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Brainstorming - refers to a way of inquiring about ideas that will help you to develop concepts and
focusing techniques by asking questions and knowing the interests of the persons involved in the said

Research Agenda - must be prepared before the conduct of research which outlines the tasks that need
to be prioritized within a particular field of study or research and the execution system of these tasks

Inquiry - refers to a question which you ask to get some information

Research - is an investigation or experimentation which aimed at the discovery and interpretation of

facts, revision, of accepted theories or laws in the light of new facts, or practical application of such new
or revised theories or laws

Research problem - is about an area of concern, a condition to be improved, a difficulty to be

eliminated, or a troubling question that exists in scholarly literature, in theory, or in practice that points
to the need for meaningful understanding and deliberate investigation which is typically posed in the
form of a question?

Conceptual Framework - is an analytical tool with several variations and contexts that can be applied in
different categories of work where an overall picture is needed to come up with the desired goal

Research Hypothesis - is a part of your study is wherein you are predicting the relationship between

Statement of the problem - is a part of research which has to be concise and concrete that can help the
researcher put the topic in context and have a deeper understanding of its significance that may be
written in several paragraphs or in several sentences incorporated in the introduction

Significance of the study - provides information to the reader on how the study will contribute

Scope and limitation of the study - sets the borders and limitations of the problem inquiry and narrow
down the scope of the inquiry which purpose is to delimit by geographic location, age, sex, population
traits, population size, or other similar aspects

Glossary of research terms/definition of terms - is intended to assist you in understanding commonly

used terms and concepts when reading, interpreting, and evaluating scholarly research in the social

The section on the significance of the study provide are information to the reader on how the study will
contribute and who will benefit from it

Geographic location, age and sex, population traits and population sizeare variables that belong to the
group in the scope and delimitation of the study
The glossary of research terms assist us in understanding commonly used terms and concepts such as
Reading, Interpreting, and Evaluating

The problem itself, the method of solving the problem, the Purpose are the element of the background
of the study

A problem statement may be written in several paragraphs or in several sentences incorporated in the

A problem statement should not have lay world changing impact

A problem statement help the researcher through putting the topic in context and have a deeper
understanding of its significance.

John Levi, Our water of today, (New York, LMR Publishing, 2016), 305 - Chicago Manual of Style is the
citation style used

Gonzales, P. (2010). Chemistry and life: A study on the functions and importance of chemistry in daily
life. Chemistry Trivia. Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 887-893. Modern Language Association is the citation style used

Dela Cruz, A.N. (2019). The big bang theory [ppt]. Retrieved from - Modern Language Association is the citation
style used

James, Brian. The history of the Universe: Knowing the Truth out of Our Existence. Los Angeles,
California: LMS Publishing, 2009. Print. Chicago Manual of Style is the citation style used

Cruz, Kyrie. “The Election Mania”. KBS News. (Dec. 13, 2018). January 23, 2019 - Chicago Manual of Style is the

citation style used

Lee (2005) states that the earth is… American Psychological Association

The researchers must see to it that they are open-minded persons wherein they can accept suggestions
from others and they can handle constructive criticism is called Openness

Researchers must see to that all borrowed intellectual property must be cited accurately which is

The researcher must see to it that the conduct of the study must be free from any carelessness and
errors of negligence is called Carefulness

Researchers must see to it that he/she is free from any form of bias in all aspects of his/her research
paper called Objectivity
The researchers must properly cite all borrowed statements and give due credit to the owner which
Respect for Intellectual property

The researchers must see to it that any data or information in the research, especially those data from
surveys and other data gathering procedures, must be used according to its proper and allotted usage
only. Respect for Intellectual property is Trustworthiness and Respect for Intellectual property

A researcher must abide by the legalities, rules, policies, and regulations set by his/her partner
institution or organization. - Social and legal responsibility

The researchers must see to it that all of the parts promised and presented during the presentation of
the proposal must be kept is called Integrity

A researcher claims another person’s ideas, work, or publication is subjected to Plagiarism

The researchers produce data without actual experimentation or altering data in recording for the
intention to fit them to what is expected. Fabrication and falsification

The researchers choose not to include the data because they do not conform to the well-established
body of knowledge or are unsupportive of the research hypothesis. Non-publication of date

The researchers applies inappropriately the treatment to the subjects and records poor data Is Faulty
data gathering

The researcher’s topic is on the effectiveness of different teaching strategies towards the learning
progress of students in VNHS. He uses teaching strategies as one of the main ideas in his literature
review. The characteristic of literature review is implied in the statement is focused

A researcher is studying about the causes of cutting classes among the SHS students of Carmen National
High School – Day Class. He looks for related literature published in the 21st century. The good literature
is she considering is current

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