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At the end of this lesson the students expected to ...

1.Understand the concept of inclusivity and philosophical bases.

2.Recognize diverse perspective

II.Subject Matter

Topic: The concept of inclusivity

: Philosophical bases of inclusivity

Instructional Matterials: Visual aid presentation

Reference: Center for teaching of

Florida: Inclusivity in classroom transcript (.pdf)

Strategies: 4 a's approach (activity.analysis.abstraction.application)

Teaching Hints Teacher's Activity Student's Activity


a.Greetings Good evening class! Good evening sir!

b.Prayer Kindly stand for the opening (Emmanuel will lead the opening
prayer. prayer.)

Emmanuel,kindly lead the

opening prayer.

c.Checking of attendance Do you have any absentees (Jenny rose will check and list
today? down the absentees)

Jenny rose,kindly list down the

names of the absentees ang give
it to me later

d.Motivation Befpre we proseed to our

discussion.let us first have a
short game.I have here jumble
words you have going to correct



Okay,miss Erika please

( Erika will answer numeber 1.)
answer number 1.


( James will answer number 2.)
James, please answer number 2.


(Emmanuel will answer number
Emmanuel, kindly answer 3.)
number 3.


(Melyn will answer number 4.)
Melyn, kindly answer number 4.



The last one is Novie, please

answer number 5. (Novie will answer number 5.)

Very good class!

Thank you sir!

II. Lesson Proper

a. Activity (individual) Class get 1/2 sheet of paper. (The students will paper their
1/2 sheet of paper.)
In a 1/2 sheet of paper you will
write your idea about our topic

I will give you 5 minutes to

answer that.

Okay you may start. (The class will start answering.)

Okay, class time is up.

b. Analysis I will choose 5 students who will

explain and present their work.

Let's begin with you James.

Kindly stand up and present your

idea to your classmates. (James will explain his work.)

Very good James!

Thank you sir!

Next is Jenny Rose, please stand

up and explain your work to your ( Jemny Rose will explain her
classmates. work.)
Very good Jenny Rose! Thank you sir!

The third one is Thomas, kindly

stand and present your work to
your classmates. (Thomas will explain his work.)

Correnct Thomas! Thank you sir!

Next is Dave, kindly stand up and (Dave will explain his work.)
present your work to your

Very good Dave! Thank you sir!

The last one is Emmamuel, kindly ( Emmanuel will explain his

stand up and explain your work work.)
to your classmates.

Very good Emmanuel! Thank you sir!

You all deserve a big around of (Studente will clap their hands.)

I'm so glad, it seems like you are

all ready to learn more about our
topic for this evening.

c. Application Our topic is about the

philosophical bases of inclusivity.

Now, let us start our disscussion.

First let's know the concept of

The concept of inclusivity is to

create a environment where all
individuals feel valued,
respected and supported.

Do you understand class?

Yes sir!
Okay, let's move on to
philosophical bases of inclusivity.

There are several philosophical

bases that underpin inclusivity in

(Underpin means support.)


This philosphical emphasizes the

importamce of social
interactions and relationships in
the learning process.


This philosophical emphasizes

the value and uniqueness of
each individual, and the
importance of creating a
supportive and caring learning
environment that recognizes and
respect diversity.


This philosophical emphasizes

the importance of analyzing and
challenging power imbalances
and social inequalities in the
classroom and in society.



This philosophical emphasizes

the importance of designing
learning experiences that are
accessible to all students.


This philosophical emphasizes

the importance of recognizing
and valueing the diverse cultural
backgrounds of students.

That's all class.

Do you have any questions about

our topic?

I guess you understand our

None sir!

That's good to hear class!

Yes sir!

d. Application Since we're done with the

discussion and you understand
the topic.

Kindly get 1/2 sheet of paper and

write what you've learned in our

I will give you 5 minutes to finish

that. (The class will start answering.)

Okay , class kindly submit your (The class will submit their
paper. work.)
III. Enumeration (5minutes)

Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if not.

1. Culturally Responsive Pedagogy emphasizes valueing the diverse cultural background of students.

2. Critical Pedagogy emphasizes designing accessible learning experience for all. (FALSE)

3. Social Constructivism emphasizes interaction and relationships. (TRUE)

4. Humanism emphasizes the value and uniqueness of each individual. (TRUE)

5. UDL emphasizes social inequalities in the classroom and in society. (FALSE)

Prepared by:

Vince Bermundo Dalumpines

Prof Ed 2
Vince Bermundo Dalumpines

BEEd 1-C

ACTIVITY 1. Expectation on the subject

What expect from this subject is to learn what is right and wrong. I
hope that I will learn a lot and one day I can use it in my future without any effort.


Inclusive education and special education are related but distinct concepts.

Inclusive education is an approach to education where all students,

regardless of their abilities or disabilities, are provided with equal opportunities to
participate and learn together in the same classrooms and schools. This approach
recognizes the diversity of students and seeks to create inclusive learning
environments that are welcoming and supportive for all.

Special education, on the other hand, is a type of education that specifically

addresses the unique learning needs of students with disabilities. It involves a
range of services, supports, and accommodations tailored to individual students'
needs to help them succeed academically and socially.

In both inclusive education and special education, the goal is to support

students with disabilities in reaching their full potential. However, the difference
lies in the approach to doing so. Inclusive education seeks to create a supportive
and inclusive learning environment for all students, while special education
focuses on providing targeted support to meet the specific needs of students with

In conclusion, while both inclusive education and special education have the
same goal of supporting students with disabilities, they differ in their approach to
doing so. Inclusive education is an inclusive approach that seeks to create
inclusive learning environments for all, while special education is a targeted
approach that provides specific support to meet the needs of individual students
with disabilities.

ACTIVITY. Create a campaign infographics that presents and summarize your

understanding of the term inclusion.

Title: Embrace Inclusion: Everyone Deserves a Seat at the Table

Subheading: Understanding Inclusion and Its Importance in Society

Introduction: Inclusion means embracing diversity and ensuring that everyone,

regardless of their race, gender, sexuality, disability, or socio-economic status, is
valued, respected, and included in society. It's not just about tolerance, but about
actively creating a safe, welcoming, and inclusive environment for all. In this
campaign, we will explore the importance of inclusion and how it can positively
impact individuals and society.

Section 1: What is Inclusion?

Definition of inclusion and its importance *Common misconceptions about

inclusion *Examples of inclusive behaviors

Section 2: Benefits of Inclusion

*Improved mental health and well-being "Increased creativity and innovation

*Enhanced productivity and collaboration

*Promotes social justice and equality

Section 3: How to Promote Inclusion

*Educate yourself and others about diversity and inclusion Actively challenge
discrimination and prejudice *Create a safe and welcoming environment

The first section defines inclusion and provides examples of inclusive

behaviors, while dispelling common misconceptions about inclusion. The second
section highlights the benefits of inclusion, such as improved mental health and
well-being, increased creativity and productivity, and promoting social justice and
equality. The third section focuses on how to promote inclusion, such as
educating oneself and others about diversity and inclusion, actively challenging
discrimination and prejudice, creating a safe and welcoming environment, and
encouraging dialogue and respectful communication.

The conclusion emphasizes the importance of everyone having a seat at

the table and working together to promote inclusion to create a better world for
all. The campaign also provides contact information, including social media
handles and website, and encourages people to join the inclusion movement and
be a part of creating a more inclusive and welcoming society for all.

ACTIVITY. Essay about the "Importance of Education for all (EFA)"

Education for All (EFA) is a global initiative launched by the United

Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) to provide
access to quality education for every individual, regardless of their age, gender,
social or economic background. Education is a fundamental human right and a
basic tool for personal, social, and economic development. It is essential for
individuals to acquire knowledge, skills, and values necessary to lead a fulfilling
life and contribute positively to society.

EFA aims to ensure that every child, youth, and adult has access to
quality education and that they can complete their primary and secondary
education. EFA seeks to eliminate disparities in access to education, especially
among girls, children with disabilities, and those living in poverty or conflict-
affected areas. Providing education for all is not only a moral obligation, but it is
also a critical step towards achieving sustainable development goals such as
reducing poverty. improving health, and fostering economic growth.

Education provides individuals with the necessary knowledge and skills

to make informed decisions, participate in the democratic process, and contribute
to the development of their communities. It empowers individuals to break the
cycle of poverty and inequality, and to access better opportunities and higher-
paying jobs. Education is also essential for promoting peace and reducing conflict,
as it promotes understanding, tolerance, and respect for diversity.

In conclusion, Education for All is a crucial initiative that aims to

provide quality education for every individual. Access to education is a
fundamental human right, and it is essential for personal, social, and economic
development. By investing in education, we can create a better future for
ourselves, our communities, and the world at large. It is the responsibility of all
individuals, governments, and organizations to work together to ensure that
education is accessible to all.


Pre Test:

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