Region 1

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Philippine Literature

Rigion 1

Culture and Traditions

Ilocanos are the ruling ethinicity in Region 1. They constitute the majority of the population in the Ilocos
region particularly in Ilocos Norte (97%), Ilocos Sur (97%), La Union (92%), and Pangasinan (45%). Minority
groups include Tingguan and Isneg communities who inhabit the foothills of the Cordillera Mountains.
Two ethnic groups still reside in Dingras: Isneg and Yapayao. These tribes were two of the first inhabitants of
the region. They were forced to retreat to the mountains after they lost the battles against Spanish troops.
The Ilocanos
The Ilocanos are known for being hardworking, brave, cheerful and simple. They are independent and work
They share the same basic values as other Filipinos. Bain is the Ilocano trait for hiya or amor propio (sense of
shame). Ilocanos fear of gossip and would strongly avoid being envied by others.
It is essential to show panagdayaw (respect for the sensitivities of others). Ilocanos tend to speak about
themselves in the humblest of terms.
The Ilocanos value the fruit of their labor and are wise in spending the money they earned.

The structure of the Ilocano family conforms to the general Filipino pattern. Most families compose of an
average size (6-7 persons). The father is the head of the family. The mother is the Ilaw ng tahanan (light of the
home) who disciplines the children and takes care of the house budget. The eldest child is responsible in
dividing the chores equally among siblings.
Ilocanos are very meticulous when it comes to clothing. They dress up according to their age and perceived
wealth. Everyday wear consists of short pants for boys, and dusters, loose skirts, shirts, and short pants for girls.
Farmers wear long-sleeved shirts, long pants, and wide-brimmed hats.
During rainy season, Ilocanos wear a headdress of labig leaves, which extends well down the back.
Wedding tradition
It is important for children to ask the approval of their parents before marrying their partners. The man should
ask the consent of his parents first. The groom’s parents will pay the dowry and finance the wedding.
The groom makes a panagpudno (formal announcement) to the soon-to-be bride’s parents about his intention
of marrying their daughter. His parents will then visit the bride’s parents to set the wedding date. Usually,
parents consult a planetario, which is like an almanac that identifies “lucky” days.
A feast follows the church ceremony. The bride and groom usually go through an entertainment ritual. The
groom offers the bride a plate of mung beans, which symbolizes fertility. The bride refuses the dish several
times before finally accepting it. Then the bride offers the beans to the groom whom, in return, refuses the dish
until an old man calls an end to the ritual.
Another highlight of the feast is the bitor wherein guests contribute cash to the newlyweds either by dropping
money onto the plates or by pinning bills to the couple’s clothes.

Death tradition
To announce a death of a family member, a piece of atong wood is lit in front of the deceased’s house. It is kept
burning until after the burial. The fire is extinguished with white wine.
Before the funeral, relatives pay respect by kissing the deceased’s hands or raising it to his/her forehead (mano).
The corpse is kept inside the house. It is dressed in its best clothing and a kerchief is tied around the jaw. A
basin of water mixed with vinegar is placed under the bed to remove the odor.
Money is placed in the coffin. This serves as a pay to the “ferry man” who takes the soul to the other world.
Before the burial, relatives conduct a vigil around the body.
Those who attended the burial in the cemetery must return to the deceased’s home by taking a different route
from the one they’ve taken to get there. Upon arrival, they must wash their faces and hands. It is said to remove
the power of death.
Pedro Bucaneg
(March 1592 – c. 1630)

It is presumed that Bukaneg's ancestry is of the Itnegs. Born congenitally blind, he was thrown into a river by
his parents. Luckily a laundrywoman picked and brought him to the local Augustinian monk, where he was
baptized and given the name Pedro Bukaneg meaning a Christianized Itneg. He studied at the Augustinian
convent in Manila where he developed his eloquence in the Spanish and Ilocano languages. He also used his
extensive knowledge of the Itneg dialect to teach Spanish missionaries heading north.

"Father of Ilokano literature"

Bukaneg is acknowledged as the author of one of the Philippine' great epics entitled Biag ni Lam-ang (Life of
Lam-ang). With his extensive knowledge of the Spanish and Ilocano language, he co-authored the Ilocano-
Spanish grammar book and dictionary. In 1621, he took part in the publication of the first Ilocano book. His
famous poem entitled "Patay" (Dead) shows his clear and vigorous philosophy on death. Many of his novenas,
prayers and religious literature are in Ilocano, and edited by an Augustinian friar.


 Biag Ni Lamang (Pedro Bukaneng)

Amador T. Daguio

Born: Laoag, Ilocos Norte, Philippines

January 12, 1912

Amador T. Daguio was a poet, novelist and teacher during the pre-war. He was best known for his fictions and
poems. He had published two volumes of poetry, "Bataan Harvest" and"The Flaming Lyre". He served as chief
editor for the Philippine House of Representatives before he died in 1966.

He was born on January 8, 1912 in Laoag, Ilocos Norte, but grew up in Lubuagan, Mountain Province, where
his father, an officer in the Philippine Constabulary, was assigned. He was class valedictorian in 1924 at the
Lubuagan Elementary School. Then he stayed with his uncle at Fort William McKinley to study at Rizal High
School in Pasig. Those four years in high school were, according to Daguio, the most critical in his life. "I spent
them literally in poverty, extreme loneliness, and adolescent pains…"

In 1952, he obtained his M.A. in English at Stanford U. as a Fulbright scholar. His thesis was a study and
translation of Hudhud hi Aliguyon (Ifugao Harvest Song). In 1954, he obtained his Law degree from Romualdez
Law College in Leyte. Daguio was editor and public relations officer in various offices in government and the
military. He also taught for twenty-six years at the University of the East, U.P., and Philippine Women’s
University. In 1973, six years after his death, Daguio was conferred the Republic Cultural Heritage Award




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