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My Future Plan

Hello everyone my name is, and you can call me Al. Now I’m standing in here to explain and share
about my future plan for the purpose of my exam. I have a lot of dreams. When I was a kid my
dream is to be a teacher and time goes by. I have other dreams, sometimes I want to be a
entrepreneur, tax director, secretary, officer of state and other interesting dreams. But now I have
grown up, I don’t know what I want to be.

Now, I almost finish my studies in senior high school. And I want to continue my studies to University
and I’m still confused between majoring in educational administration or development economics.
After graduating from university, I want to work in a company under the auspices of the
government. All of this is just the beginning of my dreams. After I work for 2 or 3 years, I will have a
lot of money by that time I want to start a business and keep working in company. I want to have a
mini market or coffee shop and anything that has a good prospects. That way I will make more
money compared to just working in the company.

Maybe about one years after that I want to get married with a man that I love and travel to several
countries that I want to visit with my future husband for a year. One of the countries I want to visit is
Italy. Imagine traveling around Italy to see the beauty of architecture, artwork, and layout of cities of
Italy, especially Rome. Hunting sunset in Trastevere while enjoying gelato. After that we go to Venice
to enjoy the romance of the city on the gondola a6.

Although I don’t know what tomorrow will bring. I hope that every day is an adventure and that my
future will be full of excitement and love. All I can do now is focus on today and plan for tomorrow.
My future depends on my decisions and life experiences and I can’t wait to see what my future has
in store for me.

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