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III razred


Test pregledala/pregledao



Podgorica,............................. 2009. godine

Predmet: Engleski jezik, III razred

1 LISTENING Slušanje 20

3 USE OF ENGLISH Upotreba 30


4 WRITING Pisanje 20
Ukupno 100

Pažljivo pročitajte pitanje/zadatak, razmislite i odlučite se za odgovor.

Pitanja/zadatke ne morate rješavati redoslijedom kojim su dati u testu. Ako
neko pitanje/zadatak ne možete odmah da riješite, pređite na sljedeće.
Ukoliko vam bude preostalo vremena, možete se kasnije vratiti na takva
Pišite čitko i pregledno. Ako pogriješite, precrtajte i uredno napišite
Za vrijeme rada na testu nije dozvoljeno korišćenje rječnika.

Rad na testu traje 100 minuta:

- Slušanje – oko 15 minuta
- Čitanje – 30 minuta
- Upotreba jezika (vokabular i gramatika) – 35 minuta
- Pisanje – 20 minuta

20 /

You’ll hear an interview with Angelina Jolie, who has been in the headlines
of late as much for her adoption of Vietnamese boy Pax Thien, her third
adopted child, as for her acting exploits. The 32-year-old Angelina talks
about her evolving role as a mother, about her acting, humanitarian work,
her relationship with fellow Hollywood superstar Brad Pitt, and discusses the
personal and political lessons she learned during the filming of her new
movie A Mighty Heart in which she plays the wife of American journalist
Daniel Pearl, who was kidnapped and be-headed by terrorists in 2002.

For sentences 1-10, decide if each statement is TRUE or FALSE by putting a

tick (√) in the appropriate box.


1 Angelina thinks that single women on their own with

kids are blessed.
2 According to Angelina, Brad is very supportive.

3 Angelina has learnt a lot from Pax Thien.

4 It took Pax Thien no time to adjust to his new family.

5 Being a humanitarian, Angelina is desperate

because she cannot help everybody.
6 Angelina has experienced some real horrors in her
7 Angelina didn’t see the be-heading video.

8 A Mighty Heart has taught Angelina to be stronger

and to stand up for her rights.
9 According to Angelina, Oscar awards mean nothing.

10 Brad and Angelina have already appeared together

in movies.

30 /

Part One

Read the text. For questions 1-8 circle the answer (A,B,C or D) which you
think is correct according to the test. For question 9 write your answer on the

NASA global warming satellite crashes after launch

A NASA mission to monitor global warming from space ended Tuesday

when a satellite plunged into the ocean near Antarctica minutes after

The loss of the $280 million mission came a month after Japan launched the
world's first spacecraft to track global warming emissions. The failure dealt a
blow to NASA, which had hoped to send up its own satellite to measure
carbon dioxide, the main greenhouse gas behind human-caused global

The crash came just after liftoff from the Vandenberg Air Force Base on
California's central coast. A Taurus XL rocket carrying the Orbiting Carbon
Observatory blasted off as scheduled shortly before 2 a.m. Three minutes
into the flight, the nose cone protecting the satellite failed to come off as
designed, NASA officials said. The extra weight from the cover caused the
rocket to dive back to Earth, splashing into the ocean near Antarctica,
where a group of environment ministers from more than a dozen countries
met Monday to get the latest science on global warming.

"Certainly for the science community it's a huge disappointment," said John
Brunschwyler, Taurus project manager for Orbital Sciences Corp., which built
the rocket and satellite. "It's taken so long to get here."

The 986-pound satellite was supposed to be placed into a polar orbit some
400 miles high. The project was nine years in the making, and the mission
was supposed to last two years. The observatory was NASA's first satellite
dedicated to monitoring carbon dioxide on a global scale. Measurements
collected by the satellite were expected to improve climate models and
help researchers determine where the greenhouse gas originates and how
much is being absorbed by forests and oceans.

"Wow! Bad news this morning," said Scott Denning, an atmospheric science
professor at Colorado State University in Fort Collins, Colo., and a member
of the team that planned to analyze data from the satellite. "We put years
into getting ready for this."

Carbon dioxide is the leading greenhouse gas and its buildup helps trap
heat from the sun, causing potentially dangerous warming of the planet.
Scientists now depend on 282 land-based stations - and scattered
instrumented aircraft flights - to monitor carbon dioxide at low altitudes.

Engineers will look at existing spacecraft parts to see if it makes sense to

build another carbon observatory, said Mike Freilich, Earth science division
director at NASA headquarters. A team of experts will investigate the loss of
the satellite. It's the first launch failure for the Virginia-based Orbital Sciences
since 2001. That year, a NASA ozone monitoring satellite and a cargo of
human ashes aboard a Taurus XL fell into the Indian Ocean after veering off
course during launch.

Orbital's Brunschwyler said the company has a "nearly perfect" launch

record and has not had any previous problems with its clamshell nose cone

Tuesday's failure put on hold the summer launch of another NASA satellite
Glory designed to measure soot and aerosols in the atmosphere, said
launch manager Charles Dovale.

Carbon dioxide emissions rose 3 percent worldwide from 2006 to 2007,

according to international science agencies.

Adapted from The Associated Press

1. The satellite crashed due to an equipment malfunction.

A. True
B. False

2. The NASA’s satellite was supposed to keep track of human-caused

global warming.
A. True
B. False

3. it is the structure of carbon-dioxide that absorbs heat from the sun.

A. True
B. False

4. The word ‘scattered’ in line 33 is closest in meaning to
A. Dispersed
B. Occasional
C. Inadequate
D. Sprinkled

5. The NASA ozone monitoring satellite which was launched in 2001

fell into the ocean because of ____________________ direction
during launch.
A. Losing
B. Tracking
C. Changing
D. Missing

6. Due to the crash of the NASA’s global warming satellite, the

launching of another NASA satellite called Glory has been
A. Held
B. Postponed
C. Discarded
D. Called into question

7. ‘The failure dealt a blow to NASA’ means that

A. NASA was severely stricken
B. NASA was pulled apart
C. NASA was blown up
D. The failure was caused by blowing

8. The word ‘disappointment’ in line 17 refers to

A. the science
B. global warming
C. the crash
D. the science community

9. Find in the text (paragraphs 2-4) a word which is closest in

meaning to the word ‘take off’.


Part Two
Read the text. For questions 1-5 circle the answer (A,B,C or D) which you
think is correct according to the test. For question 6 write your answer on the

Teenage drinking leads to bad teeth

A study of the dietary habits of over 400 14-year olds in Birmingham found
those who drank heavily were more likely to suffer from dental erosion. This is
a chemical dissolving of the teeth which first affects the enamel and then
the dentine underneath. The threat can be minimised by good dental
hygiene, including brushing the teeth twice a day to remove traces of acid.
The condition was also linked to a high intake of acidic foods and drinks,
including fizzy drinks, fruit, and ketchup and to vitamin C tablets.

Lead researcher Dr Linda Shaw said patients with bad dental erosion may
have to have their teeth crowned. She had seen children who had
exposed the nerve in their tooth because the erosion was so bad. The
effects cannot be reversed. Dr Shaw said: "Most children weren't aware of
the effects of eating acidic foods and drinks."

The researchers found 21% of the teenagers drank some wine and 15%
some spirits every week. But 3% said they drank beer or cider between eight
and 21 times a week. The majority of drinkers were boys, making up 59% of
those who drank cider. Almost 80% of the children who responded to the
anonymous survey said they did not consume any drinks at all.

Dr Shaw told BBC News Online: "There was a significant link between alcohol
consumption in 14-year-olds and dental erosion." A spokeswoman for the
charity Alcohol Concern said: "Alcohol contributes to a whole range of
diseases and young people need to be aware of the harm that alcohol
can cause."

The researchers, from Birmingham University, also looked at consumption of

soft drinks and found there was a strong link between dental erosion and
the consumption of cola and other fizzy drinks, apple juice, and sports
drinks. Around 80% said they drank orange squash, cola and other fizzy
drinks at some point during the week. Although half had less than seven
drinks a week, 13% had more than 22 drinks in a week.

More boys than girls drank cola. Fruit, which is acidic, is also linked to dental
erosion, but is only a problem if eaten in unusually large amounts. It was
eaten regularly by two thirds of the children. The most common choice was

Vegetarian diets were also highlighted because they tend to contain more
acidic items. But Dr Shaw said: "Vegetarians do consume more fruit and
vegetables, but considerably less fizzy drinks, less cola and less alcohol."

After the research was carried out, work on a public health message on
dental health for teenagers began.
Adapted from The Associated Press

1. Dental erosion is a gradual dissolving of dental nerves.

a. True
b. False

2. According to the researchers on dental health, vegetarian diets

are highly recommended.
a. True
b. False

3. Young people are unaware of the effects of alcohol drinking on

their teeth.
a. True
b. False

4. According to the text

a. A large amount of fruit is acidic
b. Fruit is acidic only in large amounts
c. Unusually large amounts of fruit lead to dental erosion
d. Unusually large amounts of fruit were eaten regularly by two
thirds of the children

5. The word ‘reversed’ in line 11 is closest in meaning to

a. Withdrawn
b. Returned
c. Replaced
d. Advanced

6. Find in the text (paragraphs 1-3) the word which is closest in

meaning to the word ‘consequences’.

30 /

Part 1

Read the text and write the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.

Egypt in the post-Napoleonic era led the way out of the impasse.
(1)________________(impress) by Europe’s superiority in arms, technology
and economy, Egypt’s viceroy Muhammad ’Ali (1805-1848) embarked on a
new procedure: he sent students to Europe to study and invited specialists
from Europe (2)____________________(share) their skills with Egypt. Between
1826 and 1834 more than a hundred students went abroad, mainly to
France. In 1828 a French physician (3)__________________ (invite) to establish
a school of medicine in Cairo, the first scientific institution in the entire area
and still active. (4)___________________(follow) the example of Napoleon,
who on his way (5)________________ (plunder) an Arabic printing press from
the Vatican for publicizing his ’mission’ in Egypt, Muhhamad ’Ali
(6)_______________(found) in his capital a press that is still the official
Egyptian one. Books (7)_____________________(translate) and published.
Newspapers, learned societies, and schools made their appearance. The
break with the past (8)__________________ (be) under way. In their forty-year
occupation the British made no attempt to update the educational system,
although they did generate a congenial climate for the expression of free
thought which attracted intellectuals, particularly from Lebanon.

Note: impasse: a situatuion in which no progress takes place; viceroy: government official
who acts for the king;

Part 2
Read the text and choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D) to fill in the gap.

Some (1)___________________ myths about the history of the family are being
destroyed. We used to think that before the industrial revolution, extended
kin networks (2)_________________ several generations generally lived
together under the same roof. The nuclear family – consisting of husband,
wife, and children by themselves – was pictured as a
(3)_______________________ recent creation, itself a major symptom of family
breakdown. But now we know that the nuclear family has been the norm
(4)________________American history, from earliest colonial times, and in
England as well since (5)___________________ the sixteenth century. In fact,
some scholars question whether extended kin networks have ever normally
bedded down together no matter how far back one goes in the record of
Western Europe. In this important sense, there has been
(6)__________________ less change than one might have imagined. Indeed,
some (7)________________ exists – more in England than in America – that the
first phase of industrialization brought families closer together, as relatives
huddled in closely shared quarters to pool their scant resources.

1 A profane B sacred C respecting D disrespectful

2 A omitting B excluding C spanning D consisting
3 A hardly B distinctly C distinct D complete
4 A about B around C throughout D inside
5 A at least B at last C last D least
6 A many B more C far D great
7 A matter B evidence C imagination D proofs

Part 3
Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the words in brackets, positive or

Most research on the aggressive behaviour of preschool children has been

based either on observations made under the conditions in nursery schools
and day (1)____________________ (care) centers or on the (frequently
biased) reports of mothers. A child’s pattern of aggression at home may
differ (2)___________________ (significance) from his behaviour under
laboratory conditions. Nevertheless, it is posssible to make a number of
useful (3)_______________________ (generalize) about aggression in the
preschooler. Aggressive behaviour generally occurs in reaction to
emotional states such as frustration, overstimulation, or (4)__________________
(lose) of attention. As the child matures, behaviour is
(5)____________________ (increase) influenced by interaction with other
children and adults.

Part 4
Transform the following sentences by using the given word(s) so that they
have a similar meaning. You can use no more than six words including the
given word.

1. I am sure that Julie has seen that movie. It’s been on for a long
Julie _______________________________________ that movie.

2. You have to start studying if you want to pass the exam.

It’s high time ____________________________________ if you want to
pass the exam.

3. I’m sorry, but Mary cannot go out now. She has to take care of her
younger sister while I’m preparing lunch.
If only _________________________________________ take care of her
younger sister now.

4. Jenny is sad because she can’t play the flute as well as Kate.
Jenny _____________________________________ as well as Kate.

5. John has not arrived yet. Perhaps, he has missed the bus.
John has not arrived yet. He ____________________________________.

Part 5
For questions 1-5 read the text below and think of the word which best fits
each space. Use only one word in each space. Read the text through to
check that it makes sense with the gaps filled.

Almost 20% of the population of Western Europe – 80 million citizens in all –

are subject to noise pollution at a level which scientists
(1)c__________________ to be unacceptable. These additional decibels not
only disturb sleep, they also lead to hearing or even cardiovascular
problems. What is more, noise pollution is continuing to
(2)i____________________. Although cars have cut their decibels
(3)b_________________ 85% over the past 20 years, the benefits have been
counterbalanced by the increased traffic volume.
The Commission to the Council and European Parliament is proposing a
new (4)l________________ framework for reviewing the existing legislation; it is
more specifically based on the need to (5)p________________ the
environment and public health and on a systematic campaign to reduce
noise pollution.

20 /

Write a short article (150-200 words) on the topic/different sides of the

argument. Include the following:

ƒ General statement about the issue

ƒ Illustration/Arguments
ƒ Your opinion as a conclusion

Internet ’addiction’ may cause teen aggression


(paper for notes)


You’ll hear an interview with Angelina Jolie, who has been in the headlines
of late as much for her adoption of Vietnamese boy Pax Thien, her third
adopted child, as for her acting exploits. The 32-year-old Angelina talks
about her evolving role as a mother, about her acting, humanitarian work,
her relationship with fellow Hollywood superstar Brad Pitt, and discusses the
personal and political lessons she learned during the filming of her new
movie A Mighty Heart in which she plays the wife of American journalist
Daniel Pearl, who was kidnapped and be-headed by terrorists in Pakistan in

For sentences 1-10, decide if each statement is TRUE or FALSE by putting a

tick (√) in the appropriate box.

How do you juggle everything you do, and still be a mum?

Angelina Jolie: Well, we have the finances to have support and that's the
truth of it. Any single woman on her own with kids, God bless her because
that is hard. I have Brad helping me and we have a lot of people even just
at airports, helping us get through. We do have a lot of support, so we're
very lucky. We have it easier than a lot of people but certainly we do have
to catch ourselves.

Is it more fun too, having Brad in your life now?

Angelina Jolie: Yes. Raising kids is a very hard thing to do and it's also a
great joy. But it is so much easier when you have somebody who is
supporting you through it. You need someone you can look over and smile
at when something goes totally crazy; someone who is remembering this
time with you. It's something that has made being a parent just mean so
much more, now that I get to share it with somebody. It's also wonderful to
have someone there for my children. They have a great father. Having that
has just made the whole experience nicer.

What do you like most about being a mum?

Angelina Jolie: I just love my kids. They're just fun. I think any parent is going
to say that. My children are so interesting. I love talking to them. And now
Mad's at an age where he writes me letters. We have the greatest

conversations, my daughter too. She is the funniest, craziest little person. Like
last night we were just sitting there, watching her and just in hysterics. And
that's the joy of life, you know? They're just fun.

How do you think being a mother has changed you as an actress?

Angelina Jolie: It makes me want to work a lot less! If you noticed, the last
few films I've done have been shorter and father apart. I think Good
Shepherd I was on for five weeks. And the last two films were two years
apart, so I don't work as much now.

How is your newest little boy adjusting to his life?

Angelina Jolie: He's great, he's amazing. He's taught us all a great deal. He's
learning English and every day he seems to know more and more which is
amusing. He often does just go on into Vietnamese which is funny. He's
great but they all have their moments like all kids.

It was a very big change for him wasn't it?

Angelina Jolie: It was but we were very prepared for that. We talked to a lot
of people. We had a translator for a long time to help to explain things to
him. We didn't push ourselves or our family onto him, we let him slowly come
to us and be as close to us as he wants to be. Now he's so loving and
affectionate and fun. Our only thing now is keeping him calm because he
gets so excited.

Will you have more kids?

Angelina Jolie: We want to have more children, and we want to live

abroad more and do different things.

You're almost as well known for your humanitarian work, as your acting. Do
you ever feel overwhelmed by all the bad stuff going on in the world?

Angelina Jolie: Yes, you do get to the point where you realise you can't
help everybody. But you do the best you can, with those you can help.

With your humanitarian work, have you always had a sense of injustice in
the world or is that something that has come with age?

Angelina Jolie: I think, as is the case with most teenagers, I was very focused
on myself. You know, we all go through periods where we just think that our

own pain is extraordinary. I was fortunate to, early on in my twenties, travel
and meet people from around the world. I realised then that I should never,
ever complain about anything again. There are real horrors in the world and
real tragedies and real loss that I will never, never know or I certainly hope
that I never know. So it sobered me up.

Is it hard still being a part of the Hollywood industry while at the same time
doing your humanitarian work?

Angelina Jolie: No, because I never looked at Hollywood for the glitz and
the glamour and the money of it all. I wanted to be an artist and I wanted
to tell stories, serious stories or entertaining stories. I can take money from a
film and donate it and build amazing things for kids in other countries. I'm
very fortunate that I'm able to make a great deal of money but it's never
why I've chosen to do it.

What made you want to do “A Mighty Heart“?

Angelina Jolie: Even the first day of shooting, I was very hesitant and very
scared to do this movie. I didn't think I would be good enough to pull it off.
But I felt it was such an important thing to do and I believe very much in the
message behind this story and the people in it.

Were there things with this film that you just didn't want to know or see, like
the be-heading video?

Angelina Jolie: I would never go near that video, just out of respect for
Mariane (Pearl) and for Danny. I think any acknowledgement of things like
that tends to encourage more of it. Any attention paid to that kind of
propaganda, is what causes future incidents like that.

There's a moment in the movie where you scream at the realisation that
your husband has been be-headed. How did you summon up that

Angelina Jolie: You stay in a very strange state of mind. There are certain
things that make you emotional and that remind you of the saddest things
in your life. I tried not to think of any one thing but I'm sure images of my
own mum, who was sick at the time, and thoughts of anything happening
to people that I love, you know, just all of that.

What did you learn about yourself when working on A Mighty Heart?

Angelina Jolie: I think I learned to be more tolerant. I do think of myself as
an open and tolerant person but I am quick to anger. I don't know if I would
have had the strength to go through what she (Mariane Pearl) did.
Especially when she went public, saying that there are Pakistanis being
killed too and suffering, just like her husband. I couldn't understand how she
could say that. So I learned from her the importance of having dialogue
and trying to take the higher ground to find solutions. I've learned that, and
that's a big lesson.

Any thoughts about Oscars for this movie?

Angelina Jolie: Oh, please don't bring that up. All that kind of stuff is fun,
nice and sort of the icing on the cake. But if we're never acknowledged for
awards, it means nothing because we made the film we cared about.
That's all that matters.

Are you and Brad going to do any more movies together?

Angelina Jolie: I don't know. We were joking before that nobody's going to
watch the children if we both go to work at the same time. But yes, maybe,
if we can find something.


1 Angelina thinks that single women on their own with √

kids are blessed.
2 According to Angelina, Brad is very supportive. √

3 Angelina has learnt a lot from Pax Thien. √

4 It took Pax Thien no time to adjust to his new family. √

5 Being a humanitarian, Angelina is desperate because √

she cannot help everybody.
6 Angelina has experienced some real horrors in her √
7 Angelina didn’t see the be-heading video. √
8 A Mighty Heart has taught Angelina to be stronger √
and to stand up for her rights.
9 According to Angelina, Oscar awards mean nothing. √

10 Brad and Angelina have already appeared together √

in movies.


Part One
Question Answer

1 A
2 B
3 B
4 B
5 C
6 B
7 A
8 C
9 blast off/liftoff

Part Two
Question Answer

1 B
2 B
3 A
4 C
5 A
6 effects


Nakon ispravljanja testa, ocjenjivač je ustanovio da su takmičari došli do

tačnih rješenja koja nisu bila predviđena ključem. Svi tačni odgovori su
priznati. Slijedi dopunjeno rješenje testa iz engleskog jezika za III razred.

Part 1

Question Answer

1 Impressed
2 To share
3 Was invited
4 Following
5 Had plundered/Plundered
6 Founded
7 Were translated
8 Was

Part 2
Question Answer

1 B sacred
2 C spanning
3 B distinctly
4 C throughout
5 A at least
6 C far
7 B evidence
Part 3

Question Answer

1 care
2 significantly
3 generalizations
4 loss
5 increasingly

Part 4

Question Answer

1 Julie must have seen that movie.

2 It’s high time you started studying if you want to pass the
3 If only Mary didn’t have to take care of her younger sister
4 Jenny wishes she played/could play the flute as well as
5 John has not arrived yet. He may have missed the bus.

Part 5

Question Answer

1 consider
2 increase
3 by
4 legal (lawful, legislative)
5 protect


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