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Capitol Compound, Tenejero, City of Balanga, Bataan 2100, PHILIPPINES

Phone Number: (047) 237-5797


Purposive Communication
Dr. Ramon M. Bantugan
2nd Semester AY 2022-2023

Name :________________________ Course/Section: ___________ Score:_____ Date:______

Exercise 2: Advocacy through Multi Modal Text
Due on March 24, 2023.
1. Create your own organization for an advocacy on something. Like- Advocates of Clean
Environment; Anti-Poverty; Gender Equality; Anti-Corruption; etc.
2. What is the major aim for change in your advocacy?
3. Make your print multi-modal material to promote your advocacy.
4. Remember the considerations in making your material?
5. Post it also in your fb account and screenshot with visible number of views.
6. Screen shot and post below and answer the questions below.
Answer questions:
1. What are you advocating in your campaign?

I’m advocating for more sustainable practices and the reduction plastic waste through more
efficient use and reuse of plastics and that every single one of us can make a huge impact if we all

contribute to the cause bit by bit.

2. Which part of the text tells much about your advocacy?

The part that says “Walang Plastikan” is the most eye-catching and memorable line that just

about expresses the main way to support my advocacy which is to not use plastic or at the very

least, use less of it or use it more efficiently.

The line in the caption that says “Let’s work together to reduce waste and promote sustainable

living” also encapsulates my cause very well.

3. What does the linguistic aspect mean?

Although I have a caption, the main graphic only has very little text. This is intentional as I meant

to have as big of an impact with as little clutter as possible and I think the lines “Sustainable
practices lang” and “Walang Plastikan” capture the essence of my advocacy briefly and in a light


4. What do colors symbolize?

My graphic is pretty minimal with its use of colors but the main colors are white which

symbolize cleanliness and my aim to reduce the amount of waste generated by plastic and
wasteful practices in general. The blue is meant to symbolize water which is by far the most
polluted and harmed by plastic waste.

5. Who are your target clienteles?

My main targets would be the general population as this is a cause that everyone can contribute

to. If I were to dive into more specifics, I’d say businesses that sell a lot of merchandise or goods
which use plastic packaging or generally produce lots of waste. If I can get those to align with my
advocacy, that would really do a number on the amount of waste generated in the environment.

Good luck!

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