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Major Global Issues with No Minute Solutions

We are the individuals who make up global governance; we are the ones who must keep
working nonstop to address urgent global issues that pose a serious threat to human civilization.
A nuclear, environmental, or societal disaster could happen if humanity is unable to predict and
stop the negative impacts of the information revolution. In many parts of the world, the current
environmental state may be considered an environmental catastrophe. Additionally, there are
more of these locations worldwide. Practically speaking, a global catastrophe will occur. Despite
the fact that there are many worldwide concerns that should be brought to light, this essay
will focus on three in particular and offer possible answers that are already within our
reach. These three (3) issues are Climate Change, Mental Health, and Poverty.

Firstly, the Global Anti-Climate Change Act. According to Steiner's 2015 paper, "Why
we need to focus on climate adaptation," scientists have been researching climate change for a
very long time, and it is here to stay. Humanity has learned a lot about the Earth's environment
before we arrived from the fossil record. We are living at a very unique time in history because
science has made it possible for us to know the exact ages of the universe and the earth.
Unquestionably, the Earth is warming in the modern age, though the specifics of this change are
still up for discussion among specialists and the general public.
The Global Anti-Climate Change Act will only include initiatives that promote resource
and production sustainability, but more importantly, it will require the participation of young
people. Many organizations from around the world have repeatedly supported other existing laws
in an effort to ideally improve the physical condition of the planet or eliminate the effects of
climate change in general, but it is an unavoidable result that climate change and global warming
interact and manifest their consequences on Earth. The solution was clearly stated in Steiner's
essay: "Climate change adaptation is the solution." In order to reduce the consequences of these
natural disasters, we as a people must be able to create communities that can adapt to the future,
ideally with minimal impact from climate change.
Furthermore, the Global Anti-Climate Change Act will be driven specifically by the
youth in order to gain funding for self-created projects that will produce sustainable solutions to
the production of essentials for society while also providing significant profit to local marketing.
Secondly, the Mental health Anti-Stigma Enactment (MASE). This law particularly
addresses the stigma of mental health amongst various communities in a global perspective.
Despite the difficulty of addressing it on a national level, taking it globally would help elevate
the urgency of providing a solution as it would also highlight the significance of it in the society
as there is an interconnectedness amongst various sectors in our development.
MASE will significantly help in order to reduce the stigma that surrounds the mental
health crisis around the globe by encouraging citizens of all parts of the world to engage in a
committed period of time to become a counselor. According to Bischoff-Ebbesen in their article
‘Global action needed to prevent the deepening crisis in mental health’, the most effective way to
support people who are in need of help is to reach around the globe through an online
conference. The internet has become a huge part of our lives and by allowing projects such as
online therapy to emerge with the help of MASE, we are able to outreach more and more people
covering almost the globe and extend our professional counseling help to them.

Lastly, Poverty Eradication and Solutions Management, "Poverty is not natural; it is

manufactured," said Nobel Prize-winning South African leader Nelson Mandela. The
aforementioned claim is accurate because poverty typically has human-made causes. Although
there are several factors that contribute to poverty, population is the main one. Population growth
is taxing nations' resources and financial resources. Governments are having trouble feeding,
housing, and employing the growing population. Around the world, a number of governments
have taken various actions to end poverty. Some of them include population control, opening up
work opportunities, etc. A sizable portion of the populace in several nations still depends on
agriculture for a living. To encourage agriculture in India, the government has implemented a
number of policies. In our nation, the government built a number of dams and canals to make it
simple to access water for irrigation. The government has also taken action to ensure that
farming supplies like seeds and equipment are inexpensively available. Instead of growing food
crops, the government is encouraging the cultivation of cash crops like cotton. To increase
employment, the government is pushing industry in urban areas.
To put it simply, Poverty Eradication and Solutions Management will be in charge of
keeping track of all these organizations and put the results into statistical data to manage the
expectancy of reducing risks in eradicating poverty to low levels. Its main goal is to keep track of
the effects of each project in parts of the world wherein the marginalized are being taken care of.
This law will encourage an environment wherein we are able to closely monitor and predict
points in which there may need to be changes if one project fails. By closely monitoring the
progress of these organizations’ projects on these countries with severe poverty, we are able to
define the problem and introduce a solution in advance which would essentially avoid the rise in
poverty altogether.

To conclude, these global issues will continue to grow as the years pass by. In order to
eradicate its effects on the communities around the world, it must be a universal effort to
improve on providing solutions the best way possible and not just minimal ones.

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