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EDUC 102

Name: Locell Gen C. Duay BCAEd-1 Date: Marh 25,2024

The learning of every daily life is growing of every ages we step on. From the
beginning to end and from younger to older their is always have parts that we form in our
mind to understand of everything we need to learn and to act from time to time experiences
that depending in the year ages. Within this Piaget’s stages of cognitive development, I
reawakened about the different stages of a humankind. The stages of cognitive development
are forms into four stages which is the sensori-motor, pre-operational, concrete-operational
and lastly the formal operational stages.
The first stage is the sensori-motor stage, I’ve learned in this stage is where the child
is a new born one which only performed drinking milk and eating to his/her own thumb. The
second stage is the pre-operational stage which is the child is already to do an innocent
actions like playing a different objects and he/she give a life of every object he/she saw or
played. I’ve also learned in this second stage that the child is still can’t fix the things or
objects he/she broke and the child is still in innocent insights of thinking to his/her mind to
understand of everything happened on his/her environment. The third stage is the concrete-
operational stage which is I’ve learned that the child is already know and understand of how
he/she fix everything of different object he/she saw. I’ve also learned that within this third
stage the child is already part in the learning progress to understand of every actions that
she/he need to do not only as a child but also as a person for the developmental progress of
the personality. Lastly, the fourth stage which is the formal operational stage, I’ve learned in
this stage that the child is already part in the middle and adolescent progress. In this stage the
child is already have an a maturity thinking and development as a teenager. The fourth stage
I’ve learned that the child is already know how to think and decide of every situation in life
that he/she will experience.
The four stages of cognitive development is I’ve already been experienced those from
born as a baby,growing as a child and a younger teenager person. If I based on my own
experinces those four stages of Piagets. In the first stage I’ve experienced to poo in my own
pampers while in the second stage is I experienced to learned to talk like pronouncing the
word “mama” and “papa” and I trying my best to walk even though its still complicated to
stand. In the second stage, which is I’m 2 years old, I’ve experienced to put a chili on my
eyes because I am curious that time of what will happened if I put the chili in my eyes, it
result a regret toward myself at that time. In the third stage, I experienced to play bahay
bahayan and make the different flower leaves like a money with my friends and I also poo in
my short pants during my grade school year that caused a toxic smell in our classroom, it is
the most embarrased thing that I’ve ever experienced in my childhood days. In the fourth
stage, I’ve experienced to fall in love in one person and I confessed to him then I got rejected
because he is in love with someone else that isn’t me. I recognized in this four stages it
looks like describing my life story on there and Piagets is the author.
In Piaget’s four stages of cognitve development, I realized that every human have a
same act in every ages that they experience in life. Living in different situations but every
ages of a person is already represent a normal life cycle of a human. The way the human to
think, to feel, and to act is reflected to the age of a human. Also, I’ve learned in Piaget’s
stages of cognitive devlopment that from new born child to adolescence there is a developing
growth of a person to do an actions of evey daily life situations. Moreover, the Piagets stages
of development describe the life-span development of a person and different kind personality
that depend in the age stages. Within those four stages I’ve also realized that every age that
pass on, there is a different adventure of experiences in the life situations as a human and as a

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