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Variance and

Standard Deviation of
Discrete Probability
Chapter 1:
Lesson 6
Lesson Objective:
At the end of the
lesson, I CAN calculate
the variance (and
standard deviation) of a
discrete random variable.
The variance is a measure of
how spread out of data set is. It is
calculated as the average squared
deviation of each number from the
mean of a data set.

Taking the square root of the variance

gives us the units used in the original
scale and this is the standard
Standard deviation is the
measure of spread, most commonly
used in statistical practice when the
mean is used to calculate the central
- It measures the spread around
the mean.
- Can be greatly affected if the
mean gives a poor measure of
central tendency. 4
Number of Heads in a Toss of Three Coins
When three coins are tossed, the probability distribution for the random
variable X representing the number of heads that occur is given below.
Compute the variance and standard deviation of the probability distribution.
Number of Heads (X) Probability P(X)
STEP 1: Find the
0 1ൗ mean of the
1 3ൗ distribution using
3ൗ the formula
2 8
1ൗ 𝜇 = ෍ 𝑋 ∙ 𝑃(𝑋)
3 8 5
Number of Heads in a Toss of Three Coins
When three coins are tossed, the probability distribution for the random
variable X representing the number of heads that occur is given below.
Compute the variance and standard deviation of the probability distribution.

(X) P(X) X•P(X)

1ൗ 𝜇 = ෍ 𝑋 ∙ 𝑃(𝑋)
0 8 0

1 3ൗ 3ൗ 3 6 3
8 8 𝜇 =0+ + +
2 3ൗ 6ൗ 8 8 8
8 8
1ൗ 3ൗ
12 3
3 8 8 𝜇= 𝑜𝑟
8 2 6
Number of Heads in a Toss of Three Coins
When three coins are tossed, the probability distribution for the random
variable X representing the number of heads that occur is given below.
Compute the variance and standard deviation of the probability distribution.
Number of Heads (X) Probability P(X)

0 1ൗ STEP 2: Subtract
8 the mean from
1 3ൗ
8 each value of
2 3ൗ the random
8 variable X.
3 1ൗ
8 7
Number of Heads in a Toss of Three Coins
When three coins are tossed, the probability distribution for the random
variable X representing the number of heads that occur is given below.
Compute the variance and standard deviation of the probability distribution.

12 3 (X) P(X) X•P(X) X-µ

𝜇= 𝑜𝑟 1ൗ
8 2 0 8 0 − 12ൗ8

1 3ൗ 3ൗ − 4ൗ8
8 8
2 3ൗ 6ൗ 4ൗ
8 8 8
3 1ൗ 3ൗ 12ൗ
8 8 8 8
Number of Heads in a Toss of Three Coins
When three coins are tossed, the probability distribution for the random
variable X representing the number of heads that occur is given below.
Compute the variance and standard deviation of the probability distribution.
Number of Heads (X) Probability P(X)

0 1ൗ
8 STEP 3:
1 3ൗ Square the
8 results obtained
2 3ൗ
8 in STEP 2.
3 1ൗ
8 9
Number of Heads in a Toss of Three Coins
When three coins are tossed, the probability distribution for the random
variable X representing the number of heads that occur is given below.
Compute the variance and standard deviation of the probability distribution.

(X) P(X) X•P(X) X-µ (𝑿 − µ)𝟐

0 1ൗ
8 0 − 3ൗ2 9ൗ
1 3ൗ 3ൗ − 1ൗ2 1ൗ
8 8 4
2 3ൗ 6ൗ 1ൗ 1ൗ
8 8 2 4
3 1ൗ 3ൗ 3ൗ 9ൗ
8 8 2 4 10
Number of Heads in a Toss of Three Coins
When three coins are tossed, the probability distribution for the random
variable X representing the number of heads that occur is given below.
Compute the variance and standard deviation of the probability distribution.
Number of Heads (X) Probability P(X)

0 1ൗ STEP 4:
8 Multiply the
1 3ൗ results obtained
2 3ൗ in STEP 3 by the
8 corresponding
3 1ൗ probability.
8 11
Number of Heads in a Toss of Three Coins
When three coins are tossed, the probability distribution for the random
variable X representing the number of heads that occur is given below.
Compute the variance and standard deviation of the probability distribution.

(X) P(X) X•P(X) X-µ (𝑿 − µ)𝟐 (𝑿 − µ)𝟐 •P(X)

0 1ൗ 0 − 3ൗ2 9ൗ 9ൗ
8 4 32
1 3ൗ 3ൗ − 1ൗ2 1ൗ 3ൗ
8 8 4 32
2 3ൗ 6ൗ 1ൗ 1ൗ 3ൗ
8 8 2 4 32
3 1ൗ 3ൗ 3ൗ 9ൗ 9ൗ
8 8 2 4 32 12
Number of Heads in a Toss of Three Coins
When three coins are tossed, the probability distribution for the random
variable X representing the number of heads that occur is given below.
Compute the variance and standard deviation of the probability distribution.
Number of Heads (X) Probability P(X)

0 1ൗ STEP 5: Get the

sum of the results
1 3ൗ
8 obtained in Step 4.
3ൗ The result if the
2 8 values of the
3 1ൗ variance.
8 13
Number of Heads in a Toss of Three Coins
When three coins are tossed, the probability distribution for the random
variable X representing the number of heads that occur is given below.
Compute the variance and standard deviation of the probability distribution.
24 3
෍(𝑿 − µ) •P(X) = 𝑜𝑟 𝑜𝑟 0.75
(X) P(X) X•P(X) X-µ (𝑿 − µ)𝟐 (𝑿 − µ)𝟐 •P(X) 32 4

24 3
0 1ൗ
8 0 − 3ൗ2 9ൗ
32 𝜎 = 𝑜𝑟 𝑜𝑟 0.75
32 4
1 3ൗ 3ൗ − 1ൗ2 1ൗ 3ൗ
8 8 4 32

2 3ൗ 6ൗ 1ൗ 1ൗ 3ൗ
8 8 2 4 32

3 1ൗ 3ൗ 3ൗ 9ൗ 9ൗ
8 8 2 4 32 14
Number of Heads in a Toss of Three Coins
When three coins are tossed, the probability distribution for the random
variable X representing the number of heads that occur is given below.
Compute the variance and standard deviation of the probability distribution.
Number of Heads (X) Probability P(X)

1ൗ STEP 6: Get the

0 8 square root of the
1 3ൗ variance to get the
8 standard
2 3ൗ deviation.
3 1ൗ
8 15
Number of Heads in a Toss of Three Coins
When three coins are tossed, the probability distribution for the random
variable X representing the number of heads that occur is given below.
Compute the variance and standard deviation of the probability distribution.
24 2
෍(𝑿 − µ) •P(X) = 𝑜𝑟 𝑜𝑟 0.75
(X) P(X) X•P(X) X-µ (𝑿 − µ)𝟐 (𝑿 − µ)𝟐 •P(X) 32 3

24 3
0 1ൗ
8 0 − 3ൗ2 9ൗ
32 𝜎 = 𝑜𝑟 𝑜𝑟 0.75
32 4
1 3ൗ 3ൗ − 1ൗ2 1ൗ 3ൗ
8 8 4 32 𝜎= 𝜎2 = ෍(𝑿 − µ)𝟐 •P(X)

2 3ൗ 6ൗ 1ൗ 1ൗ 3ൗ
8 8 2 4 32
3 3
1ൗ 3ൗ 3ൗ 9ൗ 9ൗ 𝜎= = 𝑜𝑟 0.87
3 8 8 2 4 32 4 2 16
Formula for the Variance and Standard Deviation
of a Discrete Probability Distribution
The variance of a discrete probability distribution is given by the formula:

𝝈𝟐 = ෍(𝑿 − 𝝁)𝟐 ∙ 𝑷(𝑿)

The standard deviation of a discrete probability distribution is
given by the formula:

𝝈 = ෍(𝑿 − 𝝁)𝟐 ∙ 𝑷(𝑿)

X = value of the random variable
P(X) = probability of the random variable X
µ = mean of the probability distribution
Alternative Way of Computing the Variance
and Standard Deviation

STEP 1: Find the STEP 2: Multiply

mean of the the square of the STEP 3: Get
probability value of the the sum of
distribution using random variable X the results
the formula by its obtained in
𝜇 = ෍ 𝑋 ∙ 𝑃(𝑋) corresponding
Number of Heads in a Toss of Three Coins
When three coins are tossed, the probability distribution for the random
variable X representing the number of heads that occur is given below.
Compute the variance and standard deviation of the probability distribution.
(X) P(X) X•P(X) 𝑿𝟐 𝑿𝟐 •P(X)
෍ 𝑿𝟐 •P(X) = 𝑜𝑟 3
0 1ൗ
8 0 0 0 8

1 3ൗ 3ൗ 1 3ൗ
8 8 8

2 3ൗ 6ൗ 4 12ൗ
8 8 8

3 1ൗ 3ൗ 9 9ൗ
8 8 8
Alternative Way of Computing the Variance
and Standard Deviation

STEP 4: Subtract STEP 5: For the

the square of the standard
mean from the deviation, simply
results obtained get the square
in STEP 3 to get root of the
the variance. variance.
Number of Heads in a Toss of Three Coins
When three coins are tossed, the probability distribution for the random
variable X representing the number of heads that occur is given below.
Compute the variance and standard deviation of the probability distribution.
(X) P(X) X•P(X) 𝑿𝟐 𝑿𝟐 •P(X)
𝜎 2 = ෍ 𝑿𝟐 •P(X) -𝜇2
0 1ൗ 0 0 0
3 2
1 3ൗ 3ൗ 3ൗ 𝜎2 =3−( )
8 8 1 8 2
9 12 9
2 3ൗ
8 4 12ൗ
8 𝜎2 =3− = −
4 4 4

𝟐 𝟑
3 1ൗ
8 9 9ൗ
8 𝝈 = (same answer)
𝟒 21
Number of Heads in a Toss of Three Coins
When three coins are tossed, the probability distribution for the random
variable X representing the number of heads that occur is given below.
Compute the variance and standard deviation of the probability distribution.
(X) P(X) X•P(X) 𝑿𝟐 𝑿𝟐 •P(X)
0 1ൗ 0 0 0 𝟒

3ൗ 3ൗ 3ൗ
1 8 8 1 8 𝝈= 𝒐𝒓 𝟎. 𝟖𝟕 (𝒔𝒂𝒎𝒆 𝒂𝒏𝒔𝒘𝒆𝒓)
2 3ൗ 6ൗ 4 12ൗ
8 8 8

3 1ൗ 3ൗ 9 9ൗ
8 8 8
Alternative Formula for the Variance and Standard
Deviation of a Discrete Probability Distribution
The variance of a discrete probability distribution is given by the formula:

𝝈𝟐 = ෍ 𝑿𝟐 ∙ 𝑷 𝑿 − 𝝁𝟐
The standard deviation of a discrete probability distribution is
given by the formula:

𝝈 = ෍ 𝑿𝟐 ∙ 𝑷 𝑿 − 𝝁𝟐
X = value of the random variable
P(X) = probability of the random variable X
µ = mean of the probability distribution
Let’s try more!
Number of Items Sold
The number of items sold per day at a retail store, with its corresponding
probabilities, is shown in the table. Find the variance and standard deviation
of the probability distribution.

Number of Items Sold Probability

X P(X)
19 0.20
20 0.20
21 0.30
22 0.20
23 0.10 25
COVID-19 Infected Persons in a Barangay
The number of persons infected per day in a barangay, along with its
corresponding probabilities is shown in the table below. Compute the
variance and the standard deviation of the probability distribution.
Number of Persons
Probability P(X)
Infected X
0 1ൗ
1 3ൗ
2 1ൗ
3 1ൗ
4 1ൗ
5 1ൗ
10 26
See you
again! ☺

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