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User Instructions

System Requirements

Operating System: Windows® 98 or higher

Software: Adobe® Acrobat® Reader 6.0 or higher
Hardware: CD-ROM drive reader, 4X speed or higher


To view the electronic manual with optimum functionality, Adobe Acrobat Reader 6.0 or higher must first be
installed on your computer. Adobe Acrobat Reader has been provided on this CD-ROM for your convenience.

If Adobe Acrobat Reader is not installed, go to your CD-ROM drive directory and locate the Adobe Acrobat
folder. Double-click the executable file inside to launch the Acrobat installation.

To update your Adobe Acrobat Reader to a later version, you must uninstall your previous version before
installing the new version. Go to the Start menu and choose Settings, Control Panel, Add/Remove Programs.
Select the earlier version of Adobe Acrobat Reader and click the Remove button. Install the updated version as
described above.

Operation and Maintenance Instructions

(Click on the links below to view the manual)

Systems Operator’s Guide

Maintenance Instructions
Supplementary Data
Illustrated Parts List
Digital Photos

Viewing and Navigation Instructions

Navigation Toolbar – The Navigation toolbar can be found at the bottom of your Adobe Acrobat viewing window.
The toolbar contains the following buttons and features from left to right: Go to First Page, Go to Previous Page,
Select Page Number, Go to Next Page, Go to Last Page, Previous View and Next View.

Closing Sub-Documents – Clicking on one of the blue links above will launch a section or volume
of the technical manual. To return to the main menu, locate and click the lower Close Document
button, resembling an “x”, located in the upper right side of the Adobe Acrobat viewing window.

TIP: “Ctrl+W” will also close any active sub-documents in your viewing window.
The Search Function – The “Search” function can be activated from the “Edit” menu or “Ctrl+F”. A “Search
PDF” sub-window will launch within your main Adobe viewing window, allowing you to search for specific words
and phrases.

Table of Contents - Each technical manual document will contain its own Table of Contents found within the
“Bookmarks” tab, located on the left side of the Adobe Acrobat viewing window. Each section of the Table of
Contents can be expanded or collapsed by clicking on the plus or minus signs respectively.

Reference Links – A Technical manual may contain reference links characterized by blue, underlined text. For
example, “Table 2.3.4” means that clicking on the underlined reference will take you to that specific table. Other
reference links may open additional sub-documents, (for example, “Supplementary Data” or “123456-789”).
Referenced sub-documents can be closed in the same manner as described above.

To optimize document navigation within the Adobe application, click on Edit, Preferences. On the left side of the
preference box, find and click on “General.” Uncheck the box next to “Open cross-document links in the same

Digital Photos, are displayed in HTML format by your default Internet browser. After clicking on the above link,
your browser will launch independently of your Adobe application.

If you require any additional help regarding the functionality of your CD-ROM, please contact Solar Turbines’
Technical Information Department at (858) 694-6300 or e-mail questions to:

Proprietary Notice

The content of this technical manual is proprietary data of Solar Turbines Incorporated, a
subsidiary of Caterpillar Inc. Reproduction or use of any part for other than the operation and
maintenance of Solar equipment is permissible only if expressly authorized in writing by Solar.
This software and accompanying documentation are distributed only in accordance with and
subject to the terms of the Solar Turbines Incorporated Standard Terms and Conditions for the
licenses of the software (the "Solar License"). The software and accompanying documentation
are copyrighted property of Solar Turbines Incorporated and all rights are reserved. You may
not copy, modify, transfer, sublicense, rent, lease, convey, translate, convert to any
programming language or format or decompile or disassemble the software or any copy,
modification or merged portion, in whole or part, except as expressly provided in the Solar
License. A violation of the Solar License will be prosecuted to the full extent of all applicable
law, including, but not limited to, United States Copyright, patent and trademark laws and

Solar, Saturn, Centaur, Mars, Mercury, Taurus, Titan, SoLoNOx, and Turbotronic are
trademarks of Solar Turbines Incorporated. Cat and Caterpillar are trademarks of Caterpillar
Inc. Specifications are subject to change without notice.

© 2005 Solar Turbines Incorporated. All rights reserved.

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