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Bunawan, Agusan del Sur


(Written Report )

Compiled by:

BSED Science 3A

At the end of the lesson , the students shall be able to:
1. Define biomes ;
3. Describe what the climate like in each biome;
4. Compare and contrast the aquatic and grassland biomes, based on their unique
5. Participate in a nature walk or outdoor activity to observe and document the characteristics
of a local biome.


The relativity of simultaneity is the concept that simultaneity is not absolute, but
dependent on the observer. That is, according to the special theory of relativity
formulated by Albert Einstein in 1905, it is impossible to say in an absolute sense
whether two events occur at the same time if those events are separated in space.
Where the event occurs in a single place—for example, in a car crash—all observers
wherever they are can agree that one car crashed with the other at the same time. But
where the events are separated in space, such as one car crashing in America and
another in Australia, the question of whether such events are simultaneous is relative;
some may calculate the two accidents as happening “at the same time” and others,
looking at the events while in a different state of motion, will view the American
crash as occurring first, while still others can view the Australian crash as occurring
first. Einstein’s special theory demonstrates that there are occasions when there is no
“correct” answer, where no observer has a privileged status, and all the observers can
claim to be “correct” even if their ordering of events disagree with each other.

Aquatic biomes, on the other hand, are characterized by the presence of water and
include oceans, rivers, lakes, and wetlands. They are adapted to the unique challenges
of living in water, such as buoyancy and fluid dynamics. Some of the unique
characteristics of aquatic biomes include:

- Salinity levels that can vary widely, from freshwater to saltwater

- Temperature ranges that can also vary widely, from cold polar waters to warm
tropical waters
- Aquatic plants that are adapted to living in water and may have specialized
structures for photosynthesis and nutrient uptake

- A wide variety of aquatic animals, including fish, reptiles, birds, and

mammals, that have adapted to the challenges of living in water

 Aquatic biomes include both freshwater and marine biomes.

1. Freshwater biomes are bodies of water surrounded by land—such as ponds,

rivers, and lakes—that have a salt content of less than one percent. Marine

biomes cover close to three-quarters of Earth’s surface.

2. Marine biomes include the ocean, coral reefs, and estuaries.

Grassland biomes are characterized by their vast expanses of grasses and few trees. They are
adapted to frequent fires and grazing by large herbivores. Some of the unique characteristics
of grassland biomes include:

- Deep, nutrient-rich soils that support the growth of tall grasses

- Grasses that are able to withstand droughts and fires by growing from their
extensive root systems

- Grazing animals, such as bison and antelope, that help maintain the grassland
by preventing the growth of woody plants

- Birds, such as prairie chickens and meadowlarks, that require open grasslands
for nesting and feeding

 Grasslands are open regions that are dominated by grass and have a warm, dry
climate. There are two types of grasslands:

1. Tropical grasslands (sometimes called savannas) and temperate grasslands.

Savannas are found closer to the equator and can have a few scattered tree.
They cover almost half of the continent of Africa, as well as areas of
Australia, India, and South America.
Warm and wet all year round, with high humidity and frequent rainfall.

2. Temperate grasslands are found further away from the equator, in South
Africa, Hungary, Argentina, Uruguay, North America, and Russia. They do
not have any trees or shrubs, and receive less precipitation than savannas.
Prairies and steppes are two types of temperate grasslands; prairies are
characterized as having taller grasses, while steppes have shorter grasses.

Mild temperatures and moderate precipitation, with distinct seasons.


Participate in a nature walk or outdoor activity to observe and document the

characteristics of a local biome.

1. Bring a notebook and camera to record your observations.

2. Take note of the dominant plant species, animal life, weather patterns, soil type,
and any other unique characteristics of the biome you are exploring.

3. You can also record any adaptations you observe in the organisms living in the
biome and their ecological functions within the ecosystem.

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