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Inquiries, Investigations, and Immersion

SY 2023-2024 Third Quarter

Performance Task 2

Task: Brainstorming for research topic

1. Brainstorm with your group and generate ideas related to your research to be
filled in the column Topics.
2. Identify 3 specific problems you observed or experienced that you wanted to
solve or be answered through your research. Make sure key elements or
variables are identified.
3. You will be graded based on the rubrics below.

Performance Task 1 PTASK 2

Topics Specific Problems
1. Profitability 1.Despite the increasing emphasis on The Influence of Financial Literacy
financial literacy, many small businesses in on the Profitability of Small
Luacan, Dinalupihan, Bataan, struggle to Businesses in Luacan,
maintain profitability. This study aims to Dinalupihan, Bataan
investigate the influence of financial literacy
on the profitability of these small
2.While working capital management is Examining the Relationship
crucial for small businesses' financial health, Between Profitability and
there remains a gap in understanding its Working Capital in Small
relationship with profitability among Businesses in Luacan,
businesses in Luacan, Dinalupihan, Bataan. Dinalupihan, Bataan
This study aims to examine the relationship
between profitability and working capital in
small businesses operating in this area.
3.With the increasing prevalence of social Impact of Social Media
media advertising, there is a growing interest Advertising on Profitability: A
in understanding its impact on the Quantitative Analysis of Online
profitability of online sellers in Luacan, Sellers in Luacan, Dinalupihan,
Dinalupihan, Bataan. This study aims to Bataan
conduct a quantitative analysis to examine
the impact of social media advertising on the
profitability of online sellers in this area.
2.School Supply 1.With the rising inflation rate of school Analyzing the Impact of School
Price Inflation supplies, there is a growing concern about Supply Inflation on Students'
its potential impact on students' academic Academic Performance: A
performance. This study aims to investigate Quantitative Study
the factors influencing the inflation rate of
school supplies and examine the extent to
which it affects students' academic
performance in schools. Given the
established correlation between students
having their own school materials and
positive outcomes such as boosted self-
esteem, creativity, learning attitudes, and
behavior, understanding the implications of
inflation on access to these supplies is crucial
for ensuring optimal educational outcomes.
2.The escalating inflation rate of school Examining the Financial Burden
supplies poses a significant financial strain of School Supply Inflation on Low-
on low-wage parents, who struggle to afford Wage Parents: A Quantitative
the necessary materials for their children's Analysis
education. This study aims to investigate the
extent of the impact of rising school supply
prices on low-wage parents, focusing on the
challenges they face in meeting their
children's educational needs amidst
constrained financial resources.
Understanding the magnitude of this
financial burden is essential for informing
policy interventions aimed at alleviating
economic disparities and ensuring equitable
access to education.
3.The soaring prices of school supplies are Exploring Changes in Parental
prompting parents to alter their purchasing Buying Habits in Response to
behaviors, potentially impacting students' High School Supply Prices: A
educational experiences. This study aims to Quantitative Investigation
examine the effects of rising school supply
prices on parental buying habits and the
consequent implications for students' access
to necessary educational materials. By
understanding how parents adapt to
economic challenges, we can identify
strategies to support families in maintaining
educational equity despite financial
3. Purchasing 1.Despite the growing prevalence of online Analyzing the Influence of
Behavior product reviews, there remains a gap in Product Reviews on Online
understanding the precise influence of these Shopping Behavior: A
reviews on consumer behavior in the online Quantitative Study
shopping environment. This study aims to
quantitatively examine the impact of
product reviews, including their quality,
quantity, and sentiment, on consumers'
purchasing decisions across diverse product
categories. By identifying the specific factors
that significantly affect online shopping
behavior, this research seeks to provide
valuable insights for businesses aiming to
optimize their online marketing strategies
and enhance consumer satisfaction.
2.The rapid expansion of e-commerce Assessing the Effect of Online
platforms has revolutionized the shopping Shopping Convenience on
experience, offering consumers Consumer Purchase Behavior: A
unprecedented convenience. However, there Quantitative Study
is a lack of comprehensive understanding
regarding how various aspects of online
shopping convenience, such as ease of
navigation, payment options, delivery speed,
and return policies, influence consumer
purchase behavior. This study aims to
quantitatively assess the impact of online
shopping convenience on consumer
purchasing decisions, with a focus on
identifying which specific convenience
factors have the most significant influence
across different demographic segments and
product categories. By uncovering the
nuanced relationship between online
shopping convenience and consumer
behavior, this research seeks to provide
actionable insights for businesses to
enhance their e-commerce strategies and
maximize customer satisfaction.
3.The prevalence of social media platforms
as advertising channels has increased
dramatically, particularly among Generation
Z, who are known for their heavy use of
social media. However, there is a lack of
comprehensive understanding regarding the
precise impact of social media advertising on
Generation Z purchasing behavior. This study
aims to quantitatively analyze the influence
of various social media advertising
strategies, including content type, frequency,
platform choice, and influencer
collaborations, on Generation Z consumers'
purchasing decisions across different
product categories. By uncovering the
specific factorThe Impact of Social Media
Advertising on Generation Z Purchasing
Behavior: A Quantitative Analysiss that
significantly affect Generation Z purchasing
behavior on social media, this research seeks
to provide actionable insights for marketers
to optimize their social media advertising
strategies and effectively engage this
4. Small Business 1.Small businesses face increasing pressure Assessing the Effect of Digital
Challenges to adapt to digital transformation in order to Transformation Challenges on
remain competitive in today's market. Small Business Adaptation: A
However, many encounter significant Quantitative Study
challenges in this process, including limited
resources, technological barriers, and
resistance to change. Despite the
importance of digital adaptation for small
business success, there is a lack of
quantitative research examining the specific
effects of digital transformation challenges
on their ability to adapt. This study aims to
address this gap by quantitatively assessing
the impact of digital transformation
challenges, such as technological complexity,
cost constraints, and skill shortages, on small
business adaptation. By identifying key
barriers and their effects on adaptation
strategies, this research seeks to provide
actionable insights for small businesses and
policymakers to facilitate smoother
transitions to digitalized operations.
2.Small businesses increasingly rely on digital Analyzing the Role of Digital
marketing to enhance their competitiveness Marketing Challenges in Small
in today's rapidly evolving market landscape. Business Competitiveness: A
However, they often encounter various Quantitative Study
challenges in implementing effective digital
marketing strategies, including limited
budget, lack of expertise, and difficulty in
measuring ROI. Despite the critical role of
digital marketing in small business
competitiveness, there is a dearth of
quantitative research that systematically
examines the impact of these challenges on
their ability to compete. This study aims to
fill this gap by conducting a quantitative
analysis to assess the role of digital
marketing challenges in small business
competitiveness. By quantifying factors such
as budget allocation, skill gaps, and
marketing performance metrics, this
research seeks to provide valuable insights
into the relationship between digital
marketing challenges and small business
competitiveness. Ultimately, the findings will
inform strategies to overcome these
challenges and enhance the competitive
position of small businesses in the digital
3. Small businesses in Luacan, Dinalupihan, Quantifying the Effect of Market
Bataan, operate within a competitive market Competition on Small Business
environment, where factors such as the Performance in Luacan,
number of competitors, pricing dynamics, Dinalupihan, Bataan
and consumer preferences can significantly
impact their performance. However, there is
a lack of quantitative research specifically
focusing on the effect of market competition
on small business performance in this
locality. This study aims to address this gap
by quantifying the impact of market
competition on small business performance
metrics such as sales revenue, profitability,
and market share. By analyzing factors such
as the concentration ratio, pricing strategies,
and customer loyalty, this research seeks to
provide a comprehensive understanding of
how market competition influences the
performance of small businesses in Luacan,
Dinalupihan, Bataan. The findings will
contribute valuable insights to help local
small businesses devise effective strategies
to thrive in competitive market
5. Academic 1.Despite anecdotal evidence suggesting a Assessing the Relationship
Performance link between sleep quality and academic Between Sleep Quality and
performance, there is a lack of quantitative Academic Performance: A
research examining this relationship among Quantitative Study
students. This study aims to address this gap
by conducting a quantitative analysis to
assess the extent to which sleep quality
influences academic performance. By
measuring variables such as sleep duration,
sleep disturbances, and academic
achievement metrics, this research seeks to
provide empirical evidence of the impact of
sleep quality on student success.
2.Self-regulated learning techniques, Investigating the Influence of Self-
encompassing strategies such as goal setting, Regulated Learning Techniques
time management, and metacognitive skills, on Academic Success
are often touted as essential for academic
success. However, there is limited
quantitative research that systematically
examines the influence of these techniques
on academic achievement. This study aims
to fill this gap by investigating the
relationship between self-regulated learning
techniques and academic success through a
quantitative approach. By analyzing variables
such as self-monitoring behaviors, study
habits, and academic performance metrics,
this research seeks to provide insights into
the effectiveness of self-regulated learning
strategies in enhancing student outcomes.
3. Classroom participation is considered a Quantitative Assessment of
vital component of the learning process, yet Classroom Participation
there is a lack of quantitative research Strategies and Academic
examining the effectiveness of different Achievement
participation strategies in improving
academic achievement. This study aims to
address this gap by conducting a quantitative
assessment of various classroom
participation strategies and their impact on
academic achievement. By analyzing data on
participation levels, engagement techniques,
and academic performance metrics, this
research seeks to provide empirical evidence
of the relationship between classroom
participation strategies and student success.

Rubric for Specific Research Problems Evaluation:

Criteria Excellent (4) Good (3) Fair (2) Poor (1)

Clearly defined and
Clarity and specific research Well-defined with Somewhat clear but Unclear and lacks
Specificity problem. some specificity. lacks specificity. specificity.
Highly aligned with Partial alignment
Alignment with the overall research Well-aligned with but significant Not aligned with
Research Topic topic. minor deviations. deviations. the research topic.
Highly feasible and Feasible and Feasible, but may Not feasible or
Feasibility and manageable within the manageable with some pose challenges in highly challenging
Manageability given constraints. considerations. execution. to execute.
Contributes, but Little to no
Clearly contributes to Contributes to impact on contribution to
Contribution to advancing knowledge knowledge with some knowledge is advancing
Knowledge in the field. limitations. limited. knowledge.

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