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3rd Speakers

1.Introduction (Describe the world in the affirmative, what is happening around you? State the problem.

2.Hello debaters, hello judges. My name is _________________. I am from the Affirmative/Negative side.
As the third speaker, my speech is divided in two parts:
Firstly, I am going to engage with couples of rebuttals;
Secondly, I am going to strengthen our team’s arguments and prove to you why will we take this debate.

3.(Start with Rebuttals)

a. The opposing team said that ________________, we say that is wrong because ____________.

b. They also said that ________________, we say that is wrong because ____________.

4.Now, I am going to rebuild my team’s arguments:

We told you that _________________________________________________________, and we say that we

are right because

We also told you that______________________________________________________ and we say that we

are right because

5.To end my speech, let’s compare both sides:

a.In our world the benefits we get are
These benefits are important…


b.In their world, the harms we get are


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