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MASUNGA SENIOR SECONDARY SCHOOL 3(a) What is meant by social aspect of development?
Module 1: Measuring & Investigating Development - Social development is when people’s basic needs are more fully met; improvement of
PAPER 1 people’s living standards, for example, birth rate, infant mortality rate (IMR), life expectancy,
1 (a) What is development? access to clean water

- Development is a process of change that makes people happier, freer, better fed, richer and take (b) State three reasons for the differences in the development levels of countries.
part in decision making.
- The reasons for difference in development levels of countries is that developing countries
- Development is when societies change for the better. export raw materials due to lack of advanced technology while developed countries import
raw materials because they have complex technology and export finished goods
(b) Describe three economic characteristics of developing countries.
- The differences in development levels is caused by huge debts of developing countries from
- The economic characteristic of developing is that of low income levels. developed countries.
- The developing countries have high unemployment rate.
- The developing countries have low energy consumption due to having few industries. - The reasons for differences in development levels of countries is caused by political
- They export raw materials and import finished goods. instability in developing countries such as civil wars and peace in developed countries.
- The developing countries have high percentage of population depending on agriculture since
majority of people practice subsistence farming. - The high skilled manpower in developed countries and shortage of skilled manpower in
- The economic characteristic of developing countries is that of low GNP developing countries lead to differences of development in countries.
- The developing countries have low GNP per capita -
- The developing countries have low GDP - The developed countries policies directed to high infrastructural development while
- The developing countries have low GDP per capita because of having few industries developing countries policies directed to poverty and diseases.

2 (a) What is meant by political development?

4 (a) What is meant by life expectancy at birth?
- Political development is when there is more freedom and justice, and people are free to
participate in decision making; respect for human rights or safety and security, for example, - Life expectancy is the average number of years a person is likely to live.
democracy, equality, justice.
(b) Describe three ways by which developing countries can improve their life expectancy.
- Political development is when people’s participation in making decisions about their lives
increases. - The life expectancy is rising in the world because of cleaner water supplies to prevent waterborne
diseases such as cholera.
- Political development is when people take control of their lives.
- The governments of the world provide better sanitation to their citizens to improve hygiene.
- Political development is when people enjoy human rights.
(b) Give three reasons why political aspects of development are difficult to measure. - The world life expectancy is rising due to provision better health care whereby there is enough
trained medical personnel such as doctors and nurses.
- Political aspects of development are difficult to quantify because are intangible or
immeasurable, for example, they can neither be seen nor touched. - The life expectancy is rising in the world because countries provide primary health care to citizens
who focus on the prevention of diseases and giving assistance to the sick, for example, provision
- The reason political aspects of development are difficult to measure is that most countries of clean water, health education and immunisation programme.
prohibit independent human rights groups to monitor human rights violations.
- In the world life expectancy is rising because some of the countries provide citizens with better
- In developing countries most people are illiterate and unaware of their rights. nutrition for example, in Botswana children are given supplementary feeding such as Tsabana.

- Political aspects of development are affected by cultural or religious beliefs, for example,
women being marginalised or there are gender inequalities.

1|P a g e
Masunga Senior Secondary School Development Studies Module 1- Paper 1&2 Revision Questions
5 (a) What is meant by calorie intake? Highest infant mortality rate:

- Calorie intake is the amount of energy contained in the food eaten. - Niger

- Calorie intake is the energy value of the food eaten (b) Describe the relationship between infant mortality rate and the people’s level of income.

(b) State three reasons why there is high average calorie intake in developed countries. - The relationship between infant mortality rate and the people’s level of income is
that the high infant mortality rate the low people’s level of income.
- The reason for high average calorie intake in developed countries is caused by high
employment rates. - The low infant mortality rate the high people’s level of income.
- The high average calorie intake in developed countries is caused by high food due to use of
improved technology (c) State three reasons why developing countries have high infant mortality rates.
- The reason for high calorie intake in developed countries is caused by availability of wide
variety of food[ to choose from] - The reason for high infant mortality rate in developing countries is caused by having few trained
- Calorie intake is high in developed countries because of high level of education/more doctors and nurses.
knowledge on nutrition
- The developed countries have high calorie intake due to better social welfare services, for - There is poor nutrition in developing countries which causes high infant mortality rate. For
example, people are provided with supplementary feeding example leading to health conditions such as kwashiorkor.
- The high calorie intake in developed countries is caused by low dependency ratio
- In developing infant mortality rate is caused by teenage pregnancy which may lead to delivery

- The infant mortality rate is caused by pandemic diseases such HIV/AIDS because some of the
babies are born with the virus.

- The high infant mortality rate (IMR) is caused by poor sanitation or unhygienic conditions.

- The reason for high infant mortality rate (IMR) is poor care of babies due to parental negligence

(d) Suggest ways by which developing countries can reduce infant mortality rate.

- The ways by which developing countries can reduce infant mortality rate is through
widespread immunisation against infant killer diseases in the country, for example, measles
and polio.

- The infant mortality rate is reduced through provision of clean safe water to all people.

- The provision of nutritious food or balanced diets in clinics helps to reduce infant mortality
(a) (i) What is the infant mortality rate for Mozambique? rate, for example, Tsabana and beans.

- 77 deaths per 1000 live birth - The construction of more health facilities helps to reduce infant mortality rate in developing,
for example, clinics and hospitals.
- The infant mortality rate is reduced in developing countries through implementation of
(ii) Which country has the
Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission (PMTCT) programme to protect unborn babies
from getting HIV/AIDS from their positive mothers.
Lowest infant mortality rate:
- The training and employing more health personnel helps reduce infant mortality rate in
- France developing countries by providing health care, for example, doctors and nurses.

2|P a g e
Masunga Senior Secondary School Development Studies Module 1- Paper 1&2 Revision Questions
DEVELOPMENT STUDIES - In the world life expectancy is rising because some of the countries provide citizens with better
Module 1: Measuring & Investigating Development nutrition for example, in Botswana children are given supplementary feeding such as Tsabana.
1 (a) What is infant mortality rate? 3(a) What is calorie intake?
- Calorie intake is the value of the food eaten in a country.
- Infant mortality rate number of babies who die before their first birthday per thousand per year
in a country. - Calorie intake is the amount of kilojoules from food consumed in a country

- Infant mortality rate is the percentage of babies who die before their first birthday in a country. (b) State three reasons for low calorie intake in developing countries.
- The reason for low calorie intake in developing countries is caused by high unemployment
(b) Describe three reasons why developing countries have a high infant mortality rate. so people have less money to buy food.
- The reason developing countries have high infant mortality rate is due to high doctor patient ratio
which makes it difficult to have access to health care. - There is lack of purchasable food in some areas which causes low calorie intake in developing
- The high infant mortality rate in developing countries is caused by inadequate access to health
care because there are few trained doctors and nurses. - The developing countries have low calorie intake because of drought and famine.

- There is poor nutrition in developing countries leading to such health conditions as kwashiorkor - The low calorie intake is caused by high illiteracy rate in developing countries which lead to
which may cause high infant mortality rate. inability to determine food quality.

- In developing countries high infant mortality rate is caused by teenage pregnancy which may lead 4.(a) Define literacy rate.
to delivery complications. - Literacy rate is the average number of people who are able to read and write in a country.
- Literacy rate is the percentage of the population who are able to read and write in a
- The high infant mortality rate in developing is caused by pandemic diseases such HIV/AIDS country
because some of the babies are born with the virus from their mothers who are positive.
(b) Give three importance of literacy to development?
- The high infant mortality rate (IMR) in developing countries is caused by poor sanitation or - The importance of literacy rate is that when people are able to read and write they are able to
unhygienic conditions learn or acquire new skills easily.

- The reason for high infant mortality rate (IMR) in developing countries is poor care caused by - The people can better participate in decision making and national campaigns, for example,
parent negligence. elections, immunisation programmes.

2 (a) What is life expectancy? - The people can read and understand environmental issues or conservation better.
- Life expectancy is the average number of years a person is likely to live
(c) Give three reasons why world life expectancy is rising. - The importance of literacy rate reduces dependency on those people who are literate and
- The life expectancy is rising in the world because cleaner water supplies to prevent waterborne promotes privacy, for example, reading own letters or mail
diseases such as cholera.
- The literate mothers can access information on childcare leading to better hygiene and lower
- The governments of the world provide better sanitation to their citizens to improve hygiene or live infant mortality rate ( IMR)
in a clean environment.
- The importance of literacy rate is improved nutrition when the mother is literate
- World life expectancy is rising due to provision better health care whereby there is enough trained
medical personnel such as doctors and nurses. - The people can easily find out and fill themselves application forms e.g. at the post office,
credit facilities forms and can even write application letters for jobs etc.
- Life expectancy is rising in the world because countries provide primary health care to citizens
who focus on the prevention of diseases and giving assistance to the sick, for example, provision
of clean water, health education and immunisation programme.

3|P a g e
Masunga Senior Secondary School Development Studies Module 1- Paper 1&2 Revision Questions
5.(a) Define adult literacy rate - The male deaths are generally higher than female deaths because of car accidents because
majority of them own cars.
- Adult literacy rate is the percentage of people or number of people 18 years and above who
can read and write
- The male deaths are generally higher than female deaths because of alcohol and drug abuse
Male literacy rate is higher in most countries than female literacy rate that affect their health leading to death.
(b) Suggest three reasons for the difference between male and female literacy rates
- The reason for the difference between male and female literacy rate is caused by teenage - The male deaths are generally higher than female deaths because of macho mentality that
pregnancy. exposes them to risks/ Lifestyle/fast life/drinking/smoking/fewer men seek medical
- The difference between male and female literacy rate is caused by cultural practices such as assistance
early marriages and polygamy.
- The reason for difference between male and female literacy rate is caused by the belief that - The male deaths are generally higher than female deaths because of wars
educating girls is waste of time as they have small brain.
- The male deaths are generally higher than female deaths because of occupation/employment
that exposes them to danger

- The male deaths are generally higher than female deaths because of traditional roles that
exposes them to danger

- The male deaths are generally higher than female deaths because of more men are suicidal
than women

(c) Describe three factors that influence the death rate of a country.

- The factor that influence the death rate of a country is lack of medical facilities such as
hospitals and clinics.

- The death rate of a country can be influenced by having few trained doctors and nurses/
having high doctor patient ratio.
- The factor that influence death rate of a country is poor nutrition due to high unemployment

(d)Suggest three measures by which developing countries attempt to reduce high death rate.

(a)(i) How many non-institutional deaths in total were recorded in 2007? - The measure by which developing countries attempt to reduce high death rate is training of
many medical personnel such as doctors and nurses.
- 325 deaths
- The developing countries can reduce high death rate by building more hospitals and clinics
(ii) In which year was the number of male non-institutional deaths lower than that of females? to improve provision of health care.
- The measure by which developing countries attempt to reduce high death rate through
- 2006 provision of supplementary feeding to improve nutrition.

(b) Suggest two reasons why male deaths are generally higher than female deaths. - The developing countries can reduce high death rate through immunisation programme to
prevent spread of diseases such as Covid-19 and polio.
- The reason why male deaths are generally higher than female deaths is that majority of males
do not go to hospital and clinics when sick.
- The developing countries can reduce high death rate through provision of clean water to
prevent waterborne diseases such as cholera.

4|P a g e
Masunga Senior Secondary School Development Studies Module 1- Paper 1&2 Revision Questions
DEVELOPMENT STUDIES - The doctor-patient ratio is worse in developing countries because of high incidents of
Module 1: Measuring & Investigating Development wars/casualties
1(a) Define the term school enrolment. - The shortage of health facilities/clinics/hospitals makes doctor-patient ratio worse in
developing countries than in developed countries.
- School enrolment is the number of students or pupils admitted in an educational facility - The worse doctor-patient ratio in developing countries is caused by long period of training

(b) Describe three causes of low school enrolment in developing countries. 3(a) What is meant by calorie intake?

- The cause of low school enrolment in developing countries is teenage pregnancy. - Calorie intake is the value of the food eaten in a country.

- The low school enrolment in developing countries is caused by having few educational - Calorie intake is the amount of kilojoules consumed in a country
facilities, for example, classrooms.
- The developing countries have low school enrolment because of having few trained teachers. (b) State three reasons why there is a high average calorie intake in developed countries.

- The low school enrolment in developing countries is caused by cultural practices such as - The reason for high average calorie intake in developed countries is caused by high
polygamy and early marriages. employment rates.

- The lack of money to pay school fees due to high unemployment lead to low school enrolment - The high average calorie intake in developed countries is caused by high food due to use of
in developing countries. improved technology
- The reason for high calorie intake in developed countries is caused by availability of wide
- The long distance to attend school in developing countries may lead to low school enrolment variety of food to choose from by people.
in developing countries.
- Calorie intake is high in developed countries because of high level of education which helps
2(a) What is meant by doctor-patient ratio? people to have more knowledge on nutrition.

- Doctor-patient ratio is the average number of sick people to be attended by medical - The developed countries have high calorie intake due to better social welfare services, for
practitioner in a day. example, people are provided with supplementary feeding

- Doctor-patient ratio is the number of hospital attendants to medical practitioner in a day. - The high calorie intake in developed countries is caused by low dependency ratio.

- Doctor-patient ratio is the proportion of medical practitioners to sick people in a day. 4(a) Define the term literacy rate.

(b) State three reasons why doctor-patient ratio is worse in developing countries than in developed - Literacy rate is the average number of people who are able to read and write in a country.
(b) State three reasons for high literacy rate in developed countries.
- The reason why doctor-patient ratio is worse in developing countries than in developed
countries is caused by high population growth rate or high birth rate or high population - The reason for high literacy rate in developed countries is caused by having many educational
facilities, for example, schools and classrooms.
- The doctor-patient ratio is worse in developing countries because of outbreak of diseases or
high rate of communicable diseases. - The developed countries have high literacy rate because of high number of trained teachers.
- The literacy rate is high in developed countries because parents are able to pay school fees
- The developing countries have worse doctor-patient ration than developed countries because for their children due to high employment rate.
of having few health personnel/few doctors/brain drain/poor health care
- The reason to high literacy rate in developed countries is caused by availability of
- The doctor-patient ration is worse in developing countries than in developed countries contraceptives which reduces teenage pregnancy.
because of shortage of training health facilities.

5|P a g e
Masunga Senior Secondary School Development Studies Module 1- Paper 1&2 Revision Questions
5(a) Define infant mortality rate.

- Infant mortality rate number of babies who die before their first birthday per thousand per year Section B
in a country.
6 Fig. 1 shows Primary School enrolment for some countries in Africa (2007-2010).
- Infant mortality rate is the percentage of babies who die before their first birthday in a country. Country Enrolment Rate (%)
Male Female Total
Algeria 96 94 95
Botswana 86 88 87
(b) Describe three ways in which developing countries can reduce infant mortality rate. Burkina Faso 68 60 64
Cameroon 97 86 92
- The way in which government of Botswana is trying to reduce infant mortality rate is through Egypt 97 94 95
widespread immunisation against infant killer diseases in the country, for example, measles Ethiopia 86 81 84
and polio. Ghana 76 77 76
Kenya 83 84 83
- The government of Botswana is trying to reduce infant mortality rate through provision of
Lesotho 71 76 73
clean or safe water to all people.
Malawi 89 94 91
- The provision of nutritious food or balanced diets in clinics helps to reduce infant mortality Namibia 88 92 90
rate in Botswana, for example, Tsabana and beans. Nigeria 66 60 63
Rwanda 95 97 96
- The government of Botswana is trying to reduce infant mortality rate through construction of Senegal 74 76 75
more health facilities, for example, clinics and hospitals South Africa 89 90 90
Tanzania 96 97 97
- The implementation of Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission (PMTCT) programme Zambia 91 94 92
for pregnant mothers helps to reduce infant mortality rate in Botswana. Source:

Fig. 1

(a)(i) Which country has the lowest enrolment percentage for males?

- Nigeria

(ii) What is the total enrolment for Algeria?

- 95%

(b) Describe two common causes of school dropouts in Botswana.

- The common cause of school dropout in Botswana is teenage pregnancy.

- The school dropout in Botswana is caused by performing domestic chores of students

- The common cause of school dropout in Botswana is due to lack of money to pay school fees
because of high unemployment and poverty.

6|P a g e
Masunga Senior Secondary School Development Studies Module 1- Paper 1&2 Revision Questions
(c) State three reasons why educating women is important for the economic development of the country. MASUNGA SENIOR SECONDARY SCHOOL
The reason why educating women is important for economic development of the country is that they Module 1: Measuring & Investigating Development
become more skilled in different jobs. PAPER 1
1(a) What is development?
The women will be able to get employed when educating them which reduce poverty.
- Development is a process of change that makes people happier, freer, better fed, richer and take
(d) Suggest three ways by which governments of African countries can increase school enrolment for part in decision making
- Development is when the economy grows, standards of living rise, quality of life improves, wealth
The way by which governments of African countries can increase school enrolment for girls by offering is shared more fairly and more people take part in decision making.
free education to girls.
- Development is when societies change for the better.
The governments of African countries can increase school enrolment for girls by building schools for
girls. (b) Describe three economic characteristics of developed countries.

The African countries governments can increase number of girls enrolled in schools by coming up with - The economic characteristic of developed countries is high use of complex technology to
laws that forces parents to allow girls attend school. produce goods.

- The developed countries have high infrastructural development such as transport and
telecommunication networks

- The developed countries have high share of international trade/they dominate or control
international trade

- The economic characteristic of developed countries is high income levels/high wages.

- The developed countries have high energy consumption due to having many industries.

- The developed countries export finished goods and import raw materials.

- The developed countries have low percentage of population depending on agriculture

- The developed countries have high GNP/High GNP per capita/High GDP/High GDP per

Rule: DO NOT accept highly developed

2(a) Define Gross Domestic Product.

- Gross Domestic Product is the total value of goods and services that a country produces in one

(b) Give three advantages of GNP per capita.

- GNP per capita is a standard measure, therefore, allows easy comparison between countries and

- The data on GNP per capita is available from the World Bank.

7|P a g e
Masunga Senior Secondary School Development Studies Module 1- Paper 1&2 Revision Questions
- GNP per capita highlights international wealth differences.
- The Countries of the North have favourable terms of trade than those of the South.
- GNP per capita is better than raw GNP measurement, which ignores the size of the population, or
GDP, which does not include investments abroad. - The countries of the North have high GNP than countries of the South because most multi-
national companies (MNCs) originate from Countries of the North and operate in other
- GNP per capita helps to estimate productivity capacity of country’s economy. countries/profit repatriation is taking profit back to countries of their origin

3(a) Define Gross National Product. - The reason for higher GNP in countries of the North than countries of the South is that they earn
a lot of interest from loans to the developing world
- Gross National Product is the total value of goods and services that a country produces in one
year including earnings from abroad or outside 5 (a) What is meant by energy use per capita?

(b) State three reasons why GNP per capita is not a good measure of development. - Energy use per capita is the average amount of power consumed by an individual in a
country each year
- The reason why GNP per capita is not a good measure of development is that few people might
own most of the land, farms, shops, factories, etc. leaving the majority very poor, for example, it - Energy use per capita is the average amount of electricity, petrol, natural gas, paraffin, coal,
ignores the difference between the rich and the poor within the country. fuel and wood consumed by an individual in a country each year

- GNP per capita ignores the informal sector and illicit trades; economists only count goods and (b) Give three reasons for high energy use in developed countries.
services marketed openly and recorded by government.
- The reason for high energy use in developed is due to the use of complex technology.
- The production or income statistics may be inaccurate or concealing of actual earnings to avert
tax. - The high energy use in developed countries is caused by household appliances, gadgets,
- The business officials hiding information to avoid paying tax devices, units and machines.

- The population statistics may be inaccurate and/or out-dated - The developed countries have high energy use because of many vehicles/transportation, for
example, cars, trains
- There is official biasness of statistics to score a political mileage
- GNP per capita assumes that everyone is working and benefiting from the economy and ignores - The high energy use in developed countries is caused by capital intensive
the quality of life, social & environmental consequences of wealth/ignores happiness agriculture/farming/commercial farming

- The reason for high energy use in developed countries is caused by infrastructure
4 (a) Define GNP per capita. development/institutions, for example, schools, hospitals

- Gross National Product per capita is the total value of goods and services that a country
produces in one year including earnings from abroad or outside divided by the total

(b) Give three reasons why Countries of the North have a higher GNP than those of the South.

- The countries of the North have a higher GNP than those of the South because they have mass
production due to many industries and the use of complex technology.

- The reason why Countries of the North have a higher GNP than those of the South is because they
export a lot of quality (high value / expensive) goods and services.

- The Countries of the North have higher GNP than the Countries of the South because they price
the goods (commodities) themselves.

8|P a g e
Masunga Senior Secondary School Development Studies Module 1- Paper 1&2 Revision Questions
Section B (c) Compare three economic characteristics of developed and developing countries.
6. Fig. 1 shows GNP per head (US$) and life expectancy at birth for selected countries. Use
it answer questions a (i) and (ii).
- The developed countries have low percentage of people in agriculture due to the
use of complex technology while developing countries have high number of
people in agriculture due to the use of simple technology.

- The developed countries produces finished goods while developing countries

produces raw materials.

- The developed countries have high employment rate while developing countries
have low employment rate.

(d)Suggest three ways in which developing countries can use the dependency theory to

- The way in which developing countries can use the dependency theory to develop is by
breaking off all links with the developed countries /become self-reliant.

- The developing countries should stop borrowing money from outside/save/invest within their

- The dependency theory can be used by developing countries to develop by spending less on
consumer goods.
(a)(i) Name the country with the highest life expectancy. - The developing countries can use dependency theory to develop by using appropriate
- Japan
- The way in which developing countries can use dependency theory to develop is to make
(ii) What is the GNP per head for Mexico? their own inventions or promote local inventions.

- 9000 U$ - The dependency theory can be used by developing countries to develop by encouraging its
people to exercise patience/work hard/shun Northern lifestyle
(b) Give two reasons for low daily food intake for developing countries.

- The reason for low daily food intake in developing countries is due to high unemployment
leading to people having less money to buy food.

- The low daily food intake in developing countries is caused by lack of purchasable food in
some areas

- The developing countries have low daily food intake because of drought

- The developing countries have daily food intake due to high illiteracy rate which makes
people unable to determine food quality

9|P a g e
Masunga Senior Secondary School Development Studies Module 1- Paper 1&2 Revision Questions
MASUNGA SENIOR SECONDARY SCHOOL allowed to hunt, hunting licenses, National Parks and Game Reserves, and Anti-poaching
Module 1: Measuring & Investigating Development
PAPER 1 - Stabilising population growth can help to achieve sustainable development in a country, for
1 (a) Define the modernisation theory. example, planning for small families, birth control, practicing population control, giving
incentives to small families or penalize for large families
- Modernisation theory is a set of ideas that argue that for third world countries to develop
they must copy the path followed by (the industrialised countries) America - Sustainable development can be achieved through conservation measures, for example, tree
planting, recycling, re-use, reduce, clean-up, limited use of resources, good farming methods,
- Modernisation theory argues that all countries must work through five stages of change in Wildlife Management Areas
order to achieve high standards of living enjoyed by most people of the North
- The way of achieving sustainable development is through education on resource use
(b) Describe any three stages of the modernisation theory.
- The use of synthetic products can help a country to achieve sustainable development.
- Stage 1/The traditional society is where people practise barter system/subsistence
farming/make simple crafts/experience low standard of living. - The way of achieving sustainable development is by finding alternative energy sources, for
example, the use of solar energy instead of coal to produce electricity
- Stage 2/Preconditions for take-off is where new technology arises/farming is
commercialised/specialisation increases/urbanisation starts to happen. 3 (a) Define dependency theory.

- Stage 3/Take off stage/the push is when people become rich and rapid urbanisation. - Dependency theory is a set of ideas that argue that the South was unable to copy and adopt
- Stage 4/The Drive to maturity/maturity stage is where manufacturing dominates the the North’s path of industrialisation because the North exploited the South’s resources to
economy/there are more exports than imports/wages increase/demand for consumer goods enhance their economy and kept the South poor
- Dependency theory argues that the third world lack the ability to control major aspects of
- Stage 5/The age of high consumption/high mass consumption is where service industries their economic life because of the dominance of the industrialised countries in the world
and consumer goods dominate the economy/wages are high for many people/many people economy
experience high living standards
- Dependency theory argues that less developed countries became economically reliant on
2 (a) Define Sustainable Development. the North and thus the North became industrialised at the expense of the South who remained
- Sustainable development is the wise use of resources by the present generation to meet its
needs without jeopardizing the ability of future generations to meet their needs (b) State three policy implications of the dependency theory.

- Sustainable development is the wise use of resources by the present generation to meet its - The developing countries should cut economic links with developed countries.
needs so that future generations could also meet their needs
- The developing countries should spend less on consumer goods but spend more on capital
N.B. Accept answers connoting wise use of resources provided it caters for future generations. goods, for example, machinery.
(Do not accept/mark ‘a theory …)
- The developing countries should save and invest locally instead of borrowing money from
(b) Describe three ways of achieving sustainable development in a country. developed countries.

- The local inventions should be encouraged, for example, development of local technology.
- The way of achieving sustainable development in a country is through stock piling of
minerals / preservation is keeping the minerals until the world prices improves such as for - Developing countries should become self-sufficient reliant.
diamonds and copper.
- Dependency theory encourages people to be patient and sacrifice for a better future.
- Sustainable development can be achieved by coming up with legislation or laws to protect
wild animals, for example, seasonal hunting, quotas is number of wild animals a person

10 | P a g e
Masunga Senior Secondary School Development Studies Module 1- Paper 1&2 Revision Questions
4(a) Define the term globalisation. MASUNGA SENIOR SECONDARY SCHOOL
- Globalisation is a set of ideas that emphasis that all people of the world should become one Module 1: Measuring & Investigating Development
nation in order to bring democracy as a way of maintaining peace and stability. PAPER 1
1(a) Define the term sustainable development theory
(b) State three developments that show the growth of a global village.
- Sustainable development is the wise use of resources by the present generation to meet its
- The development that show growth of a global village is that of improvement in technology needs without jeopardizing the ability of future generations to meet their needs.
and production, for example, use of automated machines.
- Sustainable development is the wise use of resources by the present generation to meet its
- The development that show growth of a global village is that of integrated global needs so that future generations could also meet their needs
communication network, for example, internet and television.
(b) State three sources of air pollution

- The decline in sovereign states replaced by regional and international groupings such as - The source of air pollution is mines, for example, Selibe Phikwe (sulphur dioxide and coal,
European Union lead to the growth of a global village. carbon monoxide, dust)

5(a) Define populism theory. - The source of air pollution is domestic or household appliances, for example, refrigerators,
air-conditioners, aerosol sprays, etc
- Populism is a political approach that strives to appeal to ordinary people who feel that their
concerns are disregarded by established elite groups/ the quality of appealing to or being - The cause of air pollution is dump sites (smoke)
aimed at ordinary
- The cause of air pollution is industries (smoke, carbon monoxide etc)
(b) Describe three problems of populism theory.
- The source of air pollution is construction sites , for example, smoke, dust
- The problem of populism is that concentration of power within government bureaucracies
and large private sector firms and organisations. - The source of air pollution is roads / airports / railway lines/stations (dust, smoke)

- The tendency to evoke narrow economic, technical criteria, and procedures as a basis for their - The source of air pollution is vehicles / trains / aeroplanes (carbon dioxide
decisions and general operations.
Pollution has proved to be a global problem and an obstacle against sustainable development.
- The exclusive mechanisms working through the state and the market marginalize the vast
majority of poor people from political and economic life 2 (a) What is pollution?
(c) Give three benefits of populism - Pollution is the emission of effluents or poisonous gases into the environment (air, land and
- The benefits of populism is of addressing people’s specific needs and wants
(b) Describe three ways by which air pollution can be prevented
- The benefit of populism is that of easy to finance and manage
- The way by which air pollution can be prevented is through the charging of polluter tax /
polluter pays principle

- The air pollution can be prevented by having environmental impact assessment before
carrying out any project.

- The pollution can be prevented through the use of alternative sources of energy, for example,
solar energy can be used to produce electricity instead of coal which pollutes the

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Masunga Senior Secondary School Development Studies Module 1- Paper 1&2 Revision Questions
- The way by which air pollution can be prevented is through elongation of chimneys or - The government should introduce strict waste management legislation to control land
making chimneys to be long to prevent air pollution. pollution.

- The way by which air pollution can be prevented is through the use of catalytic converters. - Land pollution can be controlled through wise use of resources; 3Rs of conservation; Recycle,
Re-use and Refuse (extra wrapping or packaging
- The use of unleaded petrol can prevent air pollution.
- The alternative packaging can be used to control land pollution, for example, use of
- The air pollution can be prevented by encouraging non-motorised transport e.g. bicycle, returnable bottles at a refund as beverage containers
5(a) What is globalisation?
- The way by which air pollution can be prevented is by developing shopping malls that - Globalisation is a set of ideas that emphasis that all people of the world should become one
discourage use of cars. nation in order to bring democracy as a way of maintaining peace and stability.

- The air pollution can be prevented by developing a reliable and sustainable public transport (b) Describe three challenges faced by developing countries as a result of globalisation.
system. - The challenge faced by developing countries as a result of globalisation is that of
development of international crime syndicates/terrorism
- The Air pollution can be prevented by encouraging car-pooling / many people using one car
- The challenge of globalisation to developing countries is that of lack of funds to
Land pollution is also an obstacle towards sustainable development. educate/train people/high illiteracy

3 (a) Define land pollution. - The developing countries loss of sovereignty/loss of independence as a result of
- Land pollution is the discarding of substances that contaminate the earth’s surface including
all the natural resources found on or below it. - Globalisation lead to dominance of the economy by Trans National Companies
(TNCs)/TNCS\s taking profit away to their countries of origin
(b) State three causes of land pollution.
- The increase of brain drain/ educated people prefer working in developed countries
- The cause of land pollution is concrete pieces and bricks from construction (sites) caused by globalisation.
- The beverage containers (such as cans, bottles) and plastic (bags) from industries causes land
pollution. - The challenge faced by developing countries as a result of globalisation is that of HIV
- The cause of land pollution is that of oils from garages and AIDS killing skilled man power
- The cause of land pollution is that of clinical waste / waste from health facilities
- The land pollution is caused by worn out tyres - The challenge faced by developing countries as a result of globalisation is that
- The used batteries causes land pollution. Consumerism mindset [which is difficult to change to investment and production]
- The land pollution is caused by effluent from industries / pumping of effluent from mines
into streams - The challenge faced by developing countries as a result of globalisation is that
- The fertilisers and chemicals contained in run-off water from farms causing eutrophication Environmental damage by Trans National Companies (TNCs)
in streams.
- Less developed countries (LDCs) having weak economies which fail to compete in a
4(a) Define dependency theory. globalised world/less industrialised
- Dependency theory argues that less developed countries became economically reliant on
the North and thus the North became industrialised at the expense of the South who remained - The challenge faced by developing countries as a result of globalisation is that transfer
underdeveloped of diseases

(c) Describe three ways by which land pollution can be controlled - The challenge faced by developing countries as a result of globalisation is that of loss
of culture
- The way by which land pollution can be controlled through introduction of polluter tax /
Polluter Pays Principle. - The challenge faced by developing countries as a result of globalisation is that of
difficulty to accept change.

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Masunga Senior Secondary School Development Studies Module 1- Paper 1&2 Revision Questions
MASUNGA SENIOR SECONDARY SCHOOL (b)(i) Describe the economic characteristics of developed countries.
Module 1: Measuring & Investigating Development - The economic characteristic of developed countries is high use of complex technology
Paper 2
- The developed countries have high development of transport
networks/telecommunication/high infrastructural development

- The developed countries have high share of international trade/they dominate or control
international trade

- The economic characteristic of developed countries is high income levels/high wages

- The developed countries have high energy consumption due to having many industries.

(a)(i) Describe any two aspects of development other than social development. - The developed countries export finished goods and import raw materials

- Economic Development is when the country’s production increases so that the people - The developed countries have low percentage of population depending on agriculture
become richer or wealthier
- Developed countries have high GNP/High GNP per capita/High GDP/High GDP per capita
- Political Development is when people’s participation in marking decisions about their lives
increases/ when people take control of their lives/ when people enjoy human rights Rule: DO NOT accept highly developed

[RULE: Award 1 mark for mentioning the correct aspect; 1 mark for description] (ii) Suggest why development is slow in most Southern African countries.

(ii) Suggest ways by which the government of Botswana is promoting social development. - The development is slow in most Southern Africa is due to practice of customs which are
counter-productive, for examples, exclusion of women from decision making.
- The way by which the government of Botswana is promoting social development is provides
subsidized education. - The lack of funds to use in development projects and poverty may lead to slow development
in most Southern Africa countries.
- The government of Botswana provides sewage systems as a way of providing social
development. - The slow development in most Southern African countries is lack of skilled people caused
by brain drain/skilled people leave for other countries
- The government of Botswana imports food for the people as part of social development
- The colonial legacy/Europeans have introduced Southern African countries to trade in cheap
- The government provides free food for the destitute ,elderly and the orphans primary products

- The government of Botswana allocates land and plots for people to build shelter - The development is slow in most Southern African countries because of large populations

- The government of Botswana builds clinics and hospitals to provide health care - The slow development in most Sothern African countries is caused by export of raw
- The government of Botswana builds schools to improve literacy
- The most countries in Southern African use of simple technology which lead to slow
- The provision of piped and safe water to protect people from diseases by government of development.
Botswana as part of promoting social development. - The slow development in most Southern African countries is due to mono-economies in
- The government of Botswana control prices for staple food such as sorghum to ensure that which countries depend on producing only one product.
people can afford to buy food - The outbreak of civil wars causes slow development in most Southern African countries.
- The way by which government is promoting social development is through poverty - The outbreak of killer diseases lead to slow development in Southern African countries, for
alleviation programmes, for example, back yard gardening example, Ebola, HIV/AIDS and Covid-19

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Masunga Senior Secondary School Development Studies Module 1- Paper 1&2 Revision Questions
MASUNGA SENIOR SECONDARY SCHOOL (ii) Describe the economic characteristics of the countries of the North.
Module 1: Measuring & Investigating Development
Paper 2 - The economic characteristic of countries of the North is high use of complex technology

1 Study Fig. 1, which shows the division of the world into countries of the North and countries of - The countries of the North have high development of transport
the South. networks/telecommunication/high infrastructural development

- The countries of the North have high share of international trade/they dominate or control
international trade

- The economic characteristic of countries of the North is high income levels/high wages

- The countries of the North have high energy consumption due to having many industries.

- The countries of the North export finished goods and import raw materials

- The developed countries have low percentage of population depending on agriculture

- Countries of the North have high GNP/High GNP per capita/High GDP/High GDP per capita

Rule: DO NOT accept highly developed

(b)(i) Describe the challenges faced by the countries of the South as a result of globalisation.

- The challenges faced by countries of the South as a result of globalisation is development of

international crime syndicates or terrorism

Fig.1 - The countries of the South lack of funds to educate and train people which lead to high
illiteracy rate.
(a)(i) Describe the geographical locations of the countries of the South.
- Globalisation may lead to loss of sovereignty or loss of independence.
- The countries of the South are located in Central America, for example, Mexico
- Globalisation causes dominance of the economy by Trans National Companies (TNCs)
- The countries of the South are found in South America/Latin America, for example, Brazil taking profit away to their countries of origin
and Argentina
- The challenge faced by the countries of the South as a result of globalisation is increase in
- The countries in Africa are all countries of the South, for example, Botswana, Nigeria, brain drain or educated people prefer working in developed countries.
Egypt, Ethopia and South Africa
- Globalisation lead to HIV and AIDS killing skilled man power.
- The countries of the South are located in South Asia, for example, India
- The challenge faced by the countries of the South as a result of globalisation is that of
- There are located in Far East, for example, Malaysia/South East Asia Environmental damage by Trans National Companies (TNCs)

- East Asia, for example, China - The countries of the South are having weak economies which fail to compete in a globalised
- The countries of the South are located in Middle East, for example, Saudi Arabia - Globalisation will lead to loss of culture by countries of the South.
- Globalisation will lead to people of countries of the South having difficulty to accept change
Rule: Do NOT accept South of Brandt line

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Masunga Senior Secondary School Development Studies Module 1- Paper 1&2 Revision Questions
(ii) Suggest ways through which globalisation encourages development of all countries. MASUNGA SENIOR SECONDARY SCHOOL
- The way through which globalisation encourages development of all countries is Module 1: Measuring & Investigating Development
improvement of technology or complex technology , for example, automated Paper 2
machines/transfer from developed countries (DCs) to less developed countries (LDCs)
1. Study Fig. 1, which shows the Newly Industrialised Countries (NICs), and answer questions
- Globalisation encourages development of all countries through introduction of global (a)(i) and (ii).
communication networks, for example, internet and television.

- The way globalisation can encourage development of all countries is through trade
liberalisation in which countries are allowed to trade with each other freely.

- Globalisation encourages development of all countries through International policing or


- The way through which globalisation encourages development of all countries is through
increase of Trans National Companies [TNCs]

- The formation of regional and international groupings such as European Union [EU] and
African Union [AU] can help encourage development of all countries through globalisation.

- Globalisation can encourage development of all countries through promotion of democracy.

- The free movement of labour due to globalisation may lead to development of all countries.

- The way globalisation encourages development of all countries is through encouragement of

investment or saving.


(a)(i) Describe the location of the Newly Industrialised Countries.

- The Newly Industrialising Countries [NICs] are located in Southern Africa, for example,
South Africa.

- The Newly Industrialising Countries are located in the Far East countries such as Malaysia,
Thailand, Singapore, Philippines, South Korea and China

- The NICs are located in South of North America, for example, Mexico

- The Newly Industrialising Countries are found in North/Northeast of South America, for
example, Brazil/ North East or East of Latin America, for example, Brazil

- The Newly Industrialising Countries are located in South Asia, for example, India

- The Newly Industrialised Countries are located in Middle East, for example, Saudi Arabia
and Turkey
RULE: Award mention of appropriate examples

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Masunga Senior Secondary School Development Studies Module 1- Paper 1&2 Revision Questions
(ii) Explain the challenges which are faced by the Newly Industrialised Countries. - The Newly Industrialised Countries have high GNP due to having many industries
producing goods and services
- The challenge faced by Newly Industrialising Countries is that of high inflation rates[high
inflation is when prices of goods are high] - The Newly Industrialised Countries have high GNP per capita.

- The Newly Indusrialised Countries have weak currencies. (ii) Suggest actions that Less Developed Countries (LDCs) could copy from Newly Industrialised
Countries (NICs) to speed up development.
- The challenge faced by Newly Industrialised Countries is that of high fuel price
- The action that Less Developed Countries can copy from Newly Industrialised Counties to
- The Newly Industrialisng Countries are faced with a challenge of foreign debts/debt crisis speed up development is by inviting Multi-National Companies (MNCs) to invest in them

- There is huge disparities of wealth or wide gap between the rich and the poor in Newly - The Less Developed countries (LDCs) can focus on Maths and Science education to help
Industrialised Countries. them speed up development like Newly Industrialised Countries (NICs).

- The dominance of the industrial process by Multi-National companies (MNCs) who move - The LDCs can adopt import substitution industrialisation (ISI) to speed up development
their investment out of the country is a challenge faced by Newly Industrialised Countries [ which was used by Newly Industrialised Countries. This is encouraging people to buy locally
The capital flight is when Multi National Companies take profit out of Newly Industrialised produced goods than those from elsewhere.
- The LDCs can adopt export oriented industrialisation (EOI) to speed up development which
- The challenge faced by Newly Industrialised Countries is that of depletion of the natural was used by Newly Industrialised Countries. This is setting up industries that produce goods
resources or damage to the environment needed for the outside market.

- The Newly Industrialsed Countries have a problem of fast growth of the private sector which - The Less Developed countries (LDCs) can borrow capital from financial institutions such as
is becoming difficult to be controlled by the government. the World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF), and countries of the South.
- The Less Developed countries (LDCs) can invest in infrastructure development
- The challenge faced by Newly Industrilised Countries is that of exploitation of workers by
the employers. - The Less Developed countries (LDCs) can establishing innovation and research centres/ use
advanced technology.
- The problem faced by Newly Indusrialised Countries is that of corruption

- The Newly Industrialsed Countries have high expenditure on imports and less on exports

(b)(i) Describe the economic characteristics of Newly Industrialised Countries (NICs)

- The economic characteristic of Newly Industrialised Countries is have fast growing industrial

- The Newly Industrialised Countries have greater dependence on exports of manufactured


- The Newly Industrialised Countries have rapidly commercialised agricultural sector, for
example, from subsistence to commercial agriculture.

- The Newly Industrial Countries have raising income levels.

- The Newly Industrialised Countries have emergence of new Trans National Companies, for
example, Samsung, Daewoo, Kia, all from South Korea.
- The Newly Industrialised Countries have high GDP.

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Masunga Senior Secondary School Development Studies Module 1- Paper 1&2 Revision Questions
MASUNGA SENIOR SECONDARY SCHOOL (ii) Describe the ways in which the government is trying to reduce the infant mortality rate in
Module 1: Measuring & Investigating Development
Paper 2 - The way in which government of Botswana is trying to reduce infant mortality rate is through
widespread immunisation against infant killer diseases in the country, for example, measles
and polio

- The government of Botswana is trying to reduce infant mortality rate through provision of
clean or safe water to all people.

- The provision of nutritious food or balanced diets in clinics helps to reduce infant mortality
rate in Botswana, for example, Tsabana

- The government of Botswana is trying to reduce infant mortality rate through construction of
more health facilities, for example, clinics and hospitals

- The dissemination of health education or media or environmental health helps to reduce

infant mortality rate in Botswana.

- The implementation of Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission (PMTCT) programme

helps to reduce infant mortality rate in Botswana.

- The way government of Botswana is trying to reduce infant mortality rate is through training
or employing more health personnel, for example, doctors and nurses
(a)(i) Describe the causes of high infant mortality rate in developing countries.
(b)(i) Development is a process of change which involves economic, social and political development.
- The cause of high infant mortality rate in developing counties is that of lack of widespread Describe these aspects of development.
immunisation programmes which lead to infant killer diseases, for example, polio and
- Economic development is when a country produces more/enough for everyone, the society gets
richer; improvement in production , for example, GNP, GDP, GNP per capita, energy
- The developing countries have high infant mortality rate because of lack of access to clean
water or safe water by majority of infants and mothers
- Social development is when people’s basic needs are more fully met; improvement of people’s
- The high infant mortality rate in developing countries is caused by poor nutrition leading to
living standards, for example, birth rate, infant mortality rate (IMR), life expectancy, access to
clean water, etc.
- The developing countries have high infant mortality rate because of lack of health facilities
- Political development is when there is more freedom and justice, and people are free to
to attend to killer diseases such as polio and measles.
participate in decision making; respect for human rights/safety and security, for example,
democracy, equality, justice, etc.
- The HIV and AIDS infection among mothers to infants lead to high infant mortality rate in
developing countries.

- The high infant mortality rate in developing countries is caused by poor health education
among mothers to raise babies

- The shortage of health personnel to attend infants in developing countries causes high infant
mortality rate, for example, doctors and nurses

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Masunga Senior Secondary School Development Studies Module 1- Paper 1&2 Revision Questions
(ii) Explain why countries of the South are less developed than countries of the North. MASUNGA SENIOR SECONDARY SCHOOL
- The countries of the South are less developed than countries of the North due to practice of Module 1: Measuring & Investigating Development
customs which are counter-productive, for examples, exclusion of women from decision Paper 2
1. Study Fig. 1 which shows some indicators to measure development.
- The lack of funds to use in development projects and poverty is the reason why countries of
the South are less developed than countries of the North.

- The countries of the South are less developed than countries of the North because of lack of
skilled people caused by brain drain/skilled people leave for other countries.

- The colonial legacy/Europeans have introduced countries of the South to trade in cheap
primary products.

- The development is less in countries of the South than countries of the North is because of
large populations.

- The less development of countries of the South than countries of the North is caused by export
of raw materials.

- The countries of the South are less developed than countries of the North because of use of
simple technology which lead to slow development.

- The less development of countries of the South than countries of the North is caused by been
mono-economies in which countries depend on producing only one product. (a)(i) Explain how each indicator shown in Fig.1 is used to measure development.
- The outbreak of civil wars causes countries of the South to be less developed than countries - The doctor –patient ratio shows that if the population per doctor is high then there is less
of the North. development/ If Doctor-population Ratio is high then there is less development/ If the Doctor-
Patient Ratio is low then there is high development.
- The countries of the South are less developed than countries of the North because of outbreak
of killer diseases , for example, Ebola, HIV and AIDS, and Covid-19 - The calorie intake indicator of development shows that the higher the calorie intake, the
higher the development/ the lower the calorie intake, the lower the development

- The school enrolment shows that the higher the school enrolment, the higher the
development/ the lower the calorie intake, the lower the development.

- The GNP per capita shows that the higher the GNP per capita, the higher the development/
the lower the GNP per capita, the lower the development.

- The percentage of the population in agriculture shows that the higher the percentage of
population engaged in agriculture, the lower the development and the lower the percentage
of population in agriculture, the higher the development.

- The income level shows that the higher the income level, the higher the development/the
lower the income level, the lower the development.

Rule: Award 1mark even if only one side is given

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Masunga Senior Secondary School Development Studies Module 1- Paper 1&2 Revision Questions
(ii) State the disadvantage of using GNP per capita to measure development.
- The political indicator that can be used to measure development is that of happiness because
- The disadvantage of using GNP per capita to measure development is that it is just an average if the feeling of joy/gladness among people in a country is then development is higher.
figure that ignores how wealth is distributed
[RULE: Award 1mark for mentioning and 1mark for usage even if only one side is given]
- The GNP per capita fails to show the actual standard of living enjoyed by the people.
(ii) Explain why political development is difficult to measure.
- The disadvantage of GNP per capita is that it excludes income from the informal sector so it
is inaccurate, for example, selling of drugs.
- Political aspects of development is difficult to quantify because are intangible or immeasurable,
for example, they can neither be seen nor touched.
- The disadvantage of GNP per capita is that people usually lie about the earnings to avoid
- The political development is difficult to measure because most countries prohibit independent
paying tax.
human rights groups to monitor human rights violations.
- GNP per capita is calculated using outdated/ old government statistics
- In developing countries most people are illiterate and unaware of their rights which makes it
difficult to measure political development.
- GNP per capita emphasizes economic development but ignores social and political
- Political aspects of development are affected by cultural or religious beliefs, for example, women
being marginalised or there are gender inequalities.
(b)(i) Explain how any three political indicators can be used to measure development.
- The issue of sovereignty makes it difficult to measure political development because countries
- The political indicator that can be used to measure development is that of number of women belief that they are independent therefore nobody can tell them how to treat their citizens.
in decision making positions because if the percentage of females in leadership position is
high it mean high development whereas if it is low it mean low development - Political development is difficult to measure because it is affected by different political systems,
for example, dictatorship prohibits human rights because they are no voting, no freedom of
- The political indicator that can be used to measure development is that of voter speech.
turnout/number of people who vote because if the percentage of adults who participate in
elections is high then development is high and if it is low the development is low

- The political indicator that can be used to measure development is that of adherence to
human rights/human rights ratings/ranking because if the respect that a country has for
people’s entitlement is high then development is high and if it is low then development is
low, for example, good governance and transparency

- The political indicator that can be used to measure development is that of incidents of
discrimination/inequality (times when people are treated unfairly for who they are)
because if there are many incidents of discrimination development is low and if there are few
development is high, for example, justice and fair trial

- The political indicator that can be used to measure development is that of incidents of
conflict because if the occurrence of serious disagreements, for example, war and social
unrest is high then development is low

- The political indicator that can be used to measure development is that of peace because if
there is calmness in the country or the absence of wars or social unrest then development is

- The political indicator that can be used to measure development is that of security because
if the sense of safety in a country is high, then development is high

19 | P a g e
Masunga Senior Secondary School Development Studies Module 1- Paper 1&2 Revision Questions
MASUNGA SENIOR SECONDARY SCHOOL (ii) Explain why there are differences in the levels of development between developed and
DEVELOPMENT STUDIES developing countries.
Module 1: Measuring & Investigating Development
Paper 2 - The developing countries export raw materials due to lack of advanced technology while
1. Fig. 1 shows a list of countries and their indicators of development. Use it to answer question developed countries import raw materials because they have complex technology and export
1(a) finished goods.

- The developing countries have huge debts from developed countries.

- There is political instability in developing countries such as civil wars and peace in developed

- There is high skilled manpower in developed countries and shortage of skilled manpower in
developing countries lead to differences of development.

- The developed countries policies directed to high infrastructural development while

developing countries policies directed to poverty and diseases

(b)(i) Describe the weaknesses of the dependency theory.

- The weakness of Dependency theory is that it ignores the fact that small countries are unable
to raise enough investment/capital on their own to break away

- The countries that uses dependency theory may lose all benefits of international
trade/countries that cut links economically fell

- The weakness of dependency theory is that if small countries try to make all their own goods,
there will probably be a less efficient use of resources

- The weakness of dependency theory is that it is impossible to cut off all communication in a
world linked together in so many ways/connections difficult to break
- The people often aspire for the northern ways of life/object when governments stop importing
western goods/negative attitudes towards local goods and services
(a)(i) Using Fig. 1 only, describe three economic characteristics of developed countries.

- The economic characteristic of developed countries is that of high GNP per capita due
having many industries that produces goods and services.

- The developed countries have high energy use per capita due to having many industries
and use of complex technology.

- The developed countries have low percentage (%) of GDP on Agriculture or

Agriculture sector contributes less to GDP because of practising commercial farming
and the use of advanced technology

RULE: 1mark for mentioning and another 1mark for description

20 | P a g e
Masunga Senior Secondary School Development Studies Module 1- Paper 1&2 Revision Questions
(ii) Explain how developing countries can use modernisation theory in their development MASUNGA SENIOR SECONDARY SCHOOL
Module 1: Measuring & Investigating Development
- The developing countries can use modernisation theory in their development programmes by Paper 2
embracing market economy /capitalism
1. Study Fig. 1, which shows some theories of development.
- The modernisation theory can be used by developing countries in their development
programmes by investing a lot in setting up of industries.

- The developing countries can use modernisation theory by investing a lot in infrastructural

- The modernisation theory encourages inventions/new ideas/methods from your own culture.

- The modernisation theory can be used by developing countries in their development

programmes by putting more emphasis on formal vocational /technical education.

- The modernisation theory encourages new attitude and appropriate cultural changes/fight

- The modernisation theory tell people to work hard/be patient and expect less income/wealth
until the economy has grown quite large/trickle down of wealth.

- The developing countries can use modernisation in their development programmes by been
democratic/Government must be democratic. (a)(i) Describe the stages of the Modernisation theory.

- Modernisation theory encourage urbanisation which is proportional increase in number of

people living in towns and cities. - The traditional society is where people practise barter system, subsistence farming, make
simple crafts and experience low standard of living
- The developing countries should open up for technological transfer/adopt advanced
technology as a way of using modernisation theory in their development programmes. - Preconditions for take-off is where new technology arises, farming is commercialised,
specialisation increases and urbanisation starts to happen
- Modernisation theory encourages specialisation/division of labour.
- Take off stage/the push is here people become rich and there is rapid urbanisation
- The developing countries can use modernisation theory in their development programmes by
Commercialising agriculture/mechanise agriculture. - The Drive to maturity/maturity stage is where manufacturing dominates the economy,
there are more exports than imports/wages increase and demand for consumer goods
- The developing countries can use modernisation theory in their development programmes increases
through participation in international trade
- The age of high consumption/high mass consumption is where service industries and
consumer goods dominate the economy/wages are high for many people/many people
experience high living standards

RULE: 1mark for mentioning and another 1mark for description

21 | P a g e
Masunga Senior Secondary School Development Studies Module 1- Paper 1&2 Revision Questions
(ii) Describe the benefits to the people of a country where modernisation has taken place. - The most countries in Southern African use of simple technology which lead to slow
- The benefit to the people of a country where modernisation has taken place is that of
technological development/ the use of complex technology - The slow development in most Southern African countries is due to mono-economies in
which countries depend on producing only one product.
- The benefit to the people of a country where modernisation has taken place is that of wealth
creation - The outbreak of civil wars causes slow development in most Southern African countries.

- The benefit to the people of a country where modernisation has taken place is that of - The outbreak of killer diseases lead to slow development in Southern African countries, for
infrastructural development. example, Ebola, HIV/AIDS and Covid-19

- The benefit to the people of a country where modernisation has taken place is that of Human (ii) Explain how social indicators are used to measure development.
resource development/high literacy rate.
- The social indicator that is used to measure development is that when infant mortality rate
- The benefit to the people of a country where modernisation has taken place is that of
[IMR] is low it means that development is high/when IMR is high it means development is
improved standard of living
- The benefit to the people of a country where modernisation has taken place is that of
- The social indicator that is used to measure development is that when there is high literacy
improved service delivery through research and development.
rate means that a country is developed/ a low literacy rate means that a country is less
- The benefit to the people of a country where modernisation has taken place is that of
availability of affordable goods and services
- The social indicator that is used to measure development is that when there is high Birth
Rate means that a country is less developed/a low Birth rate means that a country is
- The benefit to the people of a country where modernisation has taken place is that of
employment creation.
- The social indicator that is used to measure development is that when there is high Death
- The benefit to the people of a country where modernisation has taken place is that of
Rate means that a country is less developed/a low Death Rate means that a country is
democratic process.
- The social indicator that is used to measure development is that when there is high doctor-
(b)(i) Describe the factors that slow down development in the developing countries.
patient ratio it means that the country is less developed/ a low doctor- patient ratio means
that the country is developed.
- The development is slow in most Southern Africa is due to practice of customs which are
counter-productive, for examples, exclusion of women from decision making. - The social indicator that is used to measure development is that when High life expectancy
shows that the country is developed/a low life expectancy shows that the country is less
- The lack of funds to use in development projects and poverty may lead to slow development developed.
in most Southern Africa countries.
- High calorie intake shows that the country is developed and low calorie intake shows that
- The slow development in most Southern African countries is lack of skilled people caused the country is less developed
by brain drain/skilled people leave for other countries.

- The colonial legacy/Europeans have introduced Southern African countries to trade in cheap
primary products.

- The development is slow in most Southern African countries because of large populations.

- The slow development in most Sothern African countries is caused by export of raw

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Masunga Senior Secondary School Development Studies Module 1- Paper 1&2 Revision Questions

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