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DNA Structure and the Genome

DNA is a polymer made up of two strands forming a double helix. The DNA is coiled up into
structures called chromosomes which are found in the nucleus of a cell. Genes are small sections
of DNA on a chromosome. Each gene codes for a particular sequence of amino acids that fold into
a specific protein.

1. Use the information from the paragraph above to annotate the diagram.
You should name and describe each part in your annotations.

DNA is a polymer made from four different nucleotides. Each nucleotide consists of a phosphate
group linked to a common sugar, with one of four different bases attached to the sugar.

2. Use the information to label the diagram below with the following key words.

phosphate sugar base nucleotide

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DNA Structure and the Genome

DNA contains four bases, A, C, G and T. The base C is always linked to a G on the complementary
strand and an A is always linked to a T.
A sequence of three bases is the code for one particular amino acid. The order of the bases
controls the order in which the amino acids are assembled to produce a specific protein.
When the protein chain is complete it folds up to form a 3D shape. This shape allows the protein
to do its job in the body. A mutation may code for a protein with a different shape which can affect
the job that the protein does. For example, an enzyme may no longer fit the correct substrate.

3. Complete the boxes in the diagram to show the bases on the complementary strand.


4. The sequence of DNA in the diagram above codes for a short chain of amino acids.

a. How many amino acids does this sequence code for?

b. Explain your answer.

5. Explain how a mutation in this sequence could result in a change in the protein.

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DNA Structure and the Genome

The genome of an organism is the entire genetic material of that organism. In humans, almost
every cell in the body contains 46 chromosomes where most of this genetic material is found. It is
useful for us to understand the human genome for three main reasons:

• It helps us to search for genes that are linked to different types of disease. This gives us
more information on the risk of people developing the disease and might allow us to reduce
the risk by encouraging lifestyle changes or interventions.

• It helps us to understand and treat inherited disorders. The more we know about faulty
genes, the more chance we have at developing treatments to overcome them.

• We can use the information to trace human migration patterns from the past. This helps us
to understand human evolution and history.

6. Write down the definition of the word ‘genome’.

7. You work for an organisation that sequences genomes. You have been asked to give a
iiiiipresentation to investors that persuades them to fund your research. Plan a script for the
iiiiipresentation that will convince the investors to finance your work.

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