models unit madea charge move, was charged or performed a Heroic Intervention this turn, add 1 te that attack’ Strength characteristic. Ancestral Judgement Each time a model wih this custom (excluding « C06 model) makes 2 melee attack agains target that ha idgement tokens (pe.86).the Armour Penetration characteristic of that attack is proved By WARLORD TRAIT: EXEMPLARY HERO (s the dy ofall war leaders within the Krorus Hegemony to wiiipeachable example ta their folovers, employing ther prodigious kill to lay low the greatest enemy threats in person. + Enc time this Wantono fights, if it & within Engagement [Range of any enemy CHARACTER or NonsrER writs then tani thet fight is resclved, add] to this WARLORDS Attacks characteristic. Each time this Wantonp makes melee attack, you ca re-roll thehi: roll, + Each time this Wanton makes melee attack against a ‘enemy ChaRACTER or MONSTER unit, add Ito the wound roll rede mus ful quotas of rail conquest ad find the slighttexcure 2 ld arte, Over time, the tenperament of thee Kideds has become ever mors few problems the Kin of th ons Hegemony wil net eek tu selve with vielence BLOODY EXPECTATIONS rap Kronus Hegemony -Batile Tactic Strategen With afew stern word, the war leaders of the Kromus Hegemony rermnd ther warriors what is expected of them. Tey must fight Al the harder fore Ancestors expect thet de, ‘Use this Stenger in the Tight phase, winen Krone Hteewony vatfiom yous ata is skectad to ight Until the end ofthe Phase, cach me a mod in Gat uaitmakes a melee attack, 9) “unmodified hit roll of Bscores | additional ha, RELIC: THE JUST BLADE Rumow hasit tht this mighty axeis the deadliest weapon ever to he fashioned in the Forge ofthe Kronus Hegemony’ A prac ‘modilatedplasinc field wrethes a pelytrinae blade tha hos beers witncted 1 28 through feet thick armour plating and ‘even energy felis as though they were not thee sud wath the Hegemony tat so deadly weapon must only be wielded m 6 truly justied conf! against a deserving fo. Krowus Hectuoyy model with «forgewrought plasma sxe oF dark star axe only This Relic replaces a forgewrought plasma ace or dark star axe and has the folowing profile WEAPON RANGE TYPE seo The lustBiace. Meee Wee ci 4 2 ‘Alities: Each te an aac s mace with this weapon javulterable avingthows cannotbe made againsttnat teck ie oy pie aus fei. 4 “ah Whe ia ep ue oy opr pr 2 cae ainn Py,20 oak pu Bil por ior ty wf HF Hh I 55, you auistinstead ceate their custom by seecting eee a pend oriads are te stvars o/s LEO £5 Kin tea marmot He enemy er hed rps trong et pps rroteplysal eng nagar Ts Oe Se tne ‘You can re-roll failed Morale tests taken for @ unit with, ao S31NY 039404-31L1ve8 thiscarton ode anit madea charge ove was caved oe ted Frc ntervenion sua 1 tht atk "his Langue warriors are infamosly l-tempered and Kewn ty ake the cantinued existence of thei foes rather personaly ‘Each timea unit with this customs selected to shoct or ight, fall the models in that unit that make attacks target the sar nemny uni, afer resolving those attacks. ifthat enemy unit Fachsimea unt with this custom s destroyed byan enemy Suffered dammage as the result of those attacks but was no ito ency un une 2 dgeen: oles pg 80 ngead__ esto alone De and add 1 ote si te wt oof 1. be = e “tacked is now below Half-strength. On a5+, that enemy) fins Judgement token (p26). The League allows no insult or loee among thelr turiber t0g0. teravenged The fallen are always henouted in blood When thee comrades fll in hatte the Kin ofthis League F his League imposesa particularly punishing raining regime the harder fo honowe them through wnaltering succes. ton al the ovarriors of its Oahbass, painig ther toeliminate their onerces with merclseffciens. Each timean attack is made by model with this custom unkt is below its Stacting Strength, ad 1 to that attacks bi “Facts ine + model wilh this easton (ccluding «£06 siodel) takesa melee attack gansta target that has | or more Judgement tokens (pg 86), an anmodifed hit coll ofS sores 1 E FS adaltionat in We customary within the Kindseds of this League to for ‘ndomitatie shield walsin battle, and then ta ruse mas ‘an inspirational ong of ancestal honour and defiance “EE ee “Seen tad ofan late the attacking unit was selected to fight, you can reroll she | Each tine a unit with thiscustom declares a charge, if only |) declares charge against one target, andif that target as Lor nore Judgement tokens (pg 86), add 2 tothe charge cal FP THE VOTANNIC COUNCIL Uyouie army is Battle forged and includes any Vorann Delachments (excusing Auxillary Support Detachment then when you muster your army: you can upgrade any ofthe following Vorann Chanacren units (excluding named characters) from your army: Kine, BRORHYR IROR-MASTER, GRIMKYR. Fach time you upgrade one ofthe aforementioned units, it Power Rating is increased, a8 shown in the table below, Ifyou fare playing a matched play game, or a game that uses a point Timyit then the points valu theamount shown in the same table, Make « note on your army coster each time you upgrade a unit using these rule These units are still conside fatasheet for the umber of time purposes of sion t datasheet can be included in y any particu Bach time you upgrade « unit, one Caracter model in it gains lbjcw Keyword, ag shown in the keyword column ofthe table farlora Traits and gains below. I also gains access to bespoke {wo additional abilities, one of which is an Ancestral Judgement ability, as shown in the appropriate section over the following pages. A model can only use its Ancestral Judgement ability if every unit ftom your army has the Vovann keyword (excluding models with the UNALIGNED Keyword) and is from the same League When you upgrade a Vorann ChanacTer mode! with these rules, replace all instances of the keyword in new abilities and Warlord Trait (ifany) with the name of the League that your model is from ‘A Crusade force cannot start with any upgraded CnanacteR units - to include one in a Crusade force, you must use the A. Great Honour Requisition (pg 72). com the same League that b same Votannic it cannot contain two GREATER THURIAM ‘one model f IGouncil keyword (eg, LEAGUE Hick KAHL models, or two Kronus HeGeMon Lona | Hi KAHL pecmoye Loro GRIMNYR j | Brokhyr lron-master BROKHYR FORGE-MASTER CS REE:HASIE HIGH KAHL ‘Tobe named the High Kahl of an entire Kindred is both peepee rrr emer eas ren eee ees Ree remem arena rns eo Tee a ees Peper net er) tremendously capable warrior and indomitable battlefield Pre ere ee rae ea ‘strategic command over planet-wide ~ or even system-wide saree raat eed ee oars ener Tee ener ta Pee aoe PUM as eT eee cd High Kahl: In your Command phase, select one friendly, Serre met tar CL cre as Renmin ett coos Perret ite pes oe et et om eke) ability rule (pg 49) This means a Detachment can include Pere ett cc cs Oe BC curd Efficient Exemplar: Each time a HIGH KAHL model peerer mc Judgement tokens (pg 86). you can select one enemy unit that is visible to this model. Ifyou do so, that unit gains Judgement token. : WARLORD TRAIT poten eer umes kan ye Warlord Trait instead of giving them another Rc oc Mc rut at y This old warrior has fought in countless wars, and has witnessed first-hand much of the worst the galaxy has 1 offer. They can appraise the battlefield situation at a gla ‘and from bitter experience can select priority targets pragmatic efficiency while directing the Kin in war. ee Ree eeu eT their Grim Efficiency ability (pg 88-89) one additional Perea emer aber eset me iog tuna o a iA mee Ny ee este allie ae Pee re ce eae alpen ar etblet ed cia Wr sri RAT Petcare amet folie hada Peer sen rar bd Pe ny nen Srinath Fareed eet SO een Pest ok nw reset ac patn _ PSE rin eater iat Pere tar ease a rus) eC ent a ere ae Sc Lee eee ae sxditional psychic power in each of your Puychic pices Ree cura Ls theenerunant tori Su erate Foon tag eee eee SPCR eC Ree eet se een feet ere ei aera PG Lg peer ee et eee) Power Warlord Trait instead of giving them another Meer errs Tea as nee en a ‘for counties years. They have gleaned many incredible secrets and interpreted great truths in their time, and have innmense skill in wielding the psycho-ectivaied barrier oe ee eri Re et cee cr Ce te eee Cas BROKHYR FORGE-MASTER pee ni rd eran ay Oa intend srprernisanneet id Tee ere ears ear Railton are peer ee ee re me ene ee ote arin ment eran oe onary red eae ihr settee tes Ty ero teres ours ee are risa rec on ed nc et ec ptrr ie ee me ers reros oor ocr et nee een! Regedit ered by 1CP forthat use ofthe Stratagem, any future usages of etic etter OR er eee te ace Perret ent t cy ‘the target of that attack has Lor more Judgement tokens Tone ete etc) Pee ee eece ee eee cero Coen ee eee so) Reeth adnate an se ce COs Stee eee nents ea heer erty erent Wariord Trait Eee Gui cie ‘This Brokiyr isa true crafisman, and their experience in Bete een cad ‘ae much assured when this trusted old hand ison standby, Cera eae yaar “+ Each time this Wantono repairs. model using its Prine tetith saat te) Rice ts » Tepalred regains up to 3 lost wounds instead of D3 | (themodel being repaired regains up to 4 lost wounds Tne MCC niles ery Rete raanise tee eenscn ttn? E-COG Support ability, page 92). + Once per battle round, when « seving throw is failed fener vge tek te acs Petgae tine onr coca occu (erence itinerant Damage characteristic ofthat attack is changed to. Ifa Vorann ChanacraR model is your WARLORO. to desermine what Warlord Trait they have. You you can select one. RONKIN ASSISTANT models can When you have determined the keyword in their is from 1, ANCESTRAL BEARING his ward carries themselves like the oftacons past and commands much respect omg the Ki Exch time this Waatono uses an ability in your Command phase that specifies a you ean add 3° t0 the range of that ability (to a maximum of Z + Add 3° tothe ra bilities (to: maximum of 12°) 2. WARRIOR LORD This wierlord is a supremely stile comb ‘axe blow or sword strike they make is wasted ~ when they put an enemy down, it stays down, sc attack + Each time this Wanton makes 3 you can re-roll the wound roll + Each time a melee attack made by this Wancoro is llocated to an enemy model, that ‘enemy model cannot use any rules to ignore the wounds it loses. 3. ALONG LIST This warlord holds t races in conten, a hemes with a teen and inescapable eye. No sooner have they settled a Grudge aga najority ofthe galaxy their many than they move to the next namie on thei + Each time this Wancono makes ranged attack, the target does not receive the benefits of Light Cover against that attack. + Each time you select a target for this Wanono’ ranged weapons, you can ignore the Look Out, Sirrule for any unit that has fone or more Judgement tokens (pg 86). + Atthe end of each phase, swith Judgement tokens were destroyed during that phase by a unit from your army, select one enemy unit that is visible to this WARLORD; that unit gains 1 Judgement token, fOrman tHe Destined gains a Warlord Trait, eae Warlord Trat for a VoraNn Warlord Trat (any) with the n WARLORD TRAITS you cai use the Votann. Wa Cua either roll one D6 to randomly ge ever be given 3 Warlord Trait Ad Traits able belowy anacteR model, replace all instances of sme of the League thal your m el 4, GUILD AFFILIATE “The warlord is abways on the lookout for val 1 clan for their Kindred resources and ever acquisitive Guilds In your Command phase, you can select o friendly Cone unit within 6" ofthis WanLono. Until the start of your next Command phase, that unit has the Objective Secured ability {Gee the Warhammer 40,000 Core Book), If x model in that unit already has this ebility, that counts as one additional model wher 4 5. UNRELENTING TOIL (AURA) This warlord ie. tireless exemplar. They inspire mining contxol of an objective marker. similar dedication their efforts in this warlord’ presence, their warriors, who redouble While » friendly Core unit that is performing an action is within 6 ofthis Wanvono, that unit can shoot without that action failing 6. GRIM DEMEANOUR [AURA] “This warlord’ grim countenance is lege they are rumoured to have never smiled. Such demeanour is, of course, an outward sigh of how seriously this warlord undertakes their soler tasks, and under their stern gaze no Kin w found wanting Whilea friendly Cone unit is of this Warton: + That unit ean ignore any ot all modi Leadership characteristic ch time a Combat Attrition test is that unit, you can ignore any or all ACLU SP NAH ORT V LS | SKEINWROUGHT DISCIPLINE Before the battle, generate the psychic powers for Paveen Eamon ear mere ever eae ‘ean select which powers the psyker knows . Lee Aone ee 4 eet ety Dé-to generate each power randomly (re-rllng duplicate results) of ou ee ee ne Besar mata ner etre sence Pease) tee Ted sae aie ree a Fee rar een ae ea eye ene rorya Blessing: Interface Ecio hasa warp charge value of 5.1f Bet unten nmiet ng ane ee ate diet eens enter cue ee het eee gat 2. FORTIFY Ae me ae eee ere ee Employing controlled empyric energies, the Grimyr causes these Fee eee eeepc Er eens ‘lessing: Fortify has a warp charge value of 6, 1f manifested, eet eet eect er) ‘unit within 12” ofthis Pevesa. Until the start of your next Poser ‘+ Add 1 to the Toughness characteristic of models in that unit, Be Slastee er nore ier hats Peart ea AUT LUE Reg et ee aaa ea hold for their foes the Grimnyr transmutes it into furious Pe ns et ee their fingertips and their open mouth, blasting the foe to Reese Witchfire: Ancestral Wrath has a warp charge value of 6. If pee eee ea eek Pere toes nce Croce cee ‘each result if that enemy unit has 1 ot more Judgement tokens (p86) on it For each rol of 4+, that enemy nit suffers 1 Pret PAU sats Ce age Cae Grimmnyr engulfs their victim ina pillar of flame that sceurs them Dia tee Sete eee era Prac ee eee ree eto Sree ture hne tae eec Porro ie) eek ok next to that unit to the result ifthe result i greater than the ‘unmodified Lesdership characteristic ofthat unit, one model selected by your opponent in that unit is destroyed. PS ¢ eta a Meee a tes eh se cau ead at etme ate ea shields to flicker and die, and even the most agile foes to jumble en ey eee rad Malediction: Null Yortex has a warp charge value of 8 1F ponte tet gee es focnremeintee oie ccm sob ku : peteree ain Cees eee ares The glowering stare ofthe Grimnyr bores into the enermy its , por eee rer err tua tent Peter ines tere or cr strain simply to keep from collapsing altogether. Ree rete ot ae a perenne mtr ESTED} + Ifthe reault is greater than or equal tothe Leadershi characteristicof that enerny unit, until the start of ournext pee ree neuer mu ccarrently performing an action. it immediately fails). «+ Ifthe reeultis greater than the Leadership characteristic of Reenter Pevensie from that attacks hit rll, yn ean, when Hourarm. give ane ofthe folowing Ancesttal st sVovanx CuanicreR model from your army Nunes “asacters and rowan Assistant model cannot Belvo 2°70 Whe folowing Relics. Dur army se by aVorann Wana When a mode fom ross armyisgrenan Ancestral Bi eatcetel ne casaue> veyed ia that RE es day wits th mare of he rage at oor mode is from. Nee tac some Relics replace ore ofthe models existing Svargear. Where this is the case, you must. if you are vs pds acs sl pay the cost ofthe wept tnt beg Wee com any Ancestral Reles your soles IL'S FORTRESS eres te fe wrk of Pasnstakingy wroughs using conf ting harmon athe than tamer Blows, and shot throug with @<7= rejects a coniplesgravitic the bearer against tir fos ng gre-maves, he encrsy f= the btu Brokiyr keel le abrasion ned and restrained by cla Tada ay long enough forthe vets bearer and their conirades To pres forwart and ley them low. Shlcto Crest mode! only, At the sartof the Fight phase | Select one enemy unit within 3° ofthe bearer. That unit & net “light Gght this phase vot aferll eligible units from your “army have done so NCETALEEET gone at on Pt eae ag ss selecte6 to use an FpicDead snce per battle ifthe bearer gros 3 0 Command pota tage, ts Sra 98e Stratgetn Uijepafer making ahit oll, wound roll or saving EXACTOR Tis prenthanmnr was fsa for High Kh! Yond Giibener by tne notoriously wrascible craftsman Krys the Tevclas requires ts wielder ta swing tat precisely sein order to get the best from the weapon ~ a recorvect ang are to Revnns egertdariy figh expectecions ofall hose py Exaclor i him, Elovweve, when Ihrow forthe aroun Impacts corr Unleashes a devactating shock wave 0 mabe fons cn survive. “Mode! with a mass hammer only. This Relic replaces a mass tiammer and has the following profile: RANGE TYPE SAP ees WEAPON Exact ‘Abilities: Eaen tme an avackisrmade wit ‘Unmosiies hiro! of 6 he reget eutTore srteck sequence ends Melee jeweapon,onan 14Amonal wounde andthe THE FIRST KNIFE “Almost every Kahl and Grinmyr carries with them a plasma kif “These are badges of high office, denoting that the individual spcohs with te authority of the Ancestors. They are typically cere al rarely used in combat unless as a weapon of lst resort, () rife, toweves 1s of particular cultural signficance and gr offensive oe. Its believed to hare been crafied by the Vota theniseives during the days before the Kin came tothe gal. core, Containing @ unique pewer source and worked with so-ancient that na Kin can readit, this blade can be tries ‘project a beam oflaser energy that cythes through the vic at point-blank range, More than one ambushing foe or do crossing faux ambassador has discovered, to their cst jus deadly The Frst Knife can be, ‘int o: Gainnye model only: Each time the bearer fights make | additional attack using the close combat weapon (see the Wartammer 40,000 Core Book). If that attack keyword. This that you can select for yourself as dzscribed inthe 40,000 Gore Book, with the guidance detalled below iit are dean from one ofthe Leagues. When you junit with the cLeaaue> Keyword in your army. you fate Which Leagues rors and tea replace the ‘keyword in every instance on its datasheet with the your chosen League. This could be one! the Leagues ‘Warhamune: 40,000 publication, or one of your you include a Kahl unit in your army, and you deride fre font the Greater Thurian Leagus, their keyword becomes ThURIAN LEAGUE and their Kolved Hero ability reads friendly GREATER THURIAN LEAGUE CORE uni is within a hitrol of 1 ur army is Battle-forged, you cannot include units from 9 diferent Leagues in the same Decachment, You can find ‘more about Battle-forged armies in the Warhammer 40,000 - on profiles found on aunt datacheet describe the on that rodels in that unit can beequipped th fe only teferenced 6 «datasheet proses for an pages 100-101 led with te natal steadiness and sturdinessof the Kin es the auto-cakbration and gravitc i os by Hu TR modides ensures a stable ring t8 that you will need to fight battles with your Leagues of Votan ts and details of EYE OF THE ANCESTORS Kin war lenders Item the abit to cast the Bye ofthe Ancestors, judging swiftly which foes take priority for destruction. 1fevery unit from your ermy has the Vovan keyword and is from the same League (cxcludiog models wth the UnaLsne® Keyword), then enemy units will gain Judgement tokens (to 2 maximum of 3) throughout the bate as folows: + Each time an enemy unit destroys a Voraun unit from your arm, that enemy Unit gains Judgement token, + Each time an enemy unit successfully completes an action or a payehi action, I gens 1 Judgement token. nd of each of your opponent's turns, you can elect say unit within range of an objecive marker chat your ‘opponent controls, That uni gains 1 Judgement token If uait with any judgement tokens is removed from the battlefield (eg, because emashed on a Teanaront, is entering Strategic Reserves ete) make note of how many Judgement tokens it had when it was removed. Ifthat unit is set up on the ttlcield again, pace the corresponding number of Judgement tokens next to it aain, anit with one or more judgement tokens slits up into two ‘or mere smaller units, exch of those units prins a mumber of idgenent tokens equal to thet ofthe orginal unit. iftwo or more ‘units sombine to form a single lange unit, and any of those nits fad one or more Judgement tokens, make x note of how many are fm the unit with the most just before they combined ~ the new Jarges unit has a number of Judgement tokens equal to this, Fachtimea Vorann model (excluding €O6 models) from your army makes an atack azainsta unit that bas one or more Judgement tokens, apply the zpplicable bonus from the table below to thet attack, ATS ‘nan unmodified hitrol) ckautomaticaly wounds the target. Now We've Get a Grudge te Sextie: dn an unmouitice hitroll of 4+, (thatattacksuccessfuly hits the target, italsoautomaticaly wounds the targen. Note, ifan attack automaticaly woundsthe target asthe result, of this ability, then for the purposes of any other rules that are triggered on a particular wound roll, that attack is considered 10 have been made with an unmodified wound roll of 6.

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