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Analysis of total productive maintenance

(TPM) implementation using overall

equipment effectiveness (OEE) and six big
losses: A case study
Cite as: AIP Conference Proceedings 1931, 030026 (2018);
Published Online: 09 February 2018

Zenithia Intan Martomo and Pringgo Widyo Laksono


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AIP Conference Proceedings 1931, 030026 (2018); 1931, 030026

© 2018 Author(s).
Analysis of Total Productive Maintenance (TPM)
Implementation Using Overall Equipment Effectiveness
(OEE) and Six Big Losses: A Case Study

Zenithia Intan Martomo1,a) and Pringgo Widyo Laksono2,b)

Industrial Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta, Indonesia
Center Study for Technology Development and Industrial Collaboration, LPPM, Universitas Sebelas Maret,
Surakarta, Indonesia

Corresponding author:,

Abstract. In improving the productivity of the machine, the management of the decision or maintenance policy must
be appropriate. In Spinning II unit at PT Apac Inti Corpora, there are 124 ring frame machines that often have
breakdown and cause a high downtime so that the production target is not achieved, so this research was conducted
on the ring frame machine. This study aims to measure the value of equipment effectiveness, find the root cause of
the problem and provide suggestions for improvement. This research begins with measuring the achievement of
overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) value, then identifying the six big losses that occur. The results show that the
average value of OEE in the ring frame machine is 79.96%, the effectiveness value is quite low because the standard
of OEE value for world class company ideally is 85%. The biggest factor that influences the low value of OEE is
performance rate with percentage factor six big losses at reduced speed losses of 17.303% of all time loss. Proposed
improvement actions are the application of autonomous maintenance, providing training for operators and
maintenance technicians and supervising operators in the workplace.


Increased effectiveness and efficiency in which the company is required to work fast but still can
produce products with good quality. According to [1] to operate efficiently and effectively, companies need to
ensure that there is no production interruption caused by damage, stoppage and engine failure. To maintain the
condition of the machine is not damaged or reduce the time of damage, so that the production process is not long
stalled, then the appropriate maintenance and maintenance system is needed. One effort that can be done by the
company to maintain the stability of production is to maintain the machine or equipment. Maintenance as an
activity necessary to maintain facilities under desired conditions so as to meet its production capacity [2].
The study was conducted on unit Spinning II PT Apac Inti Corpora. Machines used in the process of
making yarn are blowing machine, carding machine, drawing machine, roving machine / simplex, ring frame
machines, and winding machines. The role of the machine is very important in the whole production process of
spinning because of all the processes here using machines that work for 24 hours so that the engine must always
be in optimal condition, especially the ring frame machine in which this engine is the core of the spinning
process because on this machine a process of change sliver (bundles of cotton) into yarn. There are 124 ring
frames which often breakdown causing downtime is quite high so that the production targets are not achieved.
The appropriate steps in the maintenance of machinery / equipment is needed to solve this problem, one of them
is by applying Total Productive Maintenance (TPM), which aims to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of
the company as a whole. The application of TPM in manufacturing firms was measured using the method of
Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE). OEE measurement is based on three categories of Six Big Losses,
those are availability rate, performance rate and quality rate, according to Stephens in [3]. In this study,
performed the analysis using the approach Overall Equipment Effectiveness in PT Apac Inti Corpora unit
Spinning II then can identify the problem that occurred in the ring frame machine so that it can be done step
improvements and determine policy maintenance right and productivity of the machine becomes optimal.
Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) is an approach to maximize the effectiveness of the machine used.

The 3rd International Conference on Industrial, Mechanical, Electrical, and Chemical Engineering
AIP Conf. Proc. 1931, 030026-1–030026-6;
Published by AIP Publishing. 978-0-7354-1623-9/$30.00

This not only involves maintenance, but all aspects of machine operation and installation, and motivation for
people working within the company [4]. In its application using the Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE)
measurement based on the three categories of Six Big Losses are availability rate, performance rate and quality
rate [3]. Although it is difficult to approach zero, believe that achieving zero defects is an important prerequisite
for the success of the TPM [5]. The definition of ideal OEE values according to [5] is preferable as follows:

TABLE 1. Ideal Value of OEE [5]

Deskripsi Nilai
Availability 90%
Performance 95%
Quality 99%
OEE 85%

Six Big Losses are six losses that should be avoided by any company that can reduce the effectiveness of a
machine. Six Big Losses consists of [5] Breakdown Los, Setup and adjustment stoppage, Idling and minor
stoppages, Reduced speed, Process defect, Reduced yield losses.


The research is done in three stages. The first one is initial identification stage, where the field study is
conducted to find the problem that happen in the production and then formulate that problem to be an objective
of the research. The second stage is data collecting and processing, The data required for ring frame machine
effectiveness is the data of how long the machine operates, planned downtime data, unplanned downtime /
breakdown machine, machine setup data, total production, waste product amount during June 2016 obtained
from daily machine data and unit production Spinning II [6]. To determine the value of Overall Equipment
Effectiveness (OEE), what must be done is to find the Availability, Performance Efficiency and Quality Rate.
Then, To calculate the value of six big losses that must be done is to find the percentage of six big losses that is
breakdown losses, setup and adjustment losses, idle / minor stoppage, reduced speed losses, process defect
losses, and reduced yield losses. The last stage of the research is the analysis and conclusion stage.

FIGURE 1. Research Flowchart

FIGURE 1. Research Flowchart (continued)


1. Availability
Loading Time = work time - planned downtime = 73896 – 385 = 73,511 hours
Downtime Time = unplanned downtime + setup time = 661.947 + 1016 = 1677.94 hours
Availability (Operating Rate) = x100%
= x100%
= x 100%
= 97,72 %

2. Performance
Operating time = Loading time – downtime = 73.511 – 1677,94 = 71.833,06 Jam
Performance = x 100%
. ,
= x 100%
. , ,
= 82,29 %

3. Quality Rate
Quality Rate = x 100%
. ,
= x 100%
. ,

= 99,44%
4. Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE)

OEE = 97,72 % x 82,29 % x 99,44 % = 79,96 %
Although supported by the availability and quality index value that already meet the standards
of world class, but other factors, namely performance OEE owned by PT Apac Inti Corpora is below the
standard that is equal to 85%.
5. Six Big Losses
TABLE 2. Calculation of percentage of disability six big losses
defects percentage of
Total defects percentage of
Defects type six big losses cumulatif
(%) six big losses
Reduced speed loss 17,303 86,364 86,364
Setup and adjustment loss 1,382 6,898 93,262
Breakdown loss 0,900 4,494 97,757
Scrap and rework loss 0,449 2,243 100,000
Start up loss 0,000 0,000 100,000
Idling and minor stoppage 0,000 0,000 100,000

With this, it can be concluded that the largest number of defects is reduced speed losses.
6. Pareto Chart
Defect Percentage = x100% = 86,364%
, , , , , ,

Cumulative Percentage = 86,364%

With Pareto diagram can be seen that the highest percentage of defects found on the reduced speed loss.

FIGURE 2. Pareto chart of six big losses

7. Cause-effect diagram analysis

To find out the root of the problems that occur in the ring frame machine, then made the causation
diagram. Problems that occur in the ring frame machine is divided into five main aspects ie aspects of man,
material, machine, method, and environment shown in Figure 3.
Based on OEE calculations have been made there are problems in all aspects of OEE with the major
problems that most occur in the machine frame ring is the aspect of performance. Therefore it is necessary to
make a causal diagram that is expected to overcome the existing problems. Here is a grouping problem with
the engine ring frame:
a. Man
The lack of the number of operators in the doffing process is one of the causes for some operators
usually take turns when running normal doffing and the number of operators for each group doffing is 4. But
in the implementation of each group of operators who work only 2 people operators and after rest sometime
2 operators who work it will take turns resting. Then some operators less practice 6S and do not use earplugs
should be an awareness of their own health.
b. Method
In methods are the cause of problems such as the process of change or change very
long process because the process of long and less roving material. This is because the number
of spindles at roving machine less than the engine ring frame. With little spindle roving machine, the roving
output produced is also less and less. In addition there is a machine setup process for too long, thereby

reducing the operating time. This is because the preparation to prepare materials that are quite old
and mechanic team less focused on one machine was working so fast enough. Then sometimes in a position
to enter bobbin spindle to the machine is not correct.
c. Machine
For the analysis of the machine are old enough mechanical condition causing
widespread breakdown. Ring machine frame numbering 124 this machine is quite a surgery that is from the
1990s. Therefore, some of the features of the machine had broken, such as kanban lamp that serves as a
marker of some of the machine being doffing process. Then the state of spare parts that are easily damaged
so it needs to be replaced because of the frequency of use of the machine that is within 24 hours, then
the spare parts also must be changed frequently. Coupled with an old engine conditions so as to make a fast
machine breakdown.
d. Material
The material to be discussed is the material condition that is easily biodegradable cotton because cotton
material conditions which have fiber properties are easily biodegradable, so a lot of cotton fibers fly and left
in the spare parts that interfere with the productivity of the machine.
Then the condition of sliver and yarn uneven from the ring frame processing engine. With the condition
of material inputs to make the uneven yarn from roving machine would affect the results of the yarn
produced no ring machine frame. Yarn produced from the engine ring frame and processed
into winding machine will certainly encounter many defects.

FIGURE 3. Cause-effect diagram of the productivity of the ring frame machine

e. Environment
High engine noise so as to make engine productivity less than the maximum. The noise
level ring machine frame is about 93 dB. By this condition it causes the concentration of workers lost and
eliminate worker focus so that sometimes there is a mistake in working process. From this the productivity of
the machine can decrease.


After the OEE value measurement on the ring frame machine, the total value of OEE in June 2016 has
not reached the standard of world-class value that is equal to 79.96%. The calculation of the six big losses, the
number of defects (in percentage), the largest in reduced speed loss amounted to 17.3033%.
Based on the analysis that has been done, it can be seen that the factors causing the ring frame machine
is in the aspect where the number of operator doffing less, some less practice operator 6S and do not use
earplugs.Then, the machine setup process is too long and sometimes in a position to enter the bobbin spindle to
the machine is not correct. Machines are old enough condition, causing many cases of breakdown. Environment,
high engine noise that makes operator less than the maximum productivity. And the material condition that is
easily biodegradable cotton, sliver and yarn conditions uneven from the ring frame processing engine. To solve
the above problems the proposed improvements are discipline doffing operator, socialization aspects of health
and emphasis 5R, rovings proper material preparation,manufacturing kanban marker, and assigning an operator
to carry out the inspection process on the machine spindle ring frame. Later efforts to establish good relations
with suppliers of ring frame machine spare parts.

This research was funded by UNS Grant PNBP 2017.


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