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Automation in Construction 20 (2011) 799–807

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Automation in Construction
j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w. e l s ev i e r. c o m / l o c a t e / a u t c o n

Nondestructive identification of delaminations in concrete floor toppings with

acoustic methods
Jerzy Hola, Lukasz Sadowski, Krzysztof Schabowicz ⁎
Institute of Building Engineering, Wroclaw University of Technology, Plac Grunwaldzki 11, 50-377 Wroclaw, Poland

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This paper presents an original methodology for the nondestructive identification of delaminations in
Accepted 26 February 2011 concrete floor toppings by means of the combined impulse-response and impact-echo acoustic methods. It is
Available online 31 March 2011 demonstrated that the impulse-response method is highly suitable for the fast exploration of large stretches
of concrete floor and rough location of defective areas while the impact-echo method is ideal for the precise
location of the boundaries of the areas. If the surface area of the tested floor topping is large, the
Nondestructive tests
nondestructive tests can be automated by mounting the equipment on a special scanner or robot. An example
Acoustic methods of the practical use of the proposed methodology is presented. It confirms the usefulness of the methodology
Impulse-response for the nondestructive identification of delaminations in large-area concrete floor toppings.
Impact-echo © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction An interesting alternative is the use of nondestructive test

methods to test floor toppings (particularly large ones). In order to
The durability of concrete floor toppings is to a large degree precisely locate delaminated areas in the topping it is recommended
determined by their pull-off (from the concrete base) strength. In to use jointly two nondestructive test methods: the impulse-response
practice there are cases in which, because of serious errors made method and the impact-echo method. These state-of-the art acoustic
during the laying of the topping, this strength may be equal to zero in methods were described by Davis [4], Sansalone and Strett [5] and in
some areas. This is tantamount to delamination at the concrete base/ the ACI 228.28–98 report[6].
floor topping interface. The defective areas reduce the durability of the
floor topping whereby the latter is shortly put out of service. For this 2. State of the art
reason (among others), prior to accepting and putting floor toppings
(particularly ones covering large areas and heavily loaded) into The identification of delaminations in concrete toppings was
service, tests are carried out to early detect any areas in which investigated by Delatte et al. [7]. They proposed a way for making a
delamination may have occurred. Drill cores are pulled off the map of delaminations determined by the pull-off method. Also
concrete base in the way described in American standard ASTM D Garbacz et al. [8] proposed the use of the pull-off method to produce
7234 [1] and European standard EN 12504-3:2006 [2]. The pulling off a delamination map on the surface of layered concrete elements,
force equal to zero indicates that a delamination is present in the including floor toppings with an overlaid repair layer. Davis et al. [9]
tested place. and Hertlein and Davis [10] recommended the nondestructive
The effectiveness of the pull-off method in such tests significantly impulse-response method to search for delaminations in concrete
depends on the number of drill cores. In order to precisely determine floor toppings. Ottosen et al. [11] and Garbacz [12] proposed the use of
the size and boundaries of a detected faulty area for repair planning the nondestructive impact-echo for this purpose. They successfully
purposes, a denser test grid should be used (by increasing the number applied the impact-echo method to small-area floors. Nevertheless,
of boreholes). But then the labour intensity of such tests increases. In cases of applying combined impulse-response and impact-echo
addition, the areas in which boreholes are drilled need to be repaired. methods to delamination identification are hard to find in the
These drawbacks become particularly apparent when floor toppings literature on the subject. It was Oh at al. [13] who came up with
covering large areas (from a few to tens of square meters) are tested. this observation.
On the basis of their own experience Hola et al. [14] concluded that
the nondestructive impulse-response and impact-echo methods com-
⁎ Corresponding author.
bined are complementary and highly useful in identifying delamina-
E-mail addresses: (J. Hola), tions, particularly in large-area floor toppings. From amongst the
(L. Sadowski), (K. Schabowicz). arguments for this conclusion one should mention the fact that in the

0926-5805/$ – see front matter © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
800 J. Hola et al. / Automation in Construction 20 (2011) 799–807

Fig. 1. Idea of impulse-response method: a) measuring system, b) typical mobility N versus frequency curve, c) typical trace of elastic force F generated by hammer, d) typical trace of
elastic wave velocity w recorded by geophone.

impulse-response method test points can be as far apart as 2000 m impact-echo method, the measuring points are closely spaced (a few
whereby this method is not very accurate. However, it is suitable for tens of millimetres apart). For this reason, in the case of larger floors this
quick searching of large flat surfaces and for the approximate method is more labour-intensive. But it is ideal for the precise
identification of areas in which delaminations occurred. As regards the identification of the boundaries of the area previously detected by the

Fig. 2. Idea of impact-echo method: a) measuring kit, b) exciters and measuring probes, c) typical amplitude-frequency spectrum for floor topping thickness measurement, d) typical
amplitude-frequency spectrum indicating defect in floor topping, e) typical amplitude-frequency spectrum indicating delamination in floor topping (when topping and base are
made of different materials).
J. Hola et al. / Automation in Construction 20 (2011) 799–807 801

Fig. 3. Graphic illustration of nondestructive identification of delaminations in concrete floor topping by means of impulse-response and impact-echo methods.
802 J. Hola et al. / Automation in Construction 20 (2011) 799–807

Fig. 4. Typical crack in floor topping.

impulse-response method. Nondestructive tests conducted by the two 3. Brief description of the methods
methods can be easily automated by mounting the test equipment on a
special scanner or robot [3]. 3.1. Impulse-response method
Considering the above, this paper presents a methodology for the
nondestructive identification of delaminations in concrete floor The nondestructive impulse-response method consists of gener-
toppings by means of the combined impulse-response and impact- ating an elastic wave in the tested concrete element by striking its
echo methods. surface with a calibrated rubber-ended hammer. The tested element is

Fig. 5. Fragment of tested floor topping: fields marked with letters A–F and faulty area approximately located by impulse-response method, b) exemplary arrangement of measuring
points in field C, c) way of testing by impulse-response method.
J. Hola et al. / Automation in Construction 20 (2011) 799–807 803

struck at selected measuring points. The elastic wave propagating in Table 1

the element is registered by a geophone and simultaneously amplified Mobility and stiffness values in tested fragment of floor, determined by impulse-
response method.
by an amplifier. The registered signals are further processed by a
dedicated software installed in a laptop (Fig. 1). Segment Point Mobility Stiffness Segment Point Mobility Stiffness
First the value of elastic force F generated by the hammer is analyzed. no. no. no. no.
Nav Kd Nav Kd
According to [11], it depends on element location x and it is an integral of [m/(s·N)] [m/N] [m/(s·N)] [m/N]
the product of time-dependent function t and exponential function e A 1 5.23 0.27 B 1 6.21 0.21
dependent on the product of imaginary number i, dominant frequency 2 6.91 0.25 2 5.99 0.22
ϖ and time t: 3 6.97 0.21 3 6.78 0.22
4 8.06 0.22 4 6.72 0.21
5 8.99 0.22 5 8.11 0.23
∞ 6a 16.01 0.04 6 7.89 0.22
F ðx; ϖÞ = ∫ f ðt Þe dt: ð1Þ 7 7.03 0.21 7a 16.89 0.09
−∞ 8 7.59 0.21 8a 17.82 0.11
9a 16.11 0.05 9 8.02 0.23
C 1 5.11 0.21 D 1a 17.95 0.09
In the case of concrete and reinforced concrete structures, the 2 6.12 0.22 2a 18.82 0.10
value of this force should be in the range of 4–6 kN at a frequency of 3a 15.91 0.11 3 7.01 0.21
200 Hz (as shown in Fig. 1c). The trace of elastic wave velocity 4 7.23 0.22 4a 18.91 0.11
5 6.01 0.23 5a 16.99 0.10
w registered by the geophone should be without interference.
6a 17.99 0.09 6 7.10 0.22
According to the relation given in [11], the value of velocity w is 7 4.23 0.21 7a 17.95 0.09
defined as an integral of function w, dependent on element location x 8 6.90 0.22 8a 15.86 0.11
and time t, and exponential function e dependent on the product of 9a 16.93 0.10 9 7.14 0.21
E 1 7.51 0.22 F 1a 17.87 0.09
imaginary number i, dominant frequency ϖ and time t:
2 7.43 0.21 2a 16.11 0.09
3 7.81 0.22 3 5.61 0.21
∞ 4 5.32 0.23 4 5.65 0.22
wðx; ϖÞ = ∫ wðx; t Þe dt: ð2Þ 5 6.47 0.26 5 6.88 0.25
−∞ 6 6.91 0.22 6 5.12 0.21
7 8.19 0.27 7 6.78 0.21
8 6.22 0.24 8 7.95 0.22
This means that the geophone should register only one elastic 9 6.74 0.22 9 7.13 0.21
wave velocity maximum in 200 μs, while the rest of the trace should a
Points at which mobility is high while stiffness is low.
oscillate around an average value as shown in Fig. 1d. The mobility
trace is subjected to a preliminary analysis. According to [11], mobility
N is defined as the ratio of maximum velocity wmax and maximum
3.2. Impact-echo method
elastic force Fmax generated by the hammer:

The measuring kit used in the nondestructive impact-echo method

N= : ð3Þ is shown in Fig. 2. The kit includes measuring probes with exciters in
Fmax the form of a set of steel balls of different diameters and a laptop. The
method consists of exciting an elastic wave in the tested element by
A mobility trace is considered useful if mobility increases linearly striking its surface with an exciter. The specialized software enables
in the range of 0–80 Hz, whereas in the range of 100–800 Hz it the recording of the graphic image of the elastic wave propagating in
oscillates around average Nav, as shown in Fig. 1b. the tested element in the amplitude-time system and the conversion
If the above conditions are satisfied, the obtained results should be of this image into an amplitude-frequency spectrum by means of the
processed using the dedicated software. As a result, the values of five fast Fourier transform or artificial neural networks [15]. The spectrum
characteristic parameters in the individual points, and ultimately is subjected to further analysis.
maps of the distribution of the parameters on the surface of the tested According to [5], this method uses the dependence (described by
floor topping, will be obtained. The parameters are: average mobility relation (4)) between frequency fD, elastic wave velocity in concrete
Nav, stiffness Kd, mobility slope Mp, mobility times mobility slope Nav Cp and the depth at which the defect occurs or element thickness D:
Mp and voids index v. In practice, the most useful guide for the
location of delaminations in concrete floor toppings are maps of the 0:96⋅Cp
fT = : ð4Þ
distribution of parameters Nav and Kd. For the sake of clarity, it is 2⋅D
worth adding that:
- average mobility Nav is an average value of this parameter in the In the amplitude-frequency one can distinguish dominant fre-
frequency range of 100–800 Hz, as a function of element thickness quency fD1 corresponding to element thickness, and frequency fD2
(Fig. 1d). If this value increases locally on the mobility map, this corresponding to the reflection of the elastic wave from the defect. If
means that the material is susceptible to deflection, which may be no defect (delamination) occurs in the tested element, one can
indicative of a smaller element thickness, delamination, honey- determine element thickness D1 using the amplitude-frequency
combing in the concrete layer or a surface crack at the particular spectrum and transforming relation (4) into relation (5), as shown
measuring point; in Fig. 2c:
- stiffness Kd is understood as the cotangent of angle α of the
mobility curve slope in the frequency range of 0–80 Hz (Fig. 1d). 0:96⋅Cp
D1 = : ð5Þ
Knowing the stiffness value one can infer the quality of the bond 2⋅fD1
between the layers, and in particular the presence or absence of
delamination at the interface. A local decrease in stiffness on the If delamination occurs, the amplitude-frequency spectrum has the
map may indicate the lack of interaction between the layers or a form shown in Fig. 2d. It includes a dominant frequency
smaller slab thickness. corresponding to the reflection ( fD2) of the elastic wave from the
804 J. Hola et al. / Automation in Construction 20 (2011) 799–807

Fig. 6. Area tested by impact-echo method: a) precisely located area and delamination boundary, b) field B with marked grid of measuring points (crosses mark points for which
results are shown in Table 2).

defect. Using relation (4) one can calculate the depth (from the In stage 1, floor topping areas in which there is no adhesion at the
surface of the floor topping) at which the defect occurs. topping/base interface are approximately identified by the impulse-
response method. For this purpose a grid of n measuring points spaced
0:96⋅Cp at every 1000 mm (keeping a minimum distance of 500 mm from the
D2 = : ð6Þ edge) should be marked on the floor topping to be tested. If the
surface area of the floor topping is considerable, it is recommended
that the spacing of measuring points be increased. The test can be
automated by mounting the equipment on a special scanner.
4. Methodology for nondestructive identification Then an elastic wave is generated at each of the measuring points
of delaminations in the measuring grid by means of the calibrated hammer and each
time the value of elastic force F is generated by the hammer, the trace
The proposed methodology for identifying delaminations in of elastic wave velocity w and the trace of mobility N are analyzed. The
concrete floor toppings by means of a combination of two nonde- conditions which should be satisfied in order for the results to be
structive acoustic methods, i.e. the impulse-response method and the acceptable are given in Section 3.1.
impact-echo method, is shown graphically and described in Fig. 3. If the results are satisfactory, they should be processed using the
The nondestructive identification of delaminations should be specialized software. As a result, the values of five characteristic
conducted in two stages. parameters: average mobility Nav, stiffness Kd, mobility slope Mp,
J. Hola et al. / Automation in Construction 20 (2011) 799–807 805

Table 2
Exemplary frequency (corresponding to element thickness) and elastic wave velocity measurements in defective area.

Segment No. of points on Frequency Frequency in place where No. of points on Frequency Frequency in place where
no. measuring grid corresponding to defect (delamination) measuring grid corresponding to defect (delamination)
(column/row) element thickness [kHz] occurs [kHz] (column/row) element thickness [kHz] occurs [kHz]

A 38/26 2.10 – 22/18 2.11 34.42

38/23 2.11 34.55 20/18 2.12 –
35/23 2.09 – 22/12 2.11 –
35/21 2.14 34.50 24/12 2.13 34.41
29/20 2.08 – 24/8 2.10 –
29/18 2.08 34.41 27/8 2.11 34.41
B 27/33 2.09 – 25/14 2.09 –
25/27 2.10 – 29/23 2.10 34.40
28/33 2.08 34.43 28/10 2.08 –
28/27 2.09 34.45 27/19 2.12 34.44
28/26 2.11 – 26/14 2.14 34.46
25/25a 2.11 34.44 31/11 2.13 –
28/25a 2.11 – 31/12 2.06 34.46
26/19 2.09 – 36/12 2.11 34.41
36/11 2.11 –
C 4/18 2.07 – 20/13 2.12 34.49
4/16 2.14 34.44 26/13 2.11 –
9/18 2.07 – 26/12 2.13 34.43
9/16 2.12 34.42 28/15 2.11 34.45
15/15 2.08 – 28/13 2.10 34.46
15/13 2.13 34.41 33/14 2.08 –
20/15 2.06 – 33/12 2.13 34.44
D 4/12 2.11 34.42 19/12 2.08 –
4/10 2.14 – 27/14 2.09 34.39
9/13 2.13 34.45 17/13 2.08 –
9/10 2.08 – 30/15 2.06 34.41
15/15 2.12 34.41 30/13 2.10 –
15/13 2.10 – 39/18 2.14 34.44
19/15 2.11 34.39 39/17 2.07 –
E 5/14 2.12 – 11/11 2.11 –
5/13 2.14 34.41 11/10 2.12 34.40
F 13/36 2.10 34.42 15/36 2.11 –
13/29 2.11 34.43 15/29 2.06 –
11/25 2.13 34.41 13/25 2.11 –
10/21 2.07 34.43 12/21 2.15 –
5/19 2.12 34.41 7/19 2.11 –
Points at which exploratory boreholes were drilled.

mobility times mobility slope Nav·Mp voids index w are determined The results of the nondestructive identification of delamination
for each point in the measuring grid. Then maps of the distribution of can be practically verified through test pits made in a randomly
the parameter values on the floor topping surface are produced. By selected place(s).
closely examining the maps one can identify approximately the areas
in which delamination occurs. 5. Example of using the methodology
In stage 2, defective areas (particularly their boundaries) are more
precisely identified. The impact-echo method is used for this purpose. 5.1. Short description of tested floor topping
First, a grid of k measuring points (at a 100 × 100 mm spacing) is
marked in the area detected and approximately identified in stage 1. A faulty concrete floor topping with an area of 2000 m2 in a
Then in each of the points an elastic wave is excited by means of an multistorey car park was subjected to testing. The topping was 55 mm
exciter and the amplitude-time spectrum is recorded. Subsequently, thick. On the lowest storey the topping had been laid on a base in the
the spectrum is converted into an amplitude-frequency by means of form of an 850 mm thick concrete foundation slab and on the higher
the dedicated software using the fast Fourier transform algorithm. storeys it had been laid on a 250 mm thick concrete floor slab. Expansion
Finally, the amplitude-frequency spectrum obtained in each of the gaps dividing the surface into 2200× 4000 to 4000 × 4000 mm fields had
points (Section 3.2) should be analyzed to determine whether been made in the floor topping. After about one year of service, defects,
delamination occurs. such as cracks (Fig. 4) and buckling of some field corners, appeared in
the concrete floor topping. The concrete floor topping would curl under

Fig. 7. Elastic wave amplitude-frequency spectrum for measuring point 28/25 in field B Fig. 8. Elastic wave amplitude-frequency spectrum for measuring point 25/25 in field B
(no delamination present in floor). (delamination present in floor).
806 J. Hola et al. / Automation in Construction 20 (2011) 799–807

Table 3
Elastic wave velocities in tested floor, frequencies corresponding to element thickness and frequencies at places where delamination occurs, for points 28/25 and 25/25 (where test
pits were later made) in field B.

No. of points on Velocity of elastic Velocity of elastic Mean velocity Frequency corresponding Frequency in Element Depth at which
measuring grid wave in floor wave in groundslab of elastic wave to element thickness defective place thickness defect is located
Cp1 Cp2 Cp fD1 fD2 D1 D2
[m/s] [m/s] [m/s] [kHz] [kHz] [mm] [mm]

28/25 (test pit 2) 3200 4000 3947 2.11 - 900 -

25/25 (test pit 3) 3200 4000 3947 2.11 34.44 900 55

moving vehicles. In winter, water from melting snow carried by the in Fig. 8 were obtained during the tests. Such a signal occurs when the
tyres of cars would penetrate into the cracks. As cars drove onto the floor excited ultrasonic wave is reflected from the bottom and from a
topping the water would be squeezed out and then would penetrate defect. Consequently, two characteristic frequency values are sub-
into the cracks. Hence it was suspected that there was extensive damage jected to analysis. The first dominant frequency fD1 (corresponding to
(lack of cohesion at the topping/underlay interface) in the floor. In order the element thickness) is 2.11 kHz while the second value
to locate defective areas and their boundaries a decision was made to corresponding to the frequency (fD2) at the place where the defect
carry out nondestructive acoustic tests. The impulse-response method is present is 34.44 kHz (Table 2). It was calculated from Eq. (3) that
and the impact-echo method were used for this purpose. the defect occurs at a depth of about 55 mm, i.e. at the topping/base
(foundation slab) interface. This means that delamination is present at
the measuring points for which the spectrum shown in Fig. 8 was
5.2. Exemplary test results and their analysis obtained.
The values of the elastic wave velocity, the frequency
The whole area of the floor topping was subjected to testing, but corresponding to element thickness and the frequency in the place
here only the tests carried out on a 100 m2 fragment of the floor where delamination occurs, for the two different amplitude-frequen-
topping laid on the lowest storey are presented. The tested fragment cy spectra obtained while testing the floor in measuring points 28/25
covered six 3800 × 4000 mm fields denoted by the letters A–E (Fig. 5). and 25/25 (in which test pits were later made) in field B are compiled
In accordance with the proposed methodology, first the floor was in Table 3.
tested by the impulse-response method. In addition, in order to verify the nondestructive test results, two
Measuring points were marked on a grid of squares with an 800– test pits (marked in Fig. 6) were made. No delamination was found to
1000 mm side, as shown in Fig. 5. An elastic wave was generated at be present in test pit 2, whereas in test pit 3 delamination was found
each of the points by striking the floor topping's surface with the to be present at the topping/base interface (Table 3).
hammer (Fig. 5c).
Exemplary test results for this fragment of the floor topping are
6. Conclusion
shown in Table 1. It is apparent that mobility is high (15–20) and
stiffness is low (0–0.2) in the measuring points: 6 and 9 in field A, 7
An original methodology for the nondestructive identification of
and 8 in field B, 3, 6 and 9 in field C, 1, 2, 4, 5, 7 and 8 in field D and 1
delaminations in concrete floor toppings by means of state-of-the-art
and 2 in field F. At the other measuring points mobility is low (5–10)
acoustic test methods: the impulse-response method and the impact-
and stiffness is above 0.2.
echo method has been presented. The nondestructive test methods
It is highly probable that delamination is present in the places
are not commonly used and so they are less known. Therefore a short
where mobility is high while stiffness is low. In Table 1 the points are
description of them was included to facilitate the understanding of
marked with an asterisk. This was verified by a test pit made in field D
the proposed methodology.
(Fig. 5): a delamination was found to be present at the topping/base
Two stages are distinguished in the proposed procedure. In stage 1,
interface. On the basis of the test results the defective area was
in which a floor topping is investigated by the impulse-response
approximately located, as illustrated in Fig. 5a.
method, delaminations are approximately identified. In stage 2, in
In order to precisely determine the boundaries of the defective
which the floor topping is investigated by the impact-echo method,
area located by the impulse-response method, tests were carried out
the delamination areas and boundaries are precisely identified. If the
using the impact-echo method. The P-wave speed in the concrete was
surface area of the tested floor topping is large, the nondestructive
measured according to [15]. A grid of k measuring points (at a
tests can be automated by mounting the equipment on a special
100 × 100 mm spacing) was marked in this area, as shown in Fig. 6b
scanner or robot.
for field B. An elastic wave was excited (by means of an exciter placed
An example of the practical use of the proposed methodology was
in the impact-echo apparatus head) at the measuring points adjacent
presented. It confirmed the usefulness of the methodology for the
to the approximately located boundary of the faulty area (Fig. 2b).
nondestructive identification of delaminations in large-area concrete
Then using the dedicated software with the fast Fourier transform, the
floor toppings.
signals were converted to obtain an amplitude-frequency spectrum of
the registered elastic wave. Exemplary test results are shown in
Table 2. References
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