History Research QnA

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Grade 10: World History

A Project

World Religions

Submitted to:
Jayaraj Chinniah

By: Justin Miguel Amparo

Date: September 14, 2023

Reviewing the Main Ideas
World Religions (pp. 214-215):
6. Which religion has the most followers worldwide? Which has the fewest?
Ans: Judaism has the fewest believers and Christianity has the most.

Analyzing Visuals:
7. Compare the maps at the bottom of pages 214 and 215. Which religions have
spread throughout the world? What factors may have contributed to this spread?
Ans: The religion that has expanded the most widely over the world is Christianity,
which has the most followers. Common language and economic interaction, along
with employment, trade, war, and migration, may have led to this spread.
Buddhism (pp. 216-217):
9. According to Buddhism, how can the end of suffering in the world be achieved?
Ans: Understanding the Four Noble Truths and adhering to the Fourth Truth—that
release from suffering is available by pursuing the Eightfold Path—will help put an
end to suffering.

10. What is Nirvana? According to Buddhists, who is most likely to achieve

Nirvana and why?
Ans: The goal of nirvana is to put an end to human suffering. Because of their
renunciation-focused way of life, Theravada Buddhists think that monks have the
highest chance of achieving Nirvana.

Christianity (pp. 218-219):

11. In what religion was Jesus raised?
Ans: Jesus was a Jew at birth.

12. Why do Christians regard Jesus as their savior?

Ans: Being both totally divine and human, Jesus is the son of God. For the sin of
mankind, Jesus died.

Confucianism (pp. 220-221):

13. What is Confucianism based on? Why might some not consider it a religion?
Ans: The principles of Confucius are the foundation of Confucianism. Since it is
in fact a philosophy, some people do not give it much thought.
14. What does yin-yang symbolize?
Ans: It stands for the harmony that philosophies bring. The lighter half stands for
yang, the creative, solid, and powerful qualities present in everything. The
shadowy side is symbolic of yin, the receptive, yielding, and weak aspects.
Together, the two act to equalize one another.

Hinduism (pp. 222-223):

15. What type of religion is Hinduism? Where did it develop?
Ans: The oldest of the major, active faiths in existence is Hinduism. Various sects
of Hinduism exist, and various deities are revered. It evolved among the Indian
cultures as they dispersed over the plains and forests of the subcontinent.

16. Describe reincarnation. What role do Hindus believe karma plays in this
Ans: They hold an essential belief in the idea of rebirth or reincarnation, according
to which souls are continuously born. According to Karma, the good and bad deeds
committed in a person's previous life decide what form they will take upon rebirth.
A soul continues to experience rebirths until it is liberated.

Islam (pp. 224-225):

17.What are the two branches of Islam? What is the main difference between two
Ans: Sunni and Shia are the two branches. Shias held the view that leaders should
be descended from Muhammad. The Sunnis held the view that all that was required
for kings be Muslims.

18. What role does Makkah play in the Islamic faith?

Ans: All Muslims who are physically and financially capable are required to do the
hajj, or pilgrimage, to Makkah, which is one of the Five Pillars of Islam, once in
their lifetime. Muslims also provide five times daily of facing Makkah.
Judaism (pp. 226-227):
19. What is the Torah?
Ans: The five volumes of Moses known as the Torah describe Jewish law and the
history of the Jews.

20. What is the purpose of Yom Kippur?

Ans: It is used to look back on the previous year and ask God to pardon one's

Sikhism (pp. 228-229):

21. Where do most Sikhs live? Why?
Ans: Punjab is home to the majority of the 20 million Sikhs that live worldwide.
Since many Sikhs have moved to new countries all over the world, Sikhism has
become widely diffused.

22. What other religions have contributed to the Adi Granth?

Ans: The Adi Granth is the most important and authorized holy book for Sikhs.
Contributions from Sikh gurus and some individuals who are considered as saints
by Muslims and Hindus are also included.

Indigenous Religious (pp.230-232):

23. Many of the sacred stories in local religions explain the creation of the people,
animals, and plant life. Why would religions feature such stories?
Ans: Although most of the tales were initially passed down in person, today many
of them are preserved in writing. They highlight such events because that is how
they began in their eyes. They demonstrate a tight connection to the environment.
Some faiths hold that people are not distinct from nature but rather an integral part
of it. Animism is a common feature in indigenous religions. Natural aspects are
revered, and they include knowledge about how nature became a significant
component of religious legacy.
24. Which of the indigenous religions has the largest membership?
Ans: The most popular indigenous religion is Shinto, which was founded in Japan.

Critical Thinking
25. Drawing Conclusions: How are major religions similar? How are they
Ans: All major religions promote goodness in people, which unites them. They all
hold a belief in spiritual realms and other things that exist outside of the physical
world. They have unique literature and teachings that they regard as sacred. They
have established groups as well. Additionally, they value family and community
through rituals and festivals. They do, however, vary widely. While some religions
honor several gods, others adhere to just one. Each religion has its own set of
values and principles.

26. Analyzing Information: How do people’s religious beliefs affect what people
eat and how they dress?
Ans: How a person views what is essential, their rituals, and what they consume
are all influenced by their religious beliefs. Some individuals believe that wearing
particular clothing might serve as a reminder of the vows they have made to God.

27. Making Inferences: How do religious beliefs influence a society’s laws?

Ans: You can live longer, be healthier, and receive more education if you practice a
religion. However, when religion influences laws, it limits people's freedoms.
Additionally, it forces religion on people who are not interested in it. Although
some laws, like those prohibiting murder and theft, are included in religious
writings, they are merely fundamental guidelines about what is manifestly wrong.
Writing About History
28. Select one of the religions profiled and write an essay on how that religion has
affected the history of a particular country.
Christianity's transformation from a persecuted minority to a major world
religion is a magnificent story of bravery, faith, good fortune, politics, and divine
intervention. Britain had its own gods in the first century AD, including Roman sky
gods and Earth-based Pagan deities. In this violent and superstitious culture,
Christianity emerged. Typically, Augustine's journey in 597 AD is credited with
bringing Christianity to Britain. However, Christianity had already arrived much
earlier, therefore there was no organized mission to convert the British during the
first century AD.

There were many different faiths, but unlike the Roman cults, Christianity
demanded total devotion from those who followed it. Due to this strictness and the
fact that Christians kept their practices of faith hidden, Roman authorities were
concerned and persecuted Christians repeatedly. Christians were forced to
assemble and worship privately. Constantine, the Roman Emperor, liked
Christianity, though. He understood that it might be utilized to unite his Empire
and make him more successful in battle.

The Roman Empire started allowing Christian worship around 313 AD.
Although Christianity started gathering influence in Britain throughout the fourth
century, it was still not the majority religion. Christianity was a minor religion, and
many people continued to practice paganism. When the Angles, Saxons, and Jutes
followed the Romans as new invaders, it appeared that Paganism might once more
take hold. However, even during the Dark Ages, Christianity managed to persist in
western Britain. Welsh and Irish missionaries continued their work, and Saint
Columba helped bring Irish-style Christianity to mainland Britain in western

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