A Detailed Lesson Plan For Teaching Literature (Phil Lit

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Father Saturnino Urios University

Butuan City
Teacher Education Program

A Detailed Lesson Plan in English 7

Learning Area: English 7 Quarter: 3 Duration: 60 Mins

Learning Competency: Discover literature as a tool to assert one’s unique identity

and to better understand other people by reading the given materials. EN7LT-III-

Key Concepts/Understanding to be developed:

The learner demonstrates understanding of Philippine literature as a tool to assert
one’s identity; strategies in reading informative and short narrative texts.

Approach, Method and Strategy: Moral Philosophical Approach

I. Objectives/Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:

A. identify the specific negative consequences of the Filipino sense of

B. explain the moral values of the essay;
C. express one’s own perspectives about the literary text discussed.

II. Subject Matter:

Topic: “The Pinoy Sense of Entitlement”
Jessica Zafra: ‘If you like things like security, your own house, and money in the
bank, don’t go into writing!’ (2018b, November 19).
Cnn. http://www.cnnphilippines.com/life/culture/literature/2018/11/19/jessica-
Instructional Materials: PowerPoint/Canva Presentation, Youtube Video

III. Procedure
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preliminary Activities

1. Greetings
Good morning, students!
I am Princess Joyce Oropa, but you
may call me Ms. Oropa, I will be your teacher
for today’s lesson so I hope we get along well
with each other as we proceed with our topic
for today.
Good morning, Ms. Oropa!

2. Prayer
May I request everyone to stand?
Please, lead the prayer, Ms. Flores.

Okay, Ma’am. Classmates, please

(The students will pray the Urian
3. Checking of Attendance
May I ask the classroom monitor
who is absent today?

No one is absent today, Ma’am

That’s great to hear.

4. Classroom Rules
Okay class, here are my classroom rules
for today.

1. Come to class on time.

2. Raise your hands if you want to speak.
3. Respect each other.
4. Get ready to learn.

Do we all agree to follow these rules for our

class today?

Yes, Ma’am.

B. Motivation: Answer it!

Okay, students, before we start our

lesson for today, I prepared a video for you
to watch. After watching, I will ask you some
questions about it.
Are you done watching, Class?
Yes, Ma’am.
(The teacher will pick random students to
answer the question.)

1. What is the video all about, Jericho?

It is about a man who ignores to
help his fellowmen, Ma’am.
Yes, you are right Jericho. Any other
answers? We have the same answer as
Jericho, Ma’am.
2. If you were the man in the video, would
you act the same?
No, Ma’am. I will help my fellow as
much as I can.
Wow! Very good, Chelsea! That’s a kind
gesture of yours.

Thank you for your participation class.

C. Presentation of the Lesson

At this point, let us proceed to our lesson. So,

what do you think is our topic for today?
(The teacher shows the PowerPoint
presentation of the essay)

D. Discussion

1. Pre-reading/Pre-viewing
a. Unlocking of difficulties

1.1. Before we dig deeper to our lesson, let us

have first an activity called “Guess the Word”.

Are you ready, Class?

Yes, Ma’am!
Okay let us start.
Easy level.

What’s the word that links these two pictures

together? Raise your hands if you want to
(Arabella raised her hands)

Yes, Arabella? What’s your answer?

Okay, let us see if Ara is correct.

Good job, Ara! Let us give Ara a big clap!

(The class gave Ara a big clap)
Now let us proceed to the next level.

What’s the word that links these three pictures

(Josh raised his hands)

Yes, Josh? The answer is ENTITLEMENT, Ma’am.

Okay let us see if Josh is correct.

Let us give Josh a one big clap!
(The class gave Josh a one big
Now, we are down to the last and difficult
level. Are you still with me, Class?
Yes, Ma’am!

What’s the word that links these three pictures

(Regine raised her hands)
Yes, Regine?
I think the answer is PECULIAR,
Okay let us see if Regine is correct.

Very good! Let us give Regine a one big clap!

(The class gave Regine a one big

Thank you for your participation. So, do you
have and idea on what will be our topic for
(Mechelle raised her hands)
I think its all about values, Ma’am.
Yes, it could be.

Now let us start our discussion.

(The teacher will show the PowerPoint
Presentation containing the literary text—

Our topic for today is all about “The Pinoy

Sense of Entitlement” by Jessica Zafra. Do you
still remember Jessica Zafra?
Yes, Ma’am. She also wrote the
“Geek Civilization”.

I will give you 5 minutes to read the essay


(The students are reading the

essay silently)

Are you done, Class?

Yes, Ma’am.

2. Reading/Viewing
b. Skim for main idea

(After reading, the teacher will ask the

students on what is the essay all about).

So, what does the essay tell us about

entitlement? It explores the concept of
entitlement in Filipino culture,

Yes, it is. Can you give an example that was

stated in the essay?
It says in the essay that sometimes,
We, Filipino’s, believed that we are
deserving of the privileges even
we did not work hard for it.
Yes, you are right. There are some situations
happed in our life that we feel we deserve it
just because.
The essay also argues that many
Filipinos think that they are deserve
a special treatment, Ma’am

Yes, definitely. Some of us Filipino’s think that

we are deserving of it even though it is a
harmful trait that prevents our progress.

c. Scan for theme

(After reading, the teacher will ask the
students about being humble, selfless,
accountable and responsible as a value
shown in the text)

1. What theme/s did you find in the essay?

How does it relate to you?
(Keila is raising her hands)

Yes, Keila?
Based on what we have just read,
Ma’am, I think that we must stay
humble and don’t be boastful.
Do you agree with Keila’s answer, class?
Yes, Ma’am. We should stay
humble at all times because we
never know what consequences
might happen if we let our boast
be over us.

Very good, class. We must put in our mind that

let us not be conceited about everything.
Another answer, class?
(Carl is raising his hands)

Yes Carl, do you want to answer?

We also need to selfless, Ma’am.

Why do you say so?

Because sometimes, we only think
for our own good.

Do you agree with Carl’s answer, class?

Yes, Ma’am. Because there are
times that I deserve this or that
thing just because it handed to
me. I learned that I must not just
think of myself, that we also need
to think about the people behind
Very good, Carl. I also agree with you, it is right
to not just think of ourselves, right? There are
people who are needy than us. Even though
we have the things we want already, just
because we think we deserve it, we deserve
to own it.

Any other answers, class?

(Jadereel is raising her hands)

Yes, Jadereel?
I think, Ma’am, one important
value that I found in the essay is
being accountable and

Yes correct, can you elaborate your answer,


Sometimes, when things don’t go

my way, I get angry and blame the
people that surrounds me. But I
never blame myself when it was
the consequences of my own
Very good explanation, Jadereel.
Do you agree with Jadereel, class?

Yes, Ma’am.

Yes, I also agree. When things don’t go our

way, we blame anyone around us, it may be
our family, friends, etc. but we never blame
ourselves. Sometimes, being too much of
ourselves is a bad habit, right?
Yes, Ma’am!
Thank you, Keila, Carl and Jadereel for your
answers. You all surely understand our

f. Consider other perspectives

(The teacher will ask the students opinion on
the given essay)

1. Class, do you agree with what is stated in

the essay?
Yes, Ma’am. A sense of
entitlement can be either positive
or negative depending on its

Yes, and why?

When expressed with arrogance or
disrespect, entitlement is harmful.
But when expressed with a desire
for personal and community
improvement, entitlement is a
force for good.

Correct answer! Yes, entitlement can be

either good or bad depending on the
situation and intention. For example, you are
being entitled because someone treat you
special and you are abusing it, then it is bad.
One example of good entitlement is when
you show off your grades or medal, you
showed it because you earned and work
hard for it, then it is just right to acknowledged
your achievements.

Did you understand, class?

Yes, Ma’am!

3. Post-reading/Post Viewing
c. write questions

1. Do you agree with the author’s opinion

about entitlement?
Yes, Ma’am. I also believe that the
Pinoy sense of entitlement can
lead to bad things like not taking
responsibility for your actions.
Yes, Carl also answered it earlier. Taking
responsibility of our own actions are essential.

2. Can you provide examples on how the

Pinoy Sense of Entitlement manifests in our
Most of the Filipinos expect favors
from those in power, such as
politicians and government
officials, Ma’am.

Also, some people blame others

for their failures or misfortunes.

Both of you are correct, class. Those actions

are lack of accountability and a refusal to
take responsibility for one's own actions.

F. Valuing

Do you also choose to be humble and be

selfless when you are in a tight situation?

(Charmie is raising her hands)

Yes, Charmie?
When my friends are in need of
financial problems, Ma’am, I offer
to lend them my extra money.
Wow. What a kind gesture of yours, Charmie!
Continue doing it but always remember that
you have to keep for yourself also,
Yes, Ma’am.

G. Synthesis:
What are the main points that can be found
in the text?
The text is a call to action, Ma’am.
It encourages us that we must start
working for what we want and to
not rely on others.
Any clarifications about our lesson, class?
None, Ma’am

Now that you already understand our lesson,

let us have a short quiz. Get your ballpen and
Okay, Ma’am.

H. Application/Practice
1. Identify at least two cause and effect of
“Pinoy Sense of Entitlement”. Write it in a ½
crosswise. (The teacher flashes the essay at
the board) (Objective A)

I will give you 10 minutes to answer.

Okay, Ma’am!
Are you done answering, class?
Yes, Ma’am.
Submit your papers in front.
(The students submitted their

For your next activity.

2. Group yourselves into two. Each group will
give three moral values gained in the essay.
Each group will have chosen a one
representative to share it in the class. You
have 10 minutes to discuss with your group.
(Objective B)
Okay, Ma’am.

Yes, Ma’am!
Are you all done?
Good afternoon, classmates. Me
Let us start in Group 1.
and my group gained three moral
values in the essay, first, we need
to be humble, be selfless and do
not be conceited.

Very good, Group 1. Let us give them five

(The students gave them 5 claps)
Let us hear the answers from Group 2. Good afternoon, classmates. My
group found three moral values
which are to be accountable,
responsible and the same as group
1 answer’s, to be humble at all

Very good, Group 2. Let us also give them 5

(The students gave them 5 claps)
For your last activity, get 1 whole sheet of
paper and answer what is asked.

I. Evaluation
From the given phrases, choose one that
relates to you and write a reflection paper
about it. One paragraph only with at least 5
sentences. (Objective C)

Felt entitled Being Being selfless

To held To be Being
accountable responsible conceited

CONTENT – 5 points
Total – 20 points
Take your time. You have 10 minutes to

Are you done? Pass your papers. (The students submitted their

For your assignment, Read the Twisted 1 by

Jessica Zafra to be studied in the next class.
Okay’ Ma’am.
Any questions or clarifications before we end,
None so far, Ma’am.
Okay, class dismissed.
IV. Assignment
. 1. Read the Twisted 1 by Jessica Zafra to be studied in the next class.

Prepared by:

Princess Joyce Oropa

Approved by:

Mrs. Grace B. Lumacang

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