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CSS Tutorial – Full Course for Beginners

Understanding CSS Selectors

CSS selectors are fundamental in styling

HTML elements. They include element selectors,
class selectors, and ID selectors. Element
selectors target specific HTML elements, while
class selectors apply styles to elements with a
particular class. ID selectors are unique and
should be used sparingly. Additionally, selectors
can be grouped for styling multiple elements
simultaneously, and the universal selector
targets all elements on a page. Understanding
these selectors is crucial for effective CSS

Understanding CSS Cascade, Specificity, and

CSS cascade dictates that styles are
applied from top to bottom, with the last rule
encountered taking precedence. Specificity,
determined by selectors like elements, classes,
and IDs, can override cascade order. Inheritance
allows child elements to inherit properties from
parent elements, but not all properties are
inherited. Using the !important flag should be
avoided as it can lead to code disorganization
and should only be used when absolutely
necessary. Tools like specificity calculators can
help understand why certain styles are applied
over others. Different methods of defining colors
in CSS, including color names, RGB, RGBA, and
hexadecimal values, offer flexibility in design.
Visual Studio Code's color palette feature aids
in selecting and visualizing colors, including
hue, saturation, and lightness (HSL) values,
facilitating efficient color selection.

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