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Reaping the Harvest

P. Gerard Damsteegt
Andrews University

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Damsteegt, P. Gerard, "Reaping the Harvest" (1987). Faculty Publications. Paper 53.

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Wednesday, November 11

Baptism is a highlight in the
life of God's church.

"When the grain is ripe, at once he played a gorgeous array of greens, covenant with their Lord in baptism at
yellows, browns, and reds. They
puts in the sickle, because the harvest the conclusion of an evangelistic
has come."—Mark 4:29.* shone brilliantly against the deep-blue series.
sky. Many years ago on a chilly Sabbath

I t was a balmy November Sabbath in A gentle whispering of the wind

.Korea. A little mountain lake was created a perfect atmosphere for hun-
basking in the afternoon sunlight. dreds of believers gathered together to
in the Netherlands, four individuals,
including the writer, were baptized in
an indoor swimming pool surrounded
Trees scattered about the bank dis- witness 100 new converts making a with advertising billboards. About 40

friends and church members gathered the Lord in baptism, we witness the many parts of the world. Baptisms are
around the edges of the pool. A small outcome of a long, painstaking pro- increasing as we observe a phenome-
choir provided the music. It was a cess wherein humans, as coworkers nal increase of new members, making
modest affair, yet the testimony of the with God, have unselfishly worked to the Adventist church one of the
Holy Spirit was felt just as powerfully gain the victory over the devil. At the fastest-growing churches in the world.
then as at the large baptism in Korea. moment of reaping, we rejoice, We can truly exclaim, "Praise the Lord
On each occasion, God's Spirit exclaiming, "It was worth all the for His abundant mercies!"
demonstrated the power of the blood effort!" From time to time, however, we are
of the crucified and resurrected Sav- How blessed we are to live when we rudely awakened out of our euphoria
iour, making each event thrilling and can participate in proclaiming the last when we read reports of increased
memorable. message of mercy to those we love, apostasies among our new babes in
and to others who have no one who Christ, sometimes reaching 40 or 50
Reaping Through Baptism cares enough to tell them of Jesus. percent. Why would anyone want to
The reaping of the harvest through Never have the opportunities for win- leave? What went wrong? Can we do
baptism is a highlight in the life of ning persons to Christ been so favor- anything about it? Is the preparation
God's church. When the new Chris- able. insufficient?
tian confirms his spiritual marriage to God is pouring out His Spirit in In His love God has given counsel
on how individuals can be prepared
for this momentous pinnacle of bap-
tism. Let's consider His people's true
As a Building Site
The New Testament views God's
church as a building, a temple. Its
foundation comprises the work of the
prophets and apostles, while Jesus
Christ, the Rock of Ages, makes up the
chief cornerstone. God's people are in
the business of building on this foun-
dation. Each member of His church
becomes a stone in this grown temple.
(See Eph. 2:20-22.)
The stones of God's temple are
unique and precious. They are "living
stones" (1 Peter 2:5). Not only do they
make up part of the temple but they
are also instrumental in bringing in
new stones to complete this magnifi-
cent temple. The new stones are the
new converts cut out of the quarry of a
rebellious world.
The construction of the temple is
not a haphazard work. To ensure its
success God has laid down the build-
ing code. Any departure from His
counsels will inevitably result in

Wi thout the bearing of fruit, we

would be unwise to begin reaping,
The Master Builder urges: "Be
careful how you build and what
materials you use. Sooner or later the
quality of your work will be revealed.
It is paramount to bring to the temple
materials that will stand the test of
fire—the trials, temptations, conflicts,
tribulations, and discouragements—
because the harvest is not ripe. brought about by the enemy of souls."
We can be assured that "the Chris-
of God and the faith of Jesus" (Rev.

R eadiness for baptism is better

realized when we understand the
14:12). These are not only ready for
baptism but prepared to meet their
Lord when He returns. The ultimate
fulfillment of our text on the reaping of
the harvest will take place at the
Second Advent. In that awesome day
Christ Himself will take the sickle and
meaning of this sacred ordinance. reap the harvest of the earth (Rev.
14:14-16). Then He will lead His
followers into His glorious kingdom.
tian who faithfully presents the word power may be seen in the character" I would invite each reader to accept
of life, leading men and women into (Evangelism, p. 291). Christ's loving invitation to become
the way of holiness and peace, is Thus failure to properly prepare His coworkers in reaching the
bringing to the foundation material persons for baptism has been a source unsaved. What a privileged mission to
that will endure, and in the kingdom of weakness and apostasy in the which we are called! To prepare a
of God he will be honored as a wise church. people to stand in the day of judgment
builder" (The Acts of the Apostles, p. and Christ's return!
Sacred Ordinance Consider the extravagant expendi-
Our text for today enlightens us in Readiness for baptism is better ture of love Jesus laid out in coming to
evaluating whether or not our build- realized when we understand the us. See Him dying on the cross in great
ing materials are in harmony with meaning of this sacred ordinance. It pain, in our place to pay the penalty
God's building standards. Using yet means the baptismal candidate expe- for our sins so that we may enjoy the
another metaphor, the illustration of riences the death and resurrection of gift of eternal life today and forever.
the harvest, Jesus points out when the our Lord Jesus Christ by crucifying the Can we resist such love? Right now,
material, the grain, has reached its old life. His sins are completely would you like to accept this great gift
desired quality. washed away (Acts 22:16), and he by rededicating your life fully to Him,
begins a totally new life (Rom. 6:3-6). and committing yourself as God's
Crucial Question Baptism is a public declaration that coworker to the joyful mission of
Here the crucial question is "When one has forsaken the service of Satan finishing His work? ❑
is the grain ready for the harvest?" The and has become a member of the royal
*Bible texts in this article are from the Revised
biblical answer is simple: "When the family, a child of the heavenly King. Standard Version.
grain is ripe." Then follows our In view of the sacredness of this
obvious query, "How do we know ordinance, "the test of discipleship"
when it is ripe, or how can we should be carefully applied to the Questions for Discussion
candidates to determine "whether 1. Why is a baptism one of the
evaluate its ripeness?" The Lord gives
those who profess to be converted are church's most joyful occa-
the criteria for assessing the quality of
simply taking the name Seventh-day sions?
the building material, the ripeness of
Adventists, or whether they are taking 2. What should be done to pre-
the harvest, the readiness of new
their stand on the Lord's side to come pare people for baptism?
converts for baptism. 3. How can we know when peo-
The gospel shows that the grain out from the world and be separate
and touch not the unclean thing [2 ple are ready for baptism?
ripens under the combined effects of
Cor. 6:17]" (Testimonies to Ministers, 4. Describe the significance of
hearing the Word, accepting it, and
p. 128). On the other hand, great care baptism.
bearing fruit (Mark 4:20). These three
should be taken not to judge the 5. For which harvest should we
experiences, the criteria of maturity,
motives for baptism. In His commis- prepare candidates?
should be present before a baptism
takes place. Often one is exposed to sion, Christ stressed the need of
the Word and even accepts it. But teaching others "to observe all that I P. G. Damsteegt
without the bearing of fruit, we would have commanded you" (Matt. 28:20). teaches in the
be unwise to begin reaping, because We are called to give careful instruc- Department of
the harvest is not ripe. The heart needs tion in "the saving truths of the Church History at
to be involved. "When the truth is gospel" (Testimonies, vol. 6, p. 11), the SDA Theolog-
received as truth by the heart, it has which are brought out in the three ical Seminary,
passed through the conscience, and angels' messages of Revelation 14. Andrews Univer-
has captivated the soul with its pure The faithful proclamation of the sity, Berrien
principles. It is placed in the heart by three angels' messages produces a Springs, Michi-
the Holy Spirit, who reveals its beauty quality harvest characterized as gan.
to the mind, that its transforming "those who keep the commandments

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