CARADY Business Plan 1 6

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Jonhrick Aguilar

Mike Bunag

Cassandra De Torres

Jun Hirata

Joijen Princess Gonzales

Patrisha Pangilinan

Trixie Heart Tadiaman

Carady Company


Unit B GPG Bldg. San Juan Accfa, Pan-Philippine Hwy,

Cabanatuan City, 3100 Nueva Ecija

Patrisha Pangilinan



1. Executive Summary …………………………………………………………………………………...5

1.1 Mission ……………………………………………………………………………………………...5

1.2 Company ……………………………………………………………………………………………5

1.3 Product ……………………………………………………………………………………………...5

1.4 Target Market ……………………………………………………………………………………….5

1.5 Competition …………………………………………………………………………………………5

2. Market Analysis and Competition..………………………………………………………………..6

2.1 Target Market ………………………………………………………………………………………6

2.2 Product Offered …………………………………………………………………………………….6

2.3 Product Demand ……………………………………………………………………………………7

2.4 Competitors ………………………………………………………………………………………...7

2.5 Market Analysis ……………………………………………………………………………………8

3. Sales and Marketing Plan …………………………………………………………………………..9

3.1 Product Offerings …………………………………………………………………………………..9

3.2 Pricing Strategy ……………………………………………………………………………………10

3.3 Sales and Distribution ……………………………………………………………………………..10

3.4 Advertising and Promotion ………………………………………………………………………..11

4. Ownership and Management Plan …………………………………………………………………..12

4.1 Ownership Structure ……………………………………………………………………………...12

4.2 Management Team ……………………………………………………………………………….12

5. Operating Plan ………………………………………………………………………………………..12

5.1 Production ………………………………………………………………………………………..15

5.2 Facilities ........................................................................................................................................16

5.3 Staffing ..........................................................................................................................................17

5.4 Equipment ………………………………………………………………………………………..18

5.5 Supplies …………………………………………………………………………………………..20

6. Financial Plan …………………………………………………………………………………………21

6.1 Income Statements ………………………………………………………………………………..21

6.2 Cash Flow Projections ……………………………………………………………………………22

6.3 Balance Sheet …………………………………………………………………………………….23

Section 1: Executive Summary
Our business decided to provide healthy quality product, economical price, outstanding
service, and loyalty to suppliers. Achieving these factors, our company can give assurance to our
customer to buy our product consistently and also receive positive feedback that can encourage
people to advertise our product.

The Company
Our Carady Company was found by Ms. Patrisha Pangilinan and her team on last
December of 2020. The products that we produce were made from fresh star fruit and also
known for its name the balimbing. Our company manage to make this amazing product to help
the people to boost their immune system specially in our situation right know the spread of the
covid-19 and, also for those people who has health concern on eating candies. Carady Company
was built as Sole Proprietorship which means the owner of our company is the one who makes
all the management and business decision.

Carady Company offers Carambola Candy. Carady is a food product in a candy form
which is made from carambola or more known as balimbing. Balimbing is a fruit that has been
normally planted and seen in tropical countries like Philippines. The candy product is rich in
Ascorbic acid or Vitamin-C that is necessary for our body for the boosting of our immune
system. The product that we offer is good for our health and it can not cause any harm to you
because it will be naturally made from balimbing.

Target Market
The target customers for Carady product are the consumers such as children, adolescents,
adult or even elderly. It is for those people who are too conscious about eating too much sweet
and fed up of repeating flavors. It has this unique flavor, an exact amount of sweetness and
health benefits at the same time. The market will also be expanded further by featuring our
product on the internet, it will be advertised and people will be eager to try it.

The Carady Company’s direct competitors are the candy manufacturers that produce new
product while the indirect competitors are the company who offers different tasty pastries that
always on trend and some vitamin manufacturers. Too much sugar and calories in a product is
one of their weaknesses and some companies are having a hard time generating new ideas.

Compared to the existing candies that are offered by our competitors in the market, our
product is more nutritious and will surely love not just by the kids but also the adult and elderly

as it reminds them the fruit itself which is the Carambola that is slowly forgotten in today’s
generation. Aside from having a competitive product, our employees respond to customers faster
so that they wouldn’t have to wait any longer and we are also open for new ideas from our dear

Section 2: Market Analysis and Competition

This section is quantitative and qualitative assessment of a market. It looks into the size
of the market both in volume and in value, the various customer segments and buying patterns,
competition, and the economic environment in terms of barrier to entry and regulation.

Target Market

The target customers for Carady products are the consumers such as children,
adolescents, adults or even elderly around Cabanatuan City that are into candies but also love
eating healthy foods. It is for those people who are too conscious about eating too much sweet
and fed up of repeating flavors of candy because it has this unique flavor, an exact amount of
sweetness and health benefits at the same time.

The market will also be further increased by featuring our product on the internet, so it
will be promoted and people will be eager to try our new product. This will give the Carady an
opportunity to be known by many.

Product Offered
This is the part in which we're going to describe the specific product we're going to offer.
The concept of our business, along with all aspects of purchasing, manufacturing, packaging and
distribution, is fully explained.

Carady Company offers Carambola Candy. It is a candy-shaped food product made from
carambola or more generally known as balimbing. The Carady Company needs balimbing; it will
serve as the main ingredients in making the Carambola Candy. It is a fruit that has been widely
planted and seen in tropical countries such as the Philippines and Southeast Asian countries. The
candy product is rich in Ascorbic acid or Vitamin-C, which is essential for our body to improve
our immune system. The Carady Company will get the raw materials from Aliaga and Talavera
Farmers and it will serve as help for the local farmers. Carambola Candy cost 5 pesos each, but
you can also buy 12 pieces for only 50 pesos so you can save 10 pesos. Our product is different
from others as it can help to promote local farmers so that we can assist them through their
journey, to have a great opportunity about their fruit product.

Our Company will use social media application such as Facebook, Twitter and
Instagram. These will help increase our company sales because nowadays people are hooked up
into the internet and especially into online shopping. All you have to do is to message us in our

pages and we will send an order form as soon as possible and ship the product as soon as we can .
The Carady Company also provides a physical store to get immediate results in terms of
visibility. As a customer ourselves, we know for a fact that customers, despite the progress of the
Internet, prefer to physical touch and taste the product they are interested in.

Product Demand
The Carady is suitable for everyone especially to children because they are most like to
use vitamin candy to boost their immune system. Our product in very necessary in this time of
pandemic so we are sure that our customers will love our Carady because of the benefits and
vitamins they can get in our Carady and not just it also has a unique flavor because it is made
from balimbing that many of doesn’t know. The older will also be encouraged to buy our product
so they can taste again the balimbing but now as a candy after a long period of time. Our
location is around the highway together with the other drug store so the customer can easily find
our location. About our price it’s very affordable and also adjustable because if the demand
decrease, we will go down the price and if our demand increase, we will also increase the price.
We expected 20% of our customer will patronized our product because of the quality and good
service and expected to buy Carady every month that will increase our sales profit.


Pastries have a big part in the food industry of our country. Candies like Carady are made
from pastries. Candies are one of the products that have a mass production because of the people
who like to have them. The direct competitors are candy manufacturers. Candy manufacturers
produce new products yearly so their sales will easily increase because of the wants of
consumers. They are producing a product that is in the range of trends.

On the other hand, the indirect competitors are the pastries and vitamin manufacturers
that produce tasty pastries and supplements that the people want or what is on the trend.

In addition, in starting a business like this, understanding competitors’ weaknesses is

extremely important. As what was observed, the products offered by most of competitors
contains high calories and too much sugar which are negative aspect of today’s health-conscious
generation and can drive down sales. Some competitors are relatively having a hard time in
generating new and unique ideas in candy market and currently face financial struggles. It has
also been found that having a less exposure to the wider market to attract customers is also
considered as their weakness.

Direct Competitors

 Vita Cubes (Vitamin Candy) has a similar product to Carambola Candy because they are
both vitamin candy it is available on Supermarkets, Public Market, Sari – Sari Store and

etc. and it retails from 1.00 php to 5.00php depending on the place where the product is
being sold.
 Hi – Chew (Fruit Candy) has a similar product to Carambola Candy; they are one of most
known fruit candy in Asia. Hi – Chew is a Japanese fruit chew candy sold by Morinaga
and Company. It is available on Shopee and it retails 30 pesos each box.
 Flat Tops/ Curly Tops (Chocolate Candy) is one of the famous candies in the Philippines.
This product encourages children to patronize this kind of candy because it is a chocolate
candy that every child wants.

Indirect Competitors

 Centrum Adults/ Kids have similarities to Carambola Candy because they are both
vitamins that can help the consumer to maintain a good health.
 Ceelin Chewable is vitamin chewable candy that helps them to prevent and treatment of
Vitamin C deficiency in children could be bought in Drugstores. It is similar to
Carambola Candy because they are both vitamins.
 Chewable Sunkist Vitamin C has similarities to Carambola Candy because they are both
vitamins that have vitamin c; it helps in connective tissues formation, wound healing, and
to metabolize fat and protein.

Market Analysis
As we enter the business industry and made our own, we encounter some barriers to entry
that can have a bad impact to the business but some of it can also be an advantage, this could
discourage or hinder the entry of new entrants into the market or the industry, thus limiting
Carady Company offers a product which is carady that is in demand due to the fact that it is
a vitamin candy, it has the benefit that the people would like to try and it will have an easy entry
in the emerging market like the Philippines. Limit pricing tactics can be used because this barrier
can help us deter new competitors from entering the market. We have offered a lower price but
the quality remains outstanding so that we can draw more potential buyers and this will also help
protect our company from competition. In addition, the geographical barrier can also be helpful
to us as our product is versatile and can be made available everywhere as we develop or expand
our business. In terms of technology, we will use it to expand our business through online retail
and advertisements, in this way, as our business grows and our product continues to be
recognized, we will have a great opportunity to build brand loyalty from consumers.
S1 Availability of the raw materials in the country.
S2 Easy product to sell into the market.
S3 Candies with health benefits are in demand to the market.

W1 Scarcity of raw materials within the country.
W2 The company has only one product to be able to offer in the market.
W3 Newly invented product and in the market to offer.

O1 Easy entry of the food industry in the emerging market like the Philippines.
O2 Expansion through online retailing.
O3 Availability of the raw materials within the country and neighboring countries
specially ASEAN Countries.

T1 New entrants and increasing competitors in the food industry.
T2 Expensive online marketing advertisement here in the Philippines.
T3 Fluctuation of the currency exchange rate that affects the Philippine peso’s purchasing

Section 3: Sales and Marketing Plan

This section determines how we plan on generation profit and describes how we intend to
create exposure to best sell our product.

Product Offerings

Carady is vitamin candy made by carambola fruit and sugar with no preservatives added.
We use carambola fruit to make out vitamin candy healthier and most especially different from
all the other vitamin candy out there. As we all know not all of us are familiar with carambola
fruit because we barely see nor plant this kind of tree and it was not selling in the market. We
come up to an idea to make carambola fruit as vitamin candy because it consist a lot of vitamins
like magnesium, protein, potassium, carbohydrates, vitamin A and it is also rich in vitamin C and
this vitamins especially vitamin C is what we need today to boost our immune system to fight

Carady can give our beloved customer a new blasting flavor of vitamin candy and to also
make our customer familiar with carambola fruit and they will know how it tastes because of our
carady. Carady has a delicious taste that everyone will love especially your children to the point
that they will not notice that they are eating vitamin candy. Carady doesn't contain a lot of sugar
so parents are secured to give this to their children because it will not affect their precious teeth
even if they eat our carady every day. We are happy and proud to present carady to our
customers with a campaign of "A carady a day helps to fight coronavirus away".

Pricing Strategy

Carady Company is offering an inexpensive brand of candy to all ages which helps the
consumer to be productive and healthy with vitamin C. Our business uses a penetration strategy
to attract customers by offering low prices on product and services than other competitors. We
decided to come up with the price of 50 pesos per bundle that contains 12 pieces of candies, also
Carady company are offering a buy two and get one for free campaign during this pandemic to
provide support to our consumer to boost immunity and reduce the risk of having diseases.

Likewise, this candy can be sold as per pieces for 5 pesos to help our company to
discover the optimum price of our product.

Sales and Distribution




Figure 1

The figure above shows how Caraday Company will produce and distribute the
Carambola Candy to the consumers; the manufacturer will produce the product, after that
distributor will be assigned to distribute the actual product to the retailers and the retailers will
sell the product to the market.

The easiest and most efficient way to purchase a product during a pandemic is via social
media sites where orders can be put via personal messages. The Carady Company will distribute
the product thru face-to-face since it has a place where you can purchase it if the situation of the
community is safe and stable. It is also possible to provide a stall for this fruit candy where it can
be sold and distributed in shops and on the market.

Advertising and Promotion

Promotion strategies play an essential role in the marketing mix, it is defined by the pan
and tactics implemented in order to increase demand for a product or service. From how much
the internet grows, that platform can be a good help in promoting the business.

 Carady designed an exclusive Facebook page for their fruit candy because it is the most
active part of extensive business promotions.

 The company uploads catchy and vibrant online videos to offer customers the
impressions of providing hygiene and rich in flavor fruit candy, the even upload photos
on social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram that are commonly
used today, a helpful way to get more of their reviews would provide the simpler and
quicker contact. These social media photos and videos will attract the customer while
building customer loyalty.

 Carady creates brochures, magazine and flyers that display the most vibrant pictures of
the fruit candy and mention the specific benefits of it. This will give to the customers a
deep look into the business and of course, brochures, magazines and flyers are really easy
to carry home.

Section 4: Ownership and Management Plan

Ownership Structure

Carady Company is a legal structure that is a sole proprietorship. Sole proprietorship

means that a business is being controlled and managed by an individual. Building a business with
this kind of ownership is not that hard when you put some efforts and hardwork on it. And when
it comes to the profits that we earn by selling our products we can establish more branches and
franchises in other places and even make some new healthy candy products in the future. Sole
proprietorship gives less paperwork, has easier process and fewer requirements from taxes. Since
our company is just starting and some of all the small businesses, they register their small
companies. The majority of small companies don’t need to bother with the requirements that
come with other business entity types.

Management Team
This part shows the group of individuals that operate at the higher levels of an
organization and have day-to-day responsibility for managing other individuals and maintaining
responsibility for key business functions.


- Ms. Patrisha B. Pangilinan


- A College Degree Graduate

- Have working experience for 4-6years in a company
- Knows how to manage time in times of difficulties

- Leads the development of the company’s short- and long-term strategy.

- Implement Laws for the company.
- Ensuring that the company maintains high social responsibility.

- Manages the overall operation and resources of the company.

- Responsible for making a major corporate decision.
- Communicates between the Board of Directors

Production Manager

- Mr. Jonhrick S. Aguilar


- A College Graduate
- 2 Years working experience
- Able to multi-task in a fast-paced warehouse environment

- Monitor the production process

- Assemble goods on production lines
- Feed raw materials into production machinery

- Maintain work areas and equipment

- Store goods and raw materials properly
- Capable of checking the produced products

General Manager
- Mr. Mike Fernando D. Bunag
- Complete a Bachelor degree in business administration
- Gain experience across the organization, particularly managing people and processes.
- Demonstrate successful management of profit and loss within a business or business unit.
- Plans and allocates the use of equipment, materials, other assets, and human resources;
- Mediates conflicts among employees
- Training low-level managers and staff.
- Contributes to team effort by accomplishing related result.
- Hires, terminates, and reassigns department, division or site heads, as well as supervisors
and other human resources.
- Maintains quality service by establishing and enforcing organization standards.

- Ms. Joijen Princess C. Gonzales
- A Certified Public Accountant
- 2 years of work experience in Bank.
- Understands the impact of financial laws and regulations.
- Managing payrolls and controlling income and expenditure.
- Maintain and inspect financial accounts.
- Managing colleagues, workloads and deadlines.
- Responsible for compiling and presenting reports, budgets, business plans, commentaries
and financial statements.
- Maintains accounting controls by preparing and recommending policies and procedures
- Prepares asset, liability, and capital account entries by compiling and analyzing account

Salaries and Wages

Chief of Executive Officer (CEO) 44,000 php

Production Manager 18,000 php
General Manager 24,000 php
Accountant 23,000 php

Section 5: Operating Plan

In this pandemic we are able to think of a product that can help our customer in this time
of pandemic. We decided to create a vitamin c candy because of this one of the needs of a
customer. In the process we can produce 300 pieces of vitamin candies for 8 hours every day.
Our first problem is the shortage of orders to solve this. Every day we make extra 100 pieces for
the stock so we are able to comply with the customer's lack of stock in raw materials to solve this

Stage/Procedure Action
Step 1 Gather all the ingredients and equipment needed.

Step 2 Grate the Carambola then squeeze after to get the extract.

Put the casserole in the stove then put all the ingredients including
Step 3
the water, Carambola extract and sugar

Step 4 Wait until all the ingredients melt.

Step 5 After cooking the Carady put it in a large bowl.

While the Carady is still hot scoop a little amount of Carady and put
Step 6
in a small circle moulder.

Step 7 Put the moulder in the refrigerator to make it cool

Step 8 Remove the Carady to the moulder and wrap with a plastic wrap.

The location of Carady Company is Unit B GPG Bldg. San Juan Accfa, Pan-Philippine
Hwy, Cabanatuan City, 3100 Nueva Ecija. Our location is along the highway together with the
other drug store like Castellano Drug Store so the customer can easily found our location. Our
space size is 5 by 3 square meters and if we need to expand our company we’re just going to
make it a second floor. To start our business we will apply for business permit, Bureau of
Internal Revenue, and FDA approved.

Floor Plan

Staffing is the process of hiring eligible candidates in the organization or company for
specific positions. In our company we treat each other as an employee because each one of us
has different roles in this business. The Owner of the business which is the CEO is one of a
number of corporate executives in charge of managing an organization especially an independent
legal entity such as a company or nonprofit institution.

Stage/Procedure Action Person in Charge Time Frame

Gather all the ingredients and Mr. Jonhrick Aguilar and
Step 1 10 Minutes
equipment needed. Workers
Grate the Carambola then Mr. Jonhrick Aguilar and
Step 2 15 Minutes
squeeze after to get the extract. Workers

Put the casserole in the stove then

put all the ingredients including Mr. Jonhrick Aguilar and
Step 3 5 Minutes
the water, Carambola extract and Workers
Wait until all the ingredients Mr. Jonhrick Aguilar and
Step 4 30 Minutes
melt. Workers
After cooking the Carady put it in Mr. Jonhrick Aguilar and
Step 5 2 Minutes
a large bowl. Workers

While the Carady is still hot

Mr. Jonhrick Aguilar and
Step 6 scoop a little amount of Carady 1 Minute
and put in a small circle moulder.

Put the moulder in the Mr. Jonhrick Aguilar and

Step 7 3 Minutes
refrigerator to make it cool Workers
Remove the Carady to the
Mr. Jonhrick Aguilar and
Step 8 moulder and wrap with a plastic 4 Minutes


Equipment Amount Purpose Useful Life

The chef's knife is a multipurpose knife that
Chef’s Knife 600.00php Lifetime
can be used for cutting fruit.
The kitchen cutting board is commonly used
Cutting Board 300.00php in preparing food; other types exist for cutting 3years
raw materials such as leather or plastic.
Spoon/fork 400.00php Spoons are used in cooking and serving. 2years
A bowl is a round container with a wide
Bowl 500.00php uncovered top. You can put all the ingredients 3years
into a bowl.
A waste container is a container for
Waste Container 350.00php temporarily storing waste, and is usually 1year
made out of metal or plastic
A casserole used for oven cooking a variety
Casserole Pan 580.00php of dishes, as well as referring to the category 4years
of foods cooked inside it.
A measuring cup is a kitchen utensil used
Measuring cups 200.00php primarily to measure the volume of liquid or 5years
bulk solid cooking ingredients.
A measuring spoon is a spoon used to
Measuring spoon 150.00php measure an amount of an ingredient, either 5years
liquid or dry, when cooking
Dish rack is where you can place dishes on so
Dish racks 1000.00php 2years
they can dry.
A grater, also known as a shredder, is a
Grater 170.00php kitchen utensil used to grate foods into fine 1year
Hand mixers are used to beat, whip, and
Electric Whisk combine ingredients, all requiring a smooth
450.00php 2years
Hand Mixer functioning set of blades that turn easily and
consistently during the mixing process.
Kitchen utensil is a small hand-held tool used
Kitchen utensil 300.00php 5years
for food preparation.
Silicone candy It is used to mold the candy with the specific
135.00php 2years
mold shape.
Food plastic wrap is a thin plastic film
Plastic Wrap 1000.00php commonly used for sealing and securing food 12months
items in containers to keep fresh
A gas stove is a stove that is fueled by
Gas Stove 650.00php 13-15years
liquefied petroleum gas is used for cooking.

LPG commonly is used as fuel for gas
LPG Gas 2,200.00php barbecue grills and gas cooktops and ovens,
for gas fireplaces, and in portable heaters

A refrigerator is a machine for keeping things 10 to 18years

Refrigerator 24,000.00php

A water dispenser is a machine that cools or

6 to
Water Dispenser 850.00php heats up and dispenses water with a
refrigeration unit.
A table is an item of furniture with a flat top
and one or more legs, used as a surface for
Tables 2,499.00php 10years
working at, eating from or on which to place
A chair is used where can people sit and relax
Chairs 1,000.00php 15years
while waiting their orders.
A cabinet is a box-shaped piece of furniture
Cabinet 7,995.00php with doors and/or drawers for storing 10-20years
miscellaneous items
A cash register or till is a mechanical or
Cashier Machine 12,772php electronic device for registering and 10-15years
calculating transactions at a point of sale.
Electric fans are used to regulate interior
Electric fan 750.00php 10years
Exhaust fans can quickly cool down areas that
Exhaust Fan 1,120.00php have become too hot from activities such as 10years
Shelves is a flat horizontal plane which is
used in a home, business, store, or elsewhere
Shelves 1,600.00php 5years
to hold items that are being displayed, stored,
or offered for sale.

Signage helps the customers to easily reach

their desired destination or locate a building
Signage 1,000.00php 3-5years
by simply following the instructions
displayed on it

Delivery Vehicle helps the business to deliver

Delivery Vehicle 100,000.00php the carambola candy in different part of the 2-5 years
target place.


In making the product, the main supply that we needed was carambola and sugar. Finding
carambola is not that hard for us because there are some farms that are producing carambola like
Aliaga and Talavera Farms and we can make a contract with them that every time they will
harvest, we will instantly buy their products. The other supplies that we need in making the
product are always available in the market but we also need another plan in case that the supplies
are not available.

Supplies Amount Purpose

Carambola 350.00 Php The main ingredient of the
Sugar 100.00 Php Used as sweetener of the
Plastic Wrap 200.00 Php Used as the packaging of the
Printing 100.00 Php Used in printing the logo of
the product.
Good for – 700 pieces of Carambola Candy

Supplies Amount
Carambola 0.5 Php
Sugar 0.14 Php
Plastic Wrap 0.29 Php
Printing 0.14 Php
Good for 1 piece of Carambola Candy

Section 6: Financial Plan

Income Statements
The Income Statement is one of a company’s core financial statements that show our
profit and loss over a period of time. The profit or loss is determined by taking all revenues and
subtracting all expenses from both operating and non-operating activities.

Income Statement defined as the chart that shows profit and loss through time to time. It
is important since it summarize the revenue of the company. There are important things to be
reminded in income statement like gross profit, operating expenses and net earnings. First, Gross
profit shows the revenue generated from sale of goods or services minus the cost of the goods
sold or the amount of money spent to acquire the goods sold. Second, operating expense show
how much it costs to run the business (rent, utilities, operation cost, and advertising). Last is net
earnings, it shows the profit/loss the business made in given period. We represent Carady
Company budget income statement of five-year period, the first year of net income after tax
mark-up to ₱ 599,936.49 as the total income is ₱ 2,601,637.00. Second year of net income after
tax mark-up to ₱655,118.26 as the total income is ₱ 2,805,205.23. The third year of net income
after tax mark-up to ₱ 1,209,238.17 as the total income is ₱ 3738,043.15. The fourth year of net
income after tax mark-up to ₱ 1,156,047.96 as the total income is ₱ 3,822,655.70, the fifth year
of net income after tax mark-up to ₱ 1,974,846.01 as the total income is ₱ 5,175,391.17.

Cash Flow Projections

Cash flow projection is a breakdown of the money that is expected to come in and out of
our business. This includes calculating our income and all of our expenses, which will give our
business a clear idea on how much cash we'll be left with over a specific period of time

Creating cash flow projection can be really helpful to identify the profit you earn through
period of time and it can be defined as breakdown of money of the business. We represent our
Carady Company cash flow of five-year period, our first-year net cash provided by operating
activities mark-up to ₱ 871,665 as the cash ending balance is ₱ 1,326,351. The second year of
net cash provided by operating activities mark-up to ₱ 471,200 as the cash ending balance is ₱
1,657,552. The third year of net cash provided by operating activities mark-up to ₱ 1,331,320 as
the cash ending balance is ₱ 2,848,872. The fourth year of net cash provided by operating
activities mark-up to ₱ 1,120,496 as the cash ending balance is ₱ 3,769,368. The fifth year of net
cash provided by operating activities mark-up to ₱ 2,135,434 as the cash ending balance is ₱

Balance Sheet

A balance sheet is a statement of the financial position of a business that lists the assets,
liabilities, and owners' equity at a particular point in time. In other words, the balance sheet
illustrates a business's net worth. It also helps business stakeholders and analysts evaluate the
overall financial position of a company and its ability to pay for its operating needs. We can also
use the balance sheet to determine how to meet our financial obligations and the best ways to use
credit to finance our operations.

The balance sheet is divided into two parts that, based on the following equation, must
equal each other or balance each other out. The main formula behind a balance sheet is: Assets =
Liabilities + Shareholders' Equity. Assets are what a company uses to operate its business, The
company’s assets total 1,557,052 including P 1,346,51in current assets and P210, 701 in
noncurrent assets, while its liabilities and equity are two sources that support these assets, The
company’s liabilities and owner’s equity has the total of P1, 557,052 which means it is equal and
balanced for the first year. Based on the balance sheet above, the value of each account continues
to increase for five years. The fifth year total assets are 7,841,539 including P7,769, 302 in
current assets and P72,248 in noncurrent assets while the total liabilities and owner’s equity has
the total of P7,841,549.


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