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Feigenbaum-He devised the concept of Total Quality

MODULE 1 Control (TQC) which inspired Total Quality Management (TQM).
Introduction to Quality Service Management in Tourism and 6. Kaoru Ishikawa-notable for rejuvenating the norm in the
Hospitality workplace. He always believed that quality should not stop in
reinventing a product alone.
Quality-consistent delivery of products and guest services according -he believed that delivering quality does not stop in purchasing the
to expected standards. product; it goes beyond the transaction itself.
International Organization for Standardization (ISO)-global 7. Genichi Taguchi-1950s onward, he developed a methodology
agency responsible for the formation of standards for applying statistics to improve the quality of manufactured goods.
-defines quality as "the totality of features and characteristics of a In Service Marketing And Management
good or service that bear on its ability to satisfy a given or implied 1.James H. Donnelly-his works, highlighted the differences between
need." the marketing "channels" used for services and those used for
Ser vice Product: product and Goods physical goods
Product-anything that we can offer to a market for 2.“Parsu”Parasuraman,Valarie A. Zeithaml,and Leonard
*attention L.Berry-"gaps model" of service quality
*acquisition -highlighted the importance of efforts made to assess quality. in
*use services.
*consumption that could satisfy a need or want, 3.Mary Jo Bitner and Bernard H. Booms-"marketing mix" for
-intangible objects as well because they can services
also be offered to a market. -took into account the distinctive characteristics of service identified
Goods-refer to physical objects for which a demand in the "crawling out" stage
exists 3Ps in marketing mix
*their physical attributes are preserved over Time *people
*their ownership can be established *process
*can exist independently of the owner *physical evidence.
*can be traded on markets 4.Christopher Lovelock- known as a pioneer in the field of
Ser vices Services Marketing
4 features IHIP characteristics -He was also known for his excellent case studies.
Intangible-they cannot be touched as they are not physical and can 5.Theodore Levitt-1983, he proposed a definition for corporate
only exist in connection to other things. purpose: Rather than merely making money, it is to create and keep a
Heterogeneous-referred to as "inconsistency" customer.
Inseparability-the production (act of delivery of service staff 6.Walt Disney-pioneered the thought of the service providers
and the consumption (guest experience) cannot be separated from not only as team players but also as "cast members" just like in a
each other. movie or theater
PERISHABLE-ervice will " perish in the very instant of its 7.Bruce Laval-conceptualized the term "guestology" and the
performance guest point of view (GPOV)
Garvin’s 8 Dimensions of Quality for Service Products
1.Performance - It is a term that refers to the basic functioning MODULE 2
features of a service product. Guestology
2. Features -In general, features are considered to be a secondary
part of performance because they are considered to be dimensions of Guestology-study of the behaviors, requirements, and expectations
quality. of individuals in a service environmen
3. Reliability -It refers to the capacity to deliver the service product Bruce Laval-"father of guestology,"
that has been promised in a reliable and accurate manner. -focuses on customer comprehension.
4. Conformance-This quality dimension specifies that the design -The study of the entirety of the visitor experience is what is meant
and qualities of a service product must be up to the standard that has by the term "guestology."
been established. -includes everything from the guests' anticipations to the actual
5. Durability -- measurement of product life outcomes and comments.
6. Serviceability -which refers to the speed, civility, competence,
and ease of repair.
7. Aesthetics-refers to the apperance of a product or service
8. Perceived Quality -is the overall opinion of the costumers toward
the product
Notable People in Service Quality
1. Walter A. Shewhart-was a physicist, engineer, and satistician
-He is also known as the "Father of Statistical Quality Control" and
connected to the Shewhart cycle
2. William Edwards Deming-was a prominent figure in the fields of
engineering, statistics, academia, and management consulting in the
United States.
-He championed the work of Walter Shewhart's, including statistical
process control, operational definitions
-and what Deming referred to as the "Shewhart cycle," which later Customer Expectations-It is of the utmost importance to have a
became known as the comprehensive and accurate understanding of client expectations in
Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) methodology. order to achieve both customer satisfaction and customer service
3.Joseph M. Juran-He revolutionized the Japanese philosophy on goals
quality management and in no small way -A customer who is going to eat at a restaurant for the first time will
worked to help shape japan's economy have different expectations than a customer who has dined at the
-the first to incorporate the human aspect of quality management restaurant multiple times in the past.
which is referred to as Total Quality Management (TQM). Variety of issues
4. Phillip B. Crosby- contributed to management theory and quality 1. Rooms -concerns extending from small sized rooms to rooms with
management practices. no modern technology
-He initiated the Zero Defects program at the 2. Arrogant and/or clueless staff - with comments ranging from
Martin Company. staff being rude and no answers to questions posed
3. Failure to respond -covering staff's failure to respond to guest Competitors -the economy is made up of unpredictably shifting
complaints major players, who are always in a state of
4. Poor delivery - covering complaints such as late service or wrong flux.
room service and long process for check-ins/outs
5. Cleanliness - with criticisms on soiled linen, carpet stains, and 4 different types interactions that exist between competitors
hair trapped in bathtubs Coexistence-is possible even when competitors interact socially with
6.Amenities and utilities - lack or inadequac of toiletries and one another
items in minibar Cooperation-is an additional type of relationship, both of which are
7. Billing - guests grumbling about having them charged extra for present in this scenario.
parking, Internet, gym Competition-is another relationship that is built on an actionreaction
Customers/Guests/Clients-play a crucial part in the pattern.
operations of businesses that are in the hospitality and tourism Connection-”co-opetition”
industries. Co-opetition-collaboration between players who are in direct
5 primary categories of clients competition.
*repeat consumers
*customers who buy on impulse Other Stakeholders and Relevant Groups
*people who buy because they need something 1.Resource Suppliers-If a company does not have access to its raw
*wandering customers materials, equipment, and other supplies, it will be unable to continue
*customers who buy on discount. operating.
2. Capital Suppliers-The providers of capital are yet another type of
Loyal customers-are the most crucial group of customers to satisfy, participant that needs to be taken into
and satisfying them should be one of a certain company's top account.
priority. 3. Labor Suppliers-As the pool of competent employees is also of
Customers who buy on impulse-ideal target audience for the highest significance, as they also shape the market, Chapter 4
suggestive marketing. examines issues on staffing and employee concerns.
need-based customers-Customers who purchase based on their
needs MODULE 4
Wandering customers-These clients create the The Guest and the Service Setting
most traffic because they don't have a particular need or want
Bargain customer-They are important to a company's cash flow Servicescape-The actual, physical environment in which the act of
because they take advantage of the best markdowns on products that providing a service is performed, distributed, and consumed
are rarely purchased at the full price
Quality and Value-quality in connection to the idea of value and Rutledge's Principles of Design
how the latter influences the interaction between service workers and 1. There ought to be a function for everything.
customers. a. Natural Elements - These components consist of the landself, as
Consumer-is ultimately the one who determines the value of a well as any
product or service. surrounding plants and water.
b. Use Areas - The floor of the dining room, the parking lot, and the
game rooms are
all examples of spaces that fall into this category.
MODULE NO. 3 C. Major Structures - These are things that pertain to buildings and
Strategies for Quality Service in Tourism an Hospitality dams in huge
Strategic planning-has seen considerable use in the production of d. Minor Structures - These include walkways, guest benches,
tangible goods. utility spaces, and
pathways and walkways.
Porter's Generic Strategies e. Forces of Nature - These include the effects of the wind, sun, and
-In his book titled "Competitive Edge," Michael Porter offersthree rain.
different tactics that might be used to achieve a competitive edge. 2. The design should cater to both the staff and the customers.
Cost leadership-focuses on generating profits by decreasing 3. Both beauty and functionality need to be present
operational costs while simultaneously decreasing prices charged to 4. Create an event that will leave a lasting impression on both the
customers. customers and the
Differentatin Leadership- is the strategic tactic of separating your staff.
produce or service from other in the industry. Theming-utilization of an overarching concept in order to produce a
Cost Focus-this does not mean a focus on means minimizing holistic and integrated
cost in a focused market arrangement of the guest experience
Differentation Focus-this does not mean a focus on differentation it 5. Create an atmosphere that is welcoming and enjoyable for both
means an orientation toward differentation from other competitors your guests and
product within a focused market your staff.
Differentiation strategy-is to distinguish an organization's products 6. Always be sure to follow the technical criteria.
or services from those of its rivals by emphasizing their 7. To fulfill requirements while incurring the minimum amount of
distinctiveness and appeal. expense possible.
Focus approach-a corporation must have a comprehensive
knowledge of the requirements posed by its clientele Importance of Servicescape
Internal and External Assessments-An organization will conduct Expectations
an internal analysis in order to take stock of the resources and assets Mood and Emotion
that it now owns. Employee Satisfaction
External analysis- a firm positions itself in the market in Service Production Factory
comparison to its competitors in the particular space it occupies is of Function Value
the utmost importance
Strategizing for the Future
Demographics- when populations shift over time, themes regarding
their socioeconomic features and patterns of
activity in tourism also shift along with them.
PHILIPPINE CULTURE Ibanag – literary means “people of the river” as they are the people
MODULE1 who settled along the banks of the Cagayan River and the northern
Major Ethnic Groups coasts of Luzon. They are concentrated within the towns of
Tagalog – famous for bayanihan spirit. Neighbors help without pay Tuguegarao, Solana, Cabagan and Ilagan. The Ibanag language
with the hope that when it is their turn to need help, their neighbors became the lingua franca for commerce.
will also be there to help Itawes – have been variously called Itawit, Itawiq, Tawish, Itawi,
Bicolanos – are religious and conservative in nature. Songs and Itaves, and Itabes. The Itawes means the people from across the
dances are their ways of expressing themselves. They prefer spicy river. In many towns, the Itawes live with the Ibanag and Ibanag
food with coconut milk (ex. Laing) became the standard language.
Warays – are stereotype as brave warriors, as in the popular phrase Ilocanos – make up the third largest ethnolinguistic group in the
“basta ang Waray, hindi uurong sa away” Philippines and is the most prominent ethnic group in the
Ilonggos – are very hospitable. They always provide for their guest Philippines. Ilocano or Iloko is a Western Austronesian language
comfort and ease at their expense. spoken in Northern Luzon, in various parts of the Philippines, and
Ilocanos – are generally known for their simple lifestyle and strong around the world.
value for money
Central Luzon Region-Rice Granary of the Philippines
-Its regional capital is in San Fernando City, Pampanga
Ilocos Norte – Laoag City
Ilocos Sur – Vigan City Aurora – Baler
La Union – San Fernando City Bataan – Balanga
Pangasinan – Lingayen Bulacan – Malolos
Nueva Ecija – Palayan
Bagnet-is a deep fried crispy pork belly dish that is similar to lechon Pampanga – San Fernando
kawali Tarlac – Tarlac City
Pinakbet-vegetables and it also has a protein component. I made use Zambales - Iba
of lechon kawali or crispy deep-fried pork belly for this recipe.
Dagupan Bangus Festival – (April 16-May4) showcases the major Pampanga-Culinary Capital of the Philippines
product of Dagupan, the milkfish or bangus; features street dancing, Bulacan- Northern Gateway From Manila
trade fairs, fluvial parade and others Sisig-Sisig refers to a finely chopped pork dish of Filipino origin.
This recipe uses pork belly and maskara (pig face).
Major Cultural Groups: Pawikan Festival – organized to increase awareness on the
The region has three (3) distinct groups: Ilocanos, Pangasinense, importance of protecting the endangered pawikan especially the baby
and Igorots. Ilocanos occupy the coastal provinces of Ilocos Norte, Olive Ridley turtles-the smallest in the world
Ilocos Sur, La Union, and certain parts of Pangasinan. The natives of Obando Fertility Dance – in honor of Sta. Clara de Asis, devotees
Pangasinan are the Pangasinenses. There are also Tingguians who from all over dances their way to the accompaniment of traditional
live in the secluded mountains of Ilocos Sur. brass bands, in order to find a lover of be rewarded with a child.
The Ilocanos are essentially rice producers but also plant Giant Lantern Festival – held every Saturday before Christmas
cash crops like tobacco and garlic. Due to limited agricultural Day, it features the largest and brightest lanterns with a colorful
potentials in Ilocos, Ilocanos are known to be thrifty, self sufficient combination and interplay of lights and sounds.
and enduring.
The Pangasinan live in the Peninsula just north of
Zambales. There is a lush area for vegetation and agriculture.
Fishing abounds by the waters of the Lingayen Gulf. They also REGION 4A – CALABARZON REGION
produce some of the best buri mats and the production of bolos.
CALABARZON-Its regional capital is Calamba City, Laguna
-"Heartland of Tagalog Culture"
Quezon-“The Coconut Capital of the Philippines”
Batangas – Batangas City
Region II- is also known to be the country's tilapia capital Cavite – Imus
Ivatans- (people of Batanes) Laguna – Santa Cruz
Quezon – Lucena
Batanes – Basco Rizal – Antipolo City
Cagayan – Tuguegarao City
Isabela – Ilagan 8 primary rays of the sun found in the Philippine Flag
Nueva Vizcaya – Bayombong *Batangas
Quirino – Cabarroguis *Bulacan
Mt. Pulag-it is secondmost prominent mountain in the *Laguna
philippinesis is domant volcano *Manila
-is famous for its "sea of clouds" *Nueva Ecija
Dalton Pass-also called Balete Pass, is a zigzag road and mountain *Pampanga
pass that joins the provinces of Nueva Ecija and Nueva Vizcaya *Tarlac
Pansit Cabagan -This pansit version makes use of miki noodles,
Lechon Carajay, and eggs similar to that of Pancit Batil Patung. Pico de Loro-also known as Mt. Palay-palay,a dormant volcano
located between Cavite and Batangas
Major Cultural Groups: Bulalo-The beef dish is flavored almost solely by the rendered-down
Ivatan – posses unique skills to be resilient with weather conditions fat and cartilage
of typhoons and drought in Batanes. They have built walls made of Pancit Habhab-Made with dried flour noodles, it's best eaten by
thick limestone and thick cogon roof for their homes. They also have getting down and dirty with your hands, making use of the banana
acquired the skill of predicting the weather the behavior of animals leaf
Sublian Festival – a two-week long festival in honor of the town’s Kini-ing -is a smoked or sun-dried piece of pork. The meat was
patron Sto. Niňo in Batangas City sliced thinly and had a smoky flavor. It was well done but the layer
Pahiyas Festival – to honor the patron saint of farmers, San Isidro of fat was too thick compared to the portion of actual meat it had.
Aginaldo shrine and museaum- top government officials lift the
Major Cultural Groups: Philippine flag here to celebrate the day, now celebrated as Araw ng
The major cultural groups in CALABARZON are the Negritos or Kalayaan or Independence Day, a national holiday. The mansion is
Aetas and the Tagalog. The Negrito group in the Philippines are now a museum.
highly dispersed, one group moving to the Pacific side of the Sierra Panagbenga Festival – a celebration of the season of different
Madre mountains and the other group toward the western side of variety of flowers
Pinatubo. The people are short, dark and have kinky hair who are
known to be hunters and gatherers well-versed in the use of bow and Major Cultural Groups:
arrow. This region is home to numerous indigenous tribes
collectively called the Igorot. Other indigenous groups in the region
MODULE 6 include Apayao, Ibaloi, Ifugao, Kalinga and Itneg.
Apayaos – inhabit the northern part of the Cordillera mountains
Ifugao – are world famous for their spectacular rice terraces
Marinduque – Boac
especially in Mayaoyao and Banaue.
Occidental Mindoro – San Jose
Ibaloi – is a large ethnic group found in Benguet province
Oriental Mindoro – Calapan City
Palawan – Puerto Princesa City
Romblon - Romblon MODULE 8
Marinduque-"the Lenten Capital of the Philippines"
Romblon-"Marble Country" Bicol region-regional capital is Legazpi City
Apo Reef National Park -one of the best known and most popular -also known as Bicolandia
diving regions in the country, and is in the tentative list for UNESCO
World Heritage Sites Albay – Legazpi City
Mt. Halcon -is the highest mountain in the island of Mindoro in the Camarines Norte – Daet
Philippines Camarines Sur – Naga City
Mt. Iglit -is a ligeslated protected area of the philppines and an Catanduanes – Virac
ASEAN heritage park Masbate – Masbate City
Tamilok -Tamilok is a popular Filipino delicacy also known as Sorsogon – Sorsogon City
‘woodworm’ because it is found in decaying, rotten logs or thick tree
trunks submerged underwater in swamps-like mangroves. Cagsawa Ruins --Cagsawa Ruins is a ruined church and parish
Moriones Festival – the most popular and unique cultural event house (casa parroquial).February 1, 1814, it was destroyed in a
depicting Jesus Christ’s passion and death. Its highlight is the strong eruption of Mayon Volcano.Its famous lone-standing bell
promenade of grotesque “morions” or colorful masked Roman tower
soldiers around the town. Mayon Volcano -is the most prominent of the volcanoes in the
region, famous for its almost perfect conical shape and for being the
Major Cultural Groups: most active in the Philippines. .
Major cultural groups are Mangyans, Tagbanwas Rodeo Masbateňo – a showcase of local cowboys in the western
(sometimes spelled as Tagbanua) and Tagalogs. style rodeo events
The Mangyans is a generic term that refers to the Major Cultural Groups:
indigenous peoples of Mindoro island. There are no indigenous groups in Bicol. The major
The Tagbanua is the most dominant ethnic group in cultural group in Bicol are the Bicolanos
Palawan. They are known for their highly involved ritual-
pagdidiwata, held to celebrate different occasions such as bountiful
harvest and weddings. MODULE 9
CORDILLERA ADMINISTRATIVE REGION Western Visayas region-Iloilo City is its regional capital.

Cordillera Administrative Region-Baguio is its regional center Aklan – Kalibo

Baguio-Summer Capital of the Philippines. Antique – San Jose de Buenavista
Capiz - Roxas City
Abra – Bangued Guimaras – Jordan
Apayao – Kabuggao Iloilo – Iloilo City
Benguet – La Trinidad Negros Occidental – Bacolod City
Ifugao – Lagawe
Kalinga – Tabuk Capiz-“Seafood Capital of the Philippines”
Mountain Province – Bontoc Batchoy -is a soup dish composed of sliced pork, pig’s innards, and
miki noodles.
Banaue Rice Terraces-"Eighth Wonder of the World" Ati-Atihan Festival – rhythmic street dancing to the beat of ethnic
Hanging Coffins of Sagada- are one of the funerary practices troubadours in honor and celebrate the feast of the Child Jesus (Sto.
among the Kankanaey people of Sagada, Mountain Province, in the Niňo). One of the most popular celebrations of the feast day of
island Luzon of the Philippines. Sto.Niňo occurs in Aklan ’
Pinikpikan -Pinikpikan came from the word “Pik Pik” which
means “to beat”. The traditional way of making this is killing a live Major Cultural Groups:
chicken by beating it to death (pik pik) and thrown into an open fire Major cultural groups in the region include Visayan and
to burn the feathers, and cleaning it afterwards. Hiligaynon (Ilonggo). The Hiligaynon occupy most of the Panay
provinces. Some commonly refer to them as the Ilonggos. It is a
language influenced by the Austronesian (Malayo-Polynesian)
DIGITALIZATION • Mobile Check-In Hotels and lodges
Hospitality Industry - is a broad category of fields within the • Strong WIFI
service industry that includes lodging, food, and drink service, • Personalized Guest Experience
event planning, theme parks, travel, and tourism. It includes • Real-Time Chats
hotels, tourism agencies, restaurants, and bars. • Smart Room Services
Digital World – is most used in digital pedagogy when
defining the need for digital citizenship, digital fluency, and AirBNB-it is a service that lets property owner rent out their
digital literacy. spaces to travelers looking for a place to stay.
-software CRM
Digitalization - is the use of digital technologies to change a MODULE 3
business model and provide new revenue and valueproducing ROBOT-its is a machine,which haw worked to complete
opportunities; it is the process of moving to a complex activities or tasks without human involvement.
digital business. Nagasaki Japan-it is location of the worlds first hotel staffed
Cloud-based CRM- is customer relationship management exclusively by robots
software that is hosted on the CRM provider's servers and Henn-na Restaurant-it is the first restaurant in the world to
accessed by its customers through the internet. be entirely staffed by robots.
Digitalization -is among the most significant changes in our Connie-it is a robot concierge ,used by hilton
quickly advancing world. Travelmate-it is an example of robotics being used for
luggage purposes.
1A-TA-this al-powered robot assists human travel agents by
quickly gathering guest preferences and needs then relaying
the info.for a seamless customer experience.
Knightscope-these robots are used to autonomously detect
concealed weapon ,helping to keep passengers safe during
their flights.
Artificial Intelligence-it can replicate human abilities in
thinking and understanding,human speech and independent
navigation are generally seen as some of its applications.
Efficient-this robots detects weapons

E-Commerce-it is the buying and selling of goods and
services or the transmitting of funds or data,over an electronic
network,primarily the internet

Why business use e-commerce

*it reduces production cost
*it allow businesses to operate 24\7
*it allow for instant payment
*it provides aacces to unlimited coverage
*it allows for interactive communication with customers
Information Technology-it is the use of any
computers,storage,networking,and other physical devices,to Contactless Payments-it is emergence of things like apple
create,process,store,secure and exchange all forms of pay and google pay also removes the need to even carry a
electronic data. wallet.
Kiosk-it is a digital device that enables guest\customer to fill Voice Search & Voice Control-The use of voice search is
in the required info. And allows consumers to order food and becoming increasingly common among customers searching
drinks by tapping the menu items on a screen instead of for and booking hotels and restaurants, so you need to respond
speaking to a person behind. to this change in behaviour and make a clear attempt to
capture these customers.
MODULE 2 Robots in Hotels & Restaurants-robots can occupy a
SMART ENERGY MANAGEMENT-The use of smart concierge role within hotels, welcoming guests and providing
thermostats and occupancy sensors can manage energy them with important customer information.
expended as per the occupancy. Chatbots-these can be used by a hotel or travel organization
-this allows hotels to track monitor and make optimum use of to provide 24\7support through online chat or messaging
energy comsumption services,even when staff are unavailable,ensuring extremely
PREDICTIVE MAINTENANCE -allows hotels to track fast response times.
monitor and make optimum use of energy consumption. Virtual Reality-This can make the difference at the stage
DATA SECURITY -The main advantage of smart when customers are ready to make a booking because it will
technology is that is accumulates data and makes it actionable. give potential customers a much clearer sense of what they
SMART MARKETING PRACTICES -An important can expect when they visit for real.
function of the hotel and lodging sector is to attract customers,
Mobile Check-In - hospitality tech is another important area
and this is where smart marketing plays a role. \
to give consideration to, because it can help to improve the
customer experience at the point of their initial arrival.
Recognition Technology -is one of the most important
emerging tech trends in general, but its potential uses in the
hospitality industry are especially interesting.

E-Commerce platform for Hotels

Website-it is the first place where guests look for info. about
the hotel
Third Party Website-this means using an online travel
agency can research and book reservation
Search Engine-A metasearch engine like TripAdvisor and
Google is a comparison tool used by travelers to compare
rates across different hotels in a given destination.
Social Media-Through these networking sites, the hospitality
industry can interact with consumers before, during, and after
the vacation experience.
Personalized Customer Recommendations-this strategy
increases customer engagement by providing personalized
recommendations based on their browsing history.
Personalized Customer Service-increases sales by
displaying more of what clients would like to have.
Retargeting-it is used to track customers who have left the
sales funnel for any reason and it is a strategic method of
reminding the client of the goods or services in which he was

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