Uts - 151 Ashwin Kumar Verma - Understanding The Self - 151 Enrollment No. - 00615702123 Final Final

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SESSION – 2023-2025





ENROLMENT NUMBER – 00615702123



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“The Mediocre Teacher TELLS, The good teacher
EXPLAINS, The superior teacher DEMONSTRATES,
But a Great Teacher INSPIRES.”
I would like to thank our principal Dr. Bharti Dimri who has helped me a lot
during the process of understanding of self in a better way and motivated me a lot
to think critically about the incidents which not only helped me in the completion
of this practical file but also develop some new insights towards life.

I would like to express my special thanks of gratitude to my teacher Dr. Alka

Narula for her constant support, encouragement, and guidance without which this
process of understanding self would not have been reached its successful
completion. Her valuable suggestions and instructions served as a major
contributor to a better understanding of the self for me and proved very helpful in
enhancing my strengths and overcoming my weaknesses. Her mentorship also
resulted in the proper shaping of me into a better person and the completion of this
practical file. She was always there as a mentor and guiding person for every
student in the process to help in the transition to a better person than they were.

At last but not least I would also like to thank my friends for providing support
and encouragement during the process of understanding the self and completing
the process in a very significant and fruitful manner. They were always there for
guidance and motivate me to reform into a better individual.

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1. 28/09/2023 Workshop I – Significant events/experiences of 4-10


2. 2023 Workshop II – Learn to observe 11-24

3. 21/11/2023 Workshop III – Mindfulness 25-59

4. 12/10/2023 Workshop IV – Understanding working in 60-67


5. 19/10/2023 Workshop V – Celebration of Iconic 68-79


6. 30/10/2022 Seminar – Glimpses of different childhood in 80-100


7. 2023 Who am I ? 101-117

8. 2023 Conclusion 118

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The cycle of life always keeps moving and in due course of time many events or incidents
happen with everyone which act as so much significant to a person who had gone
through it and lived that feeling for a particular time.

If I need to quote the importance of those events in a line, then I can say that – “The
journey of life is the reflections of the episodes on the canvas of life”. Experience
and knowledge gained through living is known as life experience.

A 'significant life experience' is one that 'changes' a person in some way.

Today our respected faculty, Dr. Alka Narula had conducted a workshop to cherish the
moments which are so close to our individual’s hearts. First of all, she had instructed all
of us to become calm and do meditation. Then she said that forgot all the other thoughts
and recall those moments which provides immense happiness to you.

Many of my fellow mates, had shared their significant events with us:

 They were so much happy when they had learnt to drive

 When they had celebrated their parent’s anniversary during lockdown
 When they had topped in board exams
 When their song got released on YouTube
 When they got admitted to Delhi University
 When they got admitted in Bachelor of Education
 When their dream become true

There were several events in their life which is so close to their heart and make them

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Time- line of important events of my life

Scoring 10 CGPA in Join as faculty at Admission in

Class 10th Sankalp Academy Bachelor of
Mathematics Exam. Education

2016 2019 2022 2022 2023

Passing Class Completion

12th of Graduation

Event 1: Scoring 10 CGPA in Mathematics in class 10th Board exams

I always believed that the ending of the story is more important than its
commencement. During my schooling days, in initial classes, I was a little bit sincere
but later on, my ignorant nature started masking my sincerity and I became so much
lazy in my studies. In due course of time, my academic performance started declining
but I was not getting affected by that too much. I would say that I was lacking the
appropriate motivation to perform well in my studies.

There were my two classmates; one of whose father was a rich businessman and one was
a teacher in a School and, the whole faculty had started to give special attention to them.
That moment was so much demotivating for every student who were believing in hard
work is the key to success. Many students had started to befriend them for building a
good image in front of the teachers, but some students like me had hated this thing.

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One day my tuition teacher of Mathematics Mr. Prahalad Singh Rathore had asked
me jokingly that how many marks in board exams will be satisfactory for me and I had
answered that I will be happy if I will score 60-65 marks (around 6 CGPA) in the final
exams. Then he had scolded me that why you are settling for less, despite having the
potential of scoring good marks. Even he had warned me so many times that my marks
will get deducted only due to my carelessness and ignorant nature. He had pushed me a
lot to do better and had motivated me to do so much hard work. He had conducted so
many revisions classes and test for our batches and maintained much positive

All of his blessings and hard work get paid off when I had checked my result and I had
scored 10 CGPA in Mathematics. At that moment I had felt so much happy that I can
do something if someone has believed in me and acted as a mentor for me. And also,
after the declaration of the results, the faculty of my school called me to school for
receiving an award for good academic performance from Chairman Dr. Dhanraj
Singh during the annual day celebration of our school.

Event 2: First job and bringing gifts for parents

COVID–19 had affected the lives of so many people around the globe. I was Under-
Graduate in the same year of the outbreak. Lockdown had affected the lives and earnings
of everyone. The situation become more worsen in COVID Second wave. I became 20
years old in the year 2021 but remain unemployed at the same time. During my
graduation time, I started to feel ashamed for asking for the expenses of my regular
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use from my parents. Though, I was taking Tuitions but the exposure and money is
very limited to meet my requirements. My parents had never refused me for money but
I personally think that after attaining that age one should become capable of
spending on his/her requirements of their day to day life. It provides a sense of

After the situation got stable, I started to look for a part-time job or source of more
earnings for a sense of freedom. After so many unsuccessful trials, I started to feel
demotivated. I had become so frustrated at that particular moment. But in February
2022, my teacher Mr. Prahalad Singh Rathore (PGT Science and Mathematics in
Choudhry Baldev Singh School & owner of SANKALP ACADEMY) called me and told
me that I could teach there. He told me that I should focus on the process of learning
and he would be there for my motivation and professional development. He told me that
I just need to give my best.

I joined as faculty the very next day and it helped me to get a teaching experience in
batches and also helped me to earn some more money for my own expenses. After a
month, when I got the remuneration, first of all, I visited the temple to thank God. I also
brought some gifts for my parents as they were always there for me by doing their best
as they can. That day, my father told me to be always faithful to this profession. He
also said not to focus only on earning money but also to work hard to get onto the
next level and on the character building.

That day is so much close to my heart as I not only got sense of responsibility but
also got appreciation from my parents.

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Event 3: Admission in Bachelor of Education

Doing a drop during the period of education is like cutting the feathers of the birds and
it became so much difficult for me to get focused on a particular thing after exams of my
final year of graduation. I subscribed Adda 24*7 course for SSC CGL preparation but
I was not able to focus and work on it with my full potential and around August 2022,
my final year graduation results declared. I can say that it is so much confusing to opt
for a particular option for the betterment of the life and to get the best opportunities.
During my early childhood, I wanted to be get in NDA but during early adolescent
period, I had seen the character of an IAS officer in a movie named Shaadi Mein Zaroor
Aana and then, I always wanted to be an IAS officer to bring out some changes in
society. But it is true that “Man Proposes but God Disposes, as God always have a
better plan for us.” I personally felt becoming an IAS was much difficult for me as
I was not getting sufficient time to prepare. Preparing for SSC CGL was much
problematic for me, so preparing for UPSC was absolutely out of my reach. At that
time, I realized that wasting time can hinder the development of the mindset of the
individuals and society.

As, I was teaching in SANKALP ACADEMY and taking private tuitions, So, in due
course of time, I had started to develop an interest in the teaching field as it is the best
way to bring that change in society to a large extent and I decided to become a teacher.
I simply filled GGSIPU B.Ed. COMMON ENTRANCE TEST form and started
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studying for the entrance test of the Bachelor of Education programme. I can say that
all of my hard work gets paid off when I had secured a good Rank in the entrance test.

I got admission to the college named Pradeep Memorial Comprehensive College of

Education very easily which is one of the best colleges in GGSIPU. I personally felt
that here the faculty members are so much devoted to helping the students in
becoming the best teachers for the future. They are so much professional in terms of
experience and make the teaching-learning discourse much fruitful.

All my batch mates were very friendly. Within few days, we got along well.

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What is Observation?
Being a pupil-teacher, observation is an integral part for all of us in the learning process
for the fruitful transition into the better teachers. For making all of us better observers,
our teacher in charge Dr. Alka Narula had conducted a workshop.

An observation procedure is a process used to observe and record a set of activities

or behaviours. Observation is the active acquisition of information from a primary
source. In other words, we can say that observation is the method for collecting data
about people, processes and cultures. Observation does not solely mean seeing, it often
includes hearing and involving other senses to collect information.

Observation is also used as a tool to collect data by teachers or researchers in the

classroom as it provides first-hand experience with a scope that allows researchers to
open to discovery rather than guessing about the actual context. Observation of the
children can reveal patterns of behaviours, learning preferences, mastery of skills
and development progress. It is important that the process of observing a child while
doing a work or playing should be done without interfering in the activity.
“Children communicate with us through their eyes, the quality of their voices, their
body postures, their gestures, their mannerisms, their smiles, their jumping up and
down and their listlessness.” - (Cohen and Stem, 1974)

Conclusively we can say that it is “a descriptive research approach that is used to

generate an in- depth, multi-faceted understanding of a complex issue in its real-
life context.

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Observation on Nature

1. Nature as a Classroom: Observation of nature serves as a dynamic and ever-

changing classroom where we can learn about the interconnectedness of life and
the cycles of the natural world.
2. Biodiversity Study: By observing nature, we can study the rich biodiversity of
ecosystems, which is essential for understanding and conserving various species
and their habitats.
3. Ecological Balance: Observing nature helps us appreciate the delicate balance
that exists in ecosystems and the importance of preserving it for the well-being of
all living organisms.
4. Weather Prediction: Nature observation, including cloud patterns, animal
behaviour, and plant reactions, can help in predicting weather changes and
patterns, which is crucial for agriculture and disaster preparedness.
5. Medicinal Discoveries: Many medicines and remedies have been discovered
through the observation of natural phenomena, such as the healing properties of
certain plants or the behaviours of animals.
6. Inspiration for Art: Nature has been a constant source of inspiration for artists,
providing them with themes, colours, and forms that have enriched the world of
art throughout history.

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7. Recreation and Relaxation: Observing nature provides relaxation and stress
relief, allowing individuals to unwind and rejuvenate in natural surroundings.
8. Renewable Resources: Understanding how natural resources like water, wind,
and sunlight work is essential for harnessing renewable energy and reducing our
reliance on fossil fuels.
9. Agricultural Practices: Farmers rely on observations of nature, like seasonal
changes and animal behaviours, to make informed decisions regarding planting,
harvesting, and managing their crops.
10.Conservation Efforts: Observation of threatened and endangered species in
their natural habitats is crucial for developing effective conservation strategies to
protect these species.
11.Environmental Education: Nature observation enhances environmental
education, helping people of all ages become more aware of environmental issues
and inspiring them to take action to protect the planet.
12.Ecotourism: The observation of nature in its pristine form attracts tourists,
generating revenue for local communities and promoting the conservation of
natural areas.
13.Pollination and Food Production: Understanding the role of pollinators in
nature is vital for ensuring food production through healthy ecosystems and
sustainable agriculture.
14.Mental and Physical Health: Spending time in nature and observing its beauty
has been shown to have positive effects on mental and physical well-being,
reducing stress and promoting overall health.
15.Innovation and Biomimicry: Observing nature has inspired innovative designs
and technologies through biomimicry, where human-made solutions are modeled
after natural processes and structures, leading to more sustainable and efficient

In summary, the observation of nature is not only a source of wonder and

inspiration but also a practical and essential endeavor with countless benefits for
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science, art, agriculture, and overall human well-being.

Observation of Pupil Around Me: My Mother

1. Cooking Magic: Watching Mom cook delicious meals teaches me how to

prepare food. I learn to make my favourite dishes and share the joy of cooking
with others.
2. Always Caring: Mom's kindness and caring nature inspire me to be
compassionate. I understand the importance of helping others and being there for
friends and family.
3. Super Organizer: Mom keeps everything tidy and organized at home. I learn to
keep my space clean and manage my stuff better.
4. Listening Skills: Mom listens when I talk about my day or problems. I learn to
be a good listener and understand how important it is to share thoughts and
5. Conflict Solver: Mom helps settle arguments between me and my siblings. I
learn to resolve conflicts peacefully and avoid fights.
6. Saving Money: Mom is careful with money, and I see her save for the future. I
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learn about saving money and being responsible with finances.
7. Fix-It Queen: Mom can fix things around the house. I learn how to be
resourceful and tackle small DIY projects.
8. Generosity Rules: Mom is always ready to help others in need. I learn the
importance of being generous and giving back to the community.
9. Creative Genius: Mom's artistic talents, like painting or crafting, encourage me
to explore my own creativity and enjoy artistic hobbies.
10.Cultural Connections: Mom shares our cultural traditions with the family. I
learn about our heritage and the importance of cultural celebrations.
11.Healthy Habits: Mom exercises and eats well. I learn to take care of my health
and make good choices for my well-being.
12.Green Living: Mom cares for the environment by recycling and reducing waste.
I learn to be eco-friendly and protect our planet.
13.Life Coach: Mom gives great advice on school, friends, and life choices. I learn
from her wisdom and guidance.
14.Family First: Mom emphasizes the importance of family bonds. I understand the
value of family and maintaining close relationships.
15.Independence Booster: Mom encourages me to be independent by teaching new
skills. I gain self-confidence and the ability to handle responsibilities on my own.

Observing my mother in these aspects of life helps me learn valuable skills,

develop a strong character, and grow into a responsible and caring individual.

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Observation of Situation Around Me while Travelling

Once upon a time, I embarked on a meaningful journey to Baba Dhaam Devgarh, a

revered religious place dedicated to Lord Shiva, nestled in the heart of Jharkhand. I was
filled with anticipation as I prepared for this pilgrimage.
I packed my essentials, including a shawl, some snacks, and a small notebook, eager to
document my observations and experiences. The journey was a long one, but the
excitement of reaching this sacred place spurred me on. But due to excessive crowd in
the train, one of my baggage get misplaced. I had no clue of my baggage which
disturbed me a lot as it had my all essential documents including Bank ATMs and
Credit Cards.

I was very disappointed due to this and tried to find out the baggage with my full
potential but was in vain. That night was sleepless for me; but the next morning, I
found my bag as I approached the holy site. It was a miracle and I experienced God’s
grace at that time.

The atmosphere was serene, with lush green trees and the sound of gentle breezes. It
felt like nature itself was welcoming me to this sacred abode.
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The temple stood tall and magnificent, with intricate carvings and a sense of
divinity in the air. I observed devotees making their way to the temple, some reciting
prayers, and others offering flowers and incense. It was a beautiful sight, a testament to
the faith and devotion that brought people from all walks of life here.

Inside the temple, I watched as the priests performed rituals and ceremonies with
utmost devotion. The smell of incense and the soft chants created an aura of peace
and spirituality. I joined in, bowing my head and offering my own prayers to Lord

The surrounding area had a calm and peaceful vibe. I noticed pilgrims sitting under
trees, reflecting on their spiritual journey. Many shared stories of their connection with
Lord Shiva and the miracles they believed he had bestowed upon them.

As the sun set, I found a quiet spot overlooking the temple. The golden hues of the
twilight bathed the temple in a warm, ethereal light. It was a moment of profound
beauty and tranquility.

During my visit, I observed the locals' kindness and hospitality. They welcomed me
with open hearts, sharing their stories and traditions. It was a reminder of the unity and
inclusiveness that spirituality brings to people, regardless of their backgrounds.

My journey to Baba Dhaam Devgarh was not just about reaching a destination; it was a
soul-stirring experience. It taught me the importance of faith, spirituality, and the power
of connecting with something greater than oneself. The simple yet profound
observations I made during my visit will remain etched in my memory, reminding me
of the peacefulness and divinity of this special place.

My visit to Baba Dhaam Devgarh had been more than just a physical journey; it
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was a journey of the soul. I had observed the unwavering faith of people, the
timeless rituals of worship, and the profound connection between the human spirit
and the divine. This sacred place had left an indelible mark on my heart,
reminding me of the importance of faith and spiritual exploration.

Observation from Communication: One to One

A Meaningful One-to-One Communication Experience
Kalpana Ashwin

Introduction: Recently, I had the opportunity to engage in a one-to-one

communication experience with my college mate and a newly made friend;
may be my best friend of recent times, Kalpana, at our college. The purpose
of the interaction was to discuss a long-term planning, preparing concepts,
strategy and goal settings for 1st Semester Examination to address some
challenges we had encountered.

Communication Setting: We went to the last bench of our classroom to

ensure a focused and undisturbed conversation in a free period. I initiated
the dialogue by expressing my intention to collaborate more effectively and
openly discuss any concerns or issues we might be facing in our studies.

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Active Listening: Throughout the conversation, active listening played a
pivotal role. I made a conscious effort to listen to Kalpana without
interrupting, providing her with the space to express her thoughts and
opinions. This not only demonstrated respect but also fostered an
environment where Kalpana felt comfortable sharing her perspectives.

Open Communication: The dialogue was characterized by open and

honest communication. We both shared our thoughts on our progress,
identified areas of improvement, and discussed potential solutions. This
transparency helped build trust and strengthened our friendship.

Conflict Resolution: As the conversation progressed, we encountered

differing opinions on how to address certain challenges. This provided an
opportunity to practice conflict resolution skills. Instead of avoiding or
dismissing the differences, we actively sought common ground,
compromise, and found a mutually acceptable solution. This experience
highlighted the importance of addressing conflicts head-on for the
benefit of the overall studies.

Empathy and Understanding: One of the key learning outcomes was the
development of empathy and understanding. By listening actively and
putting myself in Kalpana's shoes, I gained insight into her perspective,
challenges, and aspirations. This understanding not only enhanced our
collaboration but also created a more positive and supportive environment.

Learning Outcomes:
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1. Improved Collaboration: The one-to-one communication experience
strengthened our collaborative efforts by fostering open dialogue and a
shared understanding of goals.
2. Enhanced Conflict Resolution Skills: Confronting and resolving
conflicts in a constructive manner contributed to a more effective and
harmonious friendship.
3. Increased Empathy: Actively listening and understanding Kalpana’s
perspective improved my ability to empathize, fostering a more
inclusive and supportive study culture.
4. Building Trust: Transparent communication and active listening, built
trust between Kalpana and me, establishing a foundation for future
collaboration and problem-solving.

Conclusion: The one-to-one communication experience with Kalpana

was invaluable in terms of personal and educational growth. It
reinforced the importance of effective communication, active listening,
and empathy in fostering positive relationships. Moving forward, I am
committed to applying these lessons to further enhance collaboration.

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Observation from Communication: One to Many
Guidance and Counselling Session for Students

Introduction: As a teacher, I recently had the opportunity to attend a

guidance and counselling session for the students of Sankalp Academy,
who are preparing for the upcoming board examinations 2024. The
session aimed to address their doubts, provide strategic guidance for
the examination, and foster a positive and confident mindset among the

Session Setting: The session took place in a spacious auditorium to

accommodate the students. The atmosphere was designed to be inclusive
and conducive to open communication. Visual aids, charts, and a
multimedia presentation were utilized to enhance engagement and

Addressing Doubts: I began the session by encouraging students to voice

their doubts and concerns. This created a participative atmosphere, allowing
me to address specific challenges students were facing in their preparation.
By acknowledging and resolving individual doubts, a collective sense of
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confidence started to build among the students.

Sharing Examination Strategies: The core of the session revolved around

discussing effective strategies for preparing and tackling the board
examinations. I emphasized the importance of time management, the
significance of understanding the exam pattern, and the value of practicing
with past papers. Practical tips for dealing with exam stress and maintaining
a healthy study routine were also shared.

Interactive Q&A: To ensure the session remained dynamic and relevant,

an interactive Q&A session was incorporated. Students were encouraged to
ask questions about specific subjects, exam formats, and any concerns they
had about the approaching exams. This not only addressed individual
doubts but also provided valuable insights into the common challenges
faced by the entire group.

Motivational Talk: As part of the counselling session, I delivered a

motivational talk to inspire confidence and self-belief among the students. I
shared success stories of previous students who had overcome challenges
and achieved academic excellence. The aim was to install a positive
mindset and resilience in the face of academic pressures.

Learning Outcomes:
1. Doubt Clarification: The session facilitated the clarification of
doubts, ensuring that students had a clear understanding of the subject
matter, which is crucial for effective preparation.
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2. Strategic Preparation: Students gained insights into effective
examination strategies, including time management, understanding
exam patterns, and the importance of regular practice.

3. Enhanced Confidence: The counselling session, coupled with the

motivational talk, contributed to an increased sense of confidence and
self-belief among the students.

4. Community Building: The interactive nature of the session helped in

building a sense of community among students from different
institutes, fostering a collaborative and supportive environment.

5. Improved Communication Skills: As a teacher, the experience

enhanced my ability to communicate complex ideas effectively to a
large audience, tailoring the information to meet the diverse needs of
the students.

Conclusion: The guidance and counselling session for the board

examinations 2024 at Sankalp Academy proved to be a fulfilling and
impactful experience. The learning outcomes extend beyond academic
preparation, encompassing the development of a supportive
community and the enhancement of communication skills, both
essential elements for successful teaching and learning.

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“Mindfulness is not difficult. We just need to remember to do it.”

— Sharon Salzberg

Mindfulness is a unique type of meditation in which individuals concentrate on being acutely aware
of what they are sensing and feeling in the present moment, without any specific judgement or
interpretation. According to many experts, the physical practice of yoga may include a mindfulness
component. Mindfulness and yoga are complementary activities that can help each other. As a
result,yoga can be thought of as a mindfulness practice and vice versa.

Nowadays, everyone either intentionally or unintentionally ignores to be in a particular moment and

to appreciate the present moment for the availability of resources they have. In an individual’s life, one
should spend more time with a particular event or activity to perform a particular function more
efficiently. And the process in which an individual completely focuses on a particular moment
while doing a particular work by using each sense to remain aware is known as mindfulness.


Mindfulness is the stage in which individuals use their all senses to bring awareness to
Mindfulness techniques can aid in the regulation of emotions, as well as the reduction of
stress, anxiety, and sadness.
It increases the ability to relate to others and with self with compassion, acceptance, and
Self-control, objectivity, affect tolerance, increased flexibility, equanimity, greater
attention and mental clarity, and emotional intelligence are some major benefits of
Mindfulness improves well-being and increasing the capacity for mindfulness supports
many attitudes that contribute to a satisfying life.

Mindfulness often leads to bringing some positive changes in a human that eventually help in
the betterment of the individual.

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To make understand all of us about the basics and importance of
mindfulness in life, our teacher-in-charge Dr. Alka Narula had conducted
activities on Yoga and meditation with the help of a Yoga Instructor named
Rakesh Drall.


1. Mindful Breathing: Focus on your breath, inhaling and exhaling consciously.

2. Body Scan Meditation: Pay attention to sensations in each part of your body.

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3. Mindful Walking: Walk slowly, being fully present with each step.
4. Mindful Eating: Eat slowly, savoring each bite and being aware of the experience.
5. Guided Meditation: Listen to a guided session focusing on breath, visualization, or relaxation.
6. Mindful Observation: Observe an object or scene with full attention to details.
7. Gratitude Journaling: Reflect on and write down things you are thankful for.
8. Loving-Kindness Meditation: Cultivate feelings of love and compassion.
9. Mindful Coloring: Engage in coloring, focusing on colors and the act itself.
10. Yoga: Practice mindful yoga, connecting breath with movement.
11. Mindful Listening: Focus on sounds in your environment without judgment.
12. Breath Counting: Count breath cycles to enhance focus and awareness.
13. Progressive Muscle Relaxation: Tense and relax muscle groups systematically.
14. Mindful Tea or Coffee Drinking: Engage in the sensory experience of drinking.
15. Mindful Noticing: Pause to observe and appreciate your surroundings.
16. Mindful Technology Use: Be intentional and present when using technology.
17. Grounding Techniques: Acknowledge and engage with the present moment.
18. Mindful Self-Compassion: Accept thoughts and feelings without judgment.
19. Mindful Breathing with Affirmations: Combine breath awareness with positive affirmations.
20. Nature Mindfulness: Spend time in nature, connecting with sights and sounds.

Mindfulness contributes to emotional well-being by:

1. Stress Reduction: Reducing stress by promoting a present-focused mindset.

2. Emotion Regulation: Enhancing the ability to manage and respond to emotions effectively.
3. Increased Self-Awareness: Developing a deeper understanding of one's emotions and thought
4. Improved Focus: Enhancing concentration and reducing emotional reactivity.
5. Enhanced Resilience: Building resilience to cope with life's challenges and setbacks.
6. Better Relationship Management: Improving communication and empathy in relationships.
7. Anxiety Reduction: Alleviating symptoms of anxiety through mindful practices.
8. Greater Emotional Balance: Cultivating a balanced and stable emotional state.
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9. Mindful Decision-Making: Making decisions with greater clarity and emotional intelligence.
10. Positive Outlook: Fostering a more optimistic and positive mindset in daily life.

Mindfulness in the classroom:

1. Improved Focus: Enhancing students' attention and concentration during lessons.

2. Stress Reduction: Helping students manage academic and personal stress.
3. Enhanced Learning: Improving cognitive skills and information retention.
4. Emotion Regulation: Providing tools for students to navigate and regulate emotions.
5. Increased Resilience: Building resilience to cope with challenges in the learning process.
6. Positive Classroom Culture: Fostering a supportive and inclusive learning environment.
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7. Better Behavior Management: Contributing to improved behavior and classroom discipline.
8. Enhanced Social Skills: Developing empathy and communication skills among students.
9. Test Anxiety Reduction: Alleviating anxiety related to exams and assessments.
10. Promoting Well-Being: Supporting overall student well-being and mental health.

Mindfulness in a stressful context:

1. Calmness: Helps you stay calm and composed in challenging situations.

2. Focus: Improves concentration, making it easier to tackle tasks.
3. Stress Reduction: Lowers overall stress levels and promotes relaxation.
4. Clear Thinking: Enhances mental clarity for better decision-making.
5. Emotional Balance: Manages and stabilizes emotions during stressful times.
6. Improved Coping: Builds resilience to cope effectively with stressors.
7. Better Sleep: Supports quality sleep by calming the mind.
8. Positive Outlook: Encourages a more positive perspective on challenges.
9. Reduced Anxiety: Eases anxious feelings and promotes a sense of ease.
10. Enhanced Well-Being: Contributes to an overall sense of well-being despite stress.

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Mindfulness in Cognitive Development

Mindfulness can play a significant role in decision-making by promoting a heightened awareness of the
present moment, fostering a clearer understanding of one's thoughts and emotions, and enhancing
overall cognitive abilities. Here are several ways in which mindfulness can be applied to decision-
1. Increased Awareness:
• Mindfulness encourages individuals to be fully present and engaged in the current
moment. This heightened awareness can help decision-makers recognize their
thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations in real-time.
• Being mindful allows individuals to step back from automatic reactions and impulsive
decision-making, providing the mental space to consider options more carefully.
2. Reduced Stress and Anxiety:
• Mindfulness practices, such as meditation and deep breathing, can help reduce stress
and anxiety. Decision-making under stress can lead to impulsive choices or an inability
to see the bigger picture.
• By managing stress through mindfulness, individuals can approach decision-making
with a calmer and clearer mindset.
3. Improved Focus and Concentration:
• Mindfulness practices enhance concentration and focus by training the mind to stay
present. This heightened focus can lead to better analysis of available information and
improved decision outcomes.

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• Improved attention to the task at hand enables individuals to gather relevant data and
consider various factors before making decisions.
4. Emotional Regulation:
• Mindfulness helps individuals become more attuned to their emotions without being
overwhelmed by them. This emotional regulation is crucial in decision-making, as it
allows for a more rational and balanced assessment of options.
• By acknowledging and understanding emotions, decision-makers can make choices that
align with their values and long-term goals.
5. Enhanced Cognitive Flexibility:
• Mindfulness practices promote cognitive flexibility, which is the ability to adapt and
consider alternative perspectives. This flexibility is valuable in decision-making,
especially in complex situations with multiple variables.
• A mindful approach encourages individuals to view situations from different angles and
consider diverse solutions, leading to more informed and adaptive decisions.
6. Prevention of Decision Fatigue:
• Mindfulness helps individuals manage mental fatigue and prevent decision fatigue,
which occurs when the quality of decisions deteriorates after making a series of
• By incorporating mindfulness into daily routines, decision-makers can maintain mental
stamina and make better choices over time.
7. Long-Term Perspective:
• Mindfulness encourages individuals to focus on the present moment while considering
the long-term consequences of their decisions. This can prevent impulsive choices that
may have negative repercussions in the future.
• The ability to connect present actions with future outcomes promotes a more strategic
and thoughtful approach to decision-making.
Incorporating mindfulness into decision-making processes can lead to more thoughtful, informed, and
resilient choices, ultimately contributing to personal and professional well-being.

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Mindfulness in decision making

Mindfulness is like having a mental superpower for making better decisions. It helps you stay focused
on the present moment, reducing stress and keeping your emotions in check. This superpower also
improves your concentration, making it easier to think clearly. By being mindful, you can adapt to
different situations, avoid decision fatigue, and see the bigger picture. It's like having a calm and wise
advisor in your mind, guiding you to make choices that align with your goals and values.
1. Present Moment Awareness:
• Mindfulness helps you stay fully present, avoiding distractions and focusing on the
current decision at hand.
2. Emotional Balance:
• By understanding and regulating your emotions, mindfulness prevents impulsive
decisions driven by stress or anxiety.
3. Clearer Thinking:
• Regular mindfulness practices sharpen your mind, enhancing concentration and
improving your ability to analyze information effectively.
4. Reduced Decision Fatigue:
• Mindfulness prevents mental exhaustion, ensuring that the quality of your decisions
remains high over time.
5. Improved Adaptability:

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• Enhances cognitive flexibility, enabling you to consider various perspectives and adapt
to changing circumstances.
6. Long-Term Perspective:
• Encourages thinking about the future consequences of decisions, promoting strategic
choices aligned with your goals.
7. Enhanced Well-being:
• Overall, mindfulness contributes to a calmer mindset, reducing stress and supporting a
more thoughtful and balanced approach to decision-making.

Yoga and meditation

I. Breathing exercise.
II. group exercise.

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Benefits of Yoga:
1. Improved Flexibility: Yoga involves various poses that enhance the flexibility of muscles and
2. Increased Strength: Many yoga poses require the engagement of different muscle groups,
contributing to overall strength.
3. Enhanced Balance: Balancing poses in yoga help improve stability and coordination.
4. Better Posture: Yoga promotes awareness of body alignment, leading to improved posture.
5. Stress Reduction: Mindful breathing and relaxation in yoga can significantly reduce stress
6. Mental Clarity: Regular practice of yoga is associated with increased mental focus and clarity.
7. Emotional Well-being: Yoga encourages mindfulness, aiding in emotional balance and
8. Pain Relief: Yoga can alleviate chronic pain conditions and improve mobility.
9. Cardiovascular Health: Certain yoga styles incorporate aerobic elements, benefiting heart
10. Improved Breathing: Pranayama (breath control) exercises in yoga enhance lung capacity and
respiratory function.

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Benefits of Meditation:
1. Stress Reduction: Meditation helps activate the relaxation response, reducing stress
2. Enhanced Emotional Well-being: Regular meditation is linked to improved mood and
emotional stability.
3. Better Focus and Concentration: Meditation practices cultivate sustained attention and mental
4. Improved Sleep: Mindfulness meditation can contribute to better sleep quality and duration.
5. Anxiety Reduction: Meditation techniques are effective in managing symptoms of anxiety
6. Increased Self-awareness: Meditation encourages self-reflection and heightened awareness of
thoughts and feelings.
7. Pain Management: Mindfulness meditation has been shown to reduce the perception of pain.
8. Lower Blood Pressure: Meditation can contribute to lower blood pressure and overall
cardiovascular health.
9. Mind-Body Connection: Meditation fosters a deeper connection between the mind and body.
10. Enhanced Overall Well-being: Regular meditation is associated with a sense of calm, balance,
and overall well-being.

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Benefits of Breathing Exercises:

1. Stress Reduction: Breathing exercises activate the relaxation response, reducing stress and
promoting calmness.
2. Improved Focus: Deep, mindful breathing enhances concentration and mental clarity.
3. Enhanced Respiratory Function: Breathing exercises increase lung capacity and improve
overall respiratory health.
4. Anxiety Management: Controlled breathing is effective in managing symptoms of anxiety and
panic disorders.
5. Better Sleep: Relaxing breathing techniques contribute to improved sleep quality.
6. Emotional Regulation: Conscious breathing helps regulate emotions and promotes emotional
7. Increased Energy: Deep breathing increases oxygen supply, providing a natural energy boost.
8. Pain Management: Breathing exercises can be used as a tool to cope with and alleviate pain.
9. Lower Blood Pressure: Certain breathing techniques contribute to lower blood pressure and
cardiovascular health.
10. Mindfulness and Presence: Breathing exercises promote mindfulness, grounding individuals in
the present moment.

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Group exercises
Group exercise refers to physical activities or fitness classes that individuals perform together as a
group, led by an instructor or trainer. These sessions typically take place in a designated fitness
facility, community center, or outdoor space. Group exercise can encompass a wide range of
activities, including cardiovascular workouts, strength training, flexibility exercises, and mind-body
practices like yoga.

Benefits of Group Exercise (Yoga):

1. Community Support: Group yoga fosters a sense of community, providing support and

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2. Social Interaction: Group settings encourage socialization, reducing feelings of isolation.
3. Motivation: Practicing yoga in a group can boost motivation and commitment to regular
4. Structured Environment: Group classes provide a structured and guided environment for yoga
5. Variety of Skill Levels: Group classes accommodate various skill levels, making yoga accessible
to all.
6. Camaraderie: Shared experiences in a group setting create a sense of camaraderie among
7. Accountability: Group dynamics promote accountability, encouraging regular attendance.
8. Diverse Perspectives: Group classes offer diverse teaching styles and perspectives from
different instructors.
9. Enhanced Learning: Participants can learn from observing and interacting with others in the
10. Increased Enjoyment: The collective energy in group yoga classes often makes the practice
more enjoyable and engaging.

Different Yoga Practices

1) Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation):

1. Pranamasana (Prayer Pose): Stand with feet together, palms in prayer
2. Hasta Uttanasana (Raised Arms Pose): Inhale, lift arms overhead, arch
back slightly.
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3. Hasta Padasana (Hand to Foot Pose): Exhale, bend forward, touch the
floor or shins.
4. Ashwa Sanchalanasana (Equestrian Pose): Inhale, step right leg back,
look up.
5. Dandasana (Stick Pose): Hold breath, bring left leg back, body in a
straight line.
6. Ashtanga Namaskara (Salute with Eight Parts): Knees, chest, chin on
the floor, hips up.
7. Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose): Inhale, arch back, lift chest, look up.
8. Parvatasana (Mountain Pose): Exhale, lift hips, bring head between
arms, heels on the ground.
9. Ashwa Sanchalanasana (Equestrian Pose): Inhale, step right leg
forward, look up.
10. Hasta Padasana (Hand to Foot Pose): Exhale, bend forward,
touch the floor or shins.
11. Hasta Uttanasana (Raised Arms Pose): Inhale, lift arms overhead,
arch back slightly.
12. Pranamasana (Prayer Pose): Exhale, return to the starting
• Individuals with back issues should practice under supervision.
• People with high blood pressure or heart conditions should modify as
• Pregnant women should consult a healthcare provider before
1. Full-body Workout: Tones and strengthens various muscle groups.

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2. Improved Flexibility: Enhances flexibility in the spine, legs, and
3. Boosts Circulation: Increases blood flow throughout the body.
4. Stress Reduction: Promotes relaxation and reduces stress levels.
5. Balances the Nervous System: Supports a harmonious nervous system
6. Aids Digestion: Stimulates abdominal organs, aiding digestion.
7. Enhances Respiratory Function: Improves lung capacity and breathing.
8. Increases Energy: Boosts overall energy and vitality.
9. Weight Management: Contributes to weight loss and body toning.
10. Mind-Body Connection: Cultivates mindfulness and mental focus.

2) Tadasana (Mountain Pose):

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1. Starting Position: Stand with your feet together, arms by your sides,
and weight evenly distributed.
2. Alignment: Engage your thighs, lift your chest, and roll your shoulders
back. Palms can face forward.
3. Grounding: Press into the ground with all parts of your feet,
maintaining a firm connection.
4. Elongate the Spine: Lengthen your spine upward while relaxing your
shoulders away from your ears.
5. Gaze Forward: Fix your gaze straight ahead, finding a focal point to
maintain balance.
6. Breathing: Inhale deeply, feeling the expansion of your chest and
7. Hold the Pose: Stay in Tadasana for 30 seconds to 1 minute,
maintaining steady breath.
• If you have low blood pressure, avoid locking your knees and keep a
slight bend.
• Individuals with neck issues should keep the head in a neutral position
rather than tilting it back.
1. Posture Improvement: Tadasana helps correct and improve overall
2. Strengthens Legs: It strengthens the thighs, knees, and ankles.
3. Stability: Promotes stability and balance through the entire body.
4. Awareness of Alignment: Enhances awareness of body alignment and

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5. Energizing: Activates the entire body, promoting a sense of energy and
6. Focused Mind: Helps calm the mind and improve concentration.
7. Sciatica Relief: Can provide relief from sciatica discomfort.
8. Digestive Benefits: Aids digestion and regulates the function of
abdominal organs.
9. Reduced Flat Feet: Tadasana can help in reducing flat feet and
improving arches.
10. Prepares for Standing Poses: Serves as a foundational pose for
various standing yoga poses.

3) Shirshasana (Headstand):

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1. Preparation: Begin on your hands and knees. Interlace your fingers and
place your forearms on the mat.
2. Placement of Head: Rest the crown of your head on the mat, creating a
triangle with your forearms.
3. Lifting the Hips: Lift your hips toward the ceiling, straightening your
legs and walking your feet in.
4. Stabilize: Engage your core and gradually lift your legs off the ground,
bringing them overhead.
5. Straight Alignment: Extend your legs fully, keeping them in line with
your torso.
6. Balancing: Find a balanced position, with weight evenly distributed on
your forearms and head.
7. Hold the Pose: Hold the headstand for a duration suitable for your
comfort, gradually extending over time.
8. Exiting the Pose: Lower your legs slowly, returning to the starting
position with control.
• Avoid practicing headstand if you have neck injuries or issues.
• Individuals with high blood pressure, heart conditions, or eye problems
should consult a healthcare professional before attempting.
• It's advisable to learn this pose under the guidance of an experienced
yoga instructor.
1. Improved Blood Circulation: Shirshasana enhances blood flow to the
head and brain.
2. Strengthens Upper Body: Builds strength in the shoulders, arms, and
upper back.
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3. Increased Focus and Concentration: The inversion promotes mental
clarity and concentration.
4. Stimulates Endocrine System: Helps in balancing and stimulating the
endocrine glands.
5. Enhanced Core Strength: Engages and strengthens the muscles of the
6. Relieves Stress: Inversions are known for their stress-relieving effects.
7. Improved Balance: Challenges and improves overall balance.
8. Lymphatic System Detoxification: Assists in lymphatic drainage and
9. Therapeutic for Asthma: Can be therapeutic for mild asthma.
10. Increased Mindfulness: Requires full concentration, promoting
mindfulness and presence.

4) Padmasana (Lotus Pose):

1. Sit Comfortably: Start by sitting on the mat with your legs extended.
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2. Cross-Legged Position: Bring one foot onto the opposite thigh, with the
sole facing upward.
3. Second Leg Placement: Place the other foot on the opposite thigh in
the same manner.
4. Alignment: Ensure your knees are on the mat and both feet are
comfortably placed on the thighs.
5. Spine Straightening: Straighten your spine, keeping your shoulders
6. Hands Placement: Rest your hands on your knees with palms facing up
or down.
7. Chin Mudra: Optionally, touch your index finger to your thumb,
forming a circle.
8. Breathing: Breathe deeply and evenly, maintaining a calm and relaxed
9. Gaze Forward: Focus your gaze on a point ahead or close your eyes for
a meditative experience.
10. Hold the Pose: Hold the Lotus Pose for a comfortable duration.
• Avoid practicing Lotus Pose if you have knee or ankle injuries.
• Individuals with hip issues should approach this pose with caution.
• It's advisable to warm up your hips and knees before attempting Lotus
1. Improved Posture: Lotus Pose promotes an upright and aligned spine.
2. Enhanced Flexibility: Increases flexibility in the hips, knees, and ankles.
3. Calming Effect: Induces a sense of calmness and tranquility.

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4. Stimulates Digestive Organs: Aids digestion and massages abdominal
5. Meditative Stability: Creates a stable base for meditation and
mindfulness practices.
6. Strengthens Back: Engages and strengthens the muscles of the back.
7. Opens the Hips: Helps in opening and releasing tension from the hip
8. Therapeutic for Sciatica: Can be therapeutic for those with sciatica
9. Balancing Energy: Aligns and balances the flow of energy in the body.
10. Cultivates Mindfulness: Supports the cultivation of mindfulness
and inner awareness.

5) Vajrasana (Thunderbolt Pose):

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1. Kneel Down: Start by kneeling on the mat with your thighs and knees
close together.
2. Sit Back: Sit back on your heels, keeping your spine straight.
3. Feet Placement: Place your feet slightly apart, with the tops pointing
4. Hands Resting: Rest your hands on your thighs, palms facing
5. Relax Shoulders: Relax your shoulders and keep your head and neck
aligned with the spine.
6. Breathing: Breathe deeply and naturally, maintaining a calm and
relaxed breath.
7. Gaze Forward: Keep your gaze forward, looking straight ahead.
8. Hold the Pose: Hold the Thunderbolt Pose for a comfortable duration.
• Individuals with knee or ankle injuries should approach this pose with
• Those with severe digestive issues or hernia should avoid practicing
• It's advisable to practice this pose on a soft surface or with a folded
blanket under the knees.
1. Improved Digestion: Vajrasana aids digestion and reduces acidity.
2. Relieves Gas and Bloating: Helps in relieving gas and bloating.
3. Strengthens Pelvic Muscles: Engages and strengthens pelvic muscles.
4. Enhanced Posture: Promotes an upright and aligned posture.
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5. Reduces Lower Back Pain: Can help in reducing lower back pain.
6. Calms the Mind: Induces a sense of calmness and mental relaxation.
7. Stimulates Vagus Nerve: Activates the vagus nerve, supporting overall
8. Cultivates Mindfulness: Aids in cultivating mindfulness and inner
9. Improves Blood Circulation: Enhances blood circulation in the lower
part of the body.
10. Accessible Seated Pose: Provides a comfortable and accessible
seated pose for meditation and pranayama.

6) Shavasana (Corpse Pose):

1. Lie Down: Start by lying on your back on a comfortable surface, legs
extended, and arms by your sides.
2. Feet Relaxed: Let your feet fall outward, allowing them to naturally

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3. Arms Position: Place your arms slightly away from your body, palms
facing up.
4. Relaxation: Close your eyes and let your entire body relax, releasing
5. Breathing Awareness: Bring attention to your breath, breathing
naturally without force.
6. Scan Your Body: Mentally scan your body from head to toe,
consciously relaxing each part.
7. Let Go of Thoughts: Allow thoughts to come and go without attaching
to them.
8. Deep Relaxation: Sink into a state of deep relaxation, letting go of any
muscular or mental tension.
9. Stay Present: Remain in Shavasana for 5-10 minutes or longer, staying
present and at ease.
10. Gentle Awakening: When ready to end, slowly deepen your
breath, wiggle your fingers and toes, and gradually sit up.
• Individuals with certain medical conditions may need to use props for
• If you have lower back issues, you can place a bolster or cushion under
your knees.
• Pregnant women should modify by lying on their side or use props for
1. Stress Reduction: Shavasana is highly effective in reducing stress and
promoting relaxation.
2. Improved Sleep: Regular practice can contribute to better sleep

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3. Muscle Relaxation: Promotes the release of muscular tension
throughout the body.
4. Mental Clarity: Helps clear the mind and improve mental focus.
5. Lower Blood Pressure: Supports the reduction of blood pressure.
6. Emotional Balance: Fosters emotional balance and a sense of inner
7. Enhanced Self-Awareness: Cultivates awareness of the body, breath,
and mental state.
8. Fatigue Relief: Provides relief from physical and mental fatigue.
9. Integration of Asana Practice: Allows the body to integrate the
benefits of the preceding yoga practice.
10. Mindfulness Cultivation: Supports the cultivation of mindfulness
and present-moment awareness.

7) Gomukhasana (Cow Face Pose):

1. Starting Position: Sit on the mat with your legs extended.
2. Bend Right Knee: Bring your right knee over the left, placing the foot
beside the left hip.

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3. Cross Legs: Cross your left leg over the right, placing the left foot
beside the right hip.
4. Align Knees: Align the knees directly on top of each other.
5. Arms Positioning: Raise your right arm overhead, bending the elbow
and reaching down the center of your back.
6. Left Arm Positioning: Extend your left arm to the side and bend the
elbow, reaching up the back.
7. Clasp Hands: Attempt to clasp your fingers behind your back, bringing
the hands together.
8. Straighten Spine: Lengthen your spine, keeping your chest open and
shoulders relaxed.
9. Gaze Forward: Look straight ahead, keeping your neck in a neutral
10. Hold the Pose: Maintain the Cow Face Pose for a comfortable
duration, breathing deeply.
• Approach Gomukhasana with caution if you have shoulder or knee
• If you are unable to clasp your hands, use a strap or hold a cloth
between your hands.
1. Hip Opening: Stretches and opens the hips, addressing tightness.
2. Shoulder Stretch: Provides a deep stretch for the shoulders and upper
3. Spine Alignment: Promotes alignment and lengthening of the spine.
4. Chest Expansion: Opens the chest, improving respiratory function.
5. Therapeutic for Sciatica: Can be therapeutic for those with sciatica
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6. Improved Posture: Engages and strengthens the muscles that support
good posture.
7. Stress Reduction: Encourages relaxation and helps reduce stress.
8. Balances Energy: Aligns and balances the flow of energy in the body.
9. Enhanced Concentration: The meditative nature of the pose can
enhance mental focus.
10. Improved Digestion: Aids in digestion by massaging abdominal

8) Trikonasana (Triangle Pose):

1. Starting Position: Begin by standing with your feet about 3 to 4 feet
apart, toes pointing forward.
2. Arm Extension: Extend your arms parallel to the floor, palms facing
3. Alignment: Turn your right foot out 90 degrees and the left foot slightly
4. Bending to the Right: Inhale and reach your right hand towards the
right, lowering it to your shin, ankle, or the floor.

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5. Arm Position: Extend your left arm straight up, creating a straight line
from the left fingertips to the left foot.
6. Gaze: Turn your head to gaze at your left thumb or look straight ahead,
depending on your neck comfort.
7. Hip Alignment: Keep your hips in line with each other, avoiding tilting
forward or backward.
8. Hold the Pose: Hold the Triangle Pose for 30 seconds to 1 minute,
maintaining steady breathing.
9. Repeat on the Other Side: Come back to the starting position and
repeat the steps on the opposite side.
• Individuals with neck problems should keep the gaze straight ahead or
• People with low blood pressure should be cautious and avoid
1. Stretches and Strengthens: Triangle Pose stretches and strengthens
the thighs, knees, and ankles.
2. Improves Digestion: The twist in the pose aids in better digestion and
stimulates abdominal organs.
3. Enhances Balance: Helps improve balance and stability.
4. Stimulates Abdominal Organs: Massages and stimulates the
abdominal organs.
5. Alleviates Back Pain: Triangle Pose can provide relief from mild back
6. Strengthens Core Muscles: Engages and strengthens the muscles of
the core.
7. Increases Hip Flexibility: Opens and increases flexibility in the hips.
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8. Reduces Stress: The pose can help alleviate stress and calm the mind.
9. Improves Focus: Holding the pose requires concentration, enhancing
mental focus.
10. Aligns the Spine: Contributes to better spinal alignment and

9) Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose):

1. Starting Position: Lie on your stomach with legs extended, tops of the
feet resting on the mat.
2. Hand Placement: Place your hands beneath your shoulders, fingers
pointing forward.
3. Elbow Tuck: Elbows should be tucked close to the body.
4. Inhale and Lift: Inhale, press into your hands, and lift your chest off the
5. Gaze Forward: Lift your head and gaze forward, keeping your neck in
line with the spine.

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6. Shoulder Blades Together: Draw your shoulder blades together,
opening the chest.
7. Engage Core: Engage your core muscles to support the lower back.
8. Legs Activation: Press the tops of your feet into the mat to engage the
leg muscles.
9. Breathing: Breathe deeply while holding the pose.
10. Hold the Pose: Maintain the Cobra Pose for a comfortable
• Avoid overextending the neck; keep the gaze forward to protect the
cervical spine.
• Individuals with back injuries or herniated discs should practice with
• Pregnant women should modify the pose by keeping the belly on the
1. Strengthens Back Muscles: Bhujangasana strengthens the muscles
along the spine and lower back.
2. Improves Posture: Regular practice helps in improving overall posture.
3. Stretches Abdominals: Stretches and strengthens the abdominal
4. Chest Opening: Opens up and expands the chest, improving lung
5. Relieves Stress: The pose can have a calming effect on the mind and
reduce stress.
6. Stimulates Abdominal Organs: Aids digestion and stimulates
abdominal organs.
7. Increases Flexibility: Enhances flexibility in the spine and shoulders.
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8. Alleviates Sciatica: Can provide relief for individuals with mild sciatica.
9. Elevates Mood: Backbends like Cobra Pose are associated with an
uplifted mood.
10. Energizes the Body: Activates and energizes the entire body,
promoting vitality.

10) Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward-Facing Dog Pose):

1. Starting Position: Begin on your hands and knees in a tabletop
2. Hand Placement: Align your wrists under your shoulders and your
knees under your hips.
3. Tuck Toes: Tuck your toes, lifting your hips toward the ceiling.
4. Straighten Legs: Straighten your legs, bringing your heels toward the
mat (they don't need to touch).
5. Lengthen the Spine: Extend your spine, reaching your tailbone toward
the ceiling.
6. Head Position: Keep your head between your arms, facing toward your
7. Engage Core Muscles: Engage your core muscles for stability.
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8. Heels Grounded: Ideally, keep your heels grounded, but it's okay if
they don't touch the mat.
9. Hold the Pose: Hold Downward-Facing Dog for 30 seconds to 1 minute,
focusing on your breath.
• Individuals with wrist or shoulder issues should be cautious and modify
as needed.
• If you have high blood pressure, eye problems, or are pregnant, avoid
keeping your head below your heart for an extended period.
1. Full Body Stretch: Stretches and lengthens the entire body, from heels
to fingertips.
2. Strengthens Core Muscles: Engages and strengthens the muscles of
the core and arms.
3. Improves Posture: Aids in improving overall posture and alignment.
4. Enhances Flexibility: Increases flexibility in the shoulders, hamstrings,
and calves.
5. Relieves Tension: Relieves tension in the back, neck, and shoulders.
6. Energizing: Provides an invigorating stretch, promoting a sense of
7. Stimulates Circulation: Facilitates blood flow and circulation
throughout the body.
8. Calms the Mind: Offers a mild inversion, promoting a calming effect on
the nervous system.
9. Builds Focus and Concentration: Requires concentration, contributing
to mental focus.
10. Prepares for Standing Poses: Serves as a foundational pose, often
used as a transition in yoga sequences.
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Mindfulness is crucial for our well-being as it helps us
stay present and focused on the current moment. It
involves paying attention to our thoughts, feelings, and
surroundings without judgment. By practicing
mindfulness, we can reduce stress, anxiety, and
negative emotions. It allows us to make better
decisions, improve concentration, and enhance overall
mental health. Mindfulness also promotes self-
awareness, helping us understand our emotions and
reactions. It encourages a positive perspective,
fostering gratitude and a sense of fulfillment.
Incorporating mindfulness into daily life can lead to
better relationships and a deeper appreciation for the
simple joys of each moment. Ultimately, mindfulness
empowers us to navigate life's challenges with greater
resilience and a more balanced mindset.

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Pradeep Memorial Comprehensive College of Education, Kirari organised a workshop
on “Understanding Working in Groups”, followed by doing some theatre activities on
Tuesday, October 10, 2023. The workshop is part of the Bachelor of Education
curriculum, paper code 151, titled “Understanding the Self”. The main purpose of the
workshop was to teach us about the importance and effectiveness of teamwork in Education
and how group work help in teaching and learning.

This session was for the improvisation of students by performing a skit or play. There were
4 groups whose topics were :-

1) GROUP – 1 – Andhviswas (Superstition)

2) GROUP – 2 – Gender Stereotypes
3) GROUP – 3 – Widow Remarriage
4) GROUP – 4 – Dowry
• I was in Group 1 in which we prepared a skit on SUPERSTITION to spread the
awareness about harmful consequences of superstition.

All students took part in the activities held by the Teacher-in-charge Dr. Alka Narula and
the whole class was very much involved in the discussion for the whole time. Overall the
entire workshop was fun as well as interesting, unique, knowledgeable, creative and very
involving for the students.

This workshop is done to inculcate the importance of the group work in the pupil teachers
which may help them in future to maximize the overall development of the students.

As every individual has some uniqueness in themselves so this workshop majorly

emphasises on the channelizing of that uniqueness to achieve some unique goals and
perform a particular activity in an efficient way so that we all can learn some new skills.

This workshop had conducted so many interesting activities which are explained further.
Superstition refers to beliefs or practices that are not based on scientific
evidence but are often rooted in tradition, or cultural habits. People may
believe in superstitions due to cultural, religious, or societal influences, even
if there is no rational explanation for them.
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In the context of India, superstitions can have harmful consequences in
various ways:
1. Social Practices: Superstitions can lead to harmful social practices, such
as the mistreatment of certain individuals or groups based on
superstitious beliefs. For example, in some cases, people might be
ostracized or discriminated against because they are believed to bring
bad luck.
2. Exploitation: Some individuals take advantage of superstitions for
personal gain. They may pose as healers, claiming to have supernatural
powers, and exploit vulnerable people by offering supposed remedies
or solutions in exchange for money.
3. Medical Neglect: Superstitions can sometimes hinder proper medical
care. People may rely on superstitious practices instead of seeking
professional medical help, leading to delayed or inadequate treatment
for illnesses.
4. Violence: In extreme cases, superstitions can lead to violence. For
example, there have been instances of witch-hunting, where
individuals, especially women, are accused of practicing witchcraft
based on superstitious beliefs and subjected to violence or even killed.
5. Educational Impact: Superstitions can affect education by promoting
irrational thinking and discouraging a scientific mindset. This can hinder
intellectual growth and the development of critical thinking skills,
which are crucial for societal progress.
6. Economic Consequences: Superstitions may influence economic
decisions. For example, an individual might make financial choices
based on superstitions rather than sound economic principles, leading
to economic losses.
It's essential to promote education and critical thinking to help dispel
superstitions and mitigate their harmful consequences. Encouraging a
rational and evidence-based approach to decision-making can contribute to

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individual well-being and societal development. To do so we prepared a skit
on this.
Members of group 1 with their characters: -
-Ashish as Chintu
-Kalpana as Chintu’s Grandmother & Tantrik’s assistant
-Sushma as Chintu’s Father
-Aradhna as Chintu’s Mother
-Pooja as Chintu’s Neighbour (Aunt)
-Riya as Chintu’s Sister
-Mehak as Tantric
-Ashwin as Doctor

The skit started with Chintu’s unnatural behaviour due to depression, which
created a tension in family among Chintu’s Parents and his grandmother.
Chintu’s neighbour aunt suggested them to go to a tantric. The disciple of
tantric arranged a meeting. When they visited tantric, the tantric gave them
a packet of vibhuta and after eating that vibhuta, Chintu’s became more ill.
When Chintu’s sister came there, she had an argument with his parents and
told them to consult a doctor. The doctor cured him and told his parents to
spend more time with him as he is suffering from stress. He also advised
them to be away from these kinds of evil practices.

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1. Choose a Scenario:
• First, decide on a situation or story that you want to act out. It
could be a scene from a book, a historical event, or a made-up
2. Assign Roles:
• Each person in the group gets a specific role or character to play.
For example, if you're doing a role play about a doctor's office,
one person might be the doctor, another the patient, and so on.
3. Discuss and Plan:
• Take some time as a group to talk about your roles and the
scenario. Discuss how each character feels, what they want, and
what might happen during the role play. Plan out the key points
or actions.
4. Practice Together:
• Before the actual role play, practice your scenes together. This
helps everyone get comfortable with their roles and ensures that
the performance flows smoothly.
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5. Set the Scene:
• Decide where you'll perform the role play. It could be in front of
the class, in a designated area, or even using props. Make sure
the setting matches your scenario.
6. Start the Role Play:
• When you're ready, begin acting out the scenario. Remember
your roles and the key points you planned. Try to stay in
character and react as your character would in the given
7. Encourage Interaction:
• Actively engage with each other during the role play. Respond to
what the other characters are saying and doing. This makes the
performance more realistic and interesting.
8. Handle Challenges:
• If something unexpected happens during the role play, handle it
as a team. Adapt and keep the story going. This is a chance to
think on your feet, just like actors do!
9. Reflect and Discuss:
• After the role play, talk as a group about how it went. Discuss
what went well, what could be improved, and how you felt in
your roles. This reflection helps everyone learn and do better
next time.
10. Applaud and Appreciate:
• Celebrate each other's efforts. Whether it's a round of applause
or a simple acknowledgment, appreciating everyone's
contributions encourages a positive group dynamic.
Remember, the key is to have fun, learn from each other, and enjoy the
process of working together to create a mini-drama or scenario. Role play is

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a fantastic way to develop communication skills and understand different

Importance of team work

Teamwork is crucial for would-be teachers for several reasons. Imagine
you're part of a sports team. Each player has a role, and they need to work
together to win the game. Similarly, in teaching, teamwork is like having a
group of players (teachers) working together to help students succeed.
Here's why teamwork is essential for future teachers, explained in easy
1. Sharing Ideas and Creativity:
• Just like everyone on a team has different skills in a game,
teachers have different strengths. When they work together, they
can share ideas and be creative. This means they can come up
with exciting ways to teach and make learning fun.
2. Support and Help:
• Imagine trying to lift a heavy object alone. It's tough, right? In
teaching, if one teacher is struggling or facing a challenge, the
team can offer support and help. Team members can share their
experiences and knowledge to make things easier.
3. More Fun for Everyone:
• Playing a game alone is not as fun as playing with friends.
Teaching is the same. When teachers work together, they can
have more fun. They can plan activities, share laughs, and make
the learning environment enjoyable for both themselves and the
4. Covering All Bases:
• In a game, each player has a position, and they need to cover
specific areas. In teaching, different teachers may be experts in
different subjects or skills. Teamwork ensures that all aspects of
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education are covered, providing students with a well-rounded
learning experience.
5. Learning From Each Other:
• Just like players learn new moves from their teammates, teachers
can learn from each other. Everyone brings something unique to
the table, and by working as a team, they can grow and improve
6. Managing Challenges:
• Sometimes, a game doesn't go as planned, and the team needs to
adapt. Similarly, in teaching, there will be challenges. Working as
a team helps in facing and overcoming these challenges more
7. Building a Positive Environment:
• A team that supports each other creates a positive atmosphere.
In teaching, this positive environment is essential for both
teachers and students. It makes the school a happy place to be,
and that positivity can have a great impact on learning.
In conclusion, teamwork is like having a group of friends playing a game
together. Each person brings something special, and by working as a team,
teachers can create a wonderful learning experience for their students. It's
not just about teaching; it's about working together to make education an
exciting and enjoyable journey for everyone.

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Celebrating iconic figures is a wonderful way to acknowledge and appreciate
individuals who have made significant contributions in various fields.
Whether they are historical figures, cultural icons, or modern-day heroes,
recognizing their achievements can be inspiring and educational.
PMC College of Education, Kirari organized a workshop on “Celebrating the
Work of 4 Iconic Figures – Rabindranath Tagore, Mirabai, Kabir and Surya
Kant Tripathi Nirala” on October 19, 2023.

A cultural icon is a person or an artefact that is identified by members of a

culture as representative of that culture. The workshop is part of the
Bachelor of Education curriculum, paper code 151, titled “Understanding
the Self”. The main purpose of the workshop was to teach us about the
importance and effectiveness of arts in Education and how arts help in
teaching and learning.


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Born – May 7, 1861

Died – August 7, 1941

Origin – West Bengal

“Leave out my name from the gift if it is a burden but keep my song.” –
Rabindranath Tagore

Rabindranath Tagore was a Bengali polymath – poet, writer, playwright, composer,

philosopher, social reformer and painter. He was the youngest of 13 surviving children,
Tagore (nicknamed "Rabi") was born in the Jorasanko mansion in Calcutta.

His father Debendranath Tagore was a Hindu philosopher and religious reformer and
his mother
Sarada Devi was a housemaker.

As Rabindranath belongs to the Brahmin family and had done some education in
England due to which there is a blend of Indian and Western thoughts in his ideology.

He reshaped Bengali literature and music as well as Indian art with Contextual

He was a fellow of the Royal Asiatic Society and referred to as "the Bard of Bengal".

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Tagore was also known as the Gurudev, Kobiguru, and Biswakobi.

Rabindranath Tagore began to write verses in his starting days and in 1890 he published
various poetries along with a book named “Manasi”. He often wrote in verses form and
he gained popularity by writing social and political satire that was critical in nature.

In 1901, Tagore founded an experimental school in rural West Bengal at Shantiniketan

(Abode of Peace), where he sought to blend the best in the Indian and Western traditions.
He settled permanently at the school, which became Visva- Bharati University in 1921
which is one of the best universities for arts and literature.

In 1913, he became the first non-European and the first lyricist to win the Nobel Prize in

His compositions were chosen by two nations as national anthems: India's "Jana
Gana Mana" and Bangladesh's "Amar Shonar Bangla". The Sri Lankan national
anthem was inspired by his work.

Years of sadness arising from the deaths of his wife and two children between 1902 and
1907 are reflected in his later poetry, which was introduced to the West in Gitanjali
(1902). This book contains Tagore’s English prose translations of religious poems from
several of his Bengali verse collections, including Gitanjali was hailed by W.B. Yeats
and Andre Gide and won him the Nobel Prize in 1913.

Rabindranath Tagore was awarded a Knighthood in 1915, but he repudiated it in 1919

as a protest against the Amritsar (Jallianwala Bagh) Massacre.


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Mirabai, or Meera, was a 16th-century Hindu mystic and
poet-saint whose life and poetry are deeply intertwined
with the Bhakti movement in India.
Early Life and Background: Mirabai was born in 1498 in Kurki,
a small village near Merta, Rajasthan, India. She belonged to the
Rathore clan, part of the Rajput nobility. From a young age,
Mirabai displayed an intense spiritual inclination, and her love for
Lord Krishna became the focal point of her life.
Marriage to Rana Sanga: At the age of around 14, Mirabai was
married to Rana Sanga of Mewar, a powerful Rajput king.
However, her heart was devoted to Lord Krishna, and she
considered herself married to him. This spiritual commitment
became a central theme in her poetry.
Devotion to Lord Krishna: Mirabai's devotion to Lord Krishna
was passionate and unconventional. She often composed and sang
devotional songs (bhajans) expressing her deep love, longing, and
surrender to Krishna. Her poetry conveyed the mystical union she
felt with the divine.
Challenges and Persecution: Mirabai faced societal opposition
and criticism due to her unorthodox devotion and withdrawal from
traditional wifely duties. Her refusal to conform to societal norms
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led to persecution, including attempts on her life. Despite these
challenges, Mirabai remained resolute in her devotion.
Pilgrimages: In response to the challenges she faced, Mirabai
undertook extensive pilgrimages to various Krishna temples and
holy sites. Her travels allowed her to connect with like-minded
devotees and share her devotional message.
Mystical Experiences: Mirabai is said to have experienced
mystical moments and miracles during her devotion to Krishna.
These experiences reinforced her unwavering faith and deepened
her connection with the divine.
Legacy: Mirabai's legacy endures through her poetry, which has
been passed down through generations. Her compositions, known
as "Meera Bhajans," continue to be sung in temples and devotional
gatherings across India. Mirabai is revered as a symbol of pure,
selfless devotion, and her life has inspired countless individuals on
their spiritual journeys.
Cultural Impact: Mirabai's life and poetry have left an indelible
mark on Indian culture. Her story has been depicted in various
forms of art, literature, and music. Several films, books, and plays
have explored the mystique and spiritual fervor of Mirabai.
In essence, Mirabai's life is a testament to the
transformative power of love and devotion, and her poetry
remains a timeless expression of spiritual longing and
union with the divine.

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Kabir, one of the most revered and influential figures in

Indian history, was a 15th-century mystic poet, philosopher,
and saint. While precise details about his life are scarce, his
teachings and poetry have left an enduring impact on the
cultural and spiritual landscape of India.

Early Life:
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• Birth: Kabir is believed to have been born around 1440 in
Varanasi, India. The exact details of his birth and parentage
are unclear, and there are various legends surrounding his
origins. He is often considered to be born to a Muslim family.
Spiritual Journey:
• Influences: Kabir's spiritual journey was shaped by a
synthesis of Hindu and Sufi philosophies. He was influenced
by the teachings of the Sant tradition, which emphasized the
direct experience of the divine and rejected ritualistic
• Guru: It is said that Kabir found a Guru in Ramananda, a
prominent Hindu saint. This cross-cultural association is
significant in understanding Kabir's inclusive and
universalistic approach to spirituality.
• Unity of God: Kabir emphasized the oneness of God,
rejecting sectarian divisions between religions. His poetry
often reflects a monotheistic and formless understanding of
the divine.
• Equality: Kabir advocated for the equality of all people,
irrespective of their religious or social backgrounds. His verses
spoke against caste discrimination and emphasized the idea
that the divine is equally accessible to all.
Literary Contributions:
• Dohas: Kabir's teachings are primarily conveyed through
"Dohas," short couplets in vernacular language. These are
simple yet profound verses that convey spiritual wisdom and
ethical principles.
• Bijak: The "Bijak" is a collection of Kabir's verses compiled
after his death. It is considered one of the primary sources of
his teachings.
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• Influence on Bhakti Movement: Kabir played a crucial role
in the Bhakti movement, a medieval Indian movement that
emphasized devotion to a personal god. His ideas influenced
later saints and poets, contributing to the development of a
syncretic and inclusive spiritual ethos in India.
• Cultural Impact: Kabir's verses have transcended religious
boundaries and continue to be revered by people of various
faiths. His impact is not limited to India; his poetry has
inspired scholars, musicians, and thinkers globally.
• Death Date: The exact date of Kabir's death is uncertain, but
it is generally accepted to be around 1518.
• Mausoleum: His legacy is honored at the Kabir Chaura Math
in Varanasi, a mausoleum that is considered to be his final
resting place.

Kabir's teachings remain relevant today for their emphasis on spirituality,

inclusivity, and the universal nature of divine love. His poetry continues to be
sung and recited, and his philosophy continues to inspire seekers on the path of

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Suryakant Tripathi 'Nirala' (1896–1961) was a prominent

Hindi poet, novelist, essayist, and literary critic from India.
He was a key figure in the Chhayavaad movement, a
literary movement in Hindi poetry known for its romantic
and nature-themed verses.

Early Life and Background:

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Suryakant Tripathi was born on February 21, 1896, in
Midnapore, Bengal (now in West Bengal, India). He spent
much of his early life in a challenging financial situation,
which influenced his later works.
Literary Contributions:
1. Poetry:
• Nirala's poetry is characterized by its emotional depth
and reflection of societal issues. His notable poetry
collections include "Anamika" (1921), "Geetika"
(1928), and "Saroj Smriti" (1933).
• "Parimal" (1942) is considered one of his
masterpieces, reflecting a deep sense of
introspection and philosophical musings. The
collection explores themes of love, nature, and
human existence.
2. Novels:
• Nirala also wrote novels that dealt with social issues and
the human condition. His most famous novel is
"Apsara" (1945), which addresses the conflict
between traditional values and modernity.
• Another notable novel is "Alka" (1932), which
explores the struggles of a woman in a patriarchal
3. Essays and Literary Criticism:
• Nirala was an influential essayist and literary critic. His
essays often delved into social and cultural issues. He
advocated for the use of Hindi as a literary language and
explored the relationship between literature and society.
Style and Influence:

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Nirala's poetry is known for its lyrical quality and exploration of
diverse themes. He combined traditional Indian cultural elements
with modern sensibilities. His writing was deeply influenced by the
socio-political milieu of his time, including the struggle for
independence and the impact of industrialization.
Suryakant Tripathi Nirala's contributions to Hindi literature have
left an enduring impact. His poetry is celebrated for its emotional
intensity, philosophical depth, and its ability to resonate with the
human experience. Nirala's exploration of societal issues and his
call for social reform continue to make him a revered figure in
Hindi literature.

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Childhood is the time in which child’s growth and
development takes place. In this age children’s grow, play,
study, learn and become active of doing physical activities.
It is the precious time for children’s as well as parents as
childhood pays a major role in our lives the things we learn,
do in that period. It is the second major phase after infancy
• The time during which one is a child, from between
infancy and puberty.
• A person's childhood is the period of their life when
they are a child.

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Introduction to Delinquent Children:

Delinquent children, often referred to as juvenile delinquents, are
individuals below a certain age (usually under 18) who have committed acts
that would be considered crimes if committed by adults. The juvenile justice
system aims to address the needs of these young offenders through
rehabilitation rather than punishment.
Age Bars in India:
In India, the age of criminal responsibility is 7 years, meaning children below
this age are considered incapable of committing a crime. The Juvenile Justice
(Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2015, governs the treatment of
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juveniles in conflict with the law. The act recognizes a distinction between
children in conflict with the law and those in need of care and protection.
Behavior of Delinquent Children:
Delinquent behavior in children can manifest in various forms, including
truancy, substance abuse, vandalism, theft, and violent offenses. Such
behavior often indicates underlying issues that need to be addressed, such as
family problems, peer pressure, mental health issues, or socio-economic
Causes of Delinquency:
1. Family Environment: Dysfunctional family structures, abuse,
neglect, and lack of parental guidance can contribute to delinquent
2. Peer Influence: The influence of delinquent peers can lead a child
astray, encouraging participation in illegal activities.
3. Socio-Economic Factors: Poverty, lack of education, and limited
access to resources can contribute to delinquency.
4. Mental Health Issues: Untreated mental health disorders may lead
to behavioral problems and delinquency.
5. Substance Abuse: Drug and alcohol abuse can be both a cause and a
consequence of delinquent behavior.
Role of Parents:
Parents play a crucial role in preventing juvenile delinquency by providing a
stable and nurturing environment. Effective communication, setting
boundaries, and being actively involved in a child's life can help prevent
delinquent behavior.
Role of Society:
Society at large also bears responsibility for preventing juvenile delinquency.
Community support, access to education and employment opportunities, and
the provision of mental health services contribute to a positive social
environment for children.
Life After Punishment:
The goal of the juvenile justice system is rehabilitation rather than
punishment. After serving their sentence or undergoing rehabilitation
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programs, delinquent children are expected to reintegrate into society.
Support from family, community, and educational institutions is crucial for
successful reintegration.
Indian Government Steps to Reduce Child Delinquency:
1. Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2015:
This act emphasizes the rehabilitation and reintegration of
juvenile offenders into society.
2. Counseling and Rehabilitation Programs: The government
supports various programs aimed at addressing the root causes
of delinquency and providing counseling and rehabilitation
services to affected children.
3. Education Initiatives: Efforts are made to ensure that children
have access to quality education, as education can serve as a
preventive measure against delinquency.
4. Community Engagement: The government encourages
community involvement in the prevention and rehabilitation of
juvenile delinquents, fostering a supportive environment.
5. Awareness Campaigns: Public awareness campaigns aim to
educate society about the importance of preventing juvenile
delinquency and the rehabilitation needs of young offenders.


The role of teachers for delinquent children is crucial in providing support,
guidance, and intervention to help address behavioral issues and contribute
to the overall well-being of the child.

1. Early Identification and Intervention:

• Teachers play a vital role in identifying signs of
delinquency or behavioral issues early on. Observing
changes in behavior, academic performance, or social
interactions can help identify children who may be at risk.
• Early intervention involves addressing underlying issues,
providing appropriate support, and preventing the
escalation of behavioral problems.
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2. Building Positive Relationships:
• Establishing positive and trusting relationships with
delinquent children is essential. A supportive teacher-
student relationship can be a protective factor against
delinquent behaviors.
• Creating a safe and inclusive classroom environment
where students feel valued and respected can contribute
to positive behavior.
3. Individualized Instruction and Support:
• Recognizing that each child is unique, teachers should
provide individualized instruction and support based on
the specific needs of delinquent students.
• Identifying learning styles, strengths, and challenges helps
in tailoring educational strategies to address academic
and behavioral concerns.
4. Behavioral Interventions:
• Teachers can implement evidence-based behavioral
interventions to address specific behavioral challenges.
This may include strategies such as positive
reinforcement, behavior contracts, and social skills
• Collaborating with special education professionals,
counselors, and other support staff can enhance the
effectiveness of behavioral interventions.
5. Conflict Resolution and Social Skills Development:
• Teaching conflict resolution skills and promoting social
skills development are critical for delinquent children.
These skills can contribute to improved peer relationships
and help prevent disruptive behaviors.
• Creating opportunities for positive peer interactions and
teamwork can foster social growth and development.
6. Collaboration with Support Services:
• Collaborating with school counselors, psychologists, and
other support services is essential. These professionals can
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provide additional expertise in addressing the emotional
and psychological needs of delinquent children.
• Working with parents and guardians to create a united
front in supporting the child both at school and at home is
crucial for consistent intervention.
7. Advocacy and Empowerment:
• Teachers can serve as advocates for delinquent children,
ensuring that they receive the necessary resources and
support services. This may involve participating in
Individualized Education Program (IEP) meetings or
advocating for additional interventions.
• Empowering delinquent children through positive
reinforcement, recognizing achievements, and fostering a
sense of self-worth can contribute to improved behavior
and academic performance.
8. Continued Professional Development:
• Staying informed about the latest research, interventions,
and best practices related to working with delinquent
children is important for teachers. Continued professional
development enables teachers to enhance their skills and
adapt to evolving educational and behavioral approaches.
By adopting a proactive, empathetic, and individualized approach,
teachers can significantly contribute to the rehabilitation and
positive development of delinquent children within the school

In summary, addressing juvenile delinquency requires a holistic

approach involving families, communities, and the government to
create an environment that supports the positive development of
children and provides rehabilitation opportunities for those in
conflict with the law.

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Differently Abled Children

Differently abled children, also known as children with disabilities, have
unique physical, cognitive, sensory, or developmental characteristics that
may affect their ability to perform everyday activities. Disabilities can vary
widely, encompassing conditions such as intellectual disabilities, physical
disabilities, sensory impairments, and developmental disorders. It is
essential to recognize and address the diverse needs of differently abled
children to ensure their inclusion and well-being in society.
Causes of Disabilities in Children:
The causes of disabilities in children are multifaceted and can be attributed
to genetic factors, prenatal exposure to infections or substances,
complications during childbirth, and postnatal infections or injuries.
Additionally, environmental factors, poverty, and lack of access to proper
healthcare can contribute to the prevalence of disabilities in children.
What the Law Says about Discrimination of Differently Abled
Various laws and international conventions emphasize the rights and
protection of differently abled children. In India, the Rights of Persons with
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Disabilities Act, 2016, is a comprehensive legislation that safeguards the
rights and interests of persons with disabilities, including children. The Act
aims to promote an inclusive society and prohibits discrimination on the
grounds of disability.
Steps and Initiatives Taken by the Indian Government:
1. Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016: This Act replaced
the Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights
and Full Participation) Act, 1995, and broadened the scope of
disabilities. It mandates equal opportunities, protection of rights, and
full participation for persons with disabilities, including children.
2. Inclusive Education: The government has initiated efforts to promote
inclusive education, ensuring that differently abled children have
access to mainstream schools with necessary support systems. The
Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) program has been instrumental in this
3. Accessible Infrastructure: Efforts have been made to create
accessible infrastructure, including schools, public buildings, and
transportation facilities, to facilitate the mobility and inclusion of
differently abled individuals.
4. Reservation in Jobs and Education: The government has
implemented reservation policies in education and employment to
ensure that differently abled individuals, including children, have
equal opportunities.
5. Financial Assistance Schemes: Various financial assistance schemes
and scholarships are in place to support differently abled children in
their education and overall development.
6. National Trust Act, 1999: The National Trust Act focuses on the
welfare of persons with autism, cerebral palsy, mental retardation, and
multiple disabilities. It establishes the National Trust, which
implements various programs and schemes for the well-being of
individuals with these disabilities, including children.
7. Accessible Information and Communication: Efforts are being
made to ensure that information and communication are accessible to
differently abled individuals. This includes making educational
materials available in formats suitable for children with visual or
hearing impairments.
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The role of teachers for differently abled children is crucial in fostering an

inclusive and supportive learning environment. Teachers play a pivotal role
in shaping the educational experience of these students, helping them
develop academically, socially, and emotionally. Here are some key aspects of
the role of teachers for differently abled children:
1. Inclusive Teaching Practices:
• Adaptation of Curriculum: Teachers should be adept at
modifying and adapting the curriculum to meet the diverse
learning needs of differently abled children. This may involve
providing alternative materials, adjusting assignments, or using
varied teaching methods.
• Differentiated Instruction: Implementing differentiated
instruction allows teachers to cater to the unique learning styles,
abilities, and strengths of each student, ensuring that all learners
can access and engage with the material.
2. Individualized Support:
• Identification of Needs: Teachers should work closely with
special education professionals to identify the specific needs of
differently abled children. This may involve understanding their
learning styles, strengths, challenges, and any necessary
accommodations or modifications.
• Personalized Learning Plans: Developing and implementing
individualized education plans (IEPs) or personalized learning
plans helps tailor instruction and support services to the specific
needs of each student.
3. Classroom Environment:
• Physical Accessibility: Teachers should ensure that the
physical environment of the classroom is accessible to all
students. This includes considering the placement of desks,
providing ramps or elevators, and making materials accessible for
those with physical disabilities.
• Promoting Inclusion: Foster a culture of inclusion within the
classroom, encouraging peer support and positive interactions.

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Create activities and projects that promote collaboration and
teamwork among all students.
4. Effective Communication:
• Clear Instructions: Providing clear and concise instructions is
essential for all students, especially those with cognitive or
language-related challenges. Teachers should use multiple forms
of communication, such as visual aids, to enhance understanding.
• Regular Feedback: Regular and constructive feedback is crucial
for differently abled children to track their progress and identify
areas for improvement. This feedback should be delivered in a
supportive and encouraging manner.
5. Collaboration with Support Services:
• Team Collaboration: Teachers should collaborate with special
education professionals, speech therapists, occupational
therapists, and other support staff to ensure a coordinated and
comprehensive approach to the education of differently abled
• Professional Development: Ongoing professional development
opportunities can help teachers stay informed about best
practices in inclusive education and strategies for meeting the
diverse needs of their students.
6. Emotional and Social Support:
• Building a Supportive Community: Teachers should create a
classroom environment that fosters empathy, understanding, and
respect for differences. Addressing bullying or discriminatory
behavior is essential to maintaining a safe and supportive
• Emotional Support: Recognize the social and emotional needs of
differently abled children. Provide emotional support, and
promote a positive and inclusive atmosphere where students feel
valued and accepted.
7. Advocacy and Empowerment:
• Advocacy for Students: Teachers can advocate for the rights
and needs of differently abled children within the school and

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community. This may involve participating in Individualized
Education Program (IEP) meetings, collaborating with parents,
and ensuring that appropriate accommodations are in place.
• Promoting Self-Advocacy: Encourage and empower differently
abled children to advocate for themselves as they progress
through their education. Teach them skills for self-advocacy and
help build their confidence.
By embracing these roles and responsibilities, teachers contribute
significantly to creating an inclusive and supportive learning environment
where differently abled children can thrive academically, socially, and

It's important to note that while significant progress has been made,
there are still challenges to overcome in fully integrating differently
abled children into mainstream society. Continuous efforts are
needed to raise awareness, eliminate societal stigmas, and provide
adequate support for the holistic development of these children.


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Child labour refers to the exploitation of children through any form of work
that deprives them of their childhood, interferes with their ability to attend
regular schools, and is mentally, physically, socially, or morally harmful. It is
a widespread and serious problem that deprives children of their
fundamental rights and compromises their development.
Causes of Child Labour:
1. Poverty: Families in poverty often rely on the income of their children
to make ends meet.
2. Lack of Education: Inadequate access to quality education can force
children into the workforce.
3. Cultural Factors: Some societies may normalize child labor as part of
their cultural practices.
4. Lack of Legislation: Weak or poorly enforced labor laws contribute to
the prevalence of child labor.
5. Demand for Cheap Labour: Unscrupulous employers exploit
children for cheap and easily manipulated labor.
What the Law Says:
In India, the government has implemented several laws to address the issue
of child labor. The key legislation is the Child Labour (Prohibition and
Regulation) Act, 1986, which prohibits the employment of children below
the age of 14 in hazardous occupations and processes. In 2016, the Indian
government further strengthened its stance on child labor by amending the
Act, extending the prohibition on employing children under 14 to all
occupations. The law also prohibits the employment of adolescents (14-18
years) in hazardous occupations.
Steps and Initiatives by the Indian Government:
1. National Child Labour Project (NCLP): The NCLP is a central
sector scheme launched to rehabilitate working children and provide
them with education and vocational training.
2. Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS): This program
aims to improve the health, nutrition, and education of children, with a
focus on those below six years of age.

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3. Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram (RBSK): This initiative
focuses on the health of children, including those engaged in labor, by
providing free health check-ups and treatments.
4. MGNREGA (Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment
Guarantee Act): While not directly addressing child labor,
MGNREGA aims to enhance livelihood security in rural areas and
could indirectly reduce the economic pressure leading to child labor.
5. Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA): SSA is a flagship program for
universalization of elementary education, working towards providing
free and compulsory education for all children up to the age of 14.
6. National Policy on Child Labour: The government has a National
Policy on Child Labour that focuses on rehabilitation and
mainstreaming of children withdrawn from work.
7. Strict Implementation and Monitoring: Efforts have been made to
strengthen the enforcement machinery to ensure that the existing laws
are implemented effectively.
Despite these initiatives, the challenge remains significant, and
addressing the root causes of child labor requires a multifaceted
approach involving education, poverty alleviation, and societal
awareness. Ongoing efforts are crucial to creating a society where
every child can enjoy their right to a childhood and education.

Role Of Teachers To Stop Child Labour

Teachers play a crucial role in the fight against child labor by contributing to
awareness, education, and advocacy efforts. Here are some ways in which
teachers can actively work to stop child labor:
1. Education and Awareness:
• Classroom Discussions: Teachers can facilitate discussions on
child labor, its consequences, and the importance of education.
• Guest Speakers: Invite experts or activists working against child
labor to speak to students, providing real-life examples and

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• Multimedia Resources: Use documentaries, films, and literature
that highlight the impact of child labor on children's lives.
2. Promoting Education:
• Emphasize the Value of Education: Teachers can stress the
importance of education in breaking the cycle of poverty and
ensuring a better future for children.
• Identify At-Risk Students: Pay attention to signs that may
indicate a student is at risk of dropping out due to economic
pressures. Provide additional support and resources to these
3. Advocacy and Community Engagement:
• Community Workshops: Teachers can organize workshops for
parents and community members to raise awareness about the
detrimental effects of child labor and the benefits of education.
• Partnerships with NGOs: Collaborate with non-governmental
organizations (NGOs) working to eliminate child labor,
participating in or organizing events and campaigns.
4. Creating a Supportive Environment:
• Safe Spaces: Foster a safe and supportive environment in the
classroom where students feel comfortable discussing their
• Counseling Services: Offer counseling services for students who
may be facing challenges at home or are at risk of dropping out to
5. Curriculum Integration:
• Incorporate Relevant Topics: Integrate discussions about child
rights, child labor laws, and the consequences of child labor into
the curriculum.
• Highlight Success Stories: Share stories of individuals who have
overcome challenges through education, emphasizing the
transformative power of learning.
6. Reporting Mechanisms:

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• Educate on Reporting Procedures: Ensure that teachers are
aware of reporting mechanisms for child labor violations and
encourage them to report any suspected cases.
• Collaborate with Authorities: Work closely with local
authorities and child protection agencies to address and prevent
child labor in the community.
7. Promoting Ethical Consumption:
• Consumer Awareness: Teach students about ethical
consumerism, emphasizing the impact of their choices on global
supply chains.
• Fair Trade Initiatives: Encourage students to support fair trade
products that ensure ethical labor practices.
8. Teacher Advocacy:
• Joining Campaigns: Teachers can participate in or support
campaigns against child labor organized by NGOs, governmental
bodies, or international organizations.
• Professional Development: Attend workshops and training
sessions on child rights and child labor prevention to stay informed
and share knowledge with colleagues.
By actively engaging in these efforts, teachers can contribute significantly to
the prevention of child labor and the promotion of education, ultimately
empowering children to build a brighter future for themselves and their

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Children with Learning Disabilities

Introduction to Children with Learning Disabilities:

Learning disabilities (LD) are neurological disorders that affect a child's
ability to acquire, process, store, and use information. These difficulties can
impact skills like reading, writing, and mathematics. It's essential to recognize
that children with learning disabilities are often as intelligent as their peers;
they simply learn differently.
Types of Learning Disabilities in Children:
1. Dyslexia: Difficulty in reading, spelling, and writing.
2. Dysgraphia: Challenges with writing, organizing thoughts on paper.
3. Dyscalculia: Struggles with understanding and working with numbers.
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4. ADHD (Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder): Difficulty
sustaining attention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity.
5. Auditory Processing Disorder: Difficulty processing auditory
6. Visual Processing Disorder: Challenges in interpreting visual
Causes of Learning Disabilities:
Learning disabilities have various causes, often involving a combination of
genetic, neurological, environmental, and prenatal factors. Premature birth,
exposure to toxins, and hereditary factors can contribute.
Steps to Support Children with Learning Disabilities:
1. Early Identification and Assessment: Timely identification is
crucial. Comprehensive assessments help understand the child's
strengths and weaknesses.
2. Individualized Education Plan (IEP): Customized educational plans
that outline specific strategies, accommodations, and goals for each child.
3. Multisensory Teaching Approaches: Utilizing multiple senses to
engage in learning, which can enhance understanding and retention.
4. Assistive Technology: Using tools and devices to support learning,
such as audiobooks, speech-to-text software, or educational apps.
5. Specialized Instruction: Providing tailored teaching methods that
accommodate the child's learning style.
6. Parental Involvement: Collaboration between parents, teachers, and
specialists is crucial to creating a supportive environment.
Initiatives by the Indian Government:
1. Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA): An initiative for universalization of
elementary education, focusing on inclusive education for children with
2. Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan (RMSA): Aims to enhance
access to secondary education and improve its quality, addressing the
needs of students with disabilities.

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3. Inclusive Education for Disabled at Secondary Stage (IEDSS): A
scheme supporting the inclusive education of students with disabilities
in secondary schools.
4. National Policy on Education (NPE): Emphasizes inclusive
education and the creation of a barrier-free environment for students
with disabilities.
5. Accessible India Campaign (Sugamya Bharat Abhiyan): Aims to
make public spaces and information accessible to persons with
disabilities, including children with learning disabilities.
In conclusion, supporting children with learning disabilities involves a holistic
approach, including early identification, individualized plans, and
collaborative efforts from educators, parents, and the government. India has
taken steps through various initiatives to promote inclusive education and
address the needs of children with learning disabilities.



• The significant aspects of physical psychological, emotional,

intellectual, moral, social etc. in the development of childhood.
• Dynamics of children’s relationship with their family, peers and
their community.
• Positive or negative experiences of social relationships by
• Children’s relationship with animals and nature.
• Adult’s perception about capabilities, responsibilities, and
privileges of children and childhood.
• Respect provided to children choices.
• Socialization of children into gender specific roles.
• Nature of children’s relationship to the world of work.
• Depiction of children and childhood in the media like art,
literature, film, television, advertising etc.
• Issues and concerns associated with children regarding
formation of gender and sexual identities
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There are different types of children’s which we see in
our daily life. Multiple childhood have different impact
on their minds. They have different surroundings,
environment, different needs and way of thinking. In
multiple childhood it includes children with different
class (high, middle, lower), children with physical or
mental disabilities, orphans, children with single
parent, survivor of child abuse, child labour,
Delinquent children etc.
In this I learn about different child rights and helping
forums for children and improving their childhood. I
learn about EFA( Education for all).

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Being a human, son, friend,

brother and teacher, I have many
roles and I want to do my best to
fulfil every responsibility as much
I can.

I had learned to enjoy in the
An imperfect person in the
process of betterment.
present and get better with
time. I hope that I can learn
some new skills to become

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➢ The best thing(s) I ever did was (were) to be honest to myself, and
become concerned with the process rather than the results.

➢ I wish, I could lose my fear of losing true people and about future.

➢ I know, I have the talent to be more productive and mke people happy
around me.

➢ I enjoy people with whom I am comfortable with and have empathy

for me and enjoy my company from the heart not just for the sake.

➢ I admire my parents, my teachers, nature, my true friends and M.S.


➢ I feel most productive at night and got praised.

➢ I am motivated by the incidents through which I had passed in past.

➢ I almost never become bold, handsome and smart.

➢ My idea of fun is playing with small kids and listening 90s songs.

➢ Work is exciting when I feel that it is challenging and make me better

for the future.

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➢ The best advice I ever got was that there is magic in everyone, identify
it and make the life happy; and remember that you can achieve
anything if you hav believe.

➢ The thing I value most is my family, friends, teachers and my mentor

Mr. P.S. Rathore.

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Dear self,

Hey you, I know we have been together for a very long period in so many
varying situations. We have seen a lot of moments of joy, sorrow, tension and
many others altogether. I just need to share a few things with you in an
attempt to make you feel loved and inspired.
Do not always depend on external validations in your life. You always know
yourself in a better way than anyone else and accept yourself with a good note
and embrace what makes you unique. I know you are coming from a very low
profile and conservative background but try to create a life that you and your
family will be proud of. Never settle for less and learn a lot of things that will
help you achieve as much you dreamt of.
Although you feel demotivated and like a failure sometimes, you might feel
you had not what you wished for. Just believe in yourself and remain honest
with yourself, you will be always facilitated by the best. Just accept it with an
open heart and give your best as much you can.
Learn to move on easily in life, just forgive people but do not forget the lesson,
try to understand the other side of the story and think about every perspective
to find a better solution. I know in your childhood everyone advised a lot that
marks and studies are the only important things to achieve something in life.
But in reality, you should learn as many skills for your personal, professional
and social growth. Never hesitate to say that you do not know it right now but
you will learn it too in a very well manner soon.
I often observed lots of times that you feel very shy and behave like an
introvert during interacting in classes, in discussions and within the peer
group. I would like to advise that you should try to overcome your hesitation
and fear of being judged during expressing your views and while giving
answers. No one is completely perfect in this world, everyone has something
special and unique in themselves. So just try to embrace the change and focus
on the growth and if any mistake takes place during discourse then remember
that you are imperfect in search of your perfection.
I had observed that you become sad when someone left you and when someone
you love the most betrayed you. I would like to say that do not get attached so
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much quicker with anyone and do not expect anything from anyone. And do
not worry about the bond if the bond has to persist it will take care of itself
just stay true, spend some time and keep doing appropriate efforts for that
neither too much nor less.
And more thing that you fear of trying something new and often push the
work up to the deadline. It will cause lots of mental pressure on you
unnecessarily and make you frustrated. You should be more creative, more
presentable and a little bit punctual with your work as you are punctual in
real life for any event. And for work especially follow the phrase “simple but
sophisticated” try new things but do not be messy.
Belittle bit punctual with your essential needs of routine and be a little bit
patient to get your dreams fulfilled but never stop doing hard work to
achieve your goal and chase them. Always remain humble and sustain
simplicity in life like your idols. Never let your success get into your mind
and failure get into your heart. Also, never get sad about separation because
every end is a new beginning.
At last but not least I would like to advise to you be honest with yourself,
respect everyone, build your network, and make the best use of your time,
resource and attitude. And do not worry you will look great and smart one
day just keep growing. Be genuine with your feelings. I will be always there
for you.
Just be in present and enjoy every moment of life. Just maintain good vibes,
you will overcome all your odds and bad habits. Just keep learning without
fearing being judged as no one is perfect dear.
Keep smiling and maintain your enthusiasm. All the very best for
your future.
Yours sincerely,

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Everyone has lots of reasons, moments, objects and people which make them
happy and smile. These things can vary from person to person as per their
understanding and interests. If I should talk about the things which make me
smile or happy and some of which can sound a little bit childish to another
Spending time with kids: Playing with kids makes me happy from
bottom of my heart. Their definition of life is somewhat very different
from the older ones. They are always filled without enthusiasm and
eager to learn new things. They are always filled with energy while
doing any activity and never fear failure. Playing with small children
and spending time with them not only helps me to relieve my stress and
make me happy but also provides some unique motivation and
attributes of life.
Spending time with friends: Friends are some unique creatures in
the life of every person who will become advisors, guides, comedians,
irritating all at the same time. But spending time with those friends
who are your well-wisher and accept you and your friendship from
heart, makes me so much happiness. They have weird solutions for my
problem and sometimes we become kids altogether and do some random
activities which are of no sense at all. But in some situations, we become
so much mature and handle each other. Even I had seen my first movie
in the theatre with my friends on my birthday. I can say that my friends
and the time I had spent with them made me happy and emotional at
the same time.
Appreciation from parents: I had never been that much capable and
better child as my parents wanted me to be. I keep doing blunders lots
of times and always get scolded by them. But sometimes when I do
something by putting so much effort and they appreciate me gives me
so much happiness. I wish that I can be like they wanted and make
them proud one day.
Motivation from teachers: During my initial days of education, I was
somewhat sincere do not how was that. But later on after the mid-term
of class 9, I started to lose my interest in studies and got more fascinated
with pro-casting and delaying the work till the deadline. In other words,
I can say that my pace get started to decline and my attitude towards
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studies become adjusting to get passing marks. But during my first pre-
board exam of class 10, when my Maths teacher had asked me that how
many marks I am expecting in board exams and I said 50-55 marks is
enough for me. I remembered how much I got roasted for that target.
He had motivated me that I can achieve more than whatever I dreamed.
His words touched my heart and I started to do hard work due to which
I did not only get 10 CGPA in Maths but managed to get 10 CGPA
overall in class 10. And from till now when someone believes me, I feel
happy that I can do something good.
After replying with actions: Right from my childhood I was an
introvert child but I had a lot of self-respect even for my failures. I feel
ashamed when I get failed but had this belief that I will be able to do it
not now but someday definitely. And I have some ego issues that if
somebody makes me feel inferior, I will forgive them but I make sure
that I will prove them wrong by becoming much more capable and better
than they assumed me to be.
After growing: My parenting and family background had developed
some pre-conceived notions in my mind that a person should become
great and capable if he or she has brilliant academic skills and scores.
But at now I realised that good academic background is fine but to
become compatible only if they have all-round development. From that
time, I have always been keen on something new in my life and after
learning a new skill, I feel so much happy. I was very happy when I had
learned to drive a scooter in just 10 days, as I had never cycled before
that on my own.
Getting new stuff: This is something very common in every individual.
Even after becoming 22 years old, I feel very happy after getting or
buying new stuff for myself, it can be clothes, shoes, etc. and I will never
deny if anyone wants to give me a gift.
Giving something from my own earnings: I feel very ashamed
about asking for money from my parents for something other than
essential needs. I prefer that I should gift and buy something for myself
from my earnings or savings.
Get love: I get so much happiness if someone loves me from the heart
not faking the love to get something from me. Love is something that
should be unconditional and will become happy if you just talk with love

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and I will give my best to make them happy by doing as much my
potential allows me.
After doing something for society: We all are social beings and I feel
very happy when I can do something for society even on a short level.

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We all have different experiences, incidents and environmental factors which

eventually become responsible for our beliefs in life. I also had some beliefs
which plays important role in my life.
Every end is a new beginning: We often become emotional, sad and
disheartened when a particular phase of our life come to completion as
we become emotionally attached to that event, place and people. But I
believe that to get grow in life we just have to keep moving on. As we
can see the store water gets polluted easily. I am not saying to get
completely cut off from people and incidents. But always welcome the
new phase of your life with open hands. In the later stage of life, the
complete story will make you proud that you had covered a very large
Action speaks louder than words: I firmly believe in this quote,
there are so many incidents in my life where I thought, if I had given
the answers orally do not have had a significant impact at that time. It
is very easy to crib and complain about particular events but it needs a
lot of courage to get improve yourself and make your opponents more

“Banne do kahaniya jamane me kis cheej se gilla, hai Badnaam wahi

hota hai jiski shakshiyat dumdaar hoti hai.”. “Kar hausla buland aur
phir chal jarra, Baat unki hi hoti hai jinme kuch baat hoti haii….”

Learning is a key to life: In a current time when the technologies and

techniques are updating day by day, humans cannot become stagnant
and think about their effortless survival in modern days. Every human
must have to keep themselves updated with the latest information,
technologies and experience to get a better understanding of life. We
can say this a human is still incomplete despite having lots of
qualities. So we just need to keep learning as many skills as we can
This too shall pass: We humans get easily become excited, depressed,
happy etc. by being influenced by some particular incident, person and
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condition. I feel that we should remain neutral in most situations as
they all are just different temporary phases of life. Yes, some phases of
life require particular emotions but we have to accept that these all are
just materialistic stimulations in our life. Every time has its particular
importance in life.
Past – Identify the mistake
Present – Correct the mistake
Future – Motivate to correct the mistake
Good things come to those who wait: Patience, perseverance and
dedication are key factors to get success in life. We just had to believe
in ourselves and keep doing the essential activities and keep taking
small steps toward our aim. We can rewrite our destiny and achieve
everything we want. We must fail, face downs in this journey, feel
demotivated but we just need to keep moving.
Never forget your roots: Your attitude is a reflection of your
character and your actions reflect your reality. No one should forget
their basic sacraments and spiritual education. We should not get our
success to the head and our income to make another feel inferior in front
of us. Always be simple and sophisticated in your life and you should be
easily approachable to everyone but not in terms of self-respect.
Learn from everyone but follow no one: This is something
important for every individual. We should have to make all our senses
open every time because everything around us teaches us something but
we do not need to follow someone and superstitions blindly. We just
have to keep learning because according to me I am imperfect and to
become I had to learn and grow every day.
Process is much important: Nowadays most of us become so result-
oriented which cause only temporary pleasure and long term
depression. For me the process is more important, it develops your
potential, the character makes you ready for every condition.
Taking risks: In life for better growth, taking risks is very important.
Anyone cannot expect different results by doing the same thing in life.
Ultimately, not taking any risk is the biggest risk in life.

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No one in this world can say that he or she is completely happy with their life.
Everyone has something missing in their life, for me, I feel that if these things
should be present in my life then it should be much better.
Attractive personality: I have a very mundane and monotonous life.
I am the kind of person with who people might avoid spending time.
Even look-wise I may look like an average guy but I do have a pure soul.
And I have very bad dressing sense too. No one wants to befriend me
and I am not good at stealing the spotlight for myself. I have always
been a third person in my peer group. My friends usually knock on my
door whenever they needed something. In the end, I only want to say
that, I am the kind of person nobody wants to be. I wish I could have an
interesting personality and attractive appearance.
Intelligent mind: I was always an average person in my studies and
life too. I had no idea how to behave appropriately in front of everyone.
I had never scored good marks in any exams and never shown any
brilliant performance on any academic stage. I know my lazy nature is
the main reason behind it, but my intellectual thinking is always one
reason for it. Also, I am a very slow learner and have a very low pace to
do any activity which makes me inferior every time.
Appreciation from parents: Being an elder son of a family, I was
always moulded as a role model and expected to do all of my stuff all my
own but my parents have always controlled me whenever I wish to do
something for myself. Even when I opted for a Bachelor of education
and started teaching at a tuitions centre, I got lots of criticism and have
to do everything according to them. For them, there is no such thing as
personal space, life and choices. Parents are the ultimate right person
to guide us and want us to act accordingly to them. And due to orthodox
background friendship is just to fulfil personal sake and opposite gender
cannot befriend and if you are being a friend then you are the wrong
person. If you are presenting your views in front of your parents, you
are disrespecting them and you will be considered outspoken if you
cannot according to them. You just have to keep quiet and listen to
them, then you are on the right path. They can be partial sometimes but
you cannot say question them and being only son you have to do all
kinds of stuff besides studying and if you are asking for help and say it
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to a younger sibling then you are jealous of them. Just be a puppet of
their hand and then you are the ideal one if you ever discuss it with
anyone then be prepared for the criticism you are going to face and your
all bad qualities will start to be presented to everyone.
Confidence: I have so much fear of doing something new and
expressing my views. I have very poor speaking and presenting skills. I
often try to ignore speaking despite thinking correct answers or correct
approaches. I have so much fear of getting trolled in front of lots of
people and fear of missing out in my peer group. Also, my schooling was
happened in a government school due to which, my fluency in the
English language is extremely poor. Even I am not capable to express
my points clearly during arguments with my known ones. I lack the
courage to express what is going on in my heart.
Creative skills: My creativity skills in art and craft is so much worse.
Although my drawing skill gets a little bit improved after taking Biology
in class 11. But I lag in the representation of ideas interactively and my
handwriting is also moderate to understand which makes me feel so
much inferior. Also, I am very weak in co-curricular activities.
Good financial background: As we all know that money is so much
necessary in everyone’s life. And being a middle-class person you have
to adjust in your life during so many phases. We have to plan everything
accordingly to the necessity of the situation and you are not free to do
something for yourself. We have to re-think all our plans according to
the budget and it feels so much inferior when you have to suffer due to
money in front of a lot of people.
A person who understands me: I have some persons who mentor me,
believe in me and expect from me. I have a lot of people to scold me and
explain to me what to do or what to do not do. But there is rarely a
person who will understand me and have empathy towards me.
Face pace to learn: I am a very slow learner, thinker and I do all
things very late due to which I have to suffer a lot. I wish that I would
be able to do everything efficiently and timely to get a better result in
my life.

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As we know that we all had done lots of such acts which neither got
appreciated by anyone else nor we had received any reward for that.
But deep down we feel that we had done something good which does
not make happy to the doer but some other people also. Some activities
were also not appreciated because it was never disclosed in front of
anyone. There are some activities which I had done back in my life and
try to appreciate myself.
Choosing happiness over holding – Many times due to
hormonal imbalance and improper exposure to many things, I
had attached to many persons who are there with me for just
their own sake and to fulfil their needs they were ready to hurt
me. Many times, they had insulted me in front of many people
just for sake of fun. Some of them had shown affection with me
that too for the getting the required thing from. Due to my
emotional nature of myself, I tried to hold that relationship and
expected that they will understand me which makes the
scenario better. After getting hurt so many, one day I finally
decided to stay away from that people and to observe people for
a better understanding of their nature. I appreciate myself for
this decision as this decision will help me to get into a better
circle and promote my mental health.
Not judging the person for their past – In my journey, I had
received so many preconceived notions that might or might not
remain deep in my mind and might affect my point of view when
making the image of a particular person in my mind. Sometimes
reality is far different from the notions that analyze every
person, thing, event etc. at the same scale and what is the
benefit of those perceptions which makes people a part of each
other. But I had decided that proper knowledge of the situation
and nature of the person should be key elements to
understanding a person and I appreciate myself for that.

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Embracing the change – Due to my shy and introverted
nature, I feel too much uncomfortable and have difficulties in
learning new skills and in trying something new in my life
which need to be learned for betterment but I still challenge
myself every day to become a better version of myself and try to
improve the skills and overcome the fear of failure. I really
appreciate myself for this because according to my point of view
the only way to respect time is to get updated with the time as
change is the only constant. And during this time when
everyone is preferring multi-tasking resources, this will help me
in my personal life as well as in my professional life.
Choosing self-respect – Many times I had heard that one
should respect everyone especially the elder despite they insult
you, misunderstanding you. You just need to calmly listen to
them and say sorry to them despite that they are making you
feel inferior and guilty. But I personally think that one should
respect elders and everyone but not at the cost of self-respect.
You should express yourself and your point of view for clarity
and that too without disrespecting the other person. And I feel
it is important.
Listening to the heart – Many times there is so much chaos
in which I have to choose between instinct and logic. There are
always equal chances that the decision might be correct or
wrong and can prove as the step between success or loss. I had
always followed my instincts or heart during that time despite
having so much criticism. According to me, this criticism will
last only until I had not received success. After that, the
criticisers will become my biggest supporters and I appreciate
myself for this.
Teaching my juniors – Right after my board exams I had
taught one of my juniors in school as he had scored bad marks
in English and I was considered one of the bright students of
English. So he had approached me for help and he had said that
kindly help me to score 50% marks. I remembered that we had
studied for 2 hours daily as friends and he had scored 75%
marks in his final exams in English. As he had never talked

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with me after that I appreciate myself for this work also I feel
privileged that I can help someone in that work.
Choosing quality over money – A year back, I started to take
the tuition of the students in secondary classes. One of my
students had opted for humanities as her discipline in class 11.
As she belongs to a family where that cannot afford the tuition
of each subject and she has so much interest in her studies, so
then I had decided to teach political science to her without
charging any money from her as it will help me to gain some
knowledge of this particular subject despite belonging to science
background. As this is unknown to many peoples but I feel
appreciated for this decision.
Being in the present – Many times we get depressed by
thinking of either the past or future and forget to enjoy the
present moment. I try to be in the present and enjoy the
privilege which is provided to me by god. Everything happens
for a good reason and I have to just give my best.
Being emotional – Now a day, everyone is becoming so much
practical in their lives. I am trying to be a little bit emotional
and empathetic and I appreciate myself for this.

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As the name suggests “Understanding the Self”, this practical

component helped me to gain a better comprehension of myself, my
strengths, my weakness and various other aspects of my personality
and to reflect on them in a most suitable way to get the motivation for
becoming a better person in every aspect of the personality.
 While working on the introduction I tried to portray an
introduction of myself in the most comprehensive and
interesting way. It enhances my creativity and communication
 While doing journal writing I tried to list out some important
things on which are so much close to my heart and guide my life.
 I cherish some significant events of my life which motivates me
to do lots of better thing in my life.
 Later on I learned the skills of observational learning which will
prove so much helpful to understand the psychology of the
students in the best way.
 We all learned the basic skills of mindfulness to improve our
intellectual and decision-making skills.
 Later on we learned the importance of group work to enhance
the effectiveness of the activity and learn new skills from each
 We also got the chance to know about various prominent
personalities of our contemporary world.
 At last we got glimpses of the various types of childhood in India
and the importance of the case study.
At last, I would like to conclude this file with the following quote:

“The only journey is the journey within."

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Dear Mom, Dad, Relatives, Friends, and Teachers,
I want to express my heartfelt gratitude for your unwavering
support in helping me understand myself better. Your love,
guidance, and encouragement have been like a guiding light
on my journey of self-discovery. You've shared valuable
insights, listened to my thoughts, and offered perspectives
that have shaped my understanding of who I am.
To my parents, your unconditional love has been my anchor.
To relatives and friends, your acceptance has given me a
sense of belonging. Teachers, your wisdom has been a source
of inspiration.
Together, you've taught me the importance of self-reflection
and embracing my uniqueness. Your influence has been
instrumental in shaping my character and values. Thank you
for being my pillars of strength on this incredible journey of
With heartfelt appreciation,
B.Ed. 1st Year

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