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Work out the following

a) 5615 + 1525 = ______________ b) 1975 – 856 = _______________

c) 1059 – 969 = _______________ d) 8901 + 1099 = ______________

e) 9548 – 8549 = ________________ f) 5486 + 4514 = ______________


2. Complete by using the symbols < , > or =:

1464 _____ 1993 1234 ____ 1345

1547 ______ 1574 459 ______ 0459


3. Fill in the missing numbers.

4000 + ________ + 50 + 2 = 4252

6000 + 900 + 80 + 7 = _________

_______ + 600 + 90 ______ = 1691

________ + ________ + ________ + _________ = 5823
4. Work out the following (You may use the numbers pairs to help you):

5 + 3 + 5 + 7 + 2 = _____________

7 + 9 + 2 + 1 + 8 + 3 = _______________

1 + 8 + 3 + 9 + 2 + 1 = _______________

2 + 4 + 6 + 8 + 9 = __________________

5. Complete the missing information.

2m = _______ cm 9 cm = _________ mm

45 m = __________cm 10 cm = ________ mm

_______ m = 1000 cm __________ cm = 490 mm

6. Write these numbers in words:

4589 ___________________________________________________

1908 ___________________________________________________

7001 ___________________________________________________

1010 ___________________________________________________

7. Write the following numbers as figures:

Five thousand eight hundred and twenty five _______________________

Nine thousand six hundred and twelve ___________________________

One thousand and twenty ____________________________________

Six thousand and six _________________________________


8. Round these numbers to the nearest tens:

7523 ________________ 156 _________________

1596 ________________

9. Round to the nearest hundreds:

7820 ____________ 6291 _________________

3953 ________________
10.Order the following numbers from highest to least:

1598 1958 1985 1589


2015 2105 2501 2051


11.Calculate the perimeter of the following shapes:

10 cm

2 cm

The perimeter _____________

3 cm

The perimeter _____________

12. Work out the area of the following shapes:

The area = ________________ cm2

The area = ___________ cm2


13.Work out:

25 x 4 = _____________________

49 x 6 = _________________________
26 x 3 = ____________________________

425 x 2 = __________________________

268 x 8 = _____________________________

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