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Republic of the Philippines

Tarlac State University

Center of Development in Teaching Education
Lucinda Campus, Tarlac City, Tarlac

Detailed Lesson Plan

Arts 2

Three-Dimensional Crafts

Prepared by:
Arlan N. Daylig
BEEd – 3B

Submitted to:
Mr. Aris G. Madrid
Course Instructor

March 2024
At the end of the discussion, the grade 2 learners will be able to:

A. define what is a three-dimensional craft;

B. discuss the process of making an assemblage 3-dimensional craft;
C. share your success story being symbolized by your artwork; and
D. create a 3-dimensional craft using different art materials.


Topic: Three Dimensional Crafts (Assemblage)

Reference: Department of Education (2013). ARTS Curriculum Guide (A2PR-IVe)
Materials: PowerPoint Presentation, Laptop, Instructional Materials


Techer’s Activity Learner’s Activity

A. Preliminary Activity

1. Greetings and Prayer

Good morning class! Good morning teacher!

Before we start our session
for today, let us first thank the Almighty and
ask His guidance, __________please lead
the prayer. (_________ will lead the prayer.)

2. Checking of Attendance

Okay, May I ask the secretary of the class if

there is someone who is absent today.

I am so glad that no one is absent in our No one is absent, teacher!

class today! Because of that, please give
yourselves a good job clap.

3. Review

Before we move on our lesson, we will be

having a very short review about the topic
that we tackled last meeting. What is our 2-Dimensional crafts teacher!
topic last meeting?

What is a 2-dimensional craft? These are arts or crafts that has length and
width teacher.

Can somebody give me an example of a 2D *The students will raise their hands.

Okay_________, please share it to the class. Painting teacher.

Very good! It is so evident that you listened

and understood our lesson very well.

B. Presentation
1. Motivation
Okay, before we formally start our discussion
today let us first have a game which we will call
“2D or not”. Do you want to play the game? Yes teacher!

Instructions: The teacher will show pictures of

artworks and the students will answer if it is 2D
or not. To answer, the teacher will shout DING
DONG! And the student who raised his/her
hand will be the one who will be called to

Are we clear class? Yes teacher!

2D Teacher

Not Teacher

2D Teacher

2D Teacher

Not Teacher

Very good class, you determined the artworks

well. I am very sure that you are now ready to
have our new lesson and tackle it.

2. Discussion

Today class we will be talking about 3-

Dimensional Crafts. Is there anyone here has an None teacher.
idea what a three-dimensional craft is?

Okay, a three-dimensional craft is a craft or an

artwork that has three dimensions, these are
length, width, and height.

Class, what are the three dimensions of a three- Length, width, and height
dimensional craft?

Very good! As we notice, a three-dimensional

craft has a height, unlike a 2-dimensional craft,
it does not possess this dimension. A three-
dimensional craft can also stand alone as it
occupies large physical space.
There are lots of examples of three-dimensional
crafts. For example, paper mâché, sculptures,
wood carvings, clay arts, and many more crafts
that possess the dimension of height, length,
and width.

One more example also of a three-dimensional

craft is what we call assemblage.

An assemblage is a three-dimensional
composition made by combining (assembling) a
variety of objects, often found objects.
It is a work of art that is constructed from a
pre-existing material, such as used papers,
woods, metal sheets, and many more.
Assemblage art gives objects new meanings,
makes creative connections between disparate
elements, and elevates non-art materials into the
realm of art.

The Process of Making an Assemblage Craft

There is no definite process in making an

assemblage craft, but in making an assemblage
craft, the following are the tips for you to make
an assemblage craft:

1. Think of the artwork that you want to make.

2. Collect the pre-existing materials that you
want to use to make a 3D artwork.
3. Start doing your assemblage by cutting
materials, pasting it with other materials
that you have been collected and want to

I have here class, an example of an assemblage.

Thus is a flower made with scrap wood, used
cloth, and electrical wires.

I also have here a pencil holder made with scrap

papers and sticks.

Do you understand our lesson class?

Yes teacher!
Wow! That is very good to hear, with that let us
now have an activity.

3. Application

Let’s Make it Happen!

Instructions: Create an Assemblage Craft that
symbolizes your success story or the happiest
moment that happened in your life using art
materials that can be seen inside the classroom.
The teacher will ask some students to share
their work on front of the class.

For example: FLOWER, it symbolizes my

kinder graduation.

4. Generalization
I see that your artworks are truly impressive and
creative. Now, I have a question class.

What did you feel while you are making your I felt happy teacher, because I can show my
craft? creativity teacher.

Do you think that you helped our community Yes teacher, because we helped our
while you are making your artwork? environment teacher because we used scrap
materials to make an assemblage.

We recycled materials teacher. We helped

our nature also teacher.

Indeed, that is very good to know, we are not

only making an artwork, but we are also
showcasing our creativity and helping our
nature and community.


Instruction: Draw a smiley face😊before the number if the answer is true, draw a sad face
☹️ if the answer is false.
Answer the following in a one whole sheet of paper.

_____1. A three-dimensional craft is a craft that has height.

_____2. The three dimensions of a three-dimensional crafts are height, length, and weight.
_____3. Painting is an example of a three-dimensional craft.
_____4. An assemblage craft uses different pre-existing materials to make.
_____5. Sculptures, paintings, and paper mâché are example of assemblage.

Answer key:
1. 😊
2. ☹️
3. ☹️
4. 😊
5. ☹️


Instructions: Create a pencil holder using pre-existing materials that can be found in your
home. You may ask for help from your mother, father, or siblings in creating the pencil
holder. This will be submitted next meeting.

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