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Kathleen Keith M. Sanchez, 11-ABM-St.


1. What is the video about?

The video challenges the common misconception that people can be strictly
categorized as either left-brained or right-brained, with left-brained individuals
being more analytical and mathematical, and right-brained individuals being more
creative and artistic. It explains that while the brain does have two hemispheres
with different functions, such as language control in the left hemisphere and
visual-spatial abilities in the right hemisphere, the idea of being exclusively left-
brained or right-brained is a myth. Instead, it emphasizes the collaborative nature
of brain function and how personality traits like creativity or analytical thinking
involve both hemispheres working together.

2. What have you learned from it?

From the video, I've learned that while the brain does have two distinct
hemispheres with specialized functions, such as language processing in the left
hemisphere and visual-spatial processing in the right hemisphere, the notion of
being strictly left-brained or right-brained is oversimplified and inaccurate.
Personality traits and cognitive abilities, such as creativity and analytical thinking,
involve complex interactions between both hemispheres of the brain. Additionally,
it's essential to recognize that creativity, often associated with the right
hemisphere, is not exclusively governed by one hemisphere but rather involves
integrated processing across the entire brain.

3. Research about the Left brain and Right Brain and identify or explain why you

Based on my research and the insights gained from the video, the left
hemisphere of the brain, often termed the left brain, is linked with logical thinking,
analytical reasoning, and language processing. It manages tasks such as
language comprehension, mathematical computations, sequential processing,
and critical thinking within established frameworks. Individuals with a dominant
left hemisphere often excel in verbal communication, mathematical reasoning,
and logical analysis. Conversely, the right hemisphere, known as the right brain,
is commonly associated with creative thinking, spatial awareness, and holistic
processing. It facilitates functions like visual-spatial processing, intuitive thinking,
creativity, and emotion processing.

While I do find myself drawn to creative pursuits such as drawing, painting,

crafting, stitching, and designing, I also have a skill for mathematical problem-
solving and analytical thinking. Enjoying activities like solving math problems and
analyzing complex situations shows that I'm not solely right-brained as I
appreciate both creative expression and logical reasoning. This suggests that I
utilize both hemispheres of the brain in different cognitive tasks, highlighting the
complexity of brain function and the integration of various cognitive abilities.
Therefore, I embody a blend of characteristics associated with both the left and
right brain, rather than being strictly categorized as right-brained.

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