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Name SUNSHINE E. MONTERO Schedule Sunday

Student # 223999 Time 10:00-1:00

Quantitative Research

According to Cohen (1980), Quantitative Research with numbers is described

as social science research using empirical techniques and empirical declarations.
According to him, an empirical claim is described as a detailed account of what "is"
the situation in the "real world" as opposed to compared to what "ought" to occur.
Empirical claims are put numerically, an additional component of quantitative research
is that practical assessments are utilized. Definition of empirical evaluations as a tool
to assess the extent to which a certain program or policy that objectively meets or fails
to meet a specific standard or standard.

Sukamolson, S. (2007). Fundamentals of quantitative research. Language Institute

Chulalongkorn University, 1(3), 1-20.

Quantitative Research

Since the quantitative technique is based on numerical data and can be made
objectively and replicated by other researchers, it is a more dependable strategy.

Pathak, V., Jena, B., & Kalra, S. (2013). Qualitative research. Perspectives in clinical
research, 4(3), 192.

Qualitative Research

Understanding a study question as a humanistic or idealistic viewpoint is the main goal

of qualitative research. To comprehend people's views, experiences, attitudes,
behavior, and interactions, qualitative methods are employed. It produces data that is
not numerical. Research across disciplines is increasingly focused on the integration
of qualitative research into intervention studies.

Pathak, V., Jena, B., & Kalra, S. (2013). Qualitative research. Perspectives in clinical
research, 4(3), 192.

Mixed- Methods of Research

This research approach combines both qualitative and quantitative methods. It

employs a quantitative strategy, such as surveys, or two or more data collection
techniques (Burton, 2017). While a quantitative study would provide data to measure
the impact of a new intervention, qualitative research is frequently helpful for exploring
the experiences of individuals, and quantitative research allows the researchers to
form generalizable conclusions about a population of the effect of an intervention. Data
from qualitative research could be used to assess how the new intervention is affecting
the participants' lives.
Combining the two approaches offers a comprehensive and adaptable strategy for
dealing with challenging research issues.

Halcomb, E. J., & Hickman, L. (2015). Mixed methods research.

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