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Pediatric Nephrology (2022) 37:2037–2052


Acute kidney injury in pediatrics: an overview focusing

on pathophysiology
Ana Flávia Lima Ruas1 · Gabriel Malheiros Lébeis1 · Nicholas Bianco de Castro1 · Vitória Andrade Palmeira1 ·
Larissa Braga Costa1 · Katharina Lanza1 · Ana Cristina Simões e Silva1

Received: 15 May 2021 / Revised: 13 October 2021 / Accepted: 14 October 2021 / Published online: 30 November 2021
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to International Pediatric Nephrology Association 2021

Acute kidney injury (AKI) is defined as an abrupt decline in glomerular filtration rate, with increased serum creatinine and
nitrogenous waste products due to several possible etiologies. Incidence in the pediatric population is estimated to be 3.9 per
1,000 hospitalizations, and prevalence among children admitted to intensive care units is 26.9%. Despite being a condition
with important incidence and morbimortality, further evidence on pathophysiology and management among the pediatric
population is still lacking. This narrative review aimed to summarize and discuss current data on AKI pathophysiology in the
pediatric population, considering all the physiological particularities of this age range and common etiologies. Additionally,
we reported current diagnostic tools, novel biomarkers, and newly proposed medications that have been studied with the aim
of early diagnosis and appropriate treatment of AKI in the future.

Keywords Acute kidney injury · Pediatrics · Epidemiology · Pathophysiology · Perspectives

Introduction Several validated classification systems assess diagnos-

tic criteria for AKI, all based on urine output and Scr. In
Acute kidney injury (AKI), formerly known as acute kidney addition, widely available biomarkers in clinical practice
failure, is defined as an abrupt decline in glomerular filtra- are neither specific nor sensitive, hampering the identifi-
tion rate (GFR), ranging from minor loss of kidney func- cation of AKI at early stages, especially in public health
tion to complete failure [1]. The condition is characterized systems of developing countries [3, 4]. Although functional
by an increase in serum creatinine (Scr) and nitrogenous and histological alterations may be reversible, the condition
waste products, and the inability of the kidney to regulate is associated with high morbimortality rates, demanding a
body volume and hydroelectrolyte homeostasis [1]. These prompt approach to avoid a worse prognosis [1, 3]. Pediatric
kidney alterations can be caused by inadequate organ perfu- patients in particular have increased morbimortality rates
sion, arterial or venous obstruction, kidney cell injury (e.g., during hospitalization and a higher probability of developing
acute tubular necrosis, rapidly progressive glomerulonephri- future chronic kidney disease (CKD) [5–7].
tis, exposure to nephrotoxic drugs), or acute obstruction to The prevalence of AKI varies widely, ranging from < 1%
urine flow [1, 2]. in high-income countries to 66% in low-to-middle-income
AKI is clinically diagnosed by the decrease in urine out- countries [8]. The diversity of diagnostic tools, unequal
put and/or the accumulation of urea and creatinine in the access to basic sanitation, and presence of endemic diseases
blood, due to the loss of the kidney’s excretory function. favor the expressive variation in prevalence [8, 9]. Suther-
land et al. [10] showed an incidence of 3.9 per 1,000 pediat-
ric hospitalizations in a large North American cohort study
* Ana Cristina Simões e Silva [10]. The multicenter AWARE study showed an incidence of 26.9% in pediatric patients admitted to intensive care units
Interdisciplinary Laboratory of Medical Investigation, (ICUs) [7]. Goldstein et al. showed a 31% incidence of AKI
Department of Pediatrics, Faculty of Medicine, in admissions of non-critically ill children with high expo-
Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), Alfredo sure to nephrotoxic medications [11]. Bresolin et al. reported
Balena Avenue, Number 190, 2nd floor, Room #281, a 46% incidence of AKI in Brazilian pediatric patients
Belo Horizonte, MG 30130100, Brazil

2038 Pediatric Nephrology (2022) 37:2037–2052

admitted to ICUs [12]. Several studies showed that AKI was capacity experiences a significant increase during the first
also associated with a longer length of hospitalization and days postpartum, followed by a gradual elevation until the
comprised an independent risk factor for higher mortality first to the second year of life [16, 18–20]. The postnatal
rates [7, 13]. Sutherland et al. reported increased in-hospital transition of plasma flow is also an important contributor to
mortality in pediatric patients admitted to the ICU with AKI the raising of GFR. The elevation in cardiac output percent-
than in those without the condition [10]. The AWARE study age direct to the kidneys, from 3% in fetal life to 20% after
reported that severe AKI was associated with higher 28-day kidney development, leads to constant alterations in kidney
mortality rates (11% vs. 2.5%) [7]. Bresolin et al. found a perfusion pressure, systemic arteriolar resistance, and local
12-fold higher in-hospital mortality rate compared to ICU vascular resistance. All these changes are due to neurohu-
patients without AKI (36.2%) [12]. moral regulation, mostly mediated by prostaglandins and the
AKI has been associated with an increased need for kid- renin-angiotensin system (RAS). Therefore, medications that
ney replacement therapy, mechanical ventilation, and extra- modulate these molecules frequently have an exacerbated
corporeal support [7, 10]. Risk factors for AKI in the neona- response, especially in newborns [19, 21].
tal group include low birth weight, low APGAR score, use Tubular function development also takes place after birth.
of mechanical ventilation, and antenatal corticosteroids [5]. Kidney tubules participate in the hydroelectrolytic and acid-
Studies showed that neonates present higher mortality rates, basic balance of the organism, and its immaturity is associ-
longer hospitalization length, and higher odds of develop- ated with high urinary loss of glucose, electrolytes, amino
ing CKD compared to older pediatric patients [5, 10, 14]. acids, and low molecular weight proteins, in addition to a
Indeed, Mammen et al. reported a 10.3% prevalence of CKD reduced erythropoietin production [22]. The ability to con-
in pediatric patients in 1–3 years after experiencing an AKI centrate urine is also deficient in neonates due to shorter
episode [15]. Assessing and preventing AKI in the pedi- loops of Henle and low capacity to generate corticomedul-
atric population is particularly important, as the mortality lary solute gradient, only reaching the maximum osmolality
rates and long-term outcomes are concerning. This narrative values of 1,200 mosmol/kg around the second year of life
review aims to summarize and discuss current data on AKI [23–25]. From the second or third year of life to the begin-
pathophysiology in the pediatric population. In addition, we ning of puberty, kidney function remains almost constant
report current diagnostic tools, novel biomarkers, and newly with values similar to adult ranges. These particularities
proposed medications. must be kept in mind to properly understand the pathophysi-
ological pathways of the AKI etiologies in pediatric patients.
AKI is a multifactorial and incompletely understood
From physiology to pathophysiology condition that encompasses both direct injury to the kidney
and acute functional impairment [26]. Possible etiologies
Kidney physiology within the pediatric age range presents for AKI vary within countries and age groups and its con-
several particularities that should be addressed before dis- sequences are not well defined [26]. It is not yet known if
cussing AKI pathophysiology. GFR is known to depend the type and intensity of the injury or the anatomic affected
on multiple factors, including the filtration barrier surface part and the subsequent response time of the kidney change
area, water permeability, hydrostatic and oncotic pressures is according to different etiologies or if the kidney has a
in the Bowman capsule, glomerular lumen, and the balance single stereotyped response apart from the etiology [26, 27].
between these factors [16, 17]. Studies showed that kidney In addition, it is still a matter of debate if the genes activated
development is only completed after birth, with the glomer- during the disease course are a consequence of the intrin-
ular and tubular function continuing to develop until the sic mechanisms of the kidney or are induced by secondary
second or third year of life. Indeed, GFR as a parameter of effects such as the recruitment of immune cells [26, 27].
kidney maturation seems to be correlated with gestational However, the pathophysiological mechanisms probably fol-
age among preterm newborns, who present lower GFR than low a common homeostatic pathway triggered by kidney
full-term newborns [16, 18–20]. Any intrauterine growth ischemia [1, 14, 28] interplayed by tubular injury, vascular
restriction, antenatal glucocorticoids administration, or pre- insult, and consequent inflammatory response [26, 29]. This
maturity itself may compromise kidney growth and reduce common pathway is didactically subdivided into 4 stages:
the number of nephrons. Low nephron number makes all initiation, extension, maintenance, and recovery, as shown
hemodynamic changes more abrupt, favoring AKI onset [5]. in Fig. 1 [2].
Full-term newborns have a GFR around 15–25 mL/ The ischemic event deflagrates the initiation phase, char-
min/1.73 m at birth, reaching values close to adults acterized by a fast and intense decrease in GFR [30]. Once
(110–120 mL/min/1.73m2) in the second or third year of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is depleted, the impairment
life. During this period, newborns and infants are more of actin filaments of the cytoskeleton initiates the AKI in the
prone to AKI and drug nephrotoxicity [17, 21]. Filtration kidney proximal tubule cells, compromising tubular function

Pediatric Nephrology (2022) 37:2037–2052 2039

Fig. 1  Acute kidney injury (AKI) pathophysiology from a tubular characterized by the slower GFR decrease (2). When GFR is stable
cell perspective. The AKI general pathophysiology is divided into 4 and the repair on tubular cells and capillary starts to happen, it is
stages: Initiation (1A, 1B); extension (2); maintenance (3); recovery considered the “maintenance” phase (3). After some time, the tubu-
(4). Different mechanisms of AKI cause ischemia (1A), an event that lar and capillary structure is restored, featuring the last disease stage,
leads to a decrease of the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and conse- in which GFR starts rising and the kidney function is progressively
quent renal tubular cell lethal injuries: apoptosis and necrosis (1B). restored (4)
The hypoxia also stimulates inflammatory response that is clinically

and cell to cell interaction, leading to cell apoptosis or necro- enhancing leukocyte adherence to endothelial cells in kid-
sis [2]. In highly injured kidney sites, the apoptosis makes ney tissue [37]. Once activated, leukocytes produce pro-
the basement membrane the only remaining part between inflammatory cytokines that determine severe alterations
the peritubular interstitium and the glomerular filtrate and in proximal tubular epithelial cells and cell–matrix adhe-
also causes an accumulation of cellular waste in the kidney sion, leading to cell release to the lumen [38]. The comple-
lumen that obstructs and elevates the intratubular pressure, ment system also potentiates leukocyte–endothelial inter-
interfering with the filtrate flow. Therefore, the inflammatory actions and mediates even more kidney tissue injury [39].
response is stimulated, provoking additional injury [26, 31]. Together, these alterations further decrease GFR [28, 40].
Following initiation, the extension phase is marked by After dropping, GFR stabilizes in a lower range, which
persistent hypoxia, inflammatory response, and some level defines the maintenance phase [2]. Tubule cells start dedif-
of cell reperfusion [2, 28]. In extension, GFR drops more ferentiating and repairing to restore the functional integ-
slowly, and microvascular/endothelial cell injury is estab- rity of the nephron. These cells migrate to cover exposed
lished in the corticomedullary junction of the kidney [2, areas of the basement membrane and proliferate as an
28]. At this site, the dissipated glomerular filtration pressure attempt to restore cell number and tubule integrity [2].
may cause alteration of vascular smooth muscle tone and During this phase, kidney function improves and makes
endothelial cell permeability, losing vascular autoregulation possible the last phase, recovery [41].
[32]. There is an enhanced vascular response to vasocon- The recovery phase is initiated by the normalization of
strictors, including angiotensin II, prostaglandin H2, throm- blood flow and cellular homeostasis. Recovery cells are
boxane A2, leukotrienes C4 and D4, and endothelin-1, and undergoing differentiation, restoring epithelial polarity,
an impaired response and production of vasodilators like and normalizing their function [41]. The chance of recov-
nitric oxide, bradykinin, and acetylcholine [33, 34]. Both ery is directly linked to the extension, cause, and duration
alterations are worsened with interstitial edema and reduc- of AKI, corroborating the importance of early diagnosis
tion of blood flow [33]. and treatment [2]. In severe cases, chronic hypoxia sets in
At the same time, the inflammatory response stimu- caused by an inhibition of the angiogenesis, probably by
lated in the initiation phase also proceeds. The Toll-like T-regulatory cells [42]. Hence, AKI does not undergo a
receptors (TLRs) stimulate the release of cytokines and complete repair and remains with tubulointerstitial inflam-
chemokines [35, 36]. Cytokines upregulate the expression mation, proliferation of fibroblasts, and excessive deposi-
of leucocytes integrins, intercellular adhesion molecule-1 tion of extracellular matrix, leading to CKD [43, 44].
(ICAM-1), and vascular cell adhesion molecule (VCAM),

2040 Pediatric Nephrology (2022) 37:2037–2052

Finally, it is important to mention that ongoing growth, have two physiological explanations: diminished cardiac
greater kidney reserve, and high kidney regenerative poten- output or decreased intravascular volume without decreased
tial are important factors related to AKI in pediatric patients. total body fluid [2]. Impaired cardiac output comes from any
Additionally, the underlying and unique comorbidities of cardiac disorder that causes congestive heart failure (HF) or
pediatric patients should also be considered [41, 45]. How- decreased cardiac output. This is also a common pediatric
ever, in both adult and pediatric patients, AKI etiologies reason for AKI. It is usually related to perioperative com-
are traditionally divided into three groups, according to the plications in infants who undergo either cardiac or vascular
anatomical site of the initial alteration and the main mecha- surgery, once these procedures encompass cardiac dysfunc-
nism: prekidney, kidney, and postkidney [1]. More recently, tion and stress with cardiopulmonary bypass effects [49].
authors proposed a new classification, in which prekidney Altered intravascular volume not linked to reduced total
causes are called AKI functional change, while the kidney body fluid may be diminished due to decreased vascular
causes are termed kidney damage [46]. Table 1 summarizes resistance or kidney vasoconstriction [28]. Decreased vas-
the classification, pathophysiology, and common etiologies cular resistance due to peripheral vasodilatation is a possible
of AKI in pediatric patients. consequence of sepsis, anaphylaxis, vasodilator medications,
or autonomic neuropathy [49]. Kidney vasoconstriction
Functional causes of AKI could be a result of medications or hydroelectrolytic dis-
turbance, such as hypercalcemia [36, 50]. Rare cases, such
The main mechanism of functional AKI is the decreased as pulmonary tuberculosis associated with hypercalcemia,
kidney perfusion pressure leading to a transitory ischemic were described in pediatric AKI as a cause of vasoconstric-
event without lethal ischemic damage to parenchyma cells tion, but were also related to dehydration, nephrocalcino-
[47]. The counterregulatory kidney response to all func- sis, diabetes insipidus, and injured kidneys [40]. In both
tional causes is the concentration of urine and reabsorption scenarios, three compensatory mechanisms are naturally
of sodium, which, in turn, can increase intravascular volume triggered to vasodilate the afferent arterioles and offset the
and normalize kidney perfusion. This process contributes to situation: intrarenal vasodilatory prostaglandins liberation,
oliguria [48]. Once the disruption is not solved as usually myogenic autoregulation, and the classical RAAS axis acti-
occurs, the profound functional ischemia may result in lethal vation that leads to further vasoconstriction of the efferent
damage to the kidney [28]. The main causes of the functional arteriole enhancing hydrostatic pressure and, consequently,
AKI are decreased true intravascular volume (hypovolemia) improving GFR [51]. All these compensatory mechanisms
or decreased effective intravascular volume [1]. are important to avoid permanent kidney injury [2].
Vomiting, hemorrhaging, diarrhea, poor water intake, Recently, the decreased KBF as a causative step for AKI
burns, excessive sweating, and excessive diuresis may cause has been questioned [52]. Experimental and clinical stud-
hypovolemia. All these causes result in dehydration, which ies have shown that changes in kidney microcirculation and
reduces the cardiac output and consequent decreased kidney local inflammation seem to be more important than a global
perfusion. Hypovolemia comprises a common etiology of reduction of KBF for the development of AKI [52–54].
AKI in newborns, since tubular immaturity hampers fluid Although blood flow for the kidneys is considered high,
management and the physiological lower kidney blood flow most of the oxygen consumed for ATP production is to sup-
(KBF) worsens the condition [5]. The effective intravascular port active sodium transport (TNa), while the basal meta-
volume impairment, a result of lower arterial pressure, may bolic rate accounts for only a small percentage of oxygen

Table 1  Acute kidney injury classification, pathophysiology, and common etiologies in pediatric patients
Classification Etiology

Functional injury Hypovolemia: vomiting, hemorrhaging, diarrhea, poor water intake, and burns
Cardiorenal syndrome type 1
Surgery (cardiac and non-cardiac)
Kidney injury Loss of eNOX function or vascular lesion (hypertension, thrombosis, and kidney thrombosis)
Acute tubular injury (caused by drugs, other toxins, or hypoxic insults)
Uric acid nephropathy, tumor lysis syndrome, other exogenous and endogenous toxins
Interstitial nephritis (caused by drugs, infection, or other diseases) and glomerulonephritis
Kidney hypoplasia/dysplasia
Postkidney injury Obstruction in a solitary kidney, bilateral ureteral obstruction, and urethral obstruction

Pediatric Nephrology (2022) 37:2037–2052 2041

consumption [55]. Therefore, kidney oxygen demand is Cardiac and non‑cardiac surgery
closely related to the glomerular filtration rate and tubular
reabsorption [53, 54]. In an animal study of endotoxemia, Cardiac surgery is one of the most common causes of AKI
the relationship between partial pressure of oxygen ­(PO2) in the ICU, occurring in 10 to 50% of pediatric patients fol-
and tissue oxygen tension remained the same in both cor- lowing surgery for congenital heart disease [62]. In addition,
tex and outer medulla due to an increase in oxygen extrac- the development of AKI after these surgeries is associated
tion, despite a decrease in the KBF and urine output [54]. with longer hospitalization periods and higher mortality
Another study also demonstrated that the inhibition of the rates [62]. AKI is a risk factor for death in patients follow-
Na transport in the thick ascending limb of Henle and proxi- ing cardiac procedures, whereas, in turn, the major risk fac-
mal tubule with specific diuretics increases the ­PO2 in the tor for operative and long-term mortality in this scenario is
medulla and cortex. This finding shows how important tubu- previous kidney dysfunction [63].
lar transportation and the related oxygen consumption are There are different pathways to explain kidney injury
for kidney tissue oxygenation [53]. It was also shown that following cardiac surgery, which include low cardiac out-
increased kidney capillary permeability occurs before the put after the procedure [62, 63], remaining cardiovascular
decrease in KBF [56]. Alterations in KBF are preceded by lesions, use of nephrotoxic drugs, and aggressive postop-
reduced perfusion of cortical microcirculation, peritubular erative diuresis. All of these factors can result in kidney
capillary leakage, and reactive nitrogen species generation ischemia–reperfusion injury [62]. The cardiopulmonary
[57]. Taken together, these experimental data support that bypass (CPB) used in these procedures may also induce
cell injury may not be directly associated with the global AKI through hypoperfusion due to a lower and nonpulsatile
reduction of KBF. However, more studies are necessary to flow with hemodilution, decreasing the capacity of carrying
clarify the sequence of events related to the development oxygen and resulting in hypothermia [63]. CPB can also trig-
of AKI. ger an inflammatory response that leads to afferent arteriolar
constriction [63]
Cardiorenal syndrome type 1 Major non-cardiac surgeries are also associated with AKI,
which may also lead to CKD and death [64, 65]. As almost
Cardiorenal syndrome (CRS) is a condition that affects both 20% of children from low-income countries are likely to
heart and kidneys, in which one induces the other’s dysfunc- need surgery, it can be inferred that exposure to major sur-
tion or injury [58, 59]. CRS is divided into five subtypes that gery is an important factor to be considered as a cause of
comprise chronic and acute conditions [59]. Type 1 CRS AKI in this population [65]. Even though cardiac surgery is
(CRS-1), also named acute cardiorenal syndrome, has as its an established risk factor for the development of AKI, the
most frequent etiologies acute HF, acute coronary syndrome, role of other surgeries in this scenario is still not yet settled
and cardiac surgery [58]. in the literature [65].
The pathophysiology of CRS-1 comprises an acute HF
leading to kidney hypoperfusion and reduced GFR [60]. A Sepsis
different pathway for the CRS-1 pathophysiology is through
increased central venous pressure (CVP) affecting kidney Sepsis comprises a clinical syndrome characterized by a
vein and kidney perfusion [60]. Mechanisms including the systemic inflammatory response, immune dysregulation,
activation of the RAS and the sympathetic nervous system and microcirculatory disturbance, with high incidence and
(SNS) with an increased inflammatory status have also been significant mortality rates [66, 67]. Since 60% of patients
postulated [60]. CRS-1 may be reversed with appropriate with sepsis develop AKI [22], sepsis is considered the most
management, such as careful use of diuretics, with both kid- common risk factor for this complication [66]. Indeed,
ney and cardiac functions returning to normal status [60]. Alobaidi et al. found that sepsis was responsible for 26 to
Concerning the relationship between cardiovascular dis- 50% of AKI cases, with severity being directly proportional
ease and kidney involvement among the pediatric popula- to its incidence [66]. Sepsis-associated AKI (SA-AKI) is
tion, a prospective cohort study highlighted myocarditis and more severe than the non-septic AKI, probably due to the
congenital heart disease as the most frequent cardiac disor- higher inflammatory response [66]. Additionally, SA-AKI
ders associated with CRS-1 [61]. The same study showed patients are more likely to need mechanical ventilation,
an overall incidence of CRS of 27.7% over 1 year, with a hemodynamic support, and an increased amount of fluid for
six-time increase in the risk of mortality among affected resuscitation [66].
children [61]. Moreover, Price and Goldstein found that Although its pathophysiology is not clarified, it
hospitalized children with decompensated HF are likely to appears to have specificities that differ from other AKI
develop a decrease in kidney function during the period of etiologies [66, 67]. As with other causes of AKI, hypop-
hospitalization [62]. erfusion and ischemic injury are believed to be the basis

2042 Pediatric Nephrology (2022) 37:2037–2052

of SA-AKI pathophysiology [67]. Therefore, the most Acute tubular injury

accepted mechanism to explain SA-AKI is a decrease
in global KBF leading to tubular epithelial cell death ATN is considered an important cause of AKI in neonates,
or acute tubular necrosis (ATN) [66, 67]. This theory, children, and adolescents and is associated with tubular
however, is no longer considered the only pathway for injury, mainly due to ischemia and nephrotoxicity [1].
SA-AKI development [66]. In addition to ischemia–rep-
erfusion injury, the other proposed mechanisms include Ischemia The molecular pathway in which ischemia results
inflammation, alterations in microcirculation, and meta- in vasoconstriction and tubular necrosis is not entirely com-
bolic reprogramming [67]. prehended. Alterations in the vascular tone due to changes
The pathogen recognition by immune cell receptors in the cytoskeleton, endothelin, and nitric oxide concentra-
triggers a pro-inflammatory cascade that promotes dys- tions; ATP depletion; inflammatory response; and produc-
regulated inflammatory response and organ dysfunction tion of ROS and nitrogen molecules are considered to play
in the context of sepsis [67]. The exposition of kidney an important role in this process [1].
tubular cells to components of the pathogen, such as the The endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) is responsi-
pathogen-associated molecular patterns, may increase ble for the production of nitric oxide, a vasodilator. Studies
oxidative stress and lead to mitochondrial injury [67]. suggest that eNOS loses its normal function following the
Inflammation and the formation of reactive oxygen spe- ischemic injury [1]. In addition, inducible nitric oxide syn-
cies (ROS) associated with changes in nitric oxide and thase (iNOS), which participates in the production of ROS
nitrosative stress are also believed to characterize kidney and nitrogen molecules, has its activity increased following
tissue hypoxia [66]. the event [1]. The response to ischemic/hypoxic processes
In terms of microcirculatory dysfunction, sepsis leads to ATP depletion and, consequently, disruption of the
decreases capillary density and produces the replace- cytoskeleton and generation of ROS, contributing to injury
ment of capillaries with continuous flow for those with [1]. The systemic inflammatory response also leads to kid-
intermittent and stop flow [67]. Endothelial injury, auto- ney dysfunction through increased levels of cytokines and
nomic nervous system response, and thrombotic micro- also of ROS [1]. The interstitium, vasculature, and glomeruli
angiopathy also contribute to microcirculatory alterations may also suffer in ATN [28]. The congestion of outer med-
[67]. Moreover, the constriction of the afferent arteriole ullary peritubular capillaries may contribute to the exac-
combined with the dilation of the efferent arteriole can erbation of the tubular injury during the extension phase,
explain the reduction of GFR and intraglomerular pres- as well as the accumulation of leukocytes in the vasa recta
sure [67]. [28]. Collapsation of the glomerular tuft as a consequence
Metabolic alterations in SA-AKI are considered an of hypoperfusion may also occur [28].
attempt to preserve cell integrity [66, 67]. These changes
include optimization of the energy consumption sparing it Endogenous toxins Nephrotoxic injury occurs due to
from non-vital functions, such as cell replication [67]. The direct insult by the cytotoxic effects from both exogenous
neutralization of factors responsible for apoptosis and the and endogenous toxins and due to the precipitation of crys-
reprogramming of substrate use are also metabolic changes tals and metabolites [69]. In the case of endogenous toxins,
of SA-AKI [67]. cytotoxic agents such as myoglobin in the context of rhab-
domyolysis may act directly on kidney tubular epithelial or
endothelial cells, causing vasoconstriction and precipitation
Kidney causes of AKI of metabolites and crystals into the tubular lumen [3, 28].
Serum uric acid (SUA) has been strongly associated with
AKI may also be caused by intrinsic kidney disease, which the development of AKI as well [33]. This molecule acts as
comprises a broad spectrum of lesions affecting different an antioxidant in the extracellular environment and prooxi-
structures of the kidneys, including tubules, glomeruli, dant in the intracellular, and its crystallization is frequently
interstitium, and intrarenal blood vessels [1, 28, 68]. associated with gouty arthritis and nephrolithiasis [70].
The main causes of intrinsic kidney diseases are ATN, However, high SUA levels, but not enough to precipitate,
due to ischemia or nephrotoxicity; uric acid nephropathy have been linked to hypertension, CKD, and AKI [70]. The
and tumor lysis syndrome; idiopathic and drug-induced association between AKI and SUA is not fully understood,
interstitial nephritis; glomerulonephritis; intrarenal blood although it is proposed that elevated SUA levels can induce
flow damage caused by vascular lesions, such as hemolytic vasoconstriction, alter kidney autoregulation, and activate
uremic syndrome (HUS) and thrombosis; and hypoplasia inflammatory cascade [70]. Uric acid crystals may lead to
and dysplasia with or without obstructive uropathy [1, 68]. tubular luminal obstruction, which contributes to decreased
These causes are discussed below. GFR, therefore causing increased intrakidney pressure [70].

Pediatric Nephrology (2022) 37:2037–2052 2043

Decreased kidney perfusion results in oxidative stress and, TBM, inducing an immune response against this antigen
therefore, vascular and tubular injury. Consequently, there [73].
is activation of the proinflammatory cascade with increased The AIN episode initiates when the protective mecha-
levels of cytokines and chemokines impairing endothelial nisms are surpassed, leading to cell-mediated immunity,
function [70]. causing hypersensitivity and cytotoxicity, marked by
In the neonatal population, however, SUA as a cause of inflammatory cellular infiltrates of T lymphocytes and mac-
AKI is rare, due to its excretion through dilute urine, lower- rophages [73]. These cells release cytokines, increase the
ing the possibility of precipitation [71]. Hyperuricemia is production of interstitial fibroblasts, amplify the process, and
also uncommon among children, generally resulting from enhance the infiltration of inflammatory cells, possibly lead-
decreased excretion, overproduction, or both [71]. Therefore, ing to interstitial fibrosis with loss of kidney tubules [3, 73].
circumstances with high cell turnover and rapid cell prolif-
eration, including leukemias and lymphomas, as well as cell Glomerulonephritis Glomerular damage in AKI may be
death in tumor lysis syndrome (TLS), are the most common caused by severe glomerulonephritis (GN) [28]. GN may
causes of increased SUA in the pediatric population [71]. occur due to systemic disease, including SLE, or due to pri-
TLS, for instance, occurs in certain oncological patients due mary kidney disease, resulting in rapidly progressive glo-
to the massive breakdown of tumor cells spontaneously or merulonephritis (RPGN) [28, 74]. RPGN is an entity charac-
induced by cytoreductive chemotherapy [72]. The intracel- terized by hypertension, edema, hematuria, and rising levels
lular contents released during this event cause hyperurice- of blood urea nitrogen and creatinine, which may evolve to
mia, hyperkalemia, and hyperphosphatemia and can lead to kidney failure within weeks or months [1, 74, 75].
hypocalcemia, which may produce different injuries, includ- RPGN is more frequent among older children and adoles-
ing AKI [72]. The acute increase of SUA, in this scenario, cents [1]. The condition is clinically associated with crescen-
may cause uric acid crystal deposition in the tubules and tic glomerulonephritis (CresGN), a glomerular disorder that
contribute to the sequelae of injury. The precipitation of comprises different immunopathological mechanisms [75,
calcium phosphate crystals due to hyperphosphatemia may 76]. In children, immune-complex crescentic glomerulone-
also occur [72]. A higher risk of nephropathy was found in phritis is the most common CresGN [76]. Approximately
pediatric patients with acute lymphocytic leukemia, B-cell, half of the children with CresG progress to kidney failure
and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma [71]. [75]. In this regard, poststreptococcal acute GN (PSAGN),
one of the immune-complex CresGN, represents an impor-
Interstitial nephritis Acute interstitial nephritis (AIN) tant cause of acute kidney failure in children [76, 77]. In
leads to interstitial damage due to inflammatory infiltrate this insult, there is an immune reaction to components of
and edema in this region, causing an acute impairment of the glomerulus and streptococcal parts deposited in the glo-
kidney function [28, 73]. AIN may be the result of drug reac- merulus [77].
tion, infection, anti-tubular basement membrane (anti-TBM) Pathogenesis of GN is mainly explained by the immune
disease, sarcoidosis, systemic diseases, including systemic response to exogenous antigens, when caused by infections,
lupus erythematosus (SLE) and malignancies, or idiopathic and also the immune complex circulation and deposits in the
causes [3, 28, 73]. glomeruli, which induces inflammation [77–79]. The reac-
The leading cause of AIN is drug reaction, followed by tion to these complexes results in the activation of innate and
infection-related and idiopathic forms [73]. Medications adaptive immune systems, along with the release of inflam-
more frequently associated with AIN include methicillin and matory mediators, causing glomerular injury [79]. While
other penicillin analogs, cimetidine, sulfonamides, cephalo- antibodies lead to trapping and in situ formation of immune
sporins, rifampin, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAID) complexes, the generation of antigen-specific T and B cells
drugs, and proton pump inhibitors [1, 28, 73]. AIN caused is directed to the antigens fixed in the glomerulus, mediating
by infection is more commonly associated with bacterial ill- tissue damage [79]. Activation of complement components
nesses, mostly leptospirosis and legionella [28]. Rarely, AIN by antibodies is also part of immunopathology and contrib-
may be associated with pyelonephritis and viral illnesses, utes to the glomeruli damage [78, 79].
including hantavirus infection [28]. The AIN episode begins
with the expression of endogenous and exogenous nephrito- Vascular lesions Vascular damage in AKI is a result of an
genic antigens processed by tubular cells [73]. Medications injury to intrarenal vessels, decreasing kidney perfusion and
and specific microbial antigens are also believed to evoke GFR [28]. Causes of vascular damage include hypertension
immune reactions due to their interstitial deposition [73]. [28], kidney artery and kidney vein thrombosis and corti-
In some cases, drugs inducing the AIN episode may attach cal necrosis, preeclampsia/eclampsia, thrombotic thrombo-
to the TBM or mimic an antigen commonly present in the cytopenic purpura (TTP), and hemolytic uremic syndrome
(HUS) [1, 28]. Cortical necrosis and kidney vein thrombosis

2044 Pediatric Nephrology (2022) 37:2037–2052

are more frequent in neonates, while HUS is more com- non-obstructive [85]. Obstructive uropathy can lead to AKI
monly found in young children [1]. if it affects a solitary kidney or both ureters, or if it occurs
Considering injuries associated with AKI, cortical necro- at the urethra level [1]. Examples of obstructive uropathy
sis is frequently related to hypoxic/ischemic insults, mostly include posterior urethral valves, bilateral ureteropelvic
due to perinatal anoxia, placenta abruption, twin-twin/twin- junction obstruction, or bilateral obstructive ureteroceles [1,
mother transfusion, and consequent activation of the coagu- 83]. Obstruction can lead to hydronephrosis with compres-
lation cascade [1]. On the other hand, HUS is a condition sion and fibrosis of the medulla [85]. While common causes
characterized by the triad of thrombocytopenia, anemia, and of obstructive dysplasia are related to increased hydrostatic
AKI, classically associated with the production of Shiga pressure in the kidney pelvis, non-obstructive dysplasia
toxin by E. coli, although other causes include invasive S. seems to be mediated by transforming growth factor (TGF)
pneumoniae infections, drug exposure, hypertension, auto- [85].
immune diseases, malignancy, and genetic alterations of the
alternative complement pathway/coagulation cascade (called
atypical HUS) [80]. HUS caused by E. coli infection is con-
Postkidney causes of AKI
sidered a childhood disease, initiated by the attachment of
the Shiga toxin to endothelial and kidney tubular cells, lead-
The postkidney mechanism of AKI comprises an acute
ing to ribosomal inactivation and cell death [80]. Moreover,
obstruction of the urine flow by obliterating one or both
the toxin is also proinflammatory and prothrombotic, there-
ureters at any level, although there is usually a pre-existing
fore increasing the secretion of the von Willebrand factor
cause of reduced kidney function [28, 86]. This obstruction
and the activation of the complement pathway [80].
elevates the intratubular pressure locally, but the augmenta-
Vein thrombosis (RVT) is the most common non-cathe-
tion is transmitted back to the proximal tubules, counteract-
ter-related thrombosis among children, mostly newborns and
ing the high intraglomerular pressure that drives glomeru-
those of younger age [81]. The consequence of the occlusion
lar filtration. Hence, there is a reduction in the GFR [87].
depends on the extension of the thrombus, the presence of
Additionally, there is kidney blood flow impairment, once
collateral circulation, and the acuteness of the event [81].
the increase in the intratubular pressure induces secondary
The development of RVT is related to a combination of
kidney vasoconstriction and inflammatory processes, which
endothelial damage, stasis of the blood flow, and hypercoag-
may lead to the previously mentioned ischemic events [28,
ulability [81, 82]. RVT can also happen as a consequence of
87]. The main etiologies of postkidney AKI in children are
dehydration that causes volume depletion leading to reduc-
kidney calculi, clots, neurogenic bladder, urinary retention
tion of blood flow [81, 82]. Other causes include septicemia,
as a medication consequence, and any septic, nephrotoxic,
shock, and newborns with diabetic mothers [81]. RVT is
or ischemic injury in a patient with non-treated obstructive
commonly associated with nephrotic syndrome [81, 82].
CAKUT, such as posterior urethral valve [88].
Kidney hypoplasia/dysplasia Kidney hypoplasia or dys-
plasia is an important cause of AKI in neonates [1]. The for- Drug‑induced AKI
mation of the human kidneys begins at the fifth gestational
week and perturbations during these events result in congen- Nephrotoxicity is a common etiology of AKI in pediatric
ital anomalies of the kidney and the urinary tract (CAKUT) patients, particularly in those hospitalized [89, 90]. Medica-
[83]. Kidney dysplasia and kidney hypoplasia are common tions associated with tubular injury include amphotericin B,
causes of CAKUT [83]. Undifferentiated and metaplastic tis- chemotherapy, contrast media, acyclovir, and acetaminophen
sues in the kidney characterize dysplasia, while hypoplasia [1]. Acetaminophen, for instance, causes a reversible and
may be defined as a kidney with a significant nephron deficit dose-related injury associated with lysosomal dysfunction
[83, 84]. These alterations are generally diagnosed at the [1] and has an increased risk after a long period of admin-
time of birth or during infancy [84]. istration [89].
In such disorders, mutations of the genes usually The interstitium is also affected by drug reactions, being
expressed in the kidney may be identified, leading to dereg- responsible for two-thirds of acute interstitial nephritis
ulated cell proliferation and programmed cell death [84, (AIN) episodes [35]. Drugs associated with such injury
85]. Moreover, an important cause of hypoplasia and dys- include antimicrobial agents, including penicillin analogs,
plasia is exposure to maternal drugs in utero, interfering sulfonamides, cephalosporins and rifampin, and NSAID
with nephrogenesis [1]. Medications such as angiotensin- drugs [1, 20, 35]. The pathophysiology of AIN is associ-
converting enzyme inhibitors, angiotensin receptor block- ated with the immunological process of exogenous antigens
ers, and NSAID drugs have been related to these conditions exerted by tubular cells [35]. These toxins can bind to the
[1]. Kidney dysplasias may be divided into obstructive and tubular cells’ basement membrane or mimic one of their

Pediatric Nephrology (2022) 37:2037–2052 2045

antigens, thus inducing the immune response associated with Currently, the most frequently used criteria to define and
the lesion [35]. classify AKI in the pediatric population are pRIFLE, AKIN,
Maternal exposure to medications that directly interfere and KDIGO. These classification scores share laboratory
with the kidney and urinary tract during embryogenesis, parameters, although with some specificities [54, 59]. All
such as angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, angio- have been validated and consolidated in the scientific lit-
tensin receptor blockers, and NSAIDs, is also associated erature as capable of predicting morbidity and mortality in
with different anomalies, including kidney dysplasia or adults [60, 61], but with important constraints. A compari-
hypoplasia [1]. son between different criteria for AKI diagnosis and classi-
The hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS), an association fication is summarized in Table 2. Strong evidence indicates
between microangiopathic hemolytic anemia, thrombocy- that an effective variation of kidney function biomarkers,
topenia, and AKI, may be induced by genetic mutations, SCr included, is only observed after important damage of
infections, autoantibodies, and drug toxicity, although it is kidney tissue [3]. Limitations of the SCr are even more
mostly associated with E. coli toxin production [42]. The expressive in the pediatric population, after children have
drugs most frequently associated with HUS are calcineurin presented low SCr levels. Even if this parameter increases
inhibitors (ciclosporin and tacrolimus), quinine, vascular significantly, it may still be within the normal range [14].
endothelial growth factor inhibitors, quetiapine, chemo-
therapeutics, antiplatelet agents, and drugs of abuse, such Kidney angina index
as cocaine [42]. HUS caused by drug exposure shares the
same pathophysiological characteristics as those caused by As an alternative to the various biomarkers and criteria for
Shiga toxin, which include a prothrombotic and proinflam- AKI, the concept of the kidney angina index was developed
matory state on the endothelium surface [42]. in 2010 to classify patients according to their pretest prob-
Considering the importance of nephrotoxic AKI among ability of developing severe AKI — stage 2 or 3 according
children, the Nephrotoxic Injury Negated by Just-in-Time to KDIGO [94]. Patients should be evaluated 3 days after
Action (NINJA) systematic screening program was cre- ICU admission based on clinical and laboratory criteria [95].
ated to assess AKI in non-critically ill children exposed The kidney angina index is summarized in Table 3. The kid-
to nephrotoxic medications [91]. The AKI rate doubled in ney angina index is fulfilled when the multiplied score of
children receiving three or more nephrotoxic drugs when risk and injury is equal to or greater than 8, though greater
compared to those treated with two or fewer [92]. The imple- scores are also related to greater risks of developing severe
mentation of this monitoring program led to a decrease of AKI [96]. According to a multicenter cohort study, a kidney
64% in AKI rates, pointing out the possible avoidability of angina index below 8 has a high negative predictive value
adverse events due to nephrotoxic drug administration [90, (92–99%) and a high positive predictive value for day-3
93]. AKI, outperforming those of KDIGO-1 and with similar and
often superior parameters compared to KDIGO-2 and 3 [95].

Perspectives on pharmacological treatment

Diagnosis and management
Traditionally, AKI treatment aims to reduce or cease kid-
Current practice ney lesions and to provide support, with rigorous control
of hemodynamics, hydroelectrolytic, and acid–base distur-
Diagnosis of AKI is based on the individualized interpreta- bances. In recent years, novel drugs have been proposed
tion of clinical findings and laboratory parameters of kid- to interrupt specific pathways of kidney lesion, potentially
ney function [3]. Clinical signs include accelerated mani- reducing damage extension and avoiding further injuries.
festations of kidney parenchyma damage by significantly Mechanisms addressed by these new treatment options
increased serum levels of waste nitrogenous compounds, interfere with microvascular alterations in nephron blood
notably urea and creatinine, which can be associated with flow, production of ROS, inflammation, and cycle cell arrest,
a reduction of urinary output [3]. However, small increases along with apoptosis.
in serum creatinine are associated with higher mortality, Exogenous angiotensin II is proposed to raise intra-
possibly indicating the limitation and low sensitivity of this glomerular pressure by efferent arteriole constriction and
parameter in early stages of AKI [3]. As previously men- aldosterone release in the context of inflammation and
tioned, AKI is a condition that needs immediate interven- RAS dysfunction when the angiotensin type 1 receptor and
tion due to its rapid progression and significant morbidity angiotensin II itself could be downregulated [97, 98]. This
and mortality. For this reason, several diagnostic tools have molecule could increase GFR to maintain adequate kidney
been proposed aiming to detect AKI as early as possible [7]. perfusion, avoiding ischemic events in the tubular epithelial


Table 2  Comparison of different criteria for acute kidney injury (AKI) diagnosis and classification
Creatinine definition Estimated CCI Urine output

Stage 1 ≥ 0.3 mg/dL increase Stage 1 ≥ 0.3 mg/dL increase Risk ≥ 1.5-fold increase Risk eCCl decreased by 25% < 0.5 mL/kg/h for > 6 h < 0.5 mL/kg/h for 8 h
OR ≥ 1.5-fold increase within 48 h OR from baseline SCr
from baseline SCr 1.5–1.9 times baseline OR decrease in
within 48 h within 7 days GFR ≥ 25%
Stage 2 ≥ twofold increase from Stage 2 2.0–2.9 times baseline Injury ≥ twofold increase Injury eCCl decreased by 50% < 0.5 mL/kg/h for 12 h < 0.5 mL/kg/h for 16 h
baseline SCr within 7 days from baseline SCr
OR decrease in
GFR ≥ 50%
Stage 3 ≥ threefold increase Stage 3 ≥ 3 times baseline Failure ≥ threefold increase Failure eCCl decreased by 75% < 0.3 mL/kg/h for 24 < 0.3 mL/kg/h for 24 h
from baseline SCr OR within 7 days OR from baseline SCr OR OR eCCl < 50 mL/ hOR anuria for > 12 h OR anuric for 12 h
increase to ≥ 4.0 md/dL increase to ≥ 4.0 mg/ increase to ≥ 4 mg/ min/1.73 ­m2
with an acute increase dL with an acute dL OR decrease in
of > 0.5 mg/dL OR increase of > 0.5 mg/ GFR ≥ 75%
initiation of KRT dL OR initiation of

Legend: The diagnoses and classifications are given due to the presence of any of the described changes: creatinine level alterations for acute kidney injury network (AKIN); kidney disease
interventions, goals and outcomes (KDIGO); risk, injury, failure, lesion, end-stage kidney disease (RIFLE); estimated creatinine clearance for pediatric RIFLE (pRIFLE); and urine output for all
Abbreviations: eCCl estimated creatinine clearance, SCr serum creatinine, GFR glomerular filtration rate, KRT kidney replacement therapy
Pediatric Nephrology (2022) 37:2037–2052
Pediatric Nephrology (2022) 37:2037–2052 2047

Table 3  Renal angina index for stratifying risk of acute kidney injury approved the use of TIMP-2/IGFBP7, known commer-
Risk strata Risk criteria Score
cially as NephroCheck, as a diagnostic tool for AKI [56].
Although several studies have shown that these molecules
Admission to ICU 1
can be used as predictors of AKI in pediatric patients, the
Solid organ or stem-cell transplantation 3 results should be interpreted with caution, as the studies
Mechanical ventilation and/or vasoactive sup- 5 were mainly carried out in situations of cardiopulmonary
port bypass [120]. Findings on these biomarkers are summa-
rized in Table 4.
Injury strata Serum creatinine relative to FO accu- Score
baseline mulation
Decrease or no change <5 1
Less than 50% increase 5 to 10 2 Conclusion
50% to less than 100% increase 11 to 15 4
More than 100% increase > 15 8 Although AKI is a condition with significant incidence and
important morbimortality, large epidemiological studies
Abbreviations: ICU, intensive care unit; FO, fluid overload with the pediatric population are scarce. Current data have
established a general pathophysiological pathway to explain
cells and subsequent functional loss [30, 56]. Although some the disease, but more substantial information in specific
evidence was demonstrated in animal models, current data etiologies is needed to better manage and develop novel
in humans seem inconclusive [98]. treatment options. Diagnostic tools are diverse and limited
As an example of antioxidant drugs, alpha-lipoic acid to labile biomarkers at present, hampering a standardized
neutralizes ROS and restores inactivated natural antioxi- analysis and classification in the pediatric population. Sev-
dants, such as vitamin C, with promising results in animal eral biomarkers and drugs have been tested as options for
studies [99, 100]. Selenium supplementation is proposed to early diagnosis and more tailored treatment of AKI. How-
reduce cellular oxidative damage in animal models. How- ever, few significant advances have occurred in clinical prac-
ever, human data are ambiguous [101, 102]. Propofol is tice to date. Further understanding of its physiopathological
associated with increased kidney protection when compared mechanisms is needed to properly manage pediatric patients
to sevoflurane. Experimental studies showed antioxidant with AKI.
properties for propofol. In humans, propofol was associated
with reduced AKI incidence when chosen as the main anes-
thetic drug in surgical procedures [103–105].
Genetic modifiers have been proposed as a treatment Key summary points
option for AKI due to their capacity of altering the cell cycle
arrest and apoptosis that lead to ATN [106]. The small inter- Acute kidney injury is defined by abrupt decline in glo-
fering ribonucleic acid I5NP inhibited p53 in kidney tubules merular filtration rate secondary to functional, kidney, and
and improved tubular injury in mice [107]. However, human postkidney etiologies.Glomerular filtration rate experiences
studies are still missing. a fast decrease in the initiation phase, followed by a slow
reduction in extension phase, an augmentation in mainte-
Potential biomarkers for AKI nance, and a stabilization in the recovery phase of AKI.
Acute kidney injury is defined by abrupt decline in glo-
Considering the intrinsic limitations of currently used merular filtration rate secondary to functional, kidney, and
kidney biomarkers, which only get augmented after sig- postkidney etiologies.
nificant kidney damage, the search for new biomarkers has Glomerular filtration rate experiences a fast decrease in
increased in the past two decades [57]. In this regard, stud- the initiation phase, followed by a slow reduction in exten-
ies have evaluated the urinary levels of tissue inhibitor of sion phase, an augmentation in maintenance, and a stabiliza-
metalloproteinases 2 (TIMP-2), insulin-like growth factor tion in the recovery phase of AKI.
binding protein 7 (IGFBP7) [108–110], liver fatty-acid- AKI is responsible for important morbimortality rates
binding protein (L-FABP) [111, 112], kidney injury among the pediatric population, mostly due to kidney imma-
molecule-1 (KIM-1) [113, 114], neutrophil gelatinase- turity and increased susceptibility to drug toxicity and accu-
associated lipocalin (NGAL) [115–117], and interleukin mulation of waste products.
(IL)-18 [118, 119] and the capacity of these molecules The search for sensible, specific, and rapidly increasing
to show early increases in response to kidney damage. In biomarkers for AKI includes promising studies on NGAL,
2014, the United States Food and Drug Administration KIM-1, IL-18, and L-FABP.


Table 4  Current studies on potential urinary biomarkers for acute kidney injury in pediatric patients
Biomarker Characterization Study Conclusion Ref

TIMP-2/IGFBP7 Markers of cell-cycle arrest, released in response to non-injurious Gist et al., 2017 TIMP-2/IGFBP-7 can be used in infants to predict subsequent serum 108
noxious stimuli creatinine-defined AKI following cardiopulmonary bypass
Westhoff et al., 2015 TIMP-2/IGFBP7 has good diagnostic performance in predicting 109
adverse outcomes in neonatal and pediatric AKI
Dong et al., 2017 TIMP-2/IGFBP-7 alone is not suitable for predicting AKI among the 110
pediatric population
L-FABP Cytoplasmatic protein of kidney proximal tubules, upregulated in Ivanišević et al., 2013 L-FABP rises earlier than serum creatinine in children with AKI 111
continuous kidney lesion undergoing cardiopulmonary bypass
Portilla et al., 2008 L-FABP levels represent a sensitive and predictive early biomarker of 112
AKI after cardiac surgery in children
KIM-1 Transmembrane protein of proximal tubules epithelial cells, upregu- Genc et al., 2013 Serial KIM-1 measurements may be used as a non-invasive indicator 113
lated in continuous kidney lesion of kidney injury in premature newborns
Parikh et al., 2013 KIM-1 was not significantly associated with AKI in children after 114
adjusting for other kidney injury biomarkers
NGAL Bacteriostatic molecule produced by neutrophils that is related to Kuribayashi et al., 2016 Urinary NGAL elevated a day before alteration in serum creatinine, 115
kidney epithelium development being considered an earlier marker for AKI
Reiter et al., 2018 Plasma and urinary NGAL values are not good predictors of AKI in 116
pediatric patients undergoing cardiopulmonary bypass
Bellos et al., 2018 This metanalysis concluded that serum and urinary NGAL are highly 117
predictive for AKI in newborns with perinatal asphyxia
IL-18 Pro-inflammatory cytokine produced in proximal tubular cells Washburn et al., 2008 IL-18 rises prior to serum creatinine in non-septic critically ill chil- 118
Li et al., 2012 IL-18 is an independent predictive biomarker of AKI in non-septic ill 119

Abbreviations: TIMP-2, Tissue Inhibitor of Metalloproteinases 2; IGFBP7, Insulin-like Growth Factor Binding Protein 7 (IGFBP7); L-FABP, Liver fatty-acid-binding protein; KIM-1, Kidney
Injury Molecule-1; NGAL, Neutrophil Gelatinase Associated Lipocalin; IL-18, Interleukin 18
Pediatric Nephrology (2022) 37:2037–2052
Pediatric Nephrology (2022) 37:2037–2052 2049

Multiple choice questions (answers are d) Use of centrally-acting anti-hypertensive agents.

provided following the reference list)
5. Which parameter/condition is most widely used to deter-
1. What is the GFR change in each AKI pathophysiological mine AKI in hospitalized patients?
phase? a) Reduction of urine output or anuria.
a) Initiation (slow GFR decrease), extension (fast GFR b) Increase in baseline serum creatinine (SCr).
decrease), maintenance (GFR stabilization), recov- c) Reduction of glomerular filtration rate (GFR).
ery (GFR increase). d) Need for kidney replacement therapy.
b) Initiation (slow GFR decrease), extension (fast GFR
decrease), maintenance (slow GFR increase), recov-
ery (fast GFR increase).
c) Initiation (fast GFR decrease), extension (slow GFR
decrease), maintenance (GFR stabilization), recov- Author contribution AFLR, GML, NBC, VAP, and LBC did the lit-
erature review and selected the main articles, defined the topics of
ery (GFR increase). this review, and wrote the first draft. KL and ACSS conceptualized
d) Initiation (fast GFR decrease), extension (slow GFR the study, provided general supervision, and revised the manuscript.
decrease), maintenance (GFR increase), recovery ACSS submitted the final version of the manuscript, which is approved
(GFR stabilization). by all authors.

Funding This study was partially supported by CNPq (National Coun-

2. Considering the pathophysiology of Sepsis-associated cil for Scientific and Technological Development), grant 430246/2018–
Acute Kidney Injury (SA-AKI), choose the correct 8, and FAPEMIG (Research Support Foundation of Minas Gerais),
answer: grant PPM-00435–18.

a) SA-AKI’s pathophysiology is similar to other AKI Declarations

etiologies, with hypoperfusion and ischemic injury
being the main mechanisms. Ethics approval Not applicable.
b) The most accepted mechanism associated with SA-
AKI is a decrease in global kidney blood flow, but Conflict of interest The authors declare no competing interests.
differently from other AKI causes, it does not lead
to Acute Tubular Necrosis.
c) There is more than one pathway for the development References
of SA-AKI, including ischemia–reperfusion injury,
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